Area Code 205 Area Code 219 Area Code 231 Area

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Area Code 205 Area Code 219 Area Code 231 Area CERTIFIED LEAD INSPECTOR'S Cert # First Name Last Name Company Location Phone # Area Code 205 P-01571 Leigh Lachine Accelerated Risk Management LLC BIRMINGHAM (205)533-7662 Area Code 219 P-04277 WILLIAM CENTER Greentree Environmental PORTAGE, IN 219-764-2828 Area Code 231 P-01412 JAMES ARMSTRONG ARM Industrial & Environmental Consultants, Inc. BIG RAPIDS 231-592-9858 P-06974 HAROLD BROWER Norlund & Associates, Inc. LUDINGTON 231-843-3485 P-06268 KYLE CLARK PM Environmental GRAND RAPIDS 231-571-3082 P-00013 ROBERT PETERS Otwell Mawby P.C. TRAVERSE CITY 231-946-5200 P-01268 JOHN REHKOPF Northern Analytical Services LEROY 231-679-0005 P-05558 JUSTON REHKOPF Northern Analytical Services, LLC BIG RAPIDS 231-679-0005 Area Code 248 P-06647 ALI SALIH AL-HADDAD Fisbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. GRAND RAPIDS 248-410-7411 P-02334 ROOSEVELT AUSTIN, III Arch Environmental Group FARMINGTON 248-426-0165 P-06124 KATHLEEN BALAZE McDowell & Associates FERNDALE 248-399-2066 P-03480 JULIE BARTON AKT Peerless FARMINGTON 248-615-1333 P-04724 JASON BARYLSKI IAQ Management Services, Inc. FARMINGTON 248-932-8800 P-01082 RICHARD BREMER City of Royal Oak ROYAL OAK 248-246-3133 P-04983 JOSEPH BURLEY Freelance Envir-Tech Services, LLC OAK PARK 248-721-8574 P-05333 THOMAS CARPENTER Performance Environmental Serv. WIXOM 248-926-3800 P-06860 LEE EDWIN COX City of Farmington Hills FARMINGTON HILLS 248-473-9546 P-00657 JOE DEL MORONE II Oakland County Home and Improvement PONTIAC 248-858-5307 P-04823 JANE DIPPLE All American Home Inspections OXFORD 248-760-5441 P-00869 PETER ESSENMACHER Oakland County Community Development PONTIAC 248-858-0493 P-07010 DONNA EVANS Waterford Schools Transportation WATERFORD 248-674-2692 P-06262 GREGORY FAHRENBRUCH Restoration Environmental Safety Technologies AUBURN HILLS 248-778-5940 P-04763 JENNIFER FASHBAUGH Fishbeck, Thmpson, Carr & Huber, Inc. FARMINGTON HILLS 248-324-2128 P-01832 NANCY GILL Oakland County Health Department SOUTHFIELD 248-424-7136 P-03857 FABIO GISKE Belmont Manor Apartments FARMINGTON HILLS 248-553-4004 P-06452 PHILIP GROSSE Arch Environmental Group FARMINGTON HILLS 248-426-0165 P-03487 GERALD HARRIS Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. FARMINGTON HILLS 248-324-2116 P-04017 DWIGHT HOFFMAN Oakland County PONTIAC 248-804-5499 P-01416 ERNEST KING JR Top Notch Lead Inspections SOUTHFIELD 248-854-6855 P-04420 KYLE KING Top Notch Lead Inspections SOUTHFIELD 248-854-6855 P-00349 KEVIN KLAIS ATC Associates NOVI 248-344-9505 P-00070 JENNIFER LAGERBOHM McDowell & Associates FERNDALE 248-399-2066 P-01717 KENNETH MAJETIC Testing Engineers & Consultants TROY 248-588-6200 P-04371 AMANDA MCMAHON Oakland County Health Division PONTIAC 248-858-1342 P-04526 RICHARD MICHALSKI Testing Engineers & Consultants TROY 248-588-6200 P-02473 ELIZABETH MILTON Better Life Learning BIRMINGHAM 248-850-5293 P-04917 LINDA MONTGOMERY RSM Lead Inspections DETROIT 248-595-2528 P-04918 RASHARD MONTGOMERY RSM Lead Inspections DETROIT 248-595-2528 P-04620 SHAWN MOORE Dimension Home Improvement SOUTHFIELD 248-352-4805 P-02429 RICHARD PERESKY Oakland County Health Dept. PONTIAC 248-858-1343 P-00983 JOHN POMROY Daimler - Chrysler AUBURN HILLS 248-512-8505 P-00654 MIKE PUCHER Oakland County Community Development PONTIAC 248-858-0196 P-01581 STEVEN ROACH Health AIR Inc. FARMINGTON HILLS 248-426-0165 P-04101 KENNAN ROBINS Daniel Louis Corp ORTONVILLE 248-627-4600 P-07002 HUBERT RUSSELL IAQ Management Services, Inc, FARMINGTON 248-932-8800 P-00851 LON SHOOK Oakland County PONTIAC 248-452-9200 P-06058 IAN ORLAND SMITH Tri-Terra LANSING 248-921-2751 P-06300 ANDREW TEMEROWSKI G2 Consulting Group TROY 248-680-0400 P-01615 GREGORY WAGNER Nova Consultants, Inc. NOVI 248-347-3512 P-06923 HAL WEBERMAN Self Employed HAZEL PARK 248-219-3323 P-04290 DAWN WINTHER- FORGIE Card-no, ATC NOVI 248-669-5140 Area Code 269 P-00999 DAVID BATTS Wondermakers Environmental KALAMAZOO 269-382-4154 P-01731 ROGER ERIKSEN Neighborhoods Inc. Battle Creek BATTLE CREEK 269-968-1113 P-00172 DAVE FARMER City of Battle Creek BATTLE CREEK 269-966-3320 P-06357 JONATHAN FISCHER Analytical Testing and Consulting Services, Inc. PLAINWELL 269-664-6474 P-00383 DOUGLAS HAASE Analytical Testing & Consulting Services, Inc. PLAINWELL 269-664-6474 P-06889 ALISA KLINKEL Environmental & Occupational Consulting & Training, Inc. KALAMAZOO 269-383-6960 P-06219 MATTHEW MILCAREK Kalamazoo Neighborhood Housing Services KALAMAZOO 269-779-8150 P-03307 KENNETH PRIEST Berrien County Health Department BENTON HARBOR 269-927-5617 P-05455 ALEXANDER WALLACE Wightman environmental, Inc. SODUS 269-934-7707 Area Code 312 P-00819 MICHAEL HOLVAY GSG Consultants, Inc. CHICAGO, IL 312-733-6262 P-00822 ROBERTO RIVERA GSG Consultants, Inc. CHICAGO, IL 312-733-6262 Area Code 313 P-06682 DAVID ADAMS GS Group, LLC DETROIT 313-279-0449 P-06375 CARLOS ALONZO Self-Employed DETROIT 313-942-6723 P-07061 JANAE ASHFORD City of Detroit Health Department DETROIT 313-614-5744 P-04839 MICHAEL BARCLAY Michigan Lead Paint Inspectors, Inc. DETROIT 313-556-4778 P-03480 JULIE BARTON Traverse Environmental Group DETROIT 313-871-5800 P-04982 DAVID BAZNER AAA Lead Testing NORTHVILLE 313-350-5662 P-00318 TAMMY BELL Department of Environmental Quality, Detroit DETROIT 313-456-4686 P-04865 PATRICK BENNETT Self employed REDFORD 313-535-7649 P-02478 GERALD BORDERS City of Detroit DETROIT 313-224-1873 P-02491 DWIGHT BOYD City of Detroit Planning & Development DETROIT 313-224-9037 P-00072 HENRY BRIGHT City of Detroit DETROIT 313-224-9176 P-01653 EDMUND BROWN City of Detroit DETROIT 313-224-9083 P-05249 STEVEN CATO Integrity Contractors, Inc. DETROIT 313-926-2322 P-04743 JOSEPH EARLY AAA Lead Testing NORTHVILLE 313-350-5662 P-04727 WILLIAM ESTELL Green Solutions Environmental Services DETROIT 313-279-0449 P-06377 MICHAEL ETTERS Green Solutions Environmental Services DETROIT 313-279-0449 P-02985 CHRISTOPHER GIBSON Clear Corps DETROIT 313-914-4000 P-05910 THOMAS GILCHRIST Clear Corps DETROIT 313-924-4000 P-03119 CYNTHIA GRIFFITH Green Solutions Environmental Solutions DETROIT 313-279-0449 P-01656 PETER HAGAN City of Detroit DETROIT 313-224-8913 P-07062 RANDA HASHWI City of Detroit Health Department DETROIT 313-876-4232 P-03470 AARON HAYDEN GS Group, LLC DETROIT 313-279-0449 P-05920 DONNEZ HEMPHILL Self employed DETROIT 313-772-5480 P-06303 DONALD HOFFMANN City of Dearborn DEARBORN 313-943-2180 ext 4 P-06358 DENNIS J. KARL Environnemental Compliance Office, Inc. DETROIT 313-285-8401 P-02562 PAUL KELLEY Clear Corps DETROIT 313-924-4000 P-01416 ERNEST KING JR Top Notch Lead Inspections DETROIT 313-828-1302 P-04420 KYLE KING Top Notch Lead Inspections DETROIT 313-828-1302 P-04283 HAYDEL LECESNE TEI Environmental Solutions, Inc. DEARBORN 313-871-5800 P-06662 STEVEN LOTZOFF Green City NOVI 313-444-5823 P-04585 JOHN MARTIN City of Detroit DETROIT 313-224-3154 P-00876 JAMES MAYESKY City of Detroit – Planning & Development DETROIT 313-224-6636 P-06386 TINA MOSS Self employed OAK PARK 313-429-4228 P-04872 TARIK NAJIB Professional Contracting & Consulting DETROIT 313-583-0550 P-07063 ANGELA OWENS Self-Employed CANTON 313-673-1631 P-02483 CONNIE RENO City of Detroit DETROIT 313-224-9081 P-04247 MATTHEW RODGERS American Environmental Consultants LLC DETROIT 313-491-2600 P-03048 MATTHEW SAM Detroit Public Schools DETROIT 313-578-7431 P-06002 JEFFREY SENSOLI City of Dearborn DEARBORN 313-943-2180 P-01426 PAULETTE SMITH Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) DETROIT 313-256-2941 P-06911 SHERESSE B. SMITH Green Solutions Environmental Services DETROIT 313-279-0449 P-03118 MONICA STARKS Green Solutions Environmental Services, Inc. DETROIT 313-279-0449 P-02486 GLEN WARN City of Detroit Planning & Development DETROIT 313-387-4732 P-04605 JERRY WATSON Self-Employed DETROIT 313-516-4542 P-03640 ALLEN WILLIAMS DWEJ DETROIT 313-833-3935 Area Code 330 P-06917 PHILIP D'AGOSTINO PS Construction COPLEY, OH 330-259-2004 Area Code 419 P-06890 CHARLES LONG Hazcorp Environmental Services, Inc. TOLDEDO, OH 419-385-3447 P-03499 GENE RYAN DMD Environmental, Inc. TOLDEDO, OH 419-473-1980 P-07044 BRAD SCOTT Self Employed MAUMEE 419-891-0217 P-06785 HARJOT SINGH TTL Associates, Inc. TOLDEDO, OH 419-214-5058 P-03408 SARA VOGELPOHL TTL Associates, Inc. TOLDEDO, OH 419-324-2222 Area Code 517 P-03692 SONYA ADAMS MDHHS LANSING 517-335-9390 P-05332 DIRK ANDERSON DLZ Michigan LANSING 517-393-6800 P-04741 DAVID BAXTER MDHHS LANSING 517-335-9390 P-00692 ROBERT D. CANNON Cannon’s Construction JACKSON 517-206-5205 P-04277 WILLIAM CENTER Self Employed HILLSDALE 517-320-3253 P-01058 MICHAEL CHAREST MDHHS LANSING 517-335-9390 P-00229 JAMES COPELAND MDHHS LANSING 517-284-4797 P-06965 LESLIE COXON Self Employed FERNDALE 517-980-4481 P-04715 BRYAN DRYER Environmental Testing and Consulting ADRIAN 517-488-3448 P-06578 ERIC ENO Fibertec IHS HOLT 517-699-0345 P-00487 JAMES FOX AKT Peerless Environmenal Services LANSING 517-482-9227 P-05019 DENNIS GRAHAM Ingham County Land Bank LANSING 517-348-6124 P-00313 MICHAEL GRAVLIN MDHHS LANSING 517-335-9390 P-01929 SVEN HARRISON City of Jackson JACKSON 517-768-5515 P-04003 STEPHANIE HORN AKT Peerless Environmental Services LANSING 517-482-9227 P-06926 SHANE ANDREW LAPORTE City of Jackson JACKSON 517-768-5515 P-06858 TYLER MARASKINE PM Environmental LANSING 517-325-9873 P-06925 RICARDO O'CONNOR City of Jackson JACKSON 517-768-5515 P-00187 BURT RUSSELL Compli-Chek LANSING 517-507-2547 P-05952 WAYLON SANFORD City of Lansing LANSING 517-483-4295 P-06658 JENNIFER SHUTTS MDHHS LANSING 517-335-9390 P-06058 IAN SMITH TRITERRA LANSING 517-702-0470 P-06687 ALAN SNELL TRITERRA LANSING 517-702-0470 P-01981 CARIN SPEIDEL State of Michigan – Healthy Homes Section LANSING 517-335-9390 P-04410 JEFF SUTY Evergreen Environmental Consulting DEWITT 517-525-8636 P-00102 JAY WAGAR State of Michigan Healthy Homes Section LANSING 517-335-9390 P-00071 GEORGE WILLIAMS State of Michigan Healthy Homes Section LANSING 517-335-9390 P-00450 ROBERT WILLIAMS State of Michigan Healthy Homes Section LANSING 517-335-9390 Area Code 561 P-04839 MICHAEL BARCLAY Self Employed DETROIT 561-574-8898 Area Code 574 P-05767 JASON GANSER ACM Engineering & Environmental Services SOUTH BEND, IN 574-234-8435 Area Code 586 P-03278 PARTOW GUITY Macomb County Health Dept.
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    Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU Alumni News University Archives 1993 Alumni Action News, February 1993 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Alumni Action News, February 1993" (1993). Alumni News. 233. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact Alumni Action FOR THE ALUMNI AND FRENDS OF Pulitzer Prize Winner Returns to Michigan EMU alumna now writing columns that can be read in the Detroit Free Press I N S I D E • ICARD study shows EMU had $216 million dollar impact • Budget tops the list of stories for 1992 • Spotlight on the College of Arts and Sciences • Governor appoints three new regents ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I. Robert V. Belleman,'89, has Gregg Natkowski, '83, a James Bannan,'71, was beenappointed program director psychologist who directs the appointed principal of East Detroit Alumni Action News of Dowagiac's Downtown Sexual Addictions Component of High School in September. As an THE NATIONAL EDITION Development Authority (DDA). the New Directions Center for educational leader, Bannan uses the Is produced for Prior to his appointment., Christian Counseling in Livonia, team approach in decision making. Alumni and Friends of Belleman had been employed as a recently discussed "Sexual He is encouraging the whole staff EASTERN MICHIGAN staffperson for the AuburnHills Addiction" in a programsponsored to teach and modelproblem UNIVERSITY Chamber of Commerce.
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