Luh Eka Margarita Rita Sutjiati Djohan Sugeng Trijanto Setianingtyas Gunadarma University Gunadarma University Gunadarma University jl. Margonda Raya 100 jl. Margonda Raya 100 jl. Margonda Raya 100 Depok, 16424 Depok, 16424 Depok, 16424 [email protected]

ABSTRACT This undergraduate thesis analyzed the Balinese women in Earth Dance by Oka Rusmini. The writer chose this novel because this novel describes the gender inequalities suffered by Balinese women and kinds of Balinese women resistance against gender inequalities by feminist approach, which in this undergraduate thesis the elaboration of the approach employed radical feminist that is radical feminist. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method. Collecting data in this research is done by reading some books, reading some journals, and searching information on the internet. The aims of the research are to describe the kinds of gender inequality against Balinese women and to describe the kinds of Balinese women resistance against gender inequalities in the novel Earth Dance by Oka Rusmini. The results of the research are; first, violence, unfaithful, stereotype, and double burden are the kinds of gender inequality experienced by the Balinese women; and second, celibacy, lesbian, and resist the custom are the kinds of Balinese women resistance against gender inequalities in Earth Dance by Oka Rusmini. Keywords: Feminism, Radical Feminist, inequality, resistance, Balinese women, Earth Dance.

particularly for criticism of itself, 1. INTRODUCTION Balinese writers returned to exploring 1.1 Background of the Research local issues, especially the impact of the development of tourism and the is one of favorite destinations for conflict between modernity and local foreign tourists, as a province and as customs, such as the caste system an island in which is interest (Putra, 2011). Many women writers have to discuss, from the aspect of art, expressing their expression about women culture, tourism, spiritual, and and especially reflected themselves as a customs. However, Bali is inseparable representative of women’s voice. Women with internal conflict, a conflict that with this various problems in men’s view arises from Balinese itself. The most are needed to love and to be loved classic conflict is a conflict of caste, (Marianne in Culler, 1983:44). The four divisions of Hindu society. Caste Balinese caste system is a system of is one of the dominant themes in social organization similar to the Indonesian literature from Bali, and Indian caste system, but India’s caste issues to do with caste recur in all system is far more complicated than literary genres including poetry, prose Bali’s. Indeed, in social life Balinese and drama. During the New Order period, do not apply the caste system like when the regime prohibited the use of Indian, but they are apply Catur Warna, the arts and literary works for social four group of professions for Hinduism, and political propaganda and

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Warna determined by the Guna (aptitude) reason the writer chooses this novel is and Karma (function). However, there are because this novel can analyze by using Balinese who applies the caste system feminist perspective. like the Indian. Warna has been describing in Bhagavadgita IV, 13, 1.2 Previous Research ancient Indian text that became an important work of Hindu tradition in 1.2.1 Evi Eliyanah (2012) terms of both literature and philosophy. In her research entitled “Fantasy, Desire and Identity Framing The Identity One of Balinese women who becomes a Construction of Luh Sekar”, which is a writer is Oka Rusmini, born in research paper conducted in Universitas on 11 July 1967, she writes poetry, Negeri Malang explained the roles of novels and short stories. Oka received fantasy and desire in the process of many awards, including the Femina identity construction as experienced by magazine award for best short story of Luh Sekar, one of the characters in Oka the year (1994) for Putu Menolong Tuhan, Rusmini’s most notable work of fiction, the Femina magazine award for best Earth Dance, employed Stuart Hall’s novelette of the year (1998) for Sagra, postulated on identity construction. and the Horison literary magazine award for best short story of the period 1990- 1.2.2 Gratia Dwi Harta Utami 2000 for Pemahat Abad. In 2003 her novel (2012) Earth Dance earned her a place as one of In her research entitled “Woman the recipients of the literary Rebellion of Mukhtar Mai in The Name of achievement awards of the Center for Honor Novel (A Feminist Approach)” which Documentation of Language of the is a research paper conducted in Indonesian Department of Education Gunadarma University explained the ideal (Earth Dance, 2011). The themes of her image of Pakistani women make Mukhtar novels which taken about feminism with Mai has decision to rebel against the the aim to equalize women with men. ideal and also describes the rebellion Through the novel Earth Dance, Oka of herself in relation to marriage and Rusmini able to arouse Bali in a reality education. with identical exotic temples, Balinese dancers, tourism, cultural ceremonies 1.3 Position of the Research and behavior of Balinese women who get After the writer read the previous the discrimination. Making use of Kate research, it has inspired the writer to Millet’s conceptualizations about do the research using feminist approach radical feminism, the writer explores in a novel which is Earth Dance by Oka gender inequality and Balinese women Rusmini with feminist approach. They through the literary work of Balinese both conducted research in the field of author, Oka Rusmini, specifically in her literature. While the writer focuses in novel Earth Dance (2011). This is a analyzing manifestations of gender story of four generations of Balinese inequality. women in their resistance of patriarchal system. 1.4 Scope of the Research The writer analysis Earth Dance by This research is limited discussing Oka Rusmini because this novel describes manifestations of gender inequality the gender inequalities that suffered against Balinese women and the kinds of Balinese women and describes that women Balinese women resistance against gender are patience, stubborn, and dare to inequality in Feminism perspective. argue against gender inequalities which are affected them, also to find out the 1.5 Problems of the Research kinds of gender inequality and Balinese women resistance against inequalities. - What manifestations does gender Customs and cultures that still upheld inequality takes place against by Balinese are marginalize women Balinese women in the novel of Earth increasingly in life. The resistance Dance by Oka Rusmini? that Balinese women do is described in Earth Dance by Oka Rusmini. Another

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- What are the kinds of Balinese women consciousness, perception and action in resistance against gender inequality each person who has been through it in the novel Earth Dance by Oka (Bhasin, 1999: 4). The term feminism in Rusmini? 17th century when the first time to word used, is not the same as used in 1980’s. 1.6 Objectives of the Research The different perception, action and consciousness are applied in one type of - To describe manifestations of gender feminism but in different person. inequality against Balinese women in the novel Earth Dance by Oka Rusmini. The aim of feminism is to equate the position of women. Feminism fight for humanity of women, women demanding their - To describe the kinds of Balinese full rights as human beings. In women resistance against gender principle, it is rooted in the position inequality in the novel Earth Dance by of women in the world (philosophy, Oka Rusmini. political, economic, cultural, social) change-oriented and patriarchal patterns 1.7 Significance of the Research of power relations (Arimbi h. and r. Theoretically, this research is very Valentina, 2004: 7). useful for developer of literature theory about feminism. Practically, this 2.1.2 Types of Feminism research will helps the students who In this part, the writer does not give learn about gender inequality and women all the definition of the types of resistance in Feminism perspective and feminism. The writer only gives to increase the concept about feminism. definition which the most relevant with this research, because this research 2. LITERATURE REVIEW uses Radical Feminism. 2.1 Theoretical Review Liberal Feminism To analyze the novel that the writer Liberal feminism was most popular in the chooses, Earth Dance by Oka Rusmini, the 1950's and 1960's when many civil rights writer needs theories to support the movements were taking place. The main analysis. view of liberal feminists are that all people are created equal by God and 2.1.1 Definition of Feminism deserve equal rights. These types of Feminism is theory that men and women feminists believe that oppression exists should be equal politically, because of the way in which men and economically and socially. This is the women are socialized, which supports core of all feminism theories. Notice patriarchy and keeps men in power that this theory does not subscribe to positions. Liberal feminists believe differences between men and women or that women have the same mental capacity similarities between men and women, nor as their male counterparts and should be does it refer to excluding men or only given the same opportunities in furthering women's causes. It is broadly political, economic and social spheres. acknowledged that feminism is one of the Women should have the right to choose, theories used in social and cultural not have their life chosen for them science. For a scope of perception, because of their sex (Friedan, 1976). feminism can be defined more than a Essentially, women must be like theory; it is a way of life, a politics, men. Liberal Feminism that dominantly a struggle, and an idea. It is not easy influences the theory, means that women to define what feminism is. The are not given the same opportunities as definition could be changeable in men to pursue their individual certain condition and certain time. In interests. It is because women as a the west, feminism is translated as the group are blocked by informal and formal situation conditioned which surrounds discrimination and ideology which people it, so as in the east. This definition learn through socialization that views is based upon cultural reality and the women very differently than men (Sapiro, truth of history, in a level of 1986:442). But the basic assumption of this type is freedom and equality has

80 Margarita, Djohan, Trijanto, Potrayal of.. its root in rationality. So the basic Radical Feminism struggle of liberal feminist is to demand same possibility and rights for Radical feminism stated that sexual every person including women. relations and sexuality are the center of their feminist framework. They Socialist Feminism defined that men are the problem and women are the solution. Societies in Socialist feminism which developed from which currently arranged are Marxist thought, criticizes the liberal patriarchal. They are organized and followers which stated that women have defined by men for their own benefit the same opportunities as men within (Sapiro, 1986, 445). Patriarchal system given social institutions, but we have in the society is considered as a to look more deeply at the structure and universal problem and a cause of all the relationship of those social institution discriminations toward women. The term themselves (Sapiro, 1986: 443). 'patriarchy' is often used to describe Socialist feminists believe that there this systematic and universal is a direct link between class structure oppression. For many radical feminists, and the oppression of women. Western patriarchal relations underlie all other society rewards working men because they forms of oppression. produce tangible, tradable goods. On the other hand, women's work in the domestic Women must struggle to overthrow sphere is not valued by western society patriarchy and oppression in women-only because women do not produce a tangible, groups. The ultimate aim is to change tradable good. This gives men power and gender relations fundamentally-sometimes control over women. Socialist feminists expressed as eliminating male power, reject the idea that biology sometimes as eliminating male values in predetermines ones gender. Social roles favor of female values. For the radical are not inherent and women's status must feminists, person is political, so then change in both the public and private each revolution happens in every women spheres. who experience an action to change their lifestyle, experiences and human Socialist feminists like to relation (Millet in Tong, 1989). Radical challenge the ideologies of capitalism feminists have proposed several ways to and patriarchy. Much like the views of enable women to escape from the sexual radical feminists, socialist feminists domination of men similarly. These have believe that although women are divided ranged from transforming the institution by class, race, ethnicity and religion, of heterosexuality so that neither men they all experience the same oppression nor women play dominant role to simply for being a woman. Socialist rejecting heterosexuality in favor of feminist believe that the way to end celibacy or lesbianism. Although much of this oppression is to put an end to what they have had to say about sex and class and gender. Women must work side gender has also been said by non-radical by side men in the political sphere. In feminists, radical feminists should be order to get anything accomplished, credited with detailing the ways in women must work with men, as opposed to which men, rather than society or ostracizing them. There must be a conditions have forced women into coalition between the two and they must oppressive gender roles and sexual see each other as equals in all spheres behavior (Tong, 1989). of life. In contrast to ideals of liberal feminism, which tend to focus on 2.1.3 Definition of Gender the individual woman, the socialist feminist theory focuses on the broader The existence of violence against women context of social relations in the that occurs due to the society, community and includes aspects of race, especially a lay society, it is ethnicity and other differences. For the difficult to distinguish between the socialist feminists, woman oppressions concepts of sex and gender (Susanto, are found in every class (Jaggar, 1983). 2005). Whereas, it needs an understanding of the differences between them in analyzing to understand the

Jurnal Ilmiah Sastra Volume 4. No. 1, Juni 2016 81 social discrimination inequalities 2.1.6 Women Resistance Against issues that suffered by women. It is Gender Inequalities more due to the existence of connections Putra (2007) said that Balinese women between gender differences and gender are not passive women, they fight for inequalities and the relation of gender their fate in social life, they also inequality and equality of society criticized the gender inequalities that structure. afflicts them, and also push themselves Therefore, to understand a clear to learn to increase their intelligence distinction between the concepts of sex in social life and suppressed by and gender are required in discussing patriarchal system. Because the women social injustice (Fakih in Simon, 2012). always emphasized as subordinated, women This is due to the relation between are better to work as a mother, work in gender issues with the issue of violence the kitchen and so on which makes the against women. The root of the women powerless than the men. It is difference between men and women can be because women's access controlled, represented by two concepts that is sex regulated, blocked and turned off by the and gender. Sex refers to biological patriarchal system and it makes men differences; chromosomes, hormonal assume that women are waitresses who profiles, internal and external sex always give in to their man and a place organs, and divides into male and to do sexual desire every time their man female, while gender is the socio- needs. cultural construction and describes the characteristics that a society or 2.1.7 Balinese Culture culture delineates as masculine and Culture is an heritance that need to be feminine. (Simon, 2012). preserved as well as Balinese that still upholding the culture of their 2.1.4 Gender Inequality heritance. Bali is famous for its caste Gender inequality has been system in choosing a life partner. extraordinarily diverse and wide spread. Marriage can occur if they are of the Gender inequality is a system and a same caste. Type of marriage customs in structure that enables men and women to Bali is endogamy that is people who has become a victim of the system. The the equivalent position of customs, difference of gender is the cause of religion and caste. According to the gender inequalities, especially for Hindu religious beliefs, a couple's women. Gender inequality manifests marriage will not be acknowledged in the itself in various forms of inequality, society if it is carried out without a such as violence, subordinated, traditional sacred ceremony. In stereotypes or negative labeling, and addition, the couple will be double burden (Fakih, 2008). excommunicated from their village. 2.1.5 Definition of Patriarchy 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The word ‘patriarchy’ literally means 3.1 Research Design the rule of the father or the ‘patriarch’, and originally it was used This research used a qualitative method to describe a specific type of ‘male- especially descriptive analytical study dominated family’ – the large household by using feminist approach in order to of the patriarch which included women, answer the problem formulation which junior men, children, slaves and discussed in this research about kinds domestic servants all under the rule of of gender inequality against Balinese this dominant male. Now it is used more women and kinds of Balinese women generally “to refer to male domination, resistance against gender inequality in to the power relationships by which men Earth Dance by Oka Rusmini. dominate women, and to characterize a This research can be categorized system whereby women are kept as qualitative research, because it does subordinate in a number of ways” not use statistical measurement (Bhasin2006:3). procedures as in quantitative research. Qualitative research involves the

82 Margarita, Djohan, Trijanto, Potrayal of.. studied use and collection of a variety novel Earth Dance by Oka Rusmini, that of empirical materials-case study, is violence which includes verbal personal experience, introspective, life violence, psychological violence, sexual story, interview, observational, violence, unfaithful committed by men, historical, interactional, and visual stereotype, and double burden. texts that describe routine and problematic moments and meanings in 4.2.2 Kinds of Balinese Women individuals’ live. Accordingly, Resistance Against Gender qualitative researchers deploy a wide Inequality in the Novel Earth range of interconnected methods, hoping Dance by Oka Rusmini always to get a better fix on the Balinese women are not turn over their subject matter at hand (Denzin and life. Balinese women are not passive Lincoln, 1994). women, they fight for their fate in 3.2 Source of Data social life, they also criticized the The primary source that the writer used gender inequalities that afflicts them, as the data in this research is the and also push themselves to learn to story in Earth Dance by Oka Rusmini increase their intelligence in social which defines into twenty chapters. The life and suppressed by patriarchal secondary source that the writer used in system. However, if someone says that this research are read some books and Balinese women are passive, without a journals which related with the problem. fight in social life it must have been Primary source is the main source that mistaken. Balinese women also criticize gives major part to the data collector or protest against gender injustice that directly, while the secondary source is happened to them (Son, 2007: 3-4). Kinds the source that gives the data to the of Balinese woman resistance shown by data collector indirectly as supporting Balinese women in the novel Earth Dance data (Sugiyono, 2009). is celibacy, intercaste masrriage, and reject a marriage. 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH 4.1 Research Results 5.1 Conclusion Earth Dance by Oka Rusmini is a The writer analyzed the kinds of gender fictional novel. This novel mostly told inequality against Balinese women and us about Balinese women. Research kinds of Balinese women resistance results are present in the form of against gender inequalities in Earth discussion through analysis in Dance by Oka Rusmini used feminism appropriate with the theory which is approach. The writer concludes that: used in this research. In the novel first, the dominant manifestations of Earth Dance described manifestations of gender inequality in Earth Dance novel gender inequality are violence, such as by Oka Rusmini is violence. Women as verbal violence, psychological violence objects of violence by men because they and sexual violence, unfaithful feel that they are have more power than committed by men, stereotype, and double women. All kinds of gender inequality burden, and kinds of resistance shown by found in the novel Earth Dance shows Balinese women are celibacy, intercaste that the dominance of patriarchy into marriage, and reject a marriage. its own reasons to inequality that afflicts women characters. Second, 4.2 Discussion resistance against inequalities which is 4.2.1 Manifestations of Gender dominant in the novel Earth Dance by Oka Inequality Against Balinese Women Rusmini is shown by the characters who become a celibate, which means woman did in the Novel Earth Dance by Oka not rely of man. The Balinese women Rusmini resistance that described in Earth Dance In second chapter the writer delivered novel by Oka Rusmini can be associated the theories of gender inequality with Radical Feminism theory. manifestations. As a result, the writer finds out manifestations of gender inequality against Balinese women in the

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5.2 Future Research Eliyanah, E. (2012), Fantasy, Desire and This research focussing gender Identity Framing The Identity inequalities against Balinese women used Construction of Luh Sekar. Jurnal feminist approach. Therefore, this Sastra Inggris, 162-175. research is expected to be reviewed and developed using another perspective. Friedan, Betty. (1976), It Changes My Also recommended for other researchers, Life: Writing on the Women’s in order to assess the novel Earth Dance Movement. New York: Dell. by Oka Rusmini by using psychological approach to complete this research about psychological condition experienced by Guba, E. G., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994), Balinese women characters because of Competing paradigms in qualitative patrilineal kinship system embraced by research. In N. K. Denzin & Y.S. Balinese in general. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 105- 117). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 6. REFERENCES

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