Chromogenic and Fluorogenic Probes for the Detection of Illicit Drugs
DOI:10.1002/open.201800034 Chromogenic and Fluorogenic Probes for the Detection of Illicit Drugs Eva Garrido+,[a] Luis Pla+,[a] Beatriz Lozano-Torres,[a] Sameh El Sayed,[a, b] RamónMartínez-MµÇez,*[a, b, c] and FØlix Sancenón[a, b, c] ChemistryOpen 2018, 7,401 –428 401 2018 The Authors. PublishedbyWiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim The consumption of illicit drugs has increased exponentially in sary to develop highly rapid, easy,sensitive,and selective recent years and has become aproblem that worries both methods for their detection. Currently,the most widely used governments and international institutions. The rapid emer- methods for drug detection are based on techniques that re- gence of new compounds, their easy access,the low levels at quire large measurement times, the use of sophisticated equip- which these substances are able to produce an effect, and ment, and qualified personnel. Chromo-and fluorogenic meth- their short time of permanence in the organism makeitneces- ods are an alternative to those classical procedures. 1. Introduction euro), ecstasy(22 million euro), opiates (18 millioneuro), and cocaine(17 million euro). According to their pharmacologic be- The use of novel illicit drugs and the constant appearance of havior,drugs can be divided into depressants, stimulants, hal- new psychoactive substances have rapidlygrown in the last lucinogenic, and opioids. years, and reports of the availability and manufacture of such Because of their harmfulnesstohealth,the ability to detect substances have increased.[1] Illicit drugs are those for which and quantify “drugsofabuse” in afast, easy,and reliable way nonmedicaluse has been prohibited by internationalcontrol is crucial.
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