Signal Corps 11 DC4044-1 ADC 4044 SOURCE: AFCF (0-1142) Card 1 of 3 FILM: ARCH & APC MP 933' ea Silent

GENERAL MARK W CLARK ENTER Bologna, 22 April 1945

Excellent scenes, Gen Clark is greeted by Brig GenDouglas Packard, Deputy Chief of Staff (Br), ; Brig GenDonald W Brann, G-3, (Br) 15th Army Group upon entering city. The following persons are also in scenes: Polish Gen Wladyslaw Anders, Polish Maj Gen S Bohuz-Szyszko, US Maj Gen Geoffrey Keyes, US Maj Gen Willis D Crittenberger, US Maj Gen Charles L Bolte, US Maj Gen William G Live say and other unidentified British and American officers. Seq: Gen Anders shows Gen Clark a Nazi flag captured by the Polish Corps. VS, Gens Clark and Crittenberger at ceremony in wooded area.Gen Bolte, CG, 34th Div is awarded . Record Group 111 Accession Number III-NAV-210

ARMY PICTORIAL CENTER, 35-11 35th Ave., LIC 1, NY ERBS/es Signal Corps 11 DC 044-2 ADC 4044 SOURCE: AFCF (0-1142) Card 2 of 3 FILM: ARCH & APC MP 933' ea Silent


Seq: 34th Div band playing for meeting of the Allied Generals in town square. CU, 34th Div band drummer. MS, Pan, Generals standing at attention. (Gens are those listed above.) PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE Bologna, Italy 22 Apr 45 Seq: Combat psychological warfare teams in jeeps drive thru streets. CU, soldier speaks into microphone while seated in jeep. Full screen view, Italian civilians applauding. In fg, a loudspeaker. LS, jeeps carrying Gens Clark, Keyes and Lt Gen Lucian K Truscott enter Plaza Emmanuel. Record Group 111 MSs, CUs, Gen Clark meets with officers stated above. Accession Number III-NAV-210 CUs, Gen Clark and Gen Anders looking over German flag and maps. ARMY PICTORIAL CENTER, 35-11 35th Ave., LIC 1, NY ERBS/es Signal Corps EllADC ADC 4044 4044-3; SOURCE: AFCF (0-1/42) - Card 3 of 3 FILM: ARCH & APC MP 933' ea Silent

PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE (Cont'd) Bologna, Italy 22 April 1945 (Contld)

IBS, Polish band playing.

MSs, CUs, Bren carriers loaded with Italian troops move thru bombed streets.

MLSs, civilians line sidewalks to watch parade of allied soldiers. Record Group 111 A ccession Number III-NAV-210