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New Opportunities for Targeting the Androgen in Prostate Cancer

Margaret M. Centenera,1,2 Luke A. Selth,1,3 Esmaeil Ebrahimie,3 Lisa M. Butler,1,2 and Wayne D. Tilley1,3

1Adelaide Medical School and Freemasons Foundation Centre for Men’s Health, University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005, Australia 2South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide SA 5001, Australia 3Dame Roma Mitchell Cancer Research Laboratories, Adelaide Medical School, University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005, Australia Correspondence: [email protected]

Recent genomic analyses of metastatic prostate cancer have provided important insight into adaptive changes in (AR) signaling that underpin resistance to androgen deprivation therapies. Novel strategies are required to circumvent these AR-mediated resis- tance mechanisms and thereby improve prostate cancer survival. In this review, we present a summary of AR structure and function and discuss mechanisms of AR-mediated therapy resistance that represent important areas of focus for the development of new therapies.

rostate cancer is the most common solid used alone or in conjunction with competitive Ptumor in men, accounting for 21% of all AR antagonists that act peripherally to prevent cancers in the United States, and is the sec- residual androgens binding the AR (Labrie ond-leading cause of male cancer-related death 2011). Although initially effective, ADT eventu- (Siegel et al. 2016). Localized prostate cancer can ally fails, and patients progress to an incurable be cured with surgery and/or radiation therapy. and lethal stage of disease, known as castration- For advanced, metastatic, or recurrent prostate resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) (Scher et al. cancer, treatment with androgen deprivation 2004; Attard et al. 2016). therapy (ADT) is the current standard of care, For many years, the chemotherapeutic agent which exploits the fact that prostate cancer cells docetaxel was the only approved treatment op- are exquisitely dependent on androgens and the tion for CRPC (Tannock et al. 2004). The real- androgen receptor (AR) for growth and survival ization that AR is reactivated in CRPC and (Huggins et al. 1941). ADT is a chemical form of remains the primary therapeutic target for this castration that uses luteinizing hormone releas- disease led to the development of second- ing hormone (LHRH) analogs to suppress generation AR-targeting agents, abiraterone ac- testicular production of androgens by the hypo- etate and enzalutamide, which improve survival thalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. ADT can be of CRPC patients (de Bono et al. 2011; Scher

Editors: Michael M. Shen and Mark A. Rubin Additional Perspectives on Prostate Cancer available at Copyright © 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a030478 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2018;8:a030478

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M.M. Centenera et al.

et al. 2012). Abiraterone inhibits androgen bio- domain, DNA-binding domain (DBD), and ami- synthesis in the testes and adrenals and within no-terminal domain (NTD). prostate tumor cells by blocking cytochrome The LBD folds into 12 α-helices to form a P450 (CYP17A1), a critical for testos- ligand-binding pocket that mediates androgen terone synthesis (Potter et al. 1995; O’Donnell et binding (Matias et al. 2000; Sack et al. 2001) and al. 2004; Attard et al. 2005). Enzalutamide is a is the target site of all clinically used AR antag- new-generation AR antagonist with greater po- onists. Upon ligand binding, the AR adopts tency than first-generation agents (Tran et al. an active conformation that induces formation 2009). The therapeutic landscape for CRPC of an AF-2 activation domain (He et al. 2004). broadened even further with recent approvals Unlike the other steroid receptors, whose AF-2 of cabazitaxel (second-line chemotherapy), surface is the primary site of interaction with radium-223 (bone-targeted radiopharmaceuti- coregulator (Danielian et al. 1992; cal), denosumab (anti-RANK ligand monoclo- Heery et al. 1997), the AR AF-2 preferentially nal antibody), and sipuleucel-T (immunothera- interacts with FXXLF motifs in the amino ter- py). However, despite the past decade of minus of AR (Ikonen et al. 1997; Berrevoets et al. therapeutic revolution, the fact remains that 1998; Langley et al. 1998; Schaufele et al. 2005). none of these agents improve survival by more This so-called N/C interaction facilitates cross than a few months on average. Moreover, in the talk between receptor domains that is critical for majority of cases in which second-generation receptor stabilization, reduced ligand dissocia- AR-targeting agents or chemotherapies have tion, and enhancing DNA-binding affinity (He failed, AR remains the key driver of disease et al. 2000; He and Wilson 2002). The AF-2 (Karantanos et al. 2015). Thus, discerning the domain can recruit specific AR coregulatory mechanisms by which AR continues to signal in proteins containing FXXLF and LXXLL motifs the face of therapy is critically important. that contribute to receptor function (He et al. This review provides an overview of AR 2002). Linking the LBD to the DBD is a small, structure and function and the key structural flexible hinge region, which contains a bipartite alterations in the AR and associat- nuclear localization signal (NLS) that is exposed ed with resistance to ADT. Areas of research that on ligand binding and mediates interaction with represent key opportunities for more effective importin-α to translocate AR from the cyto- targeting of AR in prostate cancer are discussed. plasm into the nucleus (Cutress et al. 2008). The hinge is an important site for posttransla- tional modification of the receptor, including ANDROGEN RECEPTOR STRUCTURE acetylation, ubiquitination, and AND FUNCTION (Clinckemalie et al. 2012). The DBD is α-helical The AR is an intracellular ligand-activated tran- in structure and contains two cysteine-rich zinc scription factor that mediates the biological ac- finger motifs that mediate receptor homodime- tions of androgens (Evans 1988). As a member of rization and direct interaction with the major the steroid receptor subfamily of nuclear recep- groove of DNA (Luisi et al. 1991; Schoenmakers tors (Lu et al. 2006), the AR shares structural and et al. 1999; Shaffer et al. 2004) at specific recog- functional homology with the glucocorticoid, nition sequences known as androgen response mineralocorticoid, progesterone, and estrogen elements (AREs), which are located in the en- receptors (Germain et al. 2006). The human AR hancer and promoter regions of AR target gene is located on the X at Xq11-12 (Claessens et al. 2001). The consensus ARE is and is organized into eight exons (Fig. 1A) comprised of two hexameric half-sites of the (Brinkmann et al. 1989). The 90-kb gene encodes sequence 50-TGTTCT-30 separated by a 3-base- a 110-kDa modular protein of 919 amino acids pair spacer (Claessens et al. 1996; Schoenmakers that is organized into four distinct functional do- et al. 1999; Claessens and Gewirth 2004). The mains (Fig. 1A) (Lubahn et al. 1988; Tilley et al. AR also binds DNA at ARE half-sites in collab- 1989): the ligand-binding domain (LBD), hinge oration with factors such as FoxA1,

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Targeting the Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer

A Xq11.2-12 (~90 kb) X chromosome Xp Xq

5′ 3′ AR gene Exon 1 23 45678

Cryptic exons: 2b/CE4 CE1 CE2 CE3 3' 9 v9/CE5

FXXLF AF-5 23 27 AF-1 NLS AF-2 core AR protein NH2 NTD DBD H LBD COOH 1 919 L702H H875Y 433WXXLF437 W742C/L T878A B


ARv567es NH2 NTD DBD H 8 COOH 1 739

Figure 1. Chromosome, gene, and protein organization of the androgen receptor (AR) and AR variants. (A) The human AR is encoded by a single gene located at Xq11-12 and is normally organized into eight exons, encoding a protein of ∼919 amino acids. The full-length AR protein is divided into structural and functional domains: a large amino-terminal domain (NTD) containing activation function-1 (AF-1) and -5 (AF-5) and two LxxLL-like motifs 23FQNLF27 and 433WHTLF437, a DNA-binding domain (DBD), a small hinge region (H) containing a nuclear localization signal (NLS), and a ligand-binding domain (LBD) containing activation function 2 (AF-2). Gain-of-function mutations in the AR gene as a result of therapy-mediated selection pressure colocate to the LBD. Alternative splicing of cryptic exons (CEs) or exon skipping can give rise to carboxy-terminally truncated AR isoforms. (B) Structure of two clinically relevant AR-Vs, AR-V7 and ARv567es.

GATA2, and Oct1 that facilitate access of AR to chez and Freedman 2001). Whereas the LBD the (Bolton et al. 2007; Massie et al. and DBD are highly conserved and structured 2007; Wang et al. 2007; Lupien and Brown regions of the AR, the NTD has limited stable 2009). The AR amino-terminal domain (NTD) secondary or tertiary structure and is consid- mediates the majority of AR transcriptional ac- ered an intrinsically disordered protein domain, tivity through two activation domains (AF-1 which presents challenges for therapeutic tar- and AF-5) that recruit complexes of coregula- geting of this domain. Despite its general lack tors (Chmelar et al. 2007; DePriest et al. 2016) of structure, the NTD does fold on interaction and the basal transcriptional machinery (Jenster with coregulators or DNA, the conformation et al. 1995; McEwan and Gustafsson 1997; of which is dictated by the particular binding Shang et al. 2002) to regulate the expression of partner or DNA sequence (Kumar et al. 2004; AR target genes (Glass and Rosenfeld 2000; Ra- Brodie and McEwan 2005).

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ANDROGEN RECEPTOR MATURATION anchors the receptor to cytoskeletal microtu- AND FOLDING bules and actin filaments (Buchanan et al. 2007; Trotta et al. 2012); immunophilins, which Newly synthesized AR undergoes a highly or- link AR to the dynein motor protein (Galigni- dered maturation process facilitated by the mo- ana et al. 2002; Harrell et al. 2002); and HSP90 lecular chaperones’ heat shock protein (HSP)70 and its cochaperones, which protect AR from and HSP90, and their cochaperones, to be cor- degradation and hold it in a ligand-inducible rectly folded into its high-affinity ligand-binding state (Pratt and Toft 1997). In the absence of form (Pratt and Toft 2003). Following synthesis, ligand, FKBP51 is the major immunophilin in AR is rapidly bound by the cochaperone HSP40 the AR-HSP90 complex. Binding of cognate li- to prevent aggregation of the unfolded receptor gand to the AR results in displacement of (Fan et al. 2003). HSP40 recruits HSP70 and FKBP51 by FKBP52, which facilitates trafficking stimulates its ATPase activity, allowing HSP70 of AR along microtubules into the nucleus to bind and deliver AR to HSP90 via the HSP via retrograde movement of the dynein motor organizing protein (HOP) (Chen and Smith complex (Buchanan et al. 2007; Galigniana et al. 1998; Hernandez et al. 2002). HOP is one of 2010). many cochaperones that contain a tetratrico- peptide repeat (TPR) domain; a protein–protein interaction surface characterized by three or STRUCTURAL CHANGES TO THE AR more TPR motifs of a degenerate 34 amino AS CASTRATION RESISTANCE MECHANISMS acid sequence (Scheufler et al. 2000). Through its TPR domain, HOP binds to a highly con- The failure of ADT to achieve durable inhibition served MEEVD sequence in both HSP70 and of prostate tumor growth was previously attrib- HSP90 to transfer AR from one chaperone to uted to an outgrowth of tumor cells that were the other through a process that is still relatively androgen-independent and no longer required uncharacterized (Chen et al. 1998). HSP90 binds AR signaling for survival. However, it is now as a homodimer directly to AR through the AR- recognized that prostate cancer cell “addiction” LBD and assembly of this receptor–chaperone to the AR is manifested in adaptive changes that heterocomplex induces the ATP-bound “closed” ensure persistent AR signaling in the face of form of HSP90 (Pratt and Toft 1997), which is ADT (Knudsen and Scher 2009). This concept stabilized by the cochaperone p23 (Dittmar et al. formed the basis of a drug screen that identified 1997; Morishima et al. 2003). The presence of the now widely used AR antagonist enzaluta- ATP weakens the affinity of HSP90 for HOP, mide (xtandi), which was undertaken in prostate and the HOP-HSP40-HSP70 complex is dis- cancer cell lines engineered to express high levels placed by any one of several TPR cochaperones, of AR to reflect this common clinical scenario known as immunophilins (Carrello et al. 1999). (Tran et al. 2009). Similar research has led to Members of the immunophilin family, includ- the identification of newer AR antagonists in- ing TPR-containing proteins FKBP51, FKBP52, cluding ARN-509 (Clegg et al. 2012) and ODM- CYP40, or PP5, display peptidyl-prolyl-isomer- 201, both of which are currently in phase III ase (PPIase) activity that promotes AR-HSP90 clinical testing (see identifiers heterocomplex assembly (Ni et al. 2010). The NCT01946204, NCT02489318, NCT02531516, intrinsic ATPase activity of HSP90 together NCT02200614, and NCT02799602). with the PPIase activity of the immunophilins The most recent, large-scale genomic anal- fold AR into its functionally mature state by ysis of CRPC suggests that >70% of CRPC cases opening the AR ligand-binding pocket to make harbor AR pathway aberrations, consistent with it accessible to androgens (Fang et al. 1996; Gre- adaptive changes to maintain AR activity (Rob- nert et al. 1999; Ni et al. 2010). The mature AR inson et al. 2015). Understanding how these is maintained in the cytoplasm in a heterocom- aberrations drive AR signaling in the castrate plex that includes cochaperone SGTα, which environment remains a major research focus.

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Targeting the Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer

AR Gene Amplification gressing on ADT or following second-line hor- monal manipulations, supporting the notion The first studies of AR pathway aberrations of clonal selection during treatment (Gundem showed genomic amplification of the AR et al. 2015). Early studies using PCR-based in up to 30% of recurrent primary or castration- methods identified more than 85 mutations in resistant prostate tumors, with little or no am- clinical prostate cancer that occur within dis- plification detected in untreated prostate cancer tinct regions of the AR NTD, hinge, and LBD (Visakorpi et al. 1995; Koivisto et al. 1997; (McPhaul et al. 1991; Suzuki et al. 1993; Taplin Bubendorf et al. 1999; Linja et al. 2001). More et al. 1995; Tilley et al. 1996; Buchanan et al. recent studies, using whole-exome sequencing 2001; Gottlieb et al. 2004; Steinkamp et al. or targeted sequencing of cell-free DNA in met- 2009). The biological consequence of these mu- astatic CRPC, indicated that AR gene amplifica- tations was attributed to their location, with AR- tion emerges more frequently than previously LBD mutations conferring ligand promiscuity estimated, occurring in 45%–60% of cases (Tay- and AR-NTD mutations enhancing AR trans- lor et al. 2010; Grasso et al. 2012; Carreira et al. activation capacity through altered coregulatory 2014; Robinson et al. 2015; Wyatt et al. 2016), interactions (Buchanan et al. 2001; Gottlieb et al. and is associated with therapeutic resistance and 2004). In contrast to these early findings, recent poorer overall and progression-free survival next-generation sequencing efforts have identi- (Romanel et al. 2015; Salvi et al. 2015; Wyatt fied few mutations within the AR-NTD and in- et al. 2016). The increase in AR mRNA and stead ascribe the LBD as the primary mutational protein levels that result from AR gene amplifi- hotspot in CRPC, with a reported incidence of cation has been shown to sensitize prostate up to 20% (Taylor et al. 2010; Barbieri et al. 2012; cancer cells to castrate levels of androgens Grasso et al. 2012; Robinson et al. 2015). The (Visakorpi et al. 1995). Moreover, using isogenic T878A mutation present in LNCaP cells is one prostate cancer xenograft models, Chen and of the most frequent clinically observed AR mu- colleagues showed that increased AR mRNA tations. In addition to conferring agonist activity was the primary change in the progression to to first-generation AR antagonists, the T878A castration resistance and was sufficient for resis- mutation also converts second-generation antag- tance to castration or the AR antagonist bicalu- onists enzalutamide and ARN-509 into partial tamide (Chen et al. 2004). agonists (Lallous et al. 2016) and has been iden- tified in patients progressing on abiraterone (Azad et al. 2015a; Romanel et al. 2015). Other AR mu- AR Gene Mutations tations frequently observed across clinical studies The first indication that AR mutations may include L702H, W742C/L, and H875Y, all of contribute to castration-resistance came from which confer resistance to AR antagonists, abir- studies of the AR-dependent prostate cancer aterone, and/or hydrocortisone to facilitate castra- cell line, LNCaP (Wilding et al. 1989; Veld- tion resistance (Fig. 1A) (Lallous et al. 2016). scholte et al. 1990; Culig et al. 1999). A single point mutation, T878A (originally reported as AR Splice Variants T877A), in the AR-LBD of LNCaP cells confers AR activation not only by androgens but also AR splice variants (ARVs) derived from mRNA progestins, estrogens, glucocorticoids, and cer- species that lack part or all of the exonic se- tain AR antagonists (hydroxyflutamide, niluta- quence encoding the LBD can be grouped into mide, bicalutamide). This phenotype, known as two broad classes: (1) truncated owing to the ligand promiscuity, facilitates AR activation in incorporation of a cryptic exon (CE); or (2) a low-androgen environment. Efforts to define exon skipping events (Fig. 1B). ARV mRNAs the frequency of somatic AR gene mutations in were first identified in cell lines but have since prostate cancer have revealed that they are rare been detected in patient specimens, with recent in primary disease but emerge in tumors pro- RNA-seq data indicating the presence of at least

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16 distinct ARV mRNA species in primary pros- AR-targeted therapies (for review, see Li et al. tate cancer (The Cancer Genome Atlas Research 2017); moreover, an AR-V7 protein immuno- Network 2015) and 23 in metastatic CRPC fluorescent assay on the Epic Sciences CTC de- (Robinson et al. 2015). However, it must be not- tection platform developed by Scher and col- ed that only two variants, AR-V7 and ARv567es, leagues (2016) had similar predictive capacity. have been definitively detected at the protein Importantly, the efficacy of chemotherapy is in- level (Efstathiou et al. 2015; Qu et al. 2015; Welti dependent of AR-V7 expression in CTCs and et al. 2016; Henzler et al. 2016). This is partly other patient material (Antonarakis et al. 2015; caused by the dearth of ARV-specific antibodies Onstenk et al. 2015; Scher et al. 2016). Although but also the fact that abundance of ARVs is likely AR-V7 clearly has great promise to guide treat- much lower than the full-length receptor, with an ment decision-making, key questions remain. early study suggesting that AR-V7 and ARv567es First, the optimal method for measuring AR- mRNAs are present at ∼0.03%–7% of the full- V7 (i.e., qRT-PCR, in situ hybridization, im- length receptor in CRPC bone metastases muno-detection) and the most suitable source (Hornberg et al. 2011). A subsequent study val- of patient material (i.e., CTCs, whole blood) re- idated this finding for AR-V7, suggesting that it main to be determined (Luo et al. 2017). Second, is expressed at ∼5% of the levels of the canonical results from a randomized controlled trial AR transcript in CRPC (Robinson et al. 2015). (NCT02269982) to prospectively evaluate the The combination of constitutive receptor predictive utility of AR-V7 are not yet available. activity with the absence of a functional LBD Finally, the presence of AR mutations and/or renders ARVs resistant to conventional ADT copy number alterations in plasma cell-free (Chan and Dehm 2014). This has led to the DNA also provides predictive and prognostic obvious hypothesis that these variants play a information (Azad et al. 2015a; Wyatt et al. critical role in driving CRPC. Whereas ARVs 2016); whether AR-V7 has greater and/or inde- have been shown to be required for castrate-re- pendent clinical utility compared with these ge- sistant growth in various models (Chan et al. nomic alterations remains to be determined. In 2015), their clinical relevance has been harder short, the widespread application of AR-V7 as a to decipher (for a recent summary of this tool to predict treatment response is far from topic, see Luo et al. 2017). This is, at least, in assured. Nevertheless, given the estimate that part attributed to the aforementioned difficulty AR-V7 testing in CRPC patients could result in detecting ARV proteins. Recent progress in in savings of $150M per annum in the United this area, such as the analytical and clinical val- States alone by reducing ineffective use of abir- idation of an AR-V7 IHC method (Welti et al. aterone and enzalutamide (Markowski et al. 2016), suggests that this particular issue will ul- 2016), the ongoing interest in this potential bio- timately be overcome. Nevertheless, the clinical marker application is clearly warranted. significance of ARVs as a resistance mechanism in CRPC will remain equivocal until ARV-spe- FUTURE PERSPECTIVES cific drugs are developed (Sharp et al. 2016). Although the role of ARVs as a key driver of The recent evolution in understanding AR CRPC remains to be definitively resolved, recent structure and function is facilitating new strate- findings have shown the utility of AR-V7 as gies to target this essential factor in prostate a marker that predicts lack of response to AR- cancer. Below, we highlight fields of biology targeted therapies in CRPC. Antonarakis and and therapy that we believe represent key areas colleagues (2014) first showed that men with of focus in the near future. detectable expression of AR-V7 mRNA in cir- culating tumor cells (CTCs) had lower response Coregulators rates to enzalutamide and abiraterone. Since that time, numerous studies have verified the capac- AR is regulated by a diverse and large suite of ity of AR-V7 mRNA to predict response to these more than 300 protein coregulators that activate

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Targeting the Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer

(coactivators) or repress (corepressors) its activ- that modulate their function. We propose that ity (Chmelar et al. 2007; Heemers and Tindall integration of genome-wide technologies to 2007; DePriest et al. 2016). The complexity of define coregulator activity in critical disease- this network is immense and is indicative of the specific contexts combined with rational drug extent and diversity of the coregulators with po- design will accelerate this field. As an example tential impact on AR function (Fig. 2); more- of this workflow, an integrated transcriptomic/ over, new coregulators continue to be identified kinomic approach identified the first kinase (Paltoglou et al. 2017). As coregulators are es- “chaperone” of the AR, choline kinase A sential for the transcriptional activity of AR, it is (CHKA) (Asim et al. 2016). CHKA expression not surprising that coregulator expression and is associated with poor outcome, potentially be- activity is altered throughout the course of pros- cause it is stabilizes the AR to enhance the AR tate cancer progression and in response to AR signaling axis. This approach has high potential targeting therapies, with enhanced activity of for rapid translation to the clinic because kinases coactivators and reduced activity of corepressors are highly “druggable” (Fleuren et al. 2016). being a hallmark of CRPC (Chmelar et al. 2007; Heemers and Tindall 2007). We anticipate that Chaperones the AR coregulator field will experience rapid progress in the next decade, facilitated by new The critical role of chaperones in AR maturation methodologies and a better appreciation of their and signaling makes these proteins attractive functional role in CRPC. For example, with the therapeutic targets (reviewed in Azad et al. advent of more sensitive mass spectrometric 2015b). This notion is supported by the signifi- methods for isolating protein:protein interac- cant focus to date on developing molecular tions (Mohammed et al. 2016), identification inhibitors of HSP90 as novel agents for pros- of additional AR coregulators associated with tate cancer therapy (reviewed in Butler et al. chromatin in specific disease states will be 2015). Through binding the amino-terminal possible. Such methods will also allow robust ATP-binding pocket of HSP90, inhibitors such comparisons of the protein “interactomes” of as 17-allylamino-17-desmethoxygeldanamycin wild-type AR, and specific AR mutants and (17-AAG) and AUY922 prevent HSP90 from variants. Additionally, the power of integrative achieving its ATP-bound state and thus forma- “omics”—incorporating cistromic, transcrip- tion of the substrate-HSP90 complex (Prodro- tomic, genomic, and proteomic data, among mou et al. 1997; Janin 2010). Consequently, others—will expedite identification of the coac- rather than being folded, AR and other HSP90 tivators that are critical for AR activity in cas- substrates are degraded by the ubiquitin protea- trate-resistant settings (Paltoglou et al. 2017; some pathway, a process that is fatal to prostate Stelloo et al. 2017). cancer cells (Solit et al. 2002; Williams et al. As our understanding of AR coregulator bi- 2007; Centenera et al. 2012). Although HSP90 ology continues to evolve, we believe that these inhibitors have been in clinical development for factors will become a major class of therapeutic prostate cancer for many years, one of the un- target in CRPC (reviewed in Biron and Bedard derlying issues is that agents currently in clinical 2015; Foley and Mitsiades 2016). Considerable trial, all of which inhibit the ATP-binding pock- progress toward the development of small mol- et, induce a resistance mechanism known as the ecules that inhibit coactivator binding to the heat shock response (Bagatell et al. 2000; Butler AR-NTD, AF-2 in the AR-LBD or binding func- et al. 2015). The heat shock response, mediated tion 3 in the AR-LBD has already been made by 1 (HSF1), is a highly con- (Lack et al. 2011; Munuganti et al. 2013; Myung served mechanism that induces expression of cy- et al. 2013; Ravindranathan et al. 2013). In many toprotective proteins HSP70, HSP40, and HSP27 of these cases, the precise receptor binding sur- to protect organisms against heat and other en- face for coregulators interacting with AR are un- vironmental stresses (Richter et al. 2010). Inhibi- known, limiting current efforts to develop drugs tion of HSP90 releases HSF1, resulting in in-

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STUB1 FGR FKBP4 PRKCB SART3 MAK GSN UXT LY N FLNA CASP8 PAK6 PTEN CDC25A HSP90AB1 Protein HSP90AA1 TSPY1 CDC37 TSG101 CDC25B SRC ABL1 HIPK3 GAK NCOA4 UBE3A Kinase CDK9 PIK3R1 DDC TGFB1l1 SHC1 Phosphatase MDM2 TNK2 CCND1 MAPK1 CALR onSeptember26,2021-PublishedbyColdSpringHarborLaboratory APPBP2


2018;8:a030478 ESR1 KAT7 IFI16 CREBBP

Figure 2. The complex androgen receptor (AR) coregulatory network. A list of experimentally verified AR interacting proteins was obtained from HitPredict (Lopez et al. 2015). Cellular localization of proteins was based on designations. Proteins were color-coded according to HitPredict interaction scores. Downloaded from on September 26, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Targeting the Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer

creased expression of heat shock proteins that and CTC count (Hotte et al. 2012; Chi et al. protect the cell and mediate resistance against 2016), and further clinical evaluation of OGX- the cytotoxicity associated with HSP90 inhibi- 427 is ongoing. Modulation of CLU expression tion (Bagatell et al. 2000; McCollum et al. with siRNA or antisense oligonucleotides has 2006). We and others have endeavored to cir- also been efficacious preclinically, inhibiting cumvent this issue by investigating inhibitors both tumor growth and metastasis in xenograft that target sites on HSP90 other than the ami- models, including synergy with ionizing radia- no-terminal ATP-binding pocket, such as the tion, docetaxel and enzalutamide (Miyake et al. carboxy-terminal nucleotide binding pocket 2000; Gleave et al. 2001; Zellweger et al. 2002; (Shelton et al. 2009; Matthews et al. 2010; Es- Lamoureux et al. 2011; Matsumoto et al. 2013). kew et al. 2011) or the middle-linker domain On the basis of these data, the CLU antisense (Armstrong et al. 2016). These agents show oligonucleotide OGX-011 entered clinical eval- excellent antitumor activity in prostate cancer uation and has progressed to phase III testing cell lines and one has shown efficacy in vivo (Chi et al. 2005, 2010; Saad et al. 2011) (Eskew et al. 2011), which warrants further in- ( identifiers: NCT01188187; vestigation of this class of compound to en- NCT01578655). hance their potency, solubility, and pharmaco- Targeting chaperone proteins for the treat- kinetic properties. ment of CRPC holds significant promise but the Alternative chaperones that have been inves- therapeutic potential of many HSP inhibitors tigated as potential targets for prostate cancer has been limited by their poor efficacy and/or include HSP70, HSP27, and CLU. In addition toxicity profiles in the clinic. An alternative to its role in AR maturation, HSP70 is a potent approach to using these agents may be in com- antiapoptotic factor in both normal and cancer- bination therapy strategies, particularly as ous cells (Mosser et al. 1997). Targeting HSP70 most of the chaperone inhibitors mentioned expression with short-interfering RNA (siRNA) above have shown the capacity for synergy or antisense oligonucleotides sensitizes prostate with existing prostate cancer treatments includ- cancer cells to apoptosis induced by a variety of ing radiation therapy, taxanes and AR antago- cancer treatments, including ionizing radiation nists. The potential for enhanced therapeutic and taxol (Gabai et al. 2005). Despite these benefit with combinatorial treatment strategies findings, further clinical evaluation of targeting for CRPC is discussed in greater detail later in HSP70 has been hampered by a lack of tolerable this review. HSP70 inhibitors (Britten et al. 2000). Whereas HSP27 and CLU are not as amenable as HSP90 Non-LBD Targeting of the AR or HSP70 to small molecule inhibitors because they lack an ATP-binding site, antisense oligo- The AR-NTD is the predominant mediator of nucleotide strategies have been successfully AR transcriptional activity, making it an ex- used to achieve knockdown of these chaperones tremely attractive therapeutic target for prostate clinically. The second-generation HSP27-tar- cancer, but its intrinsic disorder and flexible geting antisense oligonucleotide OGX-427 in- structure has hindered efforts to achieve this duces proteasomal degradation of the AR, in- goal. Two different types of NTD-targeting hibits AR transcriptional activity, and results agents are currently in development. The first in induction of apoptosis and suppression of is the small molecule, EPI-001, which directly PSA levels and metastasis in cell line and xeno- binds the NTD at the AF-5 activation domain graft models of prostate cancer (Kumano et al. (De Mol et al. 2016), thereby blocking AR/ 2012; Shiota et al. 2013; Lamoureux et al. 2014). coactivator interaction and nuclear localization OGX-427 has been evaluated alone and in com- to inhibit AR and ARV activity (Andersen et al. bination with docetaxel in metastatic CRPC 2010; Myung et al. 2013). EPI-001 has shown patients, demonstrating an acceptable safety promising preclinical efficacy (Andersen et al. profile and declines in PSA, measurable disease 2010; Myung et al. 2013), although it has been

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reported to have off-target activity (Brand et al. Genomic Interplay between Hormone 2015). A derivative of EPI-001, EPI-506, is Receptors currently being assessed in a phase I/II trial ( identifier: NCT02606123). Recent studies in breast cancer have revealed The second type of AR-NTD targeting agent extensive interplay at the cistromic level between includes peptide decoys comprised of NTD -α (ERα), the key driver of sequences that competitively bind AR coactiva- tumor growth, and other hormone and orphan tors. A decoy peptide comprised of the entire receptors (Mohammed et al. 2015; Singhal et al. NTD (decoy AR1-558) inhibits transcriptional 2016; Swinstead et al. 2016). Such cross talk activity of the AR under both androgen-depen- shapes and reprograms the transcriptional activ- dent and -independent conditions in vitro and ity of ERα to influence disease progression. For in vivo, implying that the AR-LBD is not the example, we recently showed that progesterone target of these agents (Quayle et al. 2007). activation of the PR results in a physical associ- Significant homology between the DBD of ation with ERα, which consequently redirects the steroid receptors (Brinkmann et al. 1989) ERα to specific sites on chromatin to induce a has made this region a challenge to target ther- transcriptome that is associated with good clin- apeutically. DNA-binding polyamides that bind ical outcome. Conversely, retinoic acid receptors ARE sequences to prevent AR from interacting (Hua et al. 2009), ER-β (Charn et al. 2010), and with DNA have been developed and show inhi- AR (Hu et al. 2016) can antagonize the tran- bition of subsets of androgen-regulated genes scriptional activity of ERα by competing for depending on the specific sequence of the poly- specific chromatin binding sites: indeed, we amide (Nickols and Dervan 2007; Chenoweth have proposed that this is one key mechanism et al. 2009). For example, the sequence 50- by which androgens suppress breast cancer AGAACA-30 inhibits a similar number of growth (Hickey et al. 2012). DHT-induced transcripts as bicalutamide in We predict that steroid receptor cross talk prostate cancer cell lines, whereas the sequence has a similar level of influence on AR in the 50-WGWCGW-30 inhibits a significantly lower prostate. Although the functions of certain re- number of transcripts (Nickols and Dervan ceptors, including GR, PR, ERα, and ERβ,have 2007). Given the diversity in sequences of been investigated in prostate cancer (Arora et al. AREs, mixtures of polyamides will likely be re- 2013), the vast majority of this work has been quired to achieve sufficient AR inhibition with performed in isolation from AR. Nevertheless, these agents for the treatment of prostate cancer. two studies have shown considerable overlap More recently, an in silico drug screen approach (∼50%) between AR and GR chromatin binding identified a targetable site within the AR-DBD sites in prostate cancer (Arora et al. 2013; Sahu that led to development of the morpholinyl thi- et al. 2013), with current evidence suggesting azole VPC-1449, which displays potency against that GR has a dual role depending on AR status: the AR in LNCaP cells and LNCaP xenografts in AR-positive and androgen-responsive cells, similar to that of enzalutamide (Chenoweth GR can antagonize AR activity, whereas in et al. 2009; Li et al. 2014). VPC-1449 did not AR-negative CRPC settings, GR could act as a reduce AR levels or prevent AR nuclear locali- “surrogate” AR to regulate an androgen-related zation but reduced interaction of AR with the transcriptional program and drive tumor growth PSA and TMPRSS2 gene promoters, indicating (Kach et al. 2015). This finding has high clinical blockade of DNA binding (Dalal et al. 2014). relevance, because corticosteroids (ligands of VPC-1449 specifically inhibited AR and ARV GR) are often used to treat patients with transcriptional activity at low micromolar con- CRPC (Heidenreich et al. 2014). Despite these centrations without cross-reactivity with GR, recent findings, very little is known at a molec- PR, or ERα (Dalal et al. 2014), and therefore ular level about the specific mechanisms and represents a potential new avenue of treatment outcomes of AR/GR cross talk and the same is for ARV-mediated CRPC. true for interplay between AR and other steroid

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receptors. The challenge now is to elucidate how (Parker et al. 2015). Current clinical trials inves- the chromatin interactions of these steroid re- tigating combinations of existing AR-targeting ceptors dictate the AR cistrome and transcrip- prostate cancer treatments are extensive and in- tional activity and thus prostate cancer growth clude ADT plus enzalutamide (Clinicaltrials. and progression. gov identifiers: NCT00268476, NCT02058706, NCT02677896) or abiraterone (NCT00268476, NCT01715285, NCT01786265, NCT01751451); Combination Strategies to Target the AR docetaxel plus enzalutamide (NCT02288247, An improved understanding of the adaptive NCT01565928, NCT02685267, NCT02453009) mechanisms used by prostate cancer cells to or abiraterone (NCT02036060, NCT01400555); maintain AR signaling has underpinned the and enzalutamide plus abiraterone (NCT emerging paradigm that combination therapy 01650194, NCT01949337, NCT02268175). incorporating novel and/or existing therapeutic Strategies to combine prostate cancer treat- agents may be a more effective approach to treat ments generally aim to maximize therapeutic advanced prostate cancer. This concept is sup- efficacy while preventing cross-resistance be- ported by mathematical modeling approaches tween the drugs, thereby improving survival indicating that tumor recurrences are inevitable outcomes (van Soest et al. 2013). With this in when patients are treated sequentially with sin- mind, it is generally accepted that these combi- gle agents, and that simultaneous administra- nations will be insufficient to prevent resistance tion of at least two agents is essential to achieve and control progression to CRPC if they ulti- durable response or cure (Bozic et al. 2013). Ra- mately only target ligand activation of the AR. tional combinatorial strategies with classes of The development of combination strategies in- agents that target different aspects of AR signal- corporating novel molecular drugs that target ing have been the subject of many preclinical distinctly different aspects of the AR pathway and clinical investigations. Combining existing will be critical to achieve more complete and clinical agents is particularly attractive, as exten- durable suppression of AR signaling. For exam- sive pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic ple, the HSP90 inhibitor AUY922, which in- data are readily available and it circumvents duces AR protein degradation (Centenera et al. the need to acquire new drug licensing approv- 2015) and inhibits AR signaling independent of als. One successful example of this approach is AR mutations and ARVs (Gillis et al. 2013), the addition of the microtubule targeting che- markedly enhanced inhibition of AR signaling motherapeutic docetaxel to standard ADT, when used in combination with the AR antago- which is based, in part, on the observation that nist bicalutamide in preclinical studies (Cente- docetaxel is capable of inhibiting AR expression nera et al. 2015). Likewise, agents that interfere and subcellular localization (Zhu et al. 2010; with AR transcriptional activity, such as histone Darshan et al. 2011) and may therefore target deacetylase inhibitors or DNA topoisomerase II ADT-resistant subclones of prostate tumor inhibitors, act synergistically with AR antago- cells. Meta-analysis of six clinical trials evaluat- nists to enhance prostate tumor cell killing in ing chemotherapy plus ADT (termed “chemo- vitro and in vivo (Marrocco et al. 2007; Li et al. hormonal therapy”) revealed improved progres- 2015; Carter et al. 2016). sion-free and overall survival over ADT alone These preclinical studies provide support in patients with hormone-naïve metastatic pros- for further clinical investigation, but trial design tate cancer (Ramos-Esquivel et al. 2016). This for combination therapies requires more careful treatment regimen is now considered a valid consideration of patient selection, dose range and first-line therapy for patients with metastatic, schedule, drug–drug interactions, and the po- hormone-naïve prostate cancer by the National tential for overlapping or unpredictable toxici- Comprehensive Cancer Network (see ties to normal tissues. To address the complex- professionals/physician_gls/pdf/prostate.pdf) ities of administering drugs simultaneously, and the European Society of Medical Oncology phase I combination studies are beginning to

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Targeting the Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer

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Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2018;8:a030478 19 Downloaded from on September 26, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

New Opportunities for Targeting the Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer

Margaret M. Centenera, Luke A. Selth, Esmaeil Ebrahimie, Lisa M. Butler and Wayne D. Tilley

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2018; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a030478 originally published online March 12, 2018

Subject Collection Prostate Cancer

Anatomic and Molecular Imaging in Prostate New Opportunities for Targeting the Androgen Cancer Receptor in Prostate Cancer Eric T. Miller, Amirali Salmasi and Robert E. Reiter Margaret M. Centenera, Luke A. Selth, Esmaeil Ebrahimie, et al. The Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer Research at the Crossroads Claire H. Pernar, Ericka M. Ebot, Kathryn M. Michael M. Shen and Mark A. Rubin Wilson, et al. Prostate Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer Jia J. Li and Michael M. Shen Nicholas J. Venturini and Charles G. Drake Prostate Cancer : From Basic Molecular Pathology of High-Grade Prostatic Mechanisms to Clinical Implications Intraepithelial Neoplasia: Challenges and Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian, Angelo M. De Opportunities Marzo and William G. Nelson Levent Trabzonlu, Ibrahim Kulac, Qizhi Zheng, et al. The Genomics of Prostate Cancer: A Historic Metastases in Prostate Cancer Perspective Federico La Manna, Sofia Karkampouna, Eugenio Mark A. Rubin and Francesca Demichelis Zoni, et al. Neuroendocrine Differentiation in Prostate Genetically Engineered Mouse Models of Prostate Cancer: Emerging Biology, Models, and Therapies Cancer in the Postgenomic Era Loredana Puca, Panagiotis J. Vlachostergios and Juan M. Arriaga and Cory Abate-Shen Himisha Beltran DNA Damage Response in Prostate Cancer Molecular Biomarkers in the Clinical Management Matthew J. Schiewer and Karen E. Knudsen of Prostate Cancer Aaron M. Udager and Scott A. Tomlins Transcriptional Regulation in Prostate Cancer Metabolic Vulnerabilities of Prostate Cancer: David P. Labbé and Myles Brown Diagnostic and Therapeutic Opportunities Giorgia Zadra and Massimo Loda

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