Test: Unit 8—Acts Chapters 27–28 (Page 1) Test: Unit 8—Acts Chapters 27–28 Name ______Date ______Period _____ Study Time I. Multiple Choice Write the letter of the best answer: D 1. Who sailed with Paul besides the centurion and the prisoners? A. Aristarchus B. Philip C. Luke D. both A and C D 2. What was the name of the centurion? A. Alexander B. Felix C. Publius D. Julius B 3. Where was Paul’s destination? A. B. Rome C. Damascus D. Troas D 4. What was the name of the storm? A. Northeaster B. Euroclydon C. Adramyttium D. both A and B B 5. How many were on board the ship? A. 76 B. 116 C. 276 D. 316 C 6. What island were they shipwrecked on? A. Cyprus B. Crete C. Malta D. Fair Havens C 7. How long did they stay on the island? A. 3 months B. 2 years C. 14 days D. 6 weeks D 8. Under what condition was Paul held captive in Rome? A. under house arrest B. with visitors allowed C. in a rented house D. all of these D 9. Whom does Paul first arrange to meet in Rome? A. Nero B. Jewish leaders C. Christians D. none of these B 10. How long was Paul imprisoned in Rome? A. 6 months B. 2 years C. 3 years D. 1 year C 11. What was the name of the leading citizen of Malta? A. Alexander B. Felix C. Publius D. Julius B 12. What word best describes the people of Malta? A. savages B. kind C. angry D. wealthy D 13. What type of ship was Paul in when it wrecked? A. Maltese B. Adramyttium C. Roman D. Alexandrian C 14. At what seaport did the centurion switch ships? A. Caesarea B. Fair Havens C. D. A 15. Traditionally, what is Paul believed to have died from? A. beheading B. crucifixion C. hanging D. old age 8 D 16. Paul urged the men on the ship to: A. pray B. get some sleep C. work harder D. eat R 204

Test: Unit 8—Acts Chapters 27–28 (Page 2) II. Short Answer Write the answers to the following: 17. Why did the soldiers want to kill the prisoners? The soldiers did not want them to escape. 18. What is the hope of Israel? The resurrection of the dead 19. What promise from God was made complete for Paul in Rome? The promise that Paul would testify in Rome 20. What very important act preceded the healing of Publius’ father? Prayer 21. How was Paul encouraged by the brothers when he first entered Italy? The brothers came to visit him. 22. Summarize the last verse of Acts. Boldly and without hindrance Paul preached the gospel to all who came to see him. III. Identify Match each letter from the map with the correct name of the city or region: T 23. Cyprus P 28. Crete L 33. Italy N 38. Malta nn 24. Puteoli e 29. Sidon F 34. Pamphylia pp 39. Three Inns C 25. uu 30. Phoenix kk 35. Syracuse G 40. M 26. Sicily rr 31. Rome mm 36. Rhegium tt 41. Fair Havens oo 27. Appius Forum ss 32. Salmone Q 37. Cindus b 42. Caesarea s 43. Myra


R 206

Test: Unit 8—Acts Chapters 27–28 (Page 3) IV. Overview (Extra Credit) Write the correct chapter number beside each chapter title: 44. Chapter 13: Paul and Barnabas travel to Pisidian Antioch 45. Chapter 28 : Paul’s Ministry on Malta, House Arrest in Rome 46. Chapter 10: Peter’s Vision and Cornelius’ Conversion 47. Chapter 7: The Death of Stephen 48. Chapter 11: The Church Accepts Gentiles 49. Chapter 21: Farewell in Tyre, Arrest in Jerusalem 50. Chapter 16: Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail 51. Chapter 8 : The Church Persecuted, Scattered, and Growing 52. Chapter 26: Paul’s Witness to King Agrippa 53. Chapter 19: Paul’s Ministry at 54. Chapter 12: Peter’s Escape and Herod’s Death 55. Chapter 14: Iconium to and Back to Antioch 56. Chapter 9: Saul Converted, Aeneas Healed, Dorcas Restored to Life 57. Chapter 4: Characteristics of the Early Church 58. Chapter 1 : After the Resurrection 59. Chapter 27: Paul’s Shipwreck 60. Chapter 5: Punishment and Persecution 61. Chapter 15: Jerusalem Council Meets, Paul and Barnabas Part 62. Chapter 24: Paul’s Trial before Felix 63. Chapter 18: Paul and Apollos at Ephesus and Corinth 64. Chapter 3: Peter Heals a Beggar 65. Chapter 17: Paul at Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens 66. Chapter 22: Paul Declares His Roman Citizenship 67. Chapter 2 : The Holy Spirit Comes 68. Chapter 20: Preaching in Troas , Farewell in 69. Chapter 6: The Choosing of the Seven 70. Chapter 25: Paul’s Trial before Festus and Appeal to Caesar 71. Chapter 23: Paul Speaks to the Council and Foils a Plot 8