Guantanamo Gold Hill Galley to Close Sept. 30
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Guantanamo Bay gazette Sertr ofteNay18 Vol. 54 No. 33 Friday, August 22, 1997 Gold Hill Galley to close Sept. 30 Yes, it's true. Gold Hill (Windward) Galley will close Sept. 30 after MWR assumes custody of Gold Hill Galley Oct. 15 and is presently serving the evening meal. So what does this mean? Well, for military seeking a concessionaire to o perate this facility. This facility is expected to residents on Windward, it'll be a pay raise. be open to all hands and will serve three meals a day, seven days a week. Effective Oct. 1 all personnel, except Hospital and Marine, residing on MWR will provide details in eluding pricing in the near future. Windward will be placed on a Basic Al- Salabarria (Leeward) Galley will be lowance for Subsistence (BAS). BAS is open under contract effective Jan. 1, 1998. currently $8.30 each day. Personnel cur- 4 < + This transition should be invisible to cus- rently on COMRATS ($7.36/day) will 4 4+ tomers. Hours of operation and the menu receive an increase of 94 cents a day. will remain the same. Personnel residing Those individuals who presently hold < 4 4 on Leeward, including Marines, will con- Chow Passes will begin receiving the tinue to draw COMRATS or use their $8.30 each day automatically effective Chow Pass (whichever is presently en- Oct. 1. PSD will implement the changes titled). Leeward residents will draw and no action is required of military mem- COMRATS vice BAS because a galley is bers. available. Military members, other than Hos- The Food Service Division is planning I and Marine personnel, will not be a grand finale (special meal) for Sept. 30. ale to subsist from the Marine or Hos- The meal will include Steak and Crab Legs pital Galleys. These galleys are nearing and will be available at both Gold Hill and capacity and cannot feed a substantially Salabarria Galley. Cost will be the normal larger population. Additionally, BAS is $2.75 and the event is open to the public. only awarded when a galley is not avail- The Supply Department has enjoyed able. Thus, utilization of these galleys a and taken great pride in providing quality would necessitate all hands receive the CM2 Albert Edwards and CM3 Heather Forbes stand in the meals at reasonable prices to our custom- lower COMRATS rate. serving line while galley employee Clinton Guthrie serves up ers. Regrettably, it, too, has incurred se- Those individuals who believe the lunch. Gold Hill Galley will shut its doors Sept. 30. vere personnel cuts. These cuts required galley closure will create a financial hard- tough decisions and eliminate services that ship should submit a request chit to the were provided by other activities and Commanding Officer via their chain of command and the Naval Station outsource where other service es did not exist. The Food Service Division Supply Officer stating the hardship. They will be issued a Chow Pass to will continue providing apple tizing meals through Sept. 30. subsist at the Marine Galley. Arrangements will be made to provide sub- All military personnel a nd dependents are encouraged to take advan- sistence for Seabee Detachment and migrant community. tage of this important benefit t for a tasty meal as frequently as possible. Windward residents will be required to subsist at MWR activities/ See ya at Gold Hill Gall ey - through Sept. 30. concessionaires, NEX activities or at their residence at their own expense. - CDR Joy Guevara, Supply Officer [email protected] CONNECTION TO THE www Guantanamo Bay - Guantanamo Bay's $17.50 and is due upon subscription. Bills for and instructions for obtaining software necessary internet provider, LCN, announced Tuesday that subsequent months will begin Sept. 15, to be due to communicate over the internet. internet service will be available for general use not later than the first day of the month of ser- Between now and the end of August sign up Sept. 15. vice. material will be provided by the base communi- LCN representatives will be at the NEX At the time of sign up, each account holder cations office to other divisions for official ac- trium tomorrow and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 will be given a copy of the Acceptable Internet count set up. to sign up subscribers for internet User Policy that defines the contract for service For official internet accounts, command tele- counts.Cost for one month's subscription is between the account holder and LCN. Each ac- phone representatives need to contact the base $35, which must be paid in advance. count holder will also be given instructions for communications office to set up line accounts for The charge for the last half of September is setting up their computer for dialing the internet internet usage. GITMO Recycle this Gazette Navy Day LettersDar Editor, to the editor Ba ll It seems that some peope have not heard about the Outdoor Adven- B a CTAC(AW) Kathy DeMet ture Center's Paitball Fieldbeingopenforplay. Ithas been open for an NSGA, Navy Ball Committee entre month and some days has had alow showing of players. y Paintball is a fun and exciting sport. It builds endurance and team On Oct. 11, 1997 we will be celebrating our skills. Asplayers, wetry to promote honesty and integrity. Besides the Navy's 222nd birthday. Why should you attend? fact that it provides another means of passing the time andrelieving The answer is simple; because it's the right thing to stress. do How often do you get to dress up in your finest Navy duds and find I have heard rumors that it"costs too much" or it "hurts". It is not out about some of our most interesting traditions? When do you get to any more expensive that any other sport. Compared to the prices of honor those that have gone before? That's right-at the Navy Day Ball. s.stateside fields, this one is nearly 50 percent of theirs. As to it I've heard many excuses as to why Sailors would not be attending. hurting, with any sport the fun and excitement outweighs any possible I can't afford it. The Navy Day Ball Committee has spent many annoyance. Proper preparation and attire should eliminate most any hours raising funds so ticket prices will be affordable. You help lower the strains or sprains. cost of the tickets by supporting these fund raising events. Ticket prices I can play Thursday or Friday from 3 to 8p.m. or Sunday from Ito have not been set yet. We are still negotiating with MWR on the menu. I 8 p.m. for a half day rate. If I feel real energetic, I can play all day assure you that whatever we decide on will be tasty. Saturday for 9am. to 8,p.m. fora full day rate. Hourly and group rates I don't want to wear my uniform. It's only for two hours (max) and are also available. Beyond our popular belief, paintballs are $5 per one then you can change into civilian formal equivalent. The event is uncovered hundred balls not $5 a ball. so your hair won't get messed if you chose to put on that formal dress and I hav notfigured why we don't see more players. Maybe this letter get your hair done. will clear some of the hesitation. Ifyou have any more questions please I go to the Seabee Ball. That is in March, this is October. You can do call the field during operational hours at 2999. I will be looking fornew both. You don't get to attend these functions often. I hear that there is players, Both groups and individuals are welcome. Come on out and nothing to do here in Gitmo on a daily basis. Well here is another opportu- play. nity to do something. I live on Leeward. We will have a shuttle running to Ferry Landing Regards until 11p.m. Joe Arthur What's the point of it anyway? It's a birthday party! What's the point of a birthday party? To celebrate a birth, to have a good time and to Dear Chuck Ritze honor the individual celebrating their birthday, in this case the Navy. Our party starts out a little more formal than others. We honor our guests, pay We are in your debt for being such a wonderful host to Ed and me respects to fallen shipmates and toast key leaders past and present. There during our most pleasant visit to Gitmo. After 40 years there are so is even a cake to cut by the oldest and youngest Sailor at the ceremony. many changes, allforthebetter, and NEXMARTfrom our prospective, After that, the entertainment begins. Music is usually provided by either is the greatest contributor. a DJ or a band and dancing is encouraged. Come on out and enjoy the fun. We were most favorably impressed with your entire operation, es- Hope to see you there! specially the courtesies shown by the employees and yourself place for family life now than inthfiie N /ey vprovide a n 7 .rpr 7Gitmo is a much better NEX provides answers when we were there. to 'Open line' radio show MostSincerely, Guantanamo Bay - Here are some follow-ups from Tuesday's "Openline" radio call-in show. This week's show featured CAPT Larry Larson, COMNAVBASE, and Mr. Chuck Ritzel, general manager of NEXMART. [Lni a .,*u i A question was asked concerning the lack of large-size battle dress uniforms (BDUs) in stock at the uniform shop.