E Mission stateMent Elements, the undergraduate research journal of Boston College, showcases the varied research endeavors of fellow undergraduates to the greater academic community. By fostering intellectual curiosity and discussion, the journal strengthens and affirms the community of undergraduate students at Boston College. Elements Spring 2016 Thanks ElEmEnts staff We would like to thank Boston College, the Institute for the Liberal Editors-in-chiEf social sciEncEs Arts, and the Office of the Dean for the Morrissey College of Arts and Marissa Marandola sydnEy applE, Senior Editor Sciences for the financial support that makes this issue possible. BEtty (yunqing) Wang MichEllE Kang, Senior Editor Erica oh, Editor QuEsTions & ConTribuTions Managing Editor reed piErcEy, Editor anniE KiM If you have any questions, please contact the journal at natural sciEncEs
[email protected]. All submissions can be sent to elements. Deputy Editor david fu, Senior Editor
[email protected]. Visit our website at www.bc.edu/elements alEssandra luEdeking dErek Xu, Editor for updates and further information. trEasurEr MEdia & puBlicity CovEr ashEr (sEungWan) Kang annE donnElly, Senior Editor © Bénigne Gagneraux / Wikimedia Commons MadElinE gEorgE, Assistant Editor layout PEriodiCiTy Xizi (kelsEy) zhang, Senior Editor web Editor Elements is published twice an academic year in the fall and spring ElisE hon, Assistant Editor MinKi hong, Senior Editor semesters. shuang li, Editor thao vu, Editor officE ManagEr ElECTroniC Journal Billy huBschMan Elements is also published as an open access electronic journal. huManitiEs It is available at http://ejournals.bc.edu/ojs/index.php/elements. JacoB ciafonE, Senior Editor faculty advisors ISSN 2380-6087 isabella doW, Senior Editor Jason cavallari siErra DennEhy, Editor ElizaBEth chadWicK ciaran dillon-davidson, Editor The information provided by our contributors is not independently verified byElements.