
Published by Authority


PAG& Registry of the Courts of Judicial Police 1 Registrar of Trade Unions 5 Building Control Board ... 7 War Damage Commission 11 Com missioner for 35 Gozo Courts and Gozo Public Registry ... ·39 Registry of His Majesty's Superior Courts 43 Reconstruction 51 Prisons Department 63 Emigration Dt:partment 81 Trade Development' OFq r. e 99 M'~dical anJ Health. Department 105 Customs and Port 'Department 181 Water and Electricity. Department 201 Electoral Registry 223 Royal Library 231 Controller of Building Materials ~43 Public Relations Otl;ce 255 Registrar of Co-operative Societies 259 Museum Department 263 Public Works D epartment 275 ---J_-·" Telephone Department 291 Public Registry ... 299 Police Department 309 Education Department 341 \ Notary tv Government 361 Approved School . 403 Post Office 413 Social Welfare Department 425 Labour Department 437 Accoun ts and Fiuances 489 Milk Marketing U ndcrtaking b51 Housing Departmf nt 669 -263-

Report on the work of the Museum Department for 1947-48

THE MUSEUM, Auberge d'ltal:e, . ·

12th O~:;tober, 1948.

Sir, I have the honour to submit the Annual Report on the Museum Department for­ the financial year 1947-48.

I have the honour to be, • Sir, Your obedient servant,


The Hon. The Minister for Education.

On the lOth August. 1947, the Mnseum sustained a &eveTe loss by the demise of Professor Antonio S('iortino who , since the lOth May, 1937, was Curator of the Fine _\J.·ts Section. On the 11th February, 1947, · by a Deed he donated to the people of Malta ll· ·oollection of original plaster models with ihe express wish that thee.tl works of art be -ho~ , . at; · the:NatJional Ml1Seum ·and there exhibited to the general pubEc. Following the resignation of Chev. H. P. Scicluna, M.B.E., Hon. M.A. (Oxon) , F.S.A., who had been Acting Dire.ctor of the Museum, since the 8th March, 1938, His Excell en~y the Governor, · with the approval of the Secretary of Rtate for the Colonies, was pleased to appoint Mr. Joseph G. Balda.cchino, M:.D. , F.G.R .. Curator of the Natural H istory Section, to be Director of the Museum , with effect from the ~Oth October, 1947. ARCHAEOLOGY. In Septem her, 194 7, whilst digging trenches for the laying of foundations of a. · building in the field known as ''ta Trapna iz-Zghejra'' , parish of Zebbug (Malta 2" . !!lap ref. 39~228), five Neo1ithi~ bnrials were discovered. · The workmen, being unfamiliar with archaeological remains, and not appreciating ~ he importance of the discovery. cut a trench 2 feet wide, through the middle of two .Of these burials, thus partially destroying the deposit. Ft1rther destruction was impeded 1by Mr. Tan Small, Civil Engineer, H.M. Dockyard , who stopped the work and reported the discovery to the Museum. On inspecting the site it immediately became apparent ·that the discovery con­ ~ isteil of a nnmher of Neolithic burials o' a type hitherto unrecorded. The ex~avations ~.,£ these remains were , henceforth , condncted with meticulous care in order to secure ll!CCUr!lte rec.oros and to ensure the recovery of all the archaeolof!ic.al rnn terial. The burials in questjon were five in number. ·disposed irregularly within <:l'ti area .of 50 sq. yards. They exhibited more or less the same fPatures. The rock-bed of middle Globiger~na Limestone in this area underlies a layer of· .fteld soil about 2 feet in thickness. - , 264 -

A characteristic feature o£ each burial was a .sa uc •r-Rhaped cavity roughly ;::ut in ·the rock-beCl . Its diameter at the surface measmeJ about G feet, and it attained a depth of about 2 feet at the 2entre . A si ngl~ by er of flat roughly chipped , tones, l1 eriYed from the local rock-bed, inegularly paved the floor of the excavation. 'l 'he slab , .about 4 inch ~s in thickness and 10 inches in width, varied in len gth from G in:;hes to :?. feet 0 inch es. Overlying the sla bs there v·vas a layer of marl, about G inch es in thickness ; in which were embedded hum~r:- skeletal remnins, n:wstly in a fragmentary state and in

utter disorder. -; c • • · , • • ·- - .. • '- IntiJ-llat~ly .-a~~.pci..ated with the organic rema:ns were numerous fragment. of pottery, flint and ob i.d ian implements , ~mtl persona,] ornaments of sea-shells and bone. ·The' whole layer was ]_.)rofu sely impregnated with red ochre. From one of the burials a small cup, filled with red oc:hre, was obtained, and in another one a worked frag.ment of lowe1' GJ'obi gerina J.Ji111 estone, sb1incd red w itll o·ch rc, w:1s founcl. . The n ext layer cou i ied aiiLlost exclusiYely of ·tone chippings , about 10 inch:: ;:; --tieep . · ·; , 'l'he re t of ihe deposit, 2 feet 10 in;:o h es in thi~ki l eRs . 'consistecl of \ena: 'r~sn. A thin layer of angular and rounded stones nm llorizm1tall y ilci.'OC4: thi.s b ec1, at·:[t' tl&~th <>f 1 foot 6 inches from the sm face, below which the earlh was hard a ncl compact and above ·soft and loose. '. · ; Some of the types of Neolitl1i c: potlery recovered ' ronl 1ll ese burials have not been ree01·ded heCore . .'J.,'hc,v rlifi' ,..,from Lhc vell kn0\n1 ~L1lt e:-.e types in technique. skq_Je and ornamentation. This fac\ mjght p1·ove to he oC the u tmost importance ben the study of the t·htonology of the ::\1a.l1 ese ~eoliU1ic: potter_,- is attempted. I~);,yOl \ ¥~~lion \1-.ith i h se e ·ca.l•at.i ons l wou ld like lo e.·pess my lhanks and ap­ precitl.tion to the Snperi.ntendi.ng C1Yil E ng in eer, H.M. D ockyard, for his h elp allCl -cC'oreration. .., , ; .. ,. HI'ST oH.\TlO::'L!Tlf1C 'l'E~IPLEH , , Dnri.ng .T an uary an cl I ti ng- agninst th0: base. of the mtbosti1is. · · · .. ,_;,, l n the ~ ortl JCm 'l'ernple of the ~fnaidra. group fonr of the orthostats underly.ing the llwizpntol ·.cqurses in tl1e Sauth-"\iVesLem apse of the outer oval were J'eplaced. · :··,,·, '· -~ " 1'/eserv:lti:..;~es';:; gniJist ,\ - ~at b ering _ "·~ r0 applied " ·h ere n ecessary. Accurate · ret'ortls of .all the work ffeded in the e Temple are kept for future. .r eference.

1·:.:\c.\ ,. _, Tr<• :"i .\'l' T .\ fL'\ 11·:1'\ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ! i . f ' l ' fll (' 'J.'r;_\ ll'LES. ; . During tl1 e year mHlcr rev iew a par: of tl1e fiel

PREHlSTO"P.TC SlTgs. · Pr~g.IJ:!- ents of PI' J~istori (: . pottery aud il.int and ou!:l idian implements. hlltve been ·collected frc5m G t1ajn li a di~ ,' in t be ~li s trict of l\lellieha CMalta 2".~ Map He.f .: 3p4345), frolll ll Bidnij a., limits of St P:t~~!' s J~a y (l\!alta 2" 2\ l:qJ Hcf': 3G7302), and f1'on1 rrac- qa.gt-rq i, limits of I.1nqa GvfaHa· :3" ::\ l ap R ei' : -1fi7:6ll)'. · · ' _- ::'''' _ · ·. Jt ;" yet prern at we to .. express :my op:n ion ahont the iri.i f>DTta.nce of' ( hese sites. -265 -

G •\.\ ·E;; AT l\hn: .\ . On the 26th June, 1047. Mr. A. J. Attard , A. & C.B. , of the Publi.c Works De­ partment, reporteu to the Museum authorities tbe discovery of a nurnbe_r of graves, which w re met with whilst digging tren ·hes for th laying of foundations in a field, op~os.ite the Civil battoir,, Marsa. (1\:Lalta 2" ::Yfap Ref : 4?5~44). . The discovery consisted of five trench-like graves, excavated. in the Globigerina Limestone, and placed paEallel to one another, with .an intervening : space of. 2 feet 3., in<:Jhes. They exhibited, more or less, the same features. No traces of sealing slabs could be detected. 'I'hei r long axis wa running North-8-outh. The fou r sides of each grave presented a slight concavity in a vertical dire.:::tlon . A flat head-rest, 1 foot wide and 3 inches high, extending horizontally from side to side. wa situated at the Southern end. They were covered by a layer of field soil, about 7 feet 6 i:Q.ches de,13p . •. ~l'he following a:r:e the :tverage measm'emen ts of the tombs : Jengtlt 6 feet 4 incl~ e~, depth 11 inches, width at Northern end 2 feet anda.t the Southem end 2 feet 6 inches. Only a few fragments of human bones and some sruall sh rds belonging to the ·· Roman period were recovered from the material which filled the graves.

Hr;s1' 0R. \ 'riO~ AT ST I'Aur:s CA'l'AcmrBs, RAB!\T . . A special feature of Catacomb No. 10 is a Coralline .Limestone door , at the en­ tran e . of the funeral. chamber. swing-ing on two pivots. This door, 4 feet 6 inches high, 2 feet 2 in2hes wide and 7 inches thick. was originally fitte·d with locks. During the war it 'vas di slodged from 'it sockets by an e~pto ion. in· tb,e vicinity a nd broken in two pieces. The necessary works o f restonttion were effected with very a ti s~actory re ·ults:

1\l[osAIC P.\YE!\IE:'>T A'T' r,-A nATIJ.\ T_-m-D.EJR, R .\BAT: ~'he patch of poly .:::brome mo a ic pavem nt in the remains at 1-Abatija tad-Dej r,.. Ra.bat, uncovered in 1933, has been remo.-ed with the nee


'I'he oil paintings which had been stored during the war at the Inquisitoo:':-; . P ala<:Je, Ghajn-il-Gb.ira, -were returned to the V alletta Museum . Owing to the very restricted accommodation at present available, the storage of these workR of art leave much to be desired .

. H ESTOll .-\'l'lO.'S .\'I' 'J'HE JYLVHS'fl

REsT011AT I O~ IN _nm CrrADEL, Gozo. Restoration works have been conducted in the Church of St J oseph· and m the adjoining Bishop's Palace, in the. Citadel, Gozo. On the site of this church there w.as originally another on,e, dedi<;ated to St.,K Nicho~a s . In 1620 1 B.i~~op Fra Balcl assare Cagliares rebuilt tht:1 church an · ereded the adjoihing palace. · ·

.. · PnoToG.R:\:PHIC ·Cor,LECTION: . ~ ' · ,_. ' No efforts ~ie . bei·ng spa r ~il in .enrich in.~· t h ~ photograph;c collection illustra-ting the Archaeology, History and Fine· Arts i.n tl}e Maltese isla.nds .. It is the a im of the ·Mu~eum "Departmeri't .to '~ecure a ' qmpl~te photogniphic r.eOQrd of all the existing: allCieD.t · m:onum~nts wnicb, so far, are estimated to number over two thou s:~..nd. - - 266 -

OH. PAINTING-S DAMAGED BY ENEMY ACTION AND RESTOBBD DURING TilE PERIOD 1947-1948. Oil Pa.itings belonging to the Pala.ce, Valletta. Lunettes: Capture of the "Sole d'Oro" of Algiers . in the waters of Oran by the "San 'Giovanni" unrler the command of the Venerable Bailiff di Langon, commanding the squadron. 20th April, 1721. Engageii.:ent between the ship "St. George" and three Tunisian vessels and cap­ ture of one of them called the "Porco Spino" by the Commander d'Allogny de la ·Grois in the channel of Malta. 23rd May, 1721. Capture of the Sultana "Benghen" of 80 guns, in the waters of Lampedosa, by the Venerable General Bailiff Spinola. 8th September., 1700. The Admiral of Algiers commanding three ships, defeated in the waters of Malaga. by Lieutenant General Commander Fra. B . Tommasi. 7th November, 1736. Carassan , Algerian Vessel, called the "Mezza Luna" captured in the Alicant waters by the "Santa Caterina" commanded by Commander Fra Adrian di Langon under the orders of the Lieutenant General Bailiff de Cintray. 12th April, 1713. Squadron of three Algerian sh;ps attacked by the frigate "San Vincenzo", November, 6th 1736, commanded by the Commander Fra Giovanni Ga.ston I_;apparelli, and capture of one of them, the "Ciulac" in the waters of Marbellia, under the orde~. of the I.~ieutenant General Commander Tommasi. Capture of the Padrona. di Tunis called " La Rosa" in the waters of the Morea. b:y the First Commander of the Squadron, Commander Fra Francesco Castel St. Pierre . .3rd Ma.y, 1706. · ·

On, P AINTINGS BELONGING TO ST. JoHN's CHURCH. The flagellation of Our Lord ; by Stefano Fieri. Baptism of Our Lord; by Matteo da Lecce. Portrait of Grand Master Perellos; by Nicolo Buha.giar. The Descent from the Cross; by Ricciarelli da Volterra. Santa Toscana; by . Martyrdom of St. J_~awre nce ; by Mattia Preti.


OIL PAINTINGS. 13ELONGING TO THE JESUITS' CHUROH , VALLETI'A. St. Carlo Borromeo. Our T_~ady of So~ows. St. Lawrence. St. Anne. Our Lord Embracing the Cross.

On_, PAINTING BELONGING To SAnmA CHURCH, Fr_, o~IANA. 'l'he Immaculate Conception; by Mattia Preti.

; DONATIONS 1939-48. . ; Mrs. Edward' Manara : An oil painting- : "Portrait of Count Dr. Alfred CaruMJa> Gattif LL.D."; by Palombi. The Trnstees, National Art Collection Fund of Great Britain: An oil paintinQ": "Looking a~ross the Grand Harbour from- tbe outskirts of "·; by A. L. Du Cros. An oil painting-: T.~ooking down the Grand Harbour from.-.- just • ou~ side Valletta, Fort St .. Angelo on the·right"; by "'A. Ir. Du Cr

An oil painting : ""Looking across the Grand Harbour towanls. and Fort St. Angelo"; by A. L. Du Cros. An oil painting : ''J..Jooking up llw Grand H arbour from the Eastern p::t11: of Yalletta"; by A. JJ. Dn Cros. An oil painting· : " L ooking tm1·ards Floriana, and Valletta from. Dockyard Creek"; by A .V. Du Cros. The War Artists Advi Ro rv Commi tteE' . J jon clm1: "Malte.··c Gmmer l\'J:ajor in hi.s courtyard·'; Crayon; by LcRli e Col e. "Stndy o( 1\'J:altese" ; Pastel: by J.1eslie Col e. "Maltese Girl"; Crayc!l1 and wat c1w lour ; by :Ceslie Cole. "Murgnerite , 1-Jalta, 1943"; Crayon; by L eslie Cole. "Study o( Ma.lt.esc. Detfflln worken>" ; \n1tercolour; by Leslie Oole . "Mirlta. - CleaTing the Hatbonr - diving operations"; waterrolour; by J~ e sli e Cole. The Head of the Ministry : A frame'd oil p.1inting : ''A &cene of prehistoric times in Malta'';. by R. Carmma . A framed oil paintjng : ''Malt ese fishing boat and its Phoenician prototype" ; by R. Caruana Dingli .

• \.CCEt;SION. 193\J-4 8. Dil Painting : " Deidecenabo village in Abyssinia" ; by Andrea Gastaldi (1825-1889). "Campagna R-omana"; by Giov. Omi ·cioli . 19th Dentnry. " " The Death of Ahel" . " 'l'he Sa{;rifi<:e o[ l saac". " Portra't of l'etrus E ·tru :::.u us"; :u;Clibed to Perdonone . " Marriage of St. Ca.therine". Venetian School. L a.te 1XVI. Cent. " " St. Fnmcis of Af'sisi's Voeat~o n"; by :M. Bellanti. " " The Addolorata.''; lw "· M. J3 ellanti. ., " St. Magdalen" ; by 'ne:m 0 iuseppe Bcllanti . Oil Painting (bozzett-o) : " Martyrdom of Rt. I Anvrence" . Venetian School. Ascribed to 'l'itian. Oil P~rinting : '' St. Peter ''. . , " St. Gerome". Venctian School. Oil Pn.inting {panel) : " Cri sto P ortacroce". North Italian School. J.1ate XVI ·Century. Oil Painting : " Assumption of Onr l;ady" : by Solimena. Wateli-oolour: " View of Ggm1tija Temples, Gozo". ,. " View of Il-Hag1 a tal-(~enera . l", Gozo. " An engraving representing the W est front of St. Paul's Anglican " Church , Va,llettn: hv I Juigi Drockdorff. 1839. " A set of 28 colonred litographs, r epresenting patron Saint of the Dnler of St. Jolm of Jerusalem, painted in St. John's Chmch Va.lletta; by P Jolo Cuf'chieri. 1859.


DONi\TlONS 1939-48. Mr. C. Busuttil ~ A t>~·elve si tled threepenny. HJ38. Georgc VI. A tweh·e sided threepenny. 1943. George .vr. A penny. 1939. Georgc VI. A penny. ]94.5. Georgc VI. A penny. 1946. George VI. A half penny. 1937. George VI. A ha1f penny. 1939. George VI. A haJf penny. 1940. George VI. A hAJf penny. 1941. George VI. A half penny. 1942. Gem·ge VI. A h alf penny. 1944. George VI. -268 - l -. ·::.rr. Emm. ~\:c r r i- .A fart hing . 18:3() . (;eorgc A farthing . 1940. Oeorge VI. A fart hing . 19-±3 . George VI. ·Chev. H .P. Sciclun rr, :!\I.B .E., Hon. :i\I.A. (Cxon), P .R.A. - A s hilling 1821, n corge JV. A F> ixpcnce J82G , Oeorg-e TV . A groat 1823, George I V . ·rro£. A .V . Bermml , C.B.R, M.D., D .T .M . & H . - A fa rthing , Hl45, George VI. F r . 1\ w lo Sp iteri, O.S.A. -A smal l coll ection of mixctl coins.

1\ CC ESSTONS Hl89-1048. 1 Order of A copper coin or token. Obv. MAG. H08P I'l • H IER. Th e 11rms o£ the :St. John of J erusalem on an ornamental sh ield within a cirde. R ev. SVB HOC SIGNO MILI T AMV S. The eigh t-pointed cross of the Order of St. J ohn of J er usalem surrounded by a l ooped circle of pellets, one loop coming between each limb of the cross. It seems probable that this 2oin or token was struck by Grand Master La. Vallette, as the shield on the obver F> e is iden t ical with the o ne used on some of his smaller coins . and the legend on the m r erse was first nsecl during his reign . A c opper mint proof o f a three Tarl of Grnnd l\L1 st r La CH.ssiere . A mre variety of a four Tari of Grnncl Master Lascaris. A silver siege c oin, str uck by General V aubois , beariog on one side a lion raJ?J.­ ·pan t , th e arms of Valletta , and on the reverse is stamped t he Yalu e : Scud i 2, T an 11 ,_ .and Gmni 13. S.M.-10. A gold coin (} qu adrupl e) of Uarol 111. 11 0 . . \ gold coi n (pi;:toic) of C: nrol lY. 1107.

·One ltnlf CT O\Yn J c)3f. W illiam IV. -.r :e nc·e J. \)39. George VI. T " ·o th l ~ee r enny p;t:>Cf'S J 039. George VI. One half cro11·n 1040. George VI. ·One flo1·in Hl40. George VI.

O ne sldliu g- 1040. George VI. ~ ·One sixpow.e ] \J40 . George VI. · 011c 1:2 silted th rce.pPtmy ] 040. George VI. Chw h alf r·rown 1941. George VI. One fl orin HJH. George VI. One sh ;ll ing 1941. George VI. One stxpence ] \!4 1. G·eorg·e VI. One threepe nny 1941. George VI . One half <·row n Hl42. George VI. ·On e florill Hl42. George VI. One sh:J !ing ]042. Oeorge VI . Ono SIXJXnce 1042. Gcorge VI. One l2 sided th ree penny Fl42. George VI. ·-On P. hnlf ernwn '1943. Oeorge VI. O!l t- fl nrin '1043. George VI. One sh ill in g 10-48 . Oeorge VI . One si xpem·n 1043. George VI. One 1 ~ sit1 t• c1 til recr1!' nny 1943. George VI. One ltalf crow n 1 044. George VI. One fl or in ]044. George VI. O nH s1Ji1J !ng· 1944. Oeorg·e VI. 'One si. ·pence 1044. George VI. 269 --

One B sicktl threepeuny EJ44. George VI. 'l\\"0 one renuy pieces 1044. George VI. One half crown ]

LocAL CuRRENCY NoTES. One two shillings iRsned by the Government vf Malta in 1918 and later . un;harged "one. shilling " . No. A/1 8584:7. One shilling. Jo. 001880. One pound . Jo. A /1 293601. 1939. On e ten shi11ings. No. A,'1 . 008901. 1939. One fh·e "h illin .-,. :No . A.fJ. 068901. 1039. One hm flhi lling


Ono pound. ~o. C. 48. D 160391. One ten shr llings. No. X. 49. D A:-14-:207.

T'HE SCIOR'rlNO BEQUEST ORTGTNAL Pr,ASTRR MoDELs. Miss Lewis. Velocity. -Miss Bu~hner. M~Lclonna protecting the navigators. Queen Sophia Df Greece. Madonna proteding the aviators. Princess Pignatelli. Jn the jungle. ·Marchese Godi di Godio. R emorse. ' Tina Mazzarini. Disaster of a submarine. Decorative head. Courage of future generations. l\·frs. Cartwright. Dangerous sport. · · American sculptress. Detachment of the sonl from hnm:mity. Miss Mackenzie of Farr. Dream of the pioneers. Mr. Me. Clum. Lindberg Dn eagle. Miss Winifrec1 H olt. Smprise . · A female head: Maternity. l?rof. Bajarcli. Sketd1 for .a fountain with female :figu,.n:: . Prin~ess A varoff. Sketch for· a fountain . with male figure. · Miss M:lllei·. . Sketch for

Professor Sciartino's bequest also includes the following: Portrait of Ant. Sciortino (Pastel) ; by Prof. Silvio Galim berti . Thirteen pen and ink drawings, r-epresenting plans of "The Temple of th British Bmpire". ·Three pen and ink drawings, representing elevations of the front and side of ''The 'Temple of the British Empire". Three coloured drawings , representing details of ''The Temple of the British !Empire". · A coleured drawing, representing a bird's eye view of "The Temple of the British 'Empire''. Fiftyone pencil sketches of "The Temple of the British Empire". ·Four small sketches, in water ·colour, of "The 'remple of the British Empire". A si:Iver salver. Presented to Prof. Ant. Soiortino, in 1927. Three pen and ink sketches of a chmch; by I. Mancini. One :perspective drawing in pencil and water co1our; by I. Mancini.

SAN'T FOURNIER D0NATION T.he Most Noble Count and Countess ·Sant Fomnier made the following donation ­ of 18th and early 19th Century costumes : Ladies' Costumes- Bonnets 11; Hats; Night-caps 11; Coatees 8; Dresses 11; Bole­ ros 12 ; Blouse 1 ; Peltticoats 11 ; Gollarettes 3 ; Shirts 5 ; Kimonoes 2 ; Zouaves 5 ,; Gapes 2 ; Shawls 12 ; Neckerchiefs 18 ; Shoulder wraps .3 .; K er~hiefs 2 ; I[ ufflers 2 ; Mantilla 1 ; Hand­ bags 19 ; Purses 7 ; Armlets 8 ; Gloves 21 ; Mittens 2 ; Sleeves 1 ;­ B-el'ts 2 ; Fans 5 ; Slippers 2 ; Claquette 1 ; Parasol 1. Gentlemen's Costumes :_ Hat l; Night-caps 6 ; Skull-caps 3; · Bref'.-ehes 1 ; Vest 1 ; Waistcoats 10; Coat-tails 2; Neckties 2; Bed-stockings 3. Babies' Costumes- Layette 1; Christening sets 2; Caps 9.

I1IST OF DONATIONS 1939-48. Mrs. M'atry Alvarez: A cap maarurfacture.d at Benglh.az.i .eut of :a full grown rhinoceros horn . Miss Rate Apap: Three wooden models of sailing vessels. The Hon. Treasurer: Obsolete ,dies, re>-1llers , ~printing plates de. , of the -~(~lflg Beorge V issue of Maltl PoRtage Stamps. (Defacea) The Director, Public Works Depa-r.t-men:t : A.tt ol-d lb;r.ass s.anctuary l.amp. Stone architectural fragments from the clem0il.iahed A11hor~e d'Auvergne. · One old ;red chas-uble; one stole; a; maniple aJil.d a missal, from the G ~ppw1a .Chapel. Marsa. . Mr. Emm. ·Xerri : A wrute metal mednl t:ommemorating the Intem'l1tjonal ' Euaharistic Congress, :Ma:lta. 1913. Six sma;ll punches 1>f 'the time of the Order of St. •J'I(j)hn

• f ...~ Mr D. W. H erdman: , ,. , j .. , A map of 1\IL.'tlta printed on linen.

LIS'r 'OF ACQUISITIONS·' 1939-48. ' • ' . . : •. !" One ancient gold em·1ng. wit~1 amethyst, found at KaJlelija, Rabat . . .- One pair o f gold shoe buckles. Hall M;ark for. l775-97. One walking stick with gold mou11t . Louis XVI style. · · ~ .. ·· One early 19th Century small silver basket-shaped br.ooch.. Mal~€ise ' fiUgree work ~ ~-­ One· early 18th Century silver watch. One brass seal, bearing the. in ~ri p t ion "COMVN AEI{ARIVM HlE HVSALEM" surrounding the cross of the Order of St. John of Jerusalelll. One copper seal of a Knight of the Order of St. John of J erusale'm . (Three fl.eur- .de-lys and a tree). · · One insigmt of a Bailiff of the Order of St. John of J erusalem. One o f. the two Com memorative Bronze Medals struck oy Bishop Molimt on the occasion of the layi ng of the foundation stone of the Choir of the Cathedral _ Church of .Malta. A.D. 1679 One pair of old iron door-knockers. bne large bron~~, e mortar with fl.eur-de-lys ornaments m relief. One marble mortar. One old stone mortar. ·One. hard stone oil press. On e set, Kut.1iah (Brusa; tiles. Two 19 ~ 1 + . Century ivory statuette . · ·One uutlqne can cd wood statue representmg -"The Dead Christ". One 18th Century majolica jar with Maltese Cross. One 18th Century majolica jar decmated_with a polychrome pat~ern ! : One 18th Century majolica flower pot with coat of arms of a Knight of the Order of St. J bhn of J erusaJem . · One 18th Cent ury spherical majolica jar, dec0rated with polychrome design. bne old pottery lantern. "Mnara". A model of the Manderaggio. B y R Ca1leja. A model of Vittoriosa. · By R. Calleja. One old wcoden model of a galley. A model of a Maltese wind-mill . . ' A model of a MaHese gTinding corn-mill. ·- A modeJ. of a Maltese loom. :... A .m odel of a Maltese water mill. One 18th Centnry spinet. One 19th_Century lady's fa-n . On e water colour Map of. Malta. . By Filippo Regalia. 1798. A ·collection of photographic negatives of Malt.ese historical and artistic material. A collection of photographic negatives of the interior of the Inquisitor's P alace,_ Vittoriosa. · · A set of <.:Lches representing works of art by Prof.' Antonio Sciortino. One ea.rly 19th Cettury ''Horga''. One early 10th Century lady's si lk costume. - '213 -


- Admission of Visitors L-o various site'S under this Department, fmm the 1st April, 1947 to the 31st March, HJ48.

Admission on Admission free payme nt at on special dayj! -I 6 r:er head. a nd by students' tickets. 'l'he ·Museum, VaUetta

The Roman Villa Museum 654 1,373

'I'he St. P aul's Catacombs 594 1,'2.)9

rl'he N eolithic Temples 429 16

·'l'he Hal Saflieni Hypogeum 1,019 658

The Gnar Dalam Cave and Museum !507 ] '20
