Roselle Requests Extra State Funds Dy Ian Cancels Concert At
An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner FRIDAY February 20, 1998 • • Volume 124 THE Number 32 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE Permit No. 26 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 HTAC assassins get away with murder Roselle requests extra state funds BY MELISSA BRAUN the level of full fund ing. Administrath•e Nen·s Ediror An additional $61,000, bringing President David P. Roselle the total to $96,000, was requested appeared before the General for the Delaware Undergraduate Assembly's Joint Finance Research Scholars, a new program Committee Tuesday and requested starting next year for students who $ 1.1 million over the $95.7 million are Delaware residents. The funds allocati on recommended by Gov. will cover the tuition. fees and Thomas R. Carper for the upcoming sti pcnds of 30 students per year for fiscal year. Winter and Summer Sessions' In October, the university research. administration requested a total of Another $75,000 to support public $95. 1 million in state funding, policy research and service on school which, according to regulations. did finance issues was asked for, raising not include funding for salary the allotment to $150.000. The increases. The allocation approved funding will extend the work of the by Carper includes salary increases, College of Human Resources, the distribution of which the Education and Public Policy' s Center university decides. for Applied Demography and Survey The initially requested budget Research. allocates $88.1 million for An extra $30,000 was requested operations, including instruction, for personnel and support costs research and public service.
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