Seneca Joi~Es , Geneizal Insurance Agent

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Seneca Joi~Es , Geneizal Insurance Agent Feels it to be a dut,y to provide for his xvife and } M lamilv . Have oy done ,o r . The UNCO NDIIIUNAL ACCUMULATI`.' : VOLICY i,sued by th e CONFEDERATION -- ---- -- . L!FE a~. s~y -ASSOCIATION provides in.,tant and certain ;,r,,i :c iii'm fn,nl daie of is,;ue . C:1tiI I 1' ,\LUTS. PAID-UP PO LICIES. E~IE\UEI ~ ~\~l'G,\~'CF 'F D . SENECA JONES . 7 h ;hso:, St,.L _~r South , CAPITAL REPRFSENTEO, ÿ105,000000 . ESTAfLISHED 1872 . SENECA JOI~ES , GENEIZAL INSURANCE AGENT . Co M l'Ati I ES RI_PFtG ;I.NrFU : FIRE. Northern Assurance Co . of London . England Alliarice Assurance Co. of London, En j tnd Lancash ire Insurance Co . of ManchEster . F^gland Waterloo Dl-atval Assurance Co. of Waterloo . LIFE, . Con'~deration Lif, Assnc:iation of Toronto . fl ACCIDENT . r inada Acci,"ent nsurznce Co . of Mcrtreal . GUARANTEE. Guarar•~e Co . c.: North America. of Mor.t,~al . PLATE GLASS . The ' yls' of' New York . MODERATE RATES. UNQUESTIONABLE SECURITY . ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIGEN."aEs. Office : 7 Hughson St . South , TELEPHONE 6T8 . tIA1~ilI~'3`U :~ . ~-----~-~--~-~ ,~ . _ . THE Carpets, WITHOUT A DOLLAR__..,^- LEADING Although we were without a dollar of interest in arrears, or a dollar 's worth of real estate on our hands at the close of HOUSE Furniture and the Nears 1894, 1895 and 18,)6, we had added largely to our FOR investments in each year, and wern. reLarded by financial men as occupying a very strong and very uniq.,e position. H ousefurnishi ngs. TflE TE1IIPERflNOE Own GE$ER^L IIFE MALCOLM & SOUTER, 91- and 93 KING STREET WEST. ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CARPETS AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS we have the largest variety and the was probably the only Company having assets of upwards of netve.t ,tyl.s, all selling at $500,000 that could say as much. THM PERY, I..0WE8T P1RIO3E8. IN FURNITL'RE we maintain the lead and pride ourselves on having the IT IH TIIE TOTAL ABKTA.NERti' COaIPANti OP CANADA. largest and best assorted stor'c in the city. Quality of Work Warranted and Prices Always Right. Don't insure without learning direct from the Company how it is prospering. DYALCOLM & SOUTER. HON. G. W. ROSS, President. L H. WALDRON , GENERAL AGENT. Iaeter7-1 to EI Park %t. South. 91 and 93 king 81. Went. Hamilton. IIAAIILTOIK. N. SUTHERLAND, Manager. J.G.MCILWRAITH&CO. Lakehurst Sanitarium 12 James St. North, Hamilton, OAKVILLE, ONT. For Twenty l'ears past one of the leading Importing Houses of STAPLE AND FANCY Is the most delightfuüy located health resort in Ontario, and offers DRY GOOD^ - to sufferers the most scientific and effective treatmer.t for Alcohol D R ESS GOODS and Morphine addiction known to medical science, A f.PjEOIbLTY_ Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc., etc. The Double Chloride of Gold System MILLINERY AND MANTLES of Treatment ARE PROMINENT FEATVRES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT. is administered at this institution. INEBRIETY CURED. One of the Large^st and Best Selected Stocks in the City from which MORPHINE HABIT CURED. to choose. You will find it to your advantage to do your trading with us. Special attention given to letter orders. ALCOt1OLIS11 15 A DISEASE, NOT A CRIME. J. G. MoILWRAITH & CO,, 0 sEE LA9T PAGE Telephone 825 . 12 JAMES ST. NORTH, HArILTOl1. R^ 6 BUNGS. Patrons will please observe that all orders for the Hamilton City CORKS AND Directory bear our name. JO I-11■T -A.TTLD, PROPRIETOR ■ ■ ANADIAN -- 101111 CITY OF HAMILTON ORK C'UTTING C TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL BY PATENT MACHINERY 0 9 Office and Factory, STREET, ALPHABETICAL, GENERAL, MISCELLANEOUS 642 LAGAUCHETIERE. CORNER CHENNEVILLE STREET, AND CLASSIFIED BUSINESS BELL TELEPHONE 258 MONTREAL. Every description of CORKS on hand and cut to order ; also CORK WOOD and CORK LIFE PRESERVERS. All SiZe% of liard and Soft Wood Taps, Bungs, Spiles, Caps, Bottling M'ire and Wax, Cork Driving and Capping Machines, Capsules, etc. CANE BOTTLE BASKETS. TIN-FOIL. DIRECTORY TEMPLE'S LIVERY FOR THE YEAR BOARDINC, SALE AND EXCHANCE STABLES, 1 S 0 k7 -ILES- -AIM Cettlictriri trt North ItMTAHL.ISHKD 1856 STYLISH GLADSTONES. SURRIES PRICE, $2.50. AND COMFORTABLE CARRIAGES FOR FAMILY DRIVING. HORSES SUITABLE FOR LADIES' DRIVING. Telephone No. St ‘N II. IRWIN & CU., COMPILERS AND PUBLISHER>, First-class Livery Turnouts of Every 14 Merrick aired., next door to Royal Hotel. Description supplied on short notice 81 DlOgefaig Burgos. HAMILTON. ONT Stable open Day and Night. JOHN TEMPLE, GRIFFIN & KIONER. PRINTERS, ça KING WILLIAM STREET, HAMILTON, ONT. • PREFACE. Pie Galin Packifig Company STI FIE PUBLISHERS, in presenting their Twenty -fourth Annual Edition I of the City of Hamilton Directory, gratefully acknowledge the support GAW awarded them, and assure their patrons that all means in their power have I..A r.trimCsK'S SECT1UNAL RING. been exerted to make the work as thorough and reliable as it is possible for STEAM, WATER AND a compilation of this kind to be. We claim that in everything essential this AMMONIA published on this continent. work is equal to any sitnilar compilation Me — %Vishing our patrons a favorable year, we take our leave, hoping in due PACKINGS SPIRAL. time to request their support for the twenty-fifth edition of this book. ( PATEN l'ED) Please see that all orders bear our name. - None Genuine Without the Trade Mark W. H. IRWIN 8r CO., SEE THAT IT IS ON ALL PACKAGES. 14 N1ERRICK Sr.. HAMILTON, ONT. February, 1897 35 JOHN ST. NORTH. TELEPHONE'. 120c. ADVERTISERS' INDEX. CA-1■T PAGE PAGE Walter, insurance.. top lines I Healey, Thos 200 PAGE Ambrose, PAGE Herron, Joseph, tailor. 96 Advertiser's Index Auld, John. corks 4 6 Literary Societies 300 Irwin, Thos, & Son, roofers ... 278 Alphabetical Directory Bates, F D W, M D 289 97 Masonic. 302 Banks and Officials. ..... Co top and bottom lines Irwin, %V H, & Co 279 305 Medical Society ...... 500 Bowerman & Bene% °lent I nstitutions Jones, Seneca, insurance. .front cover 301! Military 301 Firass, Peter 289 Canadian Club 301 Sanitarium. 3 and 306 Miscellaneous Directory ..... 295 Bruce. Wm, patents 189 Lakehurst Catholic Mutual Benefit Assoc'n 301 National Societies 301 Commercial Union Ass'ce Co .. top McKay Bros, dry goods 200 Church Directory. 290 Odclfellows 3o3 NIcKeand, Geo, insurance.... top lines City Government Confederation I.ife front cover 2 95 Orange Association ..... 305 . 3 Classified Business Directory 21k) Post Duff, W A If, barrister 289 Malcolm & Souter. furniture. Office .. 297 Colleges and Schools 299 Public Library top lines North American I.ife 8 299 Federal I.ife Customs and Inland Revenue 299 Railways top lines Ontario Mutual Life top lines Division Courts and 305 Findlay, %V F, insurance Clerks 284 Roman Catholic Institutions Co, dyers 224 Educat ional 301 Furlong & Beasley, barristers.. 289 Parker, R, & 299 Royal Arcanum Payne top lines Emerald Beneficial Associat ion. 301 304 Garlock Packing Co 7 Routh & Royal Templars. .... 302 Fire Alarm.... ....... top lines Scott, I.ecs & Hobson, barristers. 289 296 St Andrew's Society Gore Mutual Fire Foresters 301 General Life 2 304 George's Society . 301 St Hamilton Business College iôi Temperance and Hamilton Association 300 School Trustees .............. 296 200 Temple. John, livery. 4 Irish Harding. Henry, plumber.... Protestant Benev't Society.. 301 Street I)irectory plumber. 8 Knights of Pythias 9 Harris, W, & Co, fertilizers. • .. 278 Walsh, W J, 303 Temperance Organizations Law Society.. 302 .. top lines Western Fire Insurance Co..back cover 3120 United Workmen Hartford Fire Insurance.. 303 Li F, W. F. FINDLAY, F.C.A. ACCOUNTANT, ES U LTS OF AN 47 JAMES $T. SOUTH. TEL. 113. Trustee. Auditor and Adjust«. R INVESTrIENT POLICY OF INSURANCE 11 11111 north American Cite Assurance Co. HAMILTON STREET , DIRECTORY ON/ *Rh) COL1.2411i PHVItICUOIS *lib ISCROtano. W. MeCABE. Esv Toronto, Managing Dire...toe North Amerisan Life Assurance Co.. in regard to fil) .141uffil ,3-Year Imesterent Policy tor DIA, Ste.- -4.fl. the three option. at my disposal ) Life Annuity. 1897-8_ II/ Cash, $34,13.88. l'aid.up Life In rance. Tromd oo. (3 >our cheque. In terminating the con first. and hand )ou in, discharge in exchange for I have decided to take the ■ in addition return* me all nt) na meats, tract. which has 'ris en me reliable lite insurance for tt >ears for Se•sno and 5 perc ent.. Iran tml) remark that my exp. tan°. mpound interest added at a rate w ithin a ■•Cf) small fraction of wan co mtisfactory that the whole transaction from beginning to end has been of the most have been more than realized. and ChJralltf. Life Company to introduce Invest I understand. that not only was the Notts,' AMII0C4N the pioneer Canadian stnh form of Insurance P in bring able to make such handsome re urn• under Aberdeen Ave. n side, Hankier, Ivarrisler 53 Get, E Nicholson.condctt anent Intiurance. but dut à is the pioneer Yours truly. R. A. PVNE. from James s to limits Ras, sl intersects 57 Wm Orr. motorman 59 Geo Clark, watchman attractive invest tnent plans of insurance furnished 42 J Nly et, Andrew Onderdonk Pamphlets explanatory of the Company's 61 C E Fisher on application to 14 D McAllister, repairer Wm Copp, founder tb Miss M Sealey 157 Thus Marshall, tailor San ford are s intersects 4. 0 Wm Iredale, packer WM. McCABE, Hess st W. d. WATERS, 411 Reuben Haight, clerk intersects Ilknacrog Diredoe, 48 Mrs Rachel Catchpole A Powis, broker Aikman ave, s side RAP (»ma ri4 W II Gillard, merchant Samuel Briggs. manfr 84 KING ST. EAST, 20 l Nlear.e. Carter 11 ta It idea f«.
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