Dahai Dahai Beile About 1626
Dahai Dahai beile about 1626. Dudu took part in several translations in 1630 he was given a minor heredi campaigns of the T'ien-ts'ung period (1627~36) tary rank, being the first of the non-military and also participated in the civil administration. officials ever to be so honored. In the following In 1636 he was made a prince of the third degree year he was given the title, baksi, or "teacher". with the designation, An-p'ing :t(2Ji .ft:fb. Dahai systematized the Manchu written Dudu's eldest son, Durhu tf:fiJij (1615~1655), language, classifying the words according to was also a prince of the third degree. A descend Mongol practice under twelve types of opening ant of Durhu, named Kuang-yu J't~ (T.fa.J[, syllables C+---*UJt shih-er tzu-t'ou). These d. 1900), was posthumously given the rank of a types were differentiated according as they prince of the fourth degree after he committed ended in a simple vowel, a diphthong in i (ai, suicide in 1900 when Peking fell to the Allies. ui, etc.), a diphthong in o (ao, eo etc.), or in A grandson of Dudu, named Sunu [q. v.], was one of the nine consonants, r, n, ng, k, s, t, b, l, converted to the Catholic faith. and m. In 1632, with the encouragement of Abahai [q. v.], he made some improvements in [1/222/1a; 2/3/12b; Ch'ing T'ai-tsu Wu-huang-ti the Manchu writing which had been borrowed shih-lu (see under Nurhaci); *~.:E-*~*-1 from the Mongol in 1599.
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