Annual Report 1992
fiNANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Sony Corporation and Consolidated Subsidiaries Year ended March 31 OPERATING RESULTS Thousands of U.S. dollars Millions of yen (Note 1) Percent change 1991 1992 1992/1991 1992 FOR THE YEAR Net sales. ¥3,616,517 ¥3,821,582 +5.7% $28,733,699 Operating income 297,449 166,278 -44.1 1,250,211 Net income (Note 2) 116,925 120,121 +2.7 903,165 Per Depositary Share (Yen and U.S. dollars): Net income ¥ 285.9 ¥ 293.1 +2.5 $ 2.20 Cash dividends 50.0 50.0 0.38 Cash dividends (Note 3) 45.5 AT YEAR-END Stockholders' equity ¥1,476,414 ¥1,536,795 +4.1 $11,554,850 Total assets . 4,602,495 4,911,129 +6.7 36,925,782 Number of employees . 112,900 119,000 Notes: 1. U.S. dollar amounts have been translated from yen, for convenience only, at the rate of~133=U.S.$1, the approximate Tokyo foreign exchange market rate as of March 31, 1992, as described in Note 2 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 2. Net income in 1992 includes the ~61 ,544 million ($462,737 thousand) gain on subsidiary sale of stock, as described in Note 4 on page 37. 3. Cash dividends per Depositary Share after giving effect to the free distribution of common stock by way of stock split determined on May 22, 1991 were ~45.5 for the year ended March 31, 1991. NET SALES (Billion ¥) '92 CE::Z::m:ll!Z:;:::::zr::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::~:::~ 3,822 '91 3,617 '90 I!El~~E~~~B:l~~~~~~~~ 2,880 '89 ------------· 2,145 '88 1,555 NET INCOME (Billion ¥) '92 lEDmlB&gm~~~~~~m~~:!rJ~m::m§~tm 120 '91 117 '90 103 '89 ------------· 72 '88 ------· 37 NET INCOME PER DEPOSITARY SHARE (¥) '92 293.1 '90'91 ---------------------·279 285.9.0 '89 Billi!DliiimBmiJg~m~~[]]~B~:mrn 219.7 '88 137.2 TO OLJR SHAREHOLDERS uring the fiscal year ended March 31, 1992, the the inventory level.
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