Cong.Ression Al Record-Sen Ate. '
I 6104 .CONG.RESSION AL RECORD-SENATE. AUGUST '17, RECESS. {From the Gr.aham Guardian, Aug. 10. 1917.1 GOVERNMENT SHOULD ACT, 1\fr. SIMMONS. I ~noYe that the Senate take a recess until The I. W. W. menace might be easily handled and put out of existence to-morrow at 11 o'clo-ck. if the Federal Government would get busy and place the arch enemy , The motion was agreed to; and (at 15 o'clock and 35 minutes of an governments, WilHam Haywood, behind the bars on a charge ot p.m., Thm· day, Augu t 16, 1917) the Senate took a recess until treason in the time of war~ Along with Haywood shouid go every member of the L W. W., a to-morrow, Friday, August 17, 1917, at 11 o'clock a. ~· special ell'ort bemg made to get the big leaders first. No sympathizer of the I. W. W. propaganda should enjoy the liberty of this country only long enough to place him in jail to watt his trial for treason. There is no room in this country for people like Haywood, Berkman, SENATE. and the female species represented by Emma Goldman. No form of government suit& them, because they do not believe in governments. FRIDAY, Augws.'t 17, 1917. As evidence of the total depra-vity of the followers of Haywood the following verse from the I. W. W. songbook is given: (Legislative day of Wednesday, Aug1.1.8t 15, 1911.) " Onward Christian soldier, rip and tear and smite; "Let the g~ntle Jesus bless your dynamite; The Senate reassembled at 11 o'clock a.
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