Roselle Requests Extra State Funds Dy Ian Cancels Concert At
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An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner FRIDAY February 20, 1998 • • Volume 124 THE Number 32 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE Permit No. 26 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 HTAC assassins get away with murder Roselle requests extra state funds BY MELISSA BRAUN the level of full fund ing. Administrath•e Nen·s Ediror An additional $61,000, bringing President David P. Roselle the total to $96,000, was requested appeared before the General for the Delaware Undergraduate Assembly's Joint Finance Research Scholars, a new program Committee Tuesday and requested starting next year for students who $ 1.1 million over the $95.7 million are Delaware residents. The funds allocati on recommended by Gov. will cover the tuition. fees and Thomas R. Carper for the upcoming sti pcnds of 30 students per year for fiscal year. Winter and Summer Sessions' In October, the university research. administration requested a total of Another $75,000 to support public $95. 1 million in state funding, policy research and service on school which, according to regulations. did finance issues was asked for, raising not include funding for salary the allotment to $150.000. The increases. The allocation approved funding will extend the work of the by Carper includes salary increases, College of Human Resources, the distribution of which the Education and Public Policy' s Center university decides. for Applied Demography and Survey The initially requested budget Research. allocates $88.1 million for An extra $30,000 was requested operations, including instruction, for personnel and support costs research and public service. needed for research in agriculture ·' We are very pleased with environmental quality. bringing the Governor Carper's budget total funding to $130,000. recommendation for the University To fully fund the Center for of Delaware,'' Roselle said to the Community Development and committee. "It demons trates the Family Policy in the College of governor's continuing commitment Human Resources, Education and to strengthening and further Public Policy, $25,000 was asked for solidifying the partnership between to raise the total to $50,000. the state and its flagship university'' Both of the allocations are in R oselle said that although the s upport of professors, staff and university realizes the constraints students who do research in the and demands involved in the centers. allocation of state funds, he asked the Roselle also requested funding fo r Joint Finance Committee to consider I 0 programs that were excluded in granting the additional $1.1 million. Carper's recommended budget. Whether the univers ity will Roselle presented the fo llowing receive the additional funding will be requests in priority order: announced on June 30, the close of • $265,000 to be used in the THE REVIEW I John Chabalko the fiscal year. after the legislature creation of an interactive facility in Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, played by Jenna Kelly, gets some shooting advice from an interesting midway proprietor, has voted on it. Southern Delaware for health played by David Standingford, in Harrington Theatre Arts Company's version of "Assassins," which opens tonight. For the Four programs were given partial education needs; complete story, see page B4. funding by Carper's endorsed • S I 00.000 for p o ultry disease budget. Roselle requested a total of $ 191 ,000 to bring the programs up to see UD page AIO Castle criticizes DyIan cancels rising cost of college concert at Bob BY JOHN YOCCA "I don't see tuition as being unaffordable at A.'isistam Enrena;nmem Editor this point because enrollment is on the ri se and BY LAURA SANKOWICH wa111ng for Dylan 's arrival like Delaware's representatives on Capitol Hill the. product [college education] is in high Emertainmellt Editor junior Karen Schaub, felt let down are making a case to cut the costs of a college demand," he said. Bob Dylan fans were left in the by the cancellation. education, which may lead to a tuition decrease "However, there are families that lind it hard cold with an announcement made " I ' m a little disappointed at universities across the country. to pay the expenses. T he government could yesterday. What was being billed because we had 1ickets . I just hope Rep. Mi c hael N. Castl e , R-Del., said create subsidiaries and coll eges could direct as "Bob at the Bob" is no longer. we can get our money back,'' she colleges and universities should take more more scholarships to them." T he concert , scheduled for said. responsibility for cutting the growth of their Castle sai d he does not agree with the supply Monday, has been canceled. There " It' s coo l he '~ goi ng to the tuition. and demand concept pertaining to college is no word on whether it will be Grammys and all, but he made a In an interview Wednesday, Castle said he tuition. rescheduled. commitment to play here first." believes there are a number of areas in which "College education has become a necessity Refunds for tickets are available Sophomore Annemaric Krothe colleges and universities can improve and people will have to pay the going rates no at any of the locations where said. ·Tm really disappointed. I themselves. matter what the costs are," Castle said. "With tickets were sold. b o ught ti c kets for myself, my "The academic community must develop higher tuition, students are being forced to go to Rob Kelly , a ticket sales parents and my friends. well-coordinated, efficient accrediting schools they don't want to go to only because representative for the Bob '·My family was comi ng down processes that rel ate institutional productivity to that's the school they can afford." Carpenter Center box office said fro m Bucks County to see the student learning effectiveness," he said. Freshman Lauren Moran said it is imperative the official reason for the show,'' she said. '·J really wanted to Castle said he ees this as a big problem that to cut the costs of college. cancellation was because Dylan see him because he ' s j ust such a needs to be fi xed now. "Students who pay thi s high tu ition for the had a scheduling conflict. great performer." "In a I 0-year span between I 984 to 1994, quality programs that schools like Delaware ·'The only thing that I can think Krothe said she thinks the college tuition has risen 150 percent .'' he said . have to offer are forced to do work-study of is that the Grammy [Awards] are show's cancellation is shocking Economics profe sor Bunon Abrams said he programs or get an outside job to help pay Wednesday,'' he said. " He needed and that as a performer Dylan is feels there is no need to worry about college more time to prepare for a show on being irres ponsible by canceling tuition being too costly. national TV than a concert ... the show on such short notice. see COLLEGE page AS Many students who have been Honors housing guaranteed The policy could bump some roommates into different dorms BY BETSY LOWTHER guarantee has no bearing on where Administratil•e NewJ Editor " It 's completely absurd that I s tudents a re place d in Hono rs have the require m e nts a nd the University Honors Prog ram dorms. Those dec is ions will still GPA, but can ' t be guaranteed the students with a minimum 3.0 grade be dependent o n GPA, seniority housing," she said. point average will now be and acti vi ties, she said. Sophomo re Anth o ny Ri s poli guaranteed upperclass Honors Currently, Honors housing said he was denied Honors housing housing for next year. consists of floors in Brown , last year, even though he met the This change in policy is an Sypherd, Harter, Sharp, Cannon requirements. He said he .was attempt to remove rivalry between and Ray Street A halls. Because placed on the waiting li st and st udents who want to live in Sypherd is closing for renovations didn ' t find out he would be living upperclass Honors buildings, said next year, extra floors in Cannon, in Sypherd until the summe r. K a th arine Kerrane, assistant Ray Street and New Castle dorms " [The new guarantee] is director for st udent life in the wi ll be considered Honors housing definitely nice if you want to go Honors Program. as well, Kerrane said. for Honors housing," he said. " The Honors Program works Kerrane said she also Rispoli said he thought the hard at establishing a sense of e ncourages non-Honors Program g uarantee would alleviate some, community," she said. "We want students with high GPAs to apply but not all, of the competitiveness to take the element of competition for Honors housing. Although of applying to Honors housing. out [of applying for Honors these s tudents cannot b-e " It was a little s tressful ," he housing].'' guaranteed Honors housing, they said. "Now, you might not get the Although several noors in North can still be placed there, she said . building you want but at least you Central , South Central and Ray For some students , however, won't get placed all the way out in Street dorms are reserved for this option is less than ideal. Pencader or something." Honors students, there has never Freshman Melissa Kohn said Senior Mike Ha wrylo said he been a guarantee that students in s h e is upset she can' t be agreed the new policy would only the Hono rs Program .vo uld be g uaranteed to I i ve in an Honors lessen some of the competitiveness placed in these dorms , Kerrane dorm because she wants a no n of getting into Honors housing.