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Onfedera-Don .41T ~~Ih e~nlh~+nR~e~+~~+e~+e,•I~n1tie~ ~~Ah r1►. ,~~~1hn~+e~+~tnnlhl~nMrilh~~In~+ T + T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Y It is Very Important {), {T► That your wife and :ami v should be Ptoeided for in ct:se of t•nl,~ death . II is al,o tery ~rnportant that in making S l ch prot'ia .t n i . rl the Itl o •t Ilf`l'r : .l 1' ow r :l~t Ih :ll \llll ♦ .{11 . i h e Ut ,.;onci i tional Acc:umulat a ve Polic ') ► - Ok fi -I {* onfedera-don .41t C LIFE ASSOCIATION {} ~ I . :Ih„llulrlc fire fro ;n . ., :• lili,ln , an d ~uar ;Inlr~ 4 ÿ~ Extended In suranc e ~~ on a Paid-up :'ulicy after two years, or a cash %al- ;l!Irr li%r I r ;tn . {j► Rates and full information tient or . appiic>ttin~t : .t ht. I ;.aJ 430 Office, Toronto, or to any of the A,soclation's .\gent, . -fit W . C . MACitO\Al .il, .lcluary . J . K . MACDONALD . {# N n n ag InR I/irr .tor . HFALt OFFICE- TORO2:'r•7 . Ja IT Y SENECA JONES, GAGENT , 7 HUGHSJN ST . S, HAMILTON, ~44S .~• JM r~+n~fn~+nâtw~h~ât~~n/~n?fr~~~n1h~lln~t~}r, .~i .r,^~. :~, .f►z •.~G~1~~~nntn.~l~~ne~+ ~ 3i : T T T t Z T • T T T T~ Y T : : T .- : T- T T % ~M Capital Repres . uted . III5,4Ilt1,111111 . Iaahll>hrd Ir; 7 2 . 410 tM , =~o SENECA jON ES , •~M , 4 M FIRE AND LIFE UNDERWRITER. ~M C/1,11PA\IEF klil't2i .~F`-Ii :l) : •«Ç~ N ~o! Northern Assurance Co. of London . England . ~0 ;: . Alliance Assurance Co. •.:f Le: ~ion Englan d 0 Lancashire Insurance Co. of Ir, nchester, England ~ " . Waterloo Mutual lnsurlnce C- of Waterloo 1,1f1;. Confederation Life Association of Toronto 11'1 4 DEI''., T^e Canadian Accident Assur,l} .ee Cu . of Montreal 1:1'td ; .+liT ;a:. The Guarantee Co. of North Alnerica, of ;dontreal P1 .A TE /a .,/• ;!:, Lloyd's Plate Glass Insura m Co. of New Yor k 4,0 MO'-F . " ". RATES UNQUESTIONABLF ~E ECURITY . 4,0 1 4[ M ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES . 414w •[ F M- H *1 of %, : 7 ughson St . South , 401 _ TELEPHONE 678 . HAMILTO1~T . 1 d THE BEST C011PA1Y FOR -'l'ItE BEST RISKS. THE LEADING HOUSE FOR 1894 ^ We closed our books' on Dec. 31st in each of these four years without a iX 1895 1896 ^ dollar of interest in arrears or a dollar's FüRNITURE AND - 1897 worth of real estate on our hands. CARPETS ^ HOUSEFURNISHINGS ^► THE 1EMPEflNNGf AHD GENERAL <Iff ''e^ MALCOLM & SOIITER, ASSURANCE COMPANY. 91 and 83 King I. Wt•,+t. tJt + -- - - - ()ur mortality record ha-i for a period of mcke )car. been more ^ - ►^R tavor.thle in our I rmperance secti. n than an) uther recorded experience for a similar amount of business for so long a tinte. IN CARPETS and HOUSEFURNISHINGS we have the largest variety and the newe+t ,t^les, all selling at the very lowest prices. OURS IS THE TOTAL ABSTAINER'S COMPANY--06w- IN FURNITURE we maintain the lead and pride ourselves on having the and it deserves the best support that total at,stainers largest and best assorted stock in the city. can give it, in the interests of Temperance. .., L. W. WALDRON HON. G. W. ROSS. President. Quality of Work Warranted and Prices Always Right. General Agent, ^ H. SUTHERLAND. Hamilton and R'cotworth. Managing Director. 91 and 93 King Street West. Malcolm & Souter, Factory --1 to 21 Park St. South. HEAU OFFICE, GLOBE BUILDING, TORONTO. F38MILTON, ONT_ J. G. MILWRAITH & Co. THE York County I2 JAMES ST. NORTH, HAI'IILTON For Twenty l'ear+ past one of the leading Importing Hou." of STAPLE AND Loan and Savings Company FANCY . DRY GOODS i INCORPORATED i DRESS GOODS A Specialty H6AD OFP`ICM I Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc., etc. CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING, MILLINERY AND MANTLES. Are Prominent Features Cor. Yonge and Richmond Sts., Toronto. =of the Establishment. One of the Largest and Best Selected Stocks in the City from which JOSEPIt PHILLIPS, President, You will find it to your advantage to do your V. ROBIN, Treasurer. to choose. A. T. HUNTER, d. ü. B., Vice-President. E. J. BURT, Supervisor. trading with us. Special attention given to letter orders. Solicitor: W. H. HUNTER, B. A. J. G. McILWRAITIi & CO., HAMILTON BRANCH OFFICE: Telephone 825. 12 James St. North, Hamilton. CHANCERY CHAMBERS, 30 HUCHSOH ST. SOUTH. I JOHN AULD, Patrons will please observe that all orders for the Hamilton City Directory bear our name. PROPRIETOR C ANADIANNs.&*e ORK UTTING CITY OF )fAI II LT0N BY PATENT" MACHINERY. C O 4 Office Filld TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL 642 LAGAUCHETIERE, CORNER CHENNEVILLE STS., BELL TELEPHONE 258. MONTREAL. STREET, ALPHABETICAL, GENERAL, MISCELLANEOUS AND CLASSIFIED BUSINESS Every description of Corks on hand and cut to order ; also Cork Wood and Cork Life Preservers. All sizes of Soft and Hard Wood Taps, Bungs, Spiles, Caps, Bottling Wire and Wax, Cork Driving and Capping Machines, Capsules, etc. CANE BOTTLE BASKETS, TIN-FOIL. DIRECTORY TEMPLES' LIVERY FOR THE YEAR BOARDING, SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES, A(3sSN Ctatlifyurlne ^4t. 1^. ^"l' A Fi L t ti l l l•. 1. l i•+.i t t, STYLISH GLADSTON ES, SURRIES AND COMFORTABLF CARRIAGES FOR FAMILY DRIVING. Pri4-- et o2.60. HORSES SUITABLE;FOR LADIES' DRIVING. ---,-> 6<p- Trh•pltont• No. 5'L. Tirst•ciass Eiuery:tllrnollts of EVery W. H. II:WIN & CO., C'ONIrILr.R. AND PCBUSHERti, Description sanplid on short notice at moderate Cprges . 14 RMrrick ItrNt, ne><t door to Royal Hotel, HANILTO\, ONT. STABLE OPEN DAY AND NIüHT. J O H N TEMPLE, I ProQrletoT. (iRltFlti & ti1DPIRR, PRI%TERi, S8 hlVl. WILLIAY SiRERT, HAM11.T0.1, 11N1 PREFACE. the Oarlock Packing Co'y @IC H E PUBLISHERS, in presenting their Twenty-Fifth Annual Edition T of the City of Hamilton Directory , gratefully acknowledge the sup- GARNLOREK'S port awarded them, and assure their patrons that all means in their power have been exerted to make the work as thorough and reliable as it Sectional Ring. STEAM, AND is possible for a compilation of this kind to be. We claim that in every- thing essential this work is equal to any similar compilation published on In WATER AMMONIA this continent. Wishing our patrons a favorable year, we take our leave, hoping in due fie time to request their support for the twenty-sixth edition of titis book. Please Elastic Ring. see that all orders bear our name. PACKINGS W. H. IRWIN 8r CO., (PATENTED) 14 MERRICK ST., H.SMILT0N, ONT. February, ii8. ASBESTOS PIPE AND BOLLER COVERINGS. None Genuine Without the Trade Mark ADVERTISERS' INDEX. SEE THAT IT IS ON ALL PACKAGES fflebee(re PAGE PAGE 35 JOHN ST. NORTH. 6 Ambrose, Walter, insurance .. top lines Hadley, Thos TELEF'HONE 1295. Auld, John, corks. 4 Herron. Joseph, tailor 97 Bates, F D W, M D 3 77 Irwin, Thos, & Son, roofers 298 Brass, Peter 2 77 Jones, Seneca, insurance...front cover Bruce, 1Vm, patents 277 McKay. Bros, dry goods 249 Confederation Life front cover McKeand, Geo, insurance.. top lines Cutter & Sandahl, patents, top lines & 8 Malcolm & Souter, furniture 3 Duff, W A H, barrister 277 North America t Life. 8 Dubord & Co last page Ontario Mutual Life top lines top lines Parker, R, & Co, dyers 220 Federal Life PAGE PAO" Findlay, W F, insurance top lines Sclater Asbestos Manurg Co, Advertiser's Index 6 Law Society Furlong and Beasley, barristers. ..277 top and bottom edges and last page 293 Alphabetical Directory I.iterary Societ ies Gardiner, R M 249 and 279 Scott, Lees & Hobson, barristers...277 98 292 Banks and Officials 298 Masonic Garlock Packing Co 7 Sweeney, James 161 295 Benevolent Institutions ..... 294 Medical Society 293 Haigh, R 97 Temperance and General Life 2 Canadian Club Military 294 Hamilton Business College... :62 Temple, John, livery 4 293 Catholic Mutual Benefit Assoc's.. 294 Miscellaneous Directory 288 Harris, W, & Co, fertilizers. 279 Western Fire Insurance Co..back cover Chosen Friends 296 National Societies 294 Hartford Fire Insurance top lines York County Loan and Savings Co. 3 Church Directory 390 Oddfellows 295 City Government 288 Orange Association 297 Classified Business Directory 273 Public Library 289 * * THOMAS HEDLEY, e e e Colleges and Schools 292 Railways 298 Customs and Inland Revenue ... 290 Roman Catholic Institutions 294 Educational 291 Royal Arcanum 297 Emerald Beneficial Association . 294 Royal Templars 295 Upholsterer* Fire Alarm 289 St Andrew's Society 294 Practical Foresters 297 St George's Society 294 42 McNAB ST. SOUTH and 38 MAIN ST. WEST Hamilton Association 292 School Trustees 289 Irish Protestant Benev't Society.. 294 Street Directory 9 Cosy Corners, VVindow Seats, etc., made to order. Easy Chairs, Couches, Sp:gig and othe Knights ot Pythias .. 296 Temperance Organizations 295 Mattresses in stock. Full size Hair Mattresses from $12.00 U. Carpets Cleaned, etc. Knights of Maccabees 297 United %Vorkmen 296 Fine line of Furniture Covering's, Draperies and Curtains artistically arranged. GEO. MoKEAND HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO. ROYAL HOTEL BLOOK OCEAN asd LAKE STEAMSHIP AGENCY A HANDSOME RETURN. To the North American Life Assurance Company, TORONTO, ONT. DEori SIM., - II have much pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your CompanY's cheque, through HAMILTON STREET DIRECTORY. vour District Manager, Mr. W. J. Waters, for the full cash value of my Semi-Tontine Policy Judd in your Company.
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