A Note on Sources

I have not included a Bibliography to this monograph. There are already many, most notably the vast but still flawed volume edited by Oliver and Karen Pollak, /: an international bibliography (George Prior, 1977), so that further duplication seemed unnecessary. Bibliography users are either searching for basic books, in which case those volumes explicitly produced for their purposes are better, or hoping to find an esoteric reference that had eluded them, in which case a perusal of the notes (to which such scholars turn first almost instinctively) will offer some joy, I hope. Most of the unusual sources to which I have turned are referred to in the notes. The material for this monograph comes from four distinct sources. Published works are, of course, one. But the bulk of the information and detail has been gleaned from archival sources, most notably the excellent collection of Government papers and historical manuscripts in the Zimbabwe National Archives. These have been supplemented by a large number of small collections, sometimes no more than two or three letters or a diary for a single year, to which I was given access at various times during my research. One, at least, of these collections has unfortunately since been destroyed. The problem with such sources is that they tend to overemphasise problem settlers, who appear in Government papers, or the articulate and educated members of society. It was partly to place such people in a wider perspective that the third source was created. In July 1967, each fifth elector on the voters' roll was interviewed. (There was a 93 per cent response rate and those randomly selected who had died or left the district by the time of the survey were replaced by a further random selection.) Most of the questions were factual ones, designed in part to discover how representative of the whole the articulate members of the community were. Much of the later chapters is derived from this survey, but I have fought, I hope successfully, against too statistical a presentation of data there since it would have been such a contrast with earlier chapters. 229 230 A Note on Sources

Finally, the tone and sense of priorities in most of Parts II and III derive from the interviews' I conducted in the district with a large number of men and women who had played some public role in the area's affairs. The recollection of some reached back to before the First World War. In selecting archival data, I have often chosen evidence which supports analysis suggested to me during my interviews. In the later chapters, such corroborating evidence is, of course, much less, since the national archives practise a thirty-year rule. In dealing with the postwar period, I have relied a good deal on personal recollections, but I have tried to ensure that, where used, at least two interviewees agreed on what had happened. Perhaps there is one final point that might be made to explain in part how that variety of source material produced this book. As a student of politics, with behavioural leanings, I have unquestionably looked at the evidence through the eyes of a political scientist. But I have, for long, believed that the study of politics was as much art as science and I make no apology if some of my analysis is based as much upon 'feel' and 'intuition' as upon the calculated process of hypothesis creation and statistical testing. That approach has its place, as some of my articles indicate; but in an historical context in particular, it can lead to too many unproven conclusions. In this book, then, I have written the history of whites in Marandellas as I see it through the range and variety of evidence I have studied. I hope that, despite its academic intentions, it is readable and persuasive. Notes

All archival references are to the National Archives in Salisbury. The abbreviation Hist. Mss. refers to the historical manuscripts collection held there. Other sources are mentioned where appropriate. Some primary material, however, is not open to the public and this material is merely designated 'privately held'.


1. C. T. Leys, European Politics in (London, Oxford University Press, 1959) p. 241. 2. T. M. Frank, Race and Nationalism: the struggle jor power in Rhodesia- Nyasaland (London, Allen & Unwin, 1960); c. Rogers and C. Frantz, Racial Themes in Southern Rhodesia (Yale University Press, 1962); P. 1. M. McEwan, The Assimilation oj European Immigrants into Southern Rhodesia (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Edinburgh, 1962). 3. Since I began my research work in 1966, two local histories have been published: Hazel Townsend, The Story oj Umvukwes (Salisbury, Unvukwes Women's Institute, 1967); and Shirley Sinclair, The Story oj Melsetter (Salisbury, M. O. Collins, 1971). 4. T. O. Ranger, 'The Recent History of Central Africa', Journal oj Commonwealth Political Studies, 3 (1965) pp. 148-52. 5. R. Gray, The Two Nations (London, Oxford University Press for Institute of Race Relations, 1960). 6. See F. G. Bailey, Politics in Orissa (California University Press, 1959), for a somewhat similar division into three arenas. 7. G. Arrighi, The Political Economy oj Rhodesia (The Hague, Mouton, 1967); Leys, European Politics; D. 1. Murray, The Governmental System oj Southern Rhodesia (London, Oxford University Press, 1970). 8. M. Gluckman, 'The Tribal Area in South and Central Africa', in L. Kuper and M. G. Smith (eds.), Pluralism in Ajrica (University of California Press, 1969) pp. 375,379. 9. G. A. Nasser, Egypt's Liberation: the philosophy oj the revolution (Washington, Public Affairs Press, 1955) pp. 85-114. 10. The administrative district's boundaries have altered hardly at all since 1895. The constituency boundaries have altered considerably: F. M. G. Willson (ed.), Source Book oj Parliamentary Elections and Rejerenda in Southern Rhodesia (Salisbury, the University College, 1963) pp. 26-37. By 1962, the constituency boundary approximated very closely to the 231 232 Notes to pp. 5-/9

district's. The sampling frame for my 1967 survey was the electoral register, which covered the district almost exactly. 1l. The sources for population figures based on the 1961 census were given to me by the Director of Statistics in 1966. They have not been published. 12. G. Kay, Rhodesia: a human geography (London, University of London Press, 1970) p. 159. 13. Marandellas Regional Survey (Salisbury, Department of Conservation and Extension, 1972).


1. The literature on the acquisition of Southern Rhodesia for the British South Africa Company is voluminous. Some general works are: P. Mason, Birth of a Dilemma (London, Oxford University Press for the Institute of Race Relations, 1958) pp. 105-45; L. H. Gann, A History of Southern Rhodesia: early days to 1934 (London, Chatto & Windus, 1965) pp. 74-87; S. Samkauge, Origins of Rhodesia (London, Heinemann, i968) pp. 56-229. 2. High Commissioner, Cape Town, to Currey, CT 1I23/l. 3. E. E. Burke, Twenty-eight Days in 1890: two reports by Lieut.-Colonel E.G. Pennefether (Salisbury, National Archives of Rhodesia, Occasional Paper No. I, 1965) pp. 25, 29-30. 4. L. C. Meredith, Reminiscences, Hist. Mss. ME 4/111. 5. C. E. Finlason, A Nobody in Mashonaland (Vickers, 1894) pp. 192-3. 6. Shimmin to Hartley, 9 May 1892 (Methodist Archives, London). 7. Finlason, A Nobody in Mashonaland, p. 193. 8. W. H. Brown, On the South African Frontier (New York, Sampson, Low, Marton, 1899). 9. See Reports on Administration of Rhodesia, 1898-1900 (British South Africa Company, 1901) pp. 175-6. 10. A. S. Hickman, Men Who Made Rhodesia (Salisbury, British South Africa Company, 1960) pp. 203, 207; D. C. de Waal, With Rhodes in Mashonaland (Cape Town, Juta, 1896) p. 216. 11. Meredith, Reminiscences. 12. Hickman, Men Who Made Rhodesia, pp. 329-30. 13. Quoted in T. O. Ranger, Revolt in Southern Rhodesia 1896-1897 (London, Heinemann, 1967) p. 59. 14. Quoted in Ranger, Revolt in Southern Rhodesia, p. 60. 15. Meredith, Reminiscences. 16. Cf. Milner to Asquith, 18 November 1897: 'A lot of unfit people were allowed to exercise power, or at any rate did exercise it, especially with regard to the natives'. Quoted (? but mislocated) from C. Headlam (ed.), The Milner Papers (London, Cassell, 1931), in Ranger, Revolt in Southern Rhodesia. 17. Meredith, Reminiscences. 18. Shimmin to Hartley, 7 August 1893 (Methodist Archives, London); LO 5/2/22. 19. Quoted in Ranger, Revolt in Southern Rhodesia, p. 63-4. Notes to pp. 19-25 233

20. Douglas Pelly, Reminiscences, Hist. Mss. PE 3/2/1. 21. Brown, On the South African Frontier, pp. 385-6. Hickman, Men Who Made Rhodesia, p. 181, maintains that Lendy died of overstrain in Rhodesia on 15 January 1894. 22. CT 1/1517. 23. Cape Times (Cape Town), 31 May 1892. See generally: CT 1/1517, A 1/9/1, and Meredith, Reminiscences; L. L. Ballantyne-Dykes to his mother, 26 March 1892, Hist. Mss. DY 1/1/1. 24. Lendy, Report, A 1/9/1. 25. Ranger, Revolt in Southern Rhodesia, pp. 64-5. 26. Gifford to James, 1 April 1892, A 1/3/4. 27. Brown, On the South African Frontier, p. 387. 28. Lendy, Report, A 1/9/1. 29. Meredith, Reminiscences. 30. M. Hunter, Reaction to Conquest (London, Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 1961) p. 412. 31. J. J. Taylor, 'The Origins of the Native Department in Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1898' (unpublished seminar paper, University College of Rhodesia History Seminar, 1967). 32. Meredith, Reminiscences. 33. Meredith, Reminiscences. 34. C. E. Weale, Reminiscences, Hist. Mss. WE 3/2/5. 35. W. Edwards, Reminiscences, Hist. Mss. ED 6/1/1. 36. Milner to Selborne, 2 June 1897, in Headlam, The Milner Papers, Vol. I p. 107; see also H. M. Hole, Old Rhodesian Days (London, Cass, 1968) p. 132. 37. Frank Edwards to Jameson, 17 January 1892, A 1/9/1. 38. White to Hartley, 1 September 1894 (Methodist Archives, London). 39. Pelly, Reminiscences. 40. G. W. H. Knight-Bruce, Journals of the Mashonaland Mission, 1888- 1892 (London, SPCK, 1892) p. 47. 41. Quoted in Jean Farrant, Mashonaland Martyr: Bernard Mizeki and the Pioneer Church (London, Oxford University Press, 1966) p. 197. 42. S. J. du Toit, Rhodesia (London, Heinemann, 1897). 43. Finlason, A Nobody in Mashonaland, p. 186. 44. Handbook on Mashonaland (Eglington, 1892) p. 22. 45. James Bryce, Impressions of South Africa (London, Macmillan, 3rd ed., 1899) p. 243. 46. Albert Bordeaux, Rhodesie et Transvaal: impressions de voyage (Paris, Pion, 1898) p. 59-60. 47. Report, CT 1/23/1. 48. Jameson to Secretary, Cape Town Office, CT 1/23/1. 49. Finlason, A Nobody in Mashonaland; du Toit, Rhodesia; de Waal, With Rhodes in Mashonaland; E. F. Knight, Rhodesia of Today (London, Longman, 1895) p. 39. 50. Knight, Rhodesia of Today, p. 39. 51. Meredith, Reminiscences. 52. Handbook on Mashonaland, p. 40. 53. Shimmin, Report, 7 September 1891 (Methodist Archives, London). 234 Notes to pp. 26-31

54. Farrant, Mashonaland Martyr, p. 106-10. 55. Shimmin to Hartley, 3 November 1892 (Methodist Archives, London). 56. Shimmin to Hartley, 29 November 1891 (Methodist Archives, London). 57. See generally: Brandon Graaff, Modumedi Molele: an account of his educational work in Mashonaland (unpublished Dip. Ed. dissertation, University of Bristol, 1969). 58. Graaff, Modumedi Molele, p. 16. 59. Quoted in Farrant, Mashonaland Martyr, p. 82. 60. Farrant, Mashonaland Martyr, p. 117. 61. Finlason, A Nobody in Mashonaland, preface. 62. 81st Report of the Wesleyan-Methodist Missionary Society for the year 1894 (Methodist Missionary Society, 1895) p. 126 63. See generally: Ranger, Revolt in Southern Rhodesia. For Marandellas specifically see: Richard Hodder-Williams, 'Marandellas and the Mashona Rebellion', Rhodesiana, No. 16 (Salisbury, 1967) pp. 27-55, and Richard Hodder-Williams, 'The Mashona Uprising of 1896-1897: some observations from the Marandellas District' in Christopher R. Hill and Peter Warwick (eds), Collected Papers, Vol. II (York, Centre for South African Studies, University of York, 1976) pp. 40-60. 64. C. F. Andrews, John White of Mashonaland (London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1935) p. 42. 65. W. Edwards, 'Memories of the '96 Rebellion', NADA, 1 (1923) pp. 21, 27. 66. H. M. Hole, The Making of Rhodesia (London, Macmillan, 1926) pp. 282-3. 67. R. A. Harbord to M. A. Harbord, 23 August 1896, quoted in M. A. Harbord, Froth and Bubble (London, Arnold, 1915) pp. 111-2. See also E. E. Green, Raiders and Rebels in South Africa (London, Newnes, 1898) p. 43, and Hole, Old Rhodesian Days, p. 32. 68. Edwards, Reminiscences. 69. T. O. Ranger, 'The Rewriting of African History during the Scramble: the Matabele dominance in Mashonaland' , African Social Research, no. 4 (1967) pp. 271-82. 70. de Waal, With Rhodes in Mashonaland, p. 222. 71. Shimmin to Hartley, 28 September 1893 (Methodist Archives, London). 72. David Beech, The Rising in South- West Mashonaland (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of London, 1971). 73. Graaff, Modumedi Molele; Hodder-Williams, 'The Mashona Uprising of 1896-1897'. 74. Farrant, Mashonaland Martyr; Hodder-Williams, 'The Mashona Uprising of 1896-1897'. 75. John Kapuya, quoted in Farrant, Mashonaland Martyr, p. 126. 76. John Kapuya, quoted in Farrant, Mashonalcnd .Martyr, pp. 137-8. 77. H. C. Thomson, Rhodesia and its Government (Smith, Elder, 1896) p. 99. 78. Ranger, Rebellion in Southern Rhodesia, pp. 202-220; Graaff, Modumedi Molele, pp. 78, 128-131; Edwards, Reminiscences; George Lamb, Diary, Hist. Mss. LA 11111. 79. Edwards, 'Memories', p. 27. Notes to pp. 33-41 235

80. Graaff, Modumedi Molele; Edwards, Reminiscences; C. G. Chivanda, The Mashona Rebellion in Oral Tradition: Mazoe District (unpublished seminar paper, University College of Rhodesia, 1966). 81. Hodder-Williams, 'Marandellas and the Mashona Rebellion'. 82. See letter of George McDougal to his mother, 1 October 1896, 6 November 1896 (privately held), and Herbert Morris, Diary (privately held). 83. NC Marandellas, Report for year ending 31 March 1898, N 9/114. 84. Thomson, Rhodesia and its Government, p. 99; Edwards, Reminscences. 85. NC Marandellas, Report for year ending 31 March 1898, N 9/114. 86. Sir Lewis Mitchell, Diary, 31 August 1897, Hist. Mss. MI 3/4/1. 87. Thomson, Rhodesia and its Government, p. 123. 88. NC Marandellas, Report for October 1898, N 9/4/1. 89. Edwards, Reminiscences; Chivanda, 'The Mashona Rebellion', p. 23; P. S. Gariake, 'The Mashona Rebellion East of Salisbury', Rhodesiana, No. 16 (1966) p. 10. 90. W. Edwards, 'The Wanoe: an historical sketch', NADA, 4 (1926) p. 24. 91. LB 2/111412; A 3/312012. 92. Quoted in R. H. Palmer, The Making and Implementation of Land Policy in Rhodesia, 1890-1936 (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of London, 1968) p. 101. 93. NC Marandellas, Report for year ending 31 March 1899, N 9/115. 94. N 3124/17. 95. L 4/4/9. 96. NSG 11111. 97. NC Marandellas, Report for year ending 31 December 1939, S 2351517. 98. The one exception, of course, is the Native Commissioner. 99. Palmer, The Making and Implementation of Land Policy in Rhodesia. 100. NC Marandellas, Report for year ending 31 March 1898, N 9/114. 101. CNC Mashonaland, Report for year ending 31 March 1898, printed in Reports on the Administration of Rhodesia, 1897-1898 (British South Africa Company, 1899) p. 210. 102. NC Marandellas, Report for year ending 31 March 1899, N 9/115. 103. Ibid. 104. Hugh Williams to his parents, 15 October 1899, Hist. Mss. WI 2/111; Report of the Administrator for year ending 31 March 1900, printed in Reports of the Administration of Rhodesia, 1898-1900 (British South Africa Company, 1901) p. 43; Rennie Stevenson, Through Rhodesia with the Sharpshooters (London, MacQueen, 1901) p. 79. 105. Morris to CNC Mashonaland, 25 November 1903, A 1112/12111. 106. T. O. Ranger, The African Voice in Southern Rhodesia (London, Heinemann, 1970). 107. Ranger, Revolt in Southern Rhodesia. 108. Andrews, John White, pp. 70, 74. 109. Brigg to Heap, 26 August 1900 (Waddilove papers, Marandellas). 110. L. S. Amery (ed.), History of the War in South Africa (London, Samson, Low & Marston, 1906) vol. IV, p. 370. 111. See generally: Amery, The Times History, vol. IV, pp. 199-202,363-79; S. H. Gilbert, Rhodesia and After (Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 236 Notes to pp. 41-8

1901); Stevenson, Through Rhodesia with the Sharpshooters, pp. 79- 89; H. Seton-Kerr, The Call to Arms, 1900-1901 (London, Longmans, 1902) pp. 73-90.


l. See Richard Hodder-Williams, 'The British South Africa Company and the Search for "Suitable" white immigrants' in K. Gottschalk and C. Saunders (eds), Collected Seminar Papers Vol. 2 (Cape Town: Centre for African Studies, 1981) pp. 195-234. 2. C. D. Wise, 'Confidential Report on ... Land Settlement in Southern Rhodesia', bound in C. D. Wise, Reports on Land Settlement in Southern Rhodesia (1906-1907) (British South Africa Company, 1907) f. 173 (Zimbabwe National Archives). 3. S 1094, vol. I. 4. O. Thomas, Agricultural and Pastoral Prospects in Rhodesia (London, Constable, 1904) p. 283. 5. H. Wilson Fox, Memorandum ... containing notes and information concerning land policy (British South Africa Company, 1912) p. 10. 6. C. Boyd, 'The New Day in Rhodesia', United Empire, 2 (1911) p. 400; A. Rolin, Les Lois et {'Administration de la Rhodesie (Brussels, Bruyant, 1913) p. 396. 7. Richard Hodder-Williams, 'Afrikaners in Rhodesia: a partial portrait' , African Social Research, No. 18 (1974) pp. 611-42. 8. Percy Hone, Southern Rhodesia (London, Bell, 1909). 9. Charlotte Mansfield, Via Rhodesia: a journey through Southern Africa (London, Paul, 1911). 10. R. C. Simmons and J. O. Armistead, Report on the farmers of Marandellas, 17 June 1914, LB 2/1/1l. 11. Scorror papers, passim. 12. British South Africa Company, Reports and Accounts for year ending 31 March 1908, p. 13. 13. Circular, February 1909 (Scorror papers). 14. Maclachlan to his father, 23 August 1908 (privately held). IS. Boyd, 'The New Day', p. 400; private communications. 16. P. Inskipp to Scorror, 13 May 1908 (Scorror papers). 17. Stevens to Scorror, 7 January 1910 (Scorror papers). 18. Maclachlan to his father, 18 November 1909 (privately held). 19. Sir Lewis Mitchell, Report, 11 November 1909 (Gell Papers, BSA 4/366). 20. P. Inskipp to Scorror, 11 January 1910 (Scorror papers). 2l. Scorror papers, passim. 22. 'The Land Settlement Farm, Marandellas-with illustrations', Rhodesian Agricultural Journal,S (1907-1908) pp. 89-93,258-9. 23. Maclachlan to his father, 24 December 1908 (privately held). 24. J. H. Blundell to A. H. Blundell, 3 November 1912, printed in H. Wilson Fox, Memorandum ... upon Land Settlement in Rhodesia (British South Africa Company, 1913) p. 109. Notes to pp. 49-56 237

25. Syer to Bird, 9 August 1911 (privately held). 26. Syer to Bird, 15 September 1911 (privately held. 27. Simmons and Armistead, Report. 28. Robert Tredgold, The Rhodesia that was my Life (London, Allen & Unwin, 1968) p. 27. 29. F. Clements and E. Harben, Leaf of Gold (London, Methuen, 1962) p. 188. 30. Hon. Sec. Marandellas Farmers' Association to Director of Agriculature, 26 April 1909; Cable from Milton to London Office, BSA Company, 27 April 1909, G 1/8/1/5. J. M. Sinclair, 'African Coast Fever, Marandella', Rhodesian Agricultural Journal, 6 (1908-1909) pp. 701-3. 31. The Rhodesian Civil Service List (Salisbury, The Administrator's Office, 1910 and 1914). 32. See generally: Clements and Harben, Leaf of Gold. 33. Wise to Secretary, Land Settlement Department, 10 August 1907, L 212/174. 34. OdIum to Wise, 22 November 1907 (Scorror papers). 35. Cable, Wise to Scorror, 26 September 1908 (Scorror papers). 36. Notice to Settlers, signed by Charles D. Wise, 29 September 1908 (Scorror papers). 37. Scorror papers, passim. 38. Rhodesian Agricultural Journal, 6 (1908-1909) p. 86. 39. Maclachlan to his father, 4 February 1909 (privately held). 40. Clements and Harben, Leaf of Gold, pp. 70-1. 41. British South Africa Company, Reports and Accounts for year ending 31.3.1909. 42. P. Inskipp to Secretary, Mines and Works, 5 December 1912, L 2/1/172. 43. Circular, February 1909 (Scorror papers); Maclachlan to his father, 18 November 1909 (privately held); anon., 'Rhodesia for Settlers', The Rhodesian Review (1905) p. 63; R. C. Simmons and J. O. Armistead, Tobacco Planters in Marandellas: report and recommendations (1914), A 8/4/6. 44. J. H. Blundell to A. H. Blundell, 3 November 1912, quoted in H. Wilson Fox, Memorandum ... on Land Settlement, p. 109. 45. Report on Rhodesia by the Official Delegates Representing the Settlers of the Orange River Colony (British South Africa Company, 1909) p. 5. 46. L 212/117/50; Wise, 'General Report on Land Settlement in Southern Rhodesia', duplicated in Reports, p. 2. 47. L 212/117/42. 48. Morris to Acting CNC, 18 September 1906, L 212/117/50. 49. L 2/2/117/42. 50. Morris to CNC, 12 August 1906, L 212/117/50. 51. P. Inskipp to Secretary, London Office BSA Company, 28 December 1912, LB 2/1/1412. 52. Resident Commissioner to Secretary, Administrator's Office, I January 1917, A 3/312012. 53. E. Plewman de Kock, Various Outspans (Bloemfontein, White, c. 1949) p.83. 238 Notes to pp. 56-65

54. de Kock, Various Outspans, p. 85. 55. Clements and Harben, Leaf of Gold, p. 63. 56. Clements and Harben, Leaf of Gold, p. 70-3. 57. Clements and Harben, Leaf of Gold, p. 74-5; de Kock, Various Outspans, p. 83-6. 58. de Kock, Various Outspans, p. 86. 59. As quoted in Clements and Harben, Leaf of Gold, p. 77. L. H. Gann, A History of Southern Rhodesia: early days to 1934 (London, Chatto & Windus, 1965) p. 170, maintains that the advertisement mentions a farm in exchange for 'a good strong bicycle, must have light'. 60. P. Inskipp to Nobbs, 15 May 1914, LB 2/1/10. 61. Nobbs to P. Inskipp, 22 May 1914, LB 2/1/10. 62. J. D. Dennis, Report, 20 May 1914, LB 2/1/10. 63. Simmons and Armistead, Tobacco Planters in Marandellas, A 8/4/6. 64. Girdleston, Report, 1 April 1915, LB 2/1/11. 65. Simmons, Report for December 1915, LB 2/1/11. 66. Girdlestone, Report, 2 August 1915, LB 2/1/11. 67. Secretary, BSA Company to Simmons, 14 December 1915, LB 2/1/11. 68. Olive to Simmons, 10 December 1916, LB 2/1/11. 69. P. Inskipp to Olive, 14 March 1918, LB 2/1/11. 70. Simmons to Olive, 4 January 1919, LB 2/1/11.


1. R. C. Simmons and J. O. Armistead, Tobacco Planters in Marandellas District: report and recommendations (1914), A 8/4/6. 2. Scorror papers, now deposited in National Archives, Salisbury. 3. Giovanni Arrighi, 'Labour Supplies in Historical Perspective: a study of the proletaria.nisation of the African peasantry in Rhodesia' , Journal of Development Studies, 6 (1969-1970) p. 203. 4. Maclachlan to his father, 18 November 1909 (privately held). 5. NC Marandellas, Report for year ending 31 December 1909, N 9/1/12. 6. NC Marandellas, Report for year ending 31 December 1910, N 9/1/13. 7. CNC, Report for year ending 31 December 1910 (Salisbury, Government Printer) p. 5. 8. For a much more critical description of compound life, see Charles van Onselen, Chibaro: African mine labour in Southern Rhodesia, 1900- 1933 (London, Pluto, 1976). 9. Wise to Scorror, 7 April 1908 (Scorror papers). 10. NC Marandellas, Report for year ending 31 March 1920, N 9/1/23. 11. Maclachlan to Bird, 24 April 1913 (privately held). 12. Maclachlan to Bird, 12 June 1913 (privately held). 13. See also J. K. Rennie, 'White Farmers, Black Tenants, and Landlord Legislation: Southern Rhodesia 1890-1930', Journal of Southern African Studies, 5 (1978-1979) p. 86-98. 14. C. D. Wise, Special Report on Land Settlement, 8 January 1907, duplicated in Reports on Land Settlement in Southern Rhodesia (British South Africa Company, 1907) p. 11. Notes to pp. 65-75 239

15. CNC, Report for year ending 31 December 1908, N 9/1/11. 16. Wise to Scorror, 4 November 1908 (Scorror papers). 17. Quoted in Rhodesian Agricultural Journal, 6 (Salisbury, 1908-9) p. 425. 18. Rhodesian Agricultural Union, Circular, 6 October 1908 (Scorror papers). 19. Rhodesia Herald, 17 February 1911. 20. Bird to Maclachlan, 25 August 1911 (privately held). 21. Bird to Maclachlan, 14 October 1911 (privately held). 22. But see ANC Wedza, Report for year ending 31 December 1909, N 9/1/12. 23. See Ian Henderson, 'White Populism in Sout4ern Rhodesia', Comparative Studies in Society and History, 14 (1972) p. 389-96. 24. Rhodesia Herald, 22 September 1911. 25. Bird to Maclachlan, 23 March 1912 (privately held). 26. Michael Gelfand, 'Migration of African Labourers in Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1890-1914)', Central African Journal of Medicine, 7 (1961) pp. 294, 296. 27. Maclachlan to Bird, 17 May 1912 (privately held). 28. 'Agricola', in Rhodesia Herald, 20 October 1911. 29. Rhodesia Herald, 14 April 1911. 30. Census of Population, 1907. 31. Report of Education Committee (Salisbury: A5, 1908). 32. Director of Education, Reports 1909-1914 (Salisbury, British South Africa Company, 191O-1915). 33. Inspector's Report, 25 August 1911, E 2/11/36/3. 34. Foggin to Director of Education, 10 April 1912, E 2/11/36/3. 35. Foggin to Director of Education, 22 May 1912, E 2/11/36/1. 36. Rhodesia Herald, 17 March 1911. 37. Inspector's Report, 3 Septemeber 1915, E 2/11/36/3. 38. E 5/3/18. 39. E 2/11/36/1. 40. NCO Police, Marandellas, to Secretary, Education Committee, 18 August 1916, ZAE 3/1/2. 41. M 3/10/132. 42. N. G. Frost to NC Marandellas, 7 November 1914, M 3/10/144. 43. Seager to Secretary, Mines and Roads, 3 February 1919, M 3/10/143. 44. Governor, Nengubo Training Institute, to Surveyor-General, 22 December 1909, M 3/10/136. 45. Unsigned Minute, 29 July 1913, M 3/10/136. 46. Maclachlan to Secretary, Mines and Roads, 19 November 1917, M 3/10/136. 47. Partridge to Secretary, Mines and Roads, 7 January 1919 and 22 January 1919, M 3/10/136. 48. M 3/10/136. 49. Baker to Secretary, Public Works, 23 December 1912, M 3/10/143. 50. W. Burnet to Secretary, Mines and Roads, 28 January 1919, M 3/10/136. 51. John Saul, 'Africa', in G. Ionescu and R. Gellner (eds), Populism (London Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969) pp. 122-46. 240 Notes to pp. 75-87

52. Rhodesia Herald, 17 March 1911. 53. Resident Commissioner to High Commissioner, Cape Town, 19 May 1911, RC 3/8/5. 54. Resident Commissioner to High Commissioner, Cape Town, 26 February 1914, RC 2/4124. 55. Ibid. 56. D. A. F. Mackintosh, History of Marandellas (unpublished typescript), Hist. Mss. Wo 5/9/1; C. Mansfield, Via Rhodesia: a journey through Southern Africa (Stanley Paul, 1911) p. 80. 57. Report on the Public Health, Marandellas District, for year ending 31 December 1912, H 2/4/14. 58. Minutes, Village Management Board, 8 August 1913. 59. Minutes, Village Management Board, 15 October 1913. 60. Jenkinson to Assistant Director, Land Settlement Department, 5 August 1913, L 2/2/175/23. 61. S. H. Gilbert, Rhodesia and After (Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1901). 62. Medical Director to Secretary, Department of the Administrator, 19 May 1908, H 2/4114. 63. Wise to Medical Director, 25 June 1908, H 214/14. 64. M. Gelfand, Tropical Victory: an account of the influence of medicine on the history of Southern Rhodesia (Cape Town, Juta, 1953). 65. Secretary, Marandellas Farmers' Association, to Medical Director, 14 April 1908, H 2/4/14. 66. H 2/4/14. Lord Crewe, who wrote the introduction, did not actually know Maclaren; he only knew his friends. 67. H 2/4/14. 68. C. F. Andrews, John White of Mashonaland (London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1935). 69. E. C. Baxter, A Short History of the Diocese of Southern Rhodesia (n.d., in Zimbabwe National Archives); G. E. P. Broderick, History of the Diocese of Southern Rhodesia, Hist. Mss. BR 3/3/1. 70. Rhodesia: a book for tourists (British South Africa Company, 1912). 71. E. Plewman de Kock, Various Outspans (Bloemfontein, White, c. 1949) pp. 52, 62-3. 72. Girdleston, Report, 16 November 1915, LB 2/1/11. 73. de Kock, Various Outspans, pp. 66-9. 74. Maclachlan to his father, 24 December 1908 (privately held). 75. J. J. Maquet, The Premise of Inequality (London, Oxford University Press for the International African Institute, 1961). 76. D 4123/3-4. 77. Richard Hodder-Williams, 'Afrikaners in Rhodesia: a partial portrait' , African Social Research, No. 18 (1974) pp. 611-42. 78. de Kock, Various Outspans, pp. 95-6. 79. Mashonaland Progressive Association, A criticism of Lord Selborne's Memorandum from a Rhodesian Point of View (Salisbury, Mashonaland Progressive Association, 1907) p. 11. 80. L. Hartz, The Founding of New Societies (New York, Harcourt Brace, 1964). Notes to pp. 87-98 241

81. de Kock, Various Outspans, p. 78. 82. H. M. Hole, Old Rhodesian Days (London, Cass, new impression, 1968) p. 122. 83. A. Darter, The Pioneers oj Mashonaland (Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1914) pp. 198-213. 84. D 4/23/3-4.


I. Report of Directors for years ending 31 March 1921 and 31 March 1922 (British South Africa Company, 1923) p. 4. 2. NC Marandellas to Under Secretary, Mines and Roads, 27 March 1923, M 3/10/132. See also Scorror to Wise, 25 January 1919; Secretary, SMFA, to Under Secretary, Mines and Roads, 22 November 1919; Under Secretary, Mines and Roads, to Secretary, Marandellas Road Board, 10 March 1919, M 3/10/134. 3. Independent and Rhodesian Cattleman, 20 May 1921. 4. Rhodesia Herald, 20 May 1920. 5. Rhodesia Herald, 13 May 1920. 6. For detailed studies of this election, see M. Elaine Lee, 'An Analysis of the Rhodesian Referendum, 1922', Rhodesian History, 8 (1977) pp. 71-98; Richard Hodder-Williams and Paul Whiteley, 'The Rhodesian Referendum of October 1922: some further reflections', Zimbabwe History, (forthcoming). 7. Independent and Rhodesian Cattleman, 7 April 1922; 23 June 1922. 8. Wills to Ethel Tawse Jollie, 20 May 1922; Margaret Keithley to Ethel Tawse Jollie, 14 May 1922, Hist. Mss. RH 8/1/1/5. 9. Hon. Secretary, Macheke Farmers' Association, to Ethel Tawse Jollie, 18 May 1922 Hist. Mss. RH 8/1/1/5. Rhodesia Herald, 9 May 1924. 10. See generally: L. H. Gann, A History oj Southern Rhodesia: early days to 1934 (London, Chatto & Windus, 1965) pp. 237-47; and Lee, 'An Analysis of the Rhodesian Referendum, 1922'. 11. See Ian Henderson, 'White Populism in Southern Rhodesia' , Comparative Studies in Society and History, 14 (1972) pp. 389-96. 12. Richard Hodder-Williams, 'Afrikaners in Rhodesia: a partial portrait', Ajrican Social Research, no. 18 (1974) pp. 611-42. 13. Marshall Hole to Gell, 24 August 1922; Sir Henry Birchenough to Gell, n.d., but October 1922: Gell Papers, BSA 3/525, 3/527. 14. Thorburn to Hepburn, 23 February 1923, Hist. Mss. RH 8/1/5. 15. Green to Secretary, RGA, 10 October 1922, Hist. Mss. 8/1/3. 16. Green to Secretary, RGA, 6 November 1922, Hist. Mss. RH 8/1/1/17. 17. Hist. Mss. RH 8/7/1. 18. Lee, 'An Analysis of the Rhodesian Referendum, 1922'; J. M. McKenzie, 'Southern Rhodesia and Responsible Government', Rhodesian History, 9 (1978). 19. The Independent, 24 March 1922. 20. The Independent, 15 September 1922. 21. Hodder-Williams, 'Afrikaners in Rhodesia'. 242 Notes to pp. 99-109

22. Lee, 'An Analysis of the Rhodesian Referendum, 1922', p. 88, footnote 68. 23. See generally: E 2/11/37/3. 24. Rhodesia Herald, 18 April 1924. 25. S 533/T 312/854. 26. E 2/11/37/3. 27. M. Carver and R. Grinham, Ruzawi: the founding of a school (Salisbury, Ruzawi Old Boys' Association, 1968). 28. S 824/1068. Carver and Grinham, Ruzawi, passim. 29. S 824/1068. 30. Francis Newton to Director of Education, 30 June 1924, S 533/T 312/854. 31. Resident Commissioner to Sir John Chancellor, i3 April 1923, RC . 3/1/130. 32. Moffatt to Thornton, 26 January 1923, Hist, Mss. RH 8/1/5. 33. Resident Commissioner to Sir John Chancellor, 13 April 1923, RC 3/1/130. 34. Hist. Mss. RH 8/1/5. 35. Hist. Mss. RH 8/4/3/1. 36. Rhodesia Herald, 29 February 1924. 37. Rhodesia Herald, 22 February 1924. 38. Rhodesia Herald, 4 April 1924, 11 April 1924. 39. Rhodesia Herald, 4 April 1924. 40. Letter signed 'Enkeldoorn', Rhodesia Herald, 22 February 1924. 41. Rhodesia Herald, 25 April 1924. 42. Rhodesia Herald, 29 February 1924. 43. Rhodesia Herald, 21 March 1924. 44. Rhodesia Herald, 9 May 1924. 45. Wise to Chaplin, 11 September 1915, A 3/15/19. 46. Newton, Memorandum, 13 February 1916, A 3115/19. 47. British South Africa Company, Executive Committee, Memorandum, 8· February 1916, A 3/15/19. 48. Memorandum on the Cattle Industry of Southern Rhodesia, quoted in Rhodesian Agricultural Journal, 18 (1921) p. 248. 49. F. W. Inskipp to Administrator, 9 September 1916, A 3/15/19. 50. Debates of the Legislative Assembly, 9 (1927) Col. 530; 9 (1929) Cols. 681-8. 51. Frank Clements, Rhodesia: the road to rebellion (London, Pall Mall, 1969) p. 76. 52. South Marandellas Farmers' Association, Resolution, 6 August 1924, Hist. Mss. BR 9/7/1. 53. Rhodesian Agricultural Journal, 16 (1919) p. 184. 54. Report of the Director of Agriculture for the year 1919 (Salisbury, British South Africa Company, 1920). 55. NC Marandellas, Report for year ending 31 December 1922, N 9/1/25. 56. Scorror to [indecipherablel, 28 October 1924, Hist. Mss. BR 9/7/1. 57. Scorror to General Manager, BSA Company, 19 January 1925, Hist. Mss. BR 9/7/1. 58. Scorror to Wadman, 19 August 1925, Hist. Mss. BR 9/7/1. Notes to pp. 110-16 243

59. Report oj the Director oj Agriculture jor the year 1921 (Salisbury, British South Africa Company, 1922) p. 9. 60. Report oj the Director oj Agriculture jor the year 1924 (Salisbury, Government Printer, 1925) p. 2. 61. Murray Steele, 'The African Agricultural Labour Supply Crisis, 1924- 1928', Labour Research Seminar No.6, Department of Economics, University of Rhodesia, 1973 (unpublished, 19 pp.). 62. ANC Wedza, Report, June 1925, S 138/1. 63. NC MarandeIIas, Report for years ending 31 December 1923, 1926 and 1928, S 235/501, S 235/504, S 235/506; NC MarandeIIas, Report, April 1926, S 235/501. 64. ANC Wedza, Report for year ending 31 December 1923, S 235/501. 65. The Independent, 7 October 1921. 66. The Independent, 10 February 1922. 67. Sconor to Wadman, 23 September 1925, Hist. Mss. BR 9/7/1. ANC Wedza, Report for year ending 31 December 1926, S 235/504. 68. Southern Rhodesia, the Wembley catalogue (in Zimbabwe archives). 69. Sconor to Wadman, 20 March 1925; Scorror to NC MarandeIIas, 19 September 1924, Hist. Mss. BR 9/7/1. 70. NC MarandeIIas, Report for year ending 31 December 1927, S 235/505. 71. South MarandeIIas Farmers' Association, Resolution, 6 August 1924, Hist. Mss. BR 9/7/1. 72. Scorror to General Manager, BSA Company, 24 June 1925, Hist. Mss. BR 9/7/1. 73. NC MarandeIIas, Report, September 1926, S 138/1. 74. NC MarandeIIas, Report for year ending 31 December 1923, S 235/501. 75. Posselt in Conjerence oj Superintendents and Native Commissioners, December 1927 (Salisbury, Government Printer, 1928) p.76 in S 235/493. 76. NC MarandeIIas, Report for year ending 31 December 1924, S 235/502. 77. Report oj Director oj Agriculture jor year ending 31 December 1925 (Salisbury, Government Printer, 1926) p. 4. 78. SCOffor to Wadman, 8 August 1925 (Scorror Papers). 79. Fleming to Posselt, 15 March 1923, S 824/829. 80. Posselt, Memorandum, 22 March 1923, S 824/829. 81. CNC to Director, Department of Lands, 21 December 1926, S 138/21, Vol. I. 82. Whitehorn to Director, Department of Lands, 28 May 1930, S 456/38/79. 83. Independent, 11 November 1921. 84. E 2/11/14/6. 85. S 824/830. 86. S 824/835. 87. H 2/4/14. 88. S 824/830. 89. Report of Inspector of Schools on Mangwendi Farm School, 12 Sept. 1919, E 2/11136/1. 90. J. C. Moncrieff, 'Marandellas Childhood: Life in the early 19205', in Marandellas Golden Jubilee, 1913-1963 (Marandellas, Rotary Club of Marandellas, 1963) p. 23. 244 Notes to pp. 117-28

91. ON 106/1925. 92. ON 14/1926. 93. ON 110/1924. 94. Village Management Board, Minutes, 19 December 1921, 13 February 1923. 95. Resolution at Public Meeting, 29 August 1920, in Minutes, Village Management Board. 96. Wayne to Superintendent of Natives, Salisbury, 18 October 1919, S 533/T312/96; Walters to District Superintendent, BSA Police, 18 January 1922, S 533/T312/857. 97. Oreen to Chairman, Road Board, 1 February 1922, M 3/10/135. 98. M 3/10/134. 99. M 3/10/135. 100. ON 302/1925; ON 440/1925; ON 519/1925. I 101. Road Council, Marandellas, Memorandum, 5 December 1925, S 481/532. 102. R. H. Palmer, Land and Racial Domination in Rhodesia (London, Heinemann, 1977). 103. Circular, 29 July 1925, S 56367. 104. Evidence of Edward Webb, 5 March 1925, ZAH 1/1/1. 105. Evidence of Rev. John White, 10 March 1925; Evidence of Matabese, Robert Keys, David Morris, 21 April 1925, ZAH 1/1/3. 106. Oral evidence of Margaret Keithley and Robert Tarrant, ZAH 1/1/3. 107. F. W. T. Posselt, Memorandum, 11 May 1925, ZAH 1/1/4. 108. Oral evidence of F. W. T. Posseit, ZAH 1/1/4. 109. Memorandum and Evidence of F. W. T. Posselt, 29 September 1925, ZAH 1/1/4. 110. Simmons to Secretary, Lands Commission, 12 March, 22 April 1925, S 235/470. Ill. Arthur Harvey, Memorandum, 12 March 1925, S 235/465. 112. Oral evidence of Harry Meade, ZAH 1/1/4. 113. Harvey to Secretary, Lands Commission, 12 March 1925, S 138/197. 114. Evidence of Solomon Chimoyo, 21 April 1925, ZAH 1/1/3. 115. Oral evidence of Ernest Simpson, ZAH 1/1/4. 116. Quoted in Palmer, Land and Racial Domination in Rhodesia, p. 169. 117. Debates of the Legislative Assembly, 7 (1928) Col. 304. 118. Susan Rudd to Val, 1 October 1927, in Sheila MacDonald, Susan Outside (London, Cassell, 1930) p. 20. 119. F. C. Clements and E. Harben, Leaf of Gold (London, Methuen, 1962).

CHAPTER 5 SLUMP, 1928-36

1. Rhodesia Herald, 23 March 1928. 2. Rhodesia Herald, 20 April 1928; 18 May 1928. 3. Rhodesia Herald, 27 April 1928. 4. Rhodesia Herald, 14 September 1928. 5. Rhodesia Herald, 17 February 1928; Minutes of the Rhodesia Party Executive, 7 December 1927, 8 March 1928, 19 April 1928, 9 June 1928 Notes to pp. 128-38 245

and Minutes of Fifth Annual Congress, Salisbury, 21122 March 1928, Hist. Mss. RH 8/4/3/1. 6. The Spokesman, 2 August 1928. 7. Rhodesia Herald, 31 August 1928. 8. Rhodesia Herald, 27 August 1928. 9. Rhodesia Herald, 14 September 1928. 10. F. Clements and E. Harben, Leaf of Gold (London, Methuen, 1962) pp. 109-118; D. J. Murray, The Governmental System in Southern Rhodesia (London, Oxford University Press, 1970) pp. 75-6. 11. Noel Brettell, 'Introduction and Retrospect', in M. Carver and R. Grinham, Ruzawi: the founding of a school (Salisbury, Ruzawi Old Boys' Association, 1968) p. 5. 12. Attilio Gatti, Hidden Africa (London, Hutchinson, 1933) pp. 120, 143. 13. Minister of Agriculture and Lands, Written Answer, 1 April 1931. 14. V. Liversage, Land Tenure in the Colonies (London, Cambridge University Press, 1945). 15. Green to Director, Department of Lands, 26 October 1929, S 456/686120. 16. Report of a visit by F. Gillwald, jnr., 18/19 September 1930, S 456/686120. 17. Memorandum, 14 May 1931, S 456/686120. 18. Debates of the Legislative Assembly, 12 (1932) Col. 827. 19. Hist. Mss. AT 1/2/1/9. 20. Nalty to Director, Land Settlement, 19 August 1912, S 456/49/34/A. 21. S 456/49/34. 22. Wright to Minister of Agriculture, 12 October 1926, S 456/49/34/A. 23. Secretary, Department of Agriculture to Director, Department of Lands, 25 October 1926, S 456/49/34/ A. 24. Rhodesia Herald, 25 May 1928. 25. Reports of Secretary, Department of Agriculture, for 1930 and 1931 (Salisbury, 1931 and 1932); S 1194/1225; S 1215/1225/1/42. 26. Harben and Clements, Leaf of Gold. 27. c. F. Keyter, Maize Control in Southern Rhodesia, 1931-1941: the African contribution to White Survival (Salisbury, Central African Historical Association, local series, No. 34, 1978). 28. McLaren to Medical Director, 23 June 1932, 21 August 1932, S 1173/157. 29. Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Economic Position of the Agricultural Industry of Southern Rhodesia (Salisbury, CSR 16, 1934) para 7. 30. R. H. Palmer, 'The Agricultural History of Rhodesia', in Robin Palmer and Neil Parsons, The Roots of Rural Poverty in Central and Southern Africa (London, Heinemann Educational, 1977) pp. 221-54. 31. Report of the ANC Wedza for year ending 31 December 1923, S 235/501. 32. Evidence of Edward Webb to Morris Carter Commission, ZAH 1/1/4. 33. Ibid. 34. Evidence of Margaret Keithley to Morris Carter Commission, ZAH 1/1/4. 246 Notes to pp. 138-47

35. Evidence of Harry Meade, ANC Wedza, to Morris Carter Commission, ZAH 1/114. 36. ANC Wedza to NC Marandellas, 12 May 1931; NC Marandellas to CNC, 13 May 1931, S 138/52. 37. Quoted in Report of NC Marandellas, April 1936, S 235/529. 38. Evidence of Chimoyo to Morris Carter Commission, ZAH 1/114. 39. ZAH 11114. 40. Evidence of Edward Webb to Morris Carter Commission, ZAH 111/4; A St. G. Harvey, NC Marandellas, to Sir Morris Carter, 12 March 1925, S 235/465. 41. Report of the Committee of Enquiry into . .. the Agricultural Industry. 42. Rhodesia Herald, 25 May 1928; Report of NC Marandellas for the years ending 31 December 1935 and 1939, S 235/514, S 235/517. 43. Report of NC Marandellas for year ending 31 December 1939, S 235/517. Posselt to CNC, 10 November 1930, S 138/46 (vol. i). 44. S 235/356. 45. J. C. Abrahams, Report on Nyasaland Natives in the Union of South Africa and in Southern Rhodesia (Zomba, Government Printer, 1937) p.20. 46. Lewis Hastings, Dragons are Extra (Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1947) p. 122. See also I. R. Phimister, 'A note on Labour Relations in Southern Rhodesian Agriculture before 1939', South African Labour Bulletin, 3 (1977) no. 5, pp. 94-104. 47. Report of NC Marandellas for year ending 31 December 1936, S 235/515. 48. Report of NC Marandellas, February 1937, S 1619. 49. S 4811535; private papers. 50. Gillwald to Director, Department of Lands, II September 1930, S 456/796121. 51. S 456/796121. 52. Cripps to NC Marandellas, 25 March 1937, S 1542/C15 (vol. II). 53. Rhodesia Herald, 16 March 1928. 54 .. See, generally: Richard Hodder-Williams, 'Politics from the Marandellas grass-roots' (unpublished paper presented to the annual conference of the African Studies Association of the United Kingdom, Oxford, 21 September 1978). 55. Rhodesia Herald, 12 May, 26 May, 2 June, 30 June 1933; private papers. 56. See generally: L. H. Gann, A History of Southern Rhodesia: early days to 1934 (London, Chatto & Windus, 1965) pp. 282-96; D. J. Murray, The Governmental System in Southern Rhodesia (London, Oxford University Press, 1970) pp. 251-2; L. H. Gann and M. Gelfand, Huggins of Rhodesia: the man and his country (London, Allen & Unwin, 1964) pp. 88-93; H. I. Wetherell, Continuity and Change in Opposition Politics in Southern Rhodesia, 1923-1962 (unpublished M. Phil. thesis, University of Rhodesia, 1974). 57. Rhodesia Herald, 1 September 1933. 58. Rhodesia Herald, 5 May 1933. 59. Murray, The Governmental System. 60. Keyter, Maize Control in Southern Rhodesia, p. 9; Debates of the Notes to pp. 148-58 247

Legislative Assembly, 12 (1932) cols 669-70, 671. 61. S 824/835. 62. S 824/829; S 824/833. 63. S 824/834. 64. Director of Education to NC Marandellas, 29 January 1931, S 824/833. 65. S 1173/327. 66. Minutes, Village Management Board, 8 August 1929. 67. Posselt to CNC, 12 October 1929, S 1173/157. 68. South Marandellas Farmers' Association, September 1929, resolution in S 1173/157. 69. Medical Director to NC Marandellas, 9 March 1931, S 1173/157. 70. Murray Steele, The Foundations of a 'Native Policy': Southern Rhodesia, 1923-1933 (unpublished Ph. D. thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1972) pp. 11-12,47. 71. C. W. Worswick to NC Mrewa, 12 October 1929; NC Mrewa to CNC, 21 October 1929; C. W. Worswick to Secretary, Mines and Works, 28 January 1930; NC Mrewa to CNC, 1 February 1930. S 481/538. 72. S 481/527. 73. Posselt to Director, Department of Lands, 18 November 1931, S 456/49/34 C. 74. Ely to CNC, 12 May 1930; Ely to Posseit, 25 April 1930, S 136/46 (Vol. I). 75. Posselt to CNC, 2 May 1930; Posselt to CNC, 22 October 1930, S 138/46 (Vol. II). 76. H. H. Smetham, 'Horses and Sport in Southern Rhodesia', in The Horseman's Year - 1952 (London, Collins, 1952) p. 73. 77. Horse and Hounds, 24 March 1939. 78. H. A. Bryden, Wild Life in South Africa (London, Harrap, 1936) pp. 83-5; private papers. 79. Reminiscences of A. H. MacIlwaine (privately held). 80. Rawdon Hoare, Rhodesian Mosaic (London, John Murray, 1934) pp. 217-18. 81. Frank Clements, This is Our Land (Salisbury, Baobab Books, 1964) p. 101. 82. Rhodesia Herald, 10 March 1939. 83. E.g. Letter signed 'Willie's Pig' in Rhodesia Herald, 17 March 1939. 84. Posselt to Secretary, Mines and Works, 22 September 1924, S 4811525 B. 85. Secretary, Roads Council, to Chief Road Engineer, 7 May 1933, S 48111033. 86. Rhodesia Year Book 1937, pp. 56-57; Rhodesia Year Book 1946, p. 76. 87. South Marandellas Farmers' Association, Minutes, 3 November 1937. 88. Barry A. Kosmin, 'Colonial Careers for Marginal Fascists - a Portrait of Hamilton Beamish', Weiner Library Bulletin, 27 (1973-4) pp. 18-19,21.


1. Rhodesia Herald, 27 January 1939. 248 Notes to pp. 158-73

2. Notes on interview with Godfrey Huggins (in private possession); letter in Rhodesia Herald,17 August 1939. 3. Minutes of a meeting between an RAU delegation and Tredgold, 16 May 1939. MacIlwaine to Tredgold, 27 January 1939; Petition to H. E. The Governor, 25 May 1940 (in private possession). 4. Rhodesia Herald, 12 May 1939. 5. MacIlwaine to Huggins, n.d., c. June 1940 (in private possession). 6. Mary McKenzie, National Federation of Women's Institutes of Southern Rhodesia, to Secretary, Department of Justice and Defence, 26 January 1943; S 887/12/18/b. 7. S 533/T 312. 8. Cowley to Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs, 30 July 1943, S 245/1058; 9. Memorandum, c. February 1943, S 887/12/18/b; Labour Front, February 1947. 10. S 1827/1425/1/25. 11. Report of Agricultural Adviser to Chairman, Farmers' Debt Adjustment Board, 12 July 1939, S 522174. 12. S 456/522/74. 13. Evidence to the Natural Resources Board, farming enquiry, 25 June, 4 November 1942, S 987/1. 14. See, for , Paul van Zwanenberg, 'Kenya's Primitive Colonial Capitalism: the economic weakness of Kenya's settlers up to 1940', Canadian Journal of African Studies, 9 (1975) pp. 277-92. 15. Southern Rhodesia Statistical Year Book 1947 (Salisbury, Government Printer, 1947) p. 190. 16. Debates of Legislative Assembly, 20 (1940) col. 1202. 17. Debates of Legislative Assembly, 18 (1938) col. 2583. 18. Minutes of the North Marandellas Farmers' Association, passim. 19. Report of NC Marandellas for year ending 31 December 1946, S 235/518. 20. Ibid. 21. A Case for the Returning Rhodesian Soldier who wants to go on the Land (1942) (in private possession). 22. S 1444. 23. Minutes of Village Management Board; S 457/S 54387. 24. Minutes of Village Management Board, 16 August 1942. 25. Report of the Census of Population of Southern Rhodesia, 1946, passim. 26. See, generally: David Murray, The Governmental System in Southern Rhodesia (London, Oxford University Press, 1970). 27. Rhodesia Herald, 7 April 1939. 28. Rhodesia Herald, 7 April 1939. 29. R. L. Merton 'Patterns of Influence: local and cosmopolitan influentials', in his Social Theory and Social Structure (New York, Free Press, 1968 ed.) pp. 441-74. 30. Frank Clements, Rhodesia: Road to Collision (London, Pall Mall, 1969) pp.64-8. 31. P. J. M. McEwan, 'The European Population of Southern Rhodesia', Civilisations, 13 (1963) p. 431. Notes to pp. 173-87 249

32. Barry M. Schutz, 'European Population Patterns, Cultural Persistence, and Political Change in Rhodesia', Canadian Journal of African Studies, 7 (1973), pp. 3-25. 33. Robert Blake, A History of Rhodesia (London, Eyre Methuen, 1977) p. xiii. 34. Debates of the Legislative Assembly, 17 (1937) col. 1486. 35. Minutes of North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 29 March 1942. 36. S 1629, S 456/522174. 37. Minutes of the Marandellas Village Management Board, 18 August 1938. 38. Minutes of the South Marandellas Farmers' Association, 3 April 1946. 39. Minutes of the North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 5 January, 1 March 1940. 40. Debates of the Legislative Assembly, 15 (1935) cols 645, 1786. 41. Minutes of North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 4 September 1942. 42. Minutes of the Marandellas Branch, Southern Rhodesian Labour Party, 24 March, 21 April, 2 June, 28 July 1944, Hist. Mss. SR 9/3/3. 43. Hist. Mss. SR 9/1/2/2; Minutes of Marandellas Branch SRLP, 21 April 1944, Hist. Mss. SR 9/3/3. 44. Minutes of Marandellas Branch, SRLP, 2 June 1944, Hist. Mss. SR 9/3/3. 45. Minutes of Marandellas Branch, SRLP, 6 April 1945, Hist. Mss. SR 9/3/3. 46. Harben to Kathy Tanner, 2 December 1945, Hist. Mss. SR 9/3/3. 47. Mrs Harben to Gladys Maasdorp, 2 March 1946, Hist. Mss. MA 19/2/2/3. 48. Rhodesia Herald, 5 April 1946. 49. Harben to Mrs Strobel, 11 June 1945, Hist. Mss. SR 9/1/1/5. 50. Harben to Gladys Maasdorp, 23 February 1946, Hist. Mss. MA 19/2/2/3. 51. Harben to Gladys Maasdorp, 3 February 1946, Hist. Mss. SR 9/3/3. 52. Minutes, Marandellas Branch SRLP, 18 May 1945, Hist. Mss. SR 9/3/3. 53. Gladys Maasdorp to Harben, 17 February 1946, Hist. Mss. MA 19/2/2/3. 54. Rhodesia Herald, 26 April 1946. 55. Harben to Gladys Maasdorp, 3 February 1946, Hist. Mss. MA 19/2/2/3. 56. Rhodesia Herald, 6 April 1946. 57. Harben to Mrs Strobel, 27 May 1946, Hist. Mss. SR 9/1/1/5. 58. Mrs Strobel to Harben, 28 May 1946, Hist. Mss. SR 9/1/1/5.


1. S 1616: Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 5 February 1943. 2. Frank Clements and Edward Harben, Leaf of Gold (London, Methuen, 1962) p. 137. 3. H. Weinmann, Agricultural Research and Development in Southern 250 Notes to pp. 188-97

Rhodesia, 1925-1950 (Salisbury, University of Rhodesia, 1975) pp. 191-192; S 1194/190/1. 4. Frank Clements, Rhodesia: road to collision (London, Pall Mall, 1969) p.77. 5. Immigration and Development Association of Rhodesia, Large Scaled Planned Immigration into Southern Rhodesia (Bulawayo, Immigration and Development Association of Rhodesia, 1946). 6. Clements and Harben, Leaf of Gold, pp. 135-46. 7. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 4 October 1946. 8. F. A. Stinson, Tobacco Farming in Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1889-1956 (Salisbury, Tobacco Research Board of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, n.d., c. 1957) p. 65. 9. W. E. Haviland, 'The Economic Development of the Tobacco Industry of Northern Rhodesia', South African Journal of Economics, 22 (1954). 10. V. M. Wadsworth, 'A Survey of Labour Use and Mechanisation in Agriculture', Rhodesian Tobacco Journal, 3 (1951). 11. Wadsworth,' A Survey of Labour Use'. 12. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 4 August 1947. 13. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 7 March 1947. 14. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 4 July 1947. 15. See, generally: Duncan Clarke, Agricultural and Plantation Workers in Rhodesia (Gwelo, Mambo Press, 1977). 16. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 6 April 1951. 17. Report of the Commissioner of Native Labour of the Year 1948 S 1611; Richard Gray, The Two Nations (London, Oxford University Press, for Institute of Race Relations, 1960) pp. 288-92. 18. Rhodesia Herald, 23 April 1948. 19. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 7 May 1948. 20. Minutes, Joint Committee of NMFA and SMFA Executives, 4 June 1948. 21. Report of the Commissioner of Native l~abour of the Year 1948 S 1611. 22. Gala to Ibbotson, 2 January 1950, His!. Mss. RH 16/1/2/3. 23. Clark-Lewis to Ibbotson, 4 December 1950, His!. Mss. RH 16/1/2/3. 24. Minutes, Marandellas and District African Welfare Society, 1 April 1953. 25. McCarthy to Vernon, 23 January 1958, His!. Mss. RH 16/1/2/3. 26. Clark-Lewis to Ibbotson, 13 November 1952, His!. Mss. RH 16/1/2/3. 27. Ibbotson to Kitty Godfrey, 3 April 1950; Kitty Godfrey to Ibbotson, 1 November 1950, His!. Mss. RH 16/1/2/3. 28. J. Wilson Vera, Report on a Survey of African Conditions in Marandellas, Southern Rhodesia (Bulawayo, Federation of African Welfare Societies, mimeo, 1951). 29. NC Marandellas to Ibbotson, 16 November 1951, His!. Mss. RH 16/1/2/3. 30. Ibbotson to Kock, 27 November 1951, His!. Mss. RH 16/1/2/3. 31. Clark-Lewis to Ibbotson, 3 October 1951, His!. Mss. RH 16/1/2/3. 32. These figures are not in the published version of the 1956 census, but were kindly made available to me by the Chief Statistician. 33. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 29 September 1950. Notes to pp. 198-210 251

34. Marandellas Golden Jubilee 1913-1963 (Marandellas, Rotary Club of Marandellas, 1963). 35. T. H. Needham, Memorandum, n.d., c. 1947, Hist. Mss. MA 26/1/1. 36. Minutes, Marandellas District Hall Committee, 21 June 1946, Hist. Mss. MA 26/111. 37. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 26 July 1950, 29 September 1950. 38. Clements, Rhodesia: road to collision, pp. 79 et seq., 117-18. 39. Charles Frantz and Cyril Rogers, 'Length of Residence and Race Attitudes of Europeans in Southern Rhodesia', Race (1961-1962). 40. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 1 March 1950. 41. Richard Hodder-Williams, 'Party Allegiance among Europeans in Rural Rhodesia - a research note', Journal of Modern African Studies, 10 (1972) pp. 130-9. 42. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 7 February 1947. 43. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 1 December 1950. 44. Rhodesia Herald, 20 August 1948. 45. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 3 June 1949. 46. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 1 March 1950. 47. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 6 April 1951. 48. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 3 June 1949. 49. See Richard Hodder-Williams, 'Parties and Voters in Rhodesia: Colin Leys revisited', in C. R. Hill and Anne Akeroyd (eds.), Collected Papers, Vol. 4 (York, Centre for Southern African Studies, 1979) pp. 39-47. 50. Rhodesia Herald, 16 January 1948. 51. Gray, The Two Nations, 311-2.


1. Frank Clements and Edward Harben, Leaf of Gold (London, Methuen, 1962) pp. 155-159. 2. Michael Banton, Race Relations (London, Tavistock, 1967) pp. 142-53. 3. Richard Hodder-Williams, 'Party Allegiance among Europeans in Rural Rhodesia - a research note', Journal of Modern African Studies, 10 (1972) pp. 134-5. 4. Country Advertiser, December 1962. 5. Wedza Farmers' Gazette, October 1960. 6. Country Advertiser, October 1962. 7. Minutes, Village Management Board, 2 September 1941; 2 October 1941. 8. Deputy Chairman, TMB, to Reed, 30 November 1948 (TMB records). 9. Minutes, North Marandellas Farmers' Association, 1 December 1939. 10. Minutes, Wedza Farmers' Association, 1 October 1964. 11. Wedza Farmers' Gazette, November 1961. 12. Richard Hodder-Williams, 'White Attitudes and the Unilateral 252 Notes to p. 211-223

Declaration of Independence: a case study' , Journal of Commonwealth Political Studies, 8 (1970) pp. 242-5. 13. Wedza Farmers' Gazette, October 1961. 14. Wedza Farmers' Gazette, July 1961. 15. Wedza Farmers' Gazette, May 1965. 16. Wenimbi, Bromley and Marandellas ICA's Newsletter, May 1965. 17. B. H. G. Duncan, 'The Wages and Labour Supply Position in European Agriculture', Rhodesian Journal of Economics, 7 (1973, No. 1) pp. 7-8; Gordon Chavunduka, 'Farm Labourers in Rhodesia', Rhodesian Journal of Economics, 6 (1972, no. 4) pp. 18-25. 18. Wedza Farmers' Gazette, October 1963. 19. Duncan, 'The Wages and Labour Supply Position', p. 6. 20. Richard Hodder-Williams, 'Party Allegiance among Europeans', p. 132. 21. Country Advertiser, October 1962, November 1962. 22. Rabey to Lawrence, 7 August 1963; Rabey to Ndhela, 9 August 1965 (Methodist Archives, Salisbury). 23. Country Advertiser, 20 April 1963. 24. Country Advertiser, 18 May 1963. 25. Minutes, Mar:mdellas Show Society, passim. 26. See, generally: Richard Hodder-Williams, 'Afrikaners in Rhodesia: a partial portrait', African Social Research, No. 18 (December 1974) pp. 632-7. 27. Country Advertiser, December 1962. 28. Ibid. 29. Country Advertiser, 1 February 1963. 30. Hodder-Williams, 'White Attitudes', pp. 247-61. 31. Hodder-Williams, 'Party Allegiance among Europeans', p. 138. 32. Hodder-Williams, 'Party Allegiance among Europeans', p. 137. Index

(Note: generally speaking, only those individuals who are referred to on two separate occasions have been included in the index)

Afrikaners, 44, 49 70-1, 76, 86, 88, Roman Catholics 94,96,97,98, 101, 102, 103, 107, Clements, Frank, 50, 56 130, 168, 171, 180-1, 190,210, Coghlan, Sir Charles, 95, 99, 102 215-17, 220, 222 Collins, Dennis, 150, 210 agriculture (white), see farming coloureds, 148 agriculture (black), 138-40 communist threat, 203 Alderson, Colonel, 33, 34 Crawley, Arthur, 145, 152, 163, Anglican Church, 25, 26, 78, 80, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 177, 181 118 Cripps, Arthur Shirley, 67, 125 Anglo-Boer War, 79, 86, 39,41,42 Cullinan, Leslie, 182 Atherstone, W. H., 121, 124, 165 de Kock, E. Plewman, 68, 73, 75, Bedford, John, 167, 168, 204 82-3, 86, 87, 145 Bennett, James, 16, 17, 18, 19,21, Delta Hunt, 152-4 24 Dickson, Reginald, 145-7, 152, 171, Bird, Frederick, 48-9, 66, 67, 102 172 Bottomley, David, 16, 19 Dolphin Club, 208 British South Africa Company, 17, Dominion Party, 206, 207, 209 19, 21, 22, 24, 33, 39, 40, 42, 43, Draper, A. A., 172, 178, 183 46, 50, 52, 56, 57, 61, 62, 65, 67, Dutch Reformed Church, 215-17, 71 68, 69, 75, 76, 82, 85, 87, 94, 96, 98, 106, 107, 130, 146 Build-a-Nation Campaign, 208, 214 East Coast Fever, 51 Butler, Rev. J., 150, 151-2 education, 148-9, 168 Buxton Commission, 93 Edwards, 'Wiri', 22, 29, 32, 33, 37, 149, 150 Carter, Sir Morris and 1925 Land elections, 1920 general election, 94- Commission, 121-4 5; 1924 general election, 101-5; cattle, 2, 12, 51, 56, 58, 156, 167 1928 general election, 127-9; 1933 Cave Commission, 93, 94 general election, 144-7; 1939 Central Farm, 45, 46, 47, 48, 52, general election, 171; 1946 general 53, 59, 60, 63, 68, 83, 84, 87 election, 178, 180-3; 1954 general Chartered Company, see British election, 201, 204; 1957 Mrewa South Africa Company by-election, 205, 206; 1962 Chomley, Griff, 128, 170, 172 general election, 220-1. churches, see Anglican Church, Ely 150-1 Dutch Reformed Church and Eyles, Frederick, 75, 81 253 254 Index farming (see also cattle, maize, Inoro, 81, 83, 104, 136, 168 tobacco), training for (see Central Inskipp, Percy, 47,51,56,58, 103, Farm); environmental problems, 104, 135 49-50, 161, 162; Intensive Conservation Areas BSA Co., assistance to, 50-2; (ICAs), 177, 199,206 1914 tobacco collapse 57-61; finance of (see also labour), 54, Jameson, Sir Leander Starr, 13, 17, 130-5, 162-3, 170, 190; 1928 18, 19, 20, 24, 29, 84, 106 tobacco collapse, 126, 127, 129- Johnson, Frank, 13, 14 30, 135-8, 141; post-war Jollie, Ethel Tawse, 96, 103, 127, pessimism, 187; as market 128 gardening, 23-5, 54; as trading Knight-Bruce, Bishop W., 23, 25-6, 136, 138, 141-'-2; as land 27 speculation, 143, 165-7 Knill, Howard, 25, 202, 203, 204 Farmers' Associations (see also Kock, Dan, 196, 197 NMFA, SMFA), 82, 83, 95, 96, 100, 115, 144, 148, 198,202 Labour (white) 128; (black), 63-9, Federation of Africans Welfare 87,107,110-14,135,140-1,158, Societies (Marandellas branch), 161, 163-5, 190-2,202,204; 1948 194, 195, 196-7 strike, 192-4, 212-13 Field, Winston, 167,205,206,209, land, rights to, 13-14; effect of 220,222 Mashona uprising on, 35, 36, 38; field cornets, 17, 18, 20 price of, 44, 51; company Finch, J. H., 81, 99, 100, 102 ownership, 14, 15, 73, 82, 106, Foggin, 71, 99, 100 121, 122, 156, 161; scarcity of good law for settlers, 55-6, 106; Gilfillan, Charles, 103, 105, 107, segregation in ownership, 121 et 115, 125, 128, 144, 147 seq. Girdlestone, 59, 60, 61, 82 Lendy, Captain, 19,20,22 Grasslands Resean;h Centre, 136 Lendy Estate, 73, 74-5, 87,106, Green, Luke Lot, 97, 98, 99, 120, 136 127ff, 133-5, 137, 142, 144-8, Lobengula, 13, 30 170, 172, 173, 175 Local government, see Marandellas Grey, Peter 206,207,209,220 Road Council, Village Manage- ment Board and Intensive Harben, Edward, 50, 56, 177, 179, Conservation Areas 180-3, 189, 191,202,206,208 Locusts, 161-2 Hastings, Lewis, 97, 102, 103, 104, Longden, William, 103, 104, 105 105, 128, 129, 140, 147, 157, 171 Hayes family, 69-70,81 McChlery, John, 67, 76, 94, 95,97, Health, 79-80, 85, 114, 149, 168, 99 (among blacks) 192, 196 MacLachlan, D. S., 46, 47, 48, 49, Higgs family, 69-70 53, 63, 64, 66, 68, 73, 74, 75, 98, Hlazo, Titus, 181,208 102, 109, 124-5 Higgins, Godfrey, 145, 147, 152, MacLaren, Dr Thomas, 80, 84, 137, 171, 188,201,204,205,207 149 hut tax, 21, 31 Macllwaine, Major A. H., 145, 158, 159, 165, 167, 172, 173 immigration, see settlers Mahopo, 16, 19,26,37 Indians, 98, 204, 209 maize, 176, 108, 111, 131, 136 Index 255

Mangwende, Chief, 16, 18, 19,21, OdIum, George, 51, 52, 53, 56 26, 27, 30, 34, 35, 56 Marandellas Development Scheme Partridge, A. W., 73, 74, 75, 87 (1914-16),58-61,82,84 Pelly, Douglas, 23, 27 Marandellas Road Board, 74 Polish refugees, 160-1 Marandcllas Farmers' Association populism, 75, 76, 87, 98, 128, 146, (see also North Marandellas 147, 178, 180,202 Farmers' Association, South PosseIt, Wilhelm, 94, 101, 110, 113, Marandellas Farmers' 1[4, [22, [23, 124, 135, 143, 148, Association), 51 149, 151-2, 155 Marandellas Road Council, 114, Privy Council, 93, 94 120, 141, 142, 155-6, 198 Marandellas Show Society, 215-17 race relations, 85-6 Marandera, Chief, 28, 32, 34 railways, 118 Martin, Louis, 103, 104, 105 Ralston, Major, 163, 171, 182 Mashona Uprising (1896-7),29-35 referendum, 1920 referendum, 95-8; Masters and Servants Act, 192 1953 referendum, 201 Matabele Wars of 1893 and 1896, responsible government, 93, 94 21,29 Responsible Government Associa- Mchemwa, 30, 31, 32, 34, 37 tion, 102-3 Meredith, L. L., 13, 18,21,24,27 Rhodes, Cecil, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, Methodists, 25, 26, 78, 80 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 84 mining, 111, 169 Rhodesdale, 122-3 Missionaries, 25-6, 40, 78, 80 Rhodesian Agricultural Union Mizeki, Bernard, 21, 25, 26, 27, 32, (RAU), 42, 65, 98-9, 129 78, 85 Rhodesian Front, 217, 220,221,222 Moffat, H. U., 99, 102 Rhodesian Labour Party, 172, 178 Moleli, M., 26-7, 29, 31, 32, 78 Rhodesian National Farmers Union, Moore, John, 16, 27 see Rhodesian Agricultural Morris, Ernest, 34, 37, 38, 39, 55, Union 56,63 Rhodesian Native Labour Bureau (RNLB), 65, 66, 67, 68, 75, 87, Nash, Commander, 170, 172 112 Native Commissioners (see also Rhodesian Tobacco Association Edwards, Koch, Morris, Posselt), (RTA), 129, 130, 146, 189, 191, 21, 67, 112, 114, 122, 143, [98, 203, 205, 206, 211 149-98 Rhodesian Tobacco Co-operative 'native question', 107, 125, 145-6, Society, 108-9 178-9,203,205,210-11,220 Rhodesian Tobacco Growers' Ndawa, Solomon, 123, 124, 138 Association, 56, 57 Nengubo, 18,26,27,29,30 Risien, M. E., 56, 57 Nengubo Training Institute, see roads (see also Marandellas Road Waddilove Training Institute Council), 40, 71-5, 85, 94, 119, Newton, Sir, 100, 101 [42-3, 2[3 Nobbs, Eric, 50, 58, 128 Roman Catholics, 81, 118 North Marandellas Farmers' Asso- Rutherford, John, [67, 181, [93, ciation, 112, 175, 176, 187, 191, 200,204 193, 198, 200, 202, 204, 210 Ruzawi Inn, 81-2, 83, 99, 100, 109 Nyameni, 28, 30, 34 Ruzawi Outspan, [6, [7,24,27,29, Nyasaland, 64, I I I, 112, 140 32, 33, 40 256 Index

Ruzawi School, 100-1, 200 109, 119 Tredgold, Sir Robert, 49, 158, 159 schools, 69-71, 85,116 segregation, 85, 121, 124, 209 Unilateral Declaration of Independ- Seki, Chief, 30, 31, 32 ence, 221, 222 Scorror, H. Kay, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, United Federal Party, 206, 207, 208, 52, 53, 56, 58, 63, 64, 66, 68, 83, 209,210,214,215,220-1 84,94,98, 102, 107, 109, 113, United Rhodesia Party, 206 130, 159, 170 settlers, early permanent, 16, 23-4; Vallance, William D., 141-3, 167 BSA Co. policy for, 43-6, 61, 94, Vera, Wilson, 195, 196 105; post-1945 policy on, 187-9; village, general growth; 116-17, van der Byl trek, 24; quality of, 169, 197,200,201,213 47, 48-50, 74, 87-8, 105, 135, Village Management Board (later 152, 168, 173; sources of, 44-5, Town Management Board), 77-9, 86; inflow, 62, 80, 106-7, 174, 114, 116-19, 148, 149, 169, 176, 188-9; transient nature of, 116- 195, 197, 198 17, 130 voluntary organisations, 198-200, Shimmin, Isaac, 14, 25, 26, 30 205, 217, 218 Simmons, R. G., 59, 60, 61, 105 Simpson, Rev. E. J., 78, 81, 125 Waddilove Training Institute, 75, Soswe, Chief, 30, 32, 34, 35 102, 137, 138, 149, 195 Soswe Reserve, 37, 38, 122, 123 wages, see labour South African War, see Anglo-Boer Wedza, 30,100,111 War Wedza Country Club, 209, 213 South Marandellas Farmers' White, James, 18, 32 Association (SMFA), 58, 74, 96, White, Rev. John, 23, 29, 67 98,99,100,101,107,112,115, Whitehead, Sir Edgar, 206, 207 120, 149, 176, 193,200,204 wild animals, 66, 70, 152-3 Southern Rhodesian Labour Party, Willoughby Consolidated Co., 24, 178-83,208 76, 112 sport, 77, 79, 152-4, 177 Wingfield, Noel Sparks, 204, 206 Wise, Charles D., 43, 45, 46, 47, Tarrant, Robert, 127, 141-3, 152, 48, 52, 53, 56, 58, 64, 65, 79, 84, 167, 168, 206 135 tobacco, 51-3, 54, 56, 58, 61, 107- Women's Institute, 198, 200 10, 125-6, 127, 129, 130, 146-7, Worswick, Christopher Worsley, 130-3, 156, 163, 168, 189-90, 150, 151, 164, 170, 173, 178,200, 206, 211 203-4,205 town, see village trading, 73, 87, 111, 136, 137, 140, Zimbabwe African Peoples Union 141-2 (ZAPU),214 transport (see also roads), 81-2, 84,