Corporative Institutions of Italian·Fascism
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THE SYNDICAL AND · CORPORATIVE INSTITUTIONS OF ITALIAN·FASCISM BY G. LOWELL FIELD, M. A. INSTRUCTOR IN·GOVERNMENT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY .• . SUBMITfED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY .. IN THE FACULTY OF POLITICAL SciENCE. CoLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ·NEW ¥0RK 1938 · THE SYNDICAL ·AND. CORPORATIVE INSTITUTIONS OF ITALIAN FASCISM George Lowell Field M.A. INfoTRUCTOR IN GOVERNMENT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY .ao. 4-33 in the "StUdies in History, :Economics [nd Public law'' o:r Columbia University~ SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF .THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY JN THE FACULTY OF PoLITICAL SciENCE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 1938 BY ftiX"IED Dr THE CXJYED SYA'IES OF AVQJCA ACKNOWLEDGMENT FoR useful advice and other assistance in the preparation of this study the author is gratt;ful to Professor Lindsay Rogers, Professor Arthur W . .Macmahon, Dr. Michael T. Florinsky, Professor Herbert W. Schneider, and Professor Schuyler C. Wallace of Columbia University. For his appointment to the Cutting Travelling Fellowship and other fellowships he is obli gated to Columbia University. For hospitality and assistance during his residence in Italy he is beholden to persons whose acquaintance he made at that time. · CONTENTS PACE INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 PART I . THE DICIAToRSHIP. CHAPTER I The Executive and the Fascist Party • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 19 CHAPTER II The Fascist Parliament. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 29 PART II THE OFFICIAL SYNDICATES CHAPTER III The Legal Position of the Syndicates • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 61 CHAPTER IV The Structure of the Official Syndicates . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • 72 CHAPTER V Syndical Representation . 83 CHAPTER VI Syndical Functions: Collective Labor Contracts ••• CHAPTER VII Syndical Functions: Labor Litigation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 118 PART III THE CoRPORATIVE INSTITUTIONS CHAPTER VIII The Earlier Corporative Institutions ••••• 137 s 6 CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER IX .Planning the Corporations • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • . I 54 CHAPTER X Debate in the National Council of Corporations, , , •• , • , • . I6z CHAPTER XI The Establishment of the Corporations •• , • , , • • • • • • • . I77 CHAPTER XII The Corporations in Operation . , • 194 APPENDIX •••• 205 INDEX •••••• 207 APPENDIX· LrsT OF LEGAL AND DoculiiENTAaY SouaCES I. Raccolta ufficiale delle leggi e dei decreti del Regna fi'" Italia. Rome. Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato. Annually from,I86I. The official collection of ltaliao legislation. 2. Lex, Legislazione Italiana, raccolta cronologica con-richiami alle leggi .ottinenti e ricchi indici semestriali e annuali. TW"in. Unione Tipografico Editrice Torinese. Annually from 1915. A ·privately published collection of Italian legislation, often superior to the official editioa in cross-references to statutes amended or repealed. · J. Gazzetta Ufficiale del Regno d'Italia. Rome. lstituto Poligrafico dello Stato. The· official serial publication of laws, decrees, and other official -documents. 4- Istituto Nuionale Fascista di Cultura, Legislazione e Ordinamento Sindacale Corporativo. Rome, 1934- Useful collection of selected docu ments relating to the "corporative state." s. Ministero delle Corporazioni, Sindacato e Corporazione. Rome. Monthly. Official bulletin of Ministry of Corporations. 6. Atti Parlamentari. Rome. In occasional sheafs and periodically in bound volumes. The official proceedings, documents, etc. of the Italian Parliament. Separate volumes for the two chambers, marked" discussioni," contain the debates. 7. Segretaria del Senato, Segretaria della Camera dei Deputati. Bollettino Parlamentare. Rome. Irregularly from 1927. · Collections of speeches, statistics, Italian and foreign documents issued by the two chambers. 8. lstituto Centrale di Statistica. Annuario Statistico. Roine. In annual volumes. The official Italian statistical compendium. .INDEX "Arbitrary invasion and occupation Corporations (Fascist), 61, 137-139; of premises," crime, 98; see also, activities of, 194-203; Beets and " Crimes against the order of Sugar Corporation, 194-199; col labor." lective economic agreements l'ati Assembly of the Corporations, see, fied by, 201; debate in National National Assembly of the Cor Council of Corporations on, x62- porations; National Council of I82; earlier use of term " corpor Corporations, general assembly; ation",.· 138; establishment of "Chamber of Fasci and Corpor present corporations, ISS; first ations" corporation (of Stage), IS4-IS5; form· of organization, 189-xgo; Boycott, crime, 97 ; see also, "Crimes functions of, 138; law of February against the order of labor " 5, 1934, on, x86-188; list and classification of, 188-18g; member ship of councils of, 190-192; Category, 72 . "National Assembly" of, 148, Central Corporative Committee, 29, 193; report of Central Corporative 151-152, 195, 1g8-200 Committee on, 156-161; resolution Chamber of Deputies, 29-33, 56-58; of National Council of Corpor election of, · 3o-33; proceerungs,. ations on, 175-176; rule-mak!ing by, 34-47, ss, 184-186; votes in, 38, 42, 2oo-201 ; subjects considered by 47 ; see also, Parliament councils of, 201-202; see also, Cor "Chamber of Fasci and Corpora pora<tive organizations tions,'' 148 Corporative organizations, list, 137; Charter of Labor, 61-62, 69-70, 102- see also, Corporations (Fascist); 103 National Council of Corporations; Chigi Palace (Pact of), 62 National Assembly of the Corpor Collective economic agreements, 7S, ations ; Provincial Councils of 83, 151, 187, 201 Cor.porative Economy ; " Chamber Collective labor contracts, 63-64. 7S, of Faici and Corporations"; 77, 83, IOQ-II7; "completing con Cor.porativism (Fascist) tracts,'' 104; ·effect of, Ioo-IOI; Corporativism (Fascist), 61, 137; examples, 104-111; form of, 101; see also, Corporative organizations government approval, 102; how Cooocil' of Corporations, see, Na made, Ioo-Ioi, 103-104; quasi tional Council of Corporations legislative character, 100; require Councils of Corporative Economy, ments as to content, xoz.-103; see, Provincial Councils of Cor statistics, II7; workers' represen .porative Economy tation, 117, II2-II3; work-sharing "Crimes against the order of labor", agreements, IC7-II7; see also, 97 · Syndical organizations ; Collective labor controversies Decrees and decree-laws, 21·-22, 30, Collective· labor controversies, n8- 33-34, s6 I23; courts having jurisdiction Deliberative bodies, 29 over, I 19; establishment of new labor conditions, 120; examples, Economic agreements, collective, 121-123; parties in, 120; prior con 75, 83, 151, 187, 201 ciliation, 121; quasi-legislative "Economic relations", 137 character, 123; revision of existing Electoral law, of 1923, II; of 1gz8, contracts, 121; statistics, n8-119 30-33 Confederations (syndical), 72-73 Employment exchanges, 142-143 207 2o8 INDEX Fasci dj combattimento, 8, 23 Matteotti crisis, 12 Fasci9111, change in program, 8-9; characteristics, 7; consolidatioo of National Assembly of the Corpor power, 13; distinctive institutions, ations, 148, 193; set also, National 13, 61; doctrine, 13--16; foundation Council of Corporations, general of Milan fascio, 8; seizure of assembly; " Chamber of Fasci power, 13; terrorist activities, 8 and Corporations" Fascist Party, 23-28 ; activities of National Council of Corporations, fasci, 27-28; as cadre organization, 144-153; Central Corporative Com 27; foundation of, 9; fasci di com mittee, 151-152; functions of, xso- battimento, 8, IJ ; Grand Council, 151; general assembly of, 146-147; 24-26, 31~ internal organization, powers of president, 148-xso; pro 23-24; militia, xo, 24; .nature of, ceedings, 152-153, 162-182 23 ; youth g1roups, 28 ; see also, National syndicates, 73 Fascism Federations, Fascist Party, 23; Parliament, 29-58; character of pro syndical, 72-73 ceedings of, 56-58; committees of, 57-58; composition of, 30; govern Grand Council of Fascism, 24-26, 31 ment bills in, 56; interrogations in, 37-8, 43, s8 ; legal restrictions on, Head of. the Government (office), 30; legal sovereignty of, 30; private 19-23; executive powers, 20; legis members' bills in, 56-57; proceed lative control by, 21 ; penalties for ings of, 33-58; see also, Senate; attack on, 22 Chamber of Deputies Popolo d'ltalia, 8 . Individual labor controversies, 124. Provincial Councils of Corporative 129-133; nature of, 124; prior con Economy, x38-142 ciliation, 130-131; scope of, 129- Provincial syndicates, 73-74 IJO; significance in enforcing col Provincial unions (syndical), 73-74 lective contracts, 129; suits brought after discharge, 131-IJa; unequal position of parties, 129; see also, Senate, 29-30, s6-s8; proceedings, Labor conditions (enforcement of) 47-55, I83-184; votes in, so, 5I, 54; Interprovincial syndicates, 73 see also, Parliament Interprovincial unions (syndical), Shop committees, 62 Sovereignty (legal), 30 73-74 Statutes, 30 "Juridical relations", 137 Strike, a crime, 97; statistics, 98-99 Suffrage (qualifications), 32 Labor conditions (enforcement of), Syndical law of April 3, 1926, 63 124-132; criminal prosecution, 124, Syndical organizations (official), 61- 126-128; employer's plea of ignor 136; by-laws, 75-86; confedera ance, 126-127; frequency of vio tions, 72-73; directing officers, 68, · lations, 125 ; representations to em 78-8o ; disci-plinary powers, 76, 83- ployer's syndicate, 125; see also, 84, 88; dues, 65-66 ; elections, 88, Individual labor controversies 91 ; excluded groups, 64-65; ex Labor