Congressional R.Ecor.D-House 1973
1926 CONGRESSIONAL R.ECOR.D-HOUSE 1973 ~ Cliariie 'B. 'Starke, Holland. The Journal of' the proceedings of yesterday was read and Edmond\V. Corley, ·Humble. appro-ved. Albert L. Jennings, Kosse. ' \. LEAVE OF ABSENCE Hem·y B. Harrison, La Porte. By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted to Mr. Ali de Schneider, Marion. MoRGAN, for five days, on account of important business. · Uae Sheen, Mertzon. Lucy Breen, Mineola. _ O.MNffiUS BUILDI:SG BILL ·· Mary L. Hardy, Newcastle. Mr. BUSBY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex Audry R. Redden, Ponta. -tend my remarks in the RECORD on H. R. 7182, relating to public Leland S. Howard, Roscoe. buildings. TIRGINIA The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Mississippi asks unani Cecil G. Wood, Ashland. mous consent to extend his remarks in the RECORD in the Creighton Angell, Boone Mill. manner indicated. Is there objection? Samuel T. Ranson, Bremo Bluff. There was no objection. 'Villard B. Alfred, Clarksville. Mr. BUSBY. .1\lr. Speaker, on Friday of last week, which Nancy E. Berry, Dahlgren. was January 8, I. introduced in the House H. R. 7182, which Daniel V. Richmond, Ewing. bill was in tbe nature of an omnibus building bill relating Bernard R. Powell, Franklin City. directly to post-office buildings throughout the country. Lewis B. Connelly, Lawrenceville. It includes ·altogether 418 building projects and the items Leonard G. Perh.'ins, Mineral. contained in the bill, designating places for buildings, are m~ William E. Hudson, Monroe. eluded in sections 1, 2, 3, and 4. Mary B. Wickes, New :Market. Tbe items in section 1 are listed by tbe Secretary of tb&o Fillie C.
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