Preface p. v Acknowledgements p. vi Using the book p. vii List of illustrations p. x List of locations of instruments illustrated p. xiii List of tips and tricks p. xiii Introduction Encountering the p. 2 Gamelan at home p. 7 Where? p. 7 When? p. 8 What? p. 11 Who? p. 16 Gamelan abroad p. 19 Where? p. 19 When? p. 20 What? p. 20 Music Karawitan - the art of music p. 22 General principles p. 22 Roles of instruments p. 34 Character of music p. 37 Notation p. 38 Principles of Kepatihan notation p. 38 Other forms of notation p. 43 Laras - 'tuning' p. 45 vs. p. 45 Embat p. 50 - 'mode' p. 52 - rhythm p. 58 Bentuk - form p. 63 Overview p. 63 Lancaran and bubaran p. 64 Ketawang p. 67 Langgam p. 69 Ladrang p. 70 Gati/mares p. 72 Gangsaran p. 72 Gendhing p. 73 Editable forms p. 85 Other instrumental forms p. 90 Vocal forms p. 91 Combinations and suites p. 95 Drama and dance p. 96 Review p. 101 Instruments Instruments-an overview p. 104 Playing style: general p. 109 instruments p. 111 family p. 113 Saron barung p. 114 Demung, saron demung p. 121 Peking, saron panerus p. 124 Saron wayangan p. 133 p. 133 Other instruments p. 134 Decorating instruments-introduction p. 136 family p. 138 Bonang barung and bonang panerus p. 140 Bonang panembung p. 183 Soft-style decorating instruments p. 184 p. 184 Gender family p. 188 Gender barung p. 189 Gender panerus p. 194 p. 195 family p. 196 p. 198 Punctuating instruments p. 202 ageng p. 202 Gong kemodhong p. 203 Gong bumbung p. 204 Gong suwukan and siyem p. 204 p. 206 Kenong japan p. 208 Kenong renteng p. 208 p. 209 Kethuk p. 210 Kempyang p. 211 Engkuk-kemong p. 212 p. 212 Kecer p. 213 Substitute instruments p. 213 Other instruments p. 213 Keplok p. 213 Drums p. 214 General p. 214 Individual drums p. 215 Kendhangan p. 217 Drumstrokes p. 218 Other rhythm instruments p. 225 Vocal parts p. 226 Male voices and gerongan p. 226 Female voices p. 226 Mixed singing p. 230 Senggakan and alok p. 230 Multi-instrument garap p. 231 Sirep p. 231 Kebar p. 231 Kinthilan, Yogya style p. 232 Kinthilan, Solo style p. 232 Pinjalan p. 233 Ompak klenangan p. 234 Gobyog(an) p. 234 Solonese sampak p. 235 Solonese gendhing bonang p. 235 Yogyanese gendhing soran p. 235 Ensembles p. 236 Slendro and pelog ensembles p. 236 Gamelan ageng/gedhe p. 236 Gamelan gadhon p. 236 Ensembles for p. 238 Miniature ensembles p. 238 Siteran ensembles p. 238 Names of gamelan p. 239 Ceremonial ensembles p. 239 Review p. 242 Notation p. 243 Glossary p. 1 Appendices Javanese verse metres p. 3 Numerals in Javanese p. 7 Aksara p. 8 Acoustics of instruments p. 10 Construction and care of instruments p. 16 Calendars and dates in Java p. 24 Bibliography p. 27 Discography p. 32 Index p. 1 Table of Contents provided by Blackwell's Book Services and R.R. Bowker. Used with permission.