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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-15865-7 - Italy in the Making: January 1st 1848 to November 16th 1848 G. F.-H. & J. Berkeley Index More information INDEX Abercrol'nby, Hon. Ralph, 70 Asola, 122 note Accursi, Michele, 399,400,413 Aso10, 256, 257 Acqui Brigade, 222, 225, 236, 237 Aspiceira, 29 note and note, 363 note Austria, 28, 34, 35, 37, 53, 65, 68, Adam, General Sir Frederick, 56 69, 106, 1I8, 171, 320, 338, 417, Adda, the River, 75, 99 467 (Appendix I); Emperor of, Adige, the River, 117 and note, 118 334; intervention by, 65 note, 199, 200, 204, 208, 216, Austrian anny in Italy, the, 1-5 217, 237 note, 321, 322, 330, et seq.; clashes with population, 356 17-26; insurrection in Venice, Adriatic, the, 402 74-8; the Five Days in Milan, Aldobrandini, J>rince, 153, 157, 78"""96; during the retirement, 160, 168 97-102; position within the Alfieri, Cesare, Marchese di Sos Quadrilateral, 116 et seq.; at the tegno,386 first battle of Goito, 121 et seq.; Allocution, Pius IX's, of April 29th at Pastrengo, 195, 197-215; at 1848, 130, 136, 142, 169, 172, battle of Santa Lucia, 216--240; 177 et seq., 240, 265, 272, 343, (Nugent's column) at Cornuda 413, 450, 467, 468 note. V. also and Vicenza, 242-']0; Radetzky's sub Pius IX swoop: battles of Curtatone, Altieri, Cardinal, 337, 340 Goito, and Vicenza, 287-319; at Alto Consiglio, the, 342, 343, 347, Ferrara, 346; at battle of Custoza, 427 352-83; strength of, at that Amat, Cardinal, 160,286 note, 328 time, 355; at Bologna, 389; note against Garibaldi, 391-4 Amedeo, Pietro, 56 Austrian Empire, the, 37, 73, 244, Ancona, 150, 402 310 Andre, Baron, 3 I note Austrian officer, the, 45 Anelli, Luigi, 379 Austrian Rescript, the, of February Anti-smoking campaign, the, in 22nd 1848, 24 Milan, v.
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