''The Year of the Millennium'' Mullen High School 4Th and Blaine Mullen, Tie 69152 Enrollment 2000: 102

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''The Year of the Millennium'' Mullen High School 4Th and Blaine Mullen, Tie 69152 Enrollment 2000: 102 ''The Year of the Millennium'' Mullen High School 4th and Blaine Mullen, tiE 69152 Enrollment 2000: 102 . 0, I' ) : . .. .. • • he cla55 of 2000 a5 they began: (front) Gordon Mallory, Amber Brown, Mell55a Phllllp5, Phillip Munn, Marla Younkin, Dana Hampton (middle) lenl5e Hampton, Dee Dee Neumeyer, Ryan Frye, Jame5 Warren, Scott 15om, Travl5 Warren, David Mattson, Trent LaBore (back) Mr5. Brown, acob Schubert, Kenton Young. Patrick Sullivan, Lln5el Boyer, Joel Travnlcek, TJ Swendener, Jay 015on. Andy Ander5, Wade Neben (not pictured: ~teph Wright, Kre5ta Sherman, Nlccl Boot5, Stacie Olm5ted) Bronco zooo SUfi ecator As5lStilnt MIPr ... Advisor • • ••.....••• .•. 11rs. Tere51 """- Top: Gov. Johanns visited Mullen on Nov. 29. He spoke to the senior class about ed­ ucation, his career and the future of Ne­ braska. Right: Wade puts on his thinking cap. Lower left: "I've missed the luau some­ where; could you point me In the direction of the roasted pig?" Lower right: "Was that All-Conference football . .. or volleyball?" People 3 Yvonne Andrews, business/computer Nancy Beitel, Jr.High English/speech Robert Beitel, social studies/guidance Dan Brost, Science Mike Brown, PE/health/Driver Ed Crlstl Buckles, speech/language pathologist Teresa Finney, English/Journalism Scott Jones, Science Mike Miller, math Tamara Nelson, family/Consumer Sciences Angel Renninger, band/vocal music Jennifer Rice, library Melanie Samms, Spanish Wayne Sides, Industrial Tech Dusty Stephenson, art (not pictured: Barb Mcllnay, special education) Faculty Bruce Blanchard Chuck Hafer Pam Ginkens, business manager superlntendent;elem. principal high school principal high school secretary Board of Education (front) Wanda Simonson, president Lyle Phillips, vice presi­ dent Sue Pearman, treasur­ er (back) Marvin Cox, secretary Margaret Boyer, mem­ ber Marni Anders, member Administration 5 Support Staff (below left) Lunch Program Personnel: Kathy Lelbhart, Julie Pfeiffer, head cook Midge Harding. not pictured - Kelll Mcintosh (below right) · Maintenance Personnel: Tammy Simonson, not pictured - Mark Ewoldt. Shanda Mesic (middle) Bus transportation: Marla Jackson, Shelley French, Lude Boots. Kelly Donohoe, Joan Evans, Darlene Osborn, Dick Meldell, not pictured - Denelce Anderson, Mitch Pfeiffer, Barb Mcllnay, Stanley Boyer (right) Mary Johnson, elementary aid; Carolyn Hoyt, elementary secretary; Shelley French, special education para­ professional 6 Left: Hey guys! Look! I'm wearing my mom's glasses and a pink dress. Middle left: Exchange students - Jessica & Earlene Middle right: Mr. E poses as sideline ref. Lower left: a furry science mascot Lower middle: "Come on! Hit the ball right herel" Lower right: Grumpy ... or Is It Bashful? 7 Kristin, Jamie and Holly prove that the Class of '01 got 'Struck by fever' during homecoming. Top: Phil Munn Brad Earl Kelly O'Mara Miles Mundorf Middle: Andrea Deibler Carrie Phillips Tracy Finney Sherrill lsom Holly Hastings Bottom: Casie Hort Jamie Green Erica Livesay Kristin Simonson Kayla Coons 8 Top: "Psst, Phil! Don't look now!" Middle: "Say cheese!" Kris­ tin, Tracy, Carrie, Andrea en­ joy themselves In Fort Worth. Left: "I told you to pay atten­ tion, Larry!" Right: "Hey Trace, did you save any for me?" Juniors 9 Wade Finney Ben Shimmin Je55e Jacob5 Alandrea Andrew5 Mlkkl Ol5on Katie Dent Jeri Ewoldt Amy Licking De55a Boyer Nick Bro5t Brenda Hampton Trevor Barner Chrl5 Schwaderer Jacob Hol5an Kayla Wel5h Thoma5 Ca5h Sharlle Neumeyer Sophomore class 10 Top left: "Look Sharlle, a camera!" Top middle: "Fifty pu5hUp5? Yeh, right!" Top right: "Got pie?" Left: "Where'5 the pool?" Middle: Act happy girl5. Above:"Uhhh?" 11 Right: "Help! We can't get off Gilligan's float." Middle: "I dressed like Mr. Beitel?" lower left: "Don't touch! It's all mlnel" lower right: Slumber party during homecoming. Opposite page: Mullen High School Is just one big tour­ Ist trap! Brandy Borron larry lsom Marla Munn Denise Phillips Carrie Rentfro Crystal Schwaderer Kara Shavllk Alexis Swendener Freshman class '03 13 Eighth grade: Cami Barner Travis Cooley Cassandra Coons Savanna Cox Anthony Deibler Sheena Devine Adrienne Green Erin Gorsuch Crystal Kraus David Kraye Jill LaBore Holly Neumeyer Gerrl Osborn Angela Petersen Kyle Phillips Zach Renninger Sarah Schwaderer Alana Sullivan Travis Young (not pictured: Trlsha Oeltjen) (left) Angela snarfs (above) Jr. High luau wins first place 14 Seventh grade: Michael Andrews Dare! Boyer Kefll Brost Stacy Brown Steven Dent Nicole Hoffmann Peter Hofsan Sarah Horst Helen Kraye Joe Mundorf Melissa Pearman Michael Phillips Troy Rentfro Chet Schwartz Robin Sevier (below) Michaela Schipporeit Trent Zimmerman (not pictured: Chase Prentice) Jr. High (above) "Uh oh, we got caught." (right) New girl? 15 Jr. high activities Top photo: Jr. high chorus performs at the Christmas concert under the direc­ tion of Mrs. Renninger. Middle photo: Girls athletics - (top) Jill LaBore, Angela Petersen, Crystal Kraus, Sarah Schwaderer, Gerrl Osborn, Savan­ na Cox (middle) Sheena Devine, Nicole Hoffmann, Erin Gorsuch, Caml Barner, Holly Neumeyer, Adrienne Green, Cas­ sie Coons, Helen Kraye (bottom) Alana Sullivan, Michaela Schlpporelt, Sarah Horst, Darcl Boyer, Melissa Pearman, Kelll Brost, Stacy Brown, Coach Jones (not pictured: Robin Sevier) Bottom photo: Boys athletics - (top) Ch et Schwartz, Kyle Phillips, Joe Mundorf (middle) Peter Holsan, Trent Zimmerman, Steven Dent, Anthony Deibler, David Kraye (bottom) Michael Phillips, Troy Rentfro, Travis Cooley, Travis Young, Michael Andrews, Zach Renninger 16 Not only has the Class of 2000 made headlines as the first class In the century, but we've also made a name for ourselves among our peers and community. We've been active In organizations from speech to rodeo to a troupe of clowns. We've excelled In sports, drama, art and aca­ demics. All the while, we've managed to add humor to every situation. We have been bound together by sports, hugs, jazz band and an occasional lunch at the rotunda. Overall, we're very proud of our accomplish­ ments at MHS. 16A The Time to Hesitate is Through Andrew Glen Anders Mell55a Marie Phillips James Daniel Warren Melll55a Dawn Donohoe Patrick Brandon Sullivan Theodore Chris Swendener Jr. Trenton Jay LaBore A last look at senior class officers: secretary Stephanie Wright; vice president Mellis5a Donohoe; president Patrick Sullivan; treasurer Scott lsom 16B John Wesley frazey Shawn William Petersen Scott Paul lsom Melissa Amber Danielson Candice Eveline Shimmin Casey lee Teichert Alacia Estelle Dady Jeremy Paul Olson Denise June Hampton Nocona Kay Boots Stephanie Jo Wright Class of 2000 16C Marci Ann Slmon5on Heidi Erin Hastings Kenton francl5 Young Dana Nicole Hampton Cla55 of 2000: {back} Patty, Donnie, Mia, Dana, Deed, Meli55a, Stiffie, Swen (next) Booger, Marce, Denl5e, Heidi, Boots, Scooter, Candl, Kenn1 (next) Jay, Trent, Mells5a (next) Lace, Warren, John (front) Travy, Shawn, Ti~ _... I I Left: World War II veterans Paul Little and Paul lsom were honored with their high school di­ plomas by Mr. Hafer and Mr. Blanchard at the Veterans Day program. Their education was interrupted when they enlisted in the war ef­ fort. Middle left: Does Swen really look better than me? Middle: Patrick assists Shawn in the pole dance. Middle right: ... see, Mrs. Finney passed mel Lower left: mmmmmm, Marla and Marcl chow brownies. Lower right: Oh, look guys, they Included a hanky. 17 Class Officers JUNIORS: pictured right: Kristin Simonson -secretary; Kelly O'Mara -treasurer; Tracy Finney -vice president; Erica Livesay - presi­ dent. SOPHOMORES: opposite page left: Wade Finney - president; Chris Schwaderer- treasurer; Tom Cash- vice president; Sharlie Neumeyer- secretary. FRESHMEN: opposite page right: Denise Phillips- secretary; Brandy Borron - treasurer; Kara Shavlik - vice president; Alexis Swendener - president. EIGHTH GRADE: opposite middle: Cami Barner - president; Zach Renninger- vice president; Travis Cooley - secretary; Angela Petersen - treasurer. SEVENTH GRADE: opposite lower right: Michael Andrews - presi­ dent; Joe Mundorf- vice president; Nicole Hoffmann - secrt:tary; Melissa Pearman- treasurer. 18 Student Council Officers: above: Kenton Young - president; Nlcci Boots - sec· retaryj treasurer. Council members: opposite page: Marla Munn, Miles Mundorf, Car· rle Phillips, Mikkl Olson, Jesse Jacobs, Larry lsom front: Steven Dent, Kenton Young. Nlccl Boots, Alana Sullivan. 19 Cheer Squad It was yet another fun year for the cheerleaders as they led the crowds in rooting for the Broncos. The squad consisted of 5 seniors and two sopho­ mores. The girls did everything from cheering to decorating lockers, devoting many hours in support of the athletes of MHS. top: The squad cuts loose after a day of camp - Dana, Mlkki, Niccl, Amy, Denise standing: Heidi and Marci. middle left: Marci and Dana at home­ coming pep rally. middle right: The girls pump up the fans and team during a basketball game. right: Senior cheerleaders: Heidi Has­ tings, Marci Simonson, Denise Hamp­ ton, Nicci Boots, Dana Hampton. 20 ...__SPORTS v 0 I I e v Ball District Runnerup photo: Sherrill lsom, Jeri Ewoldt, Marcl Simonson, Sharlie Neumeyer, Mlkki Olson, Alan­ drea Andrews. (middle) Katie Dent, Andrea Deibler, Tra­ cy Finney, Candice Shimmin, Brenda Hampton. (front) Mellissa Donohoe, Stephanie Wright, Maria Younkin. Senior team members: Candi, Steph, Donna, Marla, Marci. Assistant Angel Renninger and head coach 22 Tamara Nelson share a laugh. (top left to right) Tracy & Marci 'ride the pine in 99'; Sophomores kick back for a breath­ er; Marcl trying for an ace; (middle left to right) Maria goes In for Candi; Tracy backs up Mellissa; Sharlle sets It up; (bottom) Steph prepares for the 'perfect pass'; Marla bumps a perfect one Score Opponent 15-7 15-11 Stapleton 8-15 15-5 1S-11 Crawford 17-19 15-4 8-15 Thedford 12-1S 1-1S Arnold 15-8 2-15 11-15 Callaway 15-0 15-3 Maxwell 15-3 15-10 Arthur 15-6 15-7 Hyannis 15-12 9-15 9-15 Sandhills 13-15 9-15 Sargent 15-3 15-1 McPherson Co. 15-13 8-15 15-7 Thedford 2-15 9-15 Ansley 14-16 12-15 Sand hills 1S-9 15-11 Hyannis 1S-S 12-1S 1-15 Thedford 14-16 7-1S Arnold The Mullen Lady Broncos ended the '99-00 volleyball season with a 15-12 15-9 Sandhllls 10-10 record.
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    FOR EVERVONE IN THE^ BUSINESS OF MUSIC ''S'1'/ UN • -gX music week Ames and Berry vow to keep label culture by Ajax Scott labels. The process is still not men.setRoger Ames to runand Warner Ken Berry, EMI theMusic, two rumoursestablished. suggesting There willthis alwaysis how webe overbave cost-cuttingpledged to inplace the oompanycreativity plan to do it. Well ail the rumours theydeal experthas receivedto fashion regulatoryonce the The two were speaking days Gabrielle yesterdayFerdy (Sunday) Unger-Hamilton to be the first was label challenging boss since with Puff his Daddyartist Mondayafter the of public the $20bn announcement merger of lastthe to have co-produced a track to reach number one. By the end of two companies to create an opéra- Thursdayher slender Gabrielle lead at (above),the start at of more the week than to35,000 more sales,than 6,000 had extended unlts over tionglobal that music will bemarket. number With one annual in the their management structure shortly elosest challengers REM and Britney Spears for the number one slot. Her sales of around $8bn and earnings Deal makers: Ames (left) and Berry TopRise 10 album placing, - which easily had beating fallen outits previousof the Top number 100 - 25 was peak. on course Unger- for a . ofannual $lbn, savings they ofexpert around to $250mrealise judgementsstarting out asfrom to howand onewell weof thedo Hamilton with Ollie Dagois originally sampled Bob Dylan's Knockin' On within three years, involuing a will be too see how good we are at itHeaven's to Gabrielle Door to 18 record months with ago producer and put Johnny together Dollar.
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