The Oxford Democrat : Vol. 49, No. 38
was & In a few words the Court the man, to the middle Wistar's Balaam ok Wii.d Ciikrrt For the Democrat. Mr. JUcob Wilson—.Sir : Jacob felt as if the very ground perjurer. large advancing were a euros Colds, Bronchitis, In the c&sc of the barn on your premises, beneath him, as the went the and they sent of the room, resting hie hand upon tab- Cough*, Whoop- YESTERDAY. opening lawyer charged jury, lug Cough, which was horned on the LDth day of Sep- to state that in the of three officers, to a and with a courtliness and Croup, Iniluen/.*, Consumption on with diabolical coolness out, keeping le, speaking and all Democrat it Is In view of all diseases of the Throat, and tOrforb BY WTI.UAM BRfSTOS. tember, 1880, decided, committee a to lift Lung» Of with some room, to deliberate and find respect that seemed Jacob up into Chest. 50 cents uo will be had, difficulty, and $1 a bottle. ι* the circumstances, that award they although " saw the verdict. α of secured the very witness who position importance. A was well made. letter went the Dexter, My yesterday own was the Court He "I must hare been through Me., EVKHY TUESDAY was as miscreant" fire his It nearly six o'clock ; continued, mis- this llut none too goo«l to »tay, This signed by Silas, secretary (indicating Jacob) post-office week directed to a inan la pfBLlSUKD to turn his head for the It had been α informed the officer about that verdict " Dam Er Scotta Mills." Β Τ Nor would I have Its spelt of the company.
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