> ARCHIGRAM > ARCHIZOOM > BAUHAUS > HERBERT BAYER > JACQUES BERTIN > ÉTIENNE- LOUIS BOULLÉE > MÜLLER BROCKMANN > BÜRO DESTRUCT > ÉTIENNE CABET > TOMMASO CAMPANELLA > PIETRO CATANEO > PETER COOK > LE CORBUSIER > EVA DRANAZ > EIXIMENIS > FAMILISTÈRE > LE FILARÈTE > FOURIER > WALTER GRO- PIUS > TONY GARNIER > JEAN-BAPTISTE ANDRÉ GODIN > HELMO > HIPPODAMOS > EBENEZER HOWARD > JOËL HUBAUT > HARMEN LIEMBURG > FRANCESCO MARTINI > CLAUDE NICOLAS LEDOUX > LASZLO MOHOLY NAGY > THOMAS MORE > OTTO NEURATH > OSCAR NIEMEYER > ROBERT OWEN > RICHARD NIESSEN > PHALANSTÈRE > CIPE PINELES > GIOVANNI PINTORI > PAUL RAND > GER- RIT THOMAS RIETVELD > LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE > VINCENZO SCAMOZZI > PAULA SCHER > JOSÉ LUIS SERT > SULLY > SUPERSTUDIO > JACQUES TATI > BRUNO TAUT > TRISTAN TZARA > UNIVERSITÉ TANGENTE > VAUBAN > VIER 5 > VITRUVE > HENNING WAGENBRETH > WERKPLAATS TYPOGRAFIE > FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT > p.6 < Lithographie de Arnoult, 1847 p.21 > L’atelier des cercles, Ledoux, 1790 p.41 Pavillon allemand, Rohe, 1929 p.69 >>> Le catalogue d’expo, Roberto p.7 > et plan de Fourier (1772-1837) p.21 < Maison de campagne, Ledoux 1790 p.41 Villa Tugendhat, Rohe, 1927 Gargian, 2007 p.6 et p.7 Journaux, début XIXe p.21 > Dessin montrant la distribution inté- p.42 Notre dame du Haut, Le Corbusier, 1955 p.70 > 73 No stop city, Archizoom, 1969 p.8 >>> New Harmony, F. Bate (inspiré rieure des volumes, Ledoux, 1790 p.42 Plan Voisin, Le Corbusier, 1925 p.74 > 77 Continous Monument, Mégastruc- par Robert Owen) 1838 p.22 Playtime, Tati, 1965-1967 p.43 >> Cité radieuse, Le Corbusier, 1952 ture, Superstudio, 1969 p.9 Familistère de Laeken, 1900 p.22 Illustrations de Utopia, More p.44 >> Appartement, Maison Domino, 1914 p.78 > 79 Instant City, Peter Cook, 1968 p.9 Cour du pavillon de Laeken, 1900 (1478-1535) p.45 >> Millowners association building, 1954 p.80 < Siège rouge et bleu, Rietveld, 1911 p.10 > 11 Familistère de Guise, J-B A. Godin, 1846 p.23 >>> Second projet pour la Bibliothèque p. 46 >> Modulor, Le Corbusier, 1947 p.80 > Musée Van Gogh, Rietveld, 1932 p.12 >>> Almanach Icarien, Cabet, 1852 royale, Boullée, 1786 p.47 >> Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier, 1931 p.80 > Rietveld académie, 1968 p.13 >> The City of the Sun, Campanella, 1623 p.24 >>>Cité industrielle, Tony (1869-1948) p.48 >> Siège du PCF, Oscar Niemeyer, 1980 p.80 > Plan Rietveld académie, 1968 p.14 < Cité idéale, Cataneo (1510-1574) p.25 >>> les halles de Lyon, Garnier, 1928 p.49 >> Congrès Brésilien, Brasilia, 1960 p.81 >>> The Werkplaats Typografie p.14 < Cité idéale, Vitruve, 1e siècle av JC p.26 >>>Cité idéale, Taut (1880-1938) p.50 >> Boston college, Sert, 1972 p.82 >>> Logo Bauhaus, Schlemmer, 1922 p.14 < Cité idéale, Eiximenis (1330-1409) p.27 >>> La cité du fer à cheval , Taut, 1925 p.51 < Harvard college, Sert, 1969 p.83 >>> Bauhaus, Bayer, 1923 p.14 > Cité idéale, Hippodamos, 5e s. av JC p.28 > 29 > Glass House, Taut, 1914 p.51 > Fondation Maeght, Sert, 1964 p.84 > 85 Universal/Bazaar/Bauhaus, Bayer, 1925 p.14 > Cité idéale, duc de Sully (1559-1641) p.29 > Die Neue Wohnung, Taut, 1925 p.51 Fondation Joan Miro, Sert, 1975 p.86 > 87 Bauhaus, Moholy Nagy, 1920 p.15 >> Cité idéale, le Filarète (1400-1469) p.30 >>> Dessins de Wright (1867-1959) p.52 > 53 Plan ERBA, (Sert) 1972 p.88 > 89 Isotype, Otto Neurath, 1920 p.16 >> Saarlouis, Vauban, 1680 p.31 >>> Fallingwater house, Wright, 1936 p.54 > 58 Bauhaus, Gropius, 1919 p.90 >>> Affiches d Brockmann, 1955 p.17 >> Cité idéale, Scamozzi (1548-1616) p.32 >>> Marin Civic Center, Wright, 1957 p.59 >> Bauhaus Archiv, Gropius, 1979 p.91 >95 Sémiologie Graphique, Bertin, 1967 p.18 Diagram three magnets, Howard, 1903 p.33 >>> Robie house, Wright, 1910 p.60 >> Seaside Bubbles, Archigram, 1966 p.96 >>> Typedifferent Type Case, Büro p.18 Cité-jardin, Howard, 1898 p.34 < Usine Fagus, Gropius, 1911 p.61 >>> Amazing Archigram, 1964 Destruct, 2008 p.19 Ville idéale, Martini, 1470 p.34 >> Dessin Gropius (1883-1969) p.62 >> Living pod, Archigram, 1966 p.97 >>> 15 Jahre, Büro Destruct, 2002 p.19 Plans d’architecture anthropomorphi- p.35 >>> Logements sociaux, Gropius, 1928 p.63 >> Walking City in New-York, p.98 >>> Modernist Mozart, Eva Draz, 2006 que, Martini, (1439-1502) p.36 >>> Hansaviertel, Gropius, 1957 Archigram, 1964 p.99 >>> Cipe Pineles, 1968 p.20 Arc-et-Senans, Ledoux, 1774-1779 p.37 >>> Panam, Gropius, 1963 p.64 > 65 Future city, Archizoom p.100 > 101 Henning Wagenbreth p.20 Projet pour la ville de Chaux, 1804 p.38 >39 Farnsworth house, Rohe, 1951 p.66 > 67 Mobilier, vêtement, Archizoom, 1972 p.102 > 103 Joël Hubaut p.21 < Plan de musée, Ledoux, 1774 p.40 >>> Seagram building, Rohe, 1958 p.68 >> Expo Archizoom, Lausanne, 2007 p.104 < Harmen Liemburg 2 3 p.104 > Fall 2005 Visiting Artist Lecture www.archigram.net Series, Liemburg http://archizoom.epfl.ch p.105 < Irrashaimase/ Welcome to the store!, http://www.i-art-c.org/exposition/0010ar/ar.html Liemburg, 2007 http://www.bauhaus.de p.105 > So Long Santiago, Liemburg, 2006 http://expositions.bnf.fr/boullee/index.htm p.106 > 109 Richard Niessen www.burodestruct.net p.110 >> Giovanni Pintori (1912-1999) http://expositions.bnf.fr/utopie www.designboom.com p.111 >>> Paul Rand (1914-1996) www.fondationlecorbusier.asso.fr p.112 >>> Vier 5 www.100-beste-plakate.de p.113 >>> Le cœur à barbe, Tzara, 1923 www.charlesfourier.fr p.114 > 115 Université tangente www.familistere.com p.116 The Public Theater, Scher, 1995-96 www.aria.archi.fr/recherche/realite-virtuelle/Tony.html p.116 Alpha Doodles, Scher, 2001 www.labonnemerveille.com p.117 > UCLA extension, Scher, 2001 www.helmo.fr p.117 < Diagram of a blog, Scher, 2003 http://joelhubaut.jujuart.com p.118 >> Paris, Scher, 2007 www.harmenliemburg.nl p.119 > Europe, Scher, 2008 http://architect.architecture.sk p.120 > South America, Scher, 2002 www.niessendevries.nl p.121 > NYC transit, Scher, 2008 www.paul-rand.com p.122 > Florida, Scher, 2000 www.gerritrietveldacademie.nl p.123 > India, Scher, 2007 www.paulascher.com p.124 >126 Affiches Lux, Helmo et Cox, 2007 www.tativille.com http://utangente.free.fr p.127 > Propostion d’identité graphique www.vier5.de de l’ENSBA Paris, Helmo, 2007 www.wagenbreth.de www.werkplaatstypografie.org

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Magazines - North America ex-vivendi publishing ùELLE, ùElle Decor, ùELLEgirl, ùMetropolitan Home, ùHome, ù Dunod, ù Fleuve Noir, ù La Découverte, ù Laffont, ÁAeroboutique, ÁAGH, ÁCurtis Circulation, LAGARDÈRE ET LES RADIOS DITES "INDÉPENDANTS - Afp ùPremiere, ùTravel Holiday, ùAmerican Photo, ùCar and Driver, ù Larousse, ù Le Robert, ù Masson, ù Nathan, ù ÁDynapresse, ÁEastern Lobby Shop, ÁHachette Audio (A2PRL) agence de presse audio (offre de ùCar Stereo Review's Mobile Entertainment, ùBoating, ùFlying, Plon, ù Presses de la Cité, ù Solar-Belfond, ù Syros, programmes audio pour les radios associatives et ùShowboats International, ùCycle World, ùSound & Vision, ù 10/18, ù Abcbac, ù Abitare, ù Adi, ù Adibou, Distribution Services, ÁHDS indépendantes, dont par exemple des programmes sportifs) - ùPopular Photography, ùRoad & Track, ùWoman's Day, ù Aique, ù AMC, ù Anaya, ù , ù Naville, ÁNavistar, ÁPayot, ÁPress Relay, ÁPress propriété de Lagardère Active. Directeur : Hugues de Vesins. ùWoman's Day Special Interest Publications Atica Educacional, ù Avenir, ù Barbour Expert, , ù Hugues de Vesins est par ailleurs le président du Conseil infowar/psychic war Shop, ÁRelais H, ÁRelay, ÁSaarbach, ÁSGEC, Beneport, ù Biotec Europe, ù Bordas, ù Caractères, ù National des Radios Associatives (CNRA) au titre de ses Magazines - France Carat, ù Catedra, ù Cetisa-Boixareu, ù , ù ÁVirgin France, ÁVirgin Store SA, ÁWeek End fonctions au sein de la Fédération des Radios Associatives ù Action Auto Moto, ù Automobiles Classiques, ù Bambi, ù Bon ClassWorks, ù Clé, ù Clet, ù Crash Bandicoot, ù "Relais H" (marque Relay) bénéficie d'un contrat de Non Commerciales de Midi Pyrénées, c'est au titre de Voyage, ù Corse-Matin, ù ELLE, ù ELLE A TABLE, ù ELLE Editions, ù Delmas, ù Doyma, ù Educational distribution de la presse dans les gares signé avec la président qu'il intervient dans de nombreux colloques et Marrying the mission to the market DECORATION, ù Entrevue, ù Femina Hebdo, ù France Dimanche, Resources, ù Eduscope, ù ePocket, ù Eurocancer, ù SNCF.La Société "Relais H" a demandé officiellement conférences (Salon International de la Radio, Université de la ù ICI Paris, ù ISA, ù Jeune & Jolie, ù Joypad, ù Joystick, ù Europack-Euromanut, Europe Information Service, l'arrêt de la distribution du gratuit "20 minutes" dans le Communication d'Hourtin...), et qu'il est l'un membres titulaires ù ù de la Commission du FSER - c'est-à-dire l'un des représentants top 5 daily newspapers L'echo des Savanes, ù La Corse Votre Hebdo, ù La Provence, ù European Center for Public Affairs Brussels, ù Exposium, réseau SNCF. www.reuters.com/aboutreuters in Singapore Le Journal de Mickey, ù , ù Maximal, ù Fixot, Foragora, Galee, Géront Expo, Acquise par Distribution Services en 2001, Virgin des radios associatives siégant au Fond de Soutien à ù ù ù ù ù l'Expression Radiophonique (sous tutelle des Ministères de la Reuters supplies the global financial markets and the news media with the widest Mickey Jeux, ù Mickey Parade, ù Minnie Mag, ù Nice-Matin, ù Graphitec, ù Greenbook, ù Grupo Lorente, ù Harrap, Megastore compte aujourd'hui près de 30 magasins dont range of information and news products including real-time financial data, OK ! Podium, ù Onze Mondial, ù P'tit Loup, ù Parents, ù Paris Hemma, Hôpital Expo-Intermédica, Hors les 10 unités d'Extrapole qui ont rejoint la chaîne à la fin Culture et de la Communication, de l'Emploi et de la ? ù ù ù Solidarité, et de l'Economie et des Finances). Pour l'anecdote, collective investments data, numerical, textual, historical, and graphical databases (2000) Match, ù Pariscope, ù Photo, ù Picsou Magazine, ù Playstation Collection, ù Hortimat, ù HyperStudio, ù Hyprotex, ù de la même année et le Furet du Nord, première enseigne plus news, graphics, news video, and news pictures, reaching over 519,000 users 2, ù Premiere, ù Super Picsou Geant, ù Tele 7 Jeux, ù Tele 7 Industrie 2002, ù Intermat, ù Jarditec, ù Julliard, ù régionale de librairies multimédia dans le Nord de la son e-mail ([email protected]) en tant que ? The Nikkei group Président du CNRA apparaît comme domicilé à lagardere- RAND CORP. NBC in 57,700 locations. Reuters designs and installs enterprise-wide information Singapore (2002) The Nikkei group of Japan is a Jours, ù Telecable Satellite Hebdo, ù Top Famille Magazine, ù Kleio, ù Kléio, ù L’Entreprise, ù Les Editions du France. management and risk management systems for the financial markets as well as Press Nikkei TV Hebdo, ù Var-Matin, ù Week-End, ù Winnie, ù Winnie Moniteur, ù Levande, ù Linea EDP, ù Local Mundi, ù b active.fr...Le site du CNRA est http://www.cnra.asso.fr/ , il cat. Leader Holdings Group press, data services and istri utio a P providing equity and foreign exchange transaction systems. It extensively uses (Singapore) Jeux, ù Winnie Lecture Marchés On Line, Medec, MediMedia, D n e l ress représente 247 radios associatives en France. (Japan) broadcast conglomerate. ù ù ù S d e Internet technologies for wider distribution of information and news. The Group Daily Newspapers in France e s P Mélodia, ù Nathan, ù Néo Restauration, ù Orban, ù t e ie t r r a employed 16,898 staff in 212 cities in 95 countries as of June 30, 1999. Reuters e r ù La Provence, ù Nice-Matin and Var-Matin (93.9%), ù Corse Pack-Log, ù Perrin, ù Piramide, ù Property Week, ù v e i Yomiuri group s h i g 5 is the world's largest news and television agency with 1,946 journalists, votes i c 47 c a Presse (Corse Matin and Corse, Votre Hebdo - 86.5%), Philippe Prosys Online, Retz, Ria, Rouge et Or, e The Yomiuri group of Japan is a broadcast, film,

ù ù ù ù ù e (2000) s n 3

a ? photographers and camera operators in 183 bureaus serving 157 countries.

s s

Amaury group (Le Parisien, l'Equipe and l'Equipe Magazine -25%), Scipione, Sedes, Seghers, SIAL, SIMA, n (2002) press, sports and property development e

ù ù ù ù ù H (2000)

e News is published in 22 languages.

L'Alsace (20%), La Dépèche du Midi (11.8%), Le Midi Sitevi, Solar, , Tax Free World Exhibition, The M

ù ù ù ù ù ù ( conglomerate. Its flagship newspaper - the


s AT&T Reuters owns 100% of ORT, the dominant provider of corporate Bancroft


Libre (8.1%) Wrath of Cortex, Thermalies . Yomiuri Shimbun - claims to have the highest l

ù M

l Comcast (usa) information in France with a major database covering 4 million Family e

. General



. circulation in the world.

u # hachette sa ex-vivendi publishing P o . ) Corporation hachette filipacchi N Electric business entities in France. Reuters has a majority stake in high- (usa) (usa) profile US-based consultancy Yankee Group. Yankee is sport, parks and museums # hachette livres Grou Yomiuri Giants - baseball EADS rs p concerned with information technology research and FRANCE te P Kawasaki soccer team Books Leader européen de L strategic consulting, including electronic u C ? Tokyo Verdy soccer team ùDidier, ùFayard, ùFilipacchi Editions, ù Grasset, Famille Le Figaro l'armement 49 Board e commerce,wireless communications, computing and (2000) Pehr Gyllenhammar R Yomiuri World theme park ù Hachette, ù , ù Payot, ù Payot & Hersant enterprise applications. fondateur de la table ronde des industriels It also has a majority stake in US-based Yomiuri Land - racetracks for horse and Rivages, ù , ù Bruno, ù Calmann-Levy, ù 70 SOCPRESSE 30 GROUPE 45 EADS 15 européens avec Etienne Davignon (impliqué Yomiuri motorcycle racing, golf courses, amusement Didier, ù Grupo Didascalia, ù Foucher, ù JC DASSAULT As Head of the Prime Minister’s Policy TowerGroup, a research and strategies group Lattès, Le Livre de Paris, Le masque, Livre de dans l'assassinat de Lumumba), membre du Unit from 1990 to 1995 Sarah Hogg Sir consultancy concerned with information parks and recreation complexes ù ù ù infogrammes 1,8 conseil international de la Chase Manhattan Christopher (Japan) Art Yomiuri - exhibitions, galleries and cultural poche, ù Marabout, ù Octopus Publishing, ùOrion Entertainment Canal was closely involved in the technology for the global financial Publishing Group, Phare International, Rageot + Bank et, par ailleurs, ami personnel d'Henry programmes of privatisation and Hogg chairman 13 services sector, including retail and retailing ù ù Playstation, DragonBall Z, Kissinger et David Rockefeller. private finance, performance (2000) Museo D'Arte Ghibli - animation-oriented art Editeur, ù Routard Gameboy, Titeuf 1 wholesale banking, securities and museum in Tokyo (2003) measurement in public services and Baroness investments, insurance, electronic Pehr G international economic issues.(SOURCE : bbc Time Warner - Cable/DBS Online Services Friend and Director (Sarah) he mortgage industry and the NTV ? Gyllenhammar of Kissinger Associates BBC, 2003) Hogg (uk) net. Time Warner - Books CompuServe Int. Services Hachette (2003) ? Sankei Shimbun 11 Filipacchi New Atlantic Initiative (NAI) (2000) AOL.com portal Médias state owned Sankei Shimbun HBO Independent Prod. (2003) (France) Lagardère Jean-Louis PATRONS-The Hon. Václav Havel, The Rt. Hon. Japan's second-largest HBO Downtown Prod. Digital City Fortune SCA GERGORIN Margaret Thatcher, The Hon. Helmut Schmidt, Fujisankei national daily with a Hachette (France) Henry A. Manhattan United 3e group The Knot, Inc. - wedding content 3 Kissinger The Hon. Leszek Balcerowicz, The Hon. Henry Institute Kingdom (2003) (Japan) circulation of around two HBO NYC Productions (2003) Filipacchi Médias Kissinger… INTERNATIONAL BOARD-Alain million. HBO Animation MapQuest.com Time The world's largest Besançon, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Samuel P. Wall Street Journal Spinner.com consumer magazine HBO Sports 1 publisher Warner Brothers Huntington, Jean-François Revel…(www.aei.org) USA (2003) Board Cinemax Winamp 1er mondial Bush publicly credits the Barclays Bancroft ? People (2002) 3,6 23 (2000) Asahi Shimbun The Mysterious Press 10 DrKoop.com International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) George Manhattan Institute with Plc (2002) 7,8 Family Legend - Internet service in China Every week, more than 100 million listeners, W. inventing his entire Dow Jones Asahi Shimbun Leisure Arts AOL Time viewers, and internet users around the world Bush " c o m p a s s i o n a t e 7,8 Asahi The Asahi Shimbun is the Amazon.com Warner turn-on, tune-in, and log-on to U.S. & Co. group Little, Brown and Co (U.K.) (usa) conservative" platform and ? second largest newspaper in international broadcasting programs. While International persona. (2003) control (Japan) Book-of-the-Month Club Quack.com ASPEN Colin Japan by circulation (behind Institute the "Broadcasting Board of Governors" is Broadcasting Board L. Powell State Street New York Times Yomiuri Shimbun), with a Streetmail the legal name given to the Federal entity control Paperback Book Club CNN USA Bureau (IBB) Corp. Ueno circulation of around 8 NETSCAPE GB encompassing all U.S international 18e Time - Life International FR (2003) Family million. Asahi also publishes GERM. broadcasting services, the day-to-day Murayama the Asahi Weekly News, Cinemax Selecciones Showcase IT. # Voice of America (VOA) Family neo-liberal broadcasting activities are carried out by magazines and books. Cinemas the individual BBG international # Radio Free WPP New York 1ere Advertising

CEO broadcasters: the Voice of America (VOA), Times radio Multiplex Radio Sawa, Radio Farda, Radio Free FCC - Federal Includes three of the world’s top full service agency networks: J. (usa) Cinemas Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), Radio Free Communications Michael Walter Thompson, Ogilvy & Mather and Y&R Advertising, as well 50 infinity MTV Australia Commission K. as Red Cell, WPP’s new global advertising network, accounting for ? Asia (RFA), Radio and TV Marti, and (gouv. américain) Father Powell (usa) MTV Brazil WORLDNET Television, with the assistance of just under 50% of WPP’s communications activities and revenues. (2003) Major clients include Ford, IBM, Unilever, American Express and International Herald Tribune Infinity (one of the largest radio MTV Europe the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB). ? 50 broadcasting operations in the Summer Gerald (http://www.ibb.gov/) http://www.memri.org Kraft. (2000) ? MTV India National Media investment management world, with over 184 radio mtv Amusements Inc 100 Redstone M. Levin http://www.fcc.gov/ MEMRI's headquarters is (2003) stations•what used to be the MTV Japan The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is located in Washington, DC with As media fragment and media owners consolidate, media Washington Newsweek "tribal drum" is now Howard an independent United States government agency, branch offices in Berlin, London, investment management is increasingly critical. WPP offers two of Post Co Stern) Hong Kong Chief directly responsible to Congress. The FCC was and Jerusalem, where MEMRI the world’s top 5 media planning and buying companies: (usa) ? Paramount Park MTV Mandarin Executive's also maintains its Media Center. MindShare and Mediaedge:cia, with support from Kantar Media (2003) 2e Council of established by the Communications Act of 1934 Research. The Washington Post Simon & Schuster MTV Productions CBS (2002 and is charged with regulating interstate and Middle East Media "… the excellent Middle East International Media Research Institute" - Public relations & public affairs. With three of the world’s top 10 MTV Ritmo 68 international communications by radio, television, Research Institute Blockbuster Advisors wire, satellite and cable. The FCC's jurisdiction MEMRI-USA Former CIA director James PR companies – Burson Marsteller, Hill and Knowlton and Ogilvy Blockbuster is the world's leading renter of videos and MTV Rocks Viacom Woolsey, June 10, 2002 Public Relations Worldwide – in addition to other leading names (usa) covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and such as Cohn & Wolfe, Robinson Lerer & Montgomery and WPP Group video games with over 7,700 stores in the United States MTV Russia former Thomas U.S. possessions. and 26 other countries. It boasts that over 3 million Book &Music Publishing H. Wyman Finsbury – WPP agencies offer a wide range of general 1 (usa) Chairman Jack advertising Partnership Largest advertising Omnicom customers visit a Blockbuster store each day. MTV Latin America Simon & Schuster and Famous of CBS Valenti corporate, consumer and, increasingly, brand-building services. (2003) agency Dentsu conglomerate firm The Motion Picture Association(MPA) was formed in public ? Group Inc. Simon & Schuster publishes more than 2,100 titles annually Music Burson-Marsteller relations (Japan) in Japan ? (usa) under 38 trade, mass market, children's and new media 1945 in the aftermath of World War II to (2003) (2003) advertising (catalog of over 100,000 Nicolas de reestablish Americanfilms in the world market, and Using the latest communications technologies and polling techniques, agency imprints. M6 Tavernost Chairman as well as an array of high-level political connections, PR flacks public Paramount Parks is one of the largest theme park copyrights) to respond to the rising tide of protectionism and CEO routinely "manage" issues for government and corporate clients relations operators, garnering around 13 million visitors annually at resulting in barriers aimed at restricting the and "package" them for public consumption. The result is a its five North American park importation of American films. Motion Since its early days, the MPA, often referred to Picture "democracy" in which citizens are turned into passive receptacles burson- Companies controlled by the family of Italian Prime Paramount Pictures Corp. Association of "disinfotainment" and "advertorials" and in which critics of the marsteller Minister Silvio Berlusconi dominate Italian commercial Partner Cisneros/AOL now as "a little State Department," has expanded (gouv. américain) status quo are defined as ignorant meddlers and/or dangerous television (with a 45% audience share and over 60% of The Disney Channel UK to cover a wide range of foreign activities falling in outsiders. Clients include: The Nigerian government during the total advertising sales), have a major presence in the diplomatic, economic, and political arenas. The advertising and publishing, and have been moving into Gustavo 40% America Online Latin Motion Picture Association conducts these activities Biafran war, to discredit reports of genocide; the fascist junta that Private Cisneros America (with AOL Time ruled during the 70's and early 80's, to attract foreign telecommunications, despite recurrent allegations of of Warner) : 18 from its headquarters in Los Angeles, California investment; the Indonesian government, which got into power impropriety. Ownership of Italy's mass media is even more AOL Brasil Twentieth Century FoxFilms and from offices in Washington, D.C.; Brussels; through a CIA-sponsored bloodbath (it should be pointed out, concentrated than that of Canada and Australia. Rete owner Rome; New Delhi; Rio de Janeiro; Singapore; 4 AOL Mexico Mexico City; Toronto; and Jakarta. however, that B-M denies that it is handling the issue of genocide Fininvest also has a controlling stake in Mondadori, Italy’s AOL Argentina 18e The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) in East Timor). B-M also represented the late communist Romanian largest book and magazine publishing group (with 30% and Private ? AOL Puerto Rico (2000) 7e Ruppert despot Nicolae Ceaucescu. B-M's environmental services have 38% of the domestic market respectively). Fininvest controls Il (2000) (2002) Murdoch and its international counterpart, the Motion Picture Giornale, a leading national newspaper that competes with anti-Chavez tv FOX 30 Association (MPA) serve as the voice and advocate benefited industrial polluters, such as the following: Babcock & 29e Cisneros Wilcox, when its nuclear power plant in Three Mile Island had (2000) L'Espresso's La Repubblica and with La Stampa and Corriere Canale Globovision, the B SKY B of the American motion picture, home video and 5 Globo group (uk) News its famous mishap in 1979; Union Carbide, to handle the della Sera of the RCS group. It has a 36% stake in financial- country's top 24-hour vision Corporation Hong Kong Chief television industries, domestically through the PAA news station and (australia) Executive's Council and internationally through the MPA.The Motion public relations crisis caused by the Bhopal tragedy in 1984; Berlusconi services group Mediolanum. Private CNN affiliate Exxon, to counter the negative press coverage it got in the (Italia) The family has beneficial ownership of around 96% of the Fininvest The Women of Santa Fe, Argentina, speak "The movement's strategy is to paralyze the circulation of goods 20 février 2002, , s'ajoutent au USA of International Picture Association of America (MPAA) serves its Women commission: and transport. Very mobile groups, the 'piqueteros', block the main 20 barricades 4 nouvelles; à Salta une Guatemala Peasants Take Plantations - Vene Advisors wake of the Exxon-Valdez oil spill in 1989. B-M was hired holding company. Fininvest has a 48.6% controlling stake (worth CGT, CTA, CCC: The General Confederation of Workers is the oldest national "In the face of the increasingly serious situation of our people, we feel we have the vision through members from its offices in Los Angeles and Italia Argentinean union; opposition currents have split from it, such as the Argentine Celia of the Internal Commission of Brukman roads to support their demands. This creates traffic jams, trucks centaine de personnes bloquent deux axes April 21 2002 Hundreds of peasants across byDeepthe Spaceph aNetworkrma c-DSNeutical corporation Eli Lilly and Monsanto around US$6.0 billion) in Mediaset, the terrestrial television group responsibility and also the renewed hope for our voices to be heard. Here is our Salta UnitedGlobal Com (51%). Washington, D.C. On its board of directors are the 1 " ...I want to tell all you that the women are coming out to the cannot move, factories cannot stock up or bring out Stgo.del TVN Schneider subsidiary Nutra Sweet to promote the use of the that competes with state-owned RAI and operates three networks: Workers, and later the Class Struggle Movement. C routiers principaux; à Neunquen le pont de northern Guatemala have seized 14 coffee anti-Chavez tv CALEA redefines the Chairmen and Presidents of the seven major CC proposal. Sindicato de Amas de Casa, Santa Fe their finished products. Within the movement one finds a majority of Tucuman Estero Chaco ? (Norway)A cell-phone's Sim card telecommunications industry’s family genetically-engineered synthetic bovine growth Nordnet Canale 5, Italia 1 and Retequattro. (source : © Caslon Analytics, (source: liga internacional de los trabajadores) streets. BecauseCR today I fell like a mature woman, I am 48 years Catamarca l'autoroute est bloqué; à Tucuman barricades producers and distributors of mavoetEimoen picture and t R P women, especially women who are "head of the household". plantations and blocked highways to protest (2003) can be located thanks obligation to assist law enforcement W rg rne ese WOMEN'S MANIFESTO (extract): The Cisneros group is a South American beverage, d e hormone rBGH. B-M's campaign to nte utraliaze the 2003) SUTEBA : Argentinean Teachers Union of the province of Buenos Aires; its Matanza (source: sommaire Socialisme N 2) bloccant l'accès des usines pétrolières de to one of the 30,000 in executing lawfully authorized television programs in the Unitned States.n n rc Japan Verio old and in another moment I would have said no way! I have to ϒ u c GWEN Ground Wave I h the country's unfair distribution of farmland, retail and broadcasting conglomerate with base stations of the electronic surveillance. In 1991, the o y opposition to rBGH# Trackinginclud & eDatad the use y of spies to Sta Fe r VERIO Pepsol (sources: archives.argentine) e G RAI section (a very poor and densely populated suburb of the capital) plays a central role We are the women who work outside of the home and get the lowest ? Emergency Network RSN e N tw r RAI 1 (sou4rce : http://www.mpaa.org/about) N A ET c o Relay Satellite Syst. TDRSS stay home with my grandsons" (...) My house is not my favorite GSM network or to one G a Silvio Burda Media FBI held a series of secret meetings M a r r k t

The Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) o largest global website hosting

e peneptrate activist groups. (source: Carmelo Ruiz) 16 and 17/02/2002 Foundation of the BLOC DE PIQUETERO officials said. Another group of protesters

substantial US television interests. It claims annual Universal Studios, Inc. e S - u NTT

of the satellites used by with EU member states to persuade t Baron Global One Telstra in the current struggle. In the coordination of the districts of González Catán and

w wages, and those who work only in the home and get no wages. LF/UHF n

Holding provides survivable connectivity to designated bomber D p Berlusconi company

p ? traffic exchange via BBN (Genuity)

? a place anymore, right? Because all that I think about is of what is

l NACIONAL following the first National Assembly of Workers, both S

the GPS (Global them to incorporate CALEA into o e

revenues of US$4 billion across 39 countries. ? I

P (cable) briefly blocked the main highway connecting John p

and tanker bases. The system is in sustainment. GWEN N

r Le 17 juin 2001, dans la province de Salta

GmbH e

r Laferrere, the delegates of teachers of SUTEBA-Matanza begin to organize the areas Cordoba


Universal Music k

Positioning System) survivable e

European law. The meetings t We are the women who have to send our daughters and sons to the D

R employed and unemployed, since the government of Fernando de la n (

is designed as an ultra-high powered VLF [150-175 I G

US television (Germ.) G Malone Membre du conseil m traffic exchange happening here, and what will my brothers and sisters be doing,

included representatives from network W Co mu Mendoza Salta (Nord-est), une coupure de route organisée E space around schools to start to solve the problems. the Guatemalan capital with the country's N ) kHz] network intended to survive massive broadband space n Rosario owns or admiGnlobisters over 800,000 # ESSAIM minority stake y i Rua was overthrown on 19 and 20 December. 1. Adoption of the Plan Univision Network - 22 broadcast stations al Canada, Hong Kong, Australia and probe x c soup kitchens because we have nothing to give them to eat, ) S d'administrationprobe du Cato a a 30e partnership destructive interference produced by nuclear EMP. l Galaxy Communicator NTT M y t is an open source RAI 2 have they gone an assembly today? I do not know how to tell block the par des chômeurs est violemment réprimée s o Other left-wing organizations : IU, PO, PTS, FOS, CS, MAS, LSR (id) S for the copyrights and inct ludethes t EU.he Atfo l theselow in meetings,g an a ? south early Thursday, but authorities reported e State of Japan owns 66% G GWEN is Scheduled to be Replaced by SCAMP in r (2000) ebone m architecture for constructing dialogue systems. TeleFutura Network - stations (23 owned-&- ( Mercedes National Institute (néo-libéral) G SITA (www.sita.com) and those who still have something but don’t know for how s international technical standard for

f FY99 struggle for work and against the socioeconomic policy of the (sources : FO) n labels: Barclay, o Decca, Deutche This work is funded by the Defense Advanced PCR ( (Marxist-Leninist) them that I have to be here, my place is here. I was very road Buenos Aires

o festival r Reconnaissance Office A

i surveillance, based on the FBI’s The network is made up of more than that they were able to take down barricades

operated stations and t france B


a OSINT Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the V T c o T Peronist government of Eduardo Duhalde.

i charged with 1,700 circuits representing a consolidated F U long. Neuquen

Grammophon, Inb tersCALEAcop e demands,Ge f wasfe n adopted as

n The Trade Union of Ceramic Workers of the Zanón factory: committee formed at S

i COMINT 2 u

l OSINT (Intelligence, Not Information.) can help DoD in absorbed all my life by my family.

19 affiliates) e Board United States Government. The DARPA

m managing American Wednesday, 26 June, 2002, a demonstration organized by the

m France transmission capacity of around 1,400 R of borders and branches and reopen the road o the "International Requirements for (www.lecourrier.ch) C T A&M, Island Def Jam,MCA Alluets- (Communication two ways: (1) crisis support; and (2) support to on- Communicator program will provide the next AC ( Neuquén (id) M We are the mothers whose children have Rio Mar del Plata Galavision - Spanish-language cable tv network Interception." Feucherolles spy satellites such as andrew SP Fra Megabits per second and includes over Spain Dome Intelligence) going operations,Peter G. bringing to bear in both cases the BBL generation of intelligenttelevision conversational N n Swiss P Bloc de Piquetero Nacional interrupts traffic on the Pueyrredón Records,Mercury RecordPATHWAYs, Mot or NSAM us communicationsic, (fr) Black Bird, Rhyolite, A c 13,000 managed routers. Total traffic over IJ O Negro after several hours. e C P L other television (fr) S. B.best and most relevant open sources to respond to interfaces to distributed information.(France) The goal R RAI 3 M C T had to leave school, and those whose KH-11 and KH-12, or Peterson (Banque MITRE ? ) the network grew to 272 trillion characters, C M 11-15 march 2002 The National Picketers’ Assembly: server furnishing a fast, efficient, Mutzig Robert established DoD needs with OSINT rather than just InstitutT euro bridge, which links the capital, Buenos Aires, to the suburbs, in the MotownReceophornde cos,Phillips,Polydor, Furet. cyberspace Rothschild Knight Research is to support the creation of speech-enabled up by 55% in the year.The network now has Telefonica "Afternoon leave for government officials" 50% DIRECTV Latin America - stake in satellite tel m high-security network for the (fr) Bass André Corporation SITA news The Bloque Piquetero went out three times to block the access to t m ? IMINT information. OSINT includes global geospatial data Brussels Biochemical & interfaces that scale gracefully across ICANNEuro certified 92 domain registrar children stayed in school but now are context of a national protest which was planned to interrupt traffic at governing p u surveillance investment over 176,692 user connections. Nortel Universal e Recordsn , ECHELONVerve systemMusic, (usa gov) DNA-Based piqueteros broadcaster with c i nt de (Imagery and global logistics information. Desmarais modalities, from speech-only to interfaces that the distilleries and the central offices of the oil monopolies, in order r c e s a m c Lambert) Nanocomputers Passport Switches increased to reach over motoqueros e Hong- e o trust cp 18 various locations in Greater Buenos Aires. Tool: 2 dead and 90 t t Kourou p Hong Kong include graphics, maps, pointing and gesture. leaving the country because the Chubut Rondor Music i n Intelligence) 51 "They fear a Black Friday" n o Morwenstow u 3700 nodes across the network in 2001. to emphasize that the solution to unemployment is the distribution of around 300 video and audio channels to 28 i t Chairman of the Board of Trustees FR n r "Large police presence"

Kong (Guyane fr) ro ô MASINT (http://communicator.sourceforge.net) s Chief o (uk) t l SITA has over 10,000 IP routers online and france TELEFONICA arrested demonstrators. The demonstration called for: the extension of e

( G Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) is ? education they got doesn’t help them to immigrés the hours of work, the operation of the factories( including the

C Yakima unemployee countries d


r Sony Pictures Entertaninment, Inc Executive's

A over 400 customers of SITA IP services. The In 2001, Telefonica offered

director neo-liberal 3 workers a

L tv5 unions r a collective term bringing together disparate

d (usa) COMINT National Humint "Beware of the violent" closed ones) under workers’ control, and thereduction of the social programs for the unemployed, food and medicine, and the


a Santa Cruz

n network consistently achieves core

Venevision - commercial tv network in Venezuela A Council of 700 telecommunications services to nearly 50


d t

) intelligence elements that do not fit within the get a job. (...)"

s Reconnaissance (Human SAIC: 41,000100 employees, an annual turnover of 5.5 billion dollars, 620



n availability of 99.99%. SITA maintains antennas countries and had its own installations in 20 workday in order to create one or two additional shifts. (...)While


o state c m o c

m Sugar definitions of Signals Intelligence,International Imagery million dollars profit in 1999. The company's major client is the American Orange rejection of the economic policy and directives

H - Office

C E n Intelligence)

E L é 150,000 units of customer premises countries. It had constituted one of the national march

a government, 79% of total turnover comes from the Pentagon. Among the "The government expects incidents" this program began to find an echo in the most distant places, such O l Kirk Advisors general strike

Grove r Intelligence, or Human Intelligence. These disparate

20 e (usa gov) 4,77 owned piqueteros :" They cut off transport on the roads

F of the IMF. (.calpa-paris.org)

c SAIC's achievements: digital cartography of the USA and digital early equipmentCSA - in the air transport industry, VHF largest international support networks for motoqueros : members

t 25

N - 11-15 march 2002

(usa) r Kerkorianelements consist of intelligence activities and e

i c P as Comodoro Rivadavia and Neuqu*n in the South, Salta and Chaco )

q r through 170 service delivery facilities 21,77 R

u warning system for environmental data; security system for Defense n Conseil supérieur RCOM its activities, in particular a transatlantic and set up barriers, 'pickets'. At first a rather e National Weather Service Cooperative C Board e I s G ( 4e SIGINT technologies such as acoustic intelligence; radar ra s A of the union of couriers The Landless Movement of Brazil by networksObserver Program-Modernization COOP-M I cooperation (2002) 89 Department computers; installation of computerized decision-making35e and s de l'audiovisuelworldwide. World's first airport shared submarine cable going all around Latin in the North, Berisso, San Lorenzo,Dock Sud and Capital, Duhalde N (Signals intelligence; nuclear radiation detection; infrared transmission systems for oil conglomerates such as BP Amoco; F (SIMECA), mostly young local and spontaneous movement, the piqueteros (linked to (sept. 2003) http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/coop treaty (2000) 16,9 France e (gouv.check-in fran çais) system, CUTE. World's first ? America. Telefonica claims that its network declared that he is unable to pay the wages of the state employees, 7 de noviembre 2002 Movilización Piquetera nacional frente a la Intelligence) intelligence; electro-optical intelligence; radio computerization of the American reserve army mobilization system; e state started to organize themselves all over the COMINT T partnership to support the implementation of carries 80% of the world's Spanish- the Trotskyite France ( FRANCE people, who participated

The COOP network comprises nearly 12,000 frequency, unintentional radiation; materials, effluent, design and installation of transmission systems between command posts c

A and the bosses asked for new concessions in order to fire more delegación local de Ministerio de Trabajo de la Nación. 30.000

International Broadcast Film/Television Production and listening E BULL electronic visa authorization, with ETAS. Pathélanguage Internet content. (source: OCED, country." (liga internacional de los trabajadores)

Book Publishing sites across the United States and Puerto # INTELSAT and debris sampling; and electro optical and spectro- and combatants (Defense Information Systems Network); design of C4I Etat Francen Gaumont Argentina holds the world record very actively in the Workers Party), the F

R Walt Veridian Visas for Australia are processed using ? ? 2001)

The Disney Channel UK Rico. The network wasD iestablishedstributi oin n1890 to radiometric sources. command centers for naval and space warfare; modernization of the e Libération workers. personas, fue la mayor marcha piquetera que se haya visto. (sources:

OSINT Liberty P There are four organizations for a single Movimiento Territorial de M Telecom

Walt Disney Company Book Publishing g ETAS. for the number of general strikes! struggle with their service Movimiento Teresa Rodriguez

C space-based mapping networks of the National Imagery and Mapping FrançaisNoos POLO Obrero

collect temperature, precipitation and other Disney ) (source : polo obrero)

E (Open Source The Disney Channel Taiwan Walt Disney Pictures 37e Agency; surveillance of the execution of nuclear non-proliferationMedia DARPA/ A movement:

Hyperion Books meteorological data for climate applications E ? (source: Sommaire Socialisme Nϒ 2) bikes. The motoqueros Liberación (Territorial Liberation poloobrero)

T (usa) treaties; design of training and simulation equipment for F-15 and F-16 VERIDIAN

Biological Computer Laboratory (BCL) UK-USA/ECHELON P Intelligence)(2000) Bill Owens

The Disney Channel Australia related to agriculture and water resources. S (2003) (usa) Human ? 1) Organizational perspective: the Federación por Movement, a small group close to the Corriente de Unidad Barrial

Buena Vista Television T ABC pilots; design of satellite sensors and observation equipment for NASA; appeared in the course MTD Guernica In the years after World War II, the notion and the Y served as the deputy chief of Naval Miramax Books UKUSA is the secret signals intelligence I Augmentation of state owned O COOP-M will improve the network's spatial -M S MTD Quilmes P (u N creation of the largest criminal information database for the FBI (with profession ofTh e electricalDisn e engineeringy Chann e underwentl Mala y a sia Touchstone Pictures O sa agreement, set up in 1947, that divided Reasoning TECSI has strategic Operations for Resources, Warfare GenBank Thursday, 13 December, 2001: of the demonstrations of la Tierra y la Vivienda (FTV, Federation for Land Communist Party), of Movimiento MTD Lanús Magazines and newspapers density, distribution, communications and O ) files on 38 million suspects); etc. through Famille MTD Oscar Barrios de José C. Paz "The spirit of the protests of the 'piqueteros' began to manifest itself transformation and expansion. New concepts, C MASINT 12e relationships TECSI Requirements and Assessments, commander Famille GenBank, the world's DNA sequence The Disney Channel France processing capabilities.Touc h "Ultimatelystone Te le thev ision 12000 the world into five regions to be watched In the period of 1992-1995 alone, the SAIC hired 198 former colonels Patterning with SAIC The three unions organize a 19 and 20 December and and Housing) is linked to the Affiliated Unions of Independiente de Jubilados y Pensionados Automotive Industries thoughts, ideas, inventions, and fields of study were over by Australia, Canada, New Zealand, (MeasurementMetro & (2000) and generals of the USBertelsman armed forces. Among its administrators, the SAIC (HARP) Global Integrity Corp. of the U.S. Sixth Fleet,Bollor senior é military? # GenBank repository, was developed at Los Alamos Movimiento de Trabajadores Desocupados Aníbal Verón all the way to Buenos Aires shortly before recent events. Problems network will have new automated sites ? berlin verlag Seydoux Argentinean Workers (Independent Movement of the Retired and Rand Standford Biological born within T theh e professionDisne y or C wereha n broughtnel M inid fromdle East Walt Disney Television Britain and America. Australia DSD - UKUSA SignatureGoldwyn Intelligence) has had the former Defense secretaries William Perry and Melvin Laird, wanadoo # Immarsat assistant to Secretaries of Defense Frank National Laboratory (LANL) and later general strike of 48 hours (the played, thanks to BCorporationiography ( wResearchith G E an dComputerHea rstother) fields of study and absorbed as part of a new temperature, precipitation, soil-moisture and (USA, New Zel., Aus, and the former CIA directors(Germ.) John Deutch and Robert Gates. Carlucci and Dick Cheney (source : transferred to the National Library of 2)The Corriente Clasista y Combativa (CCC, Pensioned) and of the Teresa Rodríguez MTD 22 de Julio (localidad de Allén en Río Negro) emerged and shopkeepers and others decided to block the streets in The Disney Channel Italy river-level sensors;W nearalt real-timeDisney dataTel evisiclimaticon dataAnimatDefenseion (h a Signalss Directorate. Canada UK, Germ., Taiwan) Mayer(usa) Germanypresident, chief operating officer and vice chairman SAIC media twelfth in two years) against salary their bikes, a decisive Dis(usa)cover Institute Laboratory self. Who would have thought that a theory of network www.teledesic.com) Medicine. Chromosome-sorting capabilities MTD Solano (usa) collection, quality control and dissemination; CSE - Communications Security Department Sony and pension cuts and the freeze on role, informing Class Struggle Movement) is the "piquetero" union Movement. the city center." (source:sommaire Socialisme Nϒ 2) (usa) information T wouldhe D emergeisney C fromha n ann e engineeringl Spain three wholly Establishment. New Zealand GCSB - developed at LANL and Lawrence MTD Darío Santillán (localidad de Cipolleti en Rìo Negro) Disney Adventures laboratory; that an electrical hypothesis, that is, the automated flashflood reporting; and of Energy-DOE via Livermore National Laboratory enabled the bank withdrawals (thousands of people demonstrators of possible branch of the Revolutionary Communist Party of 4)The Committee Aníbal Verón is a splinter ESPN INC. International Ventures interactive data terminals to collect both New Zealand's Government m sy (Japan) certplus coopération for ? Disney Magazine hypothesis that all our perceptual, intellectual, and owned production facilities outside the iu ste development of DNA clone libraries Maoist leanings. MTD Darío Santillán de Almirante Brown automated and manual observations," said Communications Security Bureau. UK id m NSA agency in charge of COMINT (Truman Memorandum , 24 octobre 1952) (usa gov) Windows NT 4.0 (2003) FR in the streets and paralyzing routes to avoid clashes group of the Teresa Rodríguez Movement. In the National Piqueteros Block emotional experiencesEurosp oarert states(3 of3 %electrical) - activitypan -European satellite United States - GCHQ - Government Communications Ir finance 17 30 representing the individual chromosomes. 3) The Bloque Nacional Piquetero (National ECN News in the central nervous system, would dominate the Don Boucher, senior staff meteorologist and ? NSA These libraries were a crucial resource in roadblocks).(source: www.anarchie.be) with the police and even some regions it sprang from the work of delivered the Aerospace systemJap a architectn, Au st forra li thea, Canada) Head Quarters. USA NSA - National 10 France Les échos ESPN MagaTavistockzine American neural sciences; that the abstract notion of Security Agency (usa gov) Gemplus Genome genome sequencing. . succeeding in breaking Piquetero Bloc) is perhaps the most ideological ecclesiastic basis communities. It is dedicated MTD Florencio Varela project. (source : www.aero.org) Iridium Science Application Bill Telefonica 7,5 n Pr MTD Berisso the Independent Movement Institute Society computation swouldpor tfinds p ritso manifestationgrammin gin selectricalervice Hollywood Pictures wireless Defense close ? France Loisir Owens a o current and the one most directly linked to the to the education of the people and declares (distributed by Hearst) Satellite LLC Information Internat. Corp. prisma press m pearson je Human Genome Project the police cordons. (usa & uk) for devices that, by integrating new insights from u c ? MTD Esteban Echeverría of Retired People and Unemployed Systems Agency (SAIC) t Family Fun Cybernetics semiconductorS pphysics,ortsv evolvedision ointof Amachinesustra lofia such(2 5%) Caravan Pictures USA France # Teledesic H Project goals were to (2003) UK left-wing parties t consists of Polo Obrero itself independent of the state as well as of (usa) (NSF (DISA) project GENOA II 26 Microsoft Germany - identify all the approximately 30,000 MTD Lugano (Capital Federal) complexity E thatSP N oneB couldraz il be(5 tempted0%) to make CNRI MiramaETx Fil-ms (usa gov) Family PC N U ? genes in human DNA, CNRI was created as a F S 50 The economist 19 and 20 december 2001 : 30 people killed by the state - Delgado Juan 27 year's old from Santa Fe , killed the 19/12/01 by the police of Santa Fe - Lepratti Claudio Hugo 38 years'old from Santa Fe killed in Barrio Las Flores the 19/12/01 by the police Poli - - Acosta Graciela 35 years'old from Santa Fe killed in Villa Gobernador Gálvez the 20/12/01 by a missile when she put her child at school - García Yanina 18 Santa Fe - Pereira Rubén Alejandro 20 years'old from Santa comparison of these machines with their creators? A ESPN STAR (50%) - sports programming BuenaS Vista Home Video - determine the sequences of the 3 billion Institutional Investor ? ) "After the fiasco of the automatic vote- One spoke and even speaks today of electronic not-for-profit N (2002) 40 GERMANY FRANCE chemical base pairs that make up human Jane brains; one tspokehrou ofg hmentalityout A sinia machines and still organization to provideBu ena Vista Home Entertainment 24 Global Information High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) Program count during the American presidential0,9 DNA, ? Fe killed during a looting - Pasini Miguel 15 years'old from Santa Fe Santa killed the 19/12/01 - Iturain Romina 15 years'old from Entre Ríos killed the 20/12/01by missing bullet when he was observed at home the fight - Paniaguav Eloisav11years'old from Entre Ríos killed the 20/12/01by a missing bullet - Avila Diego 24 years'old from Buenos Aires, killed at Lomas de Zamora-Villa Fiorito the 19/12/01by a shot - Rosales Mariela 28years'old from Buenos Aires killed in Lomas de Zamora- asks: "Can machines think?"(www.ece.uiuc.edu) leadership and funding Spiegel Impact medecin election, Unisys Corp aims to associate (2003) SPAIN JCK Net STAR (33%) owners of The Sports Network Buena Vista International Infrastructure Commission (GIIC) Reinhard itself with Dell Computer Corp and - store this information in databases, Villa Fiorito 20/12/01 - Folres Julio Hérman 15 years'old from Buenos Aires killed the 19/12/01 by a shot from a shopkeeper - Ramírez Damian Vicente 14 years'old from Buenos Aires killed at LaMatanza-Gregorio de Laferrère the 19/12/01 by a shot during a looting - Salas Ariel Maxi 30 ears'old from Buenos Aires killed at LaMatanza-Gregorio de Laferrère the 19/12/01 by a shot during a looting - Guías o Diaz Pablo Marcelo 23 years'old from Buenos Aires killed at Quilmes- for research and abril The GIICSony is a confederation Music 70 - improve tools for data analysis, of Canada development of theM iramax Globo is the dominant gcSoysmtemmercial television Chairman Mohn Microsoft Corp to create a new voting El Mundo Kentucky Prairie Farmer 3.39 MHZ and in G of chief executive officers of - transfer related technologies to the private San Francisco Solano the 19/12/01 by a shot during a looting - Gramajo Roberto Augustín 19 years'old fromBuenos Aires killed in Almirante Brown-Don Orione street 9 y 26 the 19/12/01 when he get in a supermarket during a looting - Enrique Víctor Ariel 21 years'old from Buenos Aires killed at Almirante Brown-Don Orione the 19/12/01by a shot during a looting - Legembre Eduardo 20 years'old from Buenos Aires Castelar the 19/12/01 by a shopkeeper - Abaca Elvira 42 years'old Father of National Information on P (Brazil) Columbia Records on Infra system." Unisys will propose the overall Cable Television 6.99 MHZ broadcaster in Bratzi il, oversS hadowing the TV the National Coordinator firms that develop and ti s sector, and Kodin Infrastructure. # BLOCK II/IIA/IIR i - 80 a tr GERMANY GERMANY system, Dell will supply the computers, and the Internet s N for Security, Infrastructure deploy, operate, rely upon, m u USA - address the ethical, legal, and social issues The Disney Channel Abril group's TVA. oIt claims arA ound 75% of GLOBO Protection and Epic Records r c USA from Rio Negro killed at Cipoletti the19/12/01 by a shopkeeper - Moreno David Ernesto 13 years'old from Cordoba Cdad de Cba. Ville from july 20/12/01 - Arapi Ramon Alberto 23 years'old from Corrientes Barrio San Marcelo killed the 19/12/01 in a fight - Riva Gastón Marcelo 30 years'old from Ciudad de Buenos Aires killed in the 20/12/01 - Lamagna Diego 26 years'old from Ciudad de Buenos Aires killed in Plaza de Mayo the 20/12/01 - NN (masculino) Theme Parks & Resorts P ? t Microsoft, the programs. (12/01/2001) Los Angeles V and finance information and o u Dell Computer Silicon Celera (ELSI) that may arise from the project. The l Counter-Terrorism f Bertelsman springer Keith W. S r Berliner Morgenpost

a Standart Positionning Legacy Records T n Toon Disney Brazilian television advertising spending. communications technology I e Genomics Human Genome Project ends in 2003 with

Disneyland - Anaheim b from Ciudad de Buenos killed in Aires Plaza de Mayo the 20/12/01 - NN (masculino) Ciudad de Buenos Aires Plaza de Mayo 20/12/01 - Marquez Alberto 57 years'old from Ciudad de Buenos Aires Plaza de Mayo. Sarmiento y 9 de julio 20/12/01 PFA hurt during the fight at thePlaza de Mayo - Benedetto Gustavo Ariel 23 years'old from Ciudad de Buenos Aires killed during the fight of Plaza de Mayo; - Almirón Carlos 24 years'old from Ciudad de Buenos Aires Plaza de

Multichannel News Robert A System (SPS) CIVIL Corporation Graphics Uncapher Chairman o

l R l

CEO infrastructureMambo facilities.Reco rds ( LycosSAIC/NBII Europe Unisys Corp. the completion of the human genetic

G 18,1 Measured by audieG nce it is considered by ESPN Inc. (80% - Hearst CoKahnrporation owns the Disney-MGM Studios a 100 Talk President Alaska, positioning Precise Positionning evaluate the most sequence. Mayo the 20/12/01 PFA killed during the fight - Aredes Rubén Dario 30 years'old from Ciudad de Buenos Aires killed the 21/12/01 - Campos Walter 16 years'old from Santa Fe killed the 21/12/01 by the police - Fernandez Luis 27 years'old from Tucumán killed at Tucumán the 23/12/01 by the police - Torres Juan Alberto 21years'old from Corriente - Alvarez o Villalba Ricardo 23 years'old from Santa Fe Rosario- barrio Ludueña 26/12/01 killed by a missile during a looting -

b Unisys notes that it has

American I

System (PPS) US ARMY Sony Classical I

o remaining 20%) includes ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Disneyland Paris USA some commentators to be the fourth largest Sistem de C effective IBM, Compaq, DuPont, and major

Top Famille (France) Corporation for National network Falcon Air Force Base, Colorado, USA 80 l worked on voting Climatic weapons Televisao pentagone ) pharmaceutical companies are among those Dario Santillian e Maximiliano Kosteki, 26 juin 2002, two piqueteros of the coordination Annibal Veron, killed by the police during the bloc on the Puente Pueyrredon - (...) http://italy.indymedia.org 7 February 2002 : The resignation of

News, National DisneyScienceRegional Entertainmenttelevision ngov.et wownedor ksat. in the world. In Brazil it Department Sony Music G alternatives for technology for 24 de julio de 2001 La I Asamblea Nacional Piquetera Video Business Research Foundation high frequency active auroral (TVA) (usa gov) integrating decades, and interested in the potential for targeting and ϒ Network Solutions Inc (NSI)/SAIC research program (HAARP) of Defense-DOD American World corrupt judges is called for (the judges are ESPN Now, ESPN Extreme Initiatives (enterta(NSF)inment and owns USra navydio stations, daily newspapers (O mation In geographic Cray developed electronic applying genome data. (source : Quality domain names are always registered in the or fra Information GERMANY USA 4 de septiembre de 2001 La IIϒ Asamblea Nacional Piquetera Vice-President f s information www.ornl.gov) suspected to have covered up the arms databanks ofC thela s SAIC-NSI.sic Spo Andrts N evenet w if, o officially,rk (wi th Liberty) (CNRI) Globo, Extra, Valor Economico), Época (usa gov) InColumbiat House record club Technology Research, voting systems in indipendent theme dining in metropolitan areas) The Civitas (directly and through Abril) own 80% of r Unisys e u and Services systems Brazil, Italy and Costa ANRed ( La Agencia de Noticias Red the "client" data associated with the domain names s Whitfield c Recording Studios RTL Die Welt Inc. national assembly 15 y 16 de febrero de 2002 1 Asamblea Nacional de Trabajadores trafficking Carlos Menem is accused Champ Mitchell weekly magazine and other publications, t ϒ A&E Television (37.5%, with Hearst and GE) u Disneyland Resort Sistem de Televisao (TVA), the leadininternetg Brazilian pay- n Alliance data/information Corp. Rica. (source: AFP) Motorola Albany Democrat e President, Network Solutions remains confidential, it is the SAIC-NSI information r media Acción )give informations about the the f

VeriSign maintains more than 10 origin e (WITSA) on the Web. Nicolas Naclerio, head of Motorola's Biochip e

served as vice chairman of the Champ system that retainsThe responsibilityHistory C andha ntechnicalnel (w controlith H earst and GE) Disney Vacation Club the Cabo Globo and Globosat cable and television company. TVA was founded in 1991 as a . of workers of.(sources: www.anarchie.be) County Press D National Biological Information Infrastructure 22 y 23 de junio de 2002 2 Asamblea Nacional de Trabajadores finance committee for the Mitchell over the data banks of names and name servers. million Internet addresses. VeriSign 35 Multi Systems Unit, former executive at Darpa ϒ union's conflicts, the student's and social election campaign of President Lifetime Television (50%, with Hearst) usedEp c too t have a government- satellite tv services (70% of the Brazilian programmer and operator. It is 20% ownDefenseed by Hearst (NBII) 28 Motorola's biochip technology will use the DGeorgeaily H.T W.id Bush.ing (sources : Network Solutions Inc (NSI) ? World Information Thématiques 24 de agosto de 2002 Encuentro Nacional de Empresas Ocupadas y en Lucha conflicts until seven years www.verisign.com) Network SolutionsLifet i ism e the M world'sovie leadingNetw o registrar,rk (5 0% with Hearst) approvedMagi cmonopolyKingd overom wholesale Alaska, market), the Som Livre record company, film and Disney-subsidiary ABC. It owns and Advancedoperates eight (2000) The NBII is a broad, collaborative S.A. results of the Human Genome Project. Publication of the misdemeanors of Oakland Press & Reminder and retail sales of .com names. (…) USA Research program to provide increased access to Technology and with more thanE! 6.5En tmillionerta inetnm registrations.ent (34. 4Network%) - Comcast, MediaOne Tokyo Disneyland (partial ownership) production interests and a theme park. pay-tv systems (cable, satellite, MDS) anProjectd a Agencynetw ork of Services Alliance LAGARDÈRE 27 Ciné ` Ciné 28 y 29 de septiembre de 2002 3ϒ Asamblea Nacional de Trabajadores Narragansett Times Solutions registers the majority of Web addresses In 1998, the Commerce Department, (DARPA) Defense data and information on the nation's RTL 2 Cinémas Classics USA politicians in the street, on the internet, on which maintains control of the HIPAS High Power Auroral biological resources. The NBII links (WITSA) Network occupation of Perfil, edition'house worldwide throughand various channels including nearly Walt Disney World - OrlStimulationando Observatory It also has manufacturing, jointp rprojectope rty, 42 affiliates. TVA is a partner in the Ku-(usaBa gov)nd Galaxy Information Infrastructure MOTOROLA occupation of a TV channel. Their photos with their St. Louis Daily Record 220 companies in over 30 countries in its Premier Internet's authoritative "root server," picosatellites 2,100,000Telemundo computers connected to diverse, high-quality biological The World Information Associates, chairman and chief Liberty Media each have 10.4% stakes Disney's Animal Kingdom insurance, banking and construction Latin America (GLA) satellite service, launched in Technology and Inc. USA executive officer (Wednesday September 11, 2002 at program and over 30,000 companies in its Affiliate commissioned the nonprofit ICANN almost 10,000Com. local area networks, databases, information products, and (network 3 USA la Asociación de Víctimas de Accidentes de Tránsito addresses and personal data are put up in The Aerospace analytical tools maintained by NBII Services Alliance security) IBM 4 Olof ICANN certified domain registrar P r o g r a m .F ox Family ((1-August-2003,from News in J uly 2001) to Di injectsne y- competitionMGM S tu intodi os the interests. Overall employment is around December 1995 with 144 channels. NASA themselves Grouplinked to approximately Lundberg 06:43 PM) ( source:italy.indymedia) Penny Power www.internic.net/registrars/registrar-2.html) addressing sector. The root server is Corporation one hundred national or partners and other contributors in (WITSA) is a consortium world leader in network a public space Etchebaster por la Lista Naranja de la UOCRA Neuquén the city with the same information; they Network TVA (20% with Hearst) - Brazilian group theW masteralt D listis n ofey NetW addressesorld Sp orts Complex 23,000 people. (usa gov) government agencies, academic of 50 information4 channelsecurity and 1,7 Xerox Sutton Industries (us gov) international networks. Senior Advisor Canal TIA, Total Information institutions, non-government organizations, technology (IT)? industry Planète el «Pollo» Sobrero» por la Unión Ferroviaria Seccional Haedo can hardly go out anymore, for they are Solution controlled byAbril ending in "top-level" domains Awareness Program USIA 5 availability, help secure corp Jimmy Bureau d'études,? 2003 100 including .com, .net and .org. (source rmati and private industry. NBII partners and associations from the networks of major 1,7 PDG Tony la Multisectorial de Solidaridad con Cuba Inc. (NSI) Verisign (usa gov) nfo on 1,8 www.universite-tangente.fr.stNavarra organisation in struggle recognized NASA's Global I In economies around the plaza de mayo : washingtonpost.com, Wednesday, l collaborators also work on new Fortune 500 companies. DGSE a fr massive domestic Change Master c a world. WITSA Chairman President and immediately shouted at, shoved, September 4, 2002) i standards, tools, and technologies that Own McAfee Security, Louis V Orlando Restivo por la CICOP (médicos y Le 14 décembre commence à Rosario et Mendoza le mouvement (fr) surveillance system g s Bernard and CEO CORE Directory (GCMD) t members represent USA o r make it easier to find, integrate, and the leader in anti-virus Gerstner 1 million people converged and the NBII l u 3,3 L. # Pitrola por el Bloque Piquetero Nacional sometimes harassed. (id) In November 2000, ICANN approved seven o c over 90 percent of the 4,9 2,1 Loral Space & Globalstar d'attaques des supermarchés, une émeute de la faim qui allait se i apply biological resources information. 10,6 Jr Schwartz

United States Information Agency (USIA) t software u 9,8

new TLDs. Six of them, .info, .museum, .biz , BND Program cooperate B 3,9 3,2 Liberty Media Communications profesionales hospitales de Provincia de Buenos Aires)

r (www.nbii.gov) world IT market. Globalstar spontaneously in the direction of l the mother of

The USIA was established to achieve US foreign e développer dans tout le pays, et atteindre la capitale le 19

.aero, .coop and .name have been launched, (Sw in the development a provider of global Godoy por Zanón de Neuquén

N i (Germ) (

s n Corp

R s policy by influencing public attitude at home and N

E ) o

Information Assurance of standardized i the other one is expected to follow quickly. B Pablo Masa por la Comisión Interna de Química Cognis C t mobile satellite Plaza de Mayo in front of the presidential

abroad using psycho-political policy strategies. The I décembre. a ICANN certified domain registrar I and Survivability ) CORE members offer registration services under m e t a d a t a N plaza de mayo ? technologies USIA Office of Research and reference service George UK telecommunications Gustavo Giménez por el Movimiento Sin Trabajo «Teresa Vive» os No Docentes de la UTN Haedo looting most of these newly created TLDs. CORE is also prepares data on psychological factors and descriptions of 80 services, offering palace to shouts of "Resign!". At one in the a .us and .cn accredited registrar and many IP V6 biological data sets Herbert 1,7 both voice and data publication propaganda problems considered by the Policy ex-director Walker morning police attacked to clear the square: the Saturday, 15 December, 2001: Looting of food from shops in the CORE CORE members offer to their customers .us and National Institute Laboratory for Institute of Planning Board in formulating psycho-political services from 17 February 2002 The reunion of assemblies and the cacerolazos Piqueteras de Mosconi Salta .cn registrations. (www.corenic.org) for Research in Computer Science, Electrical information policies for the National Security Bush 2,2 virtually anywhere in provincial towns, which are most affected by poverty. Such actions CORE is a Registrar accredited by the Internet Computing Massachusetts and Electronic National Security ex-director disparate crowd (old people, women, children) 1911 delegates from all over the has to be strengthened. una Asociación de Discapacitados of misdemeanors and Automation Institute of Council.ex-Director of Barclays 21 # Skybridge over 100 countries funded by Engineers Advisor to the are the workings of organizations of the unemployed (the admitted Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers INRIA (FR) Technology MIT President of the CIA ex-director around the world the girls of plaza de mayo country confirms that the national 4-The liberation of hundreds of (ICANN) and currently operates as a registrar by (USA) IEEE dispersed, but the most insurrectionary elements the United States ex-director Plc investor unemployment rate averages 25% and is much higher in for .com, .net, .org, .biz , .info , .name domain INRIA IEEE CIA movement is under way. Several arrested "popular fighters". funded funded by reorganized and a shifting battle began in the hunger names.(www.corenic.org) public establishment of a 380 000 members in 150 Plaza de Mayo on 19 The mother of plaza de mayo : certain regions or districts of Greater Buenos Aires). Thus the Clarence countries. Produces 30% of the (usa gov) was floated as a possible resolutions are adopted: 5-Envision the linking-up of scientific and technological world's published literature in ex-Director CIA Director in 1995 3,7 streets of the center of Buenos Aires. Cops were riot E. Briggs Clarence E. Briggs III nature (EPST) of the CIA December 2001: The mothers of Plaza de Mayo 1-Appeal to the Classist Current to occupied companies (Zanon, the piqueteros have been organizing road blocks for months, not only electrical engineering, ex-Director of Fidelity III military service during Operation Juste Cause in eb Conso Abigail Johnson owns 25% Sprint W rt computers and control the CIA taken prisoners and disarmed; others were to paralyze the economic system more effectively, but also to loot Panama and Desert Storm in Irak World Wide Web Consortium e iu James R. Schlesinger Honorable Robert Edward C. Johnson 3 owns 12% 10 France "At 11pm there were about 3 permanently occupy a public space, the join the National Piquetero Bloc. ceramics factory at Neuquen) and umber d m Corp. CEO, Chariman and president of AIT N s A (W3C) i technology (www.ieee.org) Commissioner on the Diana Gates USA d u W funded by U.S. Commission on lynched. Over several square kilometers all banks supply trucks, which corresponds to the pillage of supermarkets and e ( Board 2-Rejection of the socioeconomic the Piquetero Committees as well (http://aitcom.net) n th W Zbigniew National Security/21st Lady 500 of us on the square. square situated in front of the seat of In October 1994, Tim d Henry A. Sam James g o l R. James i 3 Alcatel r Century Dougan other distribution centers.

s r Internet Engineering Task Force Brzezinski R. C USA attack

IANA - Root zone: i Berners-Lee, inventor of the o Kissinger were set on fire, just like the policies of Duhalde. as the popular assemblies.

s t Nunn Member Homeland ) Woolsey

y Schlesinger Suddenly we saw people arrive W The Internet Engineering Task government, the , to make

administrators of the 240 cc A Web, founded the World Security Advisory SWIFT/UNISYS 9,9 ( t Brandes Investment bank

I Force (IETF) was created to Council 3-The unity with the popular www.lecourrier.ch)

e A Wide Web Consortium In 1989, more than McDonald's outlets. (19/12/01)

TLD (codes ISO ".de" ".fr" ...) n in larger and larger groups. N r an individual and personal drama public

(W3C) at the Massachusetts serve as a forum for Partners, L.P 1,53 Unidad de Trabajadores en Lucha Sunday 16, Monday 17, Tuesday 18, night of 18 to 19 e

A 300 million 5,8

www.iana.org/cctld/cctld- t g Ste ring 3 Matrics - RFID ) T

n in e e a technical coordination by I Institute of Technology, r ri e (source: www.anarchie.be) whois.htm e n in sk international For more than two years, a team of former National They marched banging pots and (weekly demonstration on Thursday Committees December 2001: The looting and rioting reaches the region of ICANN certified domain registrar Laboratory for Computer e g g contractors for DARPA FMR Corp. Carlyle Group Interbarrial Avellaneda in F financial transactions G n o Electronic voting machines-USA 11th largest defense Security Agency scientists has eschewed the Internet Science [MIT/LCS] in g E working on ARPANET, US (Fidelity Investments) r r Member were made via 3,3 contractor Board pans and those who came by Buenos Aires and repression increases with the murder of activists. n c Advanced Internet o A wide variety of automatic t boom in favor of a simpler task: building a better radio Americas II Cable System mornings. (Gerli, Piñeiro, Sarandí, Avellaneda Centro, Dock Sud, Wilde y Villa Dominico)

Member Cazolaros: Cazolaros: the little savers

e Defense Data Network

E Tyco Submarine Systems Advanced collaboration with CERN, u e

Technology/nameIT Member SWIFT, which had

t counting systems are used in the p

n frequency identification chip known as RFID. Now the


r (DDN), and the Internet core Hundreds, thousands, mainly the poor and unemployed, but also


where the Web originated, e International Ltd., and Alcatel

Internet E three switching car honked their horns. Half an


( ASOCIACIÓN MADRES DE PLAZA DE confront the banks, which have expropriated

190 000 domain Names n USA. In the 2000 presidential

t company, Matrics, is ready to launch, and it's doing so I T

r Member E gateway system.

with support from DARPA and n

F nk e

I a

S F centers equipped Submarine Network Systems

t Member Interbarrial de Vicente López (Munro, Olivos, Florida- Puente

in 137 countries ) election only 1.6% of voters used b i impoverished members of the middle classes, rush towards all the Technology G r n with a $14 million investment from venture capital firms

n I The Internet Engineering Task e the European Commission. ) t a with Unisys Carlyle hour later there were crowds them, and assemble in front of them banging (www.ait.com) Force is an informal, self- conventional paper ballot slips. In n USA Novak Biddle Venture Partners, The Carlyle Group, build Americas II Cable System MAYO 17 March 2002 ci computers in Saavedra, Florida Mitre, Carapachay, Villa Martelli) centers of distribution (supermarkets, warehouses, shops, etc.) and Society organized group whose 9.1% used direct electronic e a group Maurice Polaris Venture Partners and Venturehouse Group. (8,000 kilometers) (source : coming from the side on pots. t ( Member d l Belgium, the “Hank” Hebe de Bonafini Presidentessa soutient financièrement e I registration, 18.6% used lever type ICANN Accredited Registrar n SO members contribute to the Center for i Greenburg Matrics (http://www.matricsrfid.com) closed the deal in www3.sprint.com) official buildings. ed nam r US T Netherlands and 11 January 2002, Buenos Aires: The usual n es e C ITECTU Strategic and voting machines, 27.3% used w December, but has chosen to lay low until its product is .com" ".org" ".net" ig t H R engineering and 7,601 r streets and from Avenida de popular 14 January 2002, provinces of Santa Fe s & C E State Street Hipólito Yrigoyen 1584 - (1489) Ciudad a Virginia. s n ) R International optical readers and 34.3% used d I B launched. What the company promises is a cheaper, n A technological development of l www.internic.net a Conseiller O concert of pans during a peaceful Studies Government n u T r Assembly of South Lezama Park okupa left

certified r A punched cards. The Federal Election 2002 Board administrateur smarter version of the RFID tag, which could be and Jujuy: Thousands of demonstrators

E Corp. m

s Mayo. After midnight the square

o R the Internet. It is the major (CSIS) de Buenos Aires o


f D 4 a

R Commission (FEC) has the task of

b attached to virtually any product that needs tracking, demonstration turns again into rioting with


domain . IP ( organization involved in the Matrics


e T


c attack banks. At the central market of W

N bank I p B Interbarriales

) maintaining the standards to be

domain r from DVDs in a video store to engine turbines in an r t was absolutely packed, but we don't discuss, we read we vote

s development of Tel: 4383-0377 - 6430 - Fax: 4954-0381 assembly r

registrar i

o names clearing AIG attacks on banks and the head offices of

met by these balloting systems. o 17 August 2002 (

c airport hangar. Ideally, a cheap RFID could replace the


I specifications for the new (American International Buenos Aires, 500 piqueteros, who demand



t Voting on the Internet is also being Deputy "We have been the Assembly of South Lezama

e A Group)

- ubiquitous UPC bar codes on consumer goods because it people kept coming. Around Correo-e:[email protected] international companies.

n Internet standards. The IETF

members from IAB and IESG network S

y 3 N

r Chairman



e supplies, are chased by the henchmen of N looked into carefully. Thus, for


designed by Nomcom and e can track more information. i

) n is atypical to the extent that I i

c F Park, are working in the district for 6 months and Director T approved by ISOC (Board of o example, Internet voting trials were S Director Yawar 2 one in the morning the Nationales Cooperativa Ferroviaria - Laguna Paiva 6 February 2002: The riots move to the Trustees). earc it was built up through a the bosses and the workers of the market; es h T staged in four counties of California DirectorShah JP Morgan AT&T t R a series of events, without any investor "The assemblies are a completely new today before the necessity of a space to develop Cooperativa Indecar - Roldán doors of banks e s Council on the Future of in the weeks leading up to the Director 4 repression started. They fired banks are attacked.. .(sources: n k statutory framework or Chairman r Technology & Public Policy election in November 2000. Internet Chase Cooperativa Cañadense (ex La HelvEtica) - Cañada de Gómez Father of F mati e administrative board, without for on form of non-mediatized debate. The our activities, decided (sources: www.anarchie.be) t o In S gazes (?) The demonstrators cazolaros www.anarchie.be) y voting was also tried out in Alaska 25 January to June

the Internet n r s 2,2 Cooperativa de Trabajo Herramientas Unión - Rosario

I n United c any members or admissions t

e e Assemblies e (in January 2000, organised by the Adrogué h ? m assemblies do not directly attack the state, to recover this left place, that was yesterday for procedures. (source: Steve g Kingdom charged repeatedly at the Cooperativa TRABAJADORES AVICOLAS - San Lorenzo 2002 : 600 n

The Address Supporting - company VoteHere) and in Arizona the "patacon": e Coya, Executive Director, S

Vint Cerf Vint h

I AT&T Cooperativa La Lactea - Diego de Alvear

IP c Organization (ASO) O police S (March 2000, organised by commodities, and dominant information, usury and the profit, to put it to the sevicio of the demonstrators burn the The Central Bank gave the bankrupt

ing rga IETF, www.isoc- S 3,97 ? ? rt ni senior vice Cerf network Election.com). 21,2 world's premier police and even retook Plaza The "patacon": The provinces created by Icann in August 1999, o za gfsi.org/ietf/tao.html) André Adolfo Sourdeaux Cooperativa San Francisco Javier - San Javier p address president MCI Worldcom Inc. Organization Martin John Deutch house of a Peronist owners of the Galicia Bank, which are ASO manages IP adresses p ti Bank of Royal Bank communications and but they do not accept them either; this necessities of the district". Cooperativa Mil Hojas - Rosario u o for Economic Roelants Citigroup This retired CIA Director de Mayo. continue to print "vouchers" S n Dr. Vinton Cerf is known as a "Father of the Internet" for his work with Read information services company. Board members Co-operation and Nova Scotia of Canada deputy down. now abroad seeking for buyers, 3 billion s from the Clinton ( the U.S. Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency Development 0,7 50 The company has annual creates an impression of both an destined for the payment of A With this text, form in steering wheel form, Dr Sang Hyon Kyong (serves as s (source: www.lacommune.info) Altos de Palermo

e (OECD) Administration currently 5 IP S (DARPA) where he played a key role in the development of the

Governor of International Council r Clearstream # Eutelsat SA # Hispasat revenues of more than $52 ( s o u r c e s : dollars. The coming restructuring" involves O

d Internet and Internet-related data packet and security technologies. International sits on the board at billion and 130,000 insolence, unheard-off in this world, and appeared around 60 asambleistas before the door barrios Cooperativa El Diario - Villa María more or less fictional d

for Computer Communication ) eurojust Agronomía Pque. Chas

(ICCC), Member of the Board of A (www.ed.gov) School of Citigroup, the nation’s employees. (1998) Cooperativa de Trabajo Metalúrgico Las Varillas employees, which circulate like www.anarchie.be) the firing of thousand of bank employees. The term Internet is first coined (1974) by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn in OTAN Information John second largest bank, 7,15 90 million customers of a form of moderate, hardly ambitious, of the local left one of the street Suarez 1244, in Anfiteatro La Floresta (ex Zanello) - Las Varillas Multilingual Internet Names enfopol Warfare which has been 100 ? Thursday 20 December: Since (source : polo obrero) Consortium (MINC), and Chairman g Or a paper on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). On January 1st, Royal Bank Deutch Arianespace Cooperativa La Esperanza - La Playosa a parallel currency. One of the rtin gan (1983) every machine connected to ARPANET switched to TCP/IP. # Eurodac Jaap repeatedly and overtly and non-subversive expression. But where sureño district of Cabins. Alvarez Thomas y Elcano monnaie of the Board of Asia-Pacific po iz Tom of Scotland Concert the morning thousands of conditions of the IMF is to Maquita Cushunchic - Comercializando como hermanos (MCCH) (Équateur) p a On 11 December 2000, the icial N ABN AMRO Kamp ex- involved in the Advanced Networking Korea u t Transatlantic Business Dialogue ud etw Turner Group Angel Gallardo y Corrientes Sta-Fe i S o J o Executive documented laundering Member States adopted Council n r Bank Cooperativa San Justo - San Justo n Established in 1995, the Transatlantic Business Enfopol A massive k demonstrators joined the usual cease issuing them, which would (APAN-Kr) Consortium. He was l a e Vice Assembly of Floresta: following the ( of drug money. o regulation no. 2725/2000 p E ( Dialogue is undoubtedly the most far-reaching eavesdropping ? # Astrium ? Ayacucho y Rivadavia J Coop. 25 de Mayo - Quilmes Oeste c President o

Minister of Information and P European r N Nora Slatkin, retired

o Red contra la extrema pobreza por una economía popular (RECEPAC) S amount to the redundancy of

protocol concerning the creation of u )

t international alliance between corporations and system capable of Sate street weekly demonstration of the

Communication and Vice Minister E

O 28 January 2002: Over 15 assassination of three young people by a Coop. El Aguante Ex Panificacion 5 - Carapachay

o CIA Executive Director Belgrano Nuñez Cordoba

r "Eurodac." The objective is to police Commission of Communications in the ) states. Unlike other lobby groups, it acts as a intercepting all 50 cartoneros

P network IL also sits on Citibank’s France Lavalan Coop. - Avellaneda the employees in question, since government of South Korea mandate for the U.S. government and the European mobile phone calls, establish a system for the GAL EO mothers of Plaza de Mayo. The 000 piqueteros supported by policeman, it obtained the discharge of all the Boedo (Independencia y Boedo) comparison of fingerprints of France board. Rede solidaria (Brésil) (probably connected to CIA). He Commission to work meticulously to identify ‘barriers I n t e r n e t UK # Eutelsat Coop. MVH - Villa Martelli the provinces have no to transatlantic trade’ - in effect, any regulation or communications, asylum applicants and illegal ? Linda minister of finances, Cavallo, Balvanera (1º de Mayo) Balvanera (homeless) Coop. Los Constituyentes - Villa Martelli was on the technical staff at Bell orting O 2,55 EADS (European the popular assemblies head officers of the district's police resources in legal currencies, Laboratories and Argonne National pp rg policy proposal that does not fit the corporate fax messages and immigrants and facilitate the HSBC Smith Aeronautic Buenos Aires Coop. San Carlos Ltda. - Sarandí Su a Jacques- stepped down. Laboratory in the US) n agenda on either side of the Atlantic. The 150 pagers throughout application of the Dublin Bank plc Defence and converge on Plaza de Mayo, station.(source : liga internacional de los Bahía Blanca Rio Negro Buenos Aires peso or dollar.(sources: Redlases - Red latinoAmericana de SocioEconomía solidaria s iz OL BT (british e convention which makes it OP (TE positioning Philippe BNP Capital Federal Lyman Chapin (founding trustee of a large corporations in the Business Dialogue have Europe. R CS 4,98 Space Co) t U ) network Telecom) "People came and went, the Ciudadela Norte m Trans-European i possible to determine the State E Marson Cid Campeador www.anarchie.be) o managed to delay, weaken or even dismantle a and are almost received like trabajadores) the Internet Society; served as a Networks Paribas n responsible for examining the ? Coop. Diogenes Taborda

N wide range of environment and consumer-protection Directorate Entreprise Agencia de desenvolvimiento de la CUT (Central unica dos trabalhadores) -

chairman of the Internet ( G (TENs) streets emptied and filled again

c Directorate President and CEO, Flores Centro Grissinópoli, próximamente

i regulations, including a planned EU ban on asylum application. France liberators, who are offered N

Architecture Board (IAB) and the r police BNP Paribas 1,5 ? e

S marketing of animal-tested cosmetic products.The ( s o u r c e : Securities Services Atos Origin via Cooperativa La nueva Esperanza n

ANSI and ISO standards groups O network with men, women, families with Coghlan Projeto Desenvolvimento Solidário (Brésil) e

) http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/le Board of Euroclear food, drink, etc. assemblées au Cooperativa obrera grafica Campichuelo Ltda. responsible for Network and G TABD played a key role in the launch of the new Daimler Floresta Velez Sarfield occupied WTO round of trade negotiations in Qatar last Transatlantic g/en/lvb/l33081.htm) Impa Coop. Ltda. Transport layer standards, and Business Chrysler their dogs ? It was impressive, RIPE NCC November. Post-September 11, EU and US arms Dialogue Flores Sur was a principal architect of the Germany Córdoba y Anchorena Cooperativa Vieytes (Ex Gelhco) marché noir Red global del trueque (Argentine) 2700 members producers have taken a leading role in the TABD tion Villa Mauricio (Lanús Este) supermarket Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) iza -CE because it was completely rd N Coop. Chilavert model and protocols. Serves to the and a new working group to find ‘ways to a d Villa Azalais (Córdoba) Jonte y Artigas Munro Parque Chacabuco-Pedro Goyena y Puán ens R n Astralic Coop. é I capitalize on... the new awareness of the European E Committee 1,5 spontaneous ?" The Polo de socioeconomía solidaria du Cône Sud NATO Science Committee's p P a t

ro E u 5 February 2002: The Goyena y Puán Pergamino (Bs As) S

u N Telecommunic. r « Usine en faillite, usine occupée »

importance of the security sector’ http:// o Europeene Lezama Sur troc

networking panel) E C r Plaza Flores

p 1,5 San Lorenzo (Santa Fé)

Standards o Deutsche

e coopératives

P C f des Postes

a barrios

I www.tabd.org demonstrators reassembled in


Mouhamet Diop, Africa Institute n

( e Lanus Centro

t piqueteros gather on Plaza Réseau global de troc: C Nuñez Saavedra t i

E o et Telecom. m x (ETSI) m Bank Internet Security Systems Scalabrini Ortiz y Santa Fe (Mouhamet Diop is AfriNIC u u European Medrano y Corrientes IP r (CEPT) Padua a o ISS - Internet Security Systems - front of the house of Cooperativa J.J. Gómez (ex Fricader) - General Roca e Regional Plaza Rocha (La Plata) Morón Centro

observer at the ASO address p Space ? de Mayo and the streets are Pilar Villa Pueyrredón 6 millions de personnes

s Internet occupées e

é Registry hosts the X-Force, a kind of elite council, Executive committee on the ) Agency

R Río Gallegos (Santa Cruz) Piñeiro/Avellaneda Plaza Güemes Steering committee of AfriNIC. Internet corps for world information parliament, in front of the blocked by barricades just Paternal Plaza de Mayo Le noeud La Mutual IC (À A.B. Colin Security security. This company, specializing Villa Adela (Córdoba) Mataderos Morón "nodos" Graduated in 1993, from Business riN fric CEN/ISSS - Information Society Standardization System Pedro Goyena y Puán f a) ERCIM -European Research Consortium "Buzzy" Powell Systems in computer protection, is credited residence of the prime minister, Le noeud de Chacarita School ESSEC, France. built the A ? about everywhere. Their Villa Sarmiento (Haedo) Ituzaingó Norte Pque. Avellaneda most famous national IP-based for Informatics and Mathematics Krongard with more than 60,000 clients in front of the ministry of Bo Alberdi (Córdoba) Liniers Brukman, Buenos Aires : Its network in the (neo-liberal country) worldwide, including 21 of the 25 slogan is "Bread and Work". Quilmes Centro Pza. Irlanda taxi ISO - International WTO # TC278 # WS/MEET Olivos Senegal) WIPO - Word USA USA largest American banks, but also eri IP International Road transport Tracking and tracing the current finances. Plaza Martín Fierro workers occupy this textile le noeud La Bernalesa : Am can Regional Organization World 10 of the largest global The middle classes, formerly Rodríguez Peña driver n & Internet Intellectual telematics position or status of goods under el Frente Barrial 19 de Deciembre ti Registry for Ecole de Guerre telecommunications operators and manufacturer since December 18, a C Trade Telecommunications transport Pque. Rivadavia L a Property Standardization French Economique A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard hostile, are not in the least Pompeya 25 000 personnes les jours ( r 35 governments, without forgetting Jose C. Paz i Organization Union (ITU) b The current Executive Nortel Global 2001. Since January 15 this year, troc C Organization the White House and the FBI. Since Plaza Rodríguez I b autonomous zones IP Government Networks Crossing GroToll : 35 killed (24 in Godoy Cruz (Mendoza) Ramos Mejía de marché e # WS/DIR Director of the Central

N Regional # WS/FINREAD July 1998, the US Army employs anymore, especially since a Parque Chacabuco S. Ortiz y Córdoba

C Internet Villa Urquiza Villa Luzuriaga they have put it into operation. occupied n Sarandí

Registry Directories and Intelligence Agency is

A Specifications for a secure IC the ISS to protect all its world Board ) Palermo Viejo free

L naming issues card reader for bankcard the former Chairman of Buenos Aires, 5 in Santa Fe, 1 in some of its Pque. Patricios bases. In 2001, the ISS recorded Parque Chas San Telmo Plaza Dorrego Next to Zanon, they are raising workers from Brukman students payments the investment bank A.B. 830 million alerts.(Le Figaro Cordoba, 1 in Tucumin, 1 in meel APNIC WIPO Internet Domain Name Process Brown and former Vice Entreprises, June 3 2002) members have dropped on Plaza Dorrego, Rosario Tandil (Bs As) the banner of State-property factories 700 member organizations. -IEC/JTC Chairman of Banker’s Saavedra occupied plants ISO 1 Corrientes, 1 in Rio Negro), Lezama Sur (home of Indymedia Argentina) across 39 economies of the C # CEN/TC224 # WS/DISTINC ID Trust (owned by the social ladder, often to Villa del Parque San Cristobal. under Worker's Control. Common data and formatting Centre America Online Villa Urquiza Tapiales occupied clinic sia region. Within the APNIC I. C. Cards Deutsche bank) Zanon : 280 workers administrate El Aguante : cooperative , LACNIC - LATIN AMERICAN AND (A /pa rules for identifying a smart card, Electronique USA hundreds of wounded (185 in Chilavert : This printing plant IC cif membership, there are also five the smart card holder and America Online the position of the Villa Adelina Villa Mitre-Santa Rita CARIBBEAN INTERNET N ic de l'Armement the former Panificacion 5 of August 24: National mobilization called for next P ) National Internet Registries (NIRs), CELAR 35 million members jubilados and produce the ceramic factory, ADDRESSES REGISTRY A AOL Buenos Aires) and thousands of ahorristas has been occupied for the past in Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Bell Atlantic unemployed. Since they come Las Tunas (Pacheco) MNER Munro, in the north Greater September 10 in support of the occupied plants and BOARD OF DIRECTORS IP Contracting States Time Warner Cable & in the province of Neuquen. The Oscar Messano, CHAIRMAN and Indonesia. The NIRs perform Austria Liechtenstein arrests (official number 3 273, (retraités) 4 months in the Capital city. Regional n Patent Wireless Corp. from the outskirts, the Tartagal (Salta) Buenos Aires. The factory is Internet analogous functions to APNIC at NetAid ea O Belgium Luxembourg (petits possédants) factory is occupied since October factories: Registry p r Caballito Germán Valdez, SECRETARY ONU o g Monaco CompuServe a national level and together r a Swtzerland Fricader : On May 21, 40 Foundation u n Netherlands with 2 400 of them in Buenos Last Tuesday the MNER (National Movement of occupied since April 17 with Hartmut Glaser TREASURER E i Cyprus

s demonstrators are received 2, 2001 and a

represent the interests of more e Portugal The meeting took place Saturday in the plant of the

t Germany

h Compuserve

Fabio Marinho i o

T Sweden el Frente Barrial 19 de Deciembre n former employees occupied the Raimundo Beca than 500 additional Denmark 2 million members Aires). Reclaimed Companies) introduced a bill in the it is working since February 2002. the active support of the organizations. Spain UK Grissinpoli company, occupied by its workers. Together Raúl Echeberría, EXECUTIVE Finland Bulgaria Argentinean parliament, so that, when a company is Assembly of Carapachay. France Czech Republic (source: www.anarchie.be) Barrios de Pie Junin Clinic, Cordoba : 35 refrigerating plant of the DIRECTOR - CEO Turkey Slovak Republic Congreso travailleurs Mujeres al Oeste with the hosts of Grissinpoli, among those present were (source: http://lacnic.net) ARIN - USA Greece Estonia 5,4 declared bankrupt, the production tools are left at workers occupied it since May Tigre Supermarket : For 13 surroundings of General Roca, ARIN is located in Chantilly, Ireland Yahoo By agreement with the World Intellectual Property Italy 2,8 David Jerry the disposal of the workers for two years. months, its workers occupy the representatives of Transportes del Oeste (transport Virginia, United States. Its service Organization (WIPO) the EPO acts as International As of July 2003, Yahoo owns Filo Yang de la santé FORO SOCIAL DE SALUD 2002 and set to work offering Rio Negro. IN (USA region incorporates 70 countries, Searching and International Preliminary Examining Overture, Fast/Alltheweb, The current law for bankruptcies privileges creditors AR ) Authority. (source: http://www.european-patent- Yahoo! Since winter inhabitants of Argentina are attacking the State, holding its accomplices from left and extreme left to health-care services to community Rosario's supermarket. workers), de Supermercados Tigre de Rosario covering North America, South office.org/) For the last few years the European Patent European AltaVista, and Inktomi 9 Flexicoop, Del Valle (factory America, the Caribbean, and Office has, contrary to the letter and spirit of the existing Patent # The Regional Industrial # Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Cátedra de Psicología Preventiva de la over workers. This was reinforced this year, under the since June 13. Glassware Cuyo : Rosario, (supermarket), de Metrovas (subway), de Editorial Perfil African countries located south of law, granted about 30,000 patents on computer- Office Property Programme (RIPP) ridicule. They challenge capitalism, create general assemblies to a large scale never seen since 1936 Spain; and all of red ceramics with 23 IP implementable rules of organisation and calculation (EPO) The European Patent Office finances itself by fees from the patents which it pressure of the IMF, who had made this a condition Rio Turbio, colmine, Santa Cruz the glassware had more than Regional the equator. ARIN currently (programs for computers). Now the European patent grants. It is free to use a certain percentage of these fees. Since the 1980s the Facultad de Psicología de la UBA (publishing house / printers), de Clnica Junn de Crdoba Internet consists of more than 1500 movement wants to change the law so as to legalise this F workers), Parmalat, Rio de la Registry practise and remove all barriers to patentability. EPO has illegally lowered the standards of technicity, novelty, non-obviousness 8 that without any leader coming on the stage. They chose to struggle freely against state and capitalist terrorism. for the conclusion of the agreements on the financing : 1100 miners work in it. They 300 workers. . From members. Within the ARIN region, Programmers are to lose their freedom of expression and FICPI (International # The EC-ASEAN Patents & and industrial applicability and abolished examination quality safeguards so as to Autoconvocados por la Salud Mental (clinic), de Mineros de Ro Turbio (coal miners), de the control over their copyrighted work. Citizens are to be Federation of Trademarks Programme (ECAP) of the debt. This allows multinational banks and September 02, more than 100 Plata, Grissinpoli company, there are two national delegated Intellectual Property increase the number of granted patents by more than 10% and the license tax on have an important struggle registries, located in Mexico and barred from independently developing their preferred Director 3,53 petroleros de Chubut (oil workers), together with those forms of communication. (source: Attorneys) the industry by 26% per year. As an international organisation, the EPO is not Matt Agrupación "13 de Agosto" del Hospital Posadas companies to appropriate "on the cheap" a part of tradition. In the past months the workers installed a camp at Brazil. http://swpat.ffii.org/index.en.html) subject to criminal law or taxation. The local police's power ends at the gates of Cuts 114 occupied by its workers. 115 # EPO Common Software Argentinean production tools. The MNER represents the gates, demanding the of more than 130 trade unions and shop steward Unicode Consortium (2003) the EPO. High EPO officials have inflicted corporal injury on their employees and 2 100 struggle forced the state- (source: www.pts.org.ar) AIPPI then escaped legal consequences by their right to immunity. The work climate ex-employee google Verizon ANALYTICA Buenos Aires (Sociedad del Psicoanálisis y la Cultura) de Consor Full (Corporate) Members Numerous studies, particularly the reports of 80 factories.. (sources: argenpress.info) immediate reopening of the committees, as well as 35 Popular Assemblies. o tiu within the EPO is very bad, leading to several suicides per year. The quality of property of the mine. ic m Adobe Systems, Inc. Larry "que se bayan todos" 1 n the national groups in the AIPPI (International examination reached a relative high in the 80s but has after that been Michael plant. U Apple Computer, Inc. Association for the Protection of Intellectual (Lawrence) Moritz deteriorating, partly because the EPO had to hire too many people too quickly Page Basis Technology Corporation Property) have pointed out that there is no for too low wages. Examiners who reject patents load more work on themselves Government of India - Ministry legal obstacle to the application of the of Information Technology AIPPI (International without getting more pay. Examiners are treated by the EPO management as a patent system to computer software. Thus, Association for the kind of obstacle to the corporate goal of earning even more patent revenues. The Government of Pakistan - after consulting with all its national groups, Protection of high-level employees of the EPO owe their jobs to political pressures from within National Language Authority the AIPPI has taken a position in favor of Intellectual Property Hewlett-Packard national patent administrations and do not understand the daily work of the Director via Sequoia Capital eliminating the exclusion of computer software office. The EPO has its own jurisdictional arm, consisting of people whose career is IBM Corporation from patentability. (source: Justsystem Corporation controlled by the EPO's managment and its internal climate. The national organs http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/ that are supposed to supervise the EPO are all part of the same closed circle, thus Microsoft Corporation en/indprop/comp/michelet.pdf.) Oracle Corporation guaranteeing the EPO managment enjoys feudal powers in a sphere outside of PeopleSoft, Inc. any constitutional legality, and that whatever they decide is propagated to the RLG national administrations and lawcourts. SAP AG Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sybase, Inc. 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Achevé d’imprimer en novembre 2008 composé en vendetta light sur arctic munken 100g mise en page : Elsa Maillot