Fifth Sunday of Easter - May 10, 2020

Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.”


Fr. Rony Fabien, Pastor ...... Ext. 302 PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL ([email protected])

Cheryl Nicholson...... Ext. 301 U.S. Air Force: Parish Assistant (email: [email protected]) Staff Sgt. Andrew D. Simpson Master Sergeant Scott Moller Mrs. Kathy Day ...... Ext. 304 Tech. Sgt. Francisco J. Velasquez Bookkeeper Master Sgt. Jeremy Salaver

Mrs. Marlene Jean-Baptiste U.S. Army: Director of Social Ministry Outreach Chief Warren Officer Carlos J. Perez II 292-1603 or 481-2550, Ext. 320 Private Angelique J. Rosado Master Sergeant Jill Agront Cheryl Nicholson...... Ext. 301 Sgt. Hisnard Cadet, Jr. Bulletin Editor (email: [email protected]) Staff Sgt. Misael Exantus PFC Zaymery Villalobos

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Mr. Alvin Ingram ...... Ext. 347 PFC Stefan Saindoux Liturgy Chairperson PFC Luc-Ambert Saindoux, Jr. PFC Betty Piquion Sgt. Henry Pazmino Mr. Tom Gould ...... Ext. 348

Plant Manager U.S. Marines: 1st Battalion Carlos Fuentes Elissa Hanson ...... Ext.350 CPL C. Monroe Choir Director & Organist RCT Eric Vazquez INDEPENDENCE Sergeant W. Jason Ferris STRENGTH FREEDOM Ms. Lisette Joachim...... Ext 351 L. Cpl. Alfonso Rodriquez Ministry of Consolation Oswaldo Pazmino

Deacon Evenou -Louis U.S. Navy: Parochial Archivist ...... Ext. 352 Airman Herbert J. Alvarado JE-4/CS3 Jesus Ron RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Lt. A. Baugh Deacon Hernst Bellevue, Lt. John R. Esposito Director of Religious Education ...... Ext. 311 AG2/Petty Officer 2nd Class McGee RCIA Gordy Garcia

A Light Unto My Path

Fifth Sunday of Easter

—————–———— Robert Barron——————————

In the midst of his so-called High-Priestly discourse in the Gospel of John, Jesus says to Thomas, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” There is a whole series of “I am” statements in the fourth Gos- pel, each one saying something about Jesus’ distinctive identify: “I am the bread of life; I am the light of the world; I am the Good Shepherd; I am the Resurrection and the Life,” etc. Each of these, obvi- ously, reflects the majestic utterance in the third chapter of Exodus by which the God of Israel identi- fies himself: “I am who I am.”

Thomas Aquinas parses the “I am” remark to as follows. In saying that he is the way, Jesus is signaling his full humanity. For the human nature of the Lord is indeed the means by which a is led to union with God. Christ’s humanity is, as Saint Paul puts it, “the icon of the invisible God.” But by insisting, at the same time, that he is the truth and the life, Jesus indicates his full divinity. Many other religious teachers and founders could have characterized themselves as “ways” to enlightenment or mystical union. But none of them could have coherently maintained that he, in person, is himself the object of enlightenment or the goal of mystical union.

Jesus is in person the divine Truth that our minds long for; he is, in person, the divine Life in which our hearts long to share. In a word, precisely because the Lord is both God and man, both path and goal, he is the one in whom we find salvation.

Saint Fabian, and (+250) Feast Day: January 20

Fabien was a country farmer who happened to be visiting in the year 236, immediately follow- ing the death of Pope Anterus, and he joined the assembly of clergy and laity who gathered to elect a new pontiff. Quite unexpectedly, a dove appeared and alighted upon the head of Fabian. Though other obvious candidates were present, the assembly saw in this a sign that the Holy Spirit had marked out a simple country man for a great mission, and they elected Fabian to the chair of Peter.

Fabian humbly accepted the commission. During his pontificate, Fabian appointed seven deacons to seven districts in the city, and he commanded that the “acta” of the , the records of their trial testimonies, be recorded for posterity. At Fabian’s behest, seven went on mission to Gaul.

But Fabian’s greatest act by far was his martyrdom. In 249, after a period of relative tolerance, the Emperor Decius unleashed a bloody persecution. was one of the first victims, dying in prison as the result of cruel treatment. He was buried in the catacombs of Saint Callixtus under a stone slab with the simple inscription, “Fabian, bishop and martyr.”

According to his contemporary Saint , Fabian was “an incomparable man, the glory of whose death corresponded with the holiness of his life.”



Yes, Lord, We Follow You

Let us march forward intrepidly to meet our Redeemer, Jesus, pursuing our onward course without swerving until we come to the assembly of the and are welcomed by the company of the just. It is to join our Christian forebears that we are journeying, to those who taught us our faith…. In the place where the Lord will be everyone’s light, the true light which enlightens every human person will shine upon all. In the house where we are going the Lord Jesus has prepared many resting places for his servants, so that where he is we also may be. This was his express desire. Listen to his own words: In my Father’s house there are many resting places. And: I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.

You may say, perhaps, that he was speaking only to his disciples, and it was to them alone that he promised there would be many resting places…. And what of that statement of his about people coming from all sides to take their seats in the Kingdom of God? Have we any grounds for doubting that God’s will is effective? With Christ, surely, to will a thing is to accomplish it. In short, the Lord has not only shown us the way we are to travel, he has also pointed out our destination. Where I am going you know, he says, and the way there is known to you. This destination is our Father’s house, and our way to it is Christ, as his own words assure us: I am the way, the truth, and the life…. Let us set out, then, upon this way, holding fast to the truth and following in the footsteps of life. Christ is the way that leads us, the truth that strengthens us, and the life that restores us to life in him.

To make sure that we really understand his will, our Lord prays a few minutes later: Father, it is my desire that those whom you have given to me be with me where I am, so that they may see my glory. How graciously our Lord asks his Father here to grant what he himself had promised earlier! The promise came first and then the request, not the other way around. Conscious of his authority and knowing the gift was at his own disposal, he made the promise; then as if to exemplify his filial submission, he asked his Father to grant it….

Yes, Lord Jesus, we do follow you. But we can only come at your bidding. No one can make the ascent with- out you, for you are our way, our truth, our life, our strength, our faith, our reward. We belong to you; be the way that carries us onward, the truth that inspires us with courage, and the life that fills us with renewed vigor.

Saint Nilus of Sinai (+430) was a monk, theologian, and ascetic writer. He was a student of Saint .

Untroubled Hearts

[Jesus says:] The martyrs bore witness to the truth. Nothing can efface that witness. You also bear witness to the truth each time that you act according to my Spirit—and that for all eternity.

Those who love me a little, have a little confidence in me. Those who love me much, have great confidence in me. Those who place no limit to their love have a confidence in me without bounds or limit. I cannot disap- point them. You honor me more by the confidence you show me than by all that you could give me. And no- tice, I respond at once by putting joy into the heart that honors me with confidence.

As I am happy, yes, happy to show you the marks of my Passion—see how your God has loved you!—will you not also be happy to show me the marks of your love? Oh, if you knew how I long for you! Not to re- proach you, but to overwhelm you with joy in showing you the marks of my love.

Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity (+1942) was a Poor Clare of Jerusalem.


Scripture Readings May 11 to May 16

Monday, May 11 5-10-2020 Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 14:5-18 Psalms 115 May 11, 2020 John 14:21-26

Tuesday, May 12 Monday May 11 8:30 AM ...... Mother’s Day Novena Acts 14:19-28 Psalm 145 Tuesday ...... May 12 John 14:27-31a 8:30 AM ...... Mother’s Day Novena

Wednesday, May 13 Wednesday May 13 8:30 AM ...... Mother’s Day Novena Acts 15:1-6 9:00 PM ...... Open

Psalm 122 Thursday May 14 John 15:1-8 8:30 AM ...... Mother’s Day Novena

Thursday, May 14 Friday May 15 8:30 AM ...... Mother’s Day Novena Acts 1:15-17, 20-26 Psalm 113 Saturday May 16 5:00 PM ...... Mother’s Day Novena John 15:9-17

Friday, May 15 Sunday May 17 7:30 AM ...... Mother’s Day Novena Acts 15:22-31 9:00 AM ...... Hector Armando Moran Psalm 57 11:00 AM .... Parishioners of St. Martha John 15:12-17 12:30 PM ..... Anostere Jean Sr.

Saturday, May 16 Acts 16:1-10 Psalm 100 John 15:18-21 The Bread and Wine for the Week of

May 10, 2020 to May16, 2020

are offered in Thanksgiving for

Paulette Fontaine Dossous Tanie Ingram Vocation Prayer

Merciful Father, you sent your Son into the world to free us from the power of sin and evil. Grant that, through the in- tercession of the Mary, our Mother of Mercy, many young men will respond to your call to give of themselves in imitation of Christ the Redeemer. Fill them with the light SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR of your Holy Spirit that they may renounce the power of Sixth Sunday of Easter May 17, 2020 the world, proclaim truth and freedom, and bring consola- tion and relief to oppressed Christians. Bless our family of Acts 8:5-8, 14-17 Mercy with numerous holy priests and brothers who will Ps 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20 offer our world the testimony of your faith and love. We 1 Peter 3:15-18 ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN John 14:15-21 5


Nosotros, el pueblo de la Parroquia de Santa Martha, tenemos la determinación de darnos cuenta, entre nosotros, de la unidad por la que Jesús oró. Al igual que Jesús, abrazamos y celebramos nuestra diversidad de edad, raza y cultura. En el espíritu de Jesús, ofrecemos compasión y sanación a los quebrantados y empobrecidos. Buscamos comprometernos con relaciones de calidad, reconociendo la dignidad de cada persona; crear una comuni- dad acogedora de fe que disipa los prejuicios, el distanciamiento y el aislamiento; nutrir nuestras relaciones multiculturales; el cuidado de nuestros jóvenes atendiendo a sus nece- sidades espirituales; crear y comprender que toda vida es adoración y debe ser celebrada con gozo; buscando oportunidades para enriquecernos en el conocimiento de Dios y los unos de los otros.


Nous, membres de la paroisse Sainte-Marthe, nous engageons à réaliser au milieu de nous l'unité pour laquelle Jésus a prié. Comme Jésus, nous accueillons et célébrons notre diversité d'âge, de race et de culture. Dans l'esprit de Jésus, nous offrons compassion et guérison aux personnes brisées et appauvries. Nous cherchons à nous engager dans des relations de qualité, reconnaissant la dignité de chaque personne ; à créer une communau- té de Foi accueillante qui dissipe les préjugés, la distance et l’isolement ; à nourrir nos relations multiculturelles; à prendre soin de nos jeunes en répondant à leurs besoins spiri- tuels; à créer et à comprendre que toute vie est un culte et devrait être célébrée dans la joie; et à saisir des occasions pour nous enrichir dans la connaissance de Dieu et de l'autre.