Forwards Applicant Proposed Transcript Corrections Per ASLB
A span 7asen? Harold P. Graves wce Prosodent and General Counset J . B. Falahoo General Attorney Robert J. Byers H . E. Clark General Offices: 212 West MicNgan Avenue. Jackson, Michigan 49201. Area Code 517 788-0550 C . E . Morntt o. M. P.t.r.en " September 1, 1972 < EIlSener a,"E. Attorne N.",n.',s Judd L. Bacon Allen B. Base :T*.".;;:|- DOCxsT N0scT6 fi971m 50-330 Bes ndya.Hao.. b - Paula O. Hosich Wayne A. Markby Albert D. McCallum w.R.Mm. Arthur V. Murphy, Esq. , Chairman Dr. Clark Goodman John M. Restrick Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Professor of Physics * ,",,"d"*",,",',, Columbia University School of Law University of Houston A . v. udry. Box 38, 435 West ll6th Street 3801 Cullen Boulevard d""r8 New York, New York 10027 Housten, Texas 77004 Dr. David B. Hall Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory P. O. Box 1663 Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 Gentlemen: Attached hereto are Applicant's Proposed Transcript Cor- rections pursuant to the Board's Order o:t June 28, 1972. The ma- ,jority of the proposed corrections merely correct typographical errors. However, a number represent more substantial corrections. These corrections include and supersede those corrections previously filed by the Applicant on June 2, 1972. Respectfully youro, /s/JohnK.Restrick Jr3/pb John K. Restrick CC: Ace Federal Reporters, Inc. 415 Second Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 i THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS POOR 00AUTY PAGES . y _ 80 07150 g ~ . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ATOMIC ENERGY CC.\ MISSION In the Matter of ) )' CONSUIERS POWER COMP /JiY ) Docket Nos. 50-329 and 50-330 ) (Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) ) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of " Applicant's Proposed Transcript Corrections," dated September 1, 1972, have been served on the following by deposit in the United States mail, first class, this 1st day of September, 1972: Arthur W.
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