Saylan, İ. & Özdikmenli Çelikoğlu, İ. (2021). The significance of the Kemalist modernization for modernization theory. Uludağ University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, 22(40), 663-703. DOI: 10.21550/sosbilder.719120 Research Article ------------------------------------------------------ THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE KEMALIST MODERNIZATION FOR MODERNIZATION THEORY İbrahim SAYLAN İlkim ÖZDİKMENLİ ÇELİKOĞLU Sending Date: 13 April / Nisan 2020 Acceptance Date: 16 July / Temmuz 2020 ABSTRACT Modernization theory, which dominated academic studies from the early 1950s until the late 1970s, attributed a “special place” to the Turkish case among many other non-Western countries, with a special emphasis on the Kemalist modernization of the Early Republican Period. This paper seeks to explore the reasons for Turkey’s special place and the ways Kemalist modernization is positioned vis-a-vis other non-Western countries by tracking the scholarly works by Walt Rostow, Dankwart Rustow, Daniel Lerner, Bernard Lewis and Shmuel Eisenstadt. Without ignoring the particular reflections of disciplinary perspectives they have, their analyses of the Turkish case are investigated with a focus on a number of common themes. Thus, this study does not only shed light on the historical origins of the so-called “Turkish model”, it also seeks to provide a basis for future studies in making a more empirically grounded critique of modernization theory’s analysis of the Turkish case. Key words: modernization theory, Kemalist modernization, Turkish model, development, developing countries An earlier version of this study is presented at the 17th Annual International Conference on Politics and International Studies, ATINER, Athens, 17-20 June 2019. Assist. Prof. Dr., Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Business Administration Department of International Relations, İzmir / TURKEY,
[email protected] Assist.