Press Release

National of Contemporary Art in collaboration with Museum of Young Art, and Anaid Art Gallery, Bucharest presents the Romanian - Austrian exhibition 7 parallel 7

National Museum of Contemporary Art in collaboration with Museum of Young Art, Vienna and Anaid Art Gallery, Bucharest organize from April 10 th 2008 until May 18 th 2008 the Romanian – Austrian contemporary art exhibition “7 parallel 7” . The opening of the exhibition will take place Thursday, 10 April 2008, at 06.00 p.m., ¾ Gallery, National Theater Bucharest. The opening will take place in the presence of His Excellency, the Ambassador of Austrian Republic, Dr. Martin Eichtinger.

A press conference will take place Thursday, 10 April 2008, at 05.00 p.m., at ¾ Galley, National Theater Bucharest. The conference will be attended by Mister Mihai Oroveanu, the director of the National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, Mister Kolja Kramer, the director of the Museum of Young Art, Vienna (MOYA), Miss Ileana Dubovan, the project manager, Museum of Young Art, Viena (MOYA) and Miss Diana Dochia, general manager, Anaid Art Gallery, Bucharest together with the 14 artists that participate in the “7 parallel 7” project. At the conference the artistic tendencies from the both geographic spaces and their integration into a United will be discussed.

The “7 parallel 7” project was thought to bring together 14 artists, representing the young generation, 7 artists from and 7 artists from , trying to establish a dialog and a communication between the two artistic mediums. The participating artists are:

Bernard Ammerer (Austria), Marius Bercea (Romania), Bernhard Buhman (Austria), Suzana Dan (Romania), Markus Dressler (Austria), Markus Proschek (Austria), Alexandru R ădvan (Romania), András Szabó (Romania), Sorin Tara (Romania), Iv Toshain (Austria), Simona Vil ău (Romania), Iuliana Vîlsan (Romania), Klaus Wanker (Austria), Letizia Werth (Austria).

Curators: Kolja Kramer (MOYA, Vienna), Ileana Dubovan (MOYA, Vienna), Diana Dochia (Anaid Art Gallery, Bucharest).

The main goal of the “7 parallel 7” exhibition concept is to question about the latest trends in the figurative young art, proposing to bring into the public’s attention the most interesting points of view regarding the traditional environments of artistic expression. The idea of figurative as a pretext, will lead in the last years to a new perception and to a new way of reevaluation of the traditional environments such as painting, graphic and drawings. In the center there are to be found: the figure, the figurative, reality, metamorphosis, life, consumerism, society, politics, us – the Romanian, they – the Austrians, Europe. Two different development environments, two geographical areas, two conceptions are reflected, shown in the frame of 14 personal points of view, of 14 opinions, which build up one vision. The contemporary art can not exist outside society, outside daily life, outside political, economical and social life. Thought on the idea of parallelism, utopian or not, the exhibition tries to sketch the points of view and of the unrest of the 14 artistic individualities, in the frame of a new objectivity and in the frame of a new neurotic realism.

The exhibition at ¾ Gallery can be viewed Wednesday to Sunday , between 10 am and 6 pm . On Mondays and Tuesdays, the Gallery is closed.

The Romanian – Austrian exhibition “7 parallel 7” will be itinerated at Museum of Young Art (MOYA), Vienna from September 4th until October 4th 2008.

Curator Diana Dochia


With support from


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