Take a Look Temperatures in the Mld-70S

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Take a Look Temperatures in the Mld-70S I___HKRALD, yrl<fav. Oct. 3 .1M9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTlfilNfi 643-2711 SPORTS F f KF NO Pll S 1 U n k N K S N E T IMHS nearing Oillee parly toohanMNwed H i a r anofher eroten sunfitfal guide AII0H Church Organ, ihdM T -IM . e>re«ll«nf coHdmon. RtfcOTtly^ »*r- vtiM. MS-auartar Sam. Brand now haagitat had and wnaat chair far sola fM. can ddr-nusX g^j^aUrrUta Tv*t» grev klftwis to good ENDHOLLS home. 6 vteeks orcf, box rrhtM fh - 2se trofnod. ly n rddlh - 7 far 79€ MUST be picked up at the 3 kittens, 7 weeks old, box Manchester Herald Oftice troined. Coll 6mf-<mr. befone 11 A M. ONLT. iHanrli^strr) VI , ■ -np,tpr J ^ ■. j . Hrralii m m im m a n w M ii Pool - 3 yeors Old. lift. Sahirday, Ocf. 4.18i8 Spo shells- toctofv se­ Puily eoulpped. S3W or 30 Cents conds or dom ogM in best otter 6460650. tronsportotion. S2W to SMM os Is. Coll evenings or Smoii wood stove and vreekends. 7470469. pipe. Good condition 140 N avy lo a f 0 649-0173.0 Senate sends Mew medium sire dog Porch Gilder, good condi­ house. $65.00 or best offer. tion. $75. 643O60S. Call 6490314. millions in 3 picture windows. Two N Golf Bolls. Golden Pom SO" by ST' oneOr* by 40". Tour edition, Titielst, $40. Negotiable coll 643- spending bill spare parts B Max Fit DO H, Top Filte, 1600.O a Top Fiite X L, Pinnocle, 1981 Ford, 4 door. Grow- Hogon, Pro Stott, ultro ada, 6 cylinder, pewEr C By Mormon Slock Tourney. $4.00/0oren. steering, power broRee, 646-3163.0 TM MLES radio rear defroster, T h « Associated Press 33AW0 miles. 87995. iff. to conferees Troverse Pods, Block 7 Soturdoy October 4th, lO- sm. WASHINGTON - The Navy kMt tor double widths, 1 tor 4 3:30. 43 Locust Street. No track of almoat 1828 milHon in windows All - $70 643- 1964 pombter American eoriy birds. Polo date Sv Sfeven Komorow the administration has voiced aviathm spare parts aboard its 1814.0 Sunday, October 5th. classic convertibte. Bad wfth block top. New fop trie Aggoefofed Freaa objections aircraft carriers last year, an Sond swimming pooi in­ and Inferior. Pebuflf losf But the greatest heat surrounded internal audit concluded Friday. WASirmCTON - the Senate ter. Sired tor 78' above year. Runs good and looks House-passed provisions on arms Few of those parts probably were T ground pool, used one 0opd. 8908 or besf offer. tote Frid ay voted new aid (o the control that President Reagan seoson. $99. 643-7386.0 Con 635-1998 onyfime. lost or stolen, the auditors and Multi tomiiy tag sale. 738 PWTtpptne* and money to fight contends would tie his hands ai fhe drags as M approved a record 85S8 Navy officials said. The anifit Area Braided Pug. Good Union Street, Manches­ 1986 Chevy Coyoller-7 upcoming summit in Iceland with actually discovered more "gains’’ ter. Soturdoy October 4th, 87 Oortsun Pick-up, 7D8SX, WIHon Spending bill, hot foreign Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. condition. A6uitl color $60 king cob, runs excellent door, outomoilc tronsmlS- to Navy inventories than It did Call 646-1477 o 9-4. Polo date October slon, son roof, oir condl- poHcy diSfiatea between the Rea The House included in its 8582 11th. and In excellent condi­ gsn administration and the House "losses” during the year emflng in tion. 84588 or besf offer. llonlng, om/flm cosseffe, billion version of the hill a freeze on November I88S. 5 643-9059. 6788 miles. 88508. 646-5115. imperiled final congressional spending for the "Star Wars" Call after passage. LBOAL NOTICB NonetTOCBCBtrotM missile defense prograrn. a chemi­ However, the oadHora said, the ESTATE OF 1971 Chrysler Newport 1974 Plymouth Valiant, The massive spending package. cal weapons ban. a prohihifion on point ie that the Navy's bookkeep­ in accordance with Section 9- CLAPENCE J. BUPKE, Royol motor needs work, does not run. Good fof 89Xf headed to a House-Senate lows o/k/o CLAPENCE M. anti-satellite weapons tests and a ing and inventory proceihireg had 16 of the Blactlon , no­ ports. 875. Mechanics spe- eomerenee committee, was ap­ tice Is hereby plven'fhot ihe BUPKE, Lrte of new stereo, good tires, requirement that fhe administra­ deterlorlated to the point that the new seot covers, Reece ^ y . .,Coii offer 4;00pm proved. 82-13. Pe^ttrars wiof VetersTvivrB wmwill oc-ac- ^Manchester, deceased TM MLES 787-9797D tion observe fhe unratified S A L T II service could not keep taha on ceof oopii^ions tor Admis­ The Hon. William B. Fits- hitch, oIr shocks, over­ It took three tries during the sions at Electors of the toi- treaty. equipment worth a suhetantial 0 ^ a id ,Ju d «ro ffh e Court Tog sole-Soturdoy, 10/4, sized radlatar best offer. weeklong debate to clear the |2W lowlne locations; of Probate, Ofsfricf of Mon- 8om-3pm. 44 Wlilord Tog Sole-Soturdoy Oc­ The Republican-controlled Se­ amount of money. chester of hearing held on Tog Sole-Dishes, gloss- 644-1370 offer 4pm. million approved earlier by the Monchesfer Town Hoii, 0 Rood. Miscellaneous tober 4th and Sunday nate will try to strike (hose _ . 41 Center St. l^e m b e r 23, 19M ordered October 5th. 9om-5pm. 36 wore, hond mower, House for fhe government of The auifltors praiaed the Navy’s that oil claims must be ore- Items, clothing, winter 1980 Ootsun 510, good EMMIE provisions when Ihe two chambers puraidt of a 148-point improvement Pealsirors of Voters’ Office lockets. Tag Sole-Soturdoy 10-4. veors of accumulation. 41 books, collectibles, and President Corazon Aquino. a.« Sofordov, October ii, 19M on or Books. Moferlai, Unused much more. October 4th, tronsportotion, 8800 or meet to reconcile fheir differences program begun In 1$84 and con­ -jifore January 1, 1907 or be Prospect Street, best offer. 643-6637. Democrats and Republicans dis­ next week Buf leaders of the - ^ “•** barred os by l«rw orevided. ootterns, boots, clothing, Manchester. 18-3. Rain date October 18. 1973 Ford F-108 Von, V-8, cluded that it ahould reduce the Tuesdw, October 14,1986 agreed on how to pay for It Democrafic-run House have said 9:00 A.M. to 0:00 P.M. Johonno M. Bruder, M a ry Kay cosmetics, No eoriy birds please! 37 standard, custom Infe­ value of "unreconcilahle" invento­ ASsisfonf Clerk 1976 Dodge Coronet, 4 The compromise, apmoved 82- they would keep Congress in Herbert J. Stevenson much miscelloneous. 36 Tog Sole-Sofurdav and Compfieid Rood, rior, must see! 8800 or besf The fiduciary Is: Florence Street. Manchester. door, Sedan with less than offer. 646-8619. M would take money from other session past the Ocf M-I2 .summit ries in fiscal 1986 to under $78 Mor^r E. Wli/hide” Bruce B. Burke Baby to Estate ltems-3 Sunday. Rain or shine. 54,000 miles. In excellent million. REGISTPAPS OF VOTEPS 34 Counfrv View Drive 10-4. Books, aouarlums, foreign affairs accounts but no ralher than surrender garages full! 9 families. Tag Sole-Saturdoy Oc­ condition. May be seen of more than 3 percent from any one The Navy’s inventory system 004-10 South Windsor, CT 06074 Antloues, furniture, |e- bedding walnut double 78 Buckingham Street, As fhe marathon wore on. Sen 007-10 tober 4th, 10-3. Bentley bed, kitchen ware, collect­ Minority Leader Robert C Byrd. Mark O Hatfield. R-Ore , Appro­ and procedures “ were not suffi­ Cl welry, maternity and School, Hollister Street, Manchester. kid's clothes, baskets, ibles, moke an offer. 40 D-W .Va., said fhe money was not priations Commiffee chairman, cient to prevent or detect material Fr Monchesfer. Sponsored School Pd, Bolton. Two family tag tale- only helping a "fragile demtk errors. Irregularities or Inaccura- heaters, salesmen's gift- by Auxlllory of Silk City Soturdov, October 4th, 9- 87 Toyota Tercel, 4 door, 5 was reduced fo hoarseness Friday LBOAL NOTICE ware samples ond more! speed, sedan, am/fm. 1985 CR 175, excellent craey" but "this Is also an in managing debale on dozens of dea,” the auditors wrote. e i Chorus. Tag Sale. Moving South, 3, 111 Lorraine Road, condition. New fire, ZON.mSS^%?<S;V.AL. Reln/Shine. Friday ond Manchester. Greet Winter carl $2500. Investment in ourselves. In our amendments, most of them pel 'The auditors blamed the prob-. Ft Saturday. 9-3, 68 Bigelow 136 & 138 Pine street 647-0014. sprockgf, chin, piston and far-flung Interests In the far Mult! Family Tag Sale- Manchester. Saturday Oc­ projects for lawmakers' home lems on mismanagement, a lack of P i The Zoning Board of Aopeols of fhe Town of Andover, Con- Street. ring. Call Gerry 647-7740 PBcIflc, our national security " necficufI will....... held a public hearing In the Town Office bulld- Salurdav, October 4th. tober 4th and Sunday Tag Sale-October 4th, after 7pm. , states. computer eqtdpment and trained Ing, Wednesdi Polo date Sunday, Oc­ 10am-3pm, bikes, toys, 1972 Ford Maverick, 73,000 The House approved the 8280 . --------.doy,Ocfober15,1906«f 7:J0P.M.fohearfhefol- October Sth, 9:38am. No miles. New battery and In other action on the bill Friday, persohnel, and an attitude that lowlng oppllcallens osking for relief from the Zoning Lows tober 5th, 9-3. 84 Redwood previews, no rain dote. baby and childrens million for the Philippines shortly the Senate: allowed rules to be broken while of fh# Town of Andover, Connacflcuf. Rood, Manchester. muffler asking $550. 647- Parking In rear on privote clothes, miscellaneous 7149.
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