Harrison Rev. Harry George M . .!. Clarkson Rd.Hy.frmr.MasterJohn's fm Jarvis Hy.Geo. George & Dragon P.H (vicar), Vioa.rage tCrawford Jant> W. (Mrs.), farmer, tKnight Alfred, farmer, Brands fano. tHodge Mrs. Chase view Lawness farm McCheyne George, farmer, The Hall Hodges Lionel l''rederick, Malbrooks Cumbers George, farmer, Woolwards McKay Rebecca (Mrs.), beer retailer Prosser Alfred E. St. Ann's DilliSell George William, beer retaile1· Macmorland John, farmer, Arnolds tSamuels Frederick tDrnm.mond James, farmer, Little *Nicholls Jn. B. frmr. Bellman's farm tlfaldron Thomas, Winnivere Cowbridge grange Roberts J. &:; Son, blacksmiths *Walmesley-Cotham Alfred, Tylhu;; Fisher Waiter Charles, blacksmith Samuel Charles, chimney sweeper tWoolnough James, Eden vale Frampton HPrbert George, grocer Smith Arth. Hy. frmr. Jordan's fa.,.,rmrn COMMERCIAL. Gould Thomas, coach builder Steven William, farmer, Chainbridge Agnis :Bobert, miller (wind) Goulden William Edward, shopkePpr. Weal James, beer retailer Bannister Hy. Jsph. frmr.Baker's frm & post office Wooltorton Hy. frmr. Swallow's cross Barues Samuel & Son, jobmasters tHodge Robert (M:rs ), farmer, Great *Blyth Isaac, farmer, Westlands Cowbridge grange

MUCKING, anCiently written "Mocking," and in net yearly value £209, with 29 acres of glebe and resi­ Dome9day " Mucinga," is a parish on a creek of the dence, in the gitt of the Dean and Chapter of St. 'fhames of the same name, I mile south from the Stan­ Paul's, and held since I897 by the Rev. Charles Rich ford-le-Hope station on the London, and South­ Nelson Burrows. There are two charities: the "Robin­ end railway, 4~ miles north-east of , 5~ east. <'011 Gift '' of £I 9s. is distributed annually by the from Grays and about 27 from London, in the South vicar and churchwardens among the "aged, well-con­ Eastern division of the county, Barstable hundred, ducted and deserving poor ; " the "Downes' Charity" union and petty sessional division, Grays county affords £3 6s. Bd. annually to the church and a like sum court district, a.nd in Or~ett and Grays rural deanery, to the parish of , the latter being distributed in archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The church coal about Christmas time. Mucking Hall, formerly of St. John the Baptist, almost wholly rebuilt between the manor house, stands opposite the church. Here was .849 and 1852, and oompleted in 1887, consists of chancel formerly a nunnery, a cell of Barking Abbey, to which (res!fred in 1879), nave, south aisle and an embattled it belonged. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are western tower of stone containing 3 bells, dated respectively lords of the manor and impropriators, and the trustees 1632, 1579 and 1665 : the chancel, 33 feet by I5, is a fine of the late A. Z. Cox esq. are the principal landowners. specimen of the Early English style, and was probably The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops ar& built in the reign of Henry Ill. but underwent con­ wheat and barley; and sheep are largely raised. The aiderable alteration prior to the Reformation; it retains area is 2,028 acres of land, I of inland and 126 of tidal three sedilia and a double piscina : the north side has water and 131 of foreshore; rateable value, £3>398; the an elegant, arcade of three arches, supported on three population in 19n was 440 in the civil and 6r6 in the small and ·graceful octagonal columns of Purbeck ecclesiastical parish. marble: a oommunion table and litanv• desk of carved oa.k, the latter designed by the late G. E. Street esq. Ily Local Government Board Order, No. 54,633, April R.A. architect, were placed in the church in 1884: 1st, Igro, part of Mucking was transferred to Stanford­ the organ chamber has been floored with wood and le-Hope for civil purposes. fitted as a vestry in memory of the Rev. J. H. Bridge. vicar 1868-83, at the expense of his sister, Mrs. Oblean: MUCKING FORD (or Linfmd), 1 mile south-west, the carved oak leetern was presented in 189o by Mrs. is a hamlet in this parish. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Bridge in memory of her husband, and there art> built in 1900. memorial windows to the Rev. Oharles Day, a former Letters are received through Stanford-le-Hope at 8.3() vicar, to William Clark, Percy W. Clark, Samuel a.m. & 7.30 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at. Westwood Squier J.P. and William Clark, senior: Stanford-le-Hope, r! miles distant the an

· lleresfnrd George Henry, Walton's ball Wilson Du Barrv,• Linford Ridgway Sml. frmr.Walton's Hall frm Bnrrows Rev. Charles Rich Nelson, COMMERCIAL. £mith Arthur, shopkeeper,Post office~ Vicarage Bristow William, shopkeeper, Linford Linford Fisher John Mortimer, 19 Somerset Hawkins Clement W. farmer,Mucking South Essex Water Works (Jas. Star, road, Linford Hall farm in charge ),Linford pumping station Porbes Peter Moore Sarah (Mrs.), shopkpr. Linford Squier Austin William & Saml. Jsph. Garside George, Linford Morley Newcomb, farmer, Merryloots, farmers, The Rookery Hawkins Clement W. Mucking ha.ll Linford Ticehurst John, butcher, Linford

MUNDON is a parish and village, near a creek of the under the will of Dr. Plume, sometime Archdeacon of Blackwater estuary, 3 miles south-east from Maldon Rochester, entitled to gratuitous instruction at the station on the Great Eastern railway and 12 south-east Grammar school, Maldon. Sir Thomas Charles Callia fnm Chelmsford, in the South Eastern division of the Western hart. is lord of the manor and principal land·