Government Departments

Government Departments

• • ON THE WO}{KING OF GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS DURING THE FINA~CIAL YEAR 1947-48 Published by Authority MALTA GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1951 [Price 5s. ] INDEX PAG& Registry of the Courts of Judicial Police 1 Registrar of Trade Unions 5 Building Control Board ... 7 War Damage Commission 11 Com missioner for Gozo 35 Gozo Courts and Gozo Public Registry ... ·39 Registry of His Majesty's Superior Courts 43 Reconstruction 51 Prisons Department 63 Emigration Dt:partment 81 Trade Development' OFq r. e 99 M'~dical anJ Health. Department 105 Customs and Port 'Department 181 Water and Electricity. Department 201 Electoral Registry 223 Royal Malta Library 231 Controller of Building Materials ~43 Public Relations Otl;ce 255 Registrar of Co-operative Societies 259 Museum Department 263 Public Works D epartment 275 ---J_-·" Telephone Department 291 Public Registry ... 299 Police Department 309 Education Department 341 \ Notary tv Government 361 Approved School . 403 Post Office 413 Social Welfare Department 425 Labour Department 437 Accoun ts and Fiuances 489 Milk Marketing U ndcrtaking b51 Housing Departmf nt 669 -263- Report on the work of the Museum Department for 1947-48 THE MUSEUM, Auberge d'ltal:e, Valletta. · 12th O~:;tober, 1948. Sir, I have the honour to submit the Annual Report on the Museum Department for­ the financial year 1947-48. I have the honour to be, • Sir, Your obedient servant, J . G. BALDACOHINO, DirectQr. The Hon. The Minister for Education. On the lOth August. 1947, the Mnseum sustained a &eveTe loss by the demise of Professor Antonio S('iortino who , since the lOth May, 1937, was Curator of the Fine _\J.·ts Section. On the 11th February, 1947, · by a Deed he donated to the people of Malta ll· ·oollection of original plaster models with ihe express wish that works of art be -ho~ , . at; · the:NatJional Ml1Seum ·and there exhibited to the general pubEc. Following the resignation of Chev. H. P. Scicluna, M.B.E., Hon. M.A. (Oxon) , F.S.A., who had been Acting Dire.ctor of the Museum, since the 8th March, 1938, His Excell en~y the Governor, · with the approval of the Secretary of Rtate for the Colonies, was pleased to appoint Mr. Joseph G. Balda.cchino, M:.D. , F.G.R .. Curator of the Natural H istory Section, to be Director of the Museum , with effect from the ~Oth October, 1947. ARCHAEOLOGY. In Septem her, 194 7, whilst digging trenches for the laying of foundations of a. · building in the field known as ''ta Trapna iz-Zghejra'' , parish of Zebbug (Malta 2" . !!lap ref. 39~228), five Neo1ithi~ bnrials were discovered. · The workmen, being unfamiliar with archaeological remains, and not appreciating ~ he importance of the discovery. cut a trench 2 feet wide, through the middle of two .Of these burials, thus partially destroying the deposit. Ft1rther destruction was impeded 1by Mr. Tan Small, Civil Engineer, H.M. Dockyard , who stopped the work and reported the discovery to the Museum. On inspecting the site it immediately became apparent ·that the discovery con­ ~ isteil of a nnmher of Neolithic burials o' a type hitherto unrecorded. The ex~avations ~.,£ these remains were , henceforth , condncted with meticulous care in order to secure ll!CCUr!lte rec.oros and to ensure the recovery of all the archaeolof! rnn terial. The burials in questjon were five in number. ·disposed irregularly within <:l'ti area .of 50 sq. yards. They exhibited more or less the same fPatures. The rock-bed of middle Globiger~na Limestone in this area underlies a layer of· .fteld soil about 2 feet in thickness. - , 264 - A characteristic feature o£ each burial was a .sa uc •r-Rhaped cavity roughly ;::ut in ·the rock-beCl . Its diameter at the surface measmeJ about G feet, and it attained a depth of about 2 feet at the 2entre . A si ngl~ by er of flat roughly chipped , tones, l1 eriYed from the local rock-bed, inegularly paved the floor of the excavation. 'l 'he slab , .about 4 inch ~s in thickness and 10 inches in width, varied in len gth from G in:;hes to :?. feet 0 inch es. Overlying the sla bs there v·vas a layer of marl, about G inch es in thickness ; in which were embedded hum~r:- skeletal remnins, n:wstly in a fragmentary state and in utter disorder. -; c • • · , • • ·- - .. • '- IntiJ-llat~ly .-a~~.pci..ated with the organic rema:ns were numerous fragment. of pottery, flint and ob i.d ian implements , ~mtl persona,] ornaments of sea-shells and bone. ·The' whole layer was ]_.)rofu sely impregnated with red ochre. From one of the burials a small cup, filled with red oc:hre, was obtained, and in another one a worked frag.ment of lowe1' GJ'obi gerina J.Ji111 estone, sb1incd red w itll o·ch rc, w:1s founcl. The n ext layer cou i ied aiiLlost exclusiYely of ·tone chippings , about 10 inch:: ;:; --tieep . · ·; , 'l'he re t of ihe deposit, 2 feet 10 in;:o h es in thi~ki l eRs . 'consistecl of \ena: 'r~sn. A thin layer of angular and rounded stones nm llorizm1tall y ilci.'OC4: thi.s b ec1, at·:[t' tl&~th <>f 1 foot 6 inches from the sm face, below which the earlh was hard a ncl compact and above ·soft and loose. '. · ; Some of the types of Neolitl1i c: potlery recovered ' ronl 1ll ese burials have not been ree01·ded heCore . .'J.,'hc,v rlifi' ,..,from Lhc vell kn0\n1 ~L1lt e:-.e types in technique. skq_Je and ornamentation. This fac\ mjght p1·ove to he oC the u tmost importance ben the study of the t·htonology of the ::\1a.l1 ese ~eoliU1ic: potter_,- is attempted. I~);,yOl \ ¥~~lion \1-.ith i h se e ·ca.l•at.i ons l wou ld like lo e.·pess my lhanks and ap­ precitl.tion to the C1Yil E ng in eer, H.M. D ockyard, for his h elp allCl -cC'oreration. .., , ; .. ,. HI'ST oH.\TlO::'<i dlr J-l .\(.::\1: (~ T:I! _\:"ill iiJ~ _ \mH . \ ~ TEI>L!Tlf1C 'l'E~IPLEH , , .T an uary an cl I <L' bntary, U'-18; ion works were ·onducteJ m the N colithic 'l'en1ples of Hagar Qim _an d :M na.idm. ~-- '· , At l;' QiKi1. three of. the smalL slab. \Yhicb fence tl 1e O\'al en ;,:l m;ure w ithin ·the ·'· .-~_i'nnei; . Bustet;n apse b ~we becu rephtee'li. .. 'The-m aterial encumbering· the lower part_ of the Sou1 h ern e:xternal wa:n· o{ the T emple \"i"a s r0mo\·ec1, tllii K 11l1{:0Ycri·Ji g a Jnirnh ·1· of blot< k;; r-e.=>ti ng- agninst th0: base. of the mtbosti1is. · · · .. ,_;,, l n the ~ ortl JCm 'l'ernple of the ~fnaidra. group fonr of the orthostats the llwizpntol ·.cqurses in tl1e Sauth-"\iVesLem apse of the outer oval were J'eplaced. · :··,,·, '· -~ " 1'/eserv:lti:..;~es';:; gniJist ,\ - ~at b ering _ "·~ r0 applied " ·h ere n ecessary. Accurate · ret'ortls of .all the work ffeded in the e Temple are kept for future. .r eference. 1·:.:\c.\ ,. _, Tr<• :"i .\'l' T .\ fL'\ 11·:1'\ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ! i . f ' l ' fll (' 'J.'r;_\ ll'LES. ; . During tl1 e year mHlcr rev iew a par: of tl1e fiel<l so; lying do ~e to the North- ·. '\Vest of the external wall of. tl1e 'I'emples l1a.d been removed. The aim of these exca­ ·vations \YiLS cl1 ietly to expose se cl ious of tlJ t; Rlll'l'OlllHling -il.eposi t . which is .about 10- ::feet in thickness at i-hi,.; poil! t, J'o r fmther elUt~ ida t iou . Unfortunat-ely, signs of dis­ cturbance "-~re . cl etecLctl tlu·oughout the -deposit. A lllll)]bCr of potsber.d. belonging to various perioc) w e1•e recovered, but the most impostant find c on ~ i sts .of a sma;ll Neo- 'lirbit 'terra-cotta ram'R bea<l . ·· · · · 'J~ be two bulls and tbe ~;o-9.7, in J)A.R -relief Orl tl1 e wn.Jl s of one. of the reC8"S8S lfd:he ·temples , ha Ye becm t 1catc d hy Jn ·e,.;en·nti ,-f's ,,-j th a Y.tew of arresting. as Jm)ch as . d_)QSBible,. fm th et de ·ny. PREHlSTO"P.TC SlTgs. · Pr~g.IJ:!- ents of PI' J~istori (: . pottery aud and ou!:l idian implements. hlltve been ·collected frc5m G t1ajn li a di~ ,' in t be ~li s trict of l\lellieha CMalta 2".~ Map He.f .: 3p4345), frolll ll Bidnij a., limits of St P:t~~!' s J~a y (l\!alta 2" 2\ l:qJ Hcf': 3G7302), and f1'on1 rrac- i, limits of I.1nqa GvfaHa· :3" ::\ l ap R ei' : -1fi7:6ll)'. · · ' _- ::'''' _ · ·. Jt ;" yet prern at we to .. express :my op:n ion ahont the iri.i f>DTta.nce of' ( hese sites. -265 - G •\.\ ·E;; AT l\hn: .\ . On the 26th June, 1047. Mr. A. J. Attard , A. & C.B. , of the Publi.c Works De­ partment, reporteu to the Museum authorities tbe discovery of a nurnbe_r of graves, which w re met with whilst digging tren ·hes for th laying of foundations in a field, op~os.ite the Civil battoir,, Marsa. (1\:Lalta 2" ::Yfap Ref : 4?5~44). The discovery consisted of five trench-like graves, excavated. in the Globigerina Limestone, and placed paEallel to one another, with .an intervening : space of.

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