Field Crops Research 74 02002) 13±22

Bactris gasipaes agroecosystems for heart-of-palm production in : changes in biomass, nutrient and carbon pools with stand age and density A. Aresa,*, J. Bonicheb, E. Molinab, R.S. Yosta aDepartment of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 3190 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA bCentro de Investigaciones AgronoÂmicas JoseÂ, Universidad de Costa Rica, San JoseÂ, Costa Rica Received 25 May 2001; received in revised form 1 October 2001; accepted 27 October 2001


Perennial tree crops develop through growth phases that differ in the rate of biomass and carbon build-up, and in the relative contribution of various pools and ¯uxes to nutrient cycles and nutrient supply for plant growth. To de®ne these phases in peach palm 0Bactris gasipaes) agroecosystems for heart-of-palm production, we estimated biomass in stands up to 20 years of age in the humid tropical lowlands of Costa Rica. Dry biomass of foliage, petioles and stems were estimated using allometric equations which have been previously generated by applying nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression procedures to data from harvests of peach palm . Total aboveground biomass trajectories through time were ®tted by a three-parameter logistic function with total biomass stabilizing at about 6.3 Mg/ha. There were no differences in standing biomass between stands on Andisols and Ultisols. Trends in nutrient pools through time were similar to those for biomass. The order in size of nutrient pools was N 0up to approximately 120 kg=ha† > K 0up to 90 kg=ha† > Ca 0up to 45 kg=ha† > Mg, S, P 0all up to 15±17 kg/ha). Peach palm plant bases and coarse roots are relatively large fractions of total plant biomass, and consequently of sequestered carbon and nutrients. The amount of carbon per unit area in plant tissue in peach palm agroecosystems in the Atlantic region of Costa Rica was about 8% of the carbon in forests of the same region. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Peach palm; Biomass and nutrient budgets; Carbon sequestration

1. Introduction in the rate of aboveground and belowground biomass accumulation, and in the relative contribution of var- The prolonged growth span of perennial tree crops ious pools and ¯uxes to nutrient cycles. Biomass has fundamental implications for carbon and nutrient accretion relative to the standing biomass is usually storage, and for nutrient cycling in agroecosystems. maximum during a period between the initial growth Perennial tree crops have distinct phases which differ phase 0i.e. establishment) and that in which a relative equilibrium in stand biomass is reached 0Blackman, 1968). Among nutrient cycling processes, nutrient * Corresponding author. Present address: Dale Bumpers Small retranslocation becomes a more important component Farms Research Center, ARS/USDA, 6883 South State Highway of the cycle as the crop age increases 0Miller, 1984). 23, Booneville, AR 72927-9214, USA. Tel.: ‡1-501-675-3834; fax: ‡1-501-675-2940. Thus, the identi®cation of growth phases is important E-mail address: [email protected] 0A. Ares). for calculating nutrient and carbon budgets and, in

0378-4290/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0378-4290001)00196-4 14 A. Ares et al. / Field Crops Research 74 52002) 13±22 developing diagnosis, prediction and economic ana- thesized that the onset and duration of growth phases lyses for integrated nutrient and crop management. The are modi®ed by stand density. On the other hand, we onset and duration of the growth phases in perennial anticipated that soil type would have a minor effect on tree crops are often not self-evident because they growth trajectories because soil nutrient status is depend upon species growth patterns and phenology, rather uniform as a result of application, stand density and crop management. These growth and drought stress is unlikely in the Atlantic region phases have to be determined separately for almost of Costa Rica. every tree crop and apply to a given set of management Previous biomass estimates in peach palm stands conditions and geographical areas. were site-speci®c and provided only an indication of Peach palm 0Bactris gasipaes) for heart-of-palm trends in biomass accumulation because of the reduced has become an important perennial crop in the humid size of plant samples and stand ages. In Hawaii, above- of Latin America 0Mora Urpõ et al., 1997; ground biomass at 1.3 years ranged between 0.45 and Deenik et al., 2000), where it is mostly grown on 1.40 kg of dry matter per plant 0roughly 2±7 Mg/ha) in Andisols, Oxisols and Ultisols in Costa Rica and peach palm experimental plots with a density equiva- . Peach palm is a caespitose, usually spiny palm lent to 5000 plants/ha 0Clement, 1995). In Costa Rica, that continuously produces new shoots that are pur- harvest of a few plants from a 3-year-old stand with posely controlled in number to optimize production. 3200 plants/ha, yielded 7.1 Mg/ha of standing dry Harvest for heart-of-palm begins at 1 or 1.5 years, and biomass 0Herrera, 1989). continues during the life of the stand which may Belowground biomass may account for an impor- surpass 20 years. Four growth stages have been tant proportion of total biomass in peach palm stands described for palms: embryonic, seedling, establish- especially as stand age progresses. Peach palm has ment, adult vegetative and adult reproductive 0Tom- shallow and coarse roots with 58±80% of the root linson, 1990). In peach palm stands for heart-of-palm, biomass found in the top 20 cm of the soil 0Ferreira the ®rst two of these phases take place in the nursery, et al., 1980, 1995; LoÂpez Morales and Sancho Vargas, and only the establishment and adult-vegetative 1990; Jongschaap, 1993), but total belowground phases occur in the ®eld. During the establishment biomass has not been estimated in the ®eld. The roots, phase which extends from planting to approximately the rhizome and a ®brous tissue below the base of the ®rst harvest, peach palm produces bi®d eophyll the stem form a clump which increases in size with and later pinnate while the adult vegetative time. We, therefore, hypothesized that belowground phase starts at the beginning of stem elongation and biomass may surpass that of aboveground biomass in lasts until the ®rst ¯owering 0Clement, 1995), a pheno- mature stands. logical event that does not take place in heart-of-palm Because of the large annual biomass production, we production. For purposes of developing management also hypothesized that soil organic carbon may recommendations for fertilization and control of shoot increase with extended cropping. Plant residue pro- density, the growth stages in heart-of-palm production duction measured during 48 weeks in 4±5-year-old with this species can be divided into establishment, peach palm stands averaged 11.4 Mg/ha of dry bio- fast growth and maturity. In the context of this study, mass 0Molina, personal communication). The test of the term maturity refers to the stage in which a the hypothesis was not strictly rigorous in this study stabilized level of biomass is reached. The span because the initial soil organic carbon values were of these growth phases in peach palm stands of unknown. If effects on soil are strong, however, it may varying stand density and grown on different soil be possible to ®nd signi®cant differences with time. types in the Atlantic region of Costa Rica was On the other hand, continued fertilization is likely unknown. to decrease soil pH and exchangeable cations, and In recent years, stand density of peach palm in increase exchangeable acidity. In a fertilization experi- the Atlantic region of Costa Rica has been consisten- ment on a Typic Dystrandept in Costa Rica with tly increased from a traditional level of less than N:P:K applications up to 550:87:225 kg/ha per year, 4200 plants/ha 0spacings at 2.50±2:65 m  1m) to respectively, soil pH decreased from 5.5 to 4.5, 10 000 plants/ha 02 m  0:5 m), or more. We hypo- and exchangeable acidity increased from 0.30 to A. Ares et al. / Field Crops Research 74 52002) 13±22 15

1.21 meq/100 gwhile Ca, Mg and K decreased after 48 0Ares et al., 2001) generated by a non-linear regression months of heart-of-palm production 0GuzmaÂn, 1985). procedure 0Parresol, 1999) to calculate the above- The size of the carbon pools in peach palm stands is ground component and aboveground total plant bio- also important given the current interest in carbon mass as a function of shoot basal diameter. With this sequestration in the tropics. Some landowners in Costa regression method, plant component estimates add up Rica are already receiving compensation for preser- to the aboveground total plant biomass and also, ving forests, and research on the soil and plant carbon residuals are modeled to ensure equal error variances sequestering potential of agricultural systems in the through the range of the independent variable. Bio- region is underway 0Bulte et al., 2000). In terms of mass estimates from the equations were similar to data area, peach palm is the second most important per- from independent harvests 0Ares et al., 2001). ennial crop in the Atlantic region of Costa Rica after We tested the ®t of different regression models to banana comprising some 12 000 ha, while the total biomass data from low 0<4200 plants/ha) and high area of peach palm in Central and is density 0>4200 plants/ha) stands using the NLIN pro- about 24 000 ha 0Mora UrpõÂ et al., 1997). cedure in the Statistical Analysis System Package The objectives of this study were to 0i) estimate 0SAS Institute Inc., 1989) and SigmaPlot 5.0 0SPSS aboveground biomass and nutrient pools in peach Inc., Chicago, USA). For early stages, we included palm stands for heart-of-palm production on a range data from a previous study conducted during 132 days of stand ages and soil types, 0ii) de®ne growth phases in a stand with 4000 plants/ha on an Andisol in one of based on patterns of standing biomass and plant and the farms we sampled 0Jongschaap, 1993). We were shoot density, 0iii) estimate the amount of below- not able to ®nd stands with more than 6000 plants/ha ground relative to aboveground biomass, and 0iv) infer older than 5.7 years because planting high density potential impacts on soil from long-term cultivation of stands is a relatively recent trend in peach palm peach palm and derive estimates of carbon status in agroecosystems in Costa Rica. To ®t the equations, plant and soil. we assumed that stands with more than 4200 plants/ha reach the same maximum biomass than stands with less than 4200 plants/ha. We also included the data 2. Materials and methods recorded until a stand age of 132 days for both equations because plant competition was likely nil 2.1. Aboveground biomass and nutrient pools or minimum at this early stage. Composite subsamples of each plant component We selected 18 peach palm stands within either were randomly selected, taken to the laboratory, dried large farms belonging to an agribusiness company or at 75 8C to constant weight and ground to pass a small farms throughout the Atlantic region of Costa 0.40 mm sieve. Plant component samples were ana- Rica. Mean annual rainfall of the region varies between lyzed for total concentration of N by a micro-Kjeldahl 4000 and 5000 mm per year while mean annual tem- procedure 0Nelson and Sommers, 1972), for Al, Na, perature is about 24.5 8C. The selected stands were all Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn by atomic absorption of the Utilis-Tucurrique thorny landrace and were on spectrophotometry, and for B with the azomethine-H Andisols and Ultisols 0Soil Survey Staff, 1999), except method 0Wolf, 1974). Phosphorus was determined with one stand that was on an Inceptisol. UV spectrophotometry after stannous chloride reduc- In each selected ®eld, we chose one row and one tion of the phospho-molybdate complex 0Chapman plant within the row by using a random number table. and Pratt, 1973) and S with a Lachat ¯ow injection The chosen plant was the approximate center of a analyzer. Sulfur was determined only in 11 stands. rectangular 200 m2 plot with the longest side parallel In each plot, we also sampled soil at 0±5 and to the crop rows. We avoided measurements on ®eld 5±20 cm depths from 10 positions within each plot. borders. On every individual shoot within the plot, we The soils were dried at 60 8C, ground to pass a 2 mm measured basal diameter at 5 cm aboveground and sieve, and analyzed for organic C by the Walkley and height to the fork between the ®rst fully expanded Black method 0Nelson and Sommers, 1972), for total and the spear leaf. We then used allometric equations N by a micro-Kjeldahl procedure, and for K, Zn, Cu, 16 A. Ares et al. / Field Crops Research 74 52002) 13±22

Fe and Mn by atomic absorption spectrophotometry values were converted to carbon amounts by using after extraction following the modi®ed Olsen method. a fraction of carbon in dry biomass of 0.45 0Barbour Phosphorus was determined colorimetrically by the et al., 1987). This coef®cient is approximate and it can Murphy and Riley procedure 0Murphy and Riley, vary among systems. For instance, a coef®cient of 0.50 1962). After extraction with KCl, Ca and Mg were was used by Cannel et al. 01996). To estimate standing determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, in plant residues, we assumed an annual residue pro- and acidity by titration with NaOH. Sulfur and B were duction of 11.4 Mg/ha equally distributed throughout determined with a Lachat ¯ow injection analyzer. Soil the year, and decomposing at the rate measured in a pH was measured in a 1:2.5 soil:water suspension and related study 0Molina, personal communication). soil organic matter was determined by the Walkley and Black method. 3. Results 2.2. Belowground biomass and nutrient pools 3.1. Characteristics of the sampled peach In a separate sampling, we uprooted 11 peach palm palm stands plants in four stands ranging in age from 1.9 to 21 years. Initial spacing in the sampled stands was Plant density ranged between 3150 and 7250 plants/ 2m 0:5 m except the 21-year-old stand which had ha while shoot density varied between 4000 and a spacing of 2:6m 1 m. In most cases, the soil was 24 250 shoots/ha 0Table 1). Average number of shoots dug to 80 cm depth to remove the roots. The below- per plant was 3.31. For stands older than 1 year, 69% ground mass was taken intact to the laboratory, of the stands had between two and four shoots washed to remove soil and separated manually into two components: basal section and coarse roots. The term `basal section' refers to the rhizome and the ®brous tissue below the stem. Moisture and nutrient Table 1 Characteristics of the peach palm stands for heart-of-palm content were determined in subsamples of the two production measured in the Atlantic region of Costa Rica components. For nutrient tissue analysis, we used the same procedures as applied to aboveground biomass. Site Soil Stand Plant Shoot To determine the relationship between aboveground age density density 0years) 0plants/ha) 0shoots/ha) and belowground biomass, shoots of the selected plants were cut at ground level, separated into foliage, RõÂo Frio Ua 1.0 3650 4000 b and stem, and weighed in the ®eld after we GuaÂpiles A 1.0 6150 6150 GuaÂpiles A 1.5 5550 20150 measured basal diameter and height to the spear leaf. La Conquista U 1.7 5400 14950 Subsamples were taken to the laboratory for fresh:dry RõÂo Frio U 2.0 5750 15150 weight ratio determination. GuaÂpiles A 2.2 7250 9500 Horquetas A 2.7 6500 22000 2.3. Carbon pools Huetares U 3.6 4450 12700 GuaÂpiles A 5.0 3150 12050 GuaÂpiles A 5.2 4550 17400 We present an example of the amount of carbon in a RõÂo Frio Ic 5.7 6400 15000 mature peach palm stand on an Andisol and an Ultisol GuaÂpiles A 7.5 3750 10700 using the average carbon content of the sampled RõÂo Frio U 9.0 3700 24250 Andisols and Ultisols in this study, and a soil bulk GuaÂpiles A 10.0 3700 13750 3 RõÂo Frio U 14.5 4700 12700 density of 0.8 and 1.2 g/cm 0Salas, personal commu- GuaÂpiles A 15.0 3950 19750 nication), respectively. Aboveground and below- RõÂo Frio U 20.0 4150 19000 ground biomass corresponded to a stand that has GuaÂpiles A 20.0 3250 18100 reached the maturity stage. Aboveground plant bio- a Ultisols. mass of stands on Andisols was the same as that on b Andisols. Ultisols as indicated by this study. Plant biomass c Inceptisols. A. Ares et al. / Field Crops Research 74 52002) 13±22 17 per plant, a range that likely re¯ects proper density accumulation during the initial growth period in management. high-density stands. Based on these trends, we pro- posed the following growth phases in peach palm 3.2. Aboveground biomass and nutrients stands for heart-of-palm:  Establishment: 0±1 years. The stand is not yet There were no differences in biomass between harvested for heart-of-palm. stands on the different soil types and thus the data  Fast growth: 1±3 years in high-density stands and were pooled for further analysis. Total aboveground 1±8 years in low-density stands. Biomass accretion biomass trajectories were ®tted by three-parameter and heart-of-palm production increase. logistic functions with total biomass reaching a max-  Maturity: The stand reaches a level of stabilized imum at 6.31 Mg/ha 0Fig. 1). The equations were biomass and heart-of-palm production. 6310 AB ˆ 01) The order in nutrient pools was N 0up to approxi- À1:258 1 ‡ age=4:672† mately 120 kg=ha† > K 0up to 90 kg=ha† > Ca 0up to 45 kg=ha† > Mg, S, P 0all up to 15±17 kg/ha) 0Table 2). for stands with <4200 plants/ha, S:E:E: ˆ 497:1 and One stand had unusually large N and K pools and P < 0:0001, and was likely not representative. Trends in nutrient pools 6310 through time suggested logistic or parabolic trajec- AB ˆ 02) 1 ‡ age=0:990†À1:347 tories but no meaningful function ®tted the data pro- bably because of lack of values for early stand ages. for stands with >4200 plants/ha, S:E:E: ˆ 707:9 and Data for plant micronutrients are not shown. P ˆ 0:0056. Here AB is the total aboveground bio- mass 0kg/ha) and S.E.E. is the standard error of 3.3. Belowground biomass and nutrients estimate in actual units. Half the maximum biomass was reached at age In the separate sampling of four stands, the trajec- 4.7 years in stands with less than 4200 plants/ha, tory of the ratio of belowground to aboveground bio- and at about age 1 year in stands with more than mass through time ®tted a rectangular, two-parameter 4200 plants/ha, re¯ecting a steep increase in biomass hyperbola and varied between one in the young stand

Fig. 1. Standing biomass through time in peach palm stands. The aboveground biomass is calculated using Eqs. 01) and 02). Data points close to the origin of coordinates are from a separate study carried out during 132 days in the same area 0Jongschaap, 1993). 18 A. Ares et al. / Field Crops Research 74 52002) 13±22

Table 2 Aboveground pools of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in peach palm stands

Site Stand age 0years) N P K 0kg/ha) Ca Mg S

RõÂo Frio 1.0 20.0 2.2 14.9 4.7 2.8 1.9 GuaÂpiles 1.0 37.7 5.3 9.3 14.2 5.1 ± GuaÂpiles 1.5 149.0 11.8 118.6 17.4 11.6 10.3 La Conquista 1.7 51.2 7.7 46.8 21.3 10.0 ± RõÂo Frio 2.0 85.3 14.2 66.0 23.0 11.5 15.3 GuaÂpiles 2.2 66.2 8.4 32.7 24.4 8.4 ± Horquetas 2.7 74.9 15.2 62.5 31.4 17.0 ± Huetares 3.6 72.9 11.4 55.7 26.0 12.9 ± GuaÂpiles 5.0 71.3 6.4 55.7 13.4 5.7 5.8 GuaÂpiles 5.2 55.2 13.2 70.8 19.2 11.5 ± RõÂo Frio 5.7 92.8 11.3 31.0 30.6 13.3 ± GuaÂpiles 7.5 75.3 7.5 35.0 17.9 8.5 12.9 RõÂo Frio 9.0 96.5 14.9 86.6 22.5 9.9 16.2 GuaÂpiles 10.0 101.0 9.3 69.5 17.4 10.8 11.7 RõÂo Frio 14.5 96.0 14.1 68.5 44.7 13.5 13.6 GuaÂpiles 15.0 118.1 7.9 50.2 25.1 12.1 9.8 RõÂo Frio 20.0 93.1 11.6 54.4 23.7 7.7 8.2 GuaÂpiles 20.0 96.5 11.4 88.2 17.1 8.5 12.7

to more than two in the oldest stand 0Fig. 2). On a The proportion of nutrients in belowground biomass ground area basis, therefore, there may be more than increases with age 0Table 3). There is a trend to a lesser 10 Mg/ha of belowground biomass in a mature peach proportion of N, K, Ca and Mg in coarse roots than in palm stand compared to 5.5 Mg/ha of aboveground the basal section with the exception of P. biomass. The estimate excludes ®ne roots and may therefore underestimate actual belowground biomass. 3.4. Soil characteristics and carbon status The abundance of ®ne roots, however, was remarkably through time low in the sampling sites 0personal observation). There were no signi®cant changes with stand age in soil organic carbon 0Fig. 3). In stands older than 2

Fig. 2. Belowground:aboveground biomass ratio 0BAR) in peach palm stands. The hyperbolic function is BAR ˆ 3:139  time= Fig. 3. Soil organic carbon concentration at 0-5 cm depth in peach 4:628†‡time 0S:E:E: ˆ 1165:1, P ˆ 0:0018). palm stands. A. Ares et al. / Field Crops Research 74 52002) 13±22 19

Table 3 Macronutrient content 0%) in belowground tissues in peach palm stands. The ratios between belowground and aboveground quantities of the nutrient are in parentheses.

Stand age 0years) N P K Ca Mg

Basal section 1.9 1.12 00.24) 0.27 00.53) 0.52 00.28) 0.22 00.13) 0.14 00.36) 4.2 0.61 00.34) 0.09 00.24) 0.31 00.42) 0.17 00.21) 0.10 00.28) 9.2 0.90 00.53) 0.24 00.48) 0.78 00.80) 0.37 00.70) 0.12 00.73) 21.0 0.46 01.08) 0.29 01.50) 0.59 00.73) 0.18 00.92) 0.13 01.14) Coarse roots 1.9 0.62 00.20) 0.20 00.59) 0.53 00.31) 0.15 00.13) 0.08 00.43) 4.2 0.32 00.18) 0.10 00.26) 0.28 00.37) 0.23 00.28) 0.08 00.22) 9.2 0.50 00.27) 0.21 00.81) 0.52 00.50) 0.17 00.30) 0.10 00.57) 21.0 0.47 00.38) 0.50 00.93) 1.07 00.47) 0.23 00.41) 0.17 00.52)

Table 4 from a wider range of stand densities would allow Estimates of aboveground and belowground carbon in mature to develop biomass models as a function of both age peach palm stands for heart-of-palm production on an Andisol and an Ultisol in the Atlantic region of Costa Rica and plant density although the scarcity of relatively old high density stands remains a methodological Store C 0kg/ha) problem. Aboveground 2400 Nutrient quantities in peach palm stands were Belowground 4800 approximately proportional to the amounts of standing Plant residues 830 biomass. This is expected because, unlike to other tree a b Soil 00±20 cm) 83000 , 88800 crop systems, standing biomass in peach palm stands Total 91039a, 96830b regenerates continuously after harvests. In forest vege- a Andisol. tation, part of the aboveground biomass is not renew- b Ultisol. able and continues to increase during an extended period. Therefore, the rate of accumulation for differ- years of age, soil organic carbon at 0±5 cm averaged ent nutrients may change during the rotation as noted, about 5.5% for Andisols and 3.7% for Ultisols. As for example, in Eucalyptus stands where Mg accumu- an example, in a mature peach palm stand there is lated during early stages while P and Ca increased in approximately 8.0 Mg C/ha in aboveground biomass proportion to the stand biomass throughout the rota- and, in the topsoil, 83 Mg C/ha in Andisols and 89 Mg tion 0Laclau et al., 2000). C/ha in Ultisols 0Table 4). Also, soil pH, exchangeable Aboveground nutrient stocks approximately follo- acidity, and soil macro and micronutrients did not vary wed the presumed order in nutrient needs 0N > K > with stand age 0data not shown). Ca > Mg, S, P) suggested by previous studies except probably for Mg. Growth responses of peach palm to N and K additions have been recorded 0GuzmaÂn, 4. Discussion 1985; PeÂrez et al., 1993; Lopes Reis, 1997) but res- ponses to P have been infrequent. It is important to Standing biomass in peach palm stands for heart-of- note, however, that responses to nutrient inputs do palm increased with time following a logistic trend. not always relate to internal plant needs. Peach Stand density modi®ed the duration of growth phases palm often shows visual symptoms of Mg de®ciency with low density stands reaching the maximum bio- suggesting a relatively high requirement for this ele- mass of about 6.3 Mg/ha at a greater age than high ment although Mg de®ciency may also occur because density stands. On the other hand, maximum biomass imbalances with other nutrients such as K 0Smyth, was not strongly affected by soil type. Additional data personal communication). 20 A. Ares et al. / Field Crops Research 74 52002) 13±22

Increased proportion of belowground biomass with biomass would remain longer than in aboveground time indicated that belowground tissues continue to tissues. Nonetheless, the turnover rate of peach palm grow after the standing biomass reaches a relatively roots in the Atlantic region of Costa Rica is likely high. steady state. Belowground biomass appears to increase Non-functional, necrotic roots in a peach palm stand on until belowground plant organs occupy most of the an Andisol accounted for 37% of the root biomass up to available horizontal space between plants. A high 1 m in soil depth 0LoÂpez Morales and Sancho Vargas, concentration of nutrients such as P in belowground 1990). tissues compared to aboveground biomass suggests We estimated that there is about 91±97 Mg C/ha in that the basal section and the coarse roots are large a mature peach palm stand including only the upper nutrient sinks. 20 cm of the soil pro®le in the calculation. Studies of The lack of effect of long-term peach palm cultiva- carbon storage pro®les, however, indicated that 40± tion on soil pH contradicted previous results 0GuzmaÂn, 60% of the soil carbon can be stored below 25 cm 1985) that indicated soil acidi®cation and depletion of depth 0Arrouays and Pelissier, 1994). Therefore, there bases after 4 years of fertilization. Lack of effect on may be 130±140 Mg C/ha in a mature peach palm soil pH may be in part attributable to modest doses of stand. nitrogenous and the replacement of urea by Overall, this study on peach palm agroecosystems other fertilizer types, as well as to possible applica- for heart-of-palm production revealed the effect of age tions of lime materials in peach palm stands. The study and spacing on patterns of stand biomass. Below- did not provide evidence of soil organic carbon enrich- ground biomass appears partially coupled to above- ment with time under the peach palm stands. Con- ground biomass pools because root turnover rates versely, in the San Carlos plains of Costa Rica, topsoil may be related to aboveground management but also carbon was 8 and 14% higher under a 18.5-year-old interplant competition would develop relatively late in secondary forest than in 12.5- and 3.5-year-old sec- the age of the stand to restrict belowground growth. ondary forests with similar histories and on the same Commercial production of heart-of-palm seemed soil type 0Guggenberger and Zech, 1999). In an alley neither to induce detrimental effects on soil character- cropping system in Indonesia in which soil carbon was istics nor measurable increases in soil organic carbon. measured initially, soil carbon was maintained after 7 years by the presence of multipurpose trees but it decreased without tree intercropping 0Evensen et al., 5. Conclusion 1995). In Brazil, soil carbon stocks at 0±30 cm depth under a continuously grazed pasture of Brachiaria The onset and duration of growth phases in peach humidicola increased from 44.5 to 49.3 Mg/ha after palm were modi®ed by stand density but not by soil 9 years 0Tarre et al., 2001). type. Based on the available information, the proposed Carbon stored in aboveground biomass at a given growth phases in peach palm stands for heart-of-palm point in time in peach palm stands for heart-of-palm are as follows: production is considerably lower than in forest vege-  Establishment: 0±1 years. tation in the Atlantic region of Costa Rica. Average  Fast growth: 1±8 years in low density stands and carbon stored in forest vegetation in the same region 1±3 years in high density stands. was 100 Mg C/ha 0Bulte et al., 2000), more than 10-  Maturity or level of stabilized biomass. fold the carbon in peach palm stands. For temperate areas, average amounts of 14.1 Mg C/ha for young Relatively large amounts of carbon and nutrients are coniferous stands and of 46.6 Mg C/ha in broadleaved underground in peach palm stands with the above- woodlands have been reported 0Cannel and Milne, ground:belowground ratio decreasing with stand age. 1995) while amounts of carbon in systems The study did not provide evidence of strong effects on ranged between 9 and 50 Mg C/ha 0Schroeder, 1994). soil characteristics or soil organic carbon build-up Also, carbon in aboveground biomass is retained dur- from peach palm cultivation but at least soil organic ing a short time in peach palm stand owing the con- matter stocks remained stable after long-term crop- tinuous harvest but carbon sequestered in belowground ping. Overall, the amounts of carbon stored in peach A. Ares et al. / Field Crops Research 74 52002) 13±22 21 palm agroecosystems in the Atlantic region of Costa Ferreira, S.A.N., Clement, C.R., Ranzani, G., 1980. ContribucËaÄo Rica seem modest compared to secondary forests in para o conhecimiento do sistema radicular da pupunheira 0Bactris gasipaes 0H.B.K.)±Guilielma gasipaes 0H.B.K.) Bai- the same region. ley). I. Solo Latossolo Amarelo, textura meÂdia. Acta Amazonia 10, 245±249. Ferreira, S.A.N., Clement, C.R., Ranzani, G., Costa, S.S., 1995. Acknowledgements ContribuicËaÄo para o conhecimiento do sistema radicular da pupunheira 0Bactris gasipaes 0H.B.K.)±Guilielma gasipaes 0H.B.K.) Bailey). II. Solo Amarelo, textura argilosa. Acta We wish to thank the Decision Aids for Soil Nutri- Amazonia 25, 161±170. ent Management Project Soil Management Collabora- Guggenberger, G., Zech, W., 1999. Soil organic matter composition tive Research Support Program, USAID for ®nancial under primary forest, pasture, and secondary forest succession, support. We are grateful to the DEMASA agribusiness RegioÂn Huetar Norte, Costa Rica. For. Ecol. Manage. 124, company and to several small farmers for granting 93±104.    access to their properties. Thanks to J. Smyth and two Guzman, P., 1985. Nutricion y fertilizacion del pejibaye 0Respuesta del pejibaye para palmito a la aplicacioÂn de N±P±K). SeÂtimo anonymous reviewers for thorough review of an early Informe de Labores de Diversi®cacioÂn AgrõÂcola, ASBANA, version of the manuscript. This paper is College of Costa Rica, pp. 41±46. Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Univer- Herrera, W., 1989. FertilizacioÂn del pejibaye para palmito. Serie sity of Hawaii Journal Series no. 4593. TeÂcnica Pejibaye, BoletõÂn Informativo, Vol. 1. Universidad de Costa Rica, San JoseÂ, pp. 1±8. Jongschaap, R., 1993. Palmito 0Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.) growth and management in the humid lowlands of the Atlantic zone of References Costa Rica. 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