Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of Burton Dassett Parish Council Tuesday 4th May 2021. Parish Clerk: Helen Hide-Wright, 12 Meadow Way, Fenny Compton, Southam, Warks, CV47 2WD, Tel: 07713-892835. www.burtondassettparishcouncil.com, [email protected] The meeting was recorded in line with BDPC Remote Meeting Regulations. The meeting commenced at 7.44pm 2021/Page 14 Declarations of interest: None. 1. Present: James Gordon-Cumming (Chairman), Cynthia Bettany (Vice-Chair), Bill Pearson, Lynn Pearson, Clerk (Helen Hide-Wright), Sarah Brooke-Taylor (plus a colleague from WRCC), 1 members of the public. Apologies: County Councillor Chris Williams, Hannah Dale. Apologies were accepted by the Council. There remain vacancies for Parish Councillors in Northend and Temple Herdewyke. 2. Policies & Procedures: None 3. Matters from the Public: 4. Reports a. County Councillor: Chris Williams: Appendix 1. b. District Councillor: Chris Kettle: None. 5. Minutes: To confirm minutes of meeting held on 8 March 2021, 29 March 2021, 23 April 2021. Proposed: Bill Pearson, Seconded: Lynn Pearson. Signed and Dated by James Gordon-Cumming. 6. Finance: (a) Financial Matters. (Appendix 2) (b) Accounts for payment, receipts and bank balances. Verification of balances to bank statements. (c) Authorisation of payments and signing of cheques. Transactions proposed: Cynthia Bettany, Seconded: James Gordon-Cumming. (d) Budget update. Proposal to make transfer into reserves as per Finances Policy and Budget: £5,542 from EOY balance in Current Account to Reserves (comprising £5,292 to General Reserves, £250 to Ring fenced Swing Seat Component), £643.24 from current account to General Reserves as per agreed budget figure. Proposed: James Gordon-Cumming, Seconded: Cynthia Bettany. (e) VAT reclaim £991.17 has been received in the VAT reclaim. (f) Streetlight maintenance contract Warwickshire County Council 2021/22. Acceptance of annual maintenance contract. Proposed: Lynn Pearson, Seconded: Cynthia Bettany. (g) Internal Audit Report and End of Year finances. The internal audit report is being produced by the Internal Auditor. The End of Year Finances were circulated in advance of the meeting. (h) To agree and confirm Cheque Signatories, authorisation of bank transfers, Standing Orders, Direct Debits and sign Bank Mandate. The existing arrangements to continue. Proposed: Bill Pearson, Seconded: James Gordon-Cumming. (i) To receive a report on the capital assets and liabilities vested in the Council. The report was circulated in advance of the meeting. Proposed: Cynthia, Seconded: Lynn Pearson. 2021/Page 15 (j) Approve Following Accounts for Payment: Eon, HMRC, WALC, WCC, Thomas Fox, MFM, Knightcote Village Hall, Northend Village Hall, Temple Herdewyke Primary School, SDC, CPRE, RoSPA, Officer/s to the Parish Council, Wicksteed, HCI Data, Bill Robinson, PKF Littlejohn LLP, MFM, Royal British Legion, Information Commissioners Office (ICO), Play safety, SLCC, Thomas Fox Landscaping, Warwickshire Pension Fund, Zurich, Standard Life, Clerk to the Parish Council. Proposed: James Gordon-Cumming, Seconded: Cynthia Bettany. (K) To review Clerk’s and other employees’ salaries – as per WALC and NALC pay scales. The existing pay scale remains in place. VAT Reclaim arrived £ 991.17 Onlineplaygrounds.co.uk (Wet Pour Repair Kit) £ 123.60 E-on 2 April 2021 £ 150.63 MFM Inv £ 90.00 WALC Subscription £ 440.00 Streetscene (NE Play area Bin) £ 420.00 W. Robinson (Auditor) £ 150.00 Clerk & RFO Expenses 15.3.21 – 15.5.21 £ 85.99 Clerk & RFO May Pay £ 542.34 Clerk & RFO May Pension £ 152.65 Clerk & RFO June Pay £ 542.34 Clerk & RFO June Pension £ 152.65 7. Planning Applications/amended plans/decisions: Withdrawn Application: None Amended/Additional Details: None Decision: 21/00595/FUL: Trevose Cottage, NE: Refusal Applications: Extraordinary Planning Meeting/s: 29 March 2021: 21/00345/VARY: Windmill Lane House, Northend. Comment: Objection. 21/00054/FUL: Old Chapel Cottage, Northend. Comment: No objection. 23 April 2021: 21/00345/VARY: Windmill Lane House, Northend: Comment: Object. 20/02839/FUL: Land Near to Bishop’s Itchington. Comment: Object. DISCN/00276/21: All Saints Church, Burton Dassett. Comment: No Representation. 8. Neighbourhood Planning and Housing Needs Survey: a) Land in Northend: Sarah Brooke-Taylor outlined the process which includes consultation with residents and the Parish Council throughout. Highways have been consulted on the safety of the proposed entrance to the development. Further highways safety investigations would be undertaken if the proposal moves forward. WRCC asked if the Parish Council supported the current proposal in order to take it forward. The Parish Council confirmed that it would like to speak to interested parties before confirming. Action: James Gordon-Cumming to discuss the proposal and report back to the PC. 8.21pm. WRCC left the meeting. 9. Amenity Areas: Planting trees in Northend: The Council considered suggestions from residents and will investigate the planting fruit trees in the corner of the Northend playing field. Proposed: James Gordon-Cumming, Seconded: Lynn Pearson. Action: Clerk to seek a proposal and quotation from Michael Mann for fruit trees to be planted in the field. 2021/Page 16 10. Matters arising (a) Roads, Footways & Lighting: Signage (NE, Knightcote), stiles. • BD Cattlegrid, near Little Dassett: Temporary repairs have taken place to the carriageway. “Slow,” signs have been installed. • The Clerk has reported the overgrown hedge, going into the carriageway in the same area, to County Highways. • Landowners have been contacted and thanked for their upkeep of paths, stiles and ditches. • Clerk contacted Network rail again re vegetation growing into bridge situated at the Knightcote turn, off Northend Road). • Resurfacing works are due to take place at Dassett Road/Bottom Street, Peartrees and Norton’s Close. The damaged footpath, near to the Manor House is due to be repaired (b) Temple Herdewyke - i. Access between TH and Northend. Nothing to report. (c) Play area • Social distancing requirements remain in place. • The Temple Herdewyke play area at Lyndsay Walk is subject to intermittent closures whilst the MOD undertakes essential maintenance works. • Patching repairs will take place to the surfacing at the Temple Herdewyke play area • Repairs have taken place to the multiplay unit in Northend. • Monthly inspections have taken place at Northend and Temple Herdewyke play areas. Both areas were confirmed to be in good order. • A new waste bin has been installed at the Northend play area • HS2 Grant application: HS2 have contacted the Clerk for clarification on some points. (d) BDPC Newsletter. Residents are encouraged to check the BDPC website for parish news, notices and meeting details. (e) Any other matters arising from the minutes 11. Administration: SLCC bulletin has confirmed that the legal case to allow for remote meetings was not successful. The Clerk confirmed that a new battery has been purchased for the defibrillator at a cost of £306 under emergency powers, on the 4th May 2021. The Clerk informed the Parish Council about the need for a new battery by email, prior to the purchase. 12. Community: • Northend War Memorial: War memorials Trust has confirmed that the proposal is eligible and can move forward. 13. Publications/Correspondence Received. o Letter regarding footpath diversion: Knightcote. The Clerk circulated a letter from a resident who has written to the Rights of Way Team requesting a footpath diversion. The Parish Council was copied into the correspondence. o Email regarding missing sign to Northend Village Hall. The Clerk has written to the Lighting Engineer to seek a replacement sign. 14. Member Reports: A “Please keep this gate closed,” sign will be installed onto the gate at the Northend play area. 15. Meetings 2020: 7.15pm start By Video conferencing until further notice, due to Covid-19 restrictions Parish Council Meeting dates 2021: 19th July 2021 (Temple Herdewyke School – to be confirmed), 20th September 2021, 15th November 2021 The meeting closed at 8.55 pm Appendix 1. Burton Dassett Parish Council 4th May 2021 County Councillor’s Report I do apologise for my non-attendance at my final meeting of Burton Dassett Parish Council due to my continuing ill-health and wish all residents good will in the future. I send my best wishes also to my successor at the local election on 6th May. Good News for Warwickshire Schools Following the two-week break for the Easter holiday, Warwickshire County Council is pleased to report a record number of pupils returning to an education setting for the summer term. The recently collated figures provided to Warwickshire County Council, as Education Authority, by schooled showed that: • All of Warwickshire’s Primary and Secondary Schools and Colleges opened as planned on Monday 19th April 2021 following the Easter Holiday; • Daily pupil attendance rates at both Primary and Secondary Schools have held consistently at no less than 94% with Primary Schools over the last week (w/c 26.04.21) recoding a 98% attendance rate. These attendance rates are not only high during the pandemic, they are high when compared to pre-Covid periods. School Funding • Great News for Kineton High School • Three of Warwickshire’s Secondary Schools are celebrating after being successful in their bids as part of the Government’s School Rebuilding Programme. • Kineton High, Southam College and Hartshill School will all undergo major rebuild and development at their sites. An investment of around £60million has been secured for these three schools via this programme. • The work will be funded and project-managed by the Department of Education. Warwickshire County Council is facilitating the delivery of the rebuilds, which will enable expected progress at each school to be seen within the next 12 months. Warwickshire’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2026 • At the full meeting of Warwickshire County Council on 16th March 2021, the Council approved the Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2026 that sets out the Board’s ambitions and approach to ensure support is effective and available where it is most needed.
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