'Official ··'Gazette, ~

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'Official ··'Gazette, ~ {R!;~D. OOA'-..~ l " Panaji, 26th Augusf, 1991 (Bhadra 4, 1913) . SERIES I No. 21 / 'OFFICIAL ··'GAZETTE, ~. " . - . - - . GOVERNMENT OF .····OOA EXTftl\OftD~ " / .' I NJ\ ftV ' GOVERNMENT OF GO~ chayats shall consist of such number of members as are indicated in the corresponding entry in column ;qeparlmenl of Community Developmenf and Panchayals . (5) of the said Schedule and further direct that the ntImller of'the ward in which a seat is reserved. for women shall be the one specified jn the correspond­ Notification ing entry in column (6) of the said Sc4edule. 1/15/(2)/90·CDP This Notification shallllave effect for the purpose · In exerci'se of the powers conferred by sub'section of the ensuing General Elections to all- the 183 Vil­ '.(1:) of section 3 and sub'sections.· (1) and (4) of . lage Panchayats as shown in the Said Schedule in­ ':section 7 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Village Pan­ cluding th'e 20 Village Panchayats whose terms have· cehayats Regulation, 1962 (No. 9 of 1962) (herein­ not expired but shall be co-terminus with .the Ge­ after called the 'said Regulation'), read with GO­ neral Election to Panchayats in terms of clause (b) vernment Notification No. 1/15(6)/84cF&A(3) of sub-section (6) of section 21 of the said Regula- · dated . 19c10-1987, I,. Shakti Sinha, Secretary, (Pim­ tion. .·chayats), Government of Goa, hereby declare the local areas comp.rising a village or group of villages. This Notification shall have effect for the purpose as shown in coluinn (4) of the Schedule appended of the' ensuing General Election to the VillagEr Pan­ hereto (hereinafter called the 'said ·,Schedule') to chayats and the existing constitution of Village shall · the' 'Viilage' as shown in the corresponding· entry continue till the date of the said elections on which in cohimn (3) of the said Schedule for. the purpose date all earlier Notifications under which the Vii­ ·.of establishment: of Village Panchayats under the lilge~anchayats had been constituted shall cease to ..said Regulation and direct that' the Village Pan- . haye effect. SCHEDULE Total < No. of N rune of Village' declared Local area comprised- in terms -of ,No. of ward :.Sr. No. ·Name -of. Block for establishment of Members reserVed Village Panchayat reve~ue -Vi~age(s) of Pan· for chayat women . ,(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) , . (6) 1. TlSWADI· 1. GOltim-NaveIim 1'. Goltlm '2~ NaveUm 7 6 2. Sao--Matias 1:S"":Ma;tIa.s (Malar) 2. Naroa. 3 •..Capao 5 '1 . 3. st. Estevam . 1.· Jua (St. Estevain) 9 7 4.. CumbarjUa. 1; eup~r.iua· 9 6 5. Se·OId-Goa .t~tI: .... .2. Eia. .3. Panellm . 4; Corllm (Part).. G / 1 6. Corlil)l ·1. Corlim excluding "area included in V. P. Se-Old-Goa . 7 El 7. Carambollm 1. ca.rambollri> 9 6 234 O:fFICIALGAZETrE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES 1 No. 21 . , (EXTRAORDINARY) .' 26TH AUGUST, 1991' (1) (2) (3) ( 4) (5) (6) ------~--~----~~----~----~----~ 1. TISWADI. 8, Azossim... MandU:r 1~ Aioosun '2. Mandur 9 6 9. Neura L N(mra-O~Grande 2~ Neura-O-pequeno 5 1 10. Sao-Lour~nc~ (Agassalm) . 1: Sao-Lourenco 2. (Agassaim .Mercurim) 9 6 11. St, Andre (Goa Velha) 1, Goa·Velha ' \) 6 12. Batiffi 1. Batim -2. Gancim 5 1 13. Siridao·PaJein 1: Siridao-Palem 7· 6 14•. Taleigao, LTaleigao 2. Durgawadi 9 6 1;:;. Curca.Bambolim·Talaulim 1.' Curea 2.' Bambolim . 3. Talaulim 4.- GauUm-Moula 9 16. St. CrUz 1. CaJapur 2 •. CUjira 9 17~ Metces 1.- Morombf-o:Pequeno 2 •. Murda 3. Renovadi 4. Part o-f Morombi-O-Grande consistin~ of ~ado bairro Waddi 9 G 18. Chimbel 1 •. Chimbel 2. Part.of revenue village of Morombi­ -O-Grande eonsisting, of ........ I) Queland Wada . Ii) Gawant Wada 9 6, 19. Chodan·Madel 1. .Chorao 2. ambarim 3. Caraim 9 6 2; BARDEZ 1. 9amurlim . 1. Camurlim 5 1 2. Colvale 1. ·Colvale· 7 6 3. -Revora 1. Revora a 1 4. .Nad 9ra 1. Nadora 1 5. Pima 1. pjtnu I;" 1 6. Assonora .J. Af..l::'onora 2. Moitern 7 6 7. Tivim·S!rs"aJm , 1" Tlvim '2. Sirsab;n 9 6 ·8. Moir~Nachinola 1. MOira 2. Nachinola 9 I> 9. Aldona 1. Aldona' 2. ,_.Corjuein· .3. P.on.olem 4. Caivim 9 6 '19· Pomburpa--Olaulim 1. .P.omburpa 2. Olaulim & (Part of Ecoxim) . 7 . ' 6, 11. Vcassrum-PaJ.iem-Pu~ola' 1. Ueassaim 2. Paliem '. 3. Punola 5 1 12. Nerul 1. Nerul 7· 6 13. Saligao 1. Saligao \) 6. 14.. Guirim 1. Guirlm 9 6 ...""" 1a. Bastorn. ' 1.' B~tora 7 '6. 16. Parra L .Pa,rra 7 6 17. Arpora-~ag()8, '1. Arpora 2: Nagoa 7 6 18. Anjuna-Caisua 1. Anjuna­ -2. Cais,ua 9. 6· 19. Ass!l,g<Lo 1. Assagao 7 6-- 2(}. Verla:canca L Verla -·2. CaneR 7 6· 21. Oxel 1. Oxel . 7 6. 22. Socotto 1'. Socorro ';' 2~ Vadeem- ;; -. 3. Carrem. 4.' ·Aradl. , 5. ,Porvorim .6. Alta-Porvorim " .7. Maina '.. ~ , "8~, Ambirn~ '9~ Zoswaddo 9. 23. Siolim~Sodiem 1.- .Sodlem ,2. Siolim part consisting .of Gawls­ .-wado;-_ Tropa, Maina' PiUmbi 7 . 24. Siolim·M~ '1. .'Slolim (part) . excluding· the area included In V.·P. Sodiem·Siolim , 2. Marna - 9 6· OFFICIAL .GAZETl'E -GOVT. OF GOA 235 SERIES I No. 21 ( EXTRAORDINARY) 26TH AUGUST, 1991 (1) : (3) ( 4) (5) (6) 2. BARDEZ 25. Sangol\'la .1. Sangolda 2. Barros-Vaddo 3. Mae-de-Deus 4. Auchitwaddo 5. Bela-Vista 6. Morad 7. ,Livramenta 8. Monte-Villa 5 1 26. Pil~rne-Marra 1. Pilerne 2. Marra 3. Maid-Vaddo 4. Volvaddo 5. Saulem 6 •. Navelim' 7. Mama 8. Alto-Pilerne 7 6 27. '-Reis-Magos ·1. Reis-Magos 2. Pontais 3.- Sonarbhat 4. Ambekhand -5. Tuant 6. Ramnagar '7. Betim" 8. Kegdevelem 9 6_ 28. Salvador-do-Mu:ndo 1. Salvador-do-Mundo 9 6 29. Penha-de-France 1. Penha-de-France 2. Alto-Porvorim 3. BeUrn 4. Coelho-Vaddo 5. MaHin . 6. ManshiOhat 7. Matavaddo - 8. MaUvaddo 9. Virlosa 9 6 30. Calangute 1." Calangute 9 6 31. • CandoUm 1. Candolim 9 6 3. PERNEM 1. Dargalirn-. 1. Dargalim 2. Sirgal 3. Arabo 4. Mahacazan. 9 6 , - 2. Corgao 1. Corgao 2. Deusso 3. Karad & 6 3. Arambol' 1: Aranibol 9 6 4. Paliern 1. Paliem 2. Kiranpani 5 • 1 5. M~rjim . 1. "'Morjim 9 6- 6. Mandrem. 1~ Mandrem 9 6 7. Querim-Tiracol "1.· Querim 2. Tiracol 7 6 8. Alorna 1. Part of Revenue" Village of Alorna comprising Talan. Khutval, Hassapur . 5 1 9. Ibrampur 1. Ibrampur and part of Revenue Villa­ ge of Alorna comprising wado _Hankhanem 5 -I 10. Torxern 1. Torxem 5- 1 11. Tambosem-Mopa-Ugtiem 1. Tambose 2. Mopa -, 3. Uguem 5 1 12. Parcem . 1.' Parcem, 9 6- 13. Agarwada-Chopdetn. 1. Agarwada 2. Ghopdem 5 1 14. Cans.arvornem L Cansar.vornem e}!:cluding (i) rl'ula.s_ karwadi and (li) S!ll].g~~wad_~ 5 1 15. Varcond.,Nagzor L Varcond. excluding· wadas (i) ·Vi- I thaladevi (li) Harijanwada and (iii) . Coliern 5 1 16. Ozorim 1: Ozoriin 2. Sangaowada (Part 9f Revenue Village of Casarworn.enP) 5 1 17. Tuem 1: Tuem 2 ..Munnu'sem of Revenue Village of I Pernem 5 1 18. Virnoda :1" Virnoda. , \~ 2. Chivai, ~aplel:n. Amai, Bhutwadi anti . Valpem of Revenue Village of ' . Pernem 5 1 • I."". 236 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ~ GOVT.· OF GOA SERIES I. No; 21 (EXTRAORDINARY) . 26TH AUGUST, 1991 !1) (2) (3) . .. (4) . (5) (6) 3. PERNEM 19. Casane-Amere~ 1. Candalwada. Noibag, Anale & Bhat- Porascodem pavani" of Revenue Village of Pernem 2. Casnem ~ 3. Amere 4. Poroscodem 5. Vithaladevi, Harijanwada and Colie:".l Part of Revenue- Village of Varcond 5 1 4. SATARI J. Ccto-rem 1. Asodem 2. Codki 3. Co-torem 4. .Gawanem 5. Ambel1m 6. Malpon 7. Siranguli 8 . Slrsodem 9. Velguem and 10. Xelop-Curds fi 1 2. DongurU-Thane 1. Charaunem 2. Dongurli .3.· Golall 4. Hivrem Buzruk 5, Hivrem Curds 6. Naneli 7. PaIi 8. Revem and 9. SurIa 7 6 3. Guleli 1. Conquirem "' 2. Damoshem 3. GuieU and . 4. Malaule 5 1 4. ~Iauxi 1.' Copardem 2. Dabeln:. 3. Mauxi ",<_4. Nagvem and 5. Zarnem 5 1 5. Pissurlem 1. Codiem 2. Cumarcon 3. Piss,irlem 4. Ponshem and 1>. Vagurein 7 6 6. Honda 1. Saleli 2. Bhulpal 3. Sonus-Onvelyem and 4. Onda 7 6 7. Porie.ill 1.. ·Po-riem 2. Podoshem 7 6 • 8. Querim 1. Anjunem 2. Ghoteli 3. Gululem ... 4. Qelaudem 5. Querim 6. Rawan 7. Ponsuli and 8. Shiroli 9 (; ""~ 9. Sanvordem 1. Caranzol 2: Codval 3. Cudsem 4. Cannali-Buzruk 5. Sanvordem 6.. Sonal and 7. ?endral 5' 1 10. Morlem. 1. -Morlem 5 1 11. Bhironda L BhirOIida. ., 2. Sanvo~cem 3. Vantem 4. PadeIi 5. Advoi and 6. Ansolem 7· ·6 12. Nagargaon 1. Ambedem -.') 2.- Bombedem \ 3. Codal -, 4. Caramboli-Brahma 5." Sa.terem 6, Derodem • 7. Dhavem 8. Edorem 9. Ustem '. 10. Valginim 11. Shelop. Buzruce 12. Zarani 13. Maloli' 14. Nagargaon 15. Nanorem 16. Singonem an.d 17. Satorem 7 S • . -- --------- .-.. - .. ---~.~---- , OFFICIAL GAZETTE. - GOVT. OF GOA 237 "SERIES IND.. 21 , ( EXTRAORDINARY) 26TH AUGUST,1991, (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (6) .:; 5. PONDA 1. Panchawadi l. Pan~hawadi 9 . 6 2. Shiroda l. Shiroda 9 6 3. Borim 1. Borim 9 6 ! 4. Wadi-Talaulim l. Wadi ! ! 2. Talaulim 5 1 5. Durbhat l. Durbhat 2. Adpoi 3: Agapur 9 6, 6. Veling-Priol-Cuncoliem 1. Yeling 2, Priol 3. o Cunco~em 9. 6 7.
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