Ante-Nicene Fathers—Volume I Clement of Rome Mathetes

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Ante-Nicene Fathers—Volume I Clement of Rome Mathetes The Ante-Nicene Fathers (10 Volumes) ranges from the Apostolic Fathers to various third and fourth century sources including the liturgies and ancient Syriac documents. It was intended to comprise translations into English of all the extant works of the Fathers (with the exception of the more bulky works of Origen) down to the date of the first General Council held at Nicaea in 325 A.D. The basic aim of the translations has been to strive for literary exactness, placing the English reader as nearly as possible on an equal footing with those who are able to read the original. General Editor : Phillip Schaff (1819-1893), who was born in Switzerland, was educated at Tubingen, Halle, and Berlin, and later took a position as Professor of Church history at German Reformed Seminary in Mercersburg, Penn., and Union Theological Seminary in New York. He was involved in the formation of the Evangelical Alliance, the revision of the English Bible (the Revised Version), and the Alliance of the Reformed Churches. Schaff was founder of the American Society of Church History and was the author of The History of the Christian Church (8 volumes). Ante-Nicene Fathers—Volume I Clement of Rome The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians Mathetes The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus Polycarp The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians The Encyclical Epistle of the Church at Smyrnam Ignatius The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp The Second Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians The Third Epistle of the Same St. Ignatius The Epistle of Ignatius to the Tarsians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians The Epistle of Ignatius to Hero, a Deacon of Antioch The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius The Epistle of Ignatius to Mary at Neapolis, Near Zarbus The Epistle of Ignatius to St. John the Apostle A Second Epistle of Ignatius to St. John The Epistle of Ignatius to the Virgin Mary The Martyrdom of Ignatius Barnabas The Epistle of Barnabas Fragments of Papias Justin Martyr The First Apology of Justin The Second Apology of Justin Dialogue of Justin Justin's Hortatory Address to the Greeks Justin on the Sole Government of God Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin on the Resurrection Other Fragments from the Lost Writings of Justin The Martyrdom of the Holy Martyrs Irenaeus Irenaeus Against Heresies Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenaeus Ante-Nicene Fathers—Volume II The Pastor of Hermas Book First—Visions Book Second—Commandments Book Third—Similitudes Tatian Address of Tatian to the Greeks Theophilus of Antioch Theophilus to Autolycus Writings of Athenagoras A Plea For the Christians On the Resurrection of the Dead Clement of Alexandria Exhortation to the Heathen The Instructor. [Paedagogus.] The Stromata, or Miscellanies Fragments of Clemens Alexandrinus Who is the Rich Man that Shall Be Saved? Ante-Nicene Fathers—Volume III Tertullian The Apology On Idolatry The Shows, or De Spectaculis The Chaplet, or De Corona To Scapula Ad Nationes Appendix An Answer to the Jews The Soul's Testimony A Treatise on the Soul The Prescription Against Heretics The Five Books Against Marcion Against Hermogenes Against the Valentinians On the Flesh of Christ On the Resurrection of the Flesh Against Praxeas Scorpiace Appendix. Against All Heresies On Repentance On Baptism On Prayer Ad Martyras The Passion of the Holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas Of Patience Ante-Nicene Fathers—Volume IV Tertullian I. On the Pallium II. On the Apparel of Women III. On the Veiling of Virgins IV. To His Wife V. On Exhortation to Chastity VI. On Monogamy VII. On Modesty VIII. On Fasting. In Opposition to the Psychics IX. De Fuga in Persecutione X. Appendix Minucius Felix The Octavius of Minucius Felix The Instructions of Commodianus in Favour of Christian Discipline. Against the Gods of the Heathens. (Expressed in Acrostics.) Origen Prologue of Rufinus Origen de Principiis A Letter to Origen from Africanus About the History of Susanna A Letter from Origen to Africanus A Letter from Origen to Gregory Origen Against Celsus Ante-Nicene Fathers—Volume V Hyppolytus The Refutation of All Heresies The Extant Works and Fragments of Hippolytus Cyprian The Life and Passion of Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr The Epistles of Cyprian The Treatises of Cyprian The Seventh Council of Carthage Under Cyprian Treatises Attributed to Cyprian on Questionable Authority Caius Fragments of Caius Novatian A Treatise of Novatian Concerning the Trinity On the Jewish Meats Appendix Acts and Records of the Famous Controversy About the Baptism of Heretics A Treatise Against the Heretic Novatian by an Anonymous Bishop A Treatise on Re-Baptism by an Anonymous Writer Ante-Nicene Fathers—Volume VI Dionysius The Works of Dionysius Extant Fragments Exegetical Fragments Julius Africanus The Extant Writings of Julius Africanus Anatolius and Minor Writers The Paschal Canon of Anatolius of Alexandria Fragments of the Books on Arithmetic Alexander of Cappadocia From the Epistles of Alexander Theognostus of Alexandria From His Seven Books of Hypotyposes or Outlines Pierius of Alexandria I.—A Fragment of a Work of Pierius on the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians II.—A Section on the Writings of Pierius Theonas of Alexandria The Epistle of Theonas, Bishop of Alexandria, to Lucianus, the Chief Chamberlain Phileas Fragments of the Epistle of Phileas to the People of Thmuis The Epistle of the Same Phileas of Thmuis to Meletius, Bishop of Lycopolis Pamphilus An Exposition of the Chapters of the Acts of the Apostles Malchion I.—The Epistle Written by Malchion II.—Fragments Apparently of the Same Epistle of the Synod of Antioch III.—From the Acts of the Disputation Conducted by Malchion Against Paul of Samosata IV.—A Point in the Same Disputation Archelaus The Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes Alexander Of the Manichaeans Peter, Bishop of Alexandria The Genuine Acts of Peter The Canonical Epistle Fragments from the Writings of Peter Alexander Epistles on the Arian Heresy Methodius The Banquet of the Ten Virgins Concerning Free-Will From the Discourse on the Resurrection Fragments Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna Oration on the Psalms Three Fragments from the Homily on the Cross and Passion of Christ Some Other Fragments of the Same Methodius Arnobius The Seven Books of Arnobius Against the Heathen. (Adversus Gentes.) Ante-Nicene Fathers—Volume VII Lactantius The Divine Institutes The Epitome of the Divine Institutes A Treatise on the Anger of God On the Workmanship of God, or the Formation of Man Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died Fragments of Lactantius The Phoenix A Poem on the Passion of the Lord Venantius On Easter Asterius Urbanus The Extant Writings of Asterius Urbanus Victorinus On the Creation of the World Commentary on the Apocalypse of the Blessed John Dionysius Against the Sabellians Apostolic Teaching and Constitutions The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Clement The Homily Nicene Council The Nicene Creed Early Liturgies The Divine Liturgy of James The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles Ante-Nicene Fathers—Volume VIII The Twelve Patriarchs The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs Theodotus Excerpts of Theodotus Clement of Rome Two Epistles Concerning Virginity Two Epistles Concerning Virginity—The First Epistle of the Blessed Clement Two Epistles Concerning Virginity—The Second Epistle of the Same Clement Pseudo-Clementine Literature Recognitions of Clement Epistle of Peter to James Epistle of Clement to James The Clementine Homilies Apocrypha of the New Testament The Protevangelium of James The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary The History of Joseph the Carpenter The Gospel of Thomas The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour The Gospel of Nicodemus The Letter of Pontius Pilate The Report of Pilate the Procurator The Giving Up of Pontius Pilate The Death of Pilate, Who Condemned Jesus The Narrative of Joseph The Avenging of the Saviour Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul The Story of Perpetua Acts of Paul and Thecla The Acts of Barnabas The Acts of Philip Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew Acts of Andrew and Matthias Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Andrew Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Apostle Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas Consummation of Thomas the Apostle Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew Acts of the Holy Apostle Thaddaeus, One of the Twelve Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian Revelation of Moses Word and Revelation of Esdras Revelation of Paul Revelation of Saint John the Theologian The Account of St. John the Theologian The Passing of Mary The Decretals The Epistles of Zephyrinus The Epistles of Pope Callistus The Epistle of Pope Urban First The Epistles of Pope Pontianus Pope Anterus The Epistle The Epistles of Pope Fabian Decrees of Fabian Memoirs of Edessa Relating to the Earliest Establishment of Christianity
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