HIGHAM LANE SCHOOL Express Issue 36 July 2016 Welcome to our biggest-ever issue! DEAR Parents/Carers/Students, the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge; the Welcome to our first-ever 40-page HLS latest news from the School’s Express! Departments, plus continued sporting I’m sure you will enjoy reading about achievements for all year groups. our superb new Sixth Form Centre, We wish you a wonderful summer! which opens in September; success in PHIL KELLY, Headteacher SIXTH AMENDMENT! HIGHAM Lane School was delighted to welcome prospective Year 12 students to the Sixth Form Induction Days on Monday and Tuesday, July 11/12. Speakers from Oxford University, Warwick University and the Apprenticeship Hub provided information on post-18 destinations and presentations were also made on how to have the `edge’ when applying. Lots of super-curricular opportunities were also shared with students, including the launch of the Sixth Form Student Union and Societies. During the two days, students were able to use our Sixth Form Centre and participate in A-level taster lessons. Information from our induction is available on the Higham Lane School website. Please contact Mr Ladha at
[email protected] if you would like to find out more. Important dates:- Thursday, August 25 — Enrolment at our Sixth Form Centre from 10am to 1pm. Wednesday, September 7 — Autumn term starts for Year 12 at 11am. Wednesday, September 14 — Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening. MR LADHA, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form ● GREETINGS! Assistant Headteacher and Head of ● Please turn to pages 2/3 for photographs of the HLS Sixth Form Sixth Form, Mr Ladha, welcomes Matthew, Sharifa Centre and Induction Days.