Fearful Master a Second Look at the United Nations.Pdf

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Fearful Master a Second Look at the United Nations.Pdf CONTENTS PREFACE by James B. Utt, Member of Congress FOREWORD PART I KATANGA A Case History 1. The First Spade 2. Prologue to Tragedy 3. Seceding from Chaos 4. The Moderates 5. In the Last Resort 6. Ah, Peace PART II THE MASTER PLANNERS Communist Control of the United Nations 7. Baby Carriages 8. Under Every Bed 9. The Home Team 10. Neutrals and Non-Communists PART III PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE United Nations Capture of the American Mind 11. Animal Farm 12. Poison in the Air 13. The Fright Peddlers PART IV THE FEARFUL MASTER The Present Reality--An Imminent Danger 14. A Substitute for Victory 15. The Silken Thread 16. The Dangerous Servant 17. Point of No Return 18. Our Last Best Hope About the Author INTRODUCTION The Fearful Master , concisely written and well documented, sets forth the double standard which guides the UN through its devious and treacherous path toward world domination. The author, Mr. G. Edward Griffin, has performed an outstanding service in giving the people of the free world a picture of what has happened, is happening, and will happen in the very near future--if we continue our course of strategic surrender to international forces. The book opens with the story of Katanga and reveals the broken promises which the UN made to Moise Tshombe in order to deceive him, and to turn over to the central government the only province of the Congo where law and order had prevailed and where freedom was the watchword of its leaders. The murder, pillaging and rape practiced by the UN forces in Katanga can happen to any country that surrenders to UN control. Author Griffin outlines in considerable detail the Communist infiltration into the personnel at every echelon of the UN, and he exposes the treachery and subversion that flourishes there. The author meticulously outlines the grand design for surrender, and likens it to a jigsaw puzzle. The chief designer is well aware of the ultimate picture, but an individual working on an indiscernible piece of that puzzle does not know exactly what he is doing or where it will fit into the picture. When all of the pieces are put together, however, the finished grand design will be that of a one-world government maintained by forces against which resistance by any nation will be futile. The Fearful Master is a book which is long overdue, but I prayerfully hope that it is not yet too late to awaken the American public. This book should be read by all Americans and demands their thoughtful and immediate attention. James B. Utt Member of Congress FOREWORD On April 24, 1955, the Communist Daily Worker wrote: The United Nations has become an imposing institution with a fantastic pyramid of agencies and commissions, and an agenda each autumn of 75 questons. There it stands--in its striking home of stone and steel and glass on the shores of the East River to which thousands of people come each week, in pilgrimages of peace and hope. This is one of those instances where the truth is sufficiently horrible that the Communist propagandists do not have to lie. In the two decades since the United Nations was created, it has expanded into a giant international bureaucracy with tentacles reaching into every sphere of human activity from matrimony to garbage collecting. Americans by the millions have indeed made the emotional pilgrimage and genuflected before the UN "shrine of peace." But, having looked at the United Natttions, most of us have not seen. We have seen the building, and the flag, and pictures of meetings where delegates listen to each other over earphones; but we have not seen the real United Nations--its purpose, its philosophy, its ultimate goals. To recognize these things, we will have to look much deeper than the glittering phrases about peace and brotherhood or the ringing manifestos on human rights and let the facts speak for themselves. Wherever possible, quotations used in this book are from original sources. These sources have been thoroughly footnoted in hopes that the skeptic will check them out. Some may feel that there are too many quotes and footnotes. But this book was not meant to be one of those easy-to-read jobs that can be glanced through with one eye on the TV set. It is a documentary and should be approached as such. Most of the documentation is taken from those people or sources friendly to the United Nations. For instance, the opening sequence is a direct quote from Smith Hempstone, African correspondent for the Chicago News . Hempstone's views, in his own words, are as follows: I do not belong to the African Committee for Aid to Katan ga Freedom Fighters, I am not a member of the John Birch Society, am not in the pay of the Katanga Government or Union Miniere , and really could not care less about the fluoridation of water. I am a registered Republican, although I did not vote Republican in the 1960 presidential election. I do believe that the United Nations has a role to play in the world today-- and I believe that the U.S. should remain in the international organization. Likewise, the forty-six civilian doctors of Elisabethville, who provided some of the most horrifying eyewitness accounts of United Nations atrocities, have declared: ". we believe in UNO [the United Nations]. We proclaim that such an organization is necessary for maintaining peace in the world and fair betterment of the underdeveloped natons." While on the subject of Katanga, it should be made clear that the section of this book dealing with the Congo is not meant to be a glorification of Katanga and Tshombe; it is meant to spotlight the United Nations action in Katanga. We are not being asked to pay homage to Katanga nor are we being asked to transfer our political sovereignty, our economy, and our military security to Katanga; we are being asked to do these things for the United Nations. It is for this reason that we need to take a close and searching look at this mammoth organization. And, just as one picture is worth a thousand words, one case history is worth a thousand theoretical arguments. This is by no means an exhaustive treatment of the subject. If the reader wants a detailed explanation of the structure of the United Nations, how the organization functions mechanically, or what relation one subdivision has with another, he can find countless volumes in a public library. All of this is academic in the minds of most people, anyway. The citizens of Katanga who were dying under United Naations bombs were not concerned over whether the air attacks had been authorized by the Security Council, the General Assembly or the Military Staff Committee, or whether it took a two-thirds vote or only a majority vote. Nor has the tremendous financial burden that membership in the United Naions places on the shoulders of American taxpayers been discussed. After all, mere money is relatively unimportant. If the UN really were what most people think it is, it would be well worth the investment. The real cost of our membership will not, in the end, be measured in terms of dollars and cents; it will be counted out in terms of lost freedoms, despair and human suffering. This is not an attempt to present an "objective" view of the United Nations. If the reader wants to acquaint himself with the other side he need only turn on his radio or TV, or glance through the pages of his favorite newspaper or magazine. The other side has been presented almost without challenge by every conceivable means--books, movies, plays, speeches, editorials, pamphlets, posters, and poetry. It has been promoted by politicians, athletes, movie stars, teachers, beauty queens, and businessmen. By comparison, the case against the United Nations has been relegated almost entirely to the media of mimeographed news letters and hastily compiled fact sheets put out by housewives and neighborhood study groups. Radio and TV time is usually denied on the basis that such a point of view is "controversial." It is as though history had slipped back 450 years. When Galileo attempted to demonstrate the theory that the earth was not the center of the universe, he was imprisoned and condemned as follows: We say, pronounce, sentence and declare that you, the said Galileo, by reason of the matters adduced in this trial, and by you confessed as above, have rendered yourself, in the judgment of this holy office, vehemently suspected of heresy, namely of having believed and held the doctrine-- which is false and contrary to the sacred and divine scriptures-- that the sun is the center of the world and does not move from east to west, and that the earth moves and is not the center of the world. Consequently, you have incurred a ll the censures and penalties imposed and promulgated in the sacreds canons and other constitutions, general and particular, against such delinquents. Now, as then, history will be the judge. G. Edward Griffin PART I KATANGA A Case History Regret your odious lie constituted by statement that UNO mercenaries do not fire at Red Cross ambulances and others--stop-- You would be authorised to speak after spending night with us in hospital bombarded by your shameless and lawless ruffians. Telegram to U Thant from the forty-six civilian doctors of Elisabethville, the Congo CHAPTER ONE: THE FIRST SPADE It was December 12, 1961. Christmas was coming to Katanga. Smith Hempstone, African correspondent for the Chicago News, reported from Elisabethville: The Unite d Nations jets next turned their attention to the center of the city.
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    UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:48 AM S-0864-0001-04-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0001 -04-00001 Title items-in-Public relations files - luncheons, dinners and receptions - Volumes I, II Date Created 08/09/1962 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0864-0001: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit o cr s(D to U) CO Ci- ts' fv*c~ L* t'U yi«-«.t-jc^. lu»«*4 *" X_*vC*~- — 4 . <*w. fXvi*^. *T* K^vCjU W*"IU, ic l w 9} <VtfV-vwO-«.^~ 26 December 1962 The Secretary-General H.E. Mr. Kuznetsov Mr. Amachree Mr. Narasimhan H.E. Mr. Morozov Mr. Mendelevich Mr. Potrubatch General Rikhye Mr. Zherebtsov Mr. Tchernyshev Mr. Nosek Mr. Loutfi Mr. Kiselev H.E. Mr. Zorin SG luncheon - Wednesday, 26 December 1962, 1.15 p.nu, 35th floor to bid farewell to H.E. Mr, tT.A. Zorin USSR Mission H.E. Mr. V. V. Kuznetzov H.E. Mr. P. D. Morozov ? Mr. P. M. Tchernyshev Mr. L. I. Mendelevitch Mr. V. N. Zherebtsov UN Secretariat Mr. E. D. Kiselev ^ Mr. C. V. Narasimhan Mr. Jiri Nosek ^ Mr. G. K. J. Amachree ^ Mr. Omar Loutfi 'G- Mr. Michael Potrubatch ,e Brigadier I. J. Rikhye ^ The Secretary-General fa~ „ V Wru**^*—' ' / CR.13 (4-59) ROUT4NG SLIP I Comments for the record should not be written on this slip. REFERRAL SHEET PT.l08 should be used instead. TO: ^f APPROVAL YOUR INFORMATION MAY WE CONFER? AS REQUESTED YOUR SIGNATURE FOR ACTION NOTE AND FILE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE NOTE AND RETURN PREPARE DRAFT YOUR COMMENTS ATTACH RELATED PAPERS Adams, Maurice Sydney Morning Herald Sirotsky, Nahum Jornal do Brasil Nedyalkov, Nikola Bulgarian Telegraph Agency Van Ky, Tran La Verite MacSween, Joseph Canadian Press Einfrank, Aaron Toronto Telegram Lin, Chen Chi Central Hews Agency of China Portela, Francisco Prensa Latina Vercak, Oldrich Czechoslovak News Agency Zemanek, Alexander it it i> Wolff, Georges R.
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