Dino Grandi Ouits Mussolini Cabinet

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Dino Grandi Ouits Mussolini Cabinet in , WWmwi^ei’-lfc-S Wi 5 3 6 4 w of ttae AMlt 1 r ^ ' r "• ' Fair thpw.ftNrr ■•t;' ctiCbteoMom. VOL. LI., NO. 248. (ClMiMed Adrarllilac <m Vftfe 1S>X SOUTH MANCHESTER,. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1982. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICEa * IflEBB▼ CENTS. a. - . ! i In lim eligh t of Inquiry Into Prisonei^o D eath w m IS TOLD DINO GRANDI OUITS ♦ Hera art osntral figures in tbs In- vestigatioh of the death of Hyman WATER SYSTEM MUSSOLINI CABINET Stark, youthful prisoner, who died after hours of questioning by Nassau County, N. T., poUoe. Coun­ CANByOUfflT ty Detoetlvc Joseph Hizenski is ■bowB above at Nassau Hbspital, Foreign Hnuster Resigns h 3DEAD,8HURT Mineola, X* L, as be vlsitod tbe bed­ •A side of his mother, Mrs. Valerie Sdedmep To Confer WiA Hizenski, who was severely beateD Shake-Up Whidi Reidaces during an attempted robbery in (S(y of Beribi A l l P n w i^ FROM EXPLOSION which Stark and three others were O10119 Brothori On Pnr- President Postpones R re Ministers and 11 Un­ suspsetod of having a part Hizsn- Of BradcoiNttg Ihiicr skt and twelve other police officers d n ie — Would Indnde euepen<M pending the out- Signing R elief Bill der-Secretaries. Four Men Mistmg When of the Inqv South Sewer Haitt Abo. M irikl Law To Stop Pofi- Djmamite Goei Off At Washington, ^ y 20.^(AP) — Young, Industrlflllsi and Wilson ticai Rkrti WlwA Gaoiod Rom*, July 20.— (A P )— Dino aoMo thsrsu srs woumwould osbs amstims for svsry- W. Mttle, Detroit- banker, bad been OruuM, Italian foralfn miaiatar, ra> TIm advisability of tbs purchase body to g it sst, ineludlBg tbe thirty discussed Ity otbers. * odd states that already bad ihown Blfnad today In a far raaehinf Cabl* Bottom of River. of the South Msaobester Water The Corj^atioB Itself had de- 100 D o ilb r u h a The Company by tbe Town of Manches­ they wanted some of tbe money, dded to discard red tap# to emsdite ne^ abakaup ordered by Premier President Hoover bss delayed his ter was discussed at tbe regular loans from tbs |$06,000,00C for Muaaollni. tlgnihff of ths $2,122,000,009 rslief stats rcUsf of distitution snff $822,- lait Three Weeb. Alexandria Bay, N. Y., July 20.— monthly meeting of tbe Board of Five mlniatara and eleven tmdar* 000,000 for public works, ths liittsr aaeratarlea ware diaplacad. Muaaollni (AP)—Tbe toll of tbe explosion of Selectmen at tbe Municipal Build- Tbs Whits House announced tbe Including $182,000,()00 wblta osn b# the drill boat "America" in tbe St. Bight, after it wai etated postponed pen work-r- tentatively used to nuiteh stats highway « i- Bcriia, July 20—(AF) -T h s 0«r^ retained for blmaalf two of tbe set for yesterday—would let the vacated portfoUoa. Tbeae eonatltuted Lawrence River near here yesterday ^ t Cibeney Brothers had admitted pmdltures.. govsnaMBt, with «ld-tl8M President finish plans for reorgan­ Tbert wsrs Indications that statai tbe flrat ebanfea In tbe Cabinet reached three known dead, four thq property wae for sale. miltary prtdaien, moved swiftly Sewer Dietaiot, Too ization of tbs RsobBstruction Fl- may appty ysw soon for mors than alnee May 1929. mleiing and eight men in hospitals nanee Corporation which wlH handle $200,000,()00 o f ths $800,000,000 sum thls-m on^ to establish a vlrtui^ Tbe abake*up waa regarded as today with the death of Earl Russell, Such a transaction would also tbs huge emergency fund. include tbs purchase of tbe South as follows: dlotatorship over tbe huge state o f another "rotation" to bring new 17, one of those previously number­ The reorganrzatioD was to include Arisona, nilBols, New York, and blood into tbe government without ed among tbe Injured. He died this Mancbeeter Sanitary and Sewer tbe appointment of successors to Prussia and to damp down BMUftial any change of policy. District, which Is also eontroUsd by law OB tbe Oty of Berks aad th« morning from cerebral contusions. Cbensy Brothers, and would in aU dovemor Eugene Meyer of the Fed­ Tlie five minlatera who resigned Eight other men were injured eral Ressrvs^ard and Paul Bestor, KiMiii— f«9fovivwi jHUMKnin Provlaoe of Braadeahuii. , were Orandl; Alfredo Roceo, Minis­ probillty be followed by the acquisi­ Farm Loan Commissioner wliose re­ when a ton and a half of dynamite tion of tbe Manchester Water ^ m - and Utah, $2,000,000; Idaho, $1,500,- . Tbe first aotlos w u taken fiader' ter of Justice; Antonio Moseoni, planted on the rocky botton of the tirement ae directors of the cor­ 000; Wesi Virginia, $000,006. M e ^ z ^ decree issued by Minister, of Finance; Prof. Balbino, pany, bringing the town’s entire poration the bill made mimdatory, St. Lawrence river exploded under water system under the control of Wisconsin auo wss trjdng to ds- President Paul von Hindenbuv t ^ Oiuliano', Minister of Education and the bull of tbe 160 foot boat. A sec­ at the President’s request. cids bow much to borrow. morning, it followed eritichl pree- Ciuaippe Bottai, Minister of Cor- the municipality. M r.. Hoover had given no ad­ ond explosion within tbe boat imme­ Tbe matter of the piurcbase wae Connsotiout is among states de­ •ure upcm the government to' stop porattona diately afterward scattered its frag- vance indication ae to whom be ciding what to, do about deititutioo the poAtloal riota which have taken brought up by Selectman Sherwood would eeleot for these posta. Owen loans. Mussolini, who already was minis­ ir nts and the members of its crew Bowers, who said .that rumors ^ kfid ter o f interior as well as preniler, over a wide area iu the St. Law­ the proposed sale had been Investi­ is the last three 'weeks. kept for himself the ministries of rence river. CHARGE FOUR POUCEMEN gated tty Selectman Frank Williams, Chancellor Franz von Papen was foreign affairs and corporations. Two bodies were brought up from Joseph Trotter and hlmsitif and appointed commleeioner o f Pniiela Among the eleven under-seere- ti. wreckage of tbe sunken drill found to be a fact Tba' trio then and Lord Mayor Franz Bra&t of taries dlsplsmed was 11 Duce’a own boat last night before the diver WITH MURDER OF STARK conferred with officials of the water HINTS AT U. S.-CANADA Beeen was named the eSa^Storie right hand man, Francesco Oiimta. foimd it necessary to abandon bis company ja d obtained a 4Setatled aeeistant and given tts diotaterial Orandl Best Known search because of muddy water and report on^the company from its en­ power, in von Aipen’s name. Beat known of all these relieved is obstructioxM. gineers, cAntainizg the asking price Under Bfartlal taw tbe dapper, young, blackbearded "Conditions down there are unbe­ and the rast to toe town to dupli TRADE RELATION BREAK The decree <ff maHial law was Signor Orandl, whose name’ had fig­ lievable" said tbe diver, George Thirteeii Arrested In Cevt- MCCORMICK WEALTH cate the jjiant 'Xlie figures were Issued when Karl Severing,. Pmeelatt ured in most of the International Fisher of Ogdensburg, N. Y., after not releaU for publication. minister, of In te^ r, deckned, to a c -. affairs which have played such a recovering tbe bodies of Ivan Rush, reem Where Probe On The poMlblUty of such a pur­ cept the president’s first d n u m n ey part on the world stage during tbe 82, of La Salle, Illinois who had been DWINDLING FAST chase li not new to Selectmen of Former Premier Bmee'Sayt REGISTRAR’ S POST decree as binding aad deidared 1m las year. in charge of the America and Joe previous years. The plan was never would yield only to force.' Oenelml He came to the United States last Slusariack, 24, a "dynamiteman" Death Of Siipect b Be- followed up becauM of the neces­ (3erd von Rundetedt; coSunaBder of year to confer with President Hoo­ also from La Salle. sity of taking over toe sewer sys­ There Is Ahraye Danger the Third ReicUeWebr (Army) Dis­ ver following visits by Prime Minis- Unable To Find Bodlee tem, also. nLLED BYDEPUTY trict was placed in cha^e of Berka tci MacDonald of Oreat Britain and Fisher said the water was "so hvHdd. Danid>kr of Jdm D. Roche- FonMs Non-C)ommlttal (tf Being Abserbed ij a and Brani burg unto-tbe-martial Premior Lavalle of France and was mud(fy and the wreckage so terribly Bowers said that William-Foulds, law order, He waa a to girea oem^ g.’eetad here with honors equal to tangled" that even with the aid of fdier Forced To Move Jr., president of toe Manchester mand of all pokce zevees in thii the beads of the other two govern­ ^w erful lanqM he was unable to Mineola, N. Y., July 20.— (A P )— Water Company, had been ap Bigger Conittry. SUMes Fronde Fer Saccos- area. ments. find other bo^es except the two Warrants were issued today for the preached in regard to tbe sale of ' Chancellor von Papen decided,-for Mussolini, who held the premier­ which lay at his feet wkra he reach­ From I^etentions Mantien the north end companjr but his toe present at least, to remove only arrest of 18 county policemen in sion and SeleCtnen Do Premier Braun and Herr SmSMhg ship and six ministries before tiie ed the river bottom. connection with the death of Hy­ answer was non-conuuittal, al­ Otte'wa, Ont., July '26—(AP) — present Cabinet was appointed in Bodies of four otaer ware be-, though be raid that in the event ffom toe Prussian nfinisiry, Mamg man Stark,, a :prisoner, a fter An.
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