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Issue no: 849 • JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 • PUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY PRICE: GEL 2.50

In this week’s issue... NATO on ’s Mind, Before Warsaw Summit POLITICS PAGE 4 The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep

POLITICS PAGE 5 CBRN Science and Consequence Management World Congress Opens in FOCUS BUSINESS PAGE 7 ON A NEW AGE OF EMPIRES Igor Girkin, a former commander and CoE: Georgia self-declared defense minister of Ukraine’s Failing to separatist Donetsk People’s Republic, has offi cially announced the creation of an Control ultra-nationalist political party PAGE 3 Illegal Internet Content EU Tables Decision on Visa-Liberalization for Georgia SOCIETY PAGE 9 BY NICHOLAS WALLER Explore the Humble Talent Who Respects Mistakes in Art he European Union on Wednesday delayed a decision on CULTURE PAGE 12 implementing its visa liberalization regime Tfor Georgia until the bloc receives Robbie Williams Entertains additional guarantees from Tbilisi regarding migration issues, EU del- Tbilisi egation sources told journalists. CULTURE PAGE 15 According to the Reuters news agency, EU envoys in Brussels dis- cussed the deal with the Georgian delegation but were unable to come FIFA or not to an agreement as key members FIFA, that is the Germany and France opposed an immediate implementation of the Question program. Continued on page 2 SPORTS PAGE 15 GEORGIA TODAY 10 SOCIETY JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 Pride is All Very Well, but a Sausage is a Sausage: Ogden on

Tolerance Source: www.comfortablyhungry.com

might become irate if a gay man was bothering me OP-ED BY TIM OGDEN the way Turkish men bother my wife on Facebook, or if people were keeping meat away from me, but what people do in their personal lives should be henever Georgia makes the up to them, and if they want to have a rally celebrat- international news and people ing whatever it is they do, well...good luck and have ask me why I live in Georgia, I fun, chaps, but I’m off for a steak and a pint with know that my expression the wife. changes and I begin to look like Tolerance doesn’t mean endorsement or active WMichael Bay enduring an support, it just means interview about his latest putting up with things. awful fi lm; cringing, yet claim they defi ant. I assure them are tolerant, but as with that Georgia is a fi ne their understanding of place to live, really, concepts like victory, their despite what they may have defi nition of the term is some- heard...and what they have heard what different to ours. Providing things will universally have been something nega- aren’t on public display and done in private, tive. they are prepared to grudgingly put up with The fabled stories of Georgian hospitality them; however, if something too out of the and friendliness matter little and less when mainstream is too visible, a problem arises. the only thing that people associate with Geor- Fairly obvious conclusions, you’ll agree, but gia is an attack on a vegan cafe; likewise, the the government needs to crack down on all tales of the Georgian warrior spirit will raise this quickly. Georgia’s visa liberalization pros- eyebrows when so many Georgians turned up to pects are already on the rocks due to EU migra- violently assault the anti-homophobia rally a few tion fears, but incidents like this are not going to years ago. help. The stereotypical perception of Eastern (One thing that Georgian men don’t seem to Europeans in the West is far from positive, and understand is that being Georgian doesn’t neces- it’s surprising how often stereotypes fi nd their sarily make them tough. I’m prepared to believe it way into infl uencing higher authority. about Georgian boxers, rugby players and soldiers, The fallout from the attack on the vegan cafe is but not about hordes of young men who are only just as concerning as the act itself. Residents of the brave when they are many and their targets are neighbourhood rallied behind the aggressors - they few and unlikely to put up much of a fi ght; as much being ‘normal’ Georgians – but worse yet, so seem- as I support the rights of vegans and gay people, ingly did the police. I recall mentioning in an ear- they’re not groups one associates with fi ghting lier article my high opinion of the police in this prowess: try attacking a group of Royal Marines country, but my perception has been damaged by or the Cuban boxing team, why don’t you?) this and another recent incident in which two I’m not disturbed by violence in itself; as I men- friends of mine – an Englishman and an American tioned in these pages a few weeks ago, England is – were confronted by a knife-wielding Georgian. far worse for street fi ghts than Georgia (or any- The police were called, but on arrival they didn’t where else, for that matter). A brawl and a stabbing seem to care too much about the fate of two for- are par for the course for the UK these days, and eigners, with one telling my American friend ‘This it’s accepted as being normal; however, acts of vio- is Georgia’. I’m not sure if he was just trying to do lence like the attack on the vegan cafe or on the a Gerard Butler impression from ‘300’ or if he was anti-homophobia rally are frightening because they sincere, nor am I sure which of those is the most are far from mindless. worrying. I personally have little understanding of vegans. As ever, the horizon of my word limit has loomed. Beef, eggs and bacon are far too good to be neglected, I shall fi nish my thoughts next week and deal with and after all, we only live once, so the vegan life- whatever else comes to light over this incident. In style is something I believe I am biologically inca- the meantime, friends, stay tolerant. And I never, pable of attempting. The truth is, I don’t particular ever imagined I’d say that. care what they do providing it doesn’t affect me. I Headline quote by Terry Pratchett. Author of World’s Best-Selling Book on Georgia in Conversation at Prospero’s uthor of Lonely Planet’s ‘GEORGIA, ARMENIA and AZERBAIJAN’, John Noble, will be in conversation with Peter Nasmyth (author of ‘Walking in the Caucasus, Georgia’) at Pros- Apero’s Books to celebrate his new edition, published May 2016. The Lonely Planet series of country guides are the most widely read in the world and the Georgia edition is Prospero’s Books best-selling book. Just about every tourist visiting to Georgia will either have their own copy or have consulted one. John Noble, who has written guides to a number of other countries for Lonely Planet, says that Georgia is his favourite country to describe and recommend. The book sells most of its copies in international bookshops around the globe and is often the only available printed information on the country. We are lucky that he has chosen to make a special trip to Tbilisi to launch his latest book. This event will be of interest to anyone interested in Georgia’s future as a tourist destination. It is free and open to all.

6.30pm Monday 6th June, 2016 Prospero’s Bookshop, 34 Rustaveli Avenue, Tbilisi Contact: [email protected]. Phone (995 32) 292395 GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 SOCIETY 11 A Tale of Two Tonys


e meet at last. The author of the great Bread and Ashes and the long-serving weekly GT column- ist who has made Georgia his home country of greatest dura- Wtion. He brings a small group of fellow Brits and a Georgian guide to Hanmer house for a night, dur- ing the course of which I am able to interview him. Tony Anderson fi rst came to this country in 1989, so, two years before I arrived in the USSR. He has made roughly twelve visits here, so obviously the place has made a lasting impression and continues to draw him back. His wife, the well-known painter Lucy Willis, is currently showing an exhibition in the UK including some works from her only trip here with him. Mr Anderson’s longest trip here was the one which resulted in his writing Bread and Ashes, in 1996. It took him primarily through Svaneti, Racha, Khevsureti and Kazbegi, and involved getting mugged in Svaneti (where else, in those years?) and losing all his money to the thieves. T’was also the time when the entire Svaneti road was desper- ately bad, all the way up from Zugdidi, even in Mestia town itself. Fond memories for us both! as possible. At the moment he is at the fundraising He was also connected with a theater group in stage, and I wish him much success, with a vested the UK, and arranged an exchange with the Rustaveli interest, it must be said. Such fi nds as this book are Georgian theater company before Gamsakhurdia’s a rare delight. election, the huge crowds on Rustaveli Avenue Another project of Tony’s, when he isn’t accom- inspiring him to make the Bread and Ashes walk panying tourists here on special custom tours, is “to understand it all”. Georgia became one of his the compiling and editing of a book on British life’s main themes, and he has also been a director travellers to the UK from the Middle Ages to the of the British-Georgian Society and run FOARIG, present. Here the famous and the not so famous Friends of Academic Research in Georgia. There will be introduced and quoted, the relationships is an annual Georgia Studies Day in London, attended between our two countries delved into to some by around a hundred people, more of Tony’s work. considerable depth. This, too, will be a valuable And... There is the book, the manuscript of the addition to literature on Georgia in English. travel writings of one Margaret Chambers from Naturally, the two Tonys became fast friends in the early 20th century. This typed original he and no time at all, and intend to develop this friendship two colleagues of his great friend, Marika Didibu- to their mutual benefi t and hopefully that of their lidze, found squirreled away in the depths of the shared country of interest. This visit was a short Royal Geographic Society in London. It details her one, rather rushed by circumstances, but time will travels in this country, including to Becho and allow more such in the near future. I am reassured Etseri, so its publication will be of considerable to know that such people have this country as an interest to me and my friends and neighbours here. orbit point. Next week, some excerpts! Margaret Cambers also painted and either took Tony Hanmer runs the “Svaneti Renaissance” Facebook or was in many photographs concurrent with her group, now with over 1300 members, at travels. Tony aims to have a complete dual-language www.facebook.com/groups/SvanetiRenaissance/ version of the book produced, along with good He and his wife also run their own guest house in Etseri: quality reproductions of as many of the pictures www.facebook.com/hanmer.house.svaneti

Read. Learn. Enjoy.

Pick up a copy of Georgia Today Education at any BIBLUS shop or phone 229 59 19 Price: 2 Gel GEORGIA TODAY 12 CULTURE JUNE 3 - 6, 2016

Explore the Humble Talent Who Respects Mistakes in Art

sonal changes of belief about life impact inspired by surrealists, though he thinks BY MAKA LOMADZE my works.” that all artistic directions are crucial, and Alexander Berdysheff was one of the he has been infl uenced by the classical fi rst painters of his generation to escape period such as Rembrandt. “Primeval lexander Berdysheff, whose the turmoil of post-Soviet Georgia, and cave art is also very important for me, as works are currently being believes this is why he is so open-minded strong symbols,” he adds. exhibited in Tbilisi, is in his - a real artist who does not have any con- GEORGIA TODAY also spoke to David early 50s, an experienced crete aims, never obsessed whether this Gerrard, the former Chairman of the artist whose background is or that picture will be sold or not. Alex Chartered Society of Designers in Scot- inA graphic design. fully dedicates himself to the creative land who fi rst visited Georgia in 1987 and Berdysheff’s creative use of colors process, but claims the noisy atmosphere recently attended Berdysheff’s exhibition makes his style instantly recognizable, of the city can damage his inspiration. in Tbilisi. Years ago, his Georgian coun- his works having been exhibited at gal- “On leaving the city, I become instantly terparts invited him to Georgia. They leries and exhibitions in the UK, Austria, revived in nature. I fully agree with Tchai- decided to exchange students to make Germany, Azerbaijan, Russia and, last kovsky’s expression that muses do not bilateral links tighter, which was when year, the USA. This humble painter from visit the lazy. My inspiration comes in he fi rst met Berdysheff. It was the very Georgia recently participated in the the process of working. A painting has fi rst art student exchange, but Georgia’s esteemed Art Basel Miami international its own energetic charge, and painting is confl icts of the 1990s put a stop to the art fair. an interactive process. I respect mistakes practice. “It gave me a lot in terms of profes- in painting very much, as it gives birth to However, in 1997, he and the British sional experience. It takes place annually. a totally different painting. I am not an Council organized Berdysheff’s solo exhi- It was a cultural shock, I’d never been artisan who knows everything, the per- bition during the Edinburgh Festival. to an event like it, but it was a wonder- fectionist type for whom mistakes con- “Georgian students went to four art ful experience. I was lucky enough to stitute failure. For a creative person, mis- schools and then worked in design offi ces participate thanks to some personal takes should be welcome.” of Scotland. Alex lived with us. During contacts,” the artist says. this time, I did six exhibitions of his work. Berdysheff’s international success story GEORGIA TODAY enquired about the I’ve always liked what he does. He has began in Scotland. Depressed by the artistic taste of Georgians, whether it is changed very much. His Georgian roots political and economic instability of Geor- getting more exquisite. Berdysheff says: are very important, but his work can be gia and the art market in his homeland, “I am glad that among the buyers of my favourably compared with artists of all the painter was invited by friends to move makes impact in Scotland”, a testament crete genre. “I like experiments. I make paintings there are more and more young- nationalities.” to Edinburgh. The artist admits that this to his success. However, he later returned series, too. The series represented here sters, which gives me hope. As for artists, Berdysheff’s exhibition ‘Edges’ is on at was where he was recognized as a painter. home and continued working in Georgia. is more pop-art, in the vain of Jasper Johns. I am happy there are ever more young the Vanda Gallery from May 20 to June The British East-West Journal wrote an As with all big painters, he does not like I get inspired by traveling, as it is a basis illustrators.” 6, at Chonkadze 14, Sololaki. The gallery article with the headline “Georgian painter to be qualifi ed as a follower of one con- for new forms and colors. Also, my per- Berdysheff adds that he was very much is open daily with free admission.

Tel: (995 32) 2 45 08 08 10 Galaktion Street E-mail: [email protected] GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 CULTURE 13 A Perfect Match: TBC Bank and International Festival for Painters

FOR SALE: BMW – 321 model Date of issue 1936 PRICE 10.000 USD

Anything can inspire me here – even going to buy tomatoes CONTACT PERSON 557 12 38 90

format (1.5 m X 1 m) artwork. As per great joy and sorrow, which has a resil- BY MAKA LOMADZE tradition, the festival was widely covered ient culture. In her paintings there is by the media. The painters also held abstraction as well as concrete form. master classes for different age groups. Georgian architecture − fi rst and fore- n May 18-28, the non-gov- The goal of the festival is to highlight most, TBC Bank’s historic building, which ernmental organization Georgia as the region’s cultural hub, as is a cultural heritage monument − the ‘Voice from Georgia’, with well as its challenges, the role of art in grapes, as the ancient wine culture and the support of the Geor- the social life in general, and Georgia’s the color of the sky, have had an impact gian Ministry of Culture, unique culture and wine as an insepa- on her. “Thanks to TBC Bank, we went MtskhetaO Municipality, TBC Bank and rable part of our identity. to Chateau Mukhrani and learned more Chateau Mukhrani, held the 4th inter- GEOGRIA TODAY had a chance to about Georgian wine, the landscape and national painting festival ‘Paint for Geor- interview Colleen Kerr, an experienced history. Everything from going to buy gia’ in the historical town of Mtskheta. Canadian painter who remained in Geor- tomatoes to listening to history can Fourteen painters from different coun- gia longer than other participants in the inspire me.” tries participated, making it once again festival. Colleen learned about the fes- Colleen’s favorite thing is story-telling an international event. The festival aims tival when she read a social media post through art. Had not she been a painter, to promote and spread culture. Lucky about it written by her acquaintance, she would be a writer, she said. Sym- for Georgia, TBC Bank is involved in the who had already taken part in ‘Paint for bolically, she sees and elaborates objects promotion of quite a number of cultural Georgia’. Colleen’s colleague praised into her prism that are not necessarily events, as culture is a priority for the Georgia and the project, and encouraged similar. She is more inclined to tell a bank. The painting festival was one of other artists to also participate in the story, which makes her persona and its most recent successful projects. festival. Colleen applied and was an creativity even more nuanced. “The The fi nal exhibitions and events took immediate success. “I fi rst came two Georgian project has changed my art, place on the 26th of May in Mtskheta, years ago. It was all so new then. I had made it freer. I was so full [of inspira- the ancient capital of Georgia, near the met a Georgian woman in Victoria and tion] that I couldn’t stop painting even main cathedral, Svetitskhoveli. The fol- she told me a lot about Georgia. It is so after going home!” lowing day, the fi nal exhibition took place very different from where I come from, GEORGIA TODAY also interviewed at the National Library of Georgia in but very beautiful.” Giorgi Tabliashvili, the festival organ- Tbilisi. Georgia proved to be full of fresh emo- izer: “We think it a very important pro- This is the fourth time the festival has tions and impressions for her. Colleen’s ject, with real potential for the future been held. The organizers claim that this fi rst most vibrant inspiration was the because, in this way, we can bring many event is equally important both for Argonauts. The second visit drew her famous foreign artists to Georgia whose Mtskheta and rest of the country. The to Georgia even more, as she became lives and art will then be connected with festival’s reputation has increased abroad, more aware of the life of the country, its Georgia. Therefore, it is essential not as the number of participating artists painful recent history and much more. only for art, but also for the country.” grows and international coverage of “The residency program was very good. The foreign painters are like ambas- ‘Paint for Georgia’ increases on the web- The organizers made everyone feel very sadors to Georgian culture. An example sites of famous foreign artists. welcome. I’m very grateful,” Colleen of this can be seen in one of Colleen This year, artists from Canada, England, said. The agenda also included tours Kerr’s paintings which will remain in the Netherlands, Australia, Japan, South around the country. However, during the the TBC Bank Gallery. Others will join Korea, Poland, Iran, India, Syria and working process, the painters were not private collections or hang in galleries. Georgia (17 in total) took part in the fes- obliged to paint any particular subjects. Colleen is also determined to come back tival. For ten days, fourteen famous for- Quite the opposite: they were encour- to Georgia as a tourist. So, a thousand eign painters worked alongside three aged to explore all ideas and styles. thanks to the organizers and participants, Georgian painters, who created large Colleen sees Georgia as a country of and congratulations, Georgia! GEORGIA TODAY 14 CULTURE JUNE 3 - 6, 2016

WHAT’S ON IN TBILISI THEATER June 5, 9 CINEMA MONEY MONSTER GALLERY TBILISI ZAKARIA THE AUTUMN OF MY (Info Above) SPRINGTIME Start time: 12:15, 14:45, 19:45, 22:15 PALIASHVILI OPERA AND AMIRANI CINEMA THE NATIONAL GALLERY Ticket price: 8-16 GEL BALLET THEATRE Directed by Rezo Gabriadze Address: 36 Kostava St. Address: 11 Rustaveli Ave. Address: 25 Rustaveli Ave. English Subtitles Telephone: 2 99 99 55 www.museum.ge WARCRAFT Telephone: 2 99 04 56 Start time: 20:00 www.kinoafi sha.ge Ticket price: 10-30 GEL (Info Above) PERMANENT EXHIBITION Start time: 22:35 June 2 Every Wednesday ticket price: 5 Lari Niko Pirosmanashvili, David Ticket price: 15-16 GEL Kakabadze, Lado Gudiashvili and THE FIRST GARMENT MOVEMENT THEATER June 3-9 Address: 182, Aghmashenebeli Ave., sculptor Iakob Nikoladze Zaza Marjanishvili’s Musical- WARCRAFT X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Choreographical Drama Mushthaid park Directed by Duncan Jones Telephone: 599 555 260 Directed by Bryan Singer May 17 – June 22 Based on the novel of Guram Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy KETEVAN MAGALASHVILI – 120 Dochanashvili Cast: Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Exhibition is dedicated to the June 3, 4 Directed by Lasha Oniani Callan Mulvey Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence 120th anniversary of Ketevan INTRO Conductor: Davit Kintsurashvili Language: Russian Language: Russian Magalashvili - remarkable Directed by Kakha Bakuradze Set design: Levan Salukvadze and Start time: 15:00, 19:30 Start time: 19:15 representative of Georgian art. Gela Iordanishvili Start time: 19:00 Ticket price: 8-16 GEL Ticket price: 15-16 GEL Costume design: Ana Kalatozishvili Ticket price: 15 GEL MUSIC MUSEUM Choreographer: Lali Kandelaki MONEY MONSTER Directed by Jodie Foster Start time: 19:00 June 5 GINO PARADISE Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller Ticket price: 20-150 GEL ABRACADABRA GEORGIAN NATIONAL Address: Tbilisi Reservoir Start time: 14:00 Cast: George Clooney, Julia MUSEUM Telephone: 2 15 85 85 Roberts, Jack O’Connell June 3, 4 Ticket price: 10 GEL SIMON JANASHIA MUSEUM Language: English Address: 4 Rustaveli Ave. June 4 SWAN LAKE Start time: 20:00 State Ballet of Georgia presents June 5 Telephone: 2 99 80 22, 2 93 48 21 TRUTH HURTS & TL (LIVE) Language: Russian www.museum.ge Season Opening Party P.Tchaikovsky’s two-act ballet RECITATIVE IN THE CITY Start time: 17:45, 22:00 Start time: 22:00 Choreographic version and staging Directed by Kakha Bakuradze Ticket price: 13-16 GEL PERMANENT EXHIBITION: Ticket price: 30-50 GEL by Alexei Fadeechev Start time: 21:00 Free Entry GEORGIAN ARCHAEOLOGY Start time: 19:00 ALICE THROUGH THE FROM 8TH MILLENNIUM B.C. BUDDHA BAR Ticket price: From 30 GEL GEORGIAN STATE LOOKING GLASS TO 4TH CENTURY A.D Address: Rike Park PANTOMIME THEATER Directed by James Bobin June 4 June 8 Address: 37 Rustaveli Ave. Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy THE CAUCASUS NATURAL BEKA GOCHIASHVILI, MISHO PAGLIACCI Telephone: 2 99 63 14 Cast: Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, HISTORY MUSEUM Starring: Anzor Khidasheli, Irina Helena Bonham Carter COLLECTION RENEWED URUSHADZE & THE BAND Language: Russian Start time: 22:00 Taboridze, Sulkhan Gvelesiani, June 3 EXHIBITION Start time: 12:30 Ticket price: 30 GEL Lasha Sesitashvili, Irakli Murjikneli KRIMANCHULI Ticket price: 8-9 GEL Conductor: Davit Kintsurashvili Directed by Amiran Shalikashvili EXHIBITION OF GEORGIAN BATUMI MIRACLES PARK Directed by Temur Chkheidze Start time: 19:00 WEAPONRY Address: Batumi, Georgia Set and Costume Designer: Giorgi TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA NUMISMATIC TREASURY Ticket price: 10 GEL TURTLES: OUT OF THE Aleksi-Meskhishvili The exhibition showcases a long June 7 SHADOWS history of money circulation on the Start time: 19:00 June 6 MAROON 5 Directed by Dave Green territory of modern Georgia from Ticket price: From 30 GEL LUARSAB 5th – the new album by Maroon 5 Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy the 6th century BC. to 1834. Start time: 17:00 Directed by Luka Chkhaidze GABRIADZE THEATER Cast: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry Ticket price: From 40 GEL Start time: 19:00 Address: 13 Shavtelis St. Language: Russian MUSEUM OF SOVIET Ticket price: 10 GEL Start time: 12:00, 14:30, 17:00 Telephone: 2 98 65 93 OCCUPATION XS GALAXY NIGHT CLUB Ticket price: 8-14 GEL Address: 3 Sh. Rustaveli Ave. Address: 60 Gogebashvili Str., TBILISI VASO ABASHIDZE June 3 Hotel Leogrand, Batumi MUSIC AND DRAMA STATE RUSTAVELI CINEMA PERMANENT EXHIBITION Telephone: 0422 24 20 20 STALINGRAD THEATER Address: 5 Rustaveli Ave. Directed by Rezo Gabriadze Address: 182 D.Agmashenebeli Ave. Telephone: 2 55 50 00 SHALVA AMIRANASHVILI June 7 English Subtitles Telephone: 2 34 80 90 www.kinoafi sha.ge MUSEUM OF ART SONIQUE & TL LIVE Start time: 20:00 www.musictheatre.ge Address: 1 Lado Gudiashvili St. Start time: 22:00 Ticket price: 10-30 GEL Every Wednesday ticket price: 5 Lari Telephone: 2 99 99 09 Ticket price: From 30 GEL June 8 June 3-9 www.museum.ge June 4 MACBETH TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA MOVEMENT THEATER RAMONA Directed by Davit Doiashvili TURTLES: May 18 – July 18 Address: 182, Aghmashenebeli Ave., Mushthaid park Directed by Rezo Gabriadze Language: Georgian OUT OF THE SHADOWS AVANT-GARDE 1900-1937 Telephone: 599 555 260 English Subtitles Musical (Info Above) The exhibition is opened within the Start time: 20:00 Start time: 20:00 Start time: 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 week June 7, 9 Ticket price: 8-15 GEL Ticket price: 10-30 GEL Ticket price: 8, 10 GEL dedicated to International Museum Day. JAM SESSION WITH THE RESO KIKNADZE QUINTET Start time: 21:00 Free entry

June 8 TANGO MILONGA Start time: 20:00 Tango Lesson: 5 GEL

7TH CAUCASUS JAZZ FESTIVAL www.kavkazjazz.com Telephone: 593 22 42 86

June 8 FESTIVAL OPENING Tulug Tirpan Quartet/TURKEY Reso Kiknadze with special guests Michael Tracy/USA Craig Wagner/USA Start time: 20:00 Venue: Conservatory Grand Hall

June 9 J.E.F. EXPERIMENT - AZERBAIJAN Kanudosi - GEORGIA (Gori) The Birds - ARMENIA Start time: 19:00 Venue: Club33a, Vake Park

TBILISI CONCERT HALL Address: 1 Melikishvili St. Telephone: 2 99 00 99

June 5 11TH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL FROM EASTER TO ASCENTION Start time: 22:00 Ticket price: 20-55 GEL GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 SPORTS 15 FIFA or not FIFA, that is the Question Cyprus (Cyprus), United Offi cial FIFA represent- Naturally, Tbilisi reacted to this state- Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mikheil OP-ED BY ZAZA JGARKAVA Gypsies (European atives apparently visited ment and the ongoing tournament in Janelidze, announced: “This champion- Council), Sami (Nor- the tournament, where Sokhumi, with the Georgian Football ship has no legitimacy.” First of all, why way, Sweden, Finland, they held a press con- Federation (GFF) denying that occupied should a top diplomat of the country hile the government Russia), and West ference. Swedish Dag Abkhazia would join FIFA in any form. make any comments about such a petty is busy beating up the Armenia (Armenia). Larsen and Russian General Secretary David Mujiri did not event? Secondly, this is an unrecognized opposition, occupied The week of tourna- Sergey Azizov are confi rm the presence of either Azizov sports tournament of confederations Abkhazia is hosting ments between said to be highly sat- or Larsen as representatives of FIFA. (there are millions of such champion- the football World unrecognized foot- isfi ed with the work “They are ordinary agents registered in ships across the world) and nobody WChampionship of “unrecognized” coun- ball federations was of their Abkhazian FIFA and have nothing in common with protests them. tries. Agency Apsni Press writes of the organized for the fi rst colleagues and say that Offi cial FIFA,” Mujiri told journalists in To the journalist’s question, any pro- triumphal start of the Abkhazian team, time in 2014 when it was they are ready to mediate Tbilisi. This reasonable answer from the fessional diplomat would have answered: which defeated the team from Chagos, hosted by Sweden. In 2014, in order to help the so-called GFF was followed by an amazing com- “Which championship? No comment.” India 9:0. The new “world” champions the national team of Catalonia “Abkhazian Football Federation” ment from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nevertheless, this was not a big surprise will be revealed on June 5th at the Dinamo also planned to participate, but with- join FIFA. “Abkhazia is a decent country, which gave a much bigger meaning to from the Georgian Dream government. Stadium in Sukhumi. drew at the last moment. The 2014 win- which can represent FIFA, as it has its the championship held in Sokhumi. At Notably, a similar football tournament Twelve teams are participating in the ner was a team from Nice (France), own land, government and language. fi rst glance, one can wonder just what was held last year, the “unrecognized” championship in Sokhumi: Somalia which played in the fi nals against Ellan Apart from this is the quality of football; is so remarkable about the Somaliland European Championship hosted by (Somalia), Abkhazia (Georgia), Padania Vannin (Great Britain) and defeated the people love playing football here, there- and Western Armenian teams visiting Budapest. Occupied Abkhazia and South (Italy), Raetia (Germany), Chagos Islands rivals in a series of penalties 5:3. The fore we will begin negotiations with Sokhumi to play football? Nothing much. Ossetia teams planned to participate, (India), Kurdistan (Iraq), Punjabi (Great South Ossetian team came in at fourth FIFA,” Azizov allegedly said during the But the catastrophic lack of profession- but both had their visas rejected by the Britain), United Korea (Japan), North place in 2014. press conference. alism of our government is striking. The government of Hungary. CULTURE

were affi rmative screams. To the next of Sinatra’s ‘New York, New York,’ sub- question, “Anybody over 40?” there were stituting the name of the mega-polis with still many responses to be heard. The ‘Georgia’ each time. The most lyrical Robbie Williams Entertains Tbilisi last question from this series was the part was ‘Love Supreme’, adorned with packed stadium, Robbie Williams met live will sound so much better than on most humorous: “Anybody under 20?” lit mobiles all around, making an effect BY MAKA LOMADZE the Georgian Minister of Culture Mikheil CD!” and then, his comment followed, as a of candles. Williams also performed the Giorgadze who handed the star a mod- “This concert will be part of the his- sort of black humor characteristic to the outstanding ‘I love rock & roll’. The fi nal ernized Georgian Kabalakh (traditional tory of Georgia. That’s why I came,” last Oscar and other award-giving cer- part was more ample with less known nder the aegis of the ‘Check hood for Western Georgians) as a sou- Salome Beridze, 22, told GEORGIA emonies: “Hi, I probably slept with your new compositions. While performing in Georgia’ project of the venir. TODAY. mothers.” Pop-culture! They are what ‘Feel’, a comment towards our country Georgian Ministry of Cul- The audience was made up of as many Williams kept his fans waiting an hour they are and they do it their way! in-between, he exclaimed: “Georgia on ture and Monument Pro- Georgian as foreigners, many of whom before the inscription ‘Let me entertain Back in the 1990s, as a member of the my mind”. tection, on the 27th of May, had fl own in especially for the concert. you,’ appeared on the gigantic screen, Take That boy-band, Robbie was one of Following the concert, Robbie said of Uworld star Robbie Williams dedicated GEORGIA TODAY spoke with Sany, a met with an outpouring of ovation. the favorites of many a Georgian teen. the Georgian crowd, “They were sensa- his well-known hits and new songs to young Chinese lady: “I’ve never been The Great Entertainer, a talented and However, his solo career proved to be tional, incredibly warm and generous. I Georgian Independence Day, playing at here before. In China it would cost more handsome 40-something British man is even more successful. The ‘Let Me Enter- could not believe everybody knew the the Dinamo Arena in Tbilisi. than 2000 [GEL], so it’s very affordable. well-loved in Georgia. He is well known tain You Tour’ is Williams’ eleventh words to my songs considering that I’ve Before the show, played in front of a I love Robbie and I’m sure hearing him as a joker, and he pushed this side of his concert tour, which began in Spain and never been here. It seems their energy personality to the fore when he, upon traveled throughout Europe and Asia in was eternal and kept on going. It is an greeting the crowd with the Georgian Spring 2015, reaching Australia and New experience that will go into my memory, “gamarjoba,” then went on to list all the Zealand in October 2015. During the and stay with me forever. I am really Georgian swear words he knew. The summer months, Williams performed happy and can’t wait to come back and reaction to this was mixed. at numerous music festivals in Europe. perform here again.” Williams seemed somewhat surprised He was singing in Tbilisi after a 7-month “I cannot put words to my emotions by the Georgian reaction to him (and break. today,” said Minister Giorgadze. “Geor- surprised that they knew him so well), For the generation of the 1990s, the gia has not only checked in on the world asking several times “Do you know who most touching song to hear was ‘Back musical map but it is already sparkling. I am?” to which he received uproarious for Good’ from the repertory of ‘Take I am sure that the events to come will laughter from the audience. To the ques- That’. Ever the entertainer, he then got be even more successful, and attract tion, “Anybody from the 90s here?” there to audience to join in with a rendition even more tourists to Georgia.”

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GEORGIA TODAY 2 NEWS JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 Georgia – Philippine Long Life Park Opens in Tbilisi Zoo

Nadya Savchenko sings Ukraine’s national anthem while addressing fellow lawmakers. Source: Reuters Ukraine’s Savchenko Berates Lawmakers in Defi ant Speech

disillusioned with the current government. BY NICHOLAS WALLER “One gets the impression that lawmakers are like lazy schoolchildren who shirk their work,” Savchenko ture and entertainment areas. told reporters after her speech. BY EKA KARSAULIDZE “The new children’s park will be a symbol of krainian servicewoman and former 35-year-old Savchenko, whose bold resistance to renewal. It has a very symbolic name. ‘Mabuhay’ prisoner of war Nadya Savchenko her imprisonment in Russia made her a national is a Filipino word which means Long Life,” said the used her fi rst day as a deputy in hero, is seen by many analysts as a last possible natural wooden children’s park ‘Mabu- Director of Tbilisi Zoo, Zurab Gurielidze. “As such, Ukraine’s parliament to chastise her guarantor of the revolutionary ideals that were hay’ (Long Life) was opened on the we hope that the Park and the Zoo as a whole will fellow lawmakers, calling them lazy meant to cleanse the country of its endemic cor- initiative of the Honorary Consul truly have a long life.” Uschoolchildren for having betrayed the goals of the ruption and steer it permanently away from Rus- General of Georgia to the Philippines, The Tbilisi Zoo are assured that partnership with country’s revolution that saw the ouster of pro- sia’s sphere of infl uence. Thelmo Luis Cunanan, in partnership the Philippine side is not over. “We are going to bring Russian President Viktor Yanukovych. A former army helicopter pilot, she was captured Awith the Director of Tbilisi Zoo, Zurab Gurielidze, two mesh pythons to Georgia, so, in addition to the “I’m back and will not let you forget - you who while fi ghting pro-Russian separatists in the Don- specifi cally for International Children’s Day. The entertainment infrastructure, we want to add to the sit in these seats in the parliament - about all those bass region. She was later illegally transferred to a open-air park, equipped with houses, a tower, slide, zoo collection,” said Consul Thelmo Luis Cunanan. guys who laid down their lives for the country,” prison in Russia’s Rostov Region, where she was sandpits and other developmental structures, is The Zoo has already hosted new habitants from Savchenko, who spent two years in a Russian prison, later tried and convicted of murdering two Russian available free of charge for all zoo visitors from Europe and beyond: banded mongoose, wildebeest, said in a defi ant tone. journalists. June 1. South American coatis and Indian porcupine. In “I tell you that nobody is forgotten, nothing is The Russian court sentenced her to 22 years in June 13 will mark one year since the fl ood in Tbi- the near future, the Zoo expects delivery of hama- forgotten. Nothing is forgiven. And the Ukrainian prison, to which Savchenko defi antly cursed the pre- lisi, during which the city zoo suffered most – with dryads, monkeys, wallabies, tapirs, degus, emus people will not let us sit in these seats if we con- siding judges and Russian President Vladimir Putin. cages destroyed and most of the animals killed. and spotted deer from Belgium, France, Holland tinue to betray them,” she added. Savchenko arrived home to a hero’s welcome last Since then the Zoo has been gradually recovering, and the UK. The majority of these new animals Disappointment in the pace of reforms has been week after she was swapped for two Russian mili- acquiring new animals, and improving infrastruc- have never been seen in the Tbilisi Zoo before. growing in the country of 45 million since Presi- tary intelligence offi cers who were captured by dent Petro Poroshenko came to power following Ukrainian troops in 2015. the 2013-14 Maidan Revolution. While still in prison, Savchenko was made a Key pro-Western reformers have been sacked, and deputy of Ukraine’s Rada, or Parliament, by oppo- vital privatization projects have, for the most part, sition leader Yulia Tymoshenko. failed to be implemented. This and the ongoing war Upon her return to Kyiv, Savchenko announced in the east of the country has left most Ukrainians that she is willing to run for president if nominated. EU Tables Decision on Visa- Liberalization for Georgia

Continued from page 1 The visa waiver regime allows easier access - but “We don’t want to stop the whole process, but we not the right to work - for up to 90 days in Europe’s want to be more cautious,” a diplomat from an EU Schengen Zone, which comprises most EU states state opposed to visa-free travel for Georgia, said. and several non-EU members. According to a source in the European Parliament, Europe’s inability to address the visa-liberalization Berlin is growing increasingly cautious when it question for Georgia comes only a day after French comes to dealing with Tbilisi because many of the President Francois Hollande gave a ringing endorse- major players in Germany’s organized crime world ment to the Georgian government for its efforts to can be traced back to Georgia. bring the country closer to full Euro-Atlantic inte- Anxiety over the possibility of another mass infl ux gration. of migrants is reaching a fever pitch across the EU Hollande said in his statements with Georgian as most European governments struggle to cope Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili that he sup- with the number of refugees fl owing in from the ported the immediate implementation of a visa-free Middle East. regime for Georgia. GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 POLITICS 3 Ex-Separatist Leader Launches Party Aimed at Restoring Russia’s Empire

eration, Ukraine, Belarus and other his- inence under his nom de guerre Strelkov BY NICHOLAS WALLER toric Russian lands into a single all- (or “Shooter”), took command of pro- Russian superstate and transform the Russian separatist forces in east Ukraine entire territory of the former Soviet after arriving from Crimea in April gor Girkin, a former commander Union into an unconditional Russian 2014. and self-declared defense minis- sphere of infl uence,” the party’s mani- He played a key role in organizing and Igor Girkin at his Slavyansk headquarters, June 2014. Source: RFE/RL ter of Ukraine’s separatist Donetsk festo says. training the self-styled Crimean defense People’s Republic, has offi cially Through his press offi cer, Girkin said forces in the lead-up to Russia’s annex- (Crimean) deputies to vote (to join Rus- According to his diaries that were announced the creation of an the Russian National Movement fully ation of the strategically important Black sia),” Girkin said in the interview. leaked in 2014, Girkin fought on the side Iultra-nationalist, irredentist political rejects President Vladimir Putin’s regime Sea peninsula. of pro-Russian separatists in Moldova’s party known as the Russian National and calls for an end to the current cli- According to a recent report by RFE/ STAUNCH RUSSIAN breakaway Transnistria region in early Movement. mate of fear and intimidation of citizens. RL’s Sergei Loiko, Girkin trained Crimea’s NATIONALIST 1992. A former FSB colonel and veteran of In addition to opposing the policies of pro-Russian volunteer forces before they A 45-year-old Moscow native, Girkin is Later that year he travelled with hun- several post-Soviet wars, Girkin rose to the Kremlin – which they see as too leni- were transferred to the Donbass to take known as a historical military re-enact- dreds of other Russians to the Balkans prominence in the early stages of ent, liberal and Western-infl uenced – part in the seizure of the region’s admin- ment enthusiast in his spare time and a to fi ght for Serbian ultranationalists in Ukraine’s war in the eastern Donbass Girkin’s party has called for a strict quota istrative buildings. battle-hardened veteran of several post- the 1992-95 Bosnian War. According to region. Known for his stridently anti- system for migrant workers from the Loiko reported that Girkin personally Soviet wars. Bosnian media, he and his unit took part Western rhetoric and Russian chauvin- former Soviet republics in Central Asia negotiated and oversaw the withdrawal Described as a staunch Russian nation- in a 1992 massacre of hundreds of Bos- ism, Girkin said his movement would and the Caucasus and the cancelling of of Ukraine’s armed forces from Crimea alist, he has written for right-wing Rus- nian civilians in Visegrad. join with other like-minded nationalist laws on internet control. after they were surrounded by crack sian newspaper Zavtra - run by anti- Girkin served as an FSB colonel from political groups to create a party that The creation of the new ultranational- Russian units later known as “little green Semitic Russian nationalist Alexander 1996-2014, including a seven-year deploy- would reassert Moscow’s authority over ist party comes months after Girkin men” – troops known for their olive drab Prokhanov - since the mid-1990s. While ment to Chechnya from 1999-2005. Rus- its former imperial dominions. hinted he was looking into entering balaclavas and insignia-less uniforms. he was a regular contributor to the paper, sian human rights group Memorial has The movement held its fi rst party con- politics. In October 2015, he said that he According to an interview, Girkin gave he met and later collaborated with future accused Girkin of taking part in the forced gress in Moscow on May 28 where it planned to create a party that would to Russian media in January 2015, sup- separatist political leader, Alexander disappearance of Chechen civilians. unveiled a political platform that aims oppose Putin’s government and “respond port for Russia’s takeover of Crimea was Borodai. Memorial alleges that Girkin was respon- to restore Russia’s imperial glory. to the Western fascist threat that Russia far from universal. At around the same time, Girkin was sible for the abduction and murder of “The lands where Russians live, which faces today.” “The overwhelming national support also a frequent contributor for the Abk- residents while he served with the 45th are soaked in the blood of the Russian for the self-defense units, as portrayed hazian Network News Agency, a Russian- Guards Detached Spetsnaz Brigade, a people, have the right to become a part CRIMEA INVOLVEMENT by the Russian media, was complete fi c- language publication that supports Abk- special forces paratrooper unit. of Russia. We will unite the Russian Fed- Girkin, who rose to international prom- tion. We actually had to force the haz separatism in Georgia. Continued on page 5 GEORGIA TODAY 4 POLITICS JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 NATO on Georgia’s Mind, Before Warsaw Summit

It has long been a matter of political BY ZVIAD ADZINBAIA speculation whether to accept Georgia to NATO or provide the ‘successful South Caucasian state’ with a suffi cient n May 24-25, Georgia’s carrot to revive and enhance a sense of Defense Ministry (MoD) strategic patience in her openly NATO hosted its 10th Defense aspiring population. and Security Conference Notably, GDSC’s fi rst day was entirely (GDSC) involving dozens dedicated to NATO enlargement per- ofO leading security practitioners and spectives, asking the questions, “If” and international experts. The event prin- “When” the enlargement might take cipally aimed at helping the MoD and place. Interestingly, almost the full its head, Tinatin Khidasheli, prepare majority of the renowned panel speak- the ground for the upcoming NATO ers agreed that Georgia has met all the Warsaw Summit in July. criteria and has done what was neces- The GDSC was matched with Geor- sary to become a full-fl edged member gia’s 25th anniversary of independence of NATO. and high-level joint exercises of Noble In the second part of the GDSC, Rus- Partner by NATO troops from the US sia’s informational propaganda against and UK, wrapping up with their Geor- Georgia as well as the wider West was gian counterparts in order to highlight largely discussed. The experts and lead- the deepening cooperation between ers broadly talked about nontrivial chal- members of the Western Alliance and lenges triggered by Russia’s hybrid Georgia’s Armed Forces. warfare in Ukraine and beyond, declar- In his opening speech, Georgian Prime ing Vladimir Putin’s establishment as Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili once again one of the major threats for the old Credit: Giorgi Pridonishvili / GT promoted Georgia’s deeply held motto: continent and its neighborhood. granted in Wales in 2014, the question patience is concerned. When is this Meanwhile, Georgia is getting ready “More NATO in Georgia and more Surprisingly, representatives of Geor- whether the political, in another words ‘right moment’ going to arrive? What for its 2016 parliamentary elections, Georgia in NATO,” emphasizing the gia-sceptic countries, such as France audacious, step will be made by all the could Russia do other than occupy one- which will play a signifi cant role in the reality that Georgia is a willing and able and Germany, who have long demon- 28 Alliance members, still remains fi fth of Georgia’s territory, Ukraine’s country’s future democratic life. If Geor- provider of security for common Euro- strated reluctance about Georgia’s NATO unanswered. In this context, Georgia is Crimea and an important part of its gia passes her major test of the year pean defense. membership, were underrepresented widely requested to retain her strategic eastern regions, or do what it is doing successfully, it could be a huge step James Appathurai, NATO SecGen’s at the recent conference. Bearing in patience and wait for the ‘right moment’ in Syria? forward for her on the European and Special Representative for the Caucasus mind that these two nations have a key for her eventual membership. For the Georgian government, it might Euro-Atlantic path. and Central Asia who was specially word in the Alliance accession process, US Ambassador to Georgia, Ian C. be worth considering an increase in ZVIAD ADZINBAIA is an Analyst at invited to the event, highlighted that it could be assumed that the process of Kelly, referring to George Orwell, said performance in terms of working with Georgia Today, covering security, for- “NATO strongly stands by its Open Georgia’s NATO membership is not at GDSC that ”for Russia, all the so-called “Georgia sceptics.” This eign policy, as well as domestic politics Door Policy,” adding that Georgia has completely on track. countries are sovereign but some coun- path could only be pursued through of Georgia. He is academically affi liated all the tools for Alliance membership. More precisely, even though Georgia tries are more sovereign.” The same active diplomacy and proactive foreign with the Georgian Foundation for Stra- In addition, Ben Hodges, a command- was promised eventual membership in reality is clear for European and US affairs. It seems that the MoD has done tegic and International Studies (GFSIS). ing General of the United States Army the Western Alliance at the 2008 NATO leaderships. At the same time, fi shing its part and the level of political actions From autumn 2016, Zviad will be joining Europe articulated that “security and Bucharest Summit, and the country has in troubled waters could be a theoreti- should be enhanced that will fi nally the Tufts Fletcher School as a Master’s stability in Europe starts in the Caucasus.” been enjoying its Substantive Package cal tactic where Georgia’s strategic bring Georgia to the Alliance. student in Law and Diplomacy. GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 POLITICS 5 Ex-Separatist Leader The Less You Know, Launches Party Aimed at Restoring the Better You Sleep


Continued from page 3 quent shoot down of Malaysia Airlines truly terrifying book- is Flight 17 on July 17, 2014, ushered in Gir- how The Washington Post COMMANDER OF DNR FORCES kin’s rapid fall from grace. escribes David Satter’s At the time of the Crimean crisis, Girkin Almost immediately after the plane recent book ‘The reportedly resigned from the FSB and disappeared from radar contact, Girkin Less You Know, presented himself as an offi cial Kremlin boasted on his Vkontakte social network- Athe Better You Sleep: Russia’s emissary to the pro-Russian leader of ing page that his troops had downed a Road to Terror and Dictator- Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov. Once the plane, but he later deleted the post once ship under Yeltsin and Putin’. seizure of the region was complete, he it became apparent that a passenger air- David Satter, a Senior Fellow and his trained units travelled to craft had been shot down, killing all 298 at the Hudson Institute, was Ukraine’s eastern city of Donetsk to people on board. the Moscow-based corre- rise to power. and to everything that has happened take part in the separatist takeover of Girkin was abruptly removed from his spondent of the Financial Satter describes how since. key government buildings around the command by Moscow offi cials in August Times from 1976 to 1982, and and why Vladimir “We have to understand what Russia region. 2014 after the FSB grew impatient with then special correspondent Putin was chosen as is today, what happened and what was Girkin later established his headquar- the attention caused by the downing of on Soviet Affairs for the Wall the next successor. done in the 90s which led to the takeover ters in the separatist stronghold Slavy- MH17. The separatists’ political leader, Street Journal. He was expelled Additionally, Satter by Putin and creation of a criminal regime. ansk, a drab Soviet industrial town of Borodai, claimed Girkin had to be gagged from Russia nearly three years argues that the bomb- As Satter further maintains, “Yeltsin was 120,000 located two hours from Donetsk. and handcuffed before he was put on a ago. “The inspiration for my ings of the apartment not prepared to come to terms with the His takeover quickly descended into military transport back to Moscow. book was my expulsion from buildings were actually past; and he was not prepared to have a an organized reign of terror as he Russia in December 2013,” he carried out by the FSB moral accounting. He engaged in the enacted harsh Stalin-era laws that POLITICAL FUTURE tells his audience at the D.C. security police, rather privatization of property and industry included curfews, summary executions, Since his return to Russia, Girkin has based Hudson Institute hosting his book than Chechen forces. without the rule of law, which led to the the kidnapping and torture of pro- been a vocal critic of the Kremlin’s han- presentation. For Satter, the 1999 apartment bomb- creation of a vast criminal system. He Ukrainian activists and arrest of West- dling of the war in the Donbass. He has “‘Competent organs, which is a code ings were “the combination of the crim- destroyed the parliament, and eventu- ern journalists. consistently criticized the Russian gov- word for the FSB, the successor organi- inalization of Russia under Yeltsin, they ally, brought Vladimir Putin to power to Nearly three months after Slavyansk ernment’s decision to abstain from major zation of the KGB, have determined that were the foundation of the dictatorship get immunity from prosecution.” became the heart of darkness of the pro- combat operations in an attempt to freeze your presence on the territory of the that was established under Putin, they As Satter writes in his book, to grasp Russian separatist movement, Ukraine’s the confl ict. Russian Federation is undesirable and were the identifying marks of a leader- the reality of Russia, it is necessary to beleaguered military slowly began to With the establishment of a political you are banned from entering the coun- ship that, to this day, has absolutely no believe that the Russian leaders really gain ground against Girkin’s forces. They party, many both inside and outside Rus- try,’” Satter remembers being told. respect for human life, the lives of its are capable of blowing up hundreds of eventually recaptured the city in July sia worry that Girkin may be able to In The Less You Know, the Better You own citizens or the lives of others.” their own people in order to preserve 2014 and forced Girkin to retreat to translate his near-mythical popularity Sleep: Russia’s Road to Terror and Dic- The book brings a unique perspective their hold on power. “When one accepts Donetsk. amongst Russian ultranationalists and tatorship under Yeltsin and Putin, Satter on Putin and the Russian regime. that the impossible is actually possible, those who believe in re-establishing the tells the story of the apartment bomb- Carl Gershman, President of the the degradation of the Yeltsin years and DOWNFALL country as an empire into a formidable ings, Boris Yeltsin’s role presiding over National Endowment for Democracy, Vladimir Putin’s rise to power make His defeat at Slavyansk and the subse- political movement with a mandate. the criminalization of Russia, and Putin’s says the 1990s were a precursor to Putin perfect sense.” GEORGIA TODAY 6 POLITICS JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 Hatchets Not Buried

was buried, the bereaved family ingly grim and frustrating because the OP-ED BY NUGZAR B. RUHADZE mourned, politicians sent condolences deliberate shooting on the artifi cially Rashid Kanjioghli, an Abkhaz border guard serving near the Khurcha-Nabakevi and the funeral gathered more people created and militarily maintained border checkpoint on the contact line separating the Russian-backed breakaway region than it would have if it had been just between this Georgia and that Georgia from the rest of Georgia, shot and killed 31-year-old Giga Otkhozoria on May 19 hey kill us and…nothing! another regular death. – with a new appellation of Abkhazia – after he attempted to cross the administrative border to attend his aunt’s funeral They kill and then leave the The talk continues on investigating the has bogged down any presumable friendly bloodstained place case, circulating on a certain level of talks between Russia and Georgia. might still be unfavorable for the victim’s supported idea of utterly destructive unharmed as if nothing has justice-must-be-done enthusiasm, the Potentially, the unfortunate deadly family and for the Georgian people in separatism. happened. They disappear offi cially nursed rationale is to let the event is equal to a loose cannon that can general. The Georgians and the Abkhaz have Ton us after murder like invisible ghosts massacre shed the accompanying polit- explode the long-frozen confl ict at any Incidentally, I have a name for the newly infl icted carnage on each other with the never to be seen again, not even in the ical inconveniences. Life continues, and time. Time has passed but it seems that formed borders of Georgia with Russia help of Russia. The carnage continues, courtroom to face due punishment. No the tragedy is going to be forgotten, as the hatchets have not been buried. The – the vicious line of life and death, marked and it will probably reach a level at which trace, no justice. Just a slight formal reac- have many other human tragedies that murderer did his dirty job, having killed with inhuman everyday incidents of coexistence and cooperation will no tion to the fact of the heinous crime. have taken place before on the disputed a good man in cold blood. He then safely arrests, imprisonments, beatings and longer be a possibility. They all – the One of our men was slaughtered the Georgian land called Abkhazia, now escaped into unidentifi ed space and into murders, cruelly decorated with barbed confl ict participants – want to eliminate other day in broad daylight on our ter- insolently and forcefully occupied by mysterious oblivion, the worst part of wire. And the end cannot be seen. More- each other, the role of chief executioner ritory, right in front of passersby who Russia. the case being the possibility that he may over, the slaughter of innocents may being assigned to the fact of the Russian witnessed the dreadful moment of fl ash- In reality, does it make any sense to very well get away with the butchery of continue in this form or another. occupation of our lands. The candles back to previous fratricides. know who gunned the man down and this magnitude. These are just emotionally prompted may fl ick massively in the wake of exe- Deaths happen. We know that much. what nationality he belongs to, or who The internationally recognized juridi- hints of an angry compatriot of a mur- cutions like this one, but they will only We know that nobody is safe from God’s in particular was slain, or what the imme- cal interpretation of a functioning system der victim, which might easily be qual- help the memory of the dead to be blessed. will, but this one is different, very dif- diate cause of the murder was, or where will not oblige the other side to extradite ifi ed in the long run as a nasty introduc- No lost lives will be brought back. The ferent. This one is a reminder of many the skeletons are hidden now? Techni- the assassin to Georgia to let justice be tion into the idea of our people’s trembling hands of our daughters, moth- other deaths, recent vain and foolish cally, yes, but not in the broader context done. The venue of the presumable pros- extermination if allowed some day. I ers and wives will heave and rend their deaths. That fateful day, one more life which propels our thoughts in two var- ecution could only be Russia – this is understand that it will take a while for hair in mournful hysteria which will not was taken, and this time it was the life ied and scary directions – the past and what is fed to us right now. The investi- the implication of these hints to sink in be heard by the powers that be. All of of a young Georgian family man who the future. gation thereof, the apprehension if pos- because they are bitter and hard to deal us, all of us here in this beautiful but will always remain the symbol of unhealed The past is full of blood and rancor sible at all, the indictment if this time with. These are the hints to the incipi- mournful little land have certainly found wounds between Georgia and Russia, which totally defi es reconciliatory atti- ever comes, the prosecution, the imagi- ent overwhelming hatred between the ourselves on the rack, desperately trying with Abkhazia in between. tudes because it has put Russia and nable attempts of copping a plea, the innocent participants in the Russian- to save our remaining bodies and to let Words lose their meaning when Georgia in a perennial political cul-de- verdict and the conviction might take Georgian confl ict representing smaller our dejected spirit somehow survive the describing what happened. The man sac, and the future now looks heartbreak- years, and the emerged consequence ethnic groups, affl icted with the Russian- hell suggested by the times.

South Ossetia’s Rebel Government Delays Referendum on Joining Russia

planned referendum on joining the Rus- The statement said that both Tibilov strong support from the local population Bilbilov said in early 2015 that the pro- BY NICHOLAS WALLER sian Federation until 2017. and Bibilov had agreed to postpone the in South Ossetia. posed treaty would fail to address the In a joint statement released late last planned referendum in an attempt to Bibilov has been sharply critical of public’s desire for full integration with week, the region’s de facto President “preserve unity and political stability in Tibilov’s handling of the region’s rela- Moscow. he separatist government Leonid Tibilov and parliamentary speaker the republic.” tions with Russia, including a public The treaty obliged Russia to act on the of Georgia’s breakaway Anatoly Bibilov said the referendum Long a public supporter of unifi cation dressing down of the region’s de facto breakaway region’s behalf and push for South Ossetia region would take place after both run as rival within Moscow, Bibilov’s call for full government after it signed a bilateral broader international recognition of announced Monday that presidential candidates in an election unifi cation with Russia’s Republic of treaty on Union Relations and Integra- South Ossetia’s independence. Tthey would postpone a scheduled for early next year. North Ossetia-Alania is thought to have tion between Russia and South Ossetia. Continued from page 6 GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 BUSINESS 7 South Ossetia’s CBRN Science and Consequence Rebel Management World Congress Government Delays Opens in Tbilisi Referendum on Embassy here in Tbilisi we have many BY VICTORIA KLIMICHEVA Joining Russia Agencies coordinating efforts on this front, including departments of State, Defense and Justice, among others. It’s Continued on page 7 ead of State Security Ser- a top priority for our mission to col- Since being recognized as an independ- vice of Georgia, Vakhtang laborate with our Georgian and interna- ent state by the Kremlin, only Venezuela, Gomelauri, opened the tional partners to build effective response Nicaragua and the tiny Pacifi c island of CBRN Science and Con- plans. This event presents a unique Vanuatu have recognized South Ossetia’s sequence Management opportunity for the leaders of the scien- independence. WorldH Congress which included US tifi c, technical, medical and policy fi elds In contrast to his political foil Bibilov, Ambassador to Georgia Ian C. Kelly; of the CBRN to exchange ideas and Tibilov’s approach towards Moscow Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia, research into developing strategies to since his April 2012 election as the Giorgi Mghebrishvili; Minister of Health protect our people against CBRN threats”. separatist region’s president has been and Social Care of Georgia, David Ser- it almost impossible to create interna- ington, Georgia highlighted its support The CBRN Science and Consequence to push for closer integration, but has geenko, Deputy Head of SSG, Levan tional security mechanisms, something towards strengthening security archi- Management World Congress took place stopped short of calling for full incor- Izoria; Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs which is of urgent importance. As war tecture. from 30th May to 2nd June, 2016 and was poration into Russia. of Georgia, Gigi Gigiadze; Deputy Defense continues between Syria and Iraq, intel- Gomelauri expressed gratitude to Geor- hosted by Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel. Though he has defended South Osse- Minister, Maia Bitadze; Deputy Minister ligence and security structures of the gia’s partner countries and thanked them Georgia hosted the Congress for the fi rst tia’s nominal independent status, Tibilov of Agriculture of Georgia, Davit Gelash- partner countries to Georgia often speak for their contribution to addressing time on 1-5 June, 2014. It should be noted has frequently described South Ossetia’s vili; and director of US Defense Threat of the possibility that Islamists will use opportunities for development in vari- that during almost two decades it was incorporation into Russia as a long-term Reduction Agency, J3/7, Gary Blore. CBRN terrorism means. In order to ous agencies of Georgia. held in Croatia and Switzerland. Geor- project for the rebel government and During his speech, Gomelauri high- respond to these challenges, national as The US Ambassador to Georgia, Ian gia’s progress achieved in the CBRN the dream of the region’s residents. lighted the current situation existing in well as international commitment is in C. Kelly, thanked the conference organ- fi eld contributed to the decision to Tibilov has never set a timeframe for the region in terms of CBRN threats and place to prevent and detect those threats. izers and Government of Georgia for become a congress host country. The South Ossetia’s accession to the Russian spoke on those challenges that Georgia According to Gomelauri, Georgia has their hard work and dedication, as well event was led by the State Security Ser- Federation, but he has said on numer- faces. According to Gomelauri, as a result made effective steps in the CBRN fi eld as for organizing the event for the sec- vice of Georgia with the support of Gov- ous occasions that the region would of assessments of the current situation, and achieved important success, having ond time in three years. According to ernment of the USA. eventually be incorporated by Moscow the Government has elaborated a stra- elaborated a unique approach. An inter- the Ambassador, it is very important that The Congress brought together high as a separate federated republic instead tegic, systematic plan in terms of apply- agency coordination board has been Georgia is a leader in detecting CBRN ranking offi cials from 30 countries and of unifying with their ethnic kin in North ing strict security measures. established under the chairmanship of threats and in strategy development. international organizations, CBRN Ossetia. Every object or place that is thought the State Security Service of Georgia. “CBRN planning and preparedness is experts and scientists. Biological and Georgian government forces fought to contain a risk or threat is under gov- The relevant strategy and action plan an area of increased urgency for the radiological security, non-proliferation two devastating wars against Russian- ernment control and monitoring, Gome- has been elaborated with the support of international community. Responding of weapons of mass destruction and such backed separatists in South Ossetia lauri says. The Government of Georgia the US and European partners. As Gome- to a major CBRN incident requires coop- materials, biological security and pro- between 1991-2008. The fi ghting left fully realizes that, due to transit function lauri noted, one of the main reasons for eration and coordination at all levels to tection, and aspects of chemical security thousands dead and led to the ethnic and neighboring confl ict zones, the coun- the progress is the institutional mecha- ensure the safety of the public. To effec- are to be discussed during the Congress cleansing of all ethnic Georgians in the try faces the risk of illegal smuggling nism, priorities listed in the action plan, tively prepare for and respond the threats sessions. In the scope of the Congress, region. and the risk of becoming a transit coun- improved interagency coordination and we must all work together,” the Ambas- demonstrative fi eld drills against illegal Moscow recognized the rebel region’s try. international cooperation. Furthermore, sador said. “The US supports a global circulation of radioactive materials will independence following the 2008 Rus- The factor of occupied territories makes during the Nuclear Summit held in Wash- approach to these challenges. At the US be held. sian-Georgian War.

Welcome GEORGIA TODAY 8 SOCIETY JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 Have You Heard about… the New European Transport Strategy?

Source: www.eft.com

links with the rest of the EU rail network. Even as BY DIMITRI DOLABERIDZE far back as the 1990s it was in the works to build an underwater railway tunnel between Tallinn and Helsinki, but the project was delayed due to fi nan- n 2013, the European Commission, in a EUR cial constraints. This corridor also involves the 250 billion European strategy which gives development of river waterways and canals (Bel- priority to the creation of an integrated gium, Germany, the Netherlands), as well as ferry transport network and seeks to level the traffi c (between Finland and Estonia). The project imbalance between the Member States of cost is estimated at over EUR 3.6 billion, including Ithe European Union, proposed the creation of 50% from the EU budget (program TEN-T), and international transport corridors, bringing together 50% from the budget of the project participants. Western and Central Eastern Europe. In order to In the Baltic countries there is no such means, and overcome traffi c imbalance in the EU, nine multi- there are discussions about the feasibility of build- modal corridors will be created, each of which has ing a high-speed road which will pass by numerous to combine at least three types of transport and settlements. connect three states. The Mediterranean Corridor connects the Med- The new infrastructure policy will unite 28 EU iterranean countries (Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, states under trans-European transport network Croatia) with Continental Hungary (up to the bor- (TEN-T). Nine transport corridors will be provided: der with Ukraine). The basis of the corridor will Baltic - Adriatic Sea, North Sea - Baltic, the Medi- be high-speed highways and railways. Reconstruc- terranean Corridor, Middle Eastern Corridor, Scan- tion of railways will be carried out at intervals: dinavia - the Mediterranean Sea, the Rhine - Alps, Lyon - Turin and Venice - Ljubljana. the Atlantic Corridor, the North Sea - the Mediter- The Rhine - Danube Corridor must connect via ranean Sea, and the Rhine - Danube. They will be the main water artery of Europe, as well as roads grouped into three general areas of “East - West”, and railways passing along it, fi ve of the Danubian “North - South” and “Diagonal” corridors. The States of the European Union. It will provide the project is scheduled for completion in 2030. The main east–west link between continental European transport corridors will receive priority funding countries, connecting France and Germany, Aus- to connect the east and west of the European Union. tria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria all To fi nance the fi rst phase of the project, EUR 26 along the Main and Danube rivers to the Black Sea billion was allocated. by improving (high speed) rail and inland water- The Pan-European transport corridors were way interconnections. The countries that fi rst defi ned at the second Pan-European transport aligned with the project are the Czech Republic Conference in Crete, March 1994, as routes in Cen- and Slovenia. tral and Eastern Europe that required major invest- The direction “North - South” will strengthen ment over the next ten to fi fteen years. Additions transport links between the old and the most devel- were made at the third conference in Helsinki in oped EU countries. 1997. As such, these corridors are sometimes referred The Scandinavia - Mediterranean Corridor will to as the “Crete corridors” or “Helsinki corridors”, connect major cities and ports in Scandinavia and regardless of their geographical locations. A tenth Northern Germany with the industrial centers of corridor was proposed after the end of hostilities Southern Germany, Austria and Northern Italy, as between the states of the former Yugoslavia. The well as the ports of Italy and the island of Malta. new project focuses on the construction of high- The Rhine Corridor through the Alps and Swit- speed railways. zerland will connect the ports of the North Sea At the fi rst stage it is planned to create a single (Rotterdam and Antwerp) to the Mediterranean European rail traffi c management system. (Genoa). The general direction of “East - West” includes The diagonal directions complement the direc- three transport corridors: North Sea - Baltic, the tions “East - West” and “North – South,” including Mediterranean, and the Rhine-Danube corridor. four corridors: Baltic - Adriatic Sea, North Sea - The North Sea - Baltic Corridor connects primar- Mediterranean, Middle Eastern (Germany - Greece ily the east coast of the Baltic Sea ports with the - Cyprus) and Atlantic corridors. They will join ports of the North Sea. It will run through eight the developed countries of Western Europe with countries (Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, the Mediterranean. Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium). The Bal- The Atlantic Corridor will link Portugal and Spain tica motorway project will become part of the “old” (West), and France and Germany (East). trans-European corridor between Berlin and Finland. Germany intends to obtain from the European There is a priority project in the railroad Rail Union EUR 2.8 billion to improve transit transport Baltica. The Trans-European railway Rail Baltica, systems which means a pass to six out of nine linking Helsinki – Tallinn – Riga – Kaunas – War- critical European transport corridors. The bulk of saw and continuing on to Berlin, is to be developed the subsidies from the EU (EUR 2.5 bn.) will be within the territories of the co-operating EU Mem- spent on development and improvement of the ber States. Rail Baltica will support the wider EU effi ciency of railway infrastructure. goals of parity of access to services and infrastruc- By 2030, the single European transport network ture of EU Member States and development of will connect 94 sea and river ports, 38 international sustainable modes of transportation, improved airports and 15.000 Km of high-speed railway. balance and interoperability between different means of transportation, and the establishment of Dimitri Dolaberidze is an expert in political-geography. GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 3 - 6, 2016 SOCIETY 9

CoE: Georgia Failing to Control Illegal Internet Content

the practice of legal drafting was initiated just 20 BY VAZHA TAVBERIDZE years ago, there is no special legislation primarily focusing on the Internet, which means that no sin- gle state vision or concept exists as to what Inter- ollowing publication of a Council of net regulation should be.” Europe (CoE) authorized report on laws There is no offi cial legislative act or code that and practices of 47 member states on would encompass every aspect concerning internet blocking, fi ltering and removal of Inter- law directly or indirectly regulating the legal rela- net content, secretary-general Thorbjørn tions that may appear during Internet usage, despite JaglandF urged European governments to ensure the existence of separate norms in various legisla- that their legal frameworks and procedures in this tive acts (Law of Georgia on Electronic Commu- area are clear, transparent and incorporate adequate nication Act, No. 1514, LHG; 3 Law of Georgia on safeguards for freedom of expression and access Freedom of Speech and Expression, Act No. 220, to information. LHG; Criminal Code of Georgia, Act No. 2287 LHG). The study, which was commissioned to the Swiss On the positive side, the study commends Georgia Institute of Comparative Law, contains 47 country on ratifying several CoE conventions relevant to reports and a comparative assessment. It analyses the subject, including the Convention on Cyber- legal frameworks in a wide range of areas includ- crime (CETS No. 185) which was mainly transposed ing on child abuse material, the protection of into Criminal Code 4 (though Georgia has not national security, the protection of intellectual signed the Additional Protocol of this Convention property rights, defamation and unlawful process- 5). Moreover, Georgia ratifi ed the Convention for ing of personal data across the Council of Europe the Protection of Individuals with regard to Auto- member states. matic Processing of Personal Data (CETS No.: 108) The study shows that states have taken varied transposed into the Law on Personal Data Protec- Contact: www.edelbrand.ge approaches to addressing illegal Internet content. tion 6 and the Convention on the Protection of Phone: 599 461908 Some apply existing criminal and civil legislation Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual whilst others have enacted specifi c regulations with Abuse (CETS No.: 201). procedures for blocking and content-removal appli- Based on all its fi ndings, the report maintains that cable to information society services. Some other Georgia can be described “as a country with no states rely on self-regulation by the private sector. specifi c regulation on these issues (B category). It Generally speaking, Internet companies have intro- should be mentioned as well that as a contracting duced rules in their terms and conditions and have state to the Convention for the Protection of Human put in place self-regulatory mechanisms to block Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), gen- websites or remove content deemed unlawful. eral safeguards on freedom of expression apply, Regarding Georgia, the study notes that despite including in the fi eld of Internet.” the fast pace of internet development, the legisla- While many of the 47 member states have sup- tion regulating it fails to keep up “with the con- plied for offi cial commentary after the publication comitant development in the majority of cases.” of the report, stressing their offi cial stance on the Primarily, the report notes that, “In Georgia, where matter, Georgia has yet to do so. Air Astana Celebrates Five Years of Service to Georgia

cheduled services are now operating to Tbilisi has been upgraded to a twice weekly ser- Tbilisi from Almaty and Astana. vice all year round. For Georgians, the three hour Air Astana, Kazakhstan’s award win- fl ight to Astana offers excellent onward connec- ning fl ag carrier, marked its fourteenth tions to other destinations in Central Asia, Asia, anniversary last month and is now look- southern Russia, Europe and the Middle East. And ingS forward to another celebration, with June both Business Class passengers and Nomad Club being the fi fth anniversary of services launched Frequent Flyer Diamond, Gold and Silver card between Kazakhstan and Georgia. In addition to holders can enjoy the comfort of Air Astana’s the daily fl ight operated by Airbus A320 and ‘Shanyrak’ lounge at Astana Airport.” Embraer 190 aircraft between Almaty and Tbilisi, Convenient connecting fl ights are also avail- this month has also seen the re-launch of regular able for passengers travelling from Tbilisi to scheduled services between Astana and Tbilisi. Almaty, with onward destinations including “Georgia has become very popular amongst Beijing, Urumqi, Delhi, Tashkent, Bishkek and Kazakh tourists, with its cuisine, warm hospital- Dushanbe. For destinations with longer con- ity and breathtaking scenery being amongst the necting times, Air Astana offers a Stopover attractions,” said Kamila Zhailaubayeva, Air Astana Holiday program including hotel accommoda- Country Manager for Georgia. “With visitor num- tion and a city tour. Air Astana also offers cargo bers having increased by 20% on the Astana route services from Georgia to all destinations on the so far this year, the previously seasonal fl ight to network.