''The Year of the Millennium'' Mullen High School 4Th and Blaine Mullen, Tie 69152 Enrollment 2000: 102
''The Year of the Millennium'' Mullen High School 4th and Blaine Mullen, tiE 69152 Enrollment 2000: 102 . 0, I' ) : . .. .. • • he cla55 of 2000 a5 they began: (front) Gordon Mallory, Amber Brown, Mell55a Phllllp5, Phillip Munn, Marla Younkin, Dana Hampton (middle) lenl5e Hampton, Dee Dee Neumeyer, Ryan Frye, Jame5 Warren, Scott 15om, Travl5 Warren, David Mattson, Trent LaBore (back) Mr5. Brown, acob Schubert, Kenton Young. Patrick Sullivan, Lln5el Boyer, Joel Travnlcek, TJ Swendener, Jay 015on. Andy Ander5, Wade Neben (not pictured: ~teph Wright, Kre5ta Sherman, Nlccl Boot5, Stacie Olm5ted) Bronco zooo SUfi ecator As5lStilnt MIPr ... Advisor • • ••.....••• .•. 11rs. Tere51 """- Top: Gov. Johanns visited Mullen on Nov. 29. He spoke to the senior class about ed ucation, his career and the future of Ne braska. Right: Wade puts on his thinking cap. Lower left: "I've missed the luau some where; could you point me In the direction of the roasted pig?" Lower right: "Was that All-Conference football . .. or volleyball?" People 3 Yvonne Andrews, business/computer Nancy Beitel, Jr.High English/speech Robert Beitel, social studies/guidance Dan Brost, Science Mike Brown, PE/health/Driver Ed Crlstl Buckles, speech/language pathologist Teresa Finney, English/Journalism Scott Jones, Science Mike Miller, math Tamara Nelson, family/Consumer Sciences Angel Renninger, band/vocal music Jennifer Rice, library Melanie Samms, Spanish Wayne Sides, Industrial Tech Dusty Stephenson, art (not pictured: Barb Mcllnay, special education) Faculty Bruce Blanchard Chuck Hafer Pam Ginkens, business manager superlntendent;elem. principal high school principal high school secretary Board of Education (front) Wanda Simonson, president Lyle Phillips, vice presi dent Sue Pearman, treasur er (back) Marvin Cox, secretary Margaret Boyer, mem ber Marni Anders, member Administration 5 Support Staff (below left) Lunch Program Personnel: Kathy Lelbhart, Julie Pfeiffer, head cook Midge Harding.
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