Friday, May 9, 1969 Fourth Series1R.57 Vaisakha 19, 1891(Saka)

/2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6

Seventh Session Fourth/RN6DEKD 

/2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi CONTENTS

No. 57-Friday, May 9,IM/Val'akhG 19, 1891 (Saka)

Columns 0ra1 AIII-. to Questio_ ·Starred Questions Nos. 1591 to 1595 Short Notice Questions No. 23

Written Answen to Questiona- Starred Questions Nos. 1596 to 1620 38-58 Unstarred Questions Nos. 8975 to 9119 and 9121 to 9174 58-204 Statements correcting replies to USQ No. 6162 dt. 11.4.1969, USQ No. 1863 dated 22.11.1968 and USQ No. 3959 dated 21.3.1969 204 Papcn Laid on the Table 205-06 Business of the House 2~7 Motion re Fourth Five Year Plan-Draft 207-43 Shri Tenneti Viswanatham 208-10 Shrimati Tarkeshwari Sinha 211-20 Shri Hem Barua 220-28 Shri Gajraj Singh Rao 228-31 Shri Raghubir Singh Shastri 231-37 Shri Mohsin 237-41 Shri Humayun Kabir 241-43 . Committcc on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions Forty-ninth Report 243 Resolution R,·. Appointment of Commission to 10 into cbarJes aplnst Birla Group of concerns-N,,,,,'I.ttI. 244-77 Shri Tenneli Vishwanatham 246-48 Sbri Himatsingka 248-50 Shri S. M. Krishna 251-52 Shri Shashi Bhushan 253-54 Shri S. S. Kothari 256-58 Shri Melkote 258-61 Shri F. A. Ahmed 261-73 Shri Vishwanatha Menon 273-77

-The sisn + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually _cd on the floor of the House by that Member. PI (II )


Resolution reo Abolition of Party Purses 277-304 Shr! Rabi Ray 2n-86 Shri R. D. ~ 289-92 ~ M. S. R. Masani 292-98 Sbri S. Kandappan 299-304 Half-an-Hour Discussion Delhi Police Commission Report 304-25 Shri Rama vatar Shastri ... 304-10 Shri Vidya Charan Shukla 320-25 Messaae from Rajya Sabha ... 3ZJ--Ui DEBA'fES

2 LOK SAlJHA witb uptodate academic knowledge. I would like to know from the Government in which Friday, May Y, 1969/V<1i.akha 19,1891 way they want to encourage. Y9" the Govern- (Saka) ment, by way of perpetuating' tbe bureaucra- tic rule, continue to adopt a policy which will help them in retaining the aged persons and also encourage in recruiting their own The Lok SaMa met at Eleve" of the Clock kith and kin withont even a regular competi- tive examination. as was done in CPWD. [Mr. Speaker I" the Chai_J This is the reason why Government have failed in the public sector. ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS In view of the fact that large scale direct recruitments based on purely academic A. R. C's. Recommendations on Personnel knowledge with utter disregard for personnal Administration human qulities had adversely affected the + quality and cadre management in all services, ·1591. SHRI S. D. SOMASUNDARAM: will the Ministry of Home Affairs issue SHRI GADILINGANA urgently a general directive to restrict direct GOWD: recruitment to the minimum thus ensuring quality which, the ARC feels, has degene- Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS rated ? be plessed to state : 't ~~ ~~~ ffii'k .-it WlfRQ1l' lIfi) ~ 't ~ crvn ~~ ifln qfugrq' ~ forit I!oi" 'It ¥iT fit; ~ m m \ill ~ ~ ? q ~ ~~ 'Ii'<'rWT, ~ t THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE lffiITlrnI' t ~ t arr't if m.rr GIl ~ DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY qh: !l!ri't .mr 10-20 m<'TT if iii) ~ AFFAIRS. AND IN THE MINISTRY OF ~ \Vl t m if 1ft !l(1I'T ~ fcrifR fllfilft SIDPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI IQBAL SINGH): (a) and (b). A state- ;;rmt I m t ~ ~ 'tfr ~ meat receiwd from the Planning Commission ...:.. 1ft -"- ~ --=- &ivins the main recommendations contained "'I ~ IflIT ~ 'O;ft, ~~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? . ~ ~ 'liT ~ ~ ~ 'IT'3'VS ~ 'I1't ~ m >;ft, it lIl't ~ ~ *r 'i'l; ~ GfTlf, ~ it; ~~~ ~ ~~ I!fiT ~ ~ ~.... ~ 'liT ~ ... i1r mf.l; ifllT gm lIT ~ ~~ lfiT lTtfcr 'ifm .rr ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ if ~ ~ ~ ? It ;;n;r;rr ~ ~ f.l; ~ if '!ill" ~ ~ -W ~~ if !'fl'I" IRf ~ lfiT '!iii' ~ ","Fern f.l;m ~ 'Ii'l; ~ ~ ?

~ ~ ~ : fui'ti it; W'Tfif'li ~ ~ ~ : q11"T ~ f'w;fT if mr ~ 'lit ~ ~~ $lf it iiffiTlfT flfi 1 ~ 40 <'I1'if m w ifl't if ~ ~ ~ ~~ lIl't <;Jr ~ m.rt ;ym AlIll ~ ~ it; ~ 'Ii'l; ~ ~ ~~ 'I<: ~~ fuil" 'l::'ifT ~ >.fT ~ ~ 60 <'In!f m ~ ~~~~~~ ~ rri:l" ~ qm if m ~ 'liT '!ill" rn lfiT ~ ~~ ~ ~ f.l; mr ~ 1!fiT. ~ ~ eft ~ 'liT ~ "mr ~ 'T R.->.ff

~~~ ~ ~~ ~ SHRI SHEO NARAIN: You are a professor. You can explain better. ~ ~ I m;;r W ,.q ~ 'ffi!r ~~~~~~~ ~ SHRI SRADHAKAR SUPAKAR: Having regard to the standard of fares for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fiI; ;;ft 'ltr.rnr ij; trams, buses and trains prevalent in our mtf.t ~~ f'filfT ~ ifi[ ~ ~ ~ I country, have the economics of underground transportation been calculated with a view to seeing that such underground transportation ~~~~~~ is economical ? ~ ifF! ~ ~ ~ f.iRr;ft 11m if ~ SHRI IQBAL SINGH: Regarding the ~ S1Wf ~ ~~ 1fT'lIT ,.q ffi report of the study group, in a city where it SliT'f ~ ~ ~ ~ I ifQT 'H: ~ ,.q the population is more than 5 million, the ~ "I<'VfT ~ ~ ~ surface transport cannot take the total load marn m and it has to decide whether they want un- fitim mifuforil' 'fir ~ em;r ~ ftrqr derground or overground mono rail or underground rail and all that. And for that ~ ~ - ~ ~ lfTififT ~ if![T ,.q intensive study is being done in Bombay. 'R ~ ~ I it 'miRT ~ ~ f'fi ,,1fT Delhi, Calcutta and Madras. ~ 'fir ~ SliT'f ~ ? SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Please allow me to give in brief, the factual position ~ t"ill'lW ~ ; ;;ri[T ij'ij; ito ero ~ regarding transportation system in Calcutta. After partition the population of Calcutta 'fiT ~~ ~ ~ ~ 'fii[T trT, i[1f has doubled and it is going to be doubled ~

SHRI M. L. SONDIn: Let him- c:larif'y SHRI D. N. PATODIA: It i. a fact the position abont Delhi, bec:auae Delhi is the and not an opinion. One hundred eut of responsibility of the _Centre. one hundred Members will -approve of what I laid. .- MR. SPBAKER: Now, the question about Calcutta is hein, BD8wcrcd. SHRI IQBAL SINGH: The bon. Memhcr is givins his own opinion ... SHRI RAGHU RAMAIAH: Thr DevcIop.. ment PIannIn, Department of the West SHRI D. N. PATODIA: It is a fact Benpl Government had drawn up IChemcs and not an opinion. So, how can be say rc1atms to traflic and transportation for the that}t is_an opinion ? Fourth Plan, costing about Rs. 47 crorcs. They were considered by the study team in SHRI IQBAL SINGH: DTU is only detail. Howcvcr, due to the limited rcsoun:cs a small i fraction of the whole transport available, priorities were worked out, and system of Delhi. We .-are considering the with reference to road developrncnt, pro- whole transport system of Delhi not for today ,rammcs costing Rs. 23 crores were drawn up. but for 2S years ahead. That was the review made by: the studyteam. DR. RANEN SEN: My question remains unanswered. Do I understand that SHRI D. N. PATODlA: He has not they are lOing to pay this sum to the Govern- answer.:d my question. ment of West Bengal or not?

SHRI D. N. PATODIA: I am princi- ~ .. "'111'1 rm ~ t pally concerned with the city bus traDSpoit f1rq. system operated by the State Governments + in various cities. Regardin, DTU. the hon. Minister has given aome fi,UICS in regard .1593. ~ ...... to the rising Iosaes. But Delhi is no ~ exception. In each and every city and in .n each and every State without exception, these ~~~ State transport undertakinp are running at ~~ : a loss, wbereas each and every private operater is earning a profit. Now, it docs IPn 'It-m ~ Il& ~ lift ~ not end with losses alone. Tbere are two fiI; : positive nuisal'CC valuos, in the cities created 1Ii<"il" by tbe State transport. One is tbat 90 per (!ti) ~ m'ifil" m: it; fl"1IIT m cent of tbe diesel buses are emitting very bad ~ ~ ;noll" ~ smoke, polluting the atmosphere and creatin, n it; u;:r ;m bealth hazards, Secondly, tbese buses are f-;r;A; fifq t;;filr ~ f;[T !f\[ ifCITifl'r f.t;:it m;r ""'" ~ ~ certainly investigations would be made. ~ 'Fflf ;;IT ~ ~ 'FiT CI'F ij"lf('CCf il't SHRI HEM BARUA: It is not a fact ~ ~ ~ ~ lbat there are serious allegations of corruption ;;rr1t1fT If'lT it if CIT m ? against the Adviser to the Governor of Assam for NEFA Affairs, corruption per_ SHR! Y. B. CHAVAN: Yes, I can petrated in co-operation with the A.ssam cerlainly give some more detailed informa- Marketing Society and Ihe CBI was ell8aged tion. The pGsition about the 12 cases is as in inquiring, into Ibis affairs? Is it not also follows: a fact that tbe CB! has taken an in Inquiries completed and cases ordinately long time in inquiring; thereby dropped after consulting the helping the officer concerned to tamper with CVC documents in evidence? If this is true may I know why is it that Government have not Inquiries completed but cases considered it desirable to suspend the officer ,ubjud;ce concerned against whom there are IICriOUS PoDding inquiry ~ aileptions of corruption ~ inquiry ? .7 VAISAKHA 19, 189J (S.4IC.4) 18

SHRI Y. B. CHAVAN: He has asked ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I a question concerning allegations against an mm e- individual officen. I have no complaints ~ mq- fcrm: m ? against him with me; -neither have I any information about what he has asked. If he 11ft ~ WI' ~~ lIiI cit ~~ has got any information and if it is made ;fe ~~ ~ i1O: ~ rn 'liT available to me, I will certainly find out. '!i1i ~ ~ I 'IiT1f ~ ~ SHRI HEM BARUA: May I submit ;;rr ~ ~ cit ~ 'IiT1f ~ ;;rrli1TT that f tabled a question on this about a ~~ .nIT 1ft ~ ;;nqif I month ago. The question has not yet come. But I know the papen are in his office lying Public Fond Utilised for Security and other in cold storage because he wants to protect Facilities to Central Ministers In Connec- that officer in ShiUong. tion with Poll CampaignS

SHRI Y. B. CRAVAN: No. No such + Paper is lying in my office. He will accept ·1594. SHRI YASHPAL SINGH: my word for it. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS SHRI MOHSIN: h it 0. fact that there be pleased to state: is unreasonable delay in these cases because (a) whether it is a fact that the repre- these reports are being sent to the Central sentatives of the Opposition parties of India Vigilance Commission. Where the matters have lodged a protest with the Government are already delayed, they have been inquired of India that large amounts from public funds into by the CBl what is the need for sending are being spent on providing security and them again to the CVC 1 other facilities to the Central Ministers, including the Prime Minister, daring the Poll SHRI Y. B. CRAVAN: That is exactly compaign in the country ; the purpose of the Central Vigilance Com- (b) if so, the amounts which have been mission ; they have to be consulted in such spent on the security and other facilities of matters of enquiry. such Ministers and the Prime Minister during the last two years ; and SHRI MOHSIN: Has it come to their notice that these matters are unduly delayed (c) the details thereof; in the CVC? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRI Y. B. CHAVAN: Possibly there VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) There may because of delay ; I cannot guarantee. have been some allegations of this nature. But I am not sure if there was delay in this (b) and (c). A statement is )aid on the particular case. Table of the Houce. [Placed In LlbrfJ,y. See No. LT-I06O!69j. Information from the ~ ~ ~ ;fio ~ I!iT States of Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Orissa ;it ~

SHRI RANGA: We know that the ~~~~ ~ Government have not accepted our demand 't( ~ ~ OIfffir WIl?f in view of the fact that the Prime Minister has already set a very good example in not it;

MR. SPEAKER: Whether the State MR. SPEAKER: There is no dispute bears it or the Centre bears it, it is public about it. money. iii\' f5Tlf ~~ ~~ SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: ~ fu;rlrm Gl'TlI' I This matter relates to the entry 'public order'. It is the concern of the State Government ~~ and it is at the discretion of the State IAsq mtf.t 'fi'i'lT Cf& Government to make the securityarrange- ~ ~ OR ft:nn' I ments. It is not as if it is requested by the Central Ministers that such and such arrange- SHRI M. L. SONDHI: Sir, this is a ments should be made for them. They make very important question. The Home Minis- these arranaements at their own discretion try or the Home Minister has the right to and if they make such arranaements they provide guide lines on this matter. We have have to bear the expenses. inherited a situation from the British times in which the philosophy of Britiab imperia- .n fltl( !'"" ~ ~~ it n lism was to show the lIag in order to discharge the whiteman's burden. Modem 'f'f1'lI' ~~ ~ ~ tiT ~~~~ notion. of &eeurity are, plain clothes people m ~ ~~~ will be used and somethiog will be achieved effectively, not great pomp and show in ~ ~ ;oil' if at( m wmn it order to show some extemaI authority is to !lit IIR PI m m Gl'T r"'"""I!Ir4i il be imposed_ Sir, the problem is so import- ant that I would like you to permit me to iRT ~~~ ~ ornr.t I!i't 1m say by way of background that in Giridih which is a mica mining ground in Bihar when ~ the Prime Minister went there a landing strip was created, three aeroplanes landed ~ ro ~~ " ~ ~ (mt ~ there, there was a rehersal for police line-up ~ q)1: mN ~ m: ~ on the road one day before, the whole fire ~~~~ j brigade was called for with all the fire brigade qh personnel and a water pipe line was raised. (w) ~ trY ~~ w ifTt if The people thought that a new mica mine had been discovered there. May I ask the ro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t«Tt '1m) hon. Home Minister why should they not- ~ it ~ ~ f.!;i;rnr ~ ""11" or because we want to protect the Prime Minis- ~ ter, but it is effective protection, and effective ? protection is silence; silence achieves many things as Ramana Mabarshi proved in his q-.N '"t\'rV if ~ ~ (en faT life-make an expert study of the problem ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ qrfffifulf) and provide guide-lines on this question so that security is provided and, at the same ~~~~ time, the British practice is not imitated ? ('if) fCf'{1l" IJiT ~ smf1:1l";J; ~ « SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: ~~~~~~ ~ Sir, security is always provided by plain- i!1t m

IfiT ~ ~ t ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ Gfcrm:a'T, ~ ~ mwr ij; ~ ~~ ~ ~ I!fli'·mm'l" it I ~ ~ ~ ~ i!inIT 'IT ~ "ftmr ~ ij; ~ om ? m ~~~~ ~ ~ 'RT m

.-it ~ 'I1\'r ~ : ~ ~ 1ro -it .0,,",0 ~ : ~ II"R: ~ 1f1t ij; ~ ~ ~ ~ fit; -WU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ij; ~ '1ft ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ iI1i ij; ft:rt!: ~ iI"I"T -mIT ~

"'.0 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Of 'liT THE MINISTER OF INFORMATION ~ ~ ~ rn ~ \?f'IiT fuflffif ~ if AND BROADCASTING, AND COMMU- ~ rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ il'ifTif it NICATIONS (SHRI ): (a) No, Sir. It would not be if« f.t;lJ ~ i!; ~ 'liT ..;til' W Zakir Hussain, died at 11.20 A.M. Doctors' ~ ~ ~ efforts at resuscitation continued till about iffif 'liT SfTGJ f'l> "Il'm if . 11.50 A.M. and so long as these efforts COD- 1fli qf'{q'<'f;r ~ ~ ? tinued, death could not be taken for granted. SHRI Y. B. CHA VAN: As for those people who consider untouchability as sacred, (b) The news was broadcast by All India we have expressed our view in the matter. Radio at 1.20 P.M. We have protested against it and disapproved (c) There was no delay OD the part of all such things. All India Radio. The Dews was broadcast immediately after it had been officially announced by Rashtrapati Bhavan sources. SHORT NOTICE QUESTION (d) to (f). Do not arise. ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ m.: U'ill" ~ if 'ITT ~ q{ I ~ aT1mIlfn!IT mT ~ + W ~ ~ ~~ SNQ. 23. -n ~ """' : ~ ~ IJllT qT f'l> ~ ~ 'I>'Wf t '" ~~ ~ ~ ;r.rr 'OfT(lT t I ~ ~ ~ '" 1ft 0 ~ .... (., : ~~ m.: ~ IfiTt '" ~ ~ P1!f : ~ ~ ~ ;;mil ~ ~ cr'l> ~ ~ ~ ~ fi.tim ~ 'liT ~ 'IiVn ~ 'flIT ~ T IJ'tT flit f.t; : ~ ~ l£I"!:.lI" ~ ~ f'l> ~ '1ft ~ ('I» 'flIT ~ ~ ~ f'l> "IirnI i!; ~ ~~ ~~ '1ft ~ ~~ '1ft ~ ~ Rm 'liT ~ ~ qIIT q{ f.t; ~ i('Of" 1969 'liT 11 .\if ~ 20 fir;rc (1I"0';{0) ~ ;ffir f'Rc ~ ~ qy ifTtr ~ ii, ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~ .mr f;r;rc; If( f'fi'llT 'fll'T1 '3'f'IiT ~ ~ ~~ (I!f) ~ ~ crT 'flIT ~ ~ ~ ~ f.t; 'liTfft" ~ ~ it f.t; ~ f

SRRI SURBNDRANATH DWIVEDY : ~ mit m ~ ~ ~ srlvT1!' WhY was it so much delayed? Why did it ~ ~ ...... ~ it I ~ mill it; ~ take 2 hours to issue the official announce- ~~ ~ ~ 1ft I ment? wtt tt iIliI"I'I 'lfT&ffi ~ f.!; ~ ~ 'Ii'T amr IRf 'In W"'''(l4(!1 ftft : m FT, m I!!\"iftl ~~~ 'IT m ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ qf.t mrorw ~ ~ ctl\ 35 Oral Ifll.lll'ers ~ 1969

~~~~ ft;;ry;:rifl' ~ President of India. Tho hon. Minister has quoted certain rules and prncedure. They ~ fifi ~ .n: it ~ ~ rn ifi! should apply to every dianitary. I recall, in ~ ~ ? ~ "'11fT it w ~ 'lIT .rn II>"t the case of late Shri AJIIIIldurai. the All India Radio betrayed an ugly haste, an em- ~ ~ fi!r.rTq; ~ ~ ~ ~ barrassing haste ; they pronounced him doad ~ ~~~ three days before he adualty died. At that time it was the haste of All WI' ~ ~ : ~~~ ~ India Radio. I am not attributing that AU India Radio was rather doing f.;m

SHRI SATYA NARAIN SINHA: MR. SPEAKER: You want to make As regards death we always depend upon the this also a controversy? official announcement. You said that you were present there. At I.S the doctors SHRI MORARJI DESAI: I reacbed announced that he was dead. It took S to 10 the place within 4 or S minutes, by about minutes for the doctors to come. 11.SS. At tbat time the doctors had taken all tbe steps to revive, give oxygen, and all ~ ~ ~ rn a-r IP-ft the otber metbods that tbey adopt in such cases to revive or to bring back the person to ~ 1.17 ~ 'IT I '111' ~ )-05 itt qr life if it is there. When I went tbere they ~~~~ said that it seemed impossible to revive bim. I then told tbem tbat it was better to get '" 4fti4 .. I(11A!I r", : ~ ~ m- otber doctors so that nobody might after- wards say tbat we bad not utilised tile 'lilt ~ .m ~ m it If'fa'

(\!!') W lft;m: lI>'t IW1rn' it; f't ~ ~ it lfliT ~ ~ ; (c) if not, whether Government propose ~ ~ lfli' ~ ~ flI; Wl'l1;m: !!iT to consider the development of the Islands ~ ~ ;ffir ~ it; f;;rll:

fum tI1fI ~ nr ~ it m.n Assistance to Political Satreren (.nil," ~ ~~ (iii) ~ ·1598. SHRIMATI SAVITRI SHYAM : Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be ~ If\: ~~ ~ it; fOIl!; 610 f.:r1rI'- pleased to state : fur f'l'>it ~ ~ 1 't iiTT tance ; m 1 ~~~ lI>'t "I'TCf lI>'t ~ rn (b) whether it is a fact that at present it; 'Ii'" IIiT 1969-70 Cfli it; mrif ~ a large number of freedom fighters and their dependants are facing great financial ~ ~ IIir fif'ifR 1 hardship ; and ~ iiT1, if@'1 ~ IIiT itlT iiTOI ~~ 't it; lI>'t1ffl THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE If\:, iif'i; ~ '£1"11 ~ ~ ~~ imJ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI VlDY A CHARAN SHUKLA) : (a) A sum ~ ~ 'OmIT 1 iiT;;r-IH"I IIiT ~ it; & of Rs. 25,98,900/- has so far been disbursed ~ W ~ ~ ~ 1 from the Home Minister's Discretionary Grant to freedom fighters and their depen- ('ff) m ~ ~ lI>'t WCf'ffl it; fOIl!; dants from the inception of the Grant in 1969-70 it; mtif 'TT'ft it; if;;[ 01fT 'TT'ft 19: 5-56. These non-recurring grants are given to freedom fighters who may be in isT m '1ft ~ 0ItTf.f!fiT ~ ~ 1 need of special assistance. ~~~ ~ ~ @" (b) Government are aware that many ~~~ 1 freedom fighters and their families are facing indigent circnmstances. ent of Andaman and Nicobar (c) The responsibility for the grant of Islands relief and rehabilitation facilities to freedom fighters is primarily thaI of the State SHRIGEORGEFERNANDES: Governments who have formulated schemes Will the Minister of TOURISM AND of relief and assistance to them by way of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state: pensions, cash grants, land grants, rehabili- (a) whether his Ministry have examined tation loans and educational concessions to the possibility of developing the Andaman their children. In individual cases of bard- and Nicobar Islallds as tourist attractions ship, cash grants are given from .Home and holiday resorts for the Indian people ; Minister's Discretionary Grant•. 4i

1m:ft\lf ~ ~ Ifftq ~ ~ (d) if so, the grounds on which ther amendments were rejected and whether the ~ f.fq ;rt" recent amendment to Rule 21 is not con- trary to the spirit of the Constitution? .1599. 11ft aTIl" SI1mT ~ : ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 6'?n ~ "' 20 ~~ tmn 1'f?fi MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI 1968 .. orm'tlcf !WI «@1fT 875 ~<: VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (d). ~ ~ if ~ ;f;fR- ~ ~ qrq- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 1I1I"ifi" ~ ~ ~ ff'if ~ ~~ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SURI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (c). ifi"<: ~ ~ I ;;IT" ~ ~ ~ qR >;ftq mlifu There was no theft of 40,000 cycle tyres ~ \R ;:f1Jr<: ~ ~ ;flll"lfr, >;f) September, 1968, the Railway Protection rom

'1600. SHRI SURAl BHAN : Will the Appointment of Cbairman of India Tonri... Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased Development Corporation, Asbob Hotel. to state: and Janpath Hotels (a) whether it is a fact that polygamy has been permitted in the case of Govern- '1602. SHRI YAJNA DATI SHARMA: ment employees of a particular community Will the Minister of TOURISM AND by a recent amendment to Rule 21 of the CML AVIATION be pleased to state : Central Civil Service Rules ; (a) wbether Shri Romesh Thapar has (b) if so, the reasons therefor and the been appointed as a Chairman of the India likely consequences thereof ; Tourism Development Corporation, the (c) whether it is also a fact that four Ashoka Hotels Ltd. and tbe Janpath Hotels; amendments havinll the same intention were and rejected by the Constituent Assembly during (b) if so, the post held hy him before the discussion on Article 44 of the Consti- his joining this post and his qualifications tution; and ~ Tor hOldina this post 1 ' MAY ~ 1!169 . THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND srtrfu ~ If>'l" >rf t qh: ;fr1ft' ~ CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN SINO): (a) Yes, Sir. ~ if mr-ft srtrfu ~ ~ ~ (b) Shri Romesh Thapar did not hold t; .m: any paid post before joining the present ~~ ~ ~ assianment. He is an intellectual aud jour- (l!f) nalist of 25 years' standing. 3I"1ff't Ii

IftfiR Hotel. Run with Foreign Collaboration

.1601i . .n wmem: ~ : °1607. SHRI BEDABRATA BARUA: ~ ~ ~ : Will the Minister of TOURISM AND .n CIVIL AVIATION be p/eased to state: ro ~ m ~ If\! ifmit '1ft !i'lT (a) the Hotels in India which are being rua with fOl'eiIPl collaboration ; rnflli: (b) the number of foreign tourists who (III") ifill ~ ~ ff'Il m stayed in these botels last year ; and ~ ~ ~ "'!'IiI ~ ~ ~~ IITIf<'Il iii (c) the number of foreign tourists who stayed in other hotels in India during the ~ same year? Iff/{ ~ ~ (I!J") m- fiR fffiI'f iIr THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND ~ .... it it ~ ~ ; CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN SINGH): (a) At present, there is only one hotel, the (If) 'fIfT fir;nq ~ lm 'til ~ Obemi IDtercontineatal, New Delhi, which ~ iii ft;rit ~ 'Ill: ~ i!il lIT is being run in collaboration with Inter- continental Hotels Corporation of U. S. A. ~~ (b) According to infonnation received (.... ) ~~ ff) ~ olfRr 'fIfT frem this Hotel, 50,745 forel.,. tourists p stayed in it during 1968. (c) The inforJJllUioa is -DOl IQldily ~ ~ it ~ (.ct mn available, 47 Wllnell AII",e" MAY 9, 1969 48

Cases Referred to U P. S C.

·1610.. SHRI SHASHI BHUSHAN: .1608. ~~ ~ ~~ : lfqr -n WilJ the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be ~~ ~ ~~ '15IfT 'li<:tr f'li: pleased to state : ('Ii) lfqT ~ ~ ~ fill" ~ ~ (a) the number of cases referred to the Union Public Service Commission by his ~ ~ ~ it t f'f'IiT'ir 'IiTlfl t Ministry during 1968 ; and iFsfi1f ~ ~ 225 ~ ~ ,.". ~ (b) in how many of these cases, the ~~~ Commission's reply was received within one month, 1-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, ~ ~ ~~ it ~ aiR ~ 9-12 months and over 1 year? ,.". ~ qr.r'furt t f"flt f'litT, ~~ m'iTifT qf{oqq ~ oldest of which is about 9 months old. ~ ,.". ~ 'liT tlfTif it ~ ~ Escape of Pak Agents iFit1r ~ it srfm'liT ~ t ~ ~ ~ m ilTU ~ f.!;qr ~ ~ '11. "1611. SHRI BABURAO PATEL: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased nmr ~ f whether Government's attention has been drawn to forged publication of a number (c) the nature of action taken against the of works of eminent writers and authors on Gurada and Omcials with their names: an a\l India scale ; and and (d) the steps taken to capture these (b) if so, the details thereof and the fugitives from law? steps taken by Government against such black marketing of literary and other works? THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI Y. B. CHAVAN): (a> The names THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE arc :- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND YOUTH (i) Mohd Maqbool Butt alias Akbar SBllVICES (SHRI BHAKAT DARSHAN) : s/o Ghulam Qadir Butt. (a) Not in recent times, Sir. (ii) Mohd Yaseen alias Mir Ahmed a1ias (II) ~~ Qhulam Qadir s/o Late Sain ~ • W,"',. A",.." VAlSAKHA 19, 1891 (8AU)

(iii) Ghulam Yaseen Badhana s(o Niyaz SIIyam La! College, Sbadhara (Delhi) Mohd. Badhana. There prisoners were reported to have escaped, through ·1613. SHRI BIBHUTI MISHRA: holes they had made i.l the walls. Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to state: (b) and (c). The Government of Jammu and Kashmir had asked the Inspector General (a) whether it is a fact that the University of Prisons to conduct an inquiry; a prelimi- Grants Commission gave a sum of Rs. 8 nary report submitted by him is under State lakhs towards the construction of building, Government's consideration. Shri M. H. purchase of land etc. to the Shyam Lal Qureshi, Superintedent of Jail, and Shri College, Shadhara (Delhi) ; Makhan Lal Bamzai; Head Chief Warden, (b) whether it is also a fact that the were in charge. These officials a10nswith management of the College was to share the two Guard Commanders and one Armed cost of construction of buildi ng, purchase of Constable have been placed under suspansion. land etc. by contributing an equal sum; (d) The State Government have taken (c) whether it is also a fact that the extensive measures to have them recaptured. construction was entrusted to a firm without inviting tenders ; Non-availability of spare Aircraft (d) if so, the reasons therefor; and with I. A. C. (e) whether it is a fact that the finn which constructed the building is a bogus ·1612. SURI S. S. KOTHARI: Will firm founded by the founder of the College ? the Minister of TOURISM AND CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state ; THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION (a) whether it is a fact that the I. A. C. AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V. K. R. V. does not have a fair number of spare RAO): (a' No, Sir. The University Grants aircrafts and in case of mechanical trouble Commission have so far released non- with any of the aircrafts there is delay and recurring grants of Rs. 3.46 lakhs for the dislocation in services ; construction of main buildings of the College and staff quarters. The Commission have (b) if so, the steps the Indian Airlines also paid a sum of Rs. I.S lakhs to the Corporation is taking to ensure that at least College for the construction and fittings of one spare aircraft is maintained at each of its Science Block. No grants has been given tbe four major airports, so that the same for purchase of land. could be used as a substitute; (b) The Management is to bear 500;. of (c) whether the Indian Airlines '«Pora- the cost of construction of the main buildings tiod proposes to work ou t such a scheme; and staff quarters. The expenditure on the and construction and fittings of the Science Block, (d, if so, the financial impllcatioJ;ls over and above the ceiling of as. I.SO 1akhs, thereof? bas alao to be borne by the Management. THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND (b) No, Sir. CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN (d) Does not arisc. SINGH) : (a, to (d). The number of aii-craft (e) Information is not available in the usually kept available as stand by Indian Ministry. The correct position, in this Airlines against mechanical trouble, dlsloca- regard, is, however, being ascertained. tion in services and other accidents are one CaraveUe, one Viscount, one F-27, one HS 748 and four DC-3 aircraft. Two DC-3's are stationed in Calcutta and one DC-3 each is based in Delhi and Bombay at standby. .1614. .n ~ ~ lfl[T In view of the limited aircraft available and ~ ~ 20 ~ 1968 iI; ~ the peraisting loss involved in keeping aircraft grounded without using them, it is not ~ ~ 9ooil; ~ if ~ considered commercially advantageous to Ii'" 'li'{it increase this pool or keep standby units at iI

;ftfu t ~ f.roft f1ro;ff!IiT ~ I!m!.T 1(:. ~ flt;l[T illTWj ~ ~~ fcn:t,ft mql if; 11ft Solar-cum-Electronic Water Heater ~ ~ lfiT il!1U ;fif ~ ~ I '!lit f.mft 'flf ·1616. SHRI B. K. DASCHOW- ~ ~ if; f<'l'll; ~ it mlfT DHURY: Will the Minister of TOURISM cit ~~ 7~ ~ ~~ ~ if; AND CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to t state: ~ ~ tTlfT ~ I ~ fm fiff" lfiT (a) whether Government have initiated ~ flt;!fT tTIfT ~~ ~~ fiff1if if; a ~ with the help of the Uni!ed VAISAKHA 19. 189J (S.fKA)

Nations that can convert the Indian monu· Shiv Sena ments into magnets of tourism ; (b) if so, the details of the scheme; °1618. DR. SUSIDLA NAYAR: and SHRI VASUDEVAN NAIR : SHRI RAMAVATAR (c) the extent of financial 'or any other SHASTRI: type of assistance expected from the United SHRI S. A. AGADI : Nations 1 SHRI KIRUTTINAN : SHRI MUHAMMAD THE MINISTER OF ~ AND SHERIFF : CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS SINGH): (a) and (b). Indian monuments be pleased to state : already constitute important attractions for tourists. For obtaining expert opinion as to (a) whether Government have a proposal how increasing numbers of tourists could be under consideration to constitute a Committee attracted to visit them, the services of an or a Commission to inquire into the anti- Expert on Cultural Tourism were obtain from national activities of Shiv Sena in Bombay UNESCO. The Export has visited major and other places ; centres of archaeological and cultura(interest (b) if not, the reasons therefor; and in the country and his report on the pro· (el whether Government have made any motion of these places as attraction for estimate in regard to the losses sufferedl tourists and on ensuring their conservation is occurred in· ease of property and life during awaited. the recent distrubances in Maharashtra and (el The question of seeking assistance the steps taken by Government in this from the United Nations will be considered regard? after the report of the Expert has been THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS studied. (SHRI Y. B. CHAVAN): (a) and (b). The Government of Maharashtra do not consider Conference or Transport aod Communi- it necessary to appoint any such Committee cations Committee or ECAFE in or Commission. Bangkok (c) According to information furnished °1617. SHRI N. R. LASKAR: Will by the State Government, property worth the Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANS- Rs. 1,19,43,365 was damaged during the dis- PORT be pleased to state: turbances in the Bombay city from February 7 to February 13, 1969. 59 persons were (al whether it is a fact that the need for killed, out of which 56 died of bullet injuries intensifying regional cooperation to ensure sustained in the police firing, 2 died due to the rapid economic growth of Asia and the stone throwing and one due to other injuries. Far-East was emphaised at the opening of 177 persons were injured in the police firing the Transport and Communications Com- and 97 were injured otherwise. 151 police mitte(of ECAFE in Bangkok; personnel were injured during the riots. (b) if so, what were the other decisions In addition to resorting to firing to arrived at the Conferenee ; and control the unruly mobs, the police arrested (el whether India also attended the said 3,278 persons as a preventive measure, and conference ? 4131 persons in cases registered in connection with the disturbances. THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- TARY AFFAIRS, AND SIDPPING AND ~ i5 m;m i5 ",it ~ TRANSPORT (SHRI RAGHU RAMAlAH): tal and (c). Yes, Sir. 01619. '1" ~ ~ ~ IIlIT (b) A statement containing the eonclu· sions reached at the 17th Session of the ~ ~ rif.:R; ~ II"lIr ~ il'6'R Transport and Communications Committee ~~ : of the ECAFE is laid on the Table of the ~ tffi ~ $1111\'- Sabha. [P.aeed in Library. SU No. LT- m;; em it, 'liT J063/69] firn ~ t ~ sr;m: q"{ smr ~ fiw.rT ~ ~

0lI1i fiI;lr r Iflrr ~ lflic;r ~ ~ ~ it; am f.mff ~ 1Irof it ~ ~~ (.r)!flIT ~ ~ ~ f'fi ~ ~ ~ 2. ~ ~ iii orR if ;ftfu IIi't mrr ~ ;tt ~ if 1Irof ~ ~ ~ "em: iATifT I ~ 10 'flfl ~ ~ 'filf ~ ;;rr ~ 3. qi't'fi ~~ it; m'f ~~ ~ mm: ~ iI'I';;rr Wffl !fit ~ (IT) ~ ~ tit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. ~ ~ ~ ~ ('f) 1Irof if ~ mY if ~ IIi't ~~ ~ rn iii ~ 'fir !flIT ~ 5. ~ ~ ~ 'fiT ~ 'fiT fir;m- a? ~ 6. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ (wt o ~ ~ f'Jf[l!Jf ~~ ~ ~ ~ fill mvr!fit mi't and (h). 61 VAISAKHA 19. 1891 (SaA)

Information in respect of penolb arrested on (b) and (e). Such a possibility cannot be suspicion of having committed an offence of a serious consideration in cominll to a espionage under the Official Secrets Act or deciston. other analogous acts is being collected and will be laid on the Table of the House. Pakistanis Working in India (c) There is no reliable information in 8980. SHRI BABURAO PATEL this regard. Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (d) Does not arise. pleased to state : (a) the number of Pakistani nationais Legislation to Protect Plot-Holders working in India on the 31st October, 1968, 8978. SHRI RAMACHANDRA VEER- occupation-wise and State-wise ; APPA : Will the Minister of HOME (b) the amount of earnings repatriated AFFAIRS be pleased to refer to the reply by them annually ; given to Unstarred Question No. 2593 on the (c) how many of them have applied for 29th November, 1968 and state : citizenship or permanent residence in India ; (a) whether any legislation has been (d) how many have acquired property in drafted to protect the interests of plot-holders India and to what extent ; where colonisation schemes are mooted ; (e) the number of boilermen from East (b) if so, the time by which a Bill is Pakistan employed in India ; and likely to be introduced in Parliament ; and (f) the reasons why these boilermen are (c) whether it is proposed to cover the preferred? cases of Greenfields and other colonisers in THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ? MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE VIDY A CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (f). MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI A statement giving the information in res- VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): 'a) to (c). pect of Pakistani nationals working on 31st The matter was considered and it has been October, 1968. in the States and ,Union held that it is not possible to have Central Territories, other tlmn the States of Bihar, Legislation enacted on an all India basis West Bengal, Nagaland and Jammu and since the subject urban development essenti- Kashmir is laid on the Table of the House. ally pertains to the State field. We are, [Placed in Library. See No. LT-106S/69]. . however, requesting the Department of Urban Information in respect of Pakistani Development to scrutinize the relevant laws nationals working in the States of Bihar, in some of the States and advise the States West Bengal, NagaIand and Jammu and on the lines on which the State laws should Kashmir is being collected and wiD be laid be modified to meet the present situation. on the Table of the House.

Cbange of Livery by Indian Airlines Construction of Coastal Highway of Gujarat State 8979. SHRI BABURAO PATEL Will the Minister of TOURISM AND 8981. SHRI S. M. SOLANKI: Will CIVIL A VIA TION be pleased to state : the Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANS- (a) whether it is a fact that the Indian PORT be pleased to state: Airlines has decided to change its livery and (a) the amount sanctioned for the com- is going to have a Hindi logo on one side pletion of the coastal highway of Gujarat and an English one on the other ; State and when it is expected to be com- (b) whether Government have considered pleted ; and the possibility of aeroplanes with Hindi logo (b) if the highway i. not under con- being stoned or set on fire in Tamil Nadu ; struction, the reasons therefor? and THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (e) if not, the reasons therefor? DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN SINGH): SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI (a) Yes. Sil'o IQBAl.. SINGH) ; (a) aDd (11). , ~ ~ MAY !I, I" Writ, •• __•

Highway in Gujarat is a State road. The THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Gujarat Government, are, therefore, pri- MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIllS (SHlU marily concerned with its development. VlDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) Tbe However, they have been pressing for Chief Executive Councillor has DOl made any Central aid for the development of a Coastal formal reference to the Government of India Highway connecting Baroda to Maliya along in the matter. A suggestion was made by the Baroda-Cambay-Bhavnasar-Veraval- Delhi Administration in 1966 that the Delhi Porbandar-Okha-Maliya route. A decision Metropolitan Council should be permitted to on this request can be taken only after discuss the statement of Estimated Receipts detailed programmes for the Fourth Plan and BlIpenditure pertaining to the Union have been finalised. Meanwhile, the Govern- Territory of Delhi before the presentation of ment of India have apptoved in May, 1968 the Union Government's Budget in Parlia- the p,oposal of the State Government for ment. the construction of a part of the Baroda- (b) The suggestion was not found feasi- Bhavnagar section of the road between ble as this would mean presentation of part Bavaliari and 8havnagar (22 miles long) and of the Annual Financial Statement to an of the debit of the expenditure estimated at authority other than the Houses of Parlla. Rs. 47.23 lakhs to the allocations made to ment before its presentation to the Parlla· the State Government from the Central Road ment and would thus constitute • breach of Fund. the privilege of the Parliament, Supreme Court'. Adyiee Reg.... iDg Telengaoa Safeguards Dellelt Badset of ConstltDeDt Colleces vi Deihl UDlrenit, 8982. SHRI V. NARASIMHA RAO: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be 8984. SHRI R. BARUA: Will the pleased to state : Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to state: (a> whether the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh has sought the opinion of (al whether it is a fact that some of the Supreme Court on the question as to the constituent colleges of the UDiversity bow to provide safeguards to the TelellJ&lla of Delhi are faced with chronic deficit people without contravenins the provisions budget; of the Constitution; and (b) whether some of such colleges are utilizing the Provident Fund of the (b) if so, the reaction of Government teachers and other employees to meet their otherwise thereto? deficit finance ; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN nm (c) whether this is true of the Delhi MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIllS cSHiu College also ; and VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA>: (a> No, (d) if so, what steps are being takeD to Sir. prewnt luch misuse of funds ? (bl Does not ari... THE MINlSTI!R OF EDUCATION Rlsbt ., MetropolltaD Coacll to dllcass AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V.K.R.V. Badget EIII ••tes RAOl: (al to (cl. The annual audited accounts for the year 1967-68 in respect of 8983. SHRI V. NARASIMHA RAO : Delhi College anb Dyal Sinsh Collose reveal Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIllS be that their financial positioD is not satis- pleased to state : factory. In case of Delhi College there is (a) whether the Chief Executive Council- also the evidence that a portion of the lor oJ Pelhi has asked the Govemment that ProvidOilt Fund has been utilised to meet the MetropolifI\D CouDcil should have the the deficit. right to discuss and change the Budget esti- (d) The University of Delhi has been mates before they are scrutinized by various impressins upon Colleges to create Endow. Ministries and approved by the Central ment Fund as required under the Ordinances Government ; and of the University and the conditions for (b) if so, thereactiQn of Qovernment in srants-in-aid by the University Grants Com- PfI'd thoI9to , miNion to these Collep, and to utiIiI9&Jat VAISAICBA 19,1"1 (Sa... ) "'rII, ...... , iDcome thereon towards meeting the deficit AND YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to oC the Coli... The Collegel have also state: been aslced by tbe University that tbe Trust. la) wbether it is a fact that one of tbe should be required to contribute towards tbe nine objectives of the National Institute of deficit cf the Colleges regularly. Education-Healtb, Education and Welfare The matter is also under consideration projects-was conducting of test. for guidance of the University Grant.)::Ommission. and identification of talented cbildron ; .' Ib) whether it is also 'a Cact tbat the, a.."etI In EI.mlnation System of Review Committee oC the National CouIIeil Deihl Unlvenlty of Educational Researcb and Trainina bas sugested that the tecbnlques of identification 8985. SHRI R. K. BIRLA: WUI tbe of talent may have to be modified so as to Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH ensure that tbe right types of candidates are 8ERVICES be pleased to state : selected under tbe Sci. Talent Seawh


" SHRI G. S. REDDI : Department or Currlc:alum aDd Eft )aatJon SHRIMATI B. RADHABAI : of N.C.E.R. T. Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUIH SERVICES be pleased to 8989. SHRI P. ANTONY REDDY: state tbe number of printed publications SHRI G. S. REDDI : brought out by tbe examination unit of tbe SHRIMATI B. RADHABAI: National Council of Educational Researcb Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND and Training before the 1st May, 1966 and YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to state: after it became an independent department? (a) IKi .. many times the Head of the THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION Department of Curriculum and Evaluation of AND YOUIH SERVICES IDR. V.K.R.V. tbe National Council of Educational RAO): The Examiuation Reform Unit is Research and Training has gone abroad dur- not yet a full·fledged and independent De- ing the last three years ; and partment of tbe National Council of Edu- ( ..) the total duration of his absence from cational Researcb and Training. It is India during the year 1968-69 ? functioning as a part of the Department of Curriculum and Evaluation since August, THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION 1966. Prior to that, Examination Reform AND YOUIH SERVICES (DR. V.K.R.V. work was initiated by the All India Council RAO>: (a> The present Department of for Secondary Education in 1958 and after Curriculum and Evaluation of the National the All India Council was wound up, this Council of Educational Research and Train- work was taken over by the Directorate of ing was set up in August, 1966. Since then, Extension Programmes for Secondary Edu- the Head of the Department has been abroad cation and finally by NCERT in 1961. The for five times for attending various interna- number of publications brought out on tional conferences in educat ion. The entire Examination Reform is 58 before 1st May, expenditure on his visits was met by the 1966, and 114 from 1st May, 1966 to-date. Conference authorities. (b) The total period of his deputation N.C.E.R.T. abroad for attending the conferences was 58 days during the period 1st January 1968 to 8988. SHRI P. ANTONY REDDY: 31st March 1969. SHRI G. S. REDDI : SHRIMATI B. RADHABAI: Foreign Exchange Allotment to Badminton Will tbe Minister of EDUCATION AlsociatloD of India for Participation in AND YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to Thomas Cup Matcb state : (a> wbether it is a fact that one Oflicer 8990. SHRI RAMAVTAR SHARMA: wbo was sent to the United States for study Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND on the expenditure borne by the National YOUIH SERVICES be pleased to state: Council of Educational Researcb and Train- (a) whether it is a fact that the All India ing had not completed the period of bond Council of Sports turned down the request before sbe was again sent to the United of Badminton Association of India for the States preparatory to resignation ; and sanction of Rs. 5000 in foreign exchange for (b) if so, tbe reasons therefor? participation of an Indian team in the Thomas Cup match against Indonesia ; THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION AND YOUIH SERVICES (DR. V.K.R.V. (b) whether it is also a fact that the RAO) : (a) and (b). There is no such case. match has to be played in India ; and Only one employee who had been trained in (c) if so, the reasons for not sactioning USA under the USAID Programme came the amount to the Badminton Association of hack, served NCERT for about two years India ? and has gone hack to USA on her "Own, to join her husband. For this purpose, she has THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE taken the leave due to her under NCERT MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ANI;) rules. The terms of the bond cxec;uted by YOUIH SERVICES (SHRI BHAKT her ~ still in force, ~ (II) No, Sir. The questiOn """,.a ~ of tile release of foreIgn exchange is still SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SURI under consideration. IQBAL SINGH): (a) to Cd). The informa- (b) Yes, Sir. tion is being collected. It will be laid on (c) In view of reply to (a) above, does the Table of the Sabha in due course. not arise. PaldstaD'. DepoJtes' Cua, at PaD ..... RegIonal Engineering College, Tfroc!drapalli 8993. SHRf BABURAO PATEL: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be plcascd 8991. SHRI S. D. SOMASUNDARAM; to state : Will the' Minister of EDUCATION AND (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to state: maintains a deportees' camp at Panbar oppo- (a) whether it is a fact that Central site Gasuapara at Garo Hills; Government have sanctioned to purchase (b) whether it is also a fact that these either a Jeep or a Station Waaon for the deportees are .-ot to India systematically in Regional Engineering College, TiruclJira- batches for the purpose of committing sabo- paui; tage in Assam ; (b) whether it is also a fact that both the (c) the number arrested so far and the Jeep and Station Wason had been pnrchased nature and amount of ammunition recovered by the Principal misauiding tbe Board of the from them; and said Institution; Cd) the steps taken by Government to (c) if the purchase is against the public chcck the inOux of these saboteurs and, if DO interest, the action taken so far aaainst the steps have been taken, the reasons there- Principal ; and for? Id) if no action baa been taken, the rca- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE sons therefor ? MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION VIDY A CRARAN SHUKLA): (a> to (d). AND YOUTH SERVICES IDR. V. K. R.V. The information is being collected and will be RAO): la) to Cd). The sanction given by laid on the Table of the House on receipt. the Central Government is for either a jeep or a station wagon and the llruc:hirapalli B T.U. Bus SerYice from Peldadpar to Regional College baa purchased only a jeep. Central Secretariat The action of the College Is in public inter- est and according to the sanction given by 8994. SHRIMATI SUSHiLA RORATGI: the Central Government. Will the Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT be pleased to state: ExpansioD of National Hipway No. !I (a) whether a representation from the residents of Village Pehladpur (BaDler), Delhi 8992. SHRI RAMCHANDRA VEER- (on Route No. 39), addressed to the Chair- APPA: Will the Minister of SHIPPING man D.T. U., baa been rec:eived by his AND TRANSPORT be pleased to state: Ministry for a D.T.U. Bus Service from (a) whether Government have any scheme hhladpur to the Central Secretariat and under consideration to expand the - National Fatehpuri ; . Hiahway No.9; (b> if so, the action taken in the matter; (b) if so, by what tim. the decision is and likely to be lakea in the matter ; (e) if DO action has bacn taken so far, (c) whether it is a fact that the number the reasons therefor and when a final decIsinn of accidents is increasing day by day on this is cspectcd ? National Highway; and (4) if so, the steps that are being taken THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- to avert such accidents ? TARY AFFAIRS, AND SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SURI RAGHU RAMAIAH): nIE DJiPUTY MINISTER 1)1 THE (a) and (b). The ptOPOSIIi for provision of DEPARTMEJolT OF PARLIAMENTARY two direc:t trips between Pehladpl1r aad AFFAIllS, AND IN TAB MINISTRY OF Central Secretariat oa route No. B-A, con- 71 MAY 9, 1969 W,Innl NrnHr. tained in the representation addressed to the (If) f'liif-fltiif ~ ~ it qor ij1Ii Chairman, Delhi Transport Committee has been examined by the Delhi Transport :a-m: ~ RqT t tT'fT ~ fWr if IlliT Undertaking. According to them, route No, ~~ 39 on its way from Pehladpur to the city touches Azadpur from where routes No. 9-B fum ~ iRt '"" ("'0 and IS operate. Both these routes connect "1IfI .)0 ~ ~ Central Secretariat with Azadpur. Since to m): (iii) (If). these two routes originate from Azadpur. the fcr

"'" ~ "' ~ ~ ;rnA IIit ~ 'Rlt ~ ~ ~ fum" ~ fit;: ~~~ (iii) 'Pn SI'Wf ;jo:ft- it IRf ~ it ~ 1I'flirliT 'I>'T ~ q,.- fom vrr fQif m 8997. '" ~ U1d: IflfI fipn ~~~~~~ crvrr ~ iRt ~ ~ ;rmit 11ft Ii'lt ~ fu9;rfur 'I>'T ~ m t ~ fit;: 5Il'Ii;rr Ifi) 1ft fit; mlf ~ ift !!iT (iii) 'Pn ~ it fClII"f4CII<'l4 ~ ~... rif if ~ ~ III1'Im: "t ~ ilio VRo Ifto ~ ('ti) ~ (IT). "",RT it; fortt 1:!'li ~ m ar.1 ~ ~ ~ '11: ~ ron 'flfT ~ I ~~ ~ ~~ ~ 'tiT iifi!lit ~ if; fu1:!, ~ ~ VTlfTlf (1964-65) i't fim'- 'f>"t 31ft!;lrr ~~ ~ !lifl'!'li ~ ~ ~ f;mr.1'lf ~ If<, 'Ilrol'Tlf ~ 'liT qrrifT ilT'fT I ~ ~ !l'il q-fm;r, f'li<1'ilr.1' ¥t 'li1 f!J'lilfw 'li1 vfl ~ ~~~ 'liT ~ fm ~ "t ~ m<:JilIT 'til' ~~~ it; ~ mr ~ mm!l' men ~ ~ 'iil"l' ~~ m6ll1'f ~ iii mll'- iii ~ ilTU ~ 1967 it ~ mll', ~~ if; ~ 'liT it ~ iifilli't fif;!l'r If!I'T f.TT I iii ru.rr it 11-13 ~~ ~ ~ ~ I crmrcr it, ~ fit; fum 1967 'tiT ~ ~ 'tiT ~ it 'fTlI'T'f i't 'Il1 fWliTfur ~ q'!lOfT 1:!'li mllfT it; m6lf1'f 'tiT ~ it; m it, mllfT ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;it ij'IJ1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'fTlIltr 'ti1 '11: it ~ if ~ ~ >IT'!' 0''Ii ~ it ~ ~ f.TT m.: m fuq;rfw """ fif; iii ~ lfTIT ~ I 31lf1'f frir ~ "t ~ 1:!lIi ~ ~~ ~~ ~ fuq;rfur 'tiT ~ rn ~ ~ ~~ ~ fll'mfirIIl 'lir !!if.t-;;rri't if; ~ it 1m qrrifT( ~ ~ fu'HT ~ it it "''lnit lIiT 'til'! ~ 'til'! rn it; fortt it ~ it; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ 'liT .'iT'!' it ;;rom iii tftoq {RTt ..rr 'tilf rn, ~ m ~ r'li ~ it; m'Clf1I' iii ~ it 'It mot' 'tiT smR: rn 0'f.TT ~ ~~~ """ 31RRr lIiT €\'6r m iii 'fTIiTTt If<, 31lf1'f fWt ~ ~ '11: mfm; itW) ~ n: m 'li

fum iii ~ it ~ <'Tf.t it; fortt ElIca,atloa Work in Koveripoompattlaam mfu!!; 1fNI1Il it ~ ~ lIlT ~ ~ ~~~ 8998. SHRI SUBRAVELU: Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTII ~ ~ ~ i't "''T1 ~ SERVICES be pleased to state: ~ it ft 1m smUf\lm ~ ~ (a) whether it ilia 1m that _fttiGa ~ .tiJuw" work has been done in Koveripoompattinam ~ if ~ 1fiT ~ ~ in Tamil Nadu ; Qm vn; (b) if so, the extent of land acquired for the purpose from the State Government and ('!r) ~ cit WI' ~ private individuals ; ~ .fiI;';f-fir;;r ~ ~ if ;ffi ~ (c) if acquired from individuals whether any compensation has been paid; and tit .n CI'm' ~ ~ ~ ... ~ lTit ; (d) the other details thereof? .m: THE DEPUTY MINISTEll IN THE (IT) ~~ ~ if 'flIpmf.i1:!lll' MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, AND ~ q trvn \R If'{ ~ ~~ ~ OfT YOUTH SERVICES (SHRIMATI JAHANARA JAIPAL SINGH): (a) Yes, ~~ ? Sir, \b) One acre of land and four smalI tmn ~ ~ WIlT """ ~ ,"e houses were acquired from private' individuals $oattolfto Ulf) ; (II\') Gf1 ~ I ~ for the purpose, ~~ ~ ~~2~ (c) Yes, Sir, compensation has been paid. 23 rioT, 1969 trII\' iff ~ if ~ (d) The land and the hollSeS were fiI;lrr If!IT I acquired at a cost of Ro. 12,535 (Rs. 3,135 for the land Rs. 9,400 for the ~ .m: (IT). ~ if ~ ~ houses, etc.) through the Land Acquisition ~ if;T ~ f

Malntainiog C. R. P. In States lim if flI'Q\ ~~ 8999. SHRI VALMIKI CHOUDHARY: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be 9(,01. ~ ~ ~ ; ~ pleased to state : III'Pi ~ ~ ~ ~ ii'IT .niT fif>' ; (a) whether the question of maintaining t he Central Reserve Police in the States was (if>') it'liT if w ~ ~ ~ discussed in the meetin& of Chief Ministers lifi Sr;mll\' 'fil' '1ft ~ ; held in Delhi in April, 1969 ; .m: (b) if so, the stand taken by the Chief ('!r) ~ ~ If'{ ~ l lifi ~ Ministers of West Benpl and of other States 'fiT1I' ~~ ~ 'fll'T ~ ~ GfT in this reprd ; and .n ~~ ~ (e) the decisions arrived at as a result of tht said discussion? ~ ~ if ~ ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE. ~~~ : (11\') ~ ~ it'Iir if ~ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI VlDYA CHARA)l SHUltLA): (a) No, fimr1 ~ ~ ~ I Sir. ('!r) sror if{il ~ I (b) and (c). Do not arise. Development of Tourist Centres In mtoft if ",Q\4NI'tit4f 'tiT ~ Mallanuhtra

9060 . ~ ; 9002. SHRI DEORAO PATIL: Will .n Uo.o ~ the Minister of TOURISM AND CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state : ~ &I", ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ifflf.t (a) whether it is a fact that Government ~ Ii'tT 'fi1:1t fit; : have some specific plan for the development (II\') IRT ;ri ~ it ~ (t it m.- of tourilt ceutre& in Maharashtra ; 71 f8 (b) if so, the details tbereof ; and ~~~~ ; (c) if not, tbe reasons therefor? (@) ~ aT 'fliT ~ smrn;r i!i'T THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND CIVIL AVIATION (Dlt. KARAN ~~~~ ; SINGH): (a) and (b). Important tourism (IT) ~ ~ aT ~~ ~ ~ ~ I schemes in Mabarashtra to be undertaken by the Gentre include the integrated develop- ('<1") ~ iI) f'fi" ~ ~~ im WJ:- India Steamship Company Ltd. Calcutta 'fTf;::a ~ I collided with a Russian Vessel "SEVERNY DONETS" at about mid-night on the 19th April, 1960 at Dardanelles off Gelibolu whilst 1m.. !tiT ~ ~ ~ ~ the vessel was under the charge of a pilot. 9005. osn ~ ~ ~ : (b) and (c). A preliminary inqutty will be held under the Merchant Shipping Act, ~ : 1958 on the vessel's arrival in lodia and the ~~~ cause of ~ collision and the extent of : damage suffered by the S.S. 'Indian Trader' osn f'I ~ ""' : will be known thereafter. .n 'I1I"fT1f m Iimt : ~~ mW\' if <'Im:) If1fT ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Ji'IT 9004. 15ft IIi\1I' Rm

~ ~ 1m fmoft If'R fOl'Pf .m ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ if ~ (0Jt1 9007. eft ~ ~ : mn ~ ~ : (iii) V (q). ~ *. ~ if it it1f ~ ~ ( I) ~ WR ~~ f;rlfiTm ~ if ijT'i (2) ~ f1I;ft- ~ Ifif!r o;rfll";rfG"crT ~ if ijT'T ~ (3)_qn;r ~~ ~~~~ WR Ifl:rT ~ ~ Ifll 3'r- wi? ~ !!fn: lIT crT ~~ ~ ~ lIT Ifi1f ~ it;;r;rcrU, 1968 ~ ~ Olfi o;ritlfi ~ 3'r- 'fliT ~ tf'{T rim. ~ ~ mlf'm'f it wR .n q;ff if ~ fif'm: ~ crcrlit '!iT ~ ~ flli : 0lf'fO flIrlfT ~ flIr ~ ~ f.rirq '!iT 1fiTli- ~ if ~ ~ 9;lf.f!ffliffilTm it; ~ (iii) ifl:rT ~ ~ ~ flIr ~ ~ ~ .n1lT1Iif'fCf flfilfT iifTlf I ~ lfll it tit 1ffir ..mrr omTT ~ ; mort smm;r """ '1'n: ~ Rr'firfur ~ 11ft I (\if) ~ ~ CIT m 'fliT ~ ~ ; ~ aq(I"'lqIOl imT IfiTlilliTU ~ ~ 'An: ~~~~ I

(q) ifl:rT ~ ~ if morT if ~ Change in the Name of Cape Comorin w.rcrr W!f ~ ~ tit·1ffir it; Sflitq ~ 9008. SHRI YAJNA DATI SHARMA: ~ ~ ~ orllTitm ? Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state : ~ tf'{T ~ ~ q;:tj\ (8) whether the proposal to change the (.,-0 ~ ~ : (iii) ;;fT, ~ "lIT«! name of "Cape Comorin" to Kanya Kumari has bean considered by the Central Govern- ~~ ~ ~ it; \[TcorT it I ment; and (b) if so, with what result and ~ ~ fQr the ~ ? •• ",rlII.. "IIIJU" VAISAltHA .'•• .,. (sa.. ) W,It, •• IbInH" 12 THE DEPUTY MINISTBR IN THE m iii ~ ~ ~ ift;r fir;m: MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRF (SHRI rom K. S. RAMASWAMY): (a) In aa:ordance ~ ; with the prescribed procedure, the proposals ('11') or ~ ~ reprding change in the names of villages, m: &t, towns, etc. are Sponsored by the State ~ ~ rof'«l' lift 6ITitIit m: ~ ~ Governments No proposal for changing the ~~ ;m: name of Cape Comorin has so far been received in theMinistry of Home Affain. ('1') 11ft ~ (iii) IIiT .rm: ifiil' if t (b) Does not arise. m~ '!'At if q;r;:rlli ~ srlffir ~ t ? fUm ~ Wan 'Plit ~ Ifto ~ ~ • "t Ih'\ lfi'\ mt ilro aRo lito m-) : (iii) 6- ('1'). ~~ ~ ~~ '""'" iIfR finn;r mw.rr 6- pm ~ ~~~ ~~ it;;;iN 9009. ~ "'" SIlfim mq,\ : ~ ~~ ~ fQT'if : ~ lift ~ ~ IfF m yrr.t IfiT .n ~~ ~ IPf : lA'm't 1 ~ ~ ~~~ !flIT 13 1968 it; ~~~ ~~ SIT-f mr 4453 it; ~ it; ~ if ~ Ifmit lift li'fT ~ flli : 90 11. .n "'" SIlfim fIn'iI' : mr ~ fWT1ff : (iii) !flIT ~ ~ om lift ...wr- .n IFfrT 11>1 mil it; ~ ;;rA ~ ~'fmIn!f ""'" ~ tr1If :: ~ it; II'rt if, nrm ~ lift lifT ~ vft, .n """ ~ ~~~~ ;m men ft1I'T '!"IIi ht 6 mr- ~ 1968 iIr ~ SIT-f ~ 3578 (19) ~ &t, eft ~ &qro;m t ; m: ~ ~ if ~ ~ "'tm m 1iI;: ('1') ~ ~ or ~ 1fiII';:rI!i ~ ~ (iii) ~ ~ ~ 'lit1l1T 6- ;rRtr1 ? ~ ~ mr ~ ~ ~ ,,-lfiN if If"it (.n ~~~ Ifill' ~~ PI): (iii) 6- ('1') • WAf ~~ ~~~~~ ~ (19) IflIT ~ ~ iIr ~ if ~~ tl IIIAlJm if ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ II>l ~ rn!!iT ~ 90 1O. .n a'\.'f SIlfim ~ : ('I') 11ft ~ eft IflfT ~ ~ if l11f ~ fiftrr1rl : .n f.Mfuf rn ~ ~ ;:rm ~~ ~ ~ .n rn : ~~~ ~ !flIT mil1'\' 811fT i'"' 611'1 ~ 13 ~ !!iT ~ ~ Qrf'il;lIPlf ~ ~ 1968 it; 'ltITufit;;:r ~ ~ f.rit f.mfur ~ ~ it; m if fiI>1fT 444() it; ;.re"{ it; ~ if .. aPt 1Ii'\ ~ \iITCI'T t ? mflli: _ ..n ~ IIf'Ift (Wlo ...10 (lfi) IflIT ~ iifflrllft SI'lliiii!lE" ilro ~ Ifto lI1I') : (iii) ~ ('1'). ~ 83 MAY 51. IIIQI 84

~ mfq;iIie 1' ii'iT ~ f'li : ~~~~~~~ ('Ii) ~~~7 wmA ~ it; ~ fcmft ~ (f ~ ... ~ 873 iii IfTfirnrFTT ~ 'liT iT'Iilf if; forI!; ij")l1T ~ ;rn'{ it; m it ~ iiI

~ ~ if ~ if IiI1i ~ ~ ~ ",4"'lf

~~~ ~~ ~ if mtl ~ (.n ('if) 'q'R (IT). ~ CRi;:r@ I flR 'lit ~~ : (Iti) ~ ~ if In'a' ~ S!1I1111 ~ ~ ~~ i!i ~ 'lit 60 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !!it I ~ U ~ &1, ~ ~ lifif @t n 2 lIi1 ~ ~ RIfT ~ t, ft;mit ~ ~ ~~ m IIIiT IIiPi' ~ ~~~~ 47 ~ ~ \lIT<'IT ~ I ~~ (If) ~ ~ U ~ .oor ~ ('IF) 'q'R (IT). ~ ~ 'm if 1964 i!i $Ih: iIR i!i ~ 1968 if ~ srfum!r' ~ ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ I ~ if; ~ mm If{ fRNr ~ f.rIl1lrn ~ ~ lliT ~ -m- li' mr ~~~ lilt ;;fraT ~ if; ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ srq"JF 'lim, ~ 9017. ~~~ Ifft ~ ~ ~~~~ "" a't1l srIfim t'In"it ; ~ Ifft sr'lit CRi ~~ ;:r@ fiI;1rr Ifqt ~ U1I ~ mrT'ff : ~ I ~ itU ~ (qitli) ;IT m w ~ ~~ it ~ 'iWtJ i!i \'mt ill'T6- ~ 'flU qQZif eI'Il a«AIti ~ ~ it f[1l'Tfft \i'f if ~ I 2~ ~~~ 5258 ~ ~ ~ m if ~ ;mit,.q Ii'fl fmfi ~ !fi1i,df(1fl • q ~ ~ (Iti) W ~ ~ IIh it ~ 9016. "" ~ ~ : U ~ 'iffl ~ ~ CflIT ~ 1968-69 ~ 9 "" sr't1l Jl'1IIiTU CII1'ft : ~ ,.q ~ if itU ~ .mr ~ pm IIiQ1' pm; : ~ srT!f ~ ~ ; sr'h: ~ ~ : "" ... ('if) itU ~~ 11ft 't ~ 5H!JTf<'llrt 'l;i ~ ~ ~ ~ i;[1'ifT ~ 1,23,907 ~ ~~ 1m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ mer fiI;lrr i;[TifT 50,000

9018. 0JfI ~ 1fA : ~ "'" ~ flitmY' ~ 1m "" III'TilfT'lf '{TaT lIim\ : ~~~ ~ ~ "" ~ ~ : : 9019. 11ft ~ ~ : '" ~ """ : 11ft ~ m lIim\ : 0JfI ~ ~ ~ : .tt ~~ ~ : ro fWIIlT ~ 1!(It> iNl ;iliff ~ 11ft ~~ ~ ~ : .(111) ~ Ii'fT ~ fiI; : "" anr tqR.f ~ : (i;f;) 'fIJI' IJi! ~~ ~ fiI; ciIDf.rifr tT'fT ro ftrlllT "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it; q(f'l'Tif ~ ~ ~ FTT ~ fi;f; : i't ~ ~ ~ ~ f\; ~ ~ it; ('Ii) ro ~ ~ ~ fi;f; ;jIDf.ri;f; tT'fT foriJ ~ i:tm"': m ~ If'IiTmcr CTifOiftit>'t ~ ~ i't ~ ~ m 'fiT m 1 ~ 1970 ~ ~ i!T ott ~ foriJ f,m ~ ~ ~ it ;;rrittrr ; ~ WlJ f.rl«f /f.r1rifur ~ ~ it ~ 'IiTtTir ~ ~ 't srtrfu' i'I"'IT ~ ~ ~ m it; m it omr ro ~ ? ~ ~ OO ~ q'flfltr it; ~ iii mlllT ~ 1m! iNl ~ if m'f ~ ~ ~ ~ fililfT trIJT ~ fiI; ~ ~ (.tt ~~ : (It» ~ ~ f.nft !f<'it it; fifiril!T !fiT IfiTli 1-1·1970 trlt> SI1mJ1IiT it; ~ ~ lI''fiTmer it>'t;;rR ~ m if;T 5Ritifi ST1«if f1t>lJT;;\1lfT ;mft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ I it; ~ rnr ~ 'f-f it; "3m: OIl _ (\if) 31-1-1969 i;fi;f; ~ ITt lf1tfif IfiT 'Iit;;mIT f I YI!T ~ mr.r ~ • ~ ~ m: ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Tit ~ ~ frt ;;;77,000 ~- lUTilm ~ «I ~ ~ ~ 'Tit "iii\' it>'t ~ ~ 2,50,000 t I ~ ~ ~ it; ~ ~ ~ ~ mm fiI;ln IIRt t i'I"'IT '3'fif 'tilft 'lit ;;rPIT t I ~ f.:rm ;J ~ lrTU ~ ~ ~ ('f) ~ iftq) if fiI;;r-flI;;r ~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ 1fT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .m: ~ RmtIT 1ffi:o !Rf.t it ~ ~ 1fT ~~ t i.m: A;lrr 11fT 'fqyflf; ~ ~ q;: m

'1T f'li ~ 'm'll<: ~~ if; ~ if q;:lf THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND ~ ~ ~ I Iff/{ if; it if 'IT'I"-I YOUTH SERVICES (SHRf BHAKT crT

consideration a proposal for makiog direct staff, purchases, contracts and sales is given recruitment of qualified Islanders in Lacca- below: dives to the cadre of Sub-Inspectors of Police (i) Rec,,,itment of Staff: Posts carvy- instead of bringing them from Kerala ; iog a basic salary of more than Rs_ SOO/-p.m. are advertised and (b) whether it is a fact that pass in a also notified to the Employment predegree examination is not considered Exchange. The Directors on the sufficient academic qualification for the Board of Directors of National selection of Sub-Inspectors in case of the Research Development Corporation Islanders belonging to the Scheduled Tribes; and prominent industrialists are also and requested to suggest suitable names. (c) if so, the reason therefor? Selections for posts whose maximum pay exceeds Rs. 575/- p.m. are made THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE on the recommendations of a Selec- MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI tion Committee constituted for the VIDY A CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) No, purpose by the Board of Directors_ Sir. In accordance with the recruitment rules For posts for which the maximum the posts of Sub-Inspectors of Police are to pay is below Rs. 575/- p.m., selec- be filled by deputation from adjacent states tions are made by the Executive or by promotion of Head ~ of the Director. As for posts whose maxi- Laccadives Administration. If these methods mum pay is more than Rs. '1tIOO/- .- fail direct recruitment is to be made. So far p.m., appointments are made with the:e has been no occasion to resort to direct the prior approval of the President recruitment of Sub-Inspectors of Police. of India. (ii) Pu,chases: All purchases are made (b) and (c). The academic qualification according to the procedure usually prescribed for direct recruitment to the posts adopted by Government depart- of Sub-Inspectors of Police is a Bachelor's ments and after obtaining quotations degeres in Arts, Science or Commerce from and tenders. Generally the lowest a recogoised University. Under the existing quotations and tenders are accepted. orders of the Government of India. for Where, however, a higher tender is direct recruitment, no relaxation of academic accepted. the rel!sons for igooring qualifications is permissible in the case of the lower quotations are recorded Scheduled Caste/Tribe candidates. by the purchasing authority i.e. the Executive Director/Secretary. National Researcb Development Corporation (iii) Cont,act.: N. R. D. C. has. not of India entered into any contract so far. (iv) Sales: Sales are effected through 9029. SHRI PREM CHAND VERMA; selling agents on commission basis. Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND The prices of the products are fixed YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to state: by the Corporation, (a) whether the National Research (c) There is no such proposal. Development Corporation of India has proper rules for staft' recruitment (for jobs carrying National Research Development Corporation more than Rs. 500 p.m.) for purchase, of India contracts and sales ; 9030. SHRI PREM CHAND VERMA; (b) if so, the details of these rules; and Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to state: (c) if not, whether there is any proposal to draft these rules and. if so, when? (a) whether at any time a general assess- ment of the working of the National THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION Research Development Corporation of India AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V. K. R. V. has been made ; RAO) : (a) and (b). No rules. as such, have (b) if so, the result thereof; .and been framed but the procedure followed by the National Research Development Corpora- (c) if not, whether Government propose tiOIl of ~ in ~ to ~ Qf ~ tbe serviQCs of Jlny expert in or4Qr ~ "rI,...... ",.,. MAY ',1!16!1 WrI,... m.-. 100 to find. out the drawbacks and to brilll about flfilff Ifln' 'IT \iR ~ ~ iii ~ t improvement in its working? ~ t lJIU1" iii it THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION n n mlil<'l" AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V. K. R. V. ~ ~ 'IT; .m: RAO) : (a) and (b). The Government has (w) ~ ~ m~~ it "fi ~ not made any general assessment of the working of the National Research Develop- IfIfT ~ IIiT t ? ment Corporation. The Board oC Directors oC the Corporation, in pursuance of a resolu- ~ ~ if ~ '"" ('1ft tion passed at the General Body Meeting ~ ~ ; ('Ii) .m: (V). ~ held on 31-12-1966. revie ..ed in 1967, the ~ ~ ~ ~~ working oC the Corporation with a view to I!ifmft IIi1 making it a more effective instrument of 30-12-1968 ~ ~ flr(. research and development and made the If:fl"( f.fiIfT Ifln' ffiflI; ~ ~ fir.tT. CoUowinl recommendations : m V1lI" forfiq ;rnr IITIfT Ifln' I ~ OR ~ (i) For professional assessment National Research Development Corporation ~ 1J1IT, milN ~ Ifln'.m: ~ may constitute Technical Advisory 0Ilf iii OIP it; ifiTm'm IIiT ~ eft Committees in specific fields and m rqion-wise : iii .m: 3(l() ~ ~ Tri'rr 1fT ~ ;r (ii) Market Survey reports or Project ~ OR mo ~ ~ ~ .jq ql" 1ft I m reports may be prepared in parti- ~ ~ ~ 6-2-1969 ..rt ~ cular cases by NRDC or by some m-r competent authority ; ~ ifTIm ~ m-r 1J1IT I (iii) Preference may be given to the ~ ~ issue of non-exclusive licences : QINl+dlf.. 4f ('1"(1 (iv) NRDC should put up pilot plants at its own cost or in collaboration 9032 . .n ~ "" ~ : with industry to take up the process ~ ~ from the laboratory stage. This .. should be done after the techno- ro ~~ ~~~ IIiT ~ economic Ceasibility is assessed ; m f.I;: (v) NRDC should provide risk capital; ~ ~ m;r;m m: ~ ~ (vi) In suitable cases NRDC may consi- ~ ~ der compensatinl entreprenuers iii m meif ;;rm;r-u it> mr apinst losses suffered by them ; ~ ~ it ~ .lIroT, q';;rR, ~ (fIfT (vii) NRDC should lay emphasis on -mll'R ~ ~ it; ~ i1Ii it living more publicity to the proces- qrfiI;m;ft ~ Iftg 1fITT1Ii'"{ ~ ses developed in National Labora- .mt tories and its activities ; .rn. ~ I(it;.m: ' (viii) BlIecutive Director may be recruited (w) ~ 'WITtil "r ntrr 15,583 t I ~ if 1t1Ii q;T6hfl' ~ ~ 'fl' ~~ ~ ~ ;Mfjlfl ifU ;:;;;j' f'li!t IfIr 1ITII';r1 1ti . tOI VAISAICRA 19. 1891 (SAKA) ","'ell A_,;, ~

~ ~ ~ ~ 0:<'1' imr ~ qqftr {lIlA ~~ it; ~ If \if m ifi' f.!if ~ 1Ti ~~ 5,328 ~ I ~ mlI Ifit ~ ~ ~ ~ f.I;?t Ifit ~ ~ ~ 9034. ~ ~ .-t ~ 'fln ~~ ~ !NT rifit'li ~ ~ ~ il'fflit ~ ~~~ lIl"ttmrnf.t>: ~~~ ~~ I ('Ii) mITlf ifIf 1967-68 ifi' mtlf ~~ ~~~ rnr ~ ~ llrit \if ;;rrit Ifit; ~~ ~ m f

(@) 25 ri... , 1968 If;) <'fr.!i ~ it freedom struggle of 1857 which was celebrat- ed in August 1957, the Government of India ~ ~ ~ 7632 it; mil' (i') it; sanctioned certain monthly allowances for ~~~ ~ life or till marriage to the descendants of ;;rTcrT ~ I persons who played an important part in the freedom struggle. A statement showing the Delay by U.p.s.C. in Tenderinll Advice particulars of the grantees is laid on the Table of the House. [Placea In LIbrary. See 9036. SHRI SHASHI BHUSHAN: No. LT-I072/69). Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleosed to state: ~.' of Assigoed Taxes 10 D.M.C. (a) whether it is a fact that a large num- 9038. SHRI YAJNA DAIT SHARMA: ber of cases referred to the Union Puhlic Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be Service Commission are unduly delayed by pleased to state : the Commission in tendering advice ; and (a) whether it is a fact that the Mayor (b) if so, the steps Government are of the Delhi Municipal Corporation has proposing to take to avoid such delays by sought his assistance in settling Municipal the Commission? claims pertaining to the assigned taxes like THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE entertainment tax and motor vehicles tax ; MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI and VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) and (b) if so, the type of help rendered in (b). In the large bulk of cases referred to the matter? U.P.S.C. for advice there is no undue delay on their part in conveying their advice. There THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE are, however, a number of cases in which the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI Commission could not communicate their VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA) : (a) and (b). advice expeditiously largely on account of The Mayor had written about the arrears of non-receipt of complete documents/particulars some assigned taxes and had suggested tbat in the first instance, lack of advance planninll tbe provision in the Revised Estimates in a in the matter of recruitment, etc. The year should take into account the realisations Commission are constantly reviewing their of the taxes of a particular year ,in the same organisation and methods of work so as to year as approximately as possible. Instruc- ensure speedy disposal of case. tions have been issued so that the final pay- ment in a year will take note of both the AlIowaoces .J'ald to Dependaots of Iat trend of collections as reflected in the Revised (}'reedom Struggle Estimates as well as adjustment of the pay- ment made in the previous year with refer- 9037. SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES : ence to the actual, for that year. Arrears of :ASHRI B. K. DAS- Motor Vehicles Tax were paid durin, the CHOWDHURY: last financia1 year. Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state : Excbaage of Delegations of ScienliRl, (a) the names of the dependants of the JOIIfDall.tI' ~ Men "Ith Mutiny veterans who continue to get com- U.S.s.R.' passionate allowance from the Government of India ; 9039. SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY : Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND (b) the amount of allowance paid to YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to atate : each of them ; and (8) whether any agreement bas been (c) the basis on which the allowance is signed between the U.S.S.R. and India paid? recently for the excbange of deleptions of Scientists, Journalists, Authors and Medical THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE men; and MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (e). (b) if so, the broad outlines of the aaree- In commemoration of the

THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION (IT) ~ ~ ~ t;;r AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V. K. R. V. RAO): (a) and (b). No, Sir. The last or.trit I!it if ? Indo·Soviet Cultural Exchange Programme for 1968·69 was signed in May, 1968, which expired on 31 ·3·1969. However, a fresh ~ ~ l'I"""" if mIf ~ (1ft programme for 1969·71 is UDder negotiation ~ ~ : ~ 26 Gf'fifU 1969 and is likely to be finalized soon. 'liT tTt I VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (c). The scales of pay attached to the posts of Amins and Karanis in the Laccadive Admi- ,istration are Rs. 8().J-85-2·95 and Rs. "Ell ~ >f _,!m ~ rtrlli "" ~~ 75-1·8S-EB-2-89 respectively. The duties of ~ f"lt ~~ ~ ~ ~ Amins and Karanis are not exactly identical rn m inasmuch as Karanis have not so far been eltrusted with the functions of Amins under "''' the L.M.A. Islands Land Revenue and Tenancy Regulation, 1965. A proposal to 9042. 1ft ~ 'Ir.1" ~~ : ro this effect is, however, under consideration ~ ~ ~ 't t'

~~ ~ if mIf ~ (11ft (@) t ~ ~ ~ ~ v.rn ~~~~~ 'lli ~ ~ ;;r

~ q . ~ 1I11f1 ;(1'" ~ ~ RighlS of LiDglliSlic Minorities in PanJab '1flf1lm: 9044. SHRI RAM GOPAL SHAL- WALE: WiJI the Minister of HOME 9043. 1:1'1' ~ ~ 111fT -n AFFAIRS be pleased to state: ~ ';i'JfT Il'i[ ~ "1ft ~ ~ fit; ~ ~ the name-boards of Government offices and Il'R mile-stonee on roads in tbat state; and if ~ ~ ~ ~ aT ~ ~ if ~ ~ RIfT ~ ~ ~ ~ "'N (c) if so, the steps taken by the Central Government to fulfil the promise made to ~ ~ if fiFlfT ;;rri'tm; the linguistic minorities ? (If) IfIl'1 Il'i[ 'liT ~ ~ fit; ~ ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE if;cr<:f WT:;rT all> i[T ~ IfIfT ~ o;m: ~ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI ~ ful!! ~ ~ IfiT ~ "fi[1 VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA); (a) In the statement made by tbe then Home Minister ~ ~~ ~ on 21st March, 1966, in ok Sabha it was stated, 1,,'''0110 tbat the legitimate rights ('fl') ~ ~ aT ~ ~ 40 STRrocr and interests of the minorities linguistic and ~ ~~ ;;rTm ij; ~~ '1N- others wiJI naturally be fully safeguarded in ;;r;tU 'I>'t ~ ij; ~ Vsfill' ~~ if IfIl'T the units. ~~ (b) and (c). Punjabi in Gurmukhi script is the sole official language of Punjab Government and is being used for all official ~ q;1ItWlf ii U;;1I' """ ~ work. The State Government have, however, ~ ~ : (;r;) ~ 1967 if decided that Hindi shall be used for corres- pondence with the Central Government and ~~ 'fTror 1- ~ ij; ~ if in Government ollices which were previously JDOStIy in English have been replaced by ~~~ Panjabi. On roads other than tbe G. T. Road, distances on mile-stones and traffic (l!!) ollfifalll U filfl!,"f 1I1mif if signs are in Punjabi. This cannot be said ~ ~ ij; ~ ~ 'l>T ~~ if to have resulted in the infringement of rights of the general public. Moreover, the safe- ~ I rot ri guards provided for linguistic minorities under the Constitution are watched by tbe I ~ (If) ilT "fi[T. lSIT'fT'f U1ft it Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities who ~ I!,'I> ~ f.I'fIl' ij; ~ if ~ submits annual reports relating to tbem which &mIT ~ ~ ~ if ~ 1Iie:tT it a'IT are placed before Parliament. The Punjab Government have also designated a Senior ~~ I OfIicer as Special 0fIicer to look after the implementation of safeguards for linguistic ('f) sw.J ~ ~ ~ I miDoritieI. 109 ""'It .. AMwer8 VAISAKIIA I'. 1"1 (SAKA) Ito TraDSport and Commaaleatloa Co_lttee

9045. SHRI CHENGALRAYA NAIDU: 9046. 141" •••~ : 'tiff ~ Will the Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT be pleased to state I IJI1i ~ ~ 0RI'f.t ;tt ~ ~ f.!; : (a) whether it is a fact that the nced for (111) 'RT ~ fl t fll1 'Ii«U, 1969 intensifying regional co-operative to ensure if ~ if ~ ~ 1J'it ~ 5qfffiQ:'f the rapid economic growth of Asia and the Far-East was emphasised at the opening of ~ m ~ ~ ~ !f;)'' for-rif the Transport and Communication Committee 1rror ~ ~ 'lIT orr <:i!l:1 orrwrr ~ 'I'Ilfur of ECAFE, in Bangkok; lI1m!T '-1', ~ 1J'it '-I' ; (b) if so, the decisions arrived at in the Conference ; and ('9) ~ ~ '1ft ~ t fll1 ~ ~~~~ vff; (c) whether India also attended the '1ft Conference ? ~ (I)') ~ 0lI'fu; f1mm<: fil;it 1J'it, THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- ~ trit, 'I14f'ttGi"lifi ~ !f;)' 0Il'tu TARY AFFAIRS, AND SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT \SHRI RAGHU RAMAIAH1: ~~~ i?t ~ ~ if'RT (a) Yes, Sir. ~ (b) The Committee noted that the con- cept of regional co-operation was now being ~ m ""11'1lf if ~ "",1 (-n fully accepted by the member countries of ~ $!;m) : (ifi) ;;iT ~ ~ I ECAFE as a basic approacb for achieving ~ \I'r.1' <=ftlf; ~ 'Idl(if'lid SWi' rapid development in the various economic if sectors. The Committee accordingly recom- ~ 9083 ~ M 1J'it '3W( 'lIT \11<: 61fT"!' mended that it might be desirable for the ~ f41ll1 ;;rrm ~ I ECAFE to designate 1969 as a year for intensifying regional co-operation so that ('9) ~ (1)'). ~ ~ ~ I countries might gear themselves fully to the achievement of the targets set for the second Shifting of NEFA Heatiqaarten United Nations Development Decade. The Committee also felt tbat as heavy investments 9047. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA : were flowing into tbe transport sector tbrouab ASHPAL SINGH: tbe various National Development Plans, ~S I VlSHWA NATHPANDEY: there is a growing need for closer coopera- HRI GEORGE FERNANDES : tion between countries in order to achieve a SHRI BAL RAJ MADHOK : proper barmonisation and co-ordination of Will the Minister of HOME AFFAQ.S the region's international transportation be pleased to state : plans. (8) wbether Government appointed a Committee sometime in the year 1968 to lID Tbe Committee further stressed tbe im- into the question of shifting the NEFA portance of a comprebensive regional trans- Headquarters from Sbillong to somewbere port survey and the need for undertaking on • priority basis special feasibility studies of else ; selected projects. Emphasising the impor- (b) if so, wbetber the Committee bas tance of multi-institution snpport for imple- since submitted its report to Government ; menting such survey programmes -the (c) if so, the recommendations made Committee endorsed tbe view that as many therein ; and aid giving organisations and agencies as (d) tbe reaction of Government thereto ? possible sbould be associated under these programmes. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI ~~ ~ ~ (all9 ~ 111 MAY 9.19119 ",'If"It ~ tt2 In the year 1967. tbe Government appointed Sir. The Special Police Establishment Divi- a Committee of Technical experts to select a sion of the Central Bureau of Investigation suitable site for the new Headquarters of reported 114 cases to the Departments con- NEFA Administr.tion within NEFA. The cerned in November, 1968 for taking discip- Committee submitted a report in December linary action against deliquent officials. 1967 and suggested tbree possible sites for (b) In accordance with the reports the purpose. viz., (i) Ban,:erdewa in Subansiri -received so far, 3 out of the 114 cases have District (NEFA), Iii) Likhabali and (iii) ended in punishment and III cases are pend- Basar in Siang District. The site at ing disposal. Likhabali has been abandoned as it faIls (c) ifUJing tbe year 1968, the Special within the territorial jurisdiction of Assam Police Establishment Division of the Central State and does not apparently meet the Bureau of Investigation reported 1246 cases requirements of a site within NEFA. The to the Departments concerned ror initiating Governament have been examining the com- disciplinary proceedings. parative costs of developing a new Headquar- ters at the new sites at Banderdewa and (d) In accordance with the reports Basar in consultation with the Meterological received so far. 185 cases have been decided. Department and the Geological Survey of Of these cases, 170 have resulted in punish- India. The Geological Survey of India ment and 15 ended in exoneration. considers that it would be hazardous to &0 in for 'brick type permanent construction at any Meeting of Mabarashlra and Mysore of these places as they botb faIl within the Cbief Ministers Convened to resolve severe seismic zone. The constructions which Border Dispute will be most suitable in this area is now noder further examination in consultation 9049. SHRI N. R. LASKAR : with' the C.P.W.D., Central Building SHRICHENGALRAYA , Research Institute and other organisations. NAIDU: The final .election of a site wi11, however, Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS depend on the recommendations of the be pleased to state : Agency Level Council which is likely to be (a) wbether it is a fact that he convened set up on 2nd Oetober, 1969. a meeting of the Maharashtra and Mysore Chief Ministers to resolve the border dispute Cas•• forwarded by C.B.I. for Departmental which has caused violent di3turbances in Action Bombay during February, 1969 ; (b) if so, the outcome of the talks ; 9048. SHRI N. R. LASKAR: and SHRI CHENGALRAYA NAIDU : (c) what steps are being taken by the Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS, Centre to solve this dispute? be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) whether it is a fact that tbe Central MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI Bureau of Investigation has forwarded 114 VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) No. cases to the Departments concerned during Sir. 1968 for taking departmental action against (b) Does not arise. the deliquent Officers on charges involving (c) Efforts to find an early solution to misconduct and corrupt practices ; this complex and delicate issue are continu- (h) if so, the action taken against them; ing. (c) the total number of cases forwarded during 1968 hy tbe C.B.I. to the departments Theft of Vebicels in Delhi concerned ; and (d) in how many cases the departments 9050. SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY : have taken action ~ Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state : THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) the number of cars, scooters motor MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHlU cycles stolen in the Union Territory of Delhi YJDYA CHAl\AN ~ (a) YCII, durinf the year }968 i . 114 """." AI/IW." VAISAIaIA 1'.1191 (SAU)

(b) the number of vehicles out of them Re-employment of Central Government since recovered ; 0IIIcen (e) the number of arrests. of individual I 9052. SHRl IYOTIRMOY BASU : or l1lil1li made separately; and Will the Mlnllter of HOME AFFAIRS be (d) the action taken aaaiDat these pleue4 to state : culprits ? (a) the number of Central Government 0fIIcen ~ for the fint time durinl' THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the last three yean; and MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRl (b) the number of retired Central VlDYA CHARAN SHUKLA) :

(c) and (d). A statement il laid on tho 9OS3. DR. SUSHILA NAYAR : SHRI K. LAKKAPPA ; Table of the House. [Placed In Library. S_e No. LT-I073/69]. SHRl A. SREEDHARAN : WiD the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUlH SERVICES be pleased to refer to BrIdie onr RIver JIra the reply Biven to Starred Question No. 434 on the 29th November; 1968 regarding Text- 9051. SHRI SRADHAKAR SUPAKAR: Will the Minister of SHIPPING AND Books Committee for Urdu and state : ' TRANSPORT be pleased to state :

(I!r) ~~ Encounter with Rebel Nagas near m Lamlong ~ ~ 9058. SHRI BAL RAJ MADHOK: ~ ~ 1!1II'1ii WIff •• (.-ro 80 itio Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state : ,",,0 lito m) : (iii) aft' ~ I (a) whether a sang of Nags hostiles (I!r) ~~~~ ~ '11fT equipped with automatic weapons, made a surprise attack on a patrol party of the ~ I ~ ~ 'PII I tiiIia """ Border Security Force near Larulong in Teng- LT-I074/69] noupal sub-division of Manipur bordering Upper Burma on the 12th Jaouary, 1969 ; Demand for Change of GoYa.n (b) if so, the details of the incident ; and 9OS7. SHRI B. K. DAS- (c) tho. steps taken in the matter ? CHOWDHURY: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE SHRI R. BARUA : MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRI N. R. LASKA& : VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (c). SHRI CHENGALRAYA OD tho 12th January, 1969, the security NAIDU: forces had ao encounter with Nags hostiles Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS near Burma border in Tengnoupal sub-divi- be pleased to state : sion of Manipur. There was ao exchange of fire and the hostiles escaped across the border. (a) tbe policy of Governmont in regard Two guns and one rille were recovered by the 'to accepting any demand by State Govern- secnrity forces. Constant vigilaoce to curb ments for change of Governors ; the activity of the hostiles is heing main- (b) whether the Chief Ministers are tained. consulted before the appointment of the Governors ; and

(c) the names of the States wbleh have 9669 . .n 'T·o ~ 'flIT tmn asked the Centre for the ~ of Gover- .0 : nors ? "''!.W ~ 1I''lfi Il'i[ ~ 'Il1 'li'tT ;i{iT fiI;: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI (!fi) IfIrT ~~ wA 'I"'RfOIf it W VIDY A CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) Under fit; 1 ~ 1969 iF ~ ~ it the Constitution Governors are appointed by tbe President and subject to the Presidnt's Wl>Tm- ~ ~ it ~ ~ pleasures, hold office for a period offive years. ~ ~ ~ 'Il1 lfdm;r ~ The Constitution does not confer any right it 'Ifmf;:r m 'Il1 ~ 'Il1IWrT !fir on the State Governments in the matlcr of appointment or withdrawal of GovernoR. m;:r f!fi1IT 'if ~ ~ +rT ~ 'if f!fi The question of any policy being adopted by ~ ~ qromrcr ~ if the Central Go_t to deal with deoaJds made by the State Governments for obaJqJt ~~~~~~ ~ !fiT of Governors, therefore, does not arise. ~ ~ 1ft ~ l«ffir ~ ~ j m: (b) As an extra-constftutional convention (l!J) ~ ft:vrnf it wm m iF fi:rit the Cbief Minister of the-Sta.. concerped is informally consulted before appointing any ~ !fiT IfIrT ~ !filif !fiT f'l".m: ~ ? individual as Governor of the State. m.n ~~ ~ q.,n ~ ,"0 (c) The Government of West Bengalliad "0 ~ ~ : (!fi) I m"i, 1969 asked for the change of Go_,. No ;ffl ~ f.. ""f.. tll\'IIl it,

~~~ ~ (., If'IT 'Il "1ft " ~ fit; ~ q-{t. fi' ~ ~ If'IT ~ IIiT ~ ~~~~ ~ ra;;q;f "1ft lIW ~ ~ !fiT ~ ; .m: ~~~~~~ ('f) '1ft ~ '\' '\' 'i!1fuif iii ~ ~ II>'\' ~ ;r@ futi;rfuT, ~ 'fll'llf,:q'l" ~ ~ ~ u ~~~~~ ~ ~ f.. ~ it, ~ 1Ift- 1fi't mft ~ CR"l'&n if m iii ~ 'ifl'fuRr ~ ~ Gil'l1ft I ~ '"1 ~ ~ l'il"mT t at ~ if;;itlj' tri· ~ it ~ ~ ~ il) ~ 'I>i' ~ ~ o..f'fi:!ri\' ~ (t f"," ... ~~~ mit ~~ ~ 00 t ~ ~~ it ~ f.. lt" f.. 'l 1", ...1 !fiT l!illr ~ I t;;ft1r if; m ,,,'; ... If<

(iii) 'flfT 'Il " ~ 1lI;" ~ "' 9061. "" m. ~ ~ If'IT ~~~~~ _ ft1TT ~ i1n 1PJft 'Il iI'a'R 'I>i' ~~~ FIT m fit;: ~~ ; (.,) If'IT 'Il " t Ill; 1925 it '1""". bi

Scientific aad Industrial Research eatabliabed '" ~ ~ it ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ a field centre of the Central Public Health trmrr iF Engineerina Research Institute at Bhopal in mrr.n I!1t lPr ~ -tl' vft I the year 1964 aad that this field centre baa (_) If4T lrW '1ft" ~ fit; ~ lPr been doina useful work .nd has been of anat help to solve some of the problema of ~ tr.J1f, f"II.. llccli<'l4 ~~ Madhya Pradesh ; ~ ~ ~~ ~ mf<:" (b) whether it is also a fact that tbe ~ ~ ~ ~ Central Government is saina to close down f.i1rWr iF mit Ii>'l' lit 11ft this field centre thereby causins tbe Madhya lPr I!rr ~ ~ iF tifi!r lfiT1i Pradesh Government to face several problema pertainins to river pollution, water aad ~ mit f.I;qy Gil ~ ~ t; sewase treatment etc. ; ~ ~ &1, m ~ II'IfT ~ , IC) whether it is a fact that if the fiild centre is expanded suitably it would be able (f'IT 4llPr ~ I!1t i4T'Rf;:r ~ ~ to help not only Madhya Pradesh but alIO ~~ the adjoinins States ; aad . (d) if so, the steps taken by GOvemmeDt ~ (lnO ~ mn", Wi4l1P'1i in this direction ? ~ aNo ~ ~~ ~ (iii) llif). THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION "Ifror ~ R;-I!; biro ~ ~ (f'IT AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V. K. R. V. RAO): la) A field Centre was establiab· ~ ~ ~~ iF aft;{ cd in 1961 at Bhopal. ~ 1925 if ~ I1;IIi ~ iF (b) The Executive Council of the lnsti- ~ f"lI",f"'lliI<'l4 i\ ~ ~ tute recollUlltlllded that the field Centre.i ~ ~ ~ iF ~ iii Bhopal be c10aed because (i) there _ not enoUlh work-load to justify expendituJe; fi;ro; ~ 1930 if ~ ~ ~ if aad (li) work in Madhya Pradesh area could 94 ~ lPr Ijif ~~ ~ 'IT I be convoniently baadlcd by mobile field units ~~~~~ ~ sent out from the main Institute .t Nqpur as and when necessary. f"lI",f"'lliI<'l1f 1m lPr q;r ~ 'IiiOIT The Madhya Pradeab Government have m 1958-59 if fi;rl:rr Iflrr 'IT I ~ written to the CSlR aaainat the closure of the Centre. The matter is beins re-coDIider. 'Pi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (f'IT it lPr tt cd by the Eucutive Council. ri;nfurl iii ifiITi-(f I!rr f.i1rWr ~ fi;rl:rr (e) It is Dotconsidcred dcairable to ~ Ijif ~ ~ t lPr tifi!r SI1Il;;pff expand the field Centre at Bhopal. Public it; fi;ro; 1ft' fiAT ij(J ~ t I Health Encineerins is a multi-clilciplinary ~ OPiTrn ~ (f'IT ~ ""' aubject and needs expert and supportiq tec1mica1 staff. AIl the varieties of staff _- ~ ~ fi4i1i4f"'CiI<'l4 'I'1ft {j'lji DOt be poated at a field Centre aad heace mt lPr Ijij' ~ it; ~ iii f.rlt n- major problems involvins COIIIicIabIe ~ if UIIv{ ~ ~ ftT I i!iT rea.rch have to be tackIed.t the -m m t lPr Institute .t Naspur. The scope of field mrr.n I!1t ff: m;f Ijif nor illY ~ Centrea is _tia1Iy limited aad their upaa- .nfiI; ~ ~ I!1tt 'lf1Rm: ~ ;rtY lion would unduly dnplicate the flcilitiee .vailable .t the main Institute. ~ . . (d) DOes DOt'arlse. Cotral PIIbJle Health ~ a-eb Road CoMtndIoD ~ ~ IIIIt1tate 10 MadIIya PrHIIII ·Pradesb 9062. SHRI G. C. DIXIT: Will the 9063. SHRI O. C. DIXIT: Will 0. MiDiater of EDUCATION AND YOUTH Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT SERVICES be pleased to state : be pleased to stall! : (.) wbltber it iI • fllllt that CouadI of (.1 ..... it ...· fIIIlt o.t ...... 0. last 13' years siDc:e the new State of Madhya Will the Minister of SHIPPING AND ·Pradesh was formed, there has been a total TRANSPORT be pleased to state: investment of Rs. 31.18 crores only on the (a) whether any efforts have been made road construction programme .'i:. an invest- to secure modem merchant vessels for India's ment of &s. 72 lakhs per district which is trade; very low ; and (b) if so, the details thereof; and (b) if so, the reaction of Government (c) when they are likely to be available? thereto? THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE TAR'V.AFFAIRS, AND SHIPPING AND DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY TRANSPORT (SHRI RAGHU RAMAIAH): AFFAIRS, AND IN THE MINISTRY OF (a) to (c). Yes, Sir. During the three years SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI after the expiry of the Third Plan period, 35 IQBAL SINGH): (a) and (b). The requi- new and modern ships totalling 4.99 lakhs site information is being collected from the GRT have been added to the Indian mer- 'State Go_oment and will be laid on the chant fleet. In addition, 35 new ships of Tl!ble of the Sabha in due course. about 6.21 lakhs GRT were firmly on order as on 31.3.69. These are expected to be delivered between 1969 and 1972. DeauuId of Fuds by Madhya Prada Govtl'lllllent fOl" Ea.omJc: Development Upadbayaya Murder Enquiry of Daeolt-Infested areas of Madhya Pradesh 9066. SHRI D. C. SHARMA: SHRI HARDAYAL DEVGUN: ~ SHlU G. C. DIXIT: Will the SHRI RANJIT SINGH : MipiaWr of SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT SHRI BENI SHANKER !JQ plealod to state : SHARMA: (a) whether it is a fact that in the dacoit- Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS Infested· areas of Madhya Pradesh, the roads be pleased to state: _ of special importance for the anti-dacoity (a) whether the investigations into the ~ and for raising the economic murder of Shri Deen Dayal Upadhayaya have conditions of these areas ; been completed ; (b) whether the Government of Madhya (b) if so, with what result; and Pradesh have demanded special funds outside the State Plan for the above purposes; (c) if not, the reasons for the delay? and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (e) if so, tile 1'IIIICtion of Government MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI ~ VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) Yes, Sir. nul DEPU"IY MINISTER IN THE (b) A charge-sheet was submitted on DEl'OTMBNT OF PARLIAMENTARY May 4, 1968 in the Court of Add itional AliiADIS, AoND IN mE MINISTRY OF District Magistrate (Judicial), Varanasi, who IIIHH!ftN6 AND TRANSlIOIt.T (SHIU committed the case on August 6, 1968 to the ~ SINGH): (II) Yea, Sir. Court of sessions. (b) Mo, Sir. (c) Does not arise. (e) QQC8 DIlt ar.iJe. Stabbing of Students In Delbi MereUnt Veael. fOl" M"1InI 1Ddia'. 9067. SHRI RANJIT SINGH: Trade SARI D. C. SHARMA: 9065. SHRI BENI SHANKER SHRI HARDAYAL DEVGUN: SHRIBENI SHANKER SHARMA: SHIllIJ). C. SHARMA : SHARMA: SHItIl RANJlT SINGH: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS SHRI HARDA¥AL J!)SVG\JN : be pleased to state : 'ft' i/" ~ (a), wbetber tbe anauaJ conference of the 12, "rl/lell ,f"."." VAISAKHA 19. 1191 (S,fl:,f) W,ltta ...."e" 126 Delhi Region Students' Congress was disturb- taking action to have the matter placed be- ed when some miscreants stabbed one student fore the Committee of Chief Secretaries for and manhandled another at the Vithalbhai their consideration and making approprilite Patel House. New Delhi on the 2nd March, recommendations to the Government of 1969 ; India. (b) whether any inquiries have made into the incident; and .-'lIotment of Sbops at Palam Airport wifIIout ID'l'ft11lg 1'ellders (c) if so, the outcome thereof and the action taken in the matter? 9069. SHRI D. C. SHARMA: SHRI HARDAYAL DEVGUN: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE SARI RANJIT SINGH: MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRI BAL RAJ MADHOK : VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (c). SHRI BENI SHANKER According to information received from the SHARMA: Delhi Administration, a meeting of the Delhi Will the Minister of TOURISM AND Region Students' Congress. which was being CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state: held in Vithalbhai Patel House, New Delhi,

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Gberao of Ca Iwtta port Trust OIIiciall MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (c). 9070. SHRI D. N. PATODIA: Will the Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANS- Out of a total of 57 Departmenls involv- PORT be pleased to state : ed in the process 0 f reorganisation,· final allocation orders have been issued in regard (a) whether it is a fact that some officers 53 Departments. Orders of final allocation of the Calcutta Port Trust were 'praoed' of staff of one more Department will issue and were assaulted by the unruly mob ; and shortly. (b) whether the Port Trust received In regard to the remaininll three Depart- timely police assistance to deal with ~ ~~ the State OOV\lrnlllents ~ ~ ~ 1 - 127 MAY 9,1969 128 .. THE MINISTER OF PARUAMEN- it; m if ~ ~ SffiITiI' !fiT mmr ro t TARY AFFAIRS, AND SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI RAGHU RAMAIAH): 'ifr ~ ~ ~ iFs::"tlf ~ '!iT f1I-.rr la) Yea. t; Ib) Facts are beinll ascertained from the State Government. ~~~ ~ mT ro ~ fiR GTA !fiT flrrim t ; Depart_ent to Look Arter MIBorities' Iaterella (If) ro ~ ~ it ~ ~ if ~~~~ 9071. SHRI ONKAR LAL BERWA : SHRI DEVEN SEN : (If) ~ ~ eft ~ ~ if iFs:: it Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS ro ~ fi!;?n t ? be pleased to state : (a) whether in pursuance of tbe deli- ftrIR1 ~ ~ ~ (wro ~ beratioJlS of the National Intearation Council Il... at Srinqar durilll June, 1968, there is any ~ 'U'T): (iii) m: (liT). ~ 1967 proposal under Government's consideration if Ulill ~ it f"q"f"aiiitll ~ to let up a separate Department at the Centre to safeauard the interests of minorities ~ ~ 11ff'fflT f"q"f"aiiit ... Ii>"t ~ and advise the States also to let up similar IIiT SffiITiI' mt 'IT I f.t;m ST'm it; ~ departments ; and . ~ ~ ~ it I qrrnlf it smn"t ~ Ib) if so, the details of the proposal and when it'is to be implemented ? ~~~~~~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE it ~ "" ~ 'R ~~ f.l;lrr m: If& MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI ~ f.l;lrr flli 'f(.t UIill ~ !fiT ~ VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) and (b). The Sub-Committee of the National Inteara- srtta' ~ ~ • I ~ q-Ift '1ft linn Council on Communalism constituted in mm tl ~~~ pnrsuance of the recommendations of the ~ Committee on Communal Aspects, as adopted bY the National Integration Council, decided (If);il', ~ at its first meetilll held in New Delhi on MaJch 21, 1969 that it would take up amolll (If) ~~~ I other thinp : (i) A careful examination of the • ""' PI ~ .1 IfUIRTWf if ~~ aenuine, legitimate and deep seated ~~ ~ arievanccs of minorities especially .r "'I!. if in respect of dircrimination in em- ployment etc. 9073. 11ft ~ QR: !fliT ~ (ii) The desirability and feasibility of ~~~~ havilla a Commissioner for Mino- rities with functions ana\oJlOUS to (lIi) ~~ ~ til; mw. ~ that of an Ombudsman, or of havilla ~~~~ I!iT 35 any other suitable machinery, to look into the arievances of the "" trifi !!TTl! if ~ <::r ;;mft t ; minorities and to sUlIFSt measures ~ ~ for redressiII8 them_ (liT) ro " ""t

Department bas been asked to review the ~~~ ~ cases. In so far as tbe case of tbe employee of the Ministry's Secretariat is concerned, it ~~ is under review in consultation witb the Delhi Administration. (\!f) ~ ~ m~ ~ rn ~ ; ('T) W ~ l\' mq;r Telepbones at tbe Residences of Officers w it :m.r- of Delbi Administntion fl!f(f ~~ ~ fq;m: ~ t ; 9076. SHRI NIHAL SINGH: Will ~~~~ if ~ tbe Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased lit rn fiR!j1f ~ ~ ; to state: m (a) tbe number of class ITI officers of ~ ~ f.l

'f'IT ~ trqJ ~ "' ~ ~ ('I") ~ ('1") ...... mt f'lllT'tlo it; iti&- ~ -tt FIT 'l' ~ ~ ~ on ~ ('I") m ~ oT ~ 'flIT 'Iiro!J &; it; ~ ~ 'fliffi!; ~ @ ~~ ~ if fttrn ~ I (,) "'IT II&: "& fi!; ~ ~ mmrlIl it; ~ 'lit lfi ;;rf.t cmft mft fi!;;;J, mft ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ 'll'\'f"'" ~ ~ ~~~ ~ m 'liT ~ fcr'ifmtWr & 1 ('if) m ~ oT ~ ~ fim'mrT- <'f7it it; ~ it; Ift'if ~ ;rorit it; 'flIT 'Iiro!J ~ ; m 9079. '" ~ ~ : 'flIT ~ ita;r 'fA" a'fl mil it; ~ if fmn "'IT ~ Iffi II&: iICIf.t ;tT FIT W ~ 'lit ~~ mfi!;: ~ ~ 'flIT ~ ~ fi!; ~ flIlrrft'o,

tmn CY'IT ~ ~ q1ft (.-ro Iftoitio ~ on:: QTit '1Tii1T ~ " ~ ~ m-) : ('Ii) ~ 1963 'liT ~ rnr fiI;trr qmrr ~ mrrm 'liT ({Ilfl'fiT m 'l' ~~ tro iii ~ ~~~ ('I") m ~ oT ~ If( ~ iiI+ift ~~~ ~ &1 ~ trIfi ~ ~ flt;if Iilf.t it; 'flIT ~ It>'l' ~ f.rW;rn qfu iii ~ 1fi"m!T ~ fimfcr1mrtr ~ ~ ~ m mrrm ('1") ~ feRn: ~ ~ 1!iT f.t;mr ~ flfmrr ~ I ~ ~ iIiT fimr.t 'liT ti q'R MAY 9, l!i69

(1') ~ ~~ ~ iiflIi seetion 4 of Indian Police Act, 1888, the m-allf m Police force of one State cannot exercise the ~~~~~~~~ ? powers and jurisdiction in any area within anotber State not being a Railway area, ~ l:;r'' iii aT!;n<: State Governments under section 4 of tbe ~ m~ ~ I ~~ 'l>T ~ ~ Police Act, 1888, a Gazette notiHcation dated qfu iii ~ ~~ ~ 9th JIIJIUJry, 19S9 was issued for general information that tbe Government of every ~ ~ ~ ~ VJlittr 'Il1 fq;mr State to which the Act extended has con- tirofffT ~ I "fi[T !F@ ~ i[T. ~ sented to the exercise, within tbe State ~ "liT ~ mIT, If;rr<11f iITU ~ concerned by the Police force of every other State, of the powers and jurisdication \jffffT ~ 1 conferred by section 3 of tbe said Act. A .copy of the notification is laid on Table of ~ (50). "fT ==!i['T 1 1964-65 (Ilf) fit;"A, the House. [Placed in Library. See No. ~ 1966-67 0'1> it; mr==r Rlr ~ Hat'==! LT-I07S!69] ~~~~ ~~ Creatln of All India Senires all' m "liT SIQ.f f1f;nutiFf ~ 1 areT ~ fiI; ~ mit 'Il1 ~ ~~ rorr 9081. SHRI P. VISWAMBHRAN: Will ;;n1\'m I' 1967-68 ~ 1968-69 ~ the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased iii to state : Rlr ~ ~ iii ~ 'for, fif

Cd) The additiooal financial burden on ~~ the State Governments on this account is not likely to be considerable. The State Govern- ~ ments bave been informed that the Govern- (iii) ~ 'q'flil'"nf'{ll"f mr crTlfi- ment of India would be willing to consider extending assista1lCe towards the expenditure fi;lIlfi artq 'IT,-iIT'{;tt ;mft involved consequent on the constitution of ~ new All India Services when the exact financial implications become known. The (iv) I!;lfi ~ ~ ITt ~ mriIi State Governments had also been requested to mT ~ ~ ~ ;;r;r if brina this aspect before t he Finance ~~ '1'1: Commission. «'if ;tt IllITfccr ~ ~ #Aif '1'1:, ~ ~ ~ ;rIa ~ erT For« lIiT ~ ~ f ~ IJ\M ;tt '1fm fifimft 'IiW 9082. eft ~ Wr.:I' hqT : ~ ~ (IT) ~ (,.). 1!;111 ~ ~... '1'1: iflrT ~ ~ ~ iRlR ;tt ii'IT '.rT ITlIT ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ A; : tfiP ~ LT-1076!69] (111) iflrT ~ " ~ ~ 17 IfT'ii 1969 Ifi't m ~ eft ~ qhr ij; ;pf.r ~ Arrest of Pak Spiel iD Haryaaa 15,000 m ij; WIf ij; ~ ",'rtf ~ 9083. SHRI ONKAR LAL BERWA : qit it; SHRI CHANDRIKA PRASAD: SHill P. L. BARUPAL : ('11') ~ ~ m ~ ~ Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS ~ if ~ II1\' !fe.mti Ifi't '{'fiR ij; r.rl!; be pleased to state : ~ mr iflrT ~ ;tt ~ ~ (a) whether Government had any infor- mation regarding the six Pakistani spies (IT) ITO I!;II1 cri if m ~ ij; ;fm:i'f arrested at Mandi Dabwali District Disaar if ",'rtf ;tt mAl' ~~ ~ (Haryana) as published in Hindi daily news- gi ; paper 'Punjab Kesr;' English daily 'Tribune' (iii') m ~ ~~ it q1 m, rrrvi ~ if THE MINISTER OF STATE. IN THE 1967 1!;'Il-1'!;'Ii ~ ~ it MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHIU ~ lIi"t ~ '" ;rT '{fer- VlDYA CH,uAN SHUKLA): (a)IO·(fl- 139 MAY ~ 1969 W,lne".4_. 140

Accordins to information furnished by the SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI G,wemment of Haryana, three persons, and IQBAL SINGH) : YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V.K.R.V. iffif.t Ifi't : RAO) ; (a) Yes, Sir. ~ ~ if;Tlf ~ if; ~ I! (b) A list of proposed programmes sub- ~ 1968 if; ~ WT'A" ~ mitted by the Youth Organizations is laid on the Table of the House. [Placed in Library. 1/12/67 ~~ (i;f1) if; ~ if; See No. LT-I077/69]. These proposals will ~ m ~ it;;T'1[ m 'l'f1..- be screened and a rew selected programmes ~ ~ i;l'IT ~~ ~ will be recommended to UNESCO for assistance. :orrfiflif if; ~ ~~ 'flil' q"( 15 ~ 1969 ~ f.I;it 'lit ~ 'ifrnnrr if; Low Rate of Loading at MormllllBo Port ~ m: ~ 'Flt'ITftlfTIIIT ~ 9085. SHRI MUHAMMAD SHERIFF: ~ ~ m:1 f'!iit 'lit ~ 11 vide adequate shed space for facilitating ~ 1968 if; ~ ~ quicker loading and uoloadins of cargoes at mr the said Port ? 1/12167 ~ (m) it; ~ ~ f

(0) the reaction of Government in this regard?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Nigbt Navigation at Kaodla Port MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA) (a) No, 9087. SHRI MUHAMMAD SHERIFF: Sir. Will the Minister of SHIPPING AND (b) and (c). Do not arise. TRANSPORT be rleased to state : (a) whether it is a fact that for want of Sopply of Indian Art Pieces to U.S. Museum lights and transit shore beacons, night navi- gation is not possible at the Kandla Port and 9089. SHRI D. N. PATODIA: Will that Port capacity is wasted and shipowners the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH are put to considerable loss ; and SERVICES be pleased to state: (b) if so, the steps being taken in the (a) whether it is a fact that the U.S. matter? Museum is acquiring Indian art pieces ; (b) if so, whether the supply of the art THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE pieces is beiog affected tbrough any Govern- DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY mental agencies and, if so, the terms of the AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINISTRY OF supply; SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI (c) if the supply is being arranged thmugh IQBAL SINGH): (a) and (b). The ships private ageocies, the names of agencies wbich arriving at night at the Pilot Station of Kandla ba ve been authorised to make the supply ; Port have to wait for daylight high water due and to the absence of night navigation. As a part (d) tbe steps taken by Government to of the scheme for the introduction of night ensure that pieces of historic importance are navigational facilities at KandIa, two pairs of oot exported under the above scheme? navigational lights for shore based transit beacons have been procured. The installa- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE tion of beacons and the transit lights has MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND already been taken in hand. YOUTH SERVICES (SHRIMATI JAHA- A proposal for the procurement of one NARA JAIPAL SINGH) : (a) Yes. Sir. more pair of lights for additional transit (b) National Museum have an exchange beacons is also under examination. With scheme with some foreign Museums. the procurement and installation of this pair (c) No, Sir. of light, night navigation will be introduced at Kandla. (d) Rare and unique pieces of art are not exported, except for those pieces of which Alleged Interfereoce io Ibe Workiog of National Museum have several other speci- mens and which are exchanged with such DelbJ Admioistratioo objects as are repuired to build up the 9088. SHRI B. K. DAS- collection of Western Art in tbe NatioaaI CHOWDHURY: Museum. The scheme has been initiated in SHR! V. NARASIMHA RAO : order to build up a Western Art Gallery SHRI RAM AVTAR SHARMA: since it is oot possible to acquire these Western Art specimens from the open market Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS 00 account of their rarity and fabulous be pleased to state : prices involviog foreign exchange. (a) whether the Executive Council..,f the Delhi Administration lodged strong protest Rocket Researcb and Space Eogineeriog with the Home Minister against the alleged Post-Graduate Studies in1erference in the day·to-day working of the various Departtnents by the Central Minis- 9090. SHR! KARTIK ORAON: Will tries ; the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH (b) if so, the reasons which induce tbe SERVICES be pleased to state the amount Ministries to intcdere ; and proposed to be provided in the Fourth Five~ ".""...... Year Plan for the Rocket Research and Space these extremists are curbed and public safety. Engineering Post-Graduate Studies in the lives of public servants and the rule of law country and the amount proposed to be given are not endangered. to the various Institutes engaged on this work during 1969-70 ? Report of enquiry intn Accident ]nvoh'- ing Viscount Aircraft on Calculla- THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION GaubaU Route AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V. K. R. V. RAO): No specific funds have been 9092. SHRI D. C. SHARMA: Will allocated in the Fourth Five Year Plan of the ~ of TOURISM AND CIVIL Technical Education for Rocket Research AVIATION be pleased to state: and Post-graduate Studies in Space Engineer- (a) whether the enquiry, which was being ing. Only two institutions are engaged in conducted by an Assistant Director General this field. One of the institutions is being of Civil Aviation into the Februa'y S, 1969 supported by the Defence Ministry and the incident which a Viscount on the Calcutta- amount of grant proposed to be given by that m Gauhati route was involved, has been com- Ministry during 1969-70 is about Rs. 7.97 pleted ; lakbs. As for tbe other institution, the amount of grant to be given in 1969·\0 will (b) if so, what are his findings; and be determined after the estimates of the pro- (c) the action proposed to be taken in ject have been approved. This grant will be the matter? provided out of the lumpsum provision made for post-graduate courses in engineer- THB MINISTER OF TOURISM AND ing in the Technical Education Plan. CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN SINGH): (a) to (c). On the 4th February, 1969 (not on Action against Newspapers Supporting Sth February), a Gauhati bound Indian Air- Activities lines Viscount VT-DIG was involved in an incident in which all its four engines stopped 9091. SHRI GADILINGANA GOWD : in succession. The pilot relighted tbern and Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be returoed to Dum Dum safely. The incident pleased to state : is being investig. ted by an Indian Airline Board of Enquiry. Its report is still (a) wbether it is a fact that recently cer- awaited. tain newspapers have come out supporting Naxalite activities in the country ; Chief Mini.ten' Cooference 00 Ceotre- (b) if so. the names of these' newspapers State Relations and tbe action proposed to be taken against them for their anti-national activities ; 9093. SHRI BENI SHANKER (c) wbether Goveroment proposes to SHARMA : Will the Minister of HOME launch planned coordinated drive in the AFFAIRS be pleased to state : State against sucb anti-national activities; (a) whether a suggestion has been made and to bold talks on Centre-State ties and to '(d) if so, the details tbereof? call a Conference of Chief Ministers of States on the subject; THB MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) if so, tbe steps taken in the matter; MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI and VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) and (c) tbe outcome thereof? (b)_ A statement based on tbe information, received from State Governments is laid on THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE tbe Table of the House. [Placed in Library. MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI See No. LT-I078/69j. VIDY A CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (c). (c) and (d). The Central Government The question of Centre-State relations came are closely watching the situation created by up for consideration at the last meeting of the activities of extremists in different parts the Standing Committee of the National of the coUDtry and are in touch with the Intergration Council. The Prime Minister State Governments. All possible steps are indicated at the meeting that the question bcin& 1abn to ensure that the activities of could be discuased by the Committee on the ..5 Wrl"." A"".. " VAISAKHA 19,1891 (SAKA) 146

basis of some working papers. It was also (e) if not, whether Goveroment wonld indicated that the Government were awaiting enquire from the Executive Director of the the report of the Adminjstrative Refonns Mission about the manner of utilisation of Commission on Centre-State relations. The the whole amount of the money? Commission have been requested to expedite their report. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI Blindness Among Drivers K. S. RAMASWAMY): (a) to (e). Facts are being ascertained from the Maoipur 9094. DR. KARNI SINGH: Will Administration. the Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANS· PORT be pleased to state: Ualon Territories' I.A.S/I.P.S. Cadres (a) whether it is a fact that a samle survey taken by the Indian Medical Science 9096. SHRI M. MEGHACHANDRA: Institute, New Delhi, has shown that the Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be percentage of bus drivers, who are colour pleased to state: blind. is very high and they are therefore, a (a) the number of Officers of the Union hazard on the road as they go through the Territories promoted to the Union Territories' red light due to physically weak visibility ; I.A.S./I.P.S. Cadres so far and their number and and service, Territory·wise : (b) whether Government have proposals (b) whether the promotions were granted to have eyes of all drivers carefully tested ? after due consideration of all the eligible officers of all the Union Territories ; THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN' (e) if so, oul of how many eligible TARY AFFAIRS, AND SHIPPING AND Officers,"the promotions were granted ; TRANSPORT (SHRI ROGHURAMAIAH) : (a) The National Society for the Prevention (d) whether any relaxation of rules was of Blindness, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for made in the aforesaid grant of promotions Ophthalmic Sciences, AII·India Institute of and in the inclusion of the eligible Officers ; Medical Sciences, New Delhi conducted an and Ophthalmic Survey of 1,286 drivers of the (e) whether the promotions are proposed Delhi Transport Undertaking. This study to be granted once a year and, if so, when r revealed that 35 drivers colour blind and 617 had defective vision. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) The matter is under the consideration MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI of the Delhi Administration. VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (e). A statement is laid on the Table of the Actlrities of Iado-Sarma Pioneer Mission House. [Placed in Library. See No. LT- of America 1079/69].

9095. SHRI M. MEGHACHANDRA: AccIdents Among Circus MlilIles Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state : 9097. SHRI UMANAm : SHRI A. K. GOPALAN : (a) whether Government have tDade an SHRI P. GOPALAN : enquiry into the activities of the Indo·Bonna SHRI K. M. ABRAHAM: Pioneer Mission of America in the disturbed hill areas of Manipur specially in the Chura· Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND chandpur area during the last two to three YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to state : years; (a) the total number of Circus companies (b) if so, the findings of the enquiry ; in India; (e) the total amount of money invested (b) the total number of artistes working by the said Mission and how the money was in Circus in India ; pumped into this region ; (cl whether it is a fact that the accidents (d) whether Government have looked into among the circus artistes are very low : the manner of utilisation of the money ; and I'llcJ (d) the IlUlDber of accidents Chat ~ tq 147 MAY 9,.1IS """. "-. .48 the notice of Government during the last ed Caste community have been transferred three yean? out of Haryana recently ; (b) whether it is also a fact that the mE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Chief Minister. Haryana had rebuked one of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND YOUTH the said Officers by casting aspersion on his SERVICES (SHRI BHAKT DARSHAN) : community, as the latter had refused to with- According to the information furnished by draw a criminal case ; the Indian Circus Federation, the position is as under : (c) whether it is also a fact that the said Officer had informed the ~ of (a) 200 Approximately. Police, Haryana of this episode in writin&. (b) 10,000 Approximately. and tr so, what arc the contents of the said (c) Yes, Sir. communication; (II) No accident has been reported to (d) whether the above action of the the Government but the Federation has now Chief Minister violated Article 17 of the reported tbe Government that, according to Constitution and Section 7(1) (e) of the the information available with them, there Untouchability (Offences) Act, 1955 ; and was one fatal accident. Report about any (e) if 80, the action Government have other accident is not available with them. taken or propose to take in the matter ?

Playiag of Natioaal Aathem ia Ciaema THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Houses in Jammo aad Kashmir MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI VlDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) The 9098. SHRI BHARAT SINGH CHAU- information furniShed by the Government of HAN: Will the Minister of HOME Haryana is given below : AFFAIRS be pleased to state: One Superintendent of Police belonging (a) whether it is a fact that the National to Scheduled Caste community has been sent Anthem is not played in the Cinema houses on deputation to the Government of India. at the close of each show in the State of Another Superintendent of Police belonsins Jammu and Kashmir; and to Scheduled Caste community has been dc- (b) if so, the reasons therefor? puled for Senior Officer's Course at National Police Academy, Mount Abu. mE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI (b) No. Sir. K. S. RAMASWAMY): (a) No, Sir. (C) One officer has addressed a letler to (b) Does not arise. the Inspector General of Police, Haryana, but has not made any a1leption about as- persions on his community in that letter. Trans'er of Superintenden" of Police oat of Hariyaaa (d) No, Sir. (e) Does not arise. 9099. SHRI SURAJ BHAN: SHRI B. K. DAS- Prohibiting ('.overameat Employees from CHOWDHURY: asiDl IaOaeace to leek Employmeat 10 SHRI YAJNA DUTT Commercial FIr_ for their IOU SHARMA: SHRI OM PRAKASH TY AGl ; 9100. SHRI D. N. PATODIA: Will SHRI RAM SWARUP the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleued VlDYARml: to state: SHRl RAMJI RAM: (a) whether it is a fact that the Service SHRI JAMNA I.AL : Rules of the Central Government employees SHRI DEVEN SEN : have been amended so as to prohibit the Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS employees from using their influence for the be pleased to state : employment of their sons in commercial (a) whether two Superintendents of firms ; 1'01iQ: of aar)'ana ~ in ~ 8eheliul- (b) if so, ~ the ~ pfOvisiqllt. VAJSAICHA 19, 1191 (SAKAl .,0

could be made applicable to Ministers as moved in the Assembly during the Budget well; and Session?

(c) whether a suitable Icgislatiun is pro- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE posed to be introduced to achieve the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI objective? VlDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) and (b). The Manipur Legislative Assembly have THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE passed the following four Bills seeking to MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI increase the aIIowanOcs of Manisters, Speaker, VlDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) Yes, Deputy Speaker, M. L. As. of Manipur and Sir. Chairman of the Manipur Legislative Assem- (b) and (c). The question of enacting bly Standing Committee ; legislation for making a similar provision for (i) The Manipur Ministers (Salaries Ministers has not been considered so far. and Allowances) Amendment Bill, 1969. Creation of All India Senlees (Ii) The Manipur Legislative Assembly Speaker and Deputy Speaker 9101. SHRI D. N. PATODIA : (Salaries and Allowances) Amend- SHR1 D. C. SHARMA: ment Bill, 1969. Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS (iii) The Manipur Legislative Assembly be pleased to state : Members (Salaries and Allowances) (a) whether it is a fact that Government Amendment Bill, 1969. bave taken a decision not to create any more (iv) The Manipur Legislative Assembly All India Services ; and Standing Committte (Chairman's (b) If so, tbe circumstances leading to Salary and Allowances and Removal this decision ? of Disqualification) Amendment BilI,1969. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) and (e). In September, 1966, the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI Manipur Legislative Assembly passed a VlDYA CHARAN SNUKLA): (a) and (b). resolution to the effect that full-lledged Government have taken a decision not to Statehood be granted to Manipur. No reso- take steps for the present to create the lution has been passed hy the Manipur Indian Agricultural Service and the Indian Assembly in its last Budget session. Educational Service. The circumstances (d) Government do not propose any leading to this decision are contained in the change in the status of this Union Territory. reply given to the Unstarred Question No. 7706 on the 25th April, 1969. AII-Iadl. Cooference of Political Parties on Centre-State Relations Bills Pused by Manlpar Assembly 9103. SHRI V. NARASIMHA RAO : 9102. SHRI M. MEGHACHANDRA: DR. RANEN SEN: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state : Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state : (a) whether the Legislative Assembly, Manipur have passed 4 Bills during the (a) whether it is a fact that suggestions have been made by several State Government Budget Session as reported in 'the Patriot of the 29th March, 1969 ; and political parties for the amendments of the Constitution with a view to modify the (b) if so, the nature of the Bills; structure of Centre-State relations ; (c) whether the Assembly also passed a (b) if so, what are the broad lines of ressolntion for Statehood and for ending the the various proposals; and present status of the Union Territory ; (c) whether it is proposed to convene an (d) if so, the reaction of Government All-India Conference of various political ttereto ; and parties to evolve a consensus on future e) if the reply to part (c) above be in Centre-State relations and amend the Consti- the neptiw, wbcther any resolution was tution accor4ingly ~ 151

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE this sphere in Rajasthan, U. P., Punjab, MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI Haryana and Gujarat at the beginning and VIDYA CHARAN SHULKA) : (a) and (b). end of the third plan is indicated in the The subject of Centre-State relations is being statement laid on the Table of the House. currently debated in various forums and also rPlaced in Library. See No. LT-1080/69]. by political parties. While there has been a (c) Rajasthan, like other States, has general demand for a review of Centre-State been making progress. relations, Government's attention has not been drawn to any spedfic amendments for (d) This subject is the concern of the altering the scheme of Centre-State relations State Governments and they are being envisaged in the Constitution. The Central continuously urged to fulfill the requirement Government have not received any formal of Article 45 of the Constitution as early as f;Ommunication from the State Governments possible. in tbis behalf. (c) The question of Centre-State relations Bridge Across the RanD for National came up for consideration at the last meeting Hlp.. ay No. SA of the Standing Committee of the National 9105. SHRI SRIRA] MEGHRAJn Integtation Council. The Prime Minister DHRANGADHRA: Will the Minister of indicated at the meeting that the question SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT be pleased could be discussed by the Committee on the to state: basis of some working papers. It was also indicated that the Government were awaiting (a) whether the bridge accoss the Rann the report of the Administrative Reforms for National Highway No. SA was scheduled Commission on Centre State Relations. The to be opened in January, 1969; Commission have been requested to expedite (b) if so, whether the work has been their report. completed ; (c) whether it is a fact that the appro- Female Education in India aches are still unfinished ; and 9104. SHRI D. N. PATODIA: Will (d) if so, the details of various factors the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH contributing to the delay in completion of SERVICES be pleased to state: the work? (al the percentage of female education THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE with Central Assistance in different States in DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY the country towards the beginning of the AFFAIRS, AND IN THE MINISTRY OF Third Fhe Year Plan particularly for Rajas- SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI than, UP., Punjab, Haryana and Gujarat ; IQBAL SINGH) : (a) No such date was (b) how the percentage has grown during fixed for formal opening of the bridge. the Third Plan period ; (b) Yes, Sir. The work on the bridge (c) whether the progress made in proper has been completed. • Rajasthan is satisfactory ; and (c) and (d). The apProaches to the bridge (d) if not, the steps the Ceatral Govern- had already been made traffic-worthy and the ment propose to take to improve the same opened to traffic since the 3rd April, situation? 1969. The only items of work still remain- ing to be done on the approaches are (i) the THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION provision of i" bitumin carpet on a length of AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V. K. R. V. 5600 ft. on the north approach and (ii) the RAO) : (a) and (b). In the Second Plan pitching to a portion of the side slopes on there was a scheme under which Central the south approach. These items of work assistance of 75% of expenditure involved are not likely to binder the free flow of for promotion of girls education was given. traffic on the bridge and its approaches. During the Third Plan this scheme was There has been some delay in the completion transferred to the State Sector. There are of the approaches to the bridge due to no separate figures of progress in girls difficult and peculiar site conditions, construc- education made out of the Central assistance. tion on aaIine soil and other unforeseen However, the progress in enrolu!llnt IIUIde ill tcIIlImil;al dillil;ultiea in the Rllln ..... VAISADA 19. 1191 (SAKA)

Muslims In Rajasthan HoWiag Doable Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH Citizcnship of India and Pakistan SERVICES be pleased to state : (a) the names of the applicants (with 9106. SHRI MAHANT DIGVIJAI their academic qualifications) who had applied NATH: for the Award of the Overseas Scholarship for SHRI MRITYUNJAY PRASAD; Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and other Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS Backward Classes in the years 196.5-66 to be pleased to state: 1968-69 ; and (a) whether it is a fact that Pir Syed Ali (b) the names of those who were select- Sikandar Shah Pir Pagari of Pakistan has ed for the award in each category? sent a message to the Muslims residing in the Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan to come THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION to Pakistan and cast their votes in the AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V. K. R. V. Presidential election : RAO) : (a);and (b). Information is giw:n in the'; statements laid on the Table of tile (h) if so, the number of Muslims migrat- HouSe. [Placed ill Library. See No. LT- ed till now; 1081/69]. (c) whether it is also a fact that the Muslims residing in the said district are Award of Passage Grant to Overseas Studetats holding both the Indian aDd Pakistani of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes citizenship ; and Backwards Classes (d) if so, the number of such Muslims ; and 9108. SHRI SJDDAYYA: Will the (e) the steps which the Government of Minisrer of EDUCATION AND YOUTH India are taking against such persons who SERVICES be pleased to state : are holding both the citizenships ? (a) the names of the applicants (with their academic qualifications) who had applied THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE for the award of Passage grant earmarked MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and VJDYA CHARAN SHUKLA) : (a) Accord- other Backward Classes in the years 1965-66 ing to information furnished hy the State to 1968·69 ; and Government there were rumours that Pir Pagaro had sent such a message to his follo- (b) the names of those who were selected wen in Jaisalmer District. in each category in the above years and tbe amount spent for them ? (b) Four families consisting of 64 persons have migrated to Pakistan in March, 1968, THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION but it is not possible to say whether they AND YOUTH SERVICES (DIt. V. K. R. V. have gone over to Pakistan in response to RAO): (a) and (b). Information is given in the message of Pir Pagaro. the statements laid on the Table of the House. [Placed ill Library. See No. LT- (c) and (d). Government have no infor- 1082/69J. mation whether these migrants also hold Pakistani citizenship. Assistaabe for Prwmoti... 01 Edacadoa $(11\'1', noted that the Council is an advisory body 1969 _ "IJR qrq; ~ ~ ~ and not a grant-giving hody; as such no funds were placed at the disposal of the iF ~~ ~ if ~ ~~ ~ Couucil for being spent on the promotion of ~ (iti'(\'I' it ~ 'fi"t education among women. Expansion of education among girls, as among boys, is the '

Indians Holding Faculty Poaltions (iii) The Union' Public Service Com- Abroad mission and most of the State Public Service Commissions have 9111. SHRI R. K. SINHA; Will the agreed to treat Indian scientists and Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH technologists 1;iwhose particulars SERVICES be pleased to statc : appear in National Register as (a) tbe number of Indians bolding Facu- 'Personal Contact' candidates for lty positions in foreign countries. country- all posts advertised by tbem. The wise; Union Public Service Commission (b) the causes for their taking up jobs have also made arrangements for abroad; and interviewing Indian scientists and technologists abroad for_posts _in (c) tbe steps taken to persuade them to India. return to India ? (iv) Maintenance of a Special Section THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION of tbe National Register of Scienti- AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V.K. R. V. fic and Tecbnical Personnel for RAO): (a) According to tbe information enrolment of Indian scientists and compiled by the Council of Scientific and technologists abroad and for the Industrial Researcb, 1435 Indians were re- circulation of tbeir names to all ported to be holding faculty positions in Ministries, Departments of the foreign countries at tbe beginning of 1967. Government of India, State Govern- Their country-wise distribution was : ments, Union and State Public Service Commissions, Universities, (i) U.S. A. 920 Public Sector Industries and large (ii) Canada 171 private sector establisbments. The (iii) U.K. 135 names of such personnel are pub- (ivl Australia 43 Iisbed in tbe monthly Technical (v) New Zealand 5 Manpower Bulletin (C.S.I.R.) whicb is distributed free to about 3000 (vi) Malta organisations allover India. (vii) Commonwealth (v) Provision for payment of travel countries of lIIant to scientists, wbo, on their Africa 100 selection for appointment in re- (viii) Commonwealth search institutions in India, under- countries of take to serve those institutions for Asia. 60 a minimum period of three Years. (b) This is a complex matter. Many C.R.P. Regional Headquarter at causes seem to operate including better job DurgapDl' opportunities and work facilities. 9112. SHRI R. K. SINHA: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to (c) A Statement is attached. state: Statement (a) wbether Government have decided to set up a regional beadquarter at DurgaPDl' Tbe following steps bave been taken to for the Central Reserve Police and other facilitate return of scientific and technical Central Forces ; personnel to India : (i) Creation of a Scientists' Pool to (b) wbetber it is also a fact that the provide for temporary placement of West Bengal Government have agreed to the well-qualified Indian scientists and proposal ; and technologists returning from abroad. (c) wbetber similar regional headquar- (ii) Creation of supernumerary posts in ters would be set up in otber parts also ? opproved scientific institutions to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE whicb temporary appointments can MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI be made quickly from among tbe VIDY A CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) Yes, scientists workinll and studYina Sir. A battalion centre of the ,Central Reo 'pawqv S\lrvo Police is being set up in ~ ~ MAY 9. 1969 160

(b) A battalion-centre of the Central (c) the places where the same would be Reserve Police can be set up in any part of set up or whether any of the existing Uni- the country in Centre Government accom- versities are proposed to be converted into modation. Central ones ? (c) Yes, Sir. Some battalion Centres THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION have already been set up. AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V.K.R.V. RAO): (a) There are at present five Uni- Pak lofiltratlon in West Bengal versities, including the Jawaharlal Nehru University at New Delhi, which have been 9113. SHRI R. K. SINHA: Will the estahlished by the Acts of Central Legis- Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to lature. state : (b) and (c). A proposal of the Govern- (a) whether it is a fact that following the ment of Mysore for conversion of the Ban- recent disturbances in East Pakistan, a large galore University into a Central University number of Pakistanies are infiltrating into is under consideration of the Government: India across the West Bengal border ; and (b) if so, the steps taken to prevent such National Highways in Ultar Pradesh infiltration? 9116. SHRI VISHWA NATH PAN- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEY: Will the Minister of SHIPPING MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI AND TRANSPORT be pleased to state: VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) No, Sir. (a) the number, length and area of Na- tional Highways in Uttar Pradesh in com- (b) Does not arise. parison to other States ; Autonomous Telengana State "Itbin (b) the amount spent by the Centre on Andbra Pradesh National Highways in Uttar Pradesh ; (c) whether it is a fact that Central 9114. SHRI R. K. SINHA: Will the assistance is not made available for new Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to construction and repairs of National High- state: ways in Uttar Pradesh according to the (a) whether the Telengana leaders have needs of the State due to which Grand submitted any proposal for a federal type of Trunk Road in Uttar Pradesh is not in aood administration in Andhra Pradesh with an condition and other roads are also in more autonomous Telengana State within Andhra or less similar conditions ; Pradesh ; and (d) if so, the steps proposed to be taken (b) if so, Government's reaction there- by Government to improve their condition ; to? and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (e) if no steps are contemplated, the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI reasons therefor ? VlDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) No THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Sir. DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY (b) Does not arise. AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI Centl'ally Ad.inlatercd Unl,erlitlea IQBAL SINGH): (a) A statement giving the information in respect of number and 9115. SHRI R. K. SINHA: Will the length of National Highway in the country Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH is laid on the Table of the House. [Placed SERVICES be pleased to state; in Library. See No. LT-I083/69]. Uttar Pradesh has 1.28 miles of National Highway (a) the number of Centrally administer- per 100 sq. miles of area against the all India ed Universities in the country at present ; average of 1.18 miles per 100 sq. miles. (b) the proposals, if any, to establish (b) An amount of Rs. 793.64 lills was more such Universities in the nClll' future; spent on the construction and development 1!14 !If National H4hways in Uttar Pradesh ~ VAlSAICIIA 19, 1I!I1 (S"K", Wrln•• ,,_. 162

the five-year period commencing from lst cently sought some fringe benefits for them- April 1969. A further sum of Rs. 328.51 selves; and lakhs was spent on their maintenance and (b) if so, the details thereof? repairs during the same period. The collec- tion of information for the earlier period will THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE involve labour and time which will not be MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI commensurate with the results. VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) No, (c) to (e). Funds are provided for the Sir. construction and repairs of National High- (b) Does not arise. ways in Uttar Pradesh according to the needs but within the available financial resources: and every effort is made to maintain portion ~ ;!fIR ('fill smr) i ~ ~ of G. T. Road as are parts of National High- ~~ way, as well as other National Hiahways in proper condition of repair. Subject to 9119 . .n ~ ~ ~ : IflfT availability of funds, it is proposed to carry out a progralllme of improvements as neces- fum 'f1IT ~ rn ~ lfl!: ~ '1>1' fi'fl sary to the National Hi&hways in U. P., as m fi!;: in other States. (lt1) if!fT lfl!: " t fi!; ~ ifIll: Iadian Council of Social Science ~~~ ~ Research ~~~~~ 9117. SHRI VISHWA NATH ~~ PANDEY: SHRI TULSIDAS DASAPPA : ('If) ~ &t, m~ ilffiT if!fT ~ ? Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to state: """ a"n ltq ~ ~ if ~ (a) whether it is a fact that Government ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : have decided to establish an autonomous (lt1) ~ (@). 'fill m ~ ~ ~ organisation called the Indian Council of ~ ~ Social Science Research to promote funda- 24 'IrofU, 1969 !!iT ifIll: it; mental and applied research in Social f.r1' f"I' ~ if mrrroif, (e) An outlay of Rs. 1.50 crores has been proposed in the Fourth Five Year ~ ~ ~ Ilft!;lif ~ ;;IT1' ~ ~ 9118. SHRI JYOTmMOY BASU: .m .rrm Will tho Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be ~~ pleased to state : ('If) ~ it ~ ~

(IT) ~ ,", ;f1IT qm ~ ~ ana. &r/iI/II\I _til ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ territory iD ~ ~~~~ v\\Ige qf ";fripura OD the niJht ¢ 2Jij} ~ ~ ~ ~ it «,,.)qfu ~ IWIJ1ber, 1968 aIUI I:PlJ1IIlittcd dal:qity ; ~ (b) if 10, the detail. of the iRCideDt and ? tbe extont of loot and pluDder carried away ~~ ~ if ~... (... ~ by them; and ~ ~ : (If) 1961 ttfI' ~ (el the reaction 01 Oovemmmt thereto? ~~~~~ ~ OJ' STATE IN TIU! wll(tYf ~ ..nf1!ffl ~~ ~ ~ ~ OF flQME AJ'FAIRS (SfiRI VJPYA Cl{!.RAN SllUKLA): (al ~ ~ ~ ViT :- Sir. (b) 011 the Jli&ht ~ the 27tb I\I\d fllm: (mcrru, ~ ~~ ~ 28tb ~ 1!1(j8, Pall: ~ $I'[lK-'rT 'lit ~ ~ iRf1lIT ~ .b.out 26 I!fwed with o;ICI!dly WCIj- pops ~ into tbe viUge ltlIdbaDqllr IT"!fT ~ ~ crv:rr it u!l,ller ~ S\,!!.Jj.OD JUsbAlprb of 'fripw. «'tier it WlI' ~ ~ --- and committed dacoity. Tbey ~ away ---- 9,61,793. ~ A the field of choice for promotion ports ? through selection by the Departmental Pro- THE MINISTRY OF PARLIAMEN- motion Committee laid down by the Ministry TARY AFFAIRS, AND SHIPPING AND of Home AII'airs : TRANSPORT (SHRI RAGHU RAMAIAH): (h) whether this is uniformly followed (a) to (d). The President of the All India by all Ministries and Departments ; Port and Dock Workers Federation issued a (c) whether three times the number of press statement alleging that the master of officers to be selected is not the sufficient s, s. "Amelia" refused to hoist the Indian field of choice to avoid favouritism and National Flag and after hoisting it under frustration ; and compUlsion from dock workers refused to (d) if so, how Government propose to haul it down at sunset on llnd March. 1969 be fair to all those who are affected by large- untill threatened by workers to boywtt the ship. scale super sessions ? The only report received by the Police THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE authorities was' that a National Flag in a MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI torn condition was llying on tho •. s. VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (8) and "Amelia" on 22nd March, 1969 at 6.30 p.m., (b). Save as provided for in the rules/regula- after sunset. On this the Police authorities tions of any particular Service under the made immediate enquiries. It was revealed Central Government, the field of choice, that the National Flag was not ftying at the according to the instructions of the Home time the Police officer went to the ship after Ministry should, wherever possible, extend to lunsent. Investigation also showed that S or 6 times the number of vacancies expected while lowering the lIag the rope got stuck within a year. The Ministries/Departments and the flag was sliahtly tom. The tom flag are generally expected to follow these instruc- was neatly folded and packed away by the tions except in cases in which any deviation Master, who also made immediate arrange- therefrom is considered necessary. ments to purcbase a new lIag and hoisted it (c> and (d). Three times the nnmber of in the mominS of the 23rd March, 1969. vacancies i, not generally cOD6idered to be a sufficiently wide field of choice for purpose of Grade I Oflic:erse Placed in Selection appointments by selection. Supersessions are Grade of Central Secretariat inherent in selections which are based on Serviee merit. No question of favouritism is involv- 9130. SHRI MOHAN SWARUP: ed either in ~ the field of choice or in Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be making selections. pleased to state : Appointment of Ollicor. to Selection (a) the period of service in Grade I of Grade of the Central Secretariat the Central Secretariat Service of three Service ofllcers who have been placed at the top of 9129. SURI MOHAN SWARUP : Will the panel for the selection grade of the the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased service ; to state: (b) ~ is a fact that two of them (a) whether a panel of Ollicers for were_confirmed in Grade I in 1966 only; appointment to the selection grade of the (c) whether these two had rendered only Central Secretariat Service was declared 9 or 10 years service and senior Officers with recently; more than 12 years service were ignored ; (b) if so, the number of Officers placed (d) if so, the special qualifications of on the panel ; these two officers meriting supersession of (c) the number of Ofllcers considered for "150 and more Officers in the list : the selection ; (e) whether they had worked with any (d) whether it is fact that junior Officers member of the Selection Board previously; were placed on the top superseding 150 or and more 0fIicers in the seniority list ; (f) if so, whether Government propose (e) what are the other Services controlled to set aside the wrong done and, if not, the by his Ministry in which so many superses- reasons therefor 1 sions have occurred during the last three THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE years; and MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI (f) what is the incentive to Officers who VIDY A CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) Bet- have been stagnating for more than five years ween 91 years and 13 years. at their maximum and have briliant record of service ? Ib) Yes, Sir. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (e) and (d). As per provisions of the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SURI C. S. S. Rules, 1962 and C. S. S. (Promo- VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) Yes, tion to Grade I and Selection Grade) Rep- Sir. lations, 1964, the selection for iDclusion in (b) 39. the Select List for long-term appointment to (e) 200. the Selection Grade of the C.S.S. is to be (d) and (e). Appointments to the Selec- made purely on merit. The two oflicers tion Grade of the C.S.S. as well as to corres- referred to were adjudged by the Selection ponding grade in AIl India Services and Committee as possessing better merit as other Central Services Class I, controlled by compared to others in the field. the Ministry of Home Affairs are made on (e) None of them ha. worked as under the basis of merit. Therefore, those with Secretary with auy of the Members of the better merit stand better chances of selection Selection Board which finalised a select list for such appointments. iasued on 24-2-69. If) In the case of Central Secretariat (f) Does not arise. Service, those who have been drawing the maximum of the pay-scale of Grade I of the Roa"" in Dacoit-Infeated Areas or C.S.S. for more than five years and are WestBenpl brilliant, will in the normal course get select- ed for long' term appointment to the Selection 9131. SHRI JUGAL MONDAL: Will Grade of the Service. They are also eligible the Minister of SHIPPING AND TRANS· for deputation to ex"cadre posts with denefit PORT be pleased to state: of deputation allowance, whenever they la) the amount allocated by lhe Central satisfy the Nquirementa of thOle posts. Government of We&t BeDpl for c;onstructiDa iti road!! ia the dacxlit.iafeeled area or !be State of a University may Illso be ex- durin(tlti(year ; 8IId plored. (bnhe amount allocated durina the l88t (iU) New Universities should be estab- two yeIB and the miIIBae or roads ClIIIIIlrUct- lished where the existing uni veni- od with this assistaaee ad the IIMIIII or the ties CaDnot cope with the increased pIac:aconnected by such roads? number of students aDd, on acade- mic and administrative rrounds, it THE DEPUTY MINISTER. IN THE is considered necessary to establish DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY ,a new University. AFFAIRS, AND IN THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI (b) Go"fmll!leDt of India have approved IQBAL SINGH): (a) to (b). No amount the eitablisbment of the foHowing Universi- ~ beeD aUotted to the OoverllDlelit of ties : west Bmlgal Cor the COUstructiOD of road. in (i) Kumaon University at Nainital the daeoit iDfested-area or that State. (U. P.). (i1) Calicut University, Calicut (Kerala) Crlterla:!for CreetIea II' of Uai-.ll1 (iii) Maharashtra Agricultural University (Temporary Office at Bombay). 9132. SHRI HEM RAJ; Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH (c) The following proposals sponsored SERVICES be; pleased to state : by State Governments/Union Territories (a):the diBereat criteria which have heeD were not approved for the reasons indicated set for_ the:creatiOD of a University; IJIIIiDIt each : (b) :the: number and D8D1C8 of the Uoi- (il Hilll4cha/ Pradesh University versities for which SllllCtion has beeD given (Himachal Pradesh). durlna 1968 an(l969 ; aDd It was felt that the proposal to set (c) the names of the States or Union up a separate University for Hima- Territories whose cases have _n' rejected chal Pradesh may be taken up after ad the're8IODS ~ ? the Centre of Post-graduate studies at Simla had made some pro- THE MINIBTEIl OF EDUCATION gress. AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V.K..R.V. MO): (a) to (e), A statemeot is attach- (iiJ Awad ..h Pratop Singh University ed. at Rewa (Madhya Pradesh)

Statement The proposal was not approved in view of the fact that the State had (a) TIIe'broad ~ lilies Cdr CODIicler- already a number of Universities lag the I8taIIlillllmefat or DeW U1ItYenittes whose staDdards of teaching and _: reaearch required to be strengthened. _ (i) CoDSideri_ the paucity of resources (The University Inm since been set at tlie Centre aDd in tlie States, up). aDd aI'ao the Deed for utilization of (iii) Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jam- II'VIIfI'aMe NIIOIIftiI!I, OIiIiiOIMatioD nagar lGujarat). 81Id imprewmmt of ~ UiIttettri- ties ...".. ee\IlMisIIIId if will be The University had been set up by ne;euary to aclo\ft .. rl!tItI'feti'I>e the Government of Gujarat, without apprOllCh. prior consultation with the Govern- (ii) The requirements of im:reased ment of India. When this came to facilitlCll for post'-p'84uare studies tbe notice of the U. G. C., the should' lit mef to the extent possi- State Government was informed ble by ItreJI&tbeDiq the Ilcpart- that it would not be in the interest ments of the existiDB Univeraities of education and prorress in medi- aDd establisbfna new Departments cine, including Ayurveda, to encour- where oecesaary. Tbe possibility age ayurvedic subject as a separate ~~~ dlIIcipliDe in isolation with lIIl>dern cnbet'PMlM':. wttIIIa dW'JilllIdt:tb:I medIcbIe IUId aJIled· sd4!llces. IU

(Iv) Conversion of Ravenslulw ~ (b) !hi to... amHIIt daI up&o date frolll Cuttack into residential University' him; The State Government's proposal (c) whether ~ are aware that was not approved on ~ llftluud a blacklisted firm is holdins Interest In th. that it would not be advisable at affain of the contract ; and this stage to go in for a University (d) whether enqvil"ies are proposed to be at Cottack and that it would be made In this connection? beneficial for the institution to be given a measure of autonomy, U THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND envisaged in the report of the Edu- CIVIL AVIATION (DR. ICARAN SINGH) : cation Commission (1964-66). (a) Tile CoIItnII:Jer of Aero4romeI, DIIIbi Resion, has taken action for -..y of I. A. Flights from Deihl to Madras lad Go_t 4uos, in his Qlllll4ity as f$&te Bombay to Coehln. 0fIla:r under PLiblic PreQIiaes (Evil:l,io.n of UnlallthQli* OccIiPaDla) Act, 1958, aa 9133. SHRI MANGALATHUMA- amended in 1968. The pesition of the ~ DAM: Will the Minister of TOURISM is as under: AND CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state: Period covered Position (a) whether it is a fact that from the U.67 to 31.7.67 TIle cawrer has filed new Indian Airlines Corporation Time Table 1.1.61110 .4.61 appeall in tt.. Oil- effective from the 15th April, 1969 it is fouud 1.5.68 to 30.6.68 trict Court and ob- that there is no provision for an extra daily 1.1:68 to 38.9.68 tlliMd stay cmIen. f1isht from Delhi to Madras direct ; and TIM cues II1II ..-I. (b) if so, whether any step is beina ~ ing. to assess the traffic need for a second fligbt 1.8.67 to 31.12.67 The caterer has filed a from Delhi to Madras and Bombay to Co- writ petition In the chin? Delhi Hiah Court challenains tile vali- THE MINISTER OF TOua.lSM AND dity of Section 7 of CIVIL A VIAnON (DR. KARAN SINGH): the aforesaid Act. (a) 10 the summer schedule of the IlIdian The Hish Court has Airlines only one Caravelle service each bet- directed the caterer ween Delhi Madras and Madras-Delhi .... to pay the amouut been provided, as in the past, as this siD.(le due on his own service each way has been observed to be sho,.,m,. 1be ~ quite sufficient for the traffic. has made ~ pay- (b) An assessment of the ilia beca ment of RI. 17.-. made and it is found that the traftlc at pre- The writ petition is sent does not justify the provision 0' a ~ second fligbt between Delhi and Meclral. Similarly the traffic does not justify the: pro- 1.IOM .. U.n." ActiAD ilin ~ vision of additional f1ishts from Bombay to 1.l.j9 • ll.l. 6Q. ~~ ~ Cochin. IIIIdcr tI1e afor-.141 ~ Recovery of Ou.. from Caterer at (b) The tQtaI dues outstllJldins for the Palsm Alrpert period ~ 3)')-W. __ .. RI. 2.63"..» ~ jalll CQDSidera- 9134. SHRI RAJDEO SINGH: Will ..w"l tion a cheque of RI. 17,500/- towards _ the Minister of TOURISM AND CIVIL ...... ~ ~ ~ A VIAnON be pleased to refer to the reply tile In addition, an amovnt of RI. 2.1-"/- OQ . given to Unstarred Question No. 10463 on 8CCOllRt of electric ebMpI prior to 1966 ia the 10th May, 1968 regarding Palam Airport alao outatandlnc- Cateror and state : (e) We have no IlICb informatioll. (a) the preseut position ~ thA re- covery of ~ ~ {Will fhe (,d) If any reliable IDformatioD mneelV. ~~ ... ~ ...... ~ 175 MAY 9, 1969 176

OlIicen of CeatraJ Sen ices '!il 'Ii11i t ~ if 'lit( fm ;fr ~ 'Iii ~ ~ (c) whether they are eligible for a special ~~~~~ pay of Rs. 300 when appointed as Deputy Secretary and Rs. 200 as Under Secretary or in equivalent posts in the Secretariat ; ~ ~ if a'If-Jim (.n ~ (d) whether most of them are in occupa- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tion of Govemmen t residences ; and (Iqlf'llcn): (e) if so, the special reason for allowing 'liT1f t ~~ if ~~ ~ mr them a special pay above their grade pay? ~ t ~ ~ fWq- ~ ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE m ~ ~ ~~~ it >;fro ;r@ ~ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI ~~ ~~~ ~ VIDY A CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) to (e). Tbere are 23 officers of Central Services at ~ 'liT snitlT m "" ~ fu«T ~ ~ «r;it ~ qr ~~ are entitled to draw special pay according to ~ f'li"J ~~ ~ ;fr ~ ble to tbem as per rules and are allotted ~ ~ i;fr ~~ 9136 . .n ~ fiQt: ~ .,q ..m ~ m 'Iii Ii'!T ~~ ~ : fuq;rfur 'R€t ~ rn

'" satisfied with the performance of ~~~~~~~ the organizations periodical after receipt of assistance. ~~ (9) Pull account of expenditure and ~ ~ err ~~ omr m ~ utlUzation certificate in respect of ~ the financial assistance shall have to be rendered by the recipient organ- (Co) W ~ ~ ~ ~ 5If6fiI;1rr ization to the CSIR duly audited by a Chartered Accountant within ~ l. three months of the close of the financial year. If there .. .-ni mm. ~ ..~ "'" .m:- is any unspent balance oC grant that ~~~~ ~~ should either be surrendered to the CSIR or adjusted in the future (Ifi) ij- ~ : wrr it *rr Of<:"T ~ ~ payable grant, if any. This would mr ~ ij; finm!r ij; ~ ~~~ be at the option oC the CSIR. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 'flffliI; ~ (10) In the event of stoppage of any pUblication for which grant was U"ll' ~ ~ ~ ~~~ f.!; sanctioned and paid, un-utilized IllT'IH $ ~ 1'1'",1 '1ft ..nUll' portion of the grant, if any, will rwn:r have to be refunded to the CSIR lIlI er iit W T'T t i£T't if ~ ~ immediately duly supported by an qrlI1lf II>'t ~ q'l[ fomr ~ 1 audit utilization certificate. (11) Grant of financial assistance will depend on the availability of funds Universal Primary ~ in India for this purpose. ~ SHRI MAHANT DIGVIJAI (12) Every organization receiving finan- NATH: Will the Minister of EDUCA- cial aid from CSIR shaIl supply two TION AND YOUTH SERVICES be pleased complementary copies of each oC to state: its issues free oC charge to CSIR. (a) the progress made by Government in (13) Processing oC proposals for financial the field of universal Primary education in assistance may be done through a the country ; committee or body or experts to be appointed by the DGSIR. (b) the names :oC the States which have achieved the lOa) ; (c) the names oC the States which are WIT if *'r ~~ ~ Z"f expected to take 10 to 20 and above 20 years in achievlnl this loal ; 9139 . .u ~~ 1tlIT ..~ (d) the steps which Government are ~ ~ 1i'lf1 ~~ arnf.t 'I>'T !i'IT ifiiit taIdnl for spreading quick universal Primary ~ educatIon in the country ; and (e) the reasons Cor not achieving the (Ifi) ;yrn If\i: " ~ flfi ~~ 0lfT1m goal during ~ twenty years ? erm 'lrn ~ '1ft iRiro1f lflrn' it i!1OI' 61 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ~ it If!!.Ifi!!.T ~ flfi ~ "i[T ~ ilit MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND ~~~~~ iIW YOUTH SERVICES (SHRI BHAKT DARSHAN): (a) to (e). As School educa- WIT ~ 11;'F i)""ITrn '81 if *tr om liT '!'f tion is a State subject, it is for the State ~~ Governments to provide foruniversal primary education. Every Government and Adminis- ('if) lifl{ i!t, ert ~~ 'l'f6,q- 'fiT 1frcrOlf tration is, however, endeavouring to do its ItlIT ~ ; • best within its resources. The progress achieved so far by different States and the (If) ~ ~ '1fT " ~ fiI; if\" ~ itt f\lt1,ll'C wpll aro ~~ ill tile ~ 182• ""It." AIIstn;, laid on the Table of the House. [Placed ill positions' witb -trained teachers. Under tbe Library. See No. LT-I085/69j. Merit-cum-MeaDs Scholarships Scheme, First Dhision or at least 60 per cent marks is The reasons for not achieving the goal prescribed as an essential requirement, The so far include the rollowing : Scheme. however, has been stopped for (i) Shortage of resources; awards to new entrants of technical institu- (ii) Wastage and Stagnation ; tions. (iii) Prejudice against the schooling of Under tbe Merit-cum-Means Scbolarships girls in certain areas ; Scheme, tbe awards made to candidates are stopped if their performance during tbe (iv) Difficulties in providing schools in course is unsatisfactory. Similar provision tribal, hiliy and inaccessible areas exists in other schemes for stopping scholar- and scattered habitations ; and ships if the progress of the candidates is (v) High percentage of adult illiteracy. fouDd unsatisfactory. . (c) In view of tbe position explained in Increase In Provision for SclJolanblp to (b) above, this issue does not arise. Stndeots MobeJIje Dar. Seals 9141. SHRI LOBO PRABHU: Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH 9142. SHRI BRIJ RAJ SINGH: Will SERVICES be pleased to lItate : the Mi.ister of EDUCAnON AND YOUTH (a) on what change of rules or increase SERVICES be pleased to slate: of students. the provision for scholarships


.Girl Shot at by Army MaJor'. Wife at KuIIlma TIU! MINISTER OF PARLIAMENT- ARY AFFAIRS. AND SHIPPING AND 9144. SHRI BHOGENDRA JRA : TRANSPORT (SHRI RAGHU RAMAIAHI : SURI K. LAKKAPPA : (al Yes. Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS (bl to (dl. In accordance with the policY be pleased to state : of sradual nationalisation of passenser road (a) whether it is a fact that on the 4th transports, a Road Transport Corporation is April, 1969 a Major's wife shot at 12 years proposed to be set up in Tripura in the Ao Tribe Sir! who succembed to her Injuries Fourth Plan period. on the 6th AprU,l969 at ICohima; Road Develop.ot ID Trl...... (b) whether before shooting at the sirl. the wife of Major of the Assam Rilles, let 9146. SURI KIRT BIKRAM DEB loose her two doSS on the sirJ, her mother BURMAN: Will the Minister of SHIPP- and others, and. if so, the taken by .:IIion ING AND TRANSPORT be pleased to Gowrnment ; state : (c) on,.how many occasions such inci-

9148. ~ u1f'itml ~ : 'Pl1 9149. SHRIMATI JYOTSNA CHANDA: Will the Minister of EDUCATION AND q!Willi ~ ~ if"f.l" "') FIT ~ fit; : YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to state : ('f» ~ ~ ~ ~ flI; ~ qyflI;- (a) what prIIIIaI hal beea made to 1811 start the Silchar Regional Enalneerina (c) the time by which Government are College; considering to bring forth a ~ in (b) whether it is a fact that the Office the matter ? or the said College is still functioning at Shillong and has not been shifted to Silchar; THE MINlTER OF EDUCATION and AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V. K. R. V. RAO): : 9150. SHRl SRADHAKAR SUPAKAR: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be ('!» ~ ~ 'tiT 01fR' "mron pleased to state : mft ~ (sr'fA') ~ "'T ~ it; ifT it; ~ 9 ~ 10th April, 1969 in West Bengal; and 1969

'R: ~ ifiWIT Ifi"f.t it; ~ ~~ Table of the House {Placed in Lib,ary. See No. LT-1086/69j ~ lflA 'liT ~ ~ irTU tm m (b> The particulars of the Civil Avia- tlI'IiT ~ 1WT ~~ ~ firol!T tion Department officers who have been deputed abroad 1-1-1966 are 'Tm I ~ l{ tbe period of stay of Controllers of ~ ~ 1968 ~ f'm ~ 'TIfT 'fI I Aerodromes of different regions on a particu- ~ it;ifOT ~ 1ft;m: ~ 3 ~ iP ~ I lar station ; ~ ~~ <:r.r.flfff'li ~ ~ (b) whether Government are considering the transfer of the Controllers, having longer riOT, ~ it, ~ firol!T ~ flli stay, to other regions ? ~ ~ 'liT ~ ~ ~ if THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND 'liT1flr <:11fT ~~ I ~~ ~ IliT ~~ CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN SINGH): IJT;rT<: ~ ~ ~ ~ IIi1 ~ (a) The period of stay of each Controller at the ~ station of posting is as indi- lilJT<:'Ii iii H if IfiM ,11fit 'liT ~ f'll"lfT cated below against his name : 'TIfT ~ I Shri S. G. Deshpande, Controller of Aerodrome, Bombay. from 15.1.1963 to date Criteria for Seledlon of OIIIcers of Aerodromes on Deputation Smi J. N. Dhar, Controller of Aerodrome, 9153. SHRI RAJDEO SINGH: Delhi. from 2.3.1968 to date SHRI SHAMBHU NATH : Seri Joginder Singh, Controller of Aerodrome, Will the Minister of TOURISM AND Madras. 17.3.1969 to date CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state: Shri P. K. Ramachandran, (a) the basis on which officers of the Controller of Aerodrome, aerodromes are selected for deputation Calcutta. from 10.3.1969 to dale on training or otherwise abroad; (b) No, Sir. Shri Deshpande is being (b) the particulars of the officers who allowed to continue at Bombay, ~ in his have been deputed abroad during- the last home region in vie IV of his forth coming three years with reasons ; and retirement on superannuation with effect from (e) whether it is a fact that a particu- 28.12.1970. lar incumbent has been deputed on a num- ber of occasionj ignoring others ? Allllob Hotell, Nlw Delhi Tower

THE MINISTER OF TOUSISM AND 9155. SHRI BRU RAJ SINGH CIVIL AVIATION tOR. KARAN SINGH): KOTAH; Will the Minister of TOURISM (a I The basis on which officers of the Chil AND CIVIl AVIATION be pleased to aviation Department are selected for deputa- state : tion abroad for training, attending meetinp, (a> wbether the progress of the Ashoka conferences, etc. and for employment is Hotels ~ proceecllng &CIWdIn, to ~ ~~ in appendix J wlP9h illaI4 011 ~~ 191 Wrltt... Nuwul MAY9,l969 192

(b) the time by which it is expected to Coastal Road HI"'ways In Galant State be ready ; and (c) its full cost ? 9157. SHR! R. K. AMIN : SHR! P. M. MEHTA: THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND Will the Minister of SHIPPING AND CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN SINGH): TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (al and (bl. The work on tbe revolving tower (a) whether it is a fact tbat Bhavnagsr, of tbe Ashoka Hotels, whicb was completed Baroda and Okha-Porbandar roads are the upto tbe third storey level and suspended on ~ gaps in the Coastal Road Highways 1.2.1968. has not yet been resumed. The in Gujarat State ; whole matter is under consideration of the Board of Directors. (b) whether it is a fact that the Working Group on Roads of the Central Government (c) The revised cost has been estimated has recommended the construction of these at Rs. 47.25 lakhs against the original cost missing gaps in Coastal Hishways during the of Rs. 25 lakhs. Fourth Plan ; aad (c) If so, the details of tbe decision of Alrports/ Alntrlpsln RaJasthan Government in this regard?

9156. SHRI BRIJ RAJ SINGH THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE KOTAH: Will tbe Minister of TOURISM DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY AND CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to AFFAIRS IN THE MINISTRY OF SHIP- state: PINO AND TRANSPORT (SHR! IQBAL (a) the total number of airports and air- SINGH): (a) Yes, Sir. operation in Rajasthan; (b) and (cl. The Working Group set up (b) out of those not in use, whether in 1964 in connection with the Draft Fourth there is any plan to use them for any purpose Plan scheduled to begin from 1st April 1966 recommended the inclusion of the entire such as starting feeder-lines; coastal road project in Gujarat from Bambay (c) whether tbere is any scheme for to Maliya in the Central Sector of tbat Plan extending and providing further facilities at as a Centrally aided project. The Working the airports already in use ; and Group set up for the Fourth Plan scheduled (d) if so, the details tbereof ? to begin from 1st April 1969 has, however, made no such specific recommendation. THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN SINGH): Expeditious disposal of Cases pcndlDS (a) to (d). There are three civil aerodromes In Courts UDder Punjab and Haryaaa in Rajasthan-Jaipur, Udaipur and Kotah- Hlgb Court under the control of the Civil Aviation Deplrtment. Scheduled air-services are 9158. SHR! SHRI GOPAL SABOO: operated only through Jaipur and Udaipur. Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be Proposals for strengthening the main runway pleased to state : at Jaipur to LCN 30 and acquisition of land (a) the steps being taken for the expedi- for its further extension, as well as for exten- tiou. disposal of cases pending in the Courts sion and strengthening of the main runway at under the Punjab and Haryana Higb Court ; Udaipur, are being considered for inclusion and in the Fourth Plan of the Civil Aviation (b) the time taken by the High Court in Department. As regards Kotah, the airstrip deciding revision petitions in such coses and area is too small to make it feasible to extend the steps envisaged to expedite their the existing runway, which is fit only for disposal? Dnkota operations. The question of shifting the aerodrome to another site is being THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE examined in consultation with the State MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI Government. Indian Airlines have currently VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) All no proposal to use this aerodrome for feeder- District and Sessions Judges in Punjab and services in tbe pccvailinl con4ijioq of the Haryana bave from time to time been lintrip. ~ to ~ spel'd)' disposal Qf ~ 193 VAISAKY.A 19, 1891 (SAKAl cases pending in the courts of subordinate OTfiTT lflhR, ~ it; f.r;g frr<''Rff"{ ~ judges. History sbeets of old caaes received fOFllr rrllT ~ ; ~ in the High Court are tboroughly scrutinised and instructions issued, wberever necessary. ~ ~ l[T, CfT ~ 0lIh:r 'AT ~ ; (b) The disposal of urgent revision peti- tions normally takes 3 to 6 montbs and ~ ..."h"T<'I1f if U>Rf ~ (eft fimr disposal of ordinary revision petitions takes ~ ~ : (OF) 6 ~ 'liT ~ ~ 1 to 2 years. Revision petitions filed in suits which are over a year old are given ~ ~ ;m:rn it ~ ~ fuiT'f'{';c ~ priority over other cases. IfllT I ~ mT 'TU if ~ if; 'Fro1J ilTCfc.r ~ ilTRlf ;;rrfcr«l ~ ~~ if@ ~~~~ m;m ('T) ~ l!:i', oT ff"ffu ~~ if; f

~~~ ftfuilff ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ ;:m ~~~ mrr..r ~ o'lT ~ ~ it; ~ ~~ iii ft;rQ: fdlmi ~ '11"4dISlI"d ~ \1Tfulrl;:m ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ II>'t ~ IIiT fmI;1rt I if ~ tJif ~ ;;it ~ 't ~ "lldf 't (d) whether Government propose to ~ ~ ~ .t make certain provWons in the CoDatitution 197 ~ VAISAKBA 19. 1891 (SJfKA) ~

BO that legal action could be taken apinst Shipyard should be the fair international those who show disrespect the Natiooal BODg; price : and (b) when wu this recommendation (e) if not, the reasons therefor? made; TIlE DEPUTY MINISTER IN TIlE (e) what steps Government have taken to MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI implement it ; K. S. RAMASWAMY): (a) No, Sir. (d) what is the financial effect on tbe (b) The National Anthem of India is the Shipyard on account of the delay in its totality of the composition of the implementation ; and words and music known as lana Gana (e) the names of shipping companies Mana and Government have not which have been purchasina ships built by authorised any alteration in this composition the Shipyard ? by way of translation in any other language or otherwise. Thus, there is no authorised THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Tamil version of the National Anthem. DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND IN TIlE MINISTRY OF (c) to (e). It is proposed to undertake SHIPPING AND TRANSpORT (SHRI legislation to penalise overt acts of insult to IQBAL SINGH): (a) and (b). Yes Sir; the National Anthem. in March 1967. Unemployment Allo"ance to £agineerlng (e) and (d). The question of determina- Graduates and DIploma Holden tion of the pricing formula for ships being built in the Yard is currently under conside- 9163. SHRI NIHAL SINGH: Will ration of Government and a decision is the Minister of EDUCATION AND expected to be taken shortly. In the mean- YOUTH SERVICES be pleased to refer to time as per the existing procedure, the differ- the reply given to Unstarred Question No. ence between the cost of production of ships 2248 on the 7th March, 1969 and state: and their existing price is met as subsidy by (al the number and particulars of the Government. training places provided for Engineerin& (e> The Shipping Corporation of India Graduates and Diploma bolders in U. P., Limited, Bombay. Punjab, Haryana Korala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, HlndIllilaD Slalpyard Umllcd Chandigarh and Delhi total training capacity in eacb sucb State/Union Territory; and 9165. SHRI TENNETI VISW ANA- (b) the terms and conditions for selection THAM: Will the Minister of SHIPPING of candidates for training and tbe mcchineryI AND TRANSpORT be pleased to state: qency entrusted witb tbe work of selec- (a) whether it is a fact that the Hindus- tion? tan Shipyard Ltd. have submitted a scheme TIlE MINISTER OF EDUCATION of Intcpated Development Programme ; AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V. K. R. (b) if so, when it was submitted ; and V. RAOI: (al and (b). A statement u laid (e) the present position in reprd on the Table of the House. [Plac,d 111 thereto? Library. See No. LT-1088/69]. TIlE DEPUTY MINISTER IN TIlE International Price of Sbll'II Buill by DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY Hindastan Sblpyard AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI 9164. SHRI TENNETI VISWANA- IQBAL SINGH): (al to (c). In pursuance THAM: Will the Minister of SHIPPING of the recommendations of the Ad hoc Com- AND TRANSPORT be pleased to state : mittee, appointed by the Government. the (a) whether it is a fact that the Com- Hindustan Sbipyard Ltd., Visakhapatnam, mittee on Public Understandings in its submitted in lune, 1968 an integrated deve- Tbirty-Scventh Report recommended that the lopment proaramme of the Shipyard for ~ payable by the IlhijlOWQer to Hinduatan ~ its prodQCtion capacity ffQQl ~ J99 MAY 9, 1969 """." "-,, 200 present output of 37.500 DWT per annum to son, horn and bred in, and recruited from 80,000 DWT per annum. Government have Wcs t Bengal as teachers were ever denied considered the report and it is proposed to 33-1/3 per ceot Special Pay by the Andaman implement a development programme estimat- Administration; and ed to cost Rs. 7.57 crores during the Fourth (b) if so, the reasons therefor? Plan period. Government have already accorded approval to the implementation of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE certain works and acquisition of urgently MINISTRY OF EDUC"ITION AND needed equipment (which are included in the YOUTH SERVICES (SHRI BHAKT DAR- development programme of the Yard) at an ~ (a) and (b). In 1959, twelve estimated cost of ahout Rs. 3.55 crores. catilidates for posts of primary school teaChers were selected after Interview at Cal- Pre·War Mainland Rerruits in clitta. They were mainly East Bengal re- and Nicobar hI and fugees and had agreed to join on terms ad- missible to local recruIts, i.e. on emoluments 9166. SHRI K. R. GANESH : Will the without Andaman Special Pay. Out of these Minister of HOME AFFAIRS he pleased to twelve persons, eight accepted offers and state: joined their posts. Later, all of them left (a) whether it is a fact that persons service, ~ one, who was subsequently recruited from within the Andaman and given concessions and facilities admissible to Nicobar Islands in the pre-war days on some mainland recruits. terms and conditions as anyone else hom in On closure of two primary schools in the Islands. on getting their promotion after Settlement Areas run by the Rehabilitation the 22nd January, 1951, have been and are Ministry in Middle Andamans, eight surplus being treated as 'mainland recruits' as envi- primary school teachers were absorbed from saged in the Government of India Order August 1968 on terms admissible to local dated the 21st January, 1951 ; and recruits. These person. accepted such terms (b) if so, the authority/rule whereunder and joined their posts. persons recruited locally from the Islands in the pre-war days have heen or are heing Road ooer Rail Bridge in D.D.A. treated as 'mainland recruits' ? NaraiDa Colony, New Delbi THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS: (SHRI 9168, SHRI RAMACHANDRA VEERAPPA: Will the Minister of SHIPP- VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) and (bl • In terms of Clause (2) of Supplementary ING AND TRANSPORT he pleased to Rule 294-A. the Government servants who. state the approximate time it will take to though not specially recruited outside the have the road over the rail bridge built in Andaman and Nicobar Islands for service D.D.A. Naraina Colony in New Delhi? there, are domiciled in any part of India THE DEPtITY MINISTER IN THE other than the Andaman and Nicobar Islands DEPARTMENT OF PARU.o.MBNTARY and have been in continuous service without AFFAIRS AND IN THE MINISTRY OF break from the 8th January. 1937 or from an SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI earlier date, are entitled to the concession of IQBAL SINGH): The road is expected to joining time under the said rule. TheYfNCre he completed by the end of Octoher. 1970. also enjoying the concessions of free passage and rent free accommodation. According to a Legal Reforms in West Bengal decision of the Government nf India, such persons are, therefore, treated as mainland 9169. SHRI V. NARASIMHA RAO : recruits for the ollrpose of grant of Andaman Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be Special pay alS(). pleased to state: Special Pay In Andaman Administration (a) whether it is a fact that the West Bengal Government are considering the 9167 SHRI K. R. GANESH: Will introduction of many new ideas of modern the Minister of EDUCATION AND YOtITH jurisprudence in regard to the administration SERVICES be pleased to state: of justice including abolition of capital ~ whether it is a fact that some per. ~ ; 201 VAISAKHA &P. 1891 (SAKA)

(b) whether the State Government is Indian Stndenta in British Universities competent to effect changes in the Criminal Law Code: and 9171. SHRI R. K. BIRLA: Will the (c) the reaction of the Central Govern- Minister of EDUCATION AND YOUTH ment to the proposals of the West Bengal SERVICES be pleased to state ; Government? . (a) the number of Indian students study- ing at present in tbe U. K, Universities THE MINISTER OF STAlE IN THE Uuiversity-wise and Faculty-wise ; MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) The (b) the number of students who are gett- information is being collected and will be ing the U. K. Scholarships; and laid on the Table of the House. (c) how the other students are incurring (b) and (c). In the absence of any in- expenditure on their studies ? foonation in regard to the specific changes THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION in the law which the State Government may AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V,K.R.V. have in view it is not possible to give a de- RAO): fa) 1,830 on 1-1-1968. The de- finite reply. tails-university-wise and given iii statements I and II which are laid Suggestions made by Hotel Review and Suney Committee on the Table of the House. [Placed in Lib- rary. See No. LT -1089/69]. 9170. SURI V. NARASIMHA RAO: (b) 252. Will the Minister of TOURISM AND (c) Our general experience is that aoout CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state: 38 per cent of the students going to U. K. (a) whether it is a fact that the Hotel get scholarships from some source or the Review and Survey Committee, appointed by other to cover the "hole or part of their Government, has suggested the employment expenditure and the rest raise their own re- of professionally qualified foreign managers, sources. house-keepers, chefs and other specialists in Indian hotels ; Setting up a Natural History Museum (b) whether the suggestions have been made because of lack of competent and 9172. SHRI K. P. SINGH DEO, qualified Indian managers to run hotel. Will tbe Minister of EDUCATION AND profitably; YOUTH SERVlCES be pleased to state: (c) what is the contribution of the In- (al wbether Government propose to set stitutes of Nutrition and Hotel Management up a natural history museum and some in the direction of producing competent other museums in Centres of higher learning managers; and and (b) if so, the broad details thereof? (d) whether the need for foreign mana- for the hotel industry is felt because of aers THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION special fOnditions attaching to this industry AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V.K.R.V. as compared to other industries ? RAO): (a) and (b). There is no proposal as yet to set up in centres of higber learning THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND a natural history museum and other CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN SINGH): some (a),(b) and (d). The report of the Hotel Review museums. and Survey Committee is under canslderation However a proposal to set up a Science of the Government. The points raised will Centre In Delhi for students tn Secondary be carefully examined by Government. schools is. under consideration. Details of (c) A valuable beginning has been made this proposal are 'lt present being worked in a field in which the demand is likely to be out. high for many categories of staff. The trai- Dees passing out from the Institutes of Cater- Strike by TIl"i Drivers in Delhi, ing and Hotel Management are able to take Bombay and Calcuttll up junior managerial posts to start with al1d in due course move up to higher posts. 9173. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BASU : MAY 9,1969

SHRI BEN! SHANKER (bl and (c). Do not arise. SHARMA: Will the Minister of SHIPPING AND CORRECTION OF ANSWER TO USQ. TRANSPORT be pleased to state : NO. 6162 DATED 11-4-1969 RE. WORK (a) whether Government's attention has IN HINDI IN MINISnmS/DEPART- been drawn to the strike by taxi drivers in MENTS. Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta on the 28th March, 1969 against the increase in excise THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI duty on petrol ; WYA CHARAN SHUKLA): "In the (b) if so, Government's reaction thereto; reply given to part (a) of the Unstarred and Question No, 6162 answered on April 11, (c) whether Government will appoint a 1969, in the Lok Sabba, for tbe word the Committee to go into the matter? "Enslish" occurring in line 7 between tbe words "in and both" the word "Hindi" may THE MINISTFR OF PARLIAMEN- be substituted." TARY AFFAIRS, AND SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI RAGHURAMAIAH): (a) Yes. CORRECTION OF ANSWER TO USQ NO. 1863 DATED 22-11-1968 RE. (b) The proposed increase in tbe duty DEMONSTRATION MULTIPURPOSE on motor spirit is a part of the measures SCHOOLS. adopted by Government to raise the neces- sary resources for development schemes in THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION the Fourtb Five Year Plan. The Road AND YOUTH SERVICES (DR. V.K.R.V. Transport Taxation Enquiry Committee has RAO): In the reply to part (b) of tbe also recommended that the level of expendi- Unslarred Question No. 1863 by Sbri Sid- tUJC on roads should be stepped up consider- dayya in tbe Lok Sabba on tbe 22nd of ably. A laraer allocation for roads has November, 1968, the former Minister of &lXXlrdinalY been proposed in tbe Fourth State in tbe Ministry of Education Sbri Five Year Plan. This will not only help Bbagwat Jba Azad bad stated that the num- the growtb of the road transport industry ber of students, who appeared for the XI but will also benefit the industry by reducing standard examination at the Demonstration the cost of operation of transport vebicles. Multi-purpose School Centre at Ajmer dur- (c) Does not arise. in 1966-67, was 96. It has later been found that the correct number of students was 86. Reform.t in Defence.Sel.ap of tbe The authentic and correct figure may, there- C01IIItry fore, be taken as 86. This inadvertent in- accuracy is rcaretted. 9174. SURI S. K. TAPURIAH : SURI IDMATSINOKA : CORRECTION OF ANSWER TO Will the Miniater of HOME AFFAIRS USQ NO. 3959 DATED 21·3-1969 RE. be pleased to atate : REVATHI AIRCRAFT. (al whether tbe Administrative Reforms THE MINISTER OF TOURISM AND Commission's Study Team on defence has CIVIL AVIATION (SURI KARANSINOH): made any recommendations to reform tile Sir, on 21st March, 1969, in reply to Un- defence set up in the country ; starred Question No. 3959 by Shri Baburao (b) if so, tile broad outlines tbereof; Patel reprdlng Revathi Aircraft, I stated in and reply to part (a) of the question that "The (c) Government's reaction thereto? prototype is under·loina ftight trials at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur." THE MINISTEB. OF STATE IN THE However, according to the factual position, MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHR! this portion of the reply should read "The VlDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) The prototype has undergone flight trials at the Stuely Team has not yet submitted ill final Inelian Institute of Technology. Kanpur," report to the Adminiatrative ReforlI\l Com- ~ v AlSAkHA 19. 1891 (s..4L4) S.O.H.

12 17 bra. SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SARI IQBAL SINGH) : PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE I beg to lay on the Table a copy of the Annual Accounts of tbe Bombay Port Audit Report (Clyll) 08 Rey_e Trust for the year 1967·68 and tbe Audit R.eelpts, 1969 Reporl tbereon. [Placed In Lib_y. See No. LT·I058/69). THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER AND MINISTER OF FINANCE (SHRI MORARJI DESAI) I 12.18 bra. I beg to Jay on tbe Table a copy of tbe Audit Report (Civil) on Revenue BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE Receipts, 1969, under Article 151(1) of tbe Constitution. [Placed In Library. S.e No. THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN· LT.1055/69). TARY AFFAIRS, AND SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI RAGHU RAMAIAH): 'adian Forest Seme. (Probation) Amend· With your permission, Sir, I rise, to 8nnou· ment Roles and Notltlcatlon making nco that Government Business in tbis am.ndmen.. to Deihl Land Re. House during the week commencinl from forms Ral.s Monday, tbe 12th May, 1969, will consist of :- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (1) Consideration of any item of MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI Government Business carried over VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA); I beg to from today's Order Paper. lay on tl>e Table: (2) CoDsideration aud passing of : (I) A copy of tbe Indian Forest Ser- The Tea (Amendmeot) Bill 1969 vice (Probation) Amendment Rules The Coal BeariDg Areas (Acqulsl· 1969, published in Notification tiOD aDd Development) Amend· No. G.S.R. 1031 in Gazette of ment Bill, 1967, as passed by Rap India, dated tbe 26tb April, 1969, Sabba. under sub-section (2) of Section 3 of tbe All India Servic.s Act, 1951. The Motor Vehicles (AmeDdmeot) [Placed in Library. See No. LT- Bill, 1968, as passed by Rajya 1056/69). Sabba. (2) (i) A copy of Notification No. The Advocates (Second Amend· F. 26 (4)/Pancb/Ble/68 (Hindi ment) Bill, 1968, as passed by and English versions) publish· Rajya Sabha. ed in Delhi Gazette dated the The Discbarle of President's 20th March, 1969, maklnl FuoctioDs Bill, 1969. certain amendments to the Tbe West BeDgal Leaislative COUD- Delhi Land Reforms Rules cll (Abolition) Bill, 1969. under .ub-seclion (3) of sec· Tbe Delbi Hilb Court (Amend- tion 191 of the Delhi Land Re- ment) Bill. 1969. forms Act, 1954. The Central Silk Board (Amend- (Ii) A statement (Hindi and En&- ment) Bill, 1968. Iisb versions) showing reasons for delay in laying the above The CrimiDal aDd Election Laws Notification. [Placed In Lib- (AmeDdmeDt) Bill, 1968, as report- _y See No. LT.I057/69) ed by tbe JoiDt Committee. (3) DiscussioD OD tbe Report of tbo ADDU. I Aeeounts 01 Bombay Port Committee on Defections on a TrllSt motion to be moved by tho MiDia- ter of Home Affairs. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY (4) Discussloa on tbe situatioD arlslna AFFAIRS, AND IN THE MINISTRY OF oul of tho eDcourapmonl bdJII Drqfi PtllJrth FIJ, MAY 9.". r_ PI",,(M)

[Shri Ragbu Ramaiahl given to the subersive and violent discussion also. Mr. Viswaualbam may activities in tbe country by cerlain resume his speech. political parties and by some foreign powers on a motion 10 be SHRI TENNETI VlSWANATHAM moved by Shri Prakash Vir (Visakbapatnarn): Mr. Speaker, Sir yester- Sbastri. day, I was on Ibe poinl why our Plans arc 15) Further consideration of Ihe Cons- failing. And, one of Ihe thief reasons wby titution (Amendment) Bill, 1968, ~ public undutakings particularly are by Shri Nalh Pai, as reporled by failing i! that the persons who !Te kept Ihe Joinl Committee, on Wednes- in cbarge ~ no trust in the efficiency day, Ibe 14tb May, 1969. of tbe public underlakings. This must be remedied by calling away all those wbo (6) Consideration of motions for bave no trust in public undertakings and modification of Citizenship (Amend- find ror tbem some other remuoerativo ment) Rules, 1968, given notice places. of by Sbri Madhu Limaye and of All-India Services (Conduct) Rule., Another point i. this, In tbe imple- 1968, given notice of by Sbri mentation or the Plan, in respect of the Narendra Kumar Salve, to be disbursement of loans and grants, tbe taken up on Tbursday, tbe 151h people do not receive the loans and grants May, 1969, at 4·30 P.M. at 5 P.M. in full, tbe amount wbich are debited respectively. against them. In between, there are several persons by wbom this money is SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS rose- knocked off. And this is leading to not merely sabotage of the Plan targets. but is SHRI PRAKASH VIR SHASTRI also creating any amount of discontent. (Hapur): What about Telengana ? Besides tbis, the targets aimed at by tbe Planning Commission are generally upeet MR. SPEAKER: 1 do not want dis- by the costs which run higher and higher cussion. IInlerruplion.). Order, Order than what tbe Plan originally assumes, be- please. Bengal and Bihar are also tbere. cause, every year there are increases in I would like to say tbal be has given excise duties. Tbese increases in excise enough programme for 2 months. Still duties, particularly those on the essentials you are not satisfied and want some more for tbe common man, I ead to tbe demand things. If you want all tbose tbings, you for bigber wages and thererore, higher costs will have to sit till July and continue in of projects. And therefore, they lead to the next session also. bigber taxation, and again, higher deficit budgets and therefore, hilber in Dation. There must be some discipline in tbe 12.19brs. Finanoc Ministry. There sbould not be procedural delays. Generally files are pas- MOTION RE FOUltTH FIVE sed on bet ween Department to Department, YEAR PLAN DRAFI"-contd. Shirking dC,ciswns. Not only that, but tbey pass betwpn tbe Centre and tbe MR. SPEAKER: Yesterday the Plan Slates. Even for ordinary schemes and discussion had taken about 4 hours 5 projecta tbe officers of tbe Centre bave no minutes. We have still 4 hours. That trusl in tbe officers of the States. Often means it will go 10 Monday also. On limes tbey are asked to come to Delhi with Monday we will bave not only Prime various files. The Central officers scruti- Minister's reply but some members may n:sc and re·scrutinise and waste their time. speak for an bour or so. Mr. Tenneti That only leads to additional overbead ex- ViawBDatbam was on bis legs and he has penditure and causes undue delay. This taken 12 miDutes. We will continue the can be remedied if the Centre trusts the PlaD discussion till 3 O'dock when we will States and acts with a sense of participa- take up DOD-official business. We wiJI .it tion and joinlness with tbe States. II U.ll ~ O'clock. There is an balf-an-bour &bould not be! dODe as .if tho Centre ill Draft Fou,,11 FIN VAISAKHA 19, 1891 (SALf) 210

luperior to tbe States and tbe Statea are cd coffers aDd tbere is almost a parallel some beggers or donees at theIr feet. Uo- five year plan ruo by tbe uaaccoUDted "less tbese tbinls are remedied, tbe Plan money That must cease. There mUlt be taraets caonot be fulfilled. Not only that. self-disclplioe amooll the Ministers and Tbe cost becomes bigber and bllber. tbis will lead to self-disciplioe amoog otbers. Waot of tbls is sabotagiog eveo tbe good The commoo man fools tbe existence bits of tbe plao. Tbe Plao was bad be- or tbe non-e:listence of tbe Government at cause tbere was DO sense of priorities io it. certain points of wbicb food is tbe most Tbe planoers did DOt recogoise tbe urgeocy important tbiog. Food Is oot freely avail- of food. The part food played was knowo able. Still tbere is statutory ratiooinl and better by Our aocl"nt Rlsbls. That is why tbe total availability now is only 14 ounces tbey said ANNAM VAl BRAHMA. They as against 16 aod 18 wbicb we are gettiol koew tbat tbe prosperity .od everythlog bltberto. Also tbe opportuoity for work 10 the couotry depeoded upoo availability is leas. Unemployment is increasinl." of food; Tbat is why ANNAM VAl Tberefore, tbe Government must create BRAHMA. Governmeot are burdeoed opportunities for self employment. And wltb tbe duty of providing for It. Our One ,ullestioo wbicb I make is tbis. people do DO uoderstaod tbat. Tbey tblok All tbe consumer industries must be tbat tbey caD produce big Plao'books wblcb tbrown open for tbese people for self-em- wlil brio, food. ployment. That also would ~ slanlnl of tbe macbinery, re-desianlnl of ODe word about tbe borrowlog pro- small scale macbinery to be utilised by gramme. We are told tbat we are golog small· scale men. Tbese are called small- to get Rs. 3,730 crores of external assis- scale Industries but what happens Is tbat taoce. Out of tbat, Rs. 1,21S crores are tbe bIll Industrialists come in and enter for repaymeot of loans. This was the ele- Into tbe field of small-scale industries. That meot of compouod Interest at 31 to 6 per must be stopped. ceot wblcb rate 00 Rs. 1,2IS/- crores. We sbould oever borrow to repay previous Tben, Sir, I want to say about bouslnl loans. We deprecate it in co·operative conditions. Tbe bouslng conditions are banks, we deprecate it In ordioary baoks. borrible in tbis couotry, not only in villalOS We do oat leod mooey In order to pay tbe but in cities also. Tbey arc gettinl over- previous loa08. That 11'111 go 00 addiog crowded. Nearly 60 to 70 per cent live In to tbe debts. Tberefore, the Prime Miols- slum conditions. I expected tbat tbe ter aDd tbe Deputy Prime Minister mu.t Planoers 11'1\1 make some massIve provllion seek roscbodulinll of debts or loaDs as aD wltb reaard to housloll and bousiol pro- alternative . grammes. If tbey caDDot do it, Sir, we These are some of tbe tblo,s wblcb led can let up Statutory Housiolli Corporations to tbe UDsati.factory coodltioos and tbese 10 tbat private capital may come tbere aDd UDsatisfactory cooditioos bave led to de- build bouses. Private eOllneeriol stili may maods for blgber wagOl, blgber D. A., be tbere; private architects may be tbere .trikes, lubour troubles, aDd studeot trou- and tbere will may be furtber employmeot bles. Therefore, I submit tbat tbe Primo and in tbe meaowbile we will lOt botter Minialer wbo Is 10 cbarge of the PI aD, bousing facilities. aDd al80 tbe Head of tbe Plaoolog Com- Then, tbere must be hooesty of pur- mlssioo aDd otber Ministers must revise pose. If tbere is DO bonesty of purpose, tbeir ootioos aDd start a fresh cbapter of everytblol elae will fail. But if tbere tl self-discipline. Sbe said tbat the Plao bas 1I000lty at tbe top, tbat 11'1\1 creale zeal 10 come of ap. It is 21 years after lode- \be miods of officers. On tbe otber band, pendeoce aDd It is oatural. After indl- If tbere is laxity amooa Mioisters, tbat 11'111 peodonco, tbis Govemmeot bas also como lead to laxity in the Secretaries aDd tbls of ale. Tberefore, tbe Mloisters must 11'111 lead to laxity alnonll Heads of Depart- Itart fresb life aDd live fresb air to tbis meots, wblcb will lead to laxity amoo, couotry. Tbeo tbe people 11'111 be grateful. eOllilooors tbat may meaD laxlts amOOI coo- Otberwlse, the bappeoings wbich are now tractors aDd we all know what tbis bas led sooo In 80me lillht State;, are sure to to. Publil: funds are ,oiol Iota unacl:O\IIIl- SPlead to otber States also. Thank yo", 211 MAY 9, 1969 112 Mil. SPEAKER: Sbrimatl Tartesb- was very Decessary at that moment. But war! SiDba. Tbe Dext speaker is Sbrl Hem ecODomics is a science. and yet tbe last Barua. word OD ecoaomic possibilities has Dot been sald. SHRIMATI TARKESHWARI SINHA ID Fraoce, when tbe Freocb economy (Barb): Mr. Speaker, Sir. it Is very kind was haviog tbe strODl'st currents of ecooo- of you to al\ow me to participate io tbis mlc stability. Buddeoly a BituatioD areas in discussloD. We are discussilllJ this PlaD wbicb the Frencb ecooomy lot a BCvere at a very crucial momeot. ID tbe couDtry setback.b tbe result tbat so maoy Dew today. there bave been many ~ develOpllle8ts bave taken place DOW iD wbich probably were inherent io tbe fede- Fraoce. Tbe alBuent ecoDomy of Germany ral structure of the country. WheD there is also DOt without streBles aod straiol. was ooe Party bavinl majority io al\ tbe AlBuence itself is provldiol for B lot of States as wen as the Ceotre, the real com- stresses aod strains. ODly the other day plexioD of federal structure could "DOt be bermaoy provided for the levyioll of export evolved. Tbe Congress was tbe ruliDl duties so tbal tbe exports of Germaoy may Party 10 all tbe States aod tberefore tbe be tODed ~ So. ao eotire policy Is Conlress Working Committee and tbe beiol evolved to suit Dew aDd cbaD.iol Hilb Command of tbe COOarDS were tbe coDditions. Duriol tbe time of tbe lold decidiog autborities. But in tbe cbaoaiDl drains also tbe Itroollst ecooomics could sitUB tiOD te day, tbe stresses aod tremonrs oot Bustaio tbemselves alalost tbe atresses tbat we fiDd arc not so uODatural. aod Itraios. Therefore, tbere is 00 lalt ID our ConstitutioD we bad provided word OD economic declsioos. for a federal structure aod today we fiod Therefore. to make political capital out tbat the federal structure is beiol evolved. . of It aDd to say that a particular decialoa Tbe postpoDemeot of the plan was a tre- wblcb was all rilbt ID • particular context meDdous opportunity for Government to sbould remaiD as a sacrosaoct decisloD for recoDditioD its thinking alJd its policies a\l time to come Is ao attitude whicb cao- according to tbe new demands of the situa- oot cooform to the realities of tbe situa· tion. There is nothing sacrosaDct about lioD. tbe past decisioDS or past policies; if tbey Today, tbe States are makiDI demands require to be cbaoged io the preseDt coo- for iacreased resources. I do oot see au), dltions they should be chaDled. Policies reasoD wby sucb demands sbould be looked caooot be determioed io terms of the fun upoo witb areal suspicioo. After all, tbe stop. No Governmeot functions aod no Governments wbich bave beeo voted to country functions iD terms of a full stop; power In varloul States bave also some they functioD oDly in terms of commas; alplratloDI: tbey bave also made certalo aD individual does not also fucnction UDder protDlses to tbeir people. aod they bave also a full stop; life Irows and prolre5lO8. and beeeo duly elected to the Assemblies. If therefore, we have to cooditioo ourselves tbey waut to cbeDle certalo priorities, to tbe cbanlinl situation. Tbe Individuals certalnly it II their rllht to cbaDla tbose of today and tbe iostitution of today are prioritiee. The P1aooing CommissioD caa tblnkinl and tbey are sugscstinl wbat the act as a friend, lulda aDd pbilosopber, but country bas to do. Tbis was a tremen- tbe Piaooiol Commissloo caaaot bave tbe dous opportunity. The lreat dobate that last word 10 everytbiol. There should be is taking place io tbe country is Itself a a cooseosus; tbere sbould be a participa- process of this evnlutioo of a patterD. tiOD aod it should be 00 a partnership Tberefore. 1 do not view the attitude of basis. The federal structure requires part- criticism tbat we fiod today about tbe Plan Dersbip of tbe States and tbe Ceotre. as somethiol bad, or as· a criticism of the There is 00 requlremeot of subordioatioD persoos who are io cbarl' of tbe Plao or of tbe States to tbe Crotra. the loveromeot or a criticism of iodividuals wbo ba\le beeo maooiol the PlaooiDl Com- I( tbere Is a llrool Ceotre, tbat bas mission certainly bad its IIreat utility io tbe beeo provided for 10 tbe ioterests of tbe early years of planololl, but sioce tbeo the weaker sections of society, tboso sections context hos beeo chanlliol. Wbeo we put wbich are bavD-ootl, aod those reBioos ,tress 00 beavy iDdustries. ","obably It wbjCII ar, ba", aotl al!4 ~ ~ VAJ!lAICHA 19. 1891 (UIA) y,." PI"" (M) 214

ward regions. There Is an Inherent de- tions, tbe assumption tbat the public sector mand from tbose people and from those will bo good. That is our assumption. areas for a strong Centre, and tbal was Well. J would like tbat to come true. But exactly why the founding fathers of our still it remains an assumption, not a reality. Constitution bad provided for a slrong How mucb is the public sector assumed Centre. In every State, tbere are back- to give for tbe Plan? Rs. 1730 crores. ward areas. The ~ in Ihe ballol box But wbat has been tbe performence of tbe are nol Ihe deciding factor for Ihe wel- public sector ip tbe last tbree years? Wbat fare of tbese backward regions in Ibe res- a jump we bave provided for tbe public pective Slates. Therefore, tbe fouodinl sector? Are we goinS to administer some fathers of our Constitution provided for a coramin to the public sector? Will it strong Centre whlcb may look to Ihe inle- start doing extraordinarily good all of a rests of Ibese areas wblch probably may sudden, keeping in view its record in tbe have a sense nf Insecurity. Tbere are back last tbree years of Rs. 350 crores by wily of ward regions In every State, and patches of additional resources? How do we assume backward regions an" backward classes tbat the public sector is going to sive us and Harijan8 and trlbals ; in Ibe multi-tier Rs 1730 crores in ·five years? Tbe country society tbat we bave, there are many tiers sbould certainly bave been taken into which are backward; evell in the back- confidence as to wbat are lbeir via ~ ward classes, some are more advanced than wbat are the ways and means tbey are the otbers. So, one bas to look after their soins to follow 10 improve tbe performance Interests. A Strong Centre has been pro- of tbe public sector. vided for primarily to bring about a bala- nce in the country. The Centre sbould J am sorry to say tbat in spite of tbe $upplement and subsidise Ibe aspirations fact that tbe ARC brought out certain of tbe people of tbe backward areas and susgestions in regard to tbe orsanisation of backward regions. Tbat is bow tbe Centre tbe public sector, tbere is no incorporation bas been made strons politically and eco- of tbese in tbeir working. Tbere is the nomically. There cannot be two opinions difficulty of accounting. Parliomentary "n tbis tbat there should be no erosion of control of the public sector has to chanse. tbe autbority of the Centre. But it can- Now, bas Parliament ever obstructed the not be denied at the sarue time tbat today process of understanding? Members of we have a complex of various States beins- Parliament here are not omnipotent. Tbey manned by various parties; in one State, come bere with certain knowledge. To one party may be mnnins the State, wblle create a better understandins witb thu in another another party may be runninl parliamentarians in tbe job of tbe planning It. Tbere is bound to IlfOW a collective Commission, of th' country and of indus- wisdom in tbis process, but tbat can srow tries as such. nnt througb subordlnatlnn but only tbroush consultation and tbrougb participatIon. Suppose tbe system of parliamentary control changes, wbo Is soing to take tbe initiative and bave tbis kind of debate? 12 30 hr•• Tbe demand for Standing Committees bas heen made by parliamentrians. Yet Govern- IMr. Deputy-Speaker in the Ch"i, I ment bave been luke-warm towards it. In thIs context, I think tbe Planning In a federal structure, I tbink with the Commi!slon could bave done a better job. open debate tbat we conduct here, condi- But in tbe Draft Plan. we find that tbe tions are not conducive to real intimate physical outlines of tbe Pian are the same. thinking on tbe problem. We discuss for As if tbe Plan could have come very easily . five days a budget of Rs 2,000 crores. three years earlier. In tbese three years, Even if we speak two sentences on tbe it was up to tbe Planning Commission to entrie public sector, well and good. We have an open debate in its own premises, aet 10 minutes, 15 minutes. GQ.veroment tn take advantage of tbe open debate being ~ wben they reply plebably touch conducted in tbe country. But from tbis -barely toucb-on tbese matters. Is tb is document, I do not see evidence of tbat tbe way we can bave a better understand- realisation. We still are sulded by assump- IDS witb parliamentarians 1 215 Draft F_rh 1'tI. MAY 9,1969 Yi!W'11III (M.) 216

[Sbrimati Tarkeabwarl Sinba] I find tbat the entire discussion of tbe tbe industrial tatgets were over fuifilled, Plan in parliament bas become unreal. The tbere was sbortfall in tbe trans porI require- public sector bas an investment of more ment. Tbe foreign excbange could not be tbon Rs. 4,000 crOles. I sugest tbat tbere balanced: food production could not come sbould be a separate budget for tbe public up to expectation; tbere was set back in sector wbieb sbould be discussed bere. But respect of power. In otber words, in place tbere is lIO sucb debate. of tbe target for industry, allriculture, power Tbe committee system could bave pro- transport, foreign excbange, etc. if some vided an intimate working witb tbe parlia- sectors' Jell sbort by fifty per cent and mentarians as well as witb Govemment. otber sectors exceed tbeir targets by fifty Tbe public sector functioneries, tbe manag- per cent tbe balance is disturbed. Even ing director, Cbairman and others could during tbe Tbird Plan period, we Increased have t:.ccn brougbt directly Into contact tbe capacity of certain industries but ful- witb parliamentarians. Natuarally Parlia- filment could not come because we could ment is tbe eyes and ears of tbls COtlDtry. not supply tbe inputs needed, inputs sucb BI power. etc. I know tbat we are not Nothing can remain away from UI. That is understandable and understood. There- working more tban 44 per cent capacity In fore, wby sbould tbere not be better under- fertilizer factories. Recession is also one standing created between parliamentarians of the reasons. But tbe main reason is and tbe public sector directly, not tbrou.b tbat we bave not been able to keep tbe secretaries. jOint secretariet or deputy supply of inputs flowiug to tbe required secretaries. Even a section officer can lay leve\. In tbis poor country resources are wbat are tbe projects and wbat are tbe so scarce and even mobilising available implovemenlS in tbe public lector. _ources Is difficult. Is it not paradoxical tbat on tbe one band we cry bearse for I would like GovelOment to spell out resources aDd on tbe otber band we bave bow the situation is going to be improved tbe maximum proportion of unutilised in tbe public seuor to .ucb an ClItent tbat capacity. Can we alford tbis IUl.ury 1 in five years we are going to jump to Tberefore, wben tbe Conllres8 Presldenl Rs. 1730 crores realisation from it wben said tbat unutilised capacity must not be in tbree years we bave collected only allowed to remain ullutilised, it was a very Rs. 350 crores. relevant point. E,en tbe Prime Minister The empbasis we put In tbe First and bas sald in ber statementa tbat tbis country Second Plans on beavy industry has under- cannot alford to put a premium on ineffici· gone a cbange. Initiating tbe discussion, ency. Wbat is tbe premium 1 It Is tbat lbe Prime Minister said yesterday tbat we we do not utilise tbe capacity. It means bave gh en priority to irrigation in plan tbat more investment bad been made tban discussions. It is an economic law tbat was needed and tbere Is no return from wben you see tbat a certain accumulation tbat investment. Tbat is also a premium of resources bas taken place in projects on inefficiency. I tboullbt tbat tbis parti- wbere tbe gestation period is long, you cular aspecl would lIet tbe maximum diven )our lesources to some otber project attention in tbe plan document. I do not witb sbort gestation periods, and tbus bave find sucb a picture. Unless and until a balance between tbe two. In tbe Second basic cbanges are broullbt about in tbe Five ~ ear Plan, we made tbis mistake. approacb to tbe public sector projects and If we repeat it now, we will again have a unless tbey are linked to Parliament in tbe setback. Tbe Second Plan mistake was way I suuested, It could net be done. that industrial development took place by The Secretariat may be a very efficient more ISO per cent. secretariat but it was never meant to be a Probably it went to 161 per cent. secretarian to run commercial under taklnll8: Everbody was ju bilBnt tbat India bad it was to run tbe civil services wbicb it did acbieved miraculous industrial advancement very well. Tbat WBI its spbere of activity. witbout realising tbat tbe Plan is a com- It is not necessary for tbe Secretariat plete link and if one sector slackens and officers to be born omnipotent. It Is only tbe Ot ber sector become more vigorona, it In tbis conntry there Is tbis kind of costly was not a bealtby pbenomeDOn. Wbile wBltqe lone penon is one day Join. 2.7 VA1S-I.KHA 19, 1891 (SAKA)

Secretary in a ministry; tbe otber day be is ed by tbls pbllosopby? I do not under- cbairman of tbe electricity board: tbe stand. There is so much slolan.mongering tbird day chairman of Hindustan Antibiotic because nobody bas any real idea as to and fourtb day chairman of tbe Hindustan wbat exactly can be done to meet tbe Steel Ltd. They are not the special crea- cballenges of tbe situation. tions of God. As a bouse wife, I cannot About tbe new, cbanging situation of do pounding of rice wbicb Is done in our tbe Centre-State relations, there are two families inspite of my education ; an aspects. One is the political aspect. This uneducated woman will do it much better discussion bas nothing to do witb tbe because sbe knows tbe tecbnique. I do political aspect expect certain broad not pretend that we are all omnipotent. It policies. But I shall confine myself to tbe is a fallacy tbat the Secretariat o/licers economic aspect. I feel that the time bas sitting bere can say the last word on every- come wben tbere sbould be a kind of thing-tbe last word in wisdom or the reassessment of the allocation of rcsources. last word in organisation Or tbe tecbnllo' I agree witb some of the points that are gieal competence. Mr. Deputy-Speaker, made, may be they are from tbe oppnsition you must bave read the book IndustrlOI parties. But it does nnt matter. They Srole by Galbraitb. In that book be says are tbe elected governments of tbe people. tbat tbere is so much in common in the I agree that tbe pattern of evolution of economic structure of tbe USA and Russia financial assistance must undergo a cbange. though one functions under the capitalist Today, the States bave a loan wbicb tbey system and tbe other under tbe socialist have to pay to the Centre; it is about system. Technology bas so mucb advanced Rs. 6,000 crores. Rs. ~ to be exact. tbat the entire structure of tbe organisa- Tbat is tbe amount of loan wbicb is on tion has been entrusted to tecbnically the bead of tbe States wbich tbey bave to competent people. pay to tbe Centre. Can they evor pay Neitber the politicians in Soviet Union tbat? It is a misDomer to talk aboul it nor tbe owners of Industry in America can and say that it is a loan. Very soon, tbo afford to interfere in the tecbnology of tbe time will come when the Centre will bave public sector or tbe industrial undertakings to write off tbese Inans, because It is today. Tberefore, he suggested tbat the world impossible, and it is mnre impossible to has become very much smaller today. pay them back even if one finds Ali Babaa Competence is the last word. Executive treasure. Tberefnre, an entire reassessDICDt competnce is tbe clicking word whicb bas of tbe devolution of economic responsi- boen prevailing in America as well as in tbe bility muat be undertaken now. Tbat is Soviet Union. That is tbe change that why I said tbat tbe Plan discussion bas bas been happeninp in tbe world or econo- colDe at a very crucial time, wben tbere mic growth. Therefore, J tbink tbat in tbe was a lot of need to 10 into tbcse aspectl country also, if we can cbange tbe of tbe Plan. prloriiy, it wlll be good. I am glad tbat I am 81ad tbat tbis debate is taking tbe Insistence bas been on tbose projects place today. I fiod tbat even witbout wbieb have a sbort gestation period. It Is Boing into tbe obli8ation of cbanging the not a matter of pbilosopby. A very wong Constitutinn, tbis devolution can be done: idea has come: lert, rigbt and centre. Tbis you could do it. The Finance Commiasion bas given a most distorted picture in our can devise a system wbereby tbis could be country today. I do not understand at all done. I am of tbe opinion tbat 90 per cen t wbat is left, wbat is right and wbat is tbe of tbe income-tall muat 80 to the Statcs· centre. I do not under stand tbe pbilosopby straigbtway. This recommendation came bebind it. wben tbe tbird Round Table Coufereoca Now, is It so abnormal a tbing to be met, wbere tbe financIal responsibility of done? Suppose, you bave In ...ted, out of tbe Cenlre in a federal structure bad heen Rs. 100 in one plan, Rs. SO on two project Incorperated. Wbat was tbe Goverumeut allowing tbe lestation period, and you nf India Act of 1935 ? We have not realised see tbat we will lose there. You divert left- tbat tbe time has passed so mucb sInce tbe over resources to those projects wbicb bave Government nf India Act of 1935. Tbe a sbort 8cstation period. Whlcb is tbat wbole relationsbip bas cbanied. ADd dOl:trine of 1000illUsm wbicb il badly affect- tberefore, I feel tbat the decision of tN MAY9,1M9 220

[Shrlmatl Tarkcshwari Sinha] expert committee at tbe time of tbe tbird Rs. 100 there, let tbe ceotre supplement it Round Table Conference must be now by Rs. 50, ratber tbao giving general grants- implemented. 90 per cent of the income- lo-aid, which never come back. Let the tax moat be allowed to go to the States. It centre discontinue this practice, declare a may be 90 to 9S per cent; something like moratorium on the repayment and evolve a tbat. Tbe surcbarge on income-tax can system of supplementing the income of remain with the Centre. backward areas. Tben, tbe duty in respect of excise ;the ThoDre should be a permanent Finance present proportion is smaller. A mucb Comminion. You may call it Inter·State biuer proportion must be given to the Finance Councilor by any name. The States. Tbere was a time when land Constitution provides tbat tbe President revenue was realised wilhout specifying the can have a privy council for advising him needs of the Centre and the needs of the on State matters. One such economic council States. Where is the land revenue 1 Land sbould also be constituted permanently to 110 revenue has become insignificant source into the question. The very basis of the Plan- ning Commission bas to cbange. It sbould of revenue today. (/IIle"up/loII!. remain the friend, philosopher and guide I shall wind up in two or three minu- to the Centre as well as to the States. It tes. Secondly, I would like to submit may provide the national structure of the that the Centre sbould not take this obll' plan, but the priorities should be left to ption of having a system of grants-in-aid. tbe individual States. My State might Why sbould tbere be such a system as like to spend more on education rather than IfBllta-io-ald? Tbe Centre's power remains or alliculture. Our Assembly is competent with the Centre. What is important is to look to the interests of tbe people of my that a &ense of belonging should be tbere, State. My State may not have a genius for m respect of the backward regions industrial development. If we invest more and the backward classes. I sub·mit in irrigation, our fruitfulness and the couo- to the Government, througb you, tbat try's fruitfulness will iocrease, That may tbe system of grant-in·aid should be discon- be our feeling. Therefore, the fixation on tinued except tbat certain criteria and cer- priorities among agriculture, irrigation, edu... tain norms may be devised whereby grant- cation, health, labour etc. sbould be left to in-aid can go and supplement and subsidise the States and the Centre should not inter- tbe locome of the back. ward areas and tbe fere in it. backward cl888CS. Suppose tbere are tribal areas Or other SHRI HEM BARUA (Mangaldai) : Sir, _ wbicb are economically backward. the Government of India's resolution of They require more funds. The States can- Marcb, 1950 has enunciated the objectives· not supplement them today. In every State, of planninl in tbis country. We have to tbare are backward areas like Telengana In study this draft fourth plan against tbe Aadhra, Vldarbba in Maharasbtra, Cbota- backsround of those objectives. If we ..pur in Bihar, tbe erstern districts la look at tbls plan from tbis standpoint, we UP and 80 00. Only Punjab has doae find there is a desperate attempt to stabilise wen as a whole. There are backward areas the economic disequilibrium which is tbere in Oujarat also. Therefore, the criteria of today in the country. Therefore, this Plan ...... iD-aid should be linked up with the is not a dynamic plan so far as our econo- lIIIImr-nts (jf backward regioas. The my concerned. _Ire lhould create a sease of belonging Unfortunalely, there is not even a men- In tbaa. The Centre will remain ~ tion of tbe word 'socialism' in this. But llecause the minorities wonld waat it to be tbe objectives enunciated in tbe resolution --g. If they cannot succeed in tbe have specifically said tbat planning in India ballot In their respective States, they would will bring tbe country to tbe brink of, If look to Centre al their guardiaa. Let the not into, economic equality tbrough socia- minorities, let the have-nots, demand that lism. Tbere Is nothing of that sort in tbis Ihe ceatre sbould be stronl. The Centre plan. When I read tbe plan, I found a _ create a scase of belonllng in tbese brief analysis of th@ .o·called benefits Nc:IIwwd ~ If tile State spends accrulnl out of Ibe so-called social control 221 VAISAKHA 19,1191 (S.4K.4J of banking, but tbere is no mention of tbe senerate an econoalY based on agriculture. progress made towards socialism in tbe Thore is nothing Uke tbat. course of the tbird plan wbicb preceded tbls. Are we to understand that tbe Govern- Wbat about the problem of ftoods. ment of In"dia and the Planning Commission Floods, may I tell you, are an annual vlsl· wbicb Is almost a parallel Government, tation In Assam. During the 14 years sub- have said good-bye to socialism? If so, sequent to 1951 tbe State Exchequer bas lost let tbem come forward and say so. on an average Rs. 7.7 crores a year. In' According to tbis resolution, tbe plann- 1966 tbe ftoods were tbe most acute ing benefit will be social gain, not personal in Assam and tbe State lost property belo- gain. But bere we find personal gains ogiog to the people estimated at Rs. 247 only, not social gains. million. Many lives were also lost. It is Whatever that migbt be, in this appro- not a matter of joke. Floods, apart froID acb to tbe Plan it bas been specifically retarding progress of agriculture and bring- pointed out that the Plan bad to be post- ing untold miseries to buman lives, destroy poned because of certain eventualities, and property and inftict damage on tbe Stllte one of those eventualities was the invasion Excbe'luer also. Therefore there is a by Cbina and Pakistan of tbis country. demand in this country coming from dUrer- Yesterday also tbe Prime Minister made a ent parts for further allocation of finances reference to it. to tbe States. It is a fact tbat there was aggression by China and Pakistan, but any calamity of Wben the three Plans were formulated tbat sort sbould give a fillip, an opportu- the basic political pattern of India was of a nity, to gear up our economy, But in Ollr similar nature. Now with tbe recent elec- case we have postponed the Plan ooly tions tbe pattern has been disturbed and because of the fact that China and Pakistan a new pattern bas emerged. But sotJlObow aggressed on us. or tbe otber the Fourtb Five Year Plan does not take any note of tbat disturbance caUBed Tbere are other causes also given in tbe in the basic political pattern. Tbis Ia body of tbis Plao. It is said tbat there was something very startling. Tbe Plan sbould a cnsts in agricultural production and have been formulated in the light of that therefore the Plan had to be postponed. If cbango in the basic political pattern in tbl. tbere was a crisis in agricultural production country. Tbere bas been no attempt lDade -in fact there was a crisis In agricultural in this Plan to formulate tbe Plan in tbe production-it is a sad commentary on the ligbt of tbe basic chanllC in tbe political three Plans tbat preceded this Plan. pattern In our country. It bas been Otber reasons vindicating or justifying formulated in the usual manDer. Plan· tbe postponement of tbe Plan are also given. ning Commission is a vast empire aDd lb. Natural calamities like floods and drougbts PlannIng Commission bas brillianl men. are mentioned. Floods and drougbts bave BUI tbeir brilliance somebow or tbe CJtber adversely affected our agricultural produc- is not reflected in tbls Draft Fotlltb Plan. tion. But, at tbe same time, it is one of Tbat pains me most, bnt wbat to do ? tbe jobs of Government to sec that where- ver there are droughts water is provided, Tbere is anotber reason given for tbe irrillation facilities ar provided and drink- postponement of tbls Plan. ing water is provided. It is one of tbe jobs of Government to see tb.t in drought MR. DBPUTY·SPBAK!BR I Tbe bon. affected areas like Rajastban or Tamil Member may continue bla speecb after Nadu, wbicb tbe Prime Minister viSited, lunch. We will adjourn for lunch now and drinking water and irrigation facilities are meet again at 14.00 boull. provided. But in tbis Plan we find a passing reference to irrigation facilities that 13 ...... tbey propose to make available to the people. No top priority is given to irrisa- tion facilities. Irrigation facilities will not The ~ SIJbIuz ".",rwd /or ~ only eliminate the problem of drouabts and till Fo""un 0/ the Clock. #qo

'I'll. Lok Stlbha ,_umblrti ../I" Llllft:h SHRI HBM BARUA: Sir, I was til Fl., MI""te8 JHl.t FOII,t, •• of the Clock spoakinl about floods 00 RCCOUOt of wbich the Draft Fourth Plao had to be postponed (SIIrI O&dlll ...... Go"d I. the ChaI,) from 1966 to 1969. True it is that flood. cannot be oliminated completely. But then MOTION RE. FOURTH FIVE YEAR tbe iotensity of floods can be reduced by PLAN-DRAFT-CotJtd. careful plaooioa. There Is DO top priority liVeD in the Draft Fourtb Plao towards MR. CHAIRMAN: Sbrl Hom Barua fl9uction of iotoDllty or flood •. to couotioue bis speecb. . Anotber reason adumbrated for tbo -itriT ~ ~ : ~ Plan's postponemeot is tho slow flow of forcilo aid. Whoo planniol wal resorted to ~ • tFor 377 it; ~ !IfI'Cf ""' m io this couotry, it was said tbat foroilo aid was Invited with a view to oDd foralgn ald. '«-I' '" 61fIif ~ '!WIT ~ Ii fiI; Dependence 00 foreigo aid to end depen- ...,(I\1lM it; ~ it \Ill ~ 11ft ~ dence wal tbe slOIOO raised and tbi' slolon ~ qf'(qfa(l fiRr IflIT I ~ remiods me of aD antiquated ,10100, wan t t to eod war. Wan do Dot oDd war. Like ~ enfi ~ it; ~ q1!i ~ I!il tbat, depeodence 00 forallo aid does not cftf\lR' ~ ~ ond foroilo depeodeoce at all. This I, t m ...... wbat wo bave found 10 our plaooiDI In tho MR. ~ : PloaBO resume country. Tbe ratio of external aid to public your seat. I am Dot allowiol you. debts of tbo Govemment of India io 1955.56 (ItJIerrUPtion') was less ihu I per COIlt. By March, 1966, it rose to 35 per ceot aDd DOW, with -it • ~ : I:Tfl: ~ 1Ift;:fA- devaluatioo of the Indlao rupeo aDd upward revisioo of the olltornal dobt, \I has como ~~ to 45 per coot. It has happened like tbat. Generally, foreip debt mates our ellternal MR. CHAIRMAN: Tbo Speakor has rolations, I meaD, political relations, Dot permitted you to raise tho issue at this vuloerable to eliterDal pressures. This Is hour. I am Dot 10iOl to allow you. The wbat is bappeoiOI io our cODntry. Parliameotary Affain Miolster il horo. We are depeDdlDI 00 forollD loaDs for They wili take ooto of It. You caD sce public sector also. As a result of that, io the Speaker afterwards. Shrl Hem Barua. collaboratloo with the Iodiao couoter,p4rts aDd tbe forelp capitalists, there Is a DOW SHRI S. M. BANERJEE lKaDpur): class of capitalists Browlol 10 the couotry. May I klodly draw your attootioo to.•..•• We must not foraot that. We waot to make our ecooomy self·reliant. It is a very MR. CHAIRMAN: I am not allow· lood thlDI. But if we try to make our ID& anytbioa· economy self-reliant merely by borrowlo.. It does DOt speak well of plannlnl at all, SHRI S. M. BANERJEE I I am Dot Now what il happeulol 1 Depondence IIIlaml this IlIue ...... 00 extomal rosources has, as I have said, made our polltlcal relations vulnerable to MR. CHAIRMAN l I am Dot allow· lotomatiooal pressures. There are maoy toa anythlnl which II Dot permitted by the iostances of this. I caD quole the lostu_, Speaker. Shrl Hom Barua. if you want. Tbo foreip Invest on In this country SHRI S.M. BANElUEE iNo aro In collaboratloo with their Iodlan c<>uoter- dlacll8&inl tbo Plan. That Is wby wo parts, are bulldlog a sore of vested Intorest waot to ralso tbe -.uo ...... iD tbls country. The forelp Investon call repatriate, caD &end back, their profits to MR. CHAIRMAN: I am lorry. I their countries ; they caD repatrlato cvon a aID not allowlD& anytblol. Shrl Hom part of tbe capital. If Dol the wbol., capital, JIII1I8 to contIDlICI hla ~ prestrlctod. This II wblt II hlpPOlllnpa VAISAKHA 19.189. (SAKA)

tbls counlTy. The foreIgn monopolists, in not been assured to tbe people tin now. co-operatlon with the Indian monopolists, Wbatever that migbt be, bas tbere been any I presume, haye a sort of yested Interest beginning made in this Plan? No bellin- in th. country. Once yested interests are nlng, whatsoever, has been made in tbis created, it becomes difficult to eliminate Plan. Whenever tbe problem (lr resources them. There is no attempt towards comes, we see our Deputy Prime Minister, socialilm. Socialism is the only slogan, Sbri Morarji Desai, traversing tbe world tbe only matter, tbat can eliminate vested . with a beggins bowl. May I tell you tbh ? Interests in tbis country-or in any Tbe easIest way to become a her In country-and make our economy self- contemporary Cblna Is to abuse Soviet reliant. As I ao througb tbe Plan, I find Russia. Marsban Chen YI has abused that it moves fartber away from socialism certain people very recently. He bas dos- by encouraging tbe foreign vested interests cribed Americans as 'bastards' but 'honest in tbis country and also by encoura&ing bastards', tbe Russians as 'liars and traitors'. tbe vested interests whicb are indigenous. Tbis is wbat they say. You can put tbeso In the report of tbe Monopolies Commission words witbin quotation marks, if you like. it is said tbat there are 70 houses of In order to become a bero in contemporary monopolists in tbis country. What about China, you bave to abuse Soviet Russia, these monopolists? These monopolists and in order to become a bero in COn- are aainine ground and tbey are fatlenlnl temporary India, you bave to abuse only their purses witb the connivance of the Mr. Morarjl Desai. Abuse him and over- Government, with the co-operation of tbe .nlllbt you become a bero. In order to Government tbrough planning. Tbis Is become a bero in West Bongal, whom to wbat Is happening in tbls country. abuse. everybody knnws. You become a Now the question is wberefrom are hero overnight. I do not want to indnlge tbe resources to come for tbe Plan. There In tbese cbeap tecbniques or slogans, but are ways and means of getting resource,. by at tbe same time I would say tbat to see mobilising the internal resourCes of tbls Mr. Morarji Desai traversing tbe world witb country. Have we tried to mobilise the a begling bowi in his hand, and beggar's Internal resources of this country? Have bowl In his hand. in order to implement we ever tried to nationalise banking; mining, his plans and scbemes In Ibis country, is tea; jut." or general insurance in tbi. a disgustinll sight and I tell you tbat it is a country? We bave never tried to mobilise disllrace 10 tbe country also. Before doing the tnternal resources of tbis country and that, bas be tried 10 mobilise tbe internal yet, we depend on foreign aid. Dependence resources of this country by an active on foreign aid can be curbed only by an policy or prOllramme of nationalisation? active measure towards mobilising the He bas never tried to do tbat, but only loes natural or the internal esources of tbe on benln&. belling and hessinl. country. Tbis should be done; otherwise, Wbatever tbat migbt be. what is our economy wbich is already in the dark bappenlng In tbls country is this. Corrup- dunseon of dissipation, will de deep in tion has struck deep roots in the Indian tbls dark dungeon of dissipation; tbere Is public life. Tbere Is no doubt about it. no doubt about It. We all Indians have lone down in the esteem of tbe world today, because. we ~ In tbe Resolution of March 1950, a corrupt nation or a currupt people. adumbrated by the Government of India, Wbere are attempts made In tbls Plan, to It is said Ihat the disparity between the cbeck tbls spiralling of prices or to cbeck different income levels will be reduced. . corruption In thIs couDtry? Nothinll has But wbere Is the attempt at tbe removal been done. Now, this Plan would give of disparity between tbe different income only an encouragement to courruptlon. levels in this country in the Plan? Tbere is notbing like tbat here. Tbe disparity When Sbri Minoo Masani was speaking, simply grows. I read an article written he said about wages. He saId tbat waaes by Dr. Karan Singh about religion in the sbould be related to productivity. Tbe nuclear age. Tbere be bas said tbat a now tbeory is that wales sbould be need- minimum living standard sbould be 'assured based and not production· based. Now, the to tbe people in tbe ne"t decade. Tbat mind of the capitalist. is to distrust tbe Qleans tbat a minimum Iivln!! stanllardbaf worbn in tbis country. ~ Plannin,s 227 Dfll/t Fourth PI,. MAY 9, lJ1ii1

[Sbri Hem Barua] bave nalurally nol only led to concentration Now,bow can tbe people participate in of wealtb in tbe bands of a few indlvldllllis ·Ibe 'Plan whlcb is nol moant for tbelr but al,o it bal encouraled rellonal welfare, 'but wbicb is dominated by Ihe imbalances In tbls counlry. capitalists to eapolit tbe people? Tbere are certain paris of tbe country Tberefore, I would wish tbis House to wblcb are neglected. Except Namrup see tbat tbls Draft Plan is tbrown out and Fertilizer plant and the Oil Refinery at It I, not accepted by us. Because, Ihls Gauhti, in Assam, there is not a single Plan is nol loinl to fulfil tbe objectives industrial project worth the name. The tbat bave been adumbrated in the Resolu- prr rapiia income of Assam was hilher tban tion of tbo Go,'emmenl Itself wbich was the ali-India filure before Planning was adopted In March, 1950 wbich outlines the resorted to. But now tbe pe, capita Income basic objectives of Planning in tbls of Assam bas gone down lerriblY with tbe country. Plans. Orissa, West Bengal, Ihese are all I would like tbe Plant to gear up our the neglected Slates of India. .economy by ·Increased production, by rational What aboul Orissa? Paradeep Is distribution of tbe wealtb produced, by possibly the only deop sea port In the checking corruption and rise in prices. by counlry but no sleps have been taken 10 cbecklnl concenlration of wealth in a few improve Ihis porI, nol even a carlo berth bands, by checkinR wastalle on tbe proli- al Paradeep. Tbere should be rail-line ferating administrative machinery as also between Ta\cber and Bimlagarh and Ibis by adopting 8 real proaramme of Socialism could carry the production of Rourkela as and sayina Bood·bye to tbe capilalistic also Ihe production Madhya Pradesh and Ideology that Inspires this plan, Bihar for export 10 Japan. Have .Ibey done il? This Plan bas not done anytblng SHRI GAJRAJ SINGH RAO in tbal direclion. (Mabendralarb): I would just see, the Whalever Ihat milbl be, Slr,.J wisb 10 Plan Is tbere. But wbat Is tbe basic idea, draw the attenlion of Ihe Central Govern- wbat is tbe basic tbing, about the Plan 1 ment 10 Ihis aspecl. ) do nol waol tbe W•• lber it is a developmenl plan or aulbority of Ihe Ceotral Goveromenl 10 be not-tbat sbould be tbe only criterion. in eroded, nor do I wanl Ihe aulooomy of the my.bumNe opinion, by wbicb the Plan is Slates 10 be by passed Ihrougb Dealigence. to be judaed. But that is whot is bappening 10 Ibis country loday. If necessary, Ibe Conslltu- Some say tbat It is a very Bood Plan tion sbould be am.nded in order to re- on paper. Some object on tbe ground define the fiscal relatiol1$ botwoon tbe tbat·it dOO8 DOt bave tbis ftair or that flair Central Government and tbe State Govern- and If it waa tbere, tbat would serve the menls. It should be done. purpose. Tbat is not the Idea. Tbe idea of tbePlan is development of Bbaral, tbat Sir, in spite of Planning, uoompJoymont IS,lodia. Tbe basic idea is not mine. Is increasing in tbe country. I am nOI Tbe ·blilest, blgbest and most respected loing to speak about under-employmont penonalit, like Mahatma Gandbi said tbat . wbich is itself a problem. Unemployment ,Ioclia 18 a couatry of villales and anylbinl is increasing in tbis ·the figure wblcb develops ~ and rural areas is of S8.2 per cenr. Unemploymenl is most tbe .teal development. Instead of tbat, acute so far as Assam Is ~ In wbat is .happenlng In Delbi 1 I am very Assam it is mosl acule, ahout tbroe times .sOny .to say tbat Delbi wbose population tbe figure. was only two and balf lakbs bas now a Sir, Planning presupposes stability In population of SO lakbs. Everybody rushes tbe country. How can you bave .I,abllity to Delbi. ·We are jusl doing tbe opposite in the country when unemplomeotis allowed of wbat Mabatma Gandbi said, namely. to grow on like tbis 1 When reaional ~ to tbe vlllage$". He said thaI imbalances are allowed to grow in tbis ever.llbody SbOliid 10 to tbe rural India and country like this how ·can You .bave 5tabilty ~ .bimself to bls avocation. Tbat is in the country 1 Tbe Prime Minister UlQke 11111 oaly .wfl.y .bow rural Jndla ~ ~ about tbe people's partiCipation ifI ~ .pllln. ~ rio

This Plan may bave been drafted io sbc.uld ,0 in Cor villaac and small'scale good spirit aod 10 a" 1iMIT/idiI Diiuioj!r. IJut Industries. I do not say that modern my experience of the Iut three PlaDa-le plaots should not be set up. But we have that tbe vlllases bave been completely to ~ wliat for tbey need to be set uP. if oeslected. People out of dire' olballlt)' tlley arc not 10101 to develop tbe Indian bave beeo rusbiDa to to_ where. because Dathlll. or I would say, tbe rural India. IF of tbat. tbe jbuagl jbomPdI' pfoblems bave we walit 10 develop India we sbould develop eropped up. ill villages first. Unless we develop our I was speaklol on tbe dtecrJiMlvil' .IClii. ~ we can nol prosper. How loog Now I will come to tbe coos&ructlve Bide. are we loing to beg from America or Tbough we bave DO wealth. we have ,at at Russia Dr any otber country? It is a least ooe w.!th. oaalely. mjm..powentlfli:b sliame to a bll nation like ours to go Is locreasiog. Uol.... by utU!a1Df tbls about begBing. mao-power. we rClOrt to self-balp. 00 So far 8S man-power is concerned. we amouot of mooey or 00 amcloDt ot 18lIll- have the best peasants in tbe world bere ; tlon can solve tbe problem of planaioa. we bave also tbe best soldiers from this From my owo ~ I cao aay that area. Tbe eumple Is already tbere, and I if we utilise our alaopO.or nilourciCi lllid can aive the fi,urcs also ... work 00 a self-helP basis, tbott _ can MR. CHAFRMAN: Tbe bon. Member acbieve aoytblq and develop our rural lliouJd try to conclude In two miDutcs. India. If I can dare to say. OU ....oo dIstrict SRal OAJRAJ SINGH RAO : Is just in tbe oeiabbourbood here. Because requeet I may be giveo a few more minutes. of our participation io tbe fint War of Indepeodcoce in 1851. we were yj"tbilUd MR. CHAIRMAN I That is not aod tbere are autbeotle f8CltB to tbls e8'ect. passiftJe. I bave a very Jong list before Tbe Britisbers themselves admitted tIiis. me. He should conclude In two mloules. The bumble people of tlliB distriCt dleo resorted to self-belp aod tlND we co_ct- SURI GAJRA] SINGH RAO : cd a very large number of huods. roads aad would submit tbat instead of calcoJatinl In scbool buUdln,s aod we I'CCO\'Ofocl Ido'd terms of money. we sbould calculate In also from devastatiOD. Bverytlllaa W8I teran of man-power resources. Those done witb self-belp. Tberefore. If tbere Is Statcs wblcb arc prepared to supply tbe proper utilisatloo of' tbe mao'power best III aiao-powet sbould get the CeDtral resources that are at out dli)lolaJ and tile moley. Then only we can bave a real disposal of tbe GoverBmcot, 'ben we cao plan. And tbose States should be enabled solve most of our problems. BUt wbat Is to ImpJe.aent tbe plan properly witb tbeir bappenln. ? The deililmd Is ttiat flit heIt ~ Ceotral Goverameot should de.:lare tbiB NOW; I would, say a few words about area or tbat area .. backward aod 'area Haryaoa. Wbat better testimony can be they sboUld give tlils mucb' mdoey to 0" tbere' to tbe fact that it is a backward State develop tbat area. Let it be acrutlalaed-by IJraii that Paadit Jaw.barlal Nebru bimself aoy Committee aod let tbem find out 00 our submission appointed tbe Haryana wbetber even' 10 per ce'o'l of tflh is mlmeY Development Committee? It was oot merely being spent for the pufilese for w!ricb it is a backward area but it bad been made aiven. backward is a result of victimlsation by tbe Some people say 'Create' more bloCk Britlsbers for tbe War of 10depeDdencc io ~ ofilcers ail\! ~ "",,14 18S1. TIle report 01 tbe Haryana Develop. develop ladia'. I would aay that if you _t Committee is tbere. But wbeo it scrutinise it you will find' that tbey arc comes to a, questioo of its implementation actually 'Block-tbe-dtrflilop.eiu· ofli'i:ert.- it Ii satd Iliat tbere Is no money. witb tbe Tbat Is tbe work wblell Ie "iDa-dODe by tIIUll tJlal aU that labour bai lOne in vain. tbem. In my opiolon. tbe whole perap- I would say tbat at least .. a mark of beroaliB of block dtvelopmcdi ofticei'tJ' e/C:. respect and In memory of tbal areat leader Is a w.. ~ fllat riIPort sbOUld be Iml'lemented in tbat FollOwiDatbt'GaDdlliIlit COIIIIOptloO. we aroe. 231 Draft FOllrth Five

[Shri Gajraj Singh Raol I would mention. for instance, tbe Sahibi 1fT ~ ~ flfi Ofim !fit m'f!fiT iiT'iilifT1if Nadi Resolution whicb sought to I:rovide If<: ~~ ~ 0') ~ ~ fit; for drinking waler 10 about 200 villages. ro t it and whicb was adopled by the whole House ~ ~ ~ iI"m ~ I unanimonsly. It was to cost only Rs. 21 crores and 200 villages would benefit from m'f ~ ~ fir; ~ lI1\iImIT Iti"t Ibat scbeme. At present, we have to go $ mf¥:f1li ~ orm t I Inf¥:f1li eigbt or nine miles 10 get drinkinll water. And yet that scheme has not yet been ~ orR IIiT ij[f ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ implemenled. Whether that area is called flit ~ it ..) mf1rt; ~ t. ~ mf1r!I; backward or not is not my concern. My only submission is that that area which ~ t ~ !fit I!i1J flFllT ;;nli ~ W gives the best of man-power should get the it ~ orTliT \i(Tli I it ~ ~ ~ maximum advantage of assistanee from the ~~~ Centre. If this is done, then every area flI; mil; would compete, and then there would be a IIIh: w it \i() mfi1;r; ~ t, ~ real plan and implementation would be ~ ~ lfiq best. mf"i!fi !fiT !fi'{if t mil; Instead of concentrating on village ~~ ~~ development wbat are we doing now 7 We ~~~ are only makiog tbe big cities much bigger. We should not copy England wbich 18 a ~ "iT I W ~ ~ 82 ~ \i(if"ffi tTk1 country of towns and cities. We must not it ~ I tffq it ~ ott ~ copy Russia also. But we must follow the t Wlr Gandbian principle in regard to develop· rn t ilR lii{ srfcrililf <'[tTl RliT f'li ~ ment. We have enough resources in our "lim Wlr ~ t

~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ '1ft Ifilft ~ I mite it qf'f'Ii ~ ITriI' ~ fit; qm lflIT ~ lm'IT ~ I ~ il'TGT 1l'1fITTit ~ it; m: ~ ~ if ~ IIlIT ~ fit; ~ if ~ q'h: otccfrit I m ~ 'liT ~ if ~~ ~~ e:T ~ 'R: ~ fu'l!T If!IT ~ I ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ 'f>"'im 'liT ~~ ~ ~ tl mGT O'f>" ~ ~ it; ~ ~ ~ ~ 1ft' ~ ~ I ql1': ~ if ~ iiIrt ~ ~~ ~ ~~ if '1Jfff ~ ~ Q;OT ~ ;ft;;r tj;n ~ "'"' ~ ;;iT ~~ lfi[f f'flli?rIJT m~ ~ 1ft ~ ~ oT qPl ~ ~ ~ ~ if '!iOT ~ n- m ~ ~ ~ ~~ fit; ~ ~~ ~ I e:T mOT m il"ifn-li!til"OTai ~ ~ if; ~ ~ q'hITfl[il>" ~ 'it m it; ~ f;;r",) if; ~ if im fiR IIlIT I ~ ~ ri lfi[ ~ ~ i!tit ~ ~ I Iftif mer r.r.r ~ m if ~ qT'f ~ ~ tfit; ~ 'f>"T iilQ"q(f 00 if 'il:or ,,) IfOifT tj;n m ~ I crw 'R: m:'f'"R I!ili ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \;fiT 0'1>" IIfql '1ft ~~ ~ 'it i);m ITTGT ;;rT ITi[T '1ft i[Tq)-, orTlll if ~ '1ft ~ 'fi[T il:Ttft, ~ ~ ~ ~~ oil" O'f>" ~ 'IimrT;ff '1ft ~ 'it irI;r, if 0IT\lIl ~ II"IT ~ il:"t IfIIT,;nr 'f>"T '!>ro:!T lfi1 lIT f'l>" ;;iT ~ if; IT{ ~ ~ qT'f it; ~ ~ 1ft oit\il' it ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~~ qrqif; 'f'"Rm ~~~ ~~ ;ffl orfit; ~ ~ i[T, ~~ ~ qmlf'f>" I f.t;miJ ITi[T ~ qorr il"T-r il:'tor ~ fit; ~ 'liT ~~ ~ m oro ~ qT'f ~ ~ ~ if@ rn I ~~ ~ 'ft;f'l if ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q T\iT fIi"mif ~ 'R!f;'t ~ if@ il"fu'Ii ~ 'it ~ ~ ~ f, !JOT ~ f'l>" ~ ~~ lflIT ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ f.t;m;ff if; mllf !1M" ~ it; flTmlf lIT ~ IJit O\'!i SllR ffi ~ I ~~ ~~ 'mU ~~ lfil: ~ ~ f.t;mif ~ ~ q i!t ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rn, '1ft ;P)fW if 'ft;f ;t\" """ mu attm '1ft IT( ~ I ~ ~ m,;;iT ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 1ft ~ '1ft ~ m ~ I qIf, qr'i finT \;fiT O'f>" ITi[ 'ft;f '1ft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fit; ~ f'f>"mif qrq-'!ft If"'t;t;mff {t 00 ~ ~~ ~~ ~ OTTlT '3OT riiT, ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Imft ~ I qT'f f!lGfOl'T '1ft ~ ;P) ~ ~ qrm fu;rr ~ cit lfi1 ~ i[T ~ I "T il:!OTo IIi[ ~ f'l>" 'Til: !if" ~ &Tlf it; ~ ~ If!IT ~ I ~ '1ft ~ ~ '1>") ~~ ~ il:),l"f lflIT 2085 ",",T, if ~ 'ft;f) it; ~ it; ~ ~ ~ il"TIfI1: il:T m: aft1frf\llt 1ft ~ m :U:l ~ ~ ~ If!IT t I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i[);;iT lfi1313 'IiU, 1ft itiIT<'T ~ ~ If!IT ~ iI"QO ~ ~ ifflt il:), cit ~ mvrr fit;;;r) ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ fit; ~ 1Ti[ oitw c5tifi" il:) GfI1f oT ~ lfi1 ~ fit; 7 ~ 40 "t lIITro!J ~ 'lIT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~2~~ t, m f<;ro: lIfTq 'flfT ~ ~ I m;;r "'" Iir;t ~ rn I iiIir m ~ ~ finlT ~ t I ~ ~ ~ lIfTq lIIT1f lI'l'ffl t.m: m ~ flI; rmrt it ftrlT ~ ~ 0A'aT 'IiT;roWrT ~ 'f\iT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lIfTq;rt;r rmr it ~ ~~~~ lI1TiiT Ifl'i'f ~ iPI'Rr? qI1A 50 ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ I!1t srm ~ fum ~ ~~ I ~ it ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ I ~~ m- IfPft I!1t t<'f ~ 1 '"" 10 ..w ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ..,Iir t ~ ~ ~ t lIfTtR 50 ~ ~ ~ ~ iIfllf .nfurit fit; ~~~~~ m- m m;r ~ ~ !U 'ffu!:IT1I' ~ mrT I ~~~~ t ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ PI; lIIT'R ~ 1!!t mll'lT iii . Dra!t FOWIIIIIIM VAISAQA 111•. 1891 (8AKA) ft;rit w fiI;lrr t I ~ ~ ~~ becomlnl richer and the poor ate becom- q'R ~ (I'1I;.,.fiI;1ff Inl,POOrer and poorer. So, these 'are tile lfRr-ifm Ifr.r two extreme views expressed by tbe two it; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'IR extremiSI parties in Ibis House. ~ ~ ~ ijf) ~ ~ ~~ JI was also stated Ibat the Plao ·has ceased to eulbuse the common man in lbe ~ ~ mm ~~ cOUP try and nobodylB inlerested in tbe srll'rEI' ~ ~ ~ I "'" if ~ 'lit draft fOQrlb Bve year Plan whlcb was .presenled 10 Ibe Ho\I8C. Bul as Ibe ·Plan ~ ~ t, 'lfl1: ~ ~ IfIfT t, itself slales, "the 1081 of Ibis Plan is rapid ~~ ~ increase In Ibe standard of Iivinl of the people tbroll8b measures wbich will also it ~~ ~~~ promole equalily and social juslice." The Plan Ihus places empbasls on Ibe common ~ ~ ~ fifO 'fro if ~ Iff'IA t man, tbe weaker section and tbe less privl- ~ 'If<'T1f ~ 'lfTIf ~ ~ ~ leled. This is wbal is slated In Ibe draft Plan itself. ~ ~ iro lfil. t fiI; iffII' if ~ ~ Whatever may he stated In the draft iPff.t it; ~ ~ ifiT ~ ~ Bve year Plans, we have to admit Ihat even !!f<'llT ~~ ~ I lftII'if ~ after 18 years of PlanDinl in India, and when wc bave come 10 ·Ihe Fourtb ·Five ~~~~~~ Year Plan, even then bundreds of viliaaers ~ ~ ;;jT1li

[Shri Mohsln] hecominl bigger and bigger. Tbe Govern- of raw material. We can increase alricul- ment is paying more attention to the deve- tural production by bel ping the agriculturlts lopment plans of the cities and giving more witb improved seed improved Implements, facilities for the big towns and cities to tbe fertilisers, irigation facilties, etc. Our produc- detriment of the villages. Ir tbis conti- tion in 1949·50 was 54.9 million tODS. In 1955- nues,,1 do not know what would happen to 56 It only increased to 669 million tons. our country? 70 per cent of our popula- We could bave produced more, but the tion live in villages and it is our primary ave!B.e yield in India is very low. AccordinJ duty to live more allention to villages. to tbe 1965 figures the average yield of wbeat Tbe fundamental objective of phnnlng in India was only 7.3 quintals per bectare, Is to accelerate the development by making whereas it was 276 quintals in UAR. 17.7 optinum utilisation of resources, so that the quintals In USA and 13.6 quintals In masses can have a reasonably bigh standard Canada. Our paddy yield also is low. It of living. We have not been able to is only 16 I quintals per hectar wbereas it utilise our resources fully. Tbere are Is 51 1 in Japan and 50.4 in UAR. millions of acres of land wbich are culti- We havo to give more attention to tb. vable but wblcb are lying fallow, to the agriculturists by elvinll tbem all tbe faci- detriment of food production. There are lities so tbat tbe production also may be vast water resources wblch are unutilised. Improved. It Is said tbat even after these five year Consumption of fertilisers also is very plans, only 33 per cent of tbe unable river low in India. It is 497 11:1. per hectare in waters are controlled Bnd put to use and India whereas it is 58079 kg. In Netberlands 67 per cent are left unbarnessed. Tbere- 321.12 kg. In Japan and 114 kg. in UAR. fore, optimum utilisation of resources bas Tbis is tbe state of affairs of agriculturists not taken place. How can we then expect in otber countries. to reacb tbe tarlets ? One of tbe Directive Principles In tbe 14.51 lin. Constitution Is tbat tbe State should aim at creating a society in wbicb all have an [Mr. Deputy-Speaker In the Chair) equal opportunity and disparity in income and wealtb has to be reduced to a mini- Tbe achievements in the former Plans, mum. Much remains to be done In this of course, are very disappointing. After reaard. Thougb we talk of socialist pattern the tbree Five Year Plans tbe growtb of of society and democratic socialism, wealth Indian economy was only at tbe rate of bas been concentrated· In a few hands and 3.3 per cent wbereas tbe population rose poverty is deep-rooted In the common man. by 34 per cent. The per capita income The poor arc becoming poorer. Concen- still furtber came down to 1.2 per cent. tration of wealtb and monopolies bave be- Tbe gro.. th of our industrial productiou come tbe order of the day. To stop all W81 3 per cenl wbereas in otber countries this, we bave to increase production, botb even in under-developed countries, it is 5 alricultural and Industrial. India Is essen- per cent. tially an agriculturist country. 70 per cent We bave to tblnk about tbe growtb of of our people depend on agriculture. uational income also. Tbc growtb of na- Aericaltnrists contribute more tban 50 per tional income in India is 3.3 per cent cent to the total national income. Tbey wbereas in Japan it is 6 per cent, in Tbai- are tbe backbone of our country. Tbat is land it is 7 per cent, in Taiwan it is 8 per wby we should pay more allention to our cent and in Korea it is 6 per cent. aerlcalturists. Due to droulbt condltiolls luceessively (or two years, industrial prn- Tbe rise in prices bas affected mucb duction bas also suffered. Wben farmers tbe economy of India. Tbe mountinl of bad uo purcbasing power, consumer goods Investment expenditure, tbe expenditure ou produced by in Indu8ules could not find a defeDce and indirect taxation bave also market and there was recession. The contributed mucb for tbe break-down in agrn-based Industries also received a eet- India n economy. back because agricultural production was As regards unemployment I may state 1lOt IJlI to tbe mark end t!lore W81 scercll)' there Will already a backlo, of unempl01e4 2fJ VAISAKHA 19, 1891 (S""") 242

periODS to the extent of 5.3 mlllloD after GoverDmeDt take tbls as a draft seriously, tbe First PlaD. After the SecoDd Five tbere Is a possibility even now of making Year PlaD 8 mUlioD persoos were UDem- certain cbaq08 whlcb will make tbl. Plan played aDd now It is 10 million people a more effective instrument for tbe advance- after tbe Tbird Five Year PlaD. BveD ment of tbe interests of tbe conutry tban tbese Plans bave failed to absosb tbe nor- tbe Third Plan was. mal increase of unemployed persons. Tbe Yesterday, my bon. friend, Shri Maunl. causes are that the Plans are unrealistic. made a frontal attack on tbe Plan. Witb Tho Plaos are based mecbanlcally on certaiD a good deal of bls criticism I would agree, rate of growtb of financial resources wbicb but not entirely. I would say tbat is it not are never real. We over·estimated our a qu08tlon of criticising iDdlviduals. Tbere resources in tbe second plan. In tbe second are able officers. tbere are able plaoners plan our resources were estimated to be of tbe but I tblnk wbere tbe defect li08 is in tbe order of Rs. 350 crores and tbere was a deficit orieDtation. The First, tbe SecoDd aDd of Rs. 50 crores. ID the Tbird Five Year tbe Third Plans were all based on certain Plan ODr estimate was Rs. 5SO crores and basic assumptioDs, and tbese assumptions It came to oDly Rs. 470 cror... The tbird were tbat If we develop beavy industries in factor for the failure of these Plans is tbe tbls COUDtry at an accelerated pace. mainly bureaucratic machiDery for implemeDtation. tbrougb IDve,tment of public funds, under Thebureaucratic macbiDery In cbarge of im- tbe control of ~ government, these by plemeDtation of tbese PlaDs is inadequate. tbemselves will build aD infra-structure Inefficient and unclean. This Is tbe very wblcb will enable us later on to make tbe reason wby our Plans have failed. It Is advantales of PlaDning available to tbe Inadequate because the persons concerned entire nation. To a certain extent, tbe are given administrative functions and they First Plan was successful, and I would also cannot possibly along with their adminis- DOt agree witb Sbri Masani about tbe trative burden, carry on tbe implementa- SecoDd Plan. I tblnk tbe Second Plan was tion of tbe Pian projects. It is inefficient also reasoDably successful. but tbe Tbird because of tbe ICS people wbo do not see Plan certainly weDt wrODI. And tbe Tbird oye to eye with the present generation who Plan went wrong because of tbe two defects bave lot faith in tbis planning. The wblcb were Incipient also In tbe First and bureaucracy consist of stiff-collared people Second Plaos. but tbe effects of tbese were wbo;bave no faltb in planning. They are not fully realiaed dUriDI tbe First and unclean because tbe bureaucracy of today Second PlaDB. Tbls was tbo concentration is more disbonest. Under tbese circum- on heavy IDdustri08 and tbe attempt to In- stances wbatever Plans we may formulate. crease tbe material ..ealtb of tbe country wbatever be our intentions, tbey cannot be wltbout looking at tbe employment poten- Implemented. I would. therefore, SUlPSt tial. tbat you utilise non-governmeDtal leader- sblp also to a certaiD ext eDt for plan Imple- This explalos wby ID aariculture tbe policy mentatioD. Only tbeD we can see tbat was one of Invalins more aDd more fUDds "laos formulated bere by tbis House 10 In laraer and IBrIOr units. We bave beard ,broulb well and tbey are appreciated by a peat doal about co-operative farming; the people. wo bave beard a great deal aboul collec- tive farmlq; we bave heard a areal de.lI SHRI HUMA YUN KABIR (Basirbat) l about State farming. I was surprised to Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, in tbe very sbort bear one frlond on my rlgbt wbo yesterday time at my disposal. I do not propole to started by laylnl tbat even If we distribute 10 Into tbe details of tbe PlaD because tbat tbe land to all landless labourers, wbich is would take too lonl a time. I propose to Decessary if you want to increase produc- coDfine myself only to some of tbe basic tion, there is Dot adequate land and we will assumptions and tbe way in whicb tbls Dot bave economic holdings. If we waDt Plan bas alain been a disappointment. really declive farmlnll, tbere must be iD- I am bappy to fiDd that tbis is called a centives PVCQ to the producers. Immedia- draft. I bop. tbat tbis is slDcerely meant, tely after, be weDt on to prescribe a re- becau.e a draft suU .. t, tl11t til,re is room medy and tbe remedy wbicb he suueited fQr ~ aqj ~ tllo "'" ~~ ~ ~ tin ~ 243 PM.B. ComR6port. MA.Y 9, 1969 244 [Shrl Humayun Kablr] vIdual nexus with tbe land would be lost. IS hr.. He did not see the inconsistency between the two parts of his statement. RESOLUTJON RE : APPOINTM'BNT OF COMMISSION TO 00 INTO CHAR- One nf the major defeets of the agrlcul· GES AGAINST BIRLA OROUP OF tural policy in the First, Secnnd and Tblrd Plans, wbicb persists in tbe Fourth Plan CONC£R.N8-Co/lld. also, Is the attempt to meebanlse agricul- ture. Here I would like to point out that MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER.: Befnre I wbile mechanisation has certain advant- ~ Tenbet)' Viswanatbam to codtlnue ages in agriculture, tbe cnnditions differ blS speecb, I would like to say one thing. from country to country. In a country Tbe balance of time available is only 17 like tbe United States or USSR, where, minutes. Two otber important Resolu- compared to India, the land availbility is 8 tions are there in tbe agenda. Than times or 20 times per capita. where tbe man- Resolutions come before tbe House by power is sbort. tbere is a strong case for ballot and every mover feels tbat be sbould mecbanisation. But in a country like let an opportunity. So, we bave to ration India, wbere everything is in short supply time. Only 17 minutes are left and in my excepting man-power, I tbink tbe attempt discretion i can extend It by balf an bour. to introduce mechanisation on a larle How mucb time will tbe Minister require ? scale will not merely not give us the de- THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRIAL sIred results in agriculture but it will bave DEVELOPMENT, INTERNAL TRADE barmful elfects and far-reacblng social AND COMPANY AFFAIRS \SARI F. A. Implications, wbicb are not always rea- AHMED): I may be given at least balf lised. an bour.

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I would MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER 20 minu· suggest that he may continue his speech tes. next day. SHRI F. A. AHMED: On the other We sball now take up Private Members' band, I bave been informed by tbe hon. Resolutions. Members tbat many of tbem are anxious to speak on this Resolution. [ would sub- mit tbat tbey may be given an opportunity COMMITIEE ON PRIVATE MEM- BERS' BILLS AND RESOLU- TIONS MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I would I!ave very much liked to do. But in tbe Furty Nintb ReJiiirt Committee when the time was decided upon, nobody pressed .Cor more time for SHRI BHAUIBHAI PARMAR this Resolution and the movers of otber (Dobad) : I bel to move ; R.alutions, on tbe contrary, said that I "Tbat tbls HOUle do agree with tbe should not use my discretion even for lID Forty-niatb Report of tbe Commitliee extenaion by balf an bour. That Is the on Private Members' Bills and Resolu- position, It i9 very difficult. tions presented to the House on tbe 8tb May, !969." SHRI F. A. AHMED: I tbink, if the mattcr is left to tbe House, to decide. it MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The ques- will the better. tion is : ''Tbat tbls House dn agree Witb tile SURI K. N. Tiwary (Bettiahl : No Forty-nintb Report of tbe Committee extCll1lion sbould be ~ We bave 101 on Private Members'· Bills and RHolu- a lDuch more important Resolution, next in tions presented to the House on the tbe list. 8th May, 1969." The motion wa. oddPted. • rir 1"l!J' (Ift'rorT;r) : !t If([ ~~~~~~ 24' 11IHIt1""lon Comml8.1"" VAISAIOtA 19, 1891 (SAKA) /Or Blrla Group Com:e,."., 246 (ReI.) SHRI D. N. PATODIA (Jaiore): On SHRI S. M. BANERJEE have the last occasion, in respect of the previous already moved an amendment. Resolution rellardiog Centre-States relations wblch was very important and many Mem- MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : Not be- bers l1Iqueated YOIl to pve somo mora time, cause·anyone has moved an amendment he at tbat time. you refused point blank to will get an opportunity. That Is not the extend tbe time at all. I do not IOC any procedure. rllllSOn why. you should .xtend time on Ibis Reaolutlon because the next Raolutlnn is SHRI TENNETI VISWANATHAM l still more Important. (Viaakhapatam): May I know, Sir, how much time do I get? MR. DEPUfY SPEAKER: Last time, wbat I did was according to tbe procedure MR. DEPUfY SPEAKER: 5 minu- laid down. My discretion to extend time tllB. is for balf an hour. Even if tbe House WON 10 take I decision by majority, I bave SHRI TENNET! VISWANATHAM I to a adjuurn tbe debate and 10 back to tho Sir, everybody thoullbt ...... Committee. Tbis is tbe position so far as tbe Resolutions are concerned. I am sorry. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER I am Mr. Thoary and ~ others lIIIid there sorry. should be no extension of time. SHRI TENNETI VISWANATHAM: SHRI TENNET! VISW ANATHAM' I am not Brluinl with you. This is part of oaly 5 minutes. my speecb. Everybody thought that this is a very- SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (Kanpur): important maller, as, it relates to a parti- I bave a suggestion to make. The totai cuhn group of industries, the Birla group. time available today is 21 hours for tbe The oame of Mr. Birla is knowo through- non-official business. We want tbat this out the world and the fact that it is known Resolution should be completed; tho second tbroughout the world, gives it a greater im- Resolution of Shri Rabi Ray should also be portaoce. It is ofteo said, aod perhaps It completed and the third one of Dr. Ranen is true, that his iofluence over the Govern- Sen should be allowed to be moved. If ment is very great. On one occasion, when you concede tbat, my point is only this tbat a gentleman was arguiog with me that half we have moved amendmonts on the Iirst the number of Mioisters are io the pocket Resolution and those who have moved thom of Mr. Birla, I said, "Don't argue like that. should at least be allowed on a non-official II rather increases his iofluence. If Your day. point is that he sbould oot have aoy ioflu- ence:, you ought oot to argue like that." MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The question But our frieods go 00 a rguiog like that. of time is important. You havo montincd The Rajya Sabha has.giveo pleoty of time about Dr. Ranen. Sen Resolution. If I to him and we are giviog him time. I am ~ bim ODe minute at tbe end, still in very glad that you are not giving more between there is another Resolution of Shri time. Really, all that is oecessary, is this. ~ Ray (or wbleh the ~ allotted is There is a complaiost agaiost such a great 21 hours. industrialist haviog under his control ass- ets to the tuoe of about Rs. 500 crores SHRI S. M. BA)lERJBE: Tbere ara which have grown only within tb. last 12 2! hours available today. We can llive, or 13 years. say; 40 minutes more to tbe first Resolution Writtel! complaints have been ma

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: This is SHRI CHENGALRAYA NAIDU: Now tbey have gone to Ibe Communists.

SHRI JAIPAL SINGH May I sug- SHRI S. M. KRISHNA: I could gest that wbatever Shri Banerjee and Shri uuderstand bis arievance. Bul after all Naidu bave said may be expunged? tbe Birlas are politically sbrewd and tbey know wblcb way the wind is blowinll. Therefore, tbey arc slowly shlftinll tbeir MR. DEPUTY -SPEAKER Shri allegiance from tbe Congress to elsewbere. Krishna. But we arc not concerned witb tbat. We are concerned mainly witb tbe industrial SHRI S. M. KRISHNA (Mandya) I policy objectives Ibal were adopted by Ibis Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir, the authority witb House- wbicb Sbri Hlmatsingka spoke about tbe specific cases tbat were pending before tbe The Industrial Policy Resolution has courts of law and tbe number of tbem tbat three main planks. ODe of tbem is avoi. were quasbed by tbe courts of law leads dance of monopoly and prevention of con· me to tblnk tbat be bas autboritatively centration of wealtb. During tbe last defended tbe Blrla empIre. Iwenty years, bas this Government whicb professes that il stands by socialism done Sir, I am not interested in witcb-bunt- anytbing at all to arrest or to cbeck tbe ing. We bave repeatedly made it clear on growing economic wealth and concentra· bobalf of my Party that no single industrial lion of economic power in a few buslness- bouse should be singled out for tbis treal- houses ? DIODI. We would bave liked Ibe Resolu- The second plank is protection of tion to be on a mucb broader basis to tbe small-scale iuduslries against undue com- effect Ibal wberever Ibere are complaints petition from large-scale industries. Fiaures made by responsible Members of Parlia- have been quoted and tbey arc figures re- ment as well as by responsible men oulside leased by the Planning Commission as well tbl! Parliament again.1 any indu.lrial bouse as otber agencies of tbe Government of Ibose complainls sbould be lIone inlo by India. After 1947 we find tbat some of so.. jlldiclal process. Thai Is Ibe stand Ibese industrial bouses bave grown beyond laken by us. The Resolution labled by imagmination. My bon. friend bad just Sbri Viswanalba Menon singles out tbe pointed out that tbe assets of the Birlas Birla empire and Ibe Birla industrial were nearina Rs. 500 crores. Is Ihis tbe aroup. way we are cbecking tbe growlb of mono- Tbe country In Ibe lasl two-tbree years polistic tendencies in tbis country? Is bas repeatedly beard cbllrges, counter tbis tbe way we are saving tbe cause of tbe cbarges, memoranda and counler-memo- broad objectives wbicb we bave accepted randa In tbls connection. We bave read in tbe Industrial Policy Resolution adopted tbe debate tbat took place in Ibe Rajya by tbls House? Sabba wbere tbe Depuly Prime Minister of I feel that in tbeir own interest, Ibe tbe Government of India answered on be- Birlas must accepl an inquiry so tbat tbat balf of tbe Central Government and laid would set at rest all tbe criticisms tbat bave categorically tbal Ihe Government of India been levelled aaainst tbe Birla firms. Even Is opposed to bold any judicial enquiry or at Ibis late stage, tbe Government of India aa enquiry by a bigh-powered commission must come forward and accept tbe resolu· in rtIIIard 10 tbe dealings of tbe Birla in- tlon wbicb bas been tabled and if need be, dostrial establlsbment. I take it tbat tbat tbe resoultfon should be broadened by way i, Ibe pruenl posilioa of tile Govomm ...t. of an amendlD8Dl. 253 Illveati,.tIOll Commin/oll VAISAKHA 111, 1891 (S..4K..4; 10' BI,/a GtOIIP ColICmu 2$4 (Rea.) en riT 1!,'"!f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~~~ ~ ~ lt1:r ~ if ~ if@ ~ ~~~~~ it; ~ t fiI; firurr ;;rr it; ~ mfufm:f Ifr mq- m ~~ i!IT \ififfiT it; 13'N, ~ Ai ~ ~ \1iflI\l iflft w m if mAt ~~~~~~~ fl ~ ~ ~ fit; ~ ~ ~ 'f>Iim;r ~ ~~~ I ~ m,. mm m~ f!!;m ~ if 'fi« ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: Now,Jtbe han. Minister. ~ it; am: ~ ~ 'f>Iim;r or;rrit ~ f ~ m fuq; ~ ~~ or"'TIfT GITlr, SARI SHRI CHAND GOYAL (Cbandl- ;(m f", lIFr ~ m 'q"fl"J'U it it f<'T\lrT t, garh): You have not called any Member from the Jan Saogh. mm ~ ~ '1ft m if&1 il:Tifr ~ I W ~ if !IlfT1i! ~ 82 m<:!ml MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: Not at ~~~~ ~ this hour. ~~ ~~ ~~ it; ~ ij- DR. MELKOTE (Hyderabad): Kind- m ~ it; ~~ ~ <'fm ~ ij- ly give us ao opportunity to talk over tbis ~~ m~ U it I m ~ if ~ ~ DR. MELKOTE: Kindly live me only two minutes. if mlt m ~ ~ <'TTW.ij-ilf ~ I ~ ~~ ~ morn ~~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ t

MR DEPUTY·SPEAKER I If every- ~ it ~ 0 ir.!..nt ~ 'i'lfm '!ITt "1ft ~ time we were to bypass tbo rule, it would ~ ~~~~~ be very difficult. If members insist ; we can Ildjoum tbe debate on tbis and refer ~ if ~ ~~ m'f ~~ t I tbe matter back to tbe Committee for Dr. Melkote is our senior most member aUotment of anotber two bours. Otber- representing tbe labour point of view. If wise, I am belpless. you want to shut bim out, will It be pro- por? Is this tbe way to conduct debate? SHRI BALRAJ MADHOK (South Delbi): Tbe Jan Sangh reprosents a very SHRl S. M BANERJEE: On a point Important point of view. How can you of order. sbut us out? You may give us five minu· ~ lIT ~ 'tiT ~ tes. But you sbould not lot us go un- wit '(f.m beard. ~ t I ITo ~ ;rg

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: All right. SHRI S. S. KOTHARI (Mandsaur) I Shri Kotbari. Five minutes. My Party takes an objective view of tbo wbole matter. We are of the opinion that SOME HON. MEMBERS ,0,,- all the industrial IIrouPS must subscribe to public interests. I bave a fcelinll tbat tbe MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I am not demand for tbe appointment of an enquiry makiDI an exception. One group wal left commission is motivated by political con- unrepresented. siderations. Ono section of tbe Conlross raises demands for the appointment of a 11ft" ~ mm ~ : ~ Ifi1ft commission of enquiry, wbile tbe estabUlh- mont pressurises tbe Industrial bouses and ~ S(Im t ~~~ ~ q\'it m ~ obtains donations. Tbat 18 tbe ~ ~ ~ IIIR if\" ~ ~ lRT ffN ~ ~ Is bein. ~ .•• (llIIerrup'/qJu). 2t7 ,...,""_ COI/IIIfh.,.. VAJSAKHA 19, ~ (3.«.1) /tIr .",. 0,.,. C"",eilU 1J8 (Re•• ) lit Itt. ~ : ~ .m '11ft all the pubUc leCtor IIDdertatlDp utilised ~ 1ft" ~ ....on their IDltal1ed capacity, at least upto DIDoty ~ '" .... l!." I per CODt, thl' couolry would be iD a far beltor ltote. Lot UI lean that I_aD. SHRI S S. KOTHARI: For decades, tbo CODlress aDd its leaden bad heeD vory I shall aat four queslio_bort but rele- frleodly witb tbe iodustrial bouse aDd bave vant questioal aDd thea coDclude. Firstly, rocoIved eleclioo fuods from tbem. It was have the charsea Dot been thorougbly inves- oDly wbeo Mr. R. K. Blrla cODtested tbe tlIBted or are in tbe COnrse of proper inves- el.clloo from Jbuojbuou tbat a leetioo of tiptiOD? The aaswer Is yes. Secoodly, tbe COOsresl lauoched a campaiID against have the firma Dot Biven co-operation? that bouse. Eveo ID the mid·term electloDl AplD, yes, Thirdly, Is tbe existiDI law accordlnl to reports, tbe CODlreiS bas oh- Dot adequate? Tbe reply is ID tbe alllr- taloed large sums of mooey by pressurlz. mative Fourtbly, wbat baa been tbe ver· 101 tbat bouse. dict of tbe courts where tbey bad beeD Tbe basic queltioo that arises is wbe- approacbed 1 Day after day we open tbe tber the ellistiog law Is Dot sufficleDtly papeR iD the morDinl aDd we finJ BiriaB etrective to deal with aoy allelalioos or Cltonerated by courts. Eltber there is cbarses levelled against this house. 10 my lometbiol WroD, witb tbe courts as my opioloo, the GoverDment have a sufllcieDtly bOD. friead IBid or tbere is BomelbiD, larse arseoal of powers to deal witb aDY wroas witb tbe Goverament or tbere is DO Illuatioo, aDd they caD take whatever BubstaDco in tbe cbarles. II is for tbe bOD. actloD is Deceslary. Memben to judlO. Tberefore, all I say I. that If aDytbiq is wrOD" let the rule of If we look at tbe alleptioDs, it II foulld law prevail but let Ul Dot 10 about witcb· tbat many of them do Dot bave much luh- hUDtinl. That is my basic aDd fUDdameD· ItaDco or evideDce. I lay 00 bebalf of my tal point. Tbere Is no cue for aCommissioD party tbat we do Dot hold any brief for of BDqulry. aDythiDg wroogly daDe by aDybody. If tbere is aDytbiQI agaiost the law, It caD be looked ioto aDd actioD takeD. But w" Oil. MBLItOTB (Hyderabad) As a are opposed to witcb hUDliol allalDlt indu· representative of tbe workiq cl8ll, we Itrlalista or politlciaDl or civil servaDts or come acrou tbe Birla coaceras in various aDy otber class of aociety. Tbe lort of partl of the couDtry and I must say tbal the wltchhuDtiDg tbat is Indulged iD is actually worker. are very much diaappoiDted with leadlDI to desradatioa iD tbis coualry. tbe wa, tbe Birla have heeD bebaviD' witb May I say tbat eveD commuDist Ga- tbam. verameats aDd 'oreiln Govenmeotl lovite Therefore. we are very anllious to see Blrlas to establish industries. Mr. Nam- that tbey are properly punisbed, provided boodlripad finds oae Birla good aDd IDvl· tbere Is • cue. Towards tbat, I tried to tes him to establish industrIes ID Kerala. 10 throulh tbe report of Mr. Hazarlka aDd Mr. Jyoli Basu finds another Birla co..... the GoverameDt'. versloD iD the Ilajya Dial. Marshal Tito of YU,OIIavia IIDds a Sabba. ~ I would like to tell thIrd Birla very One and invites him to let you tbat sometime back, iD tbis House. I up Industries ia YUloslnia witb tbler call· made mention that dUriDI tbe dlscussiOD aboratioD. Etbiopia and NilOria are alia aD "Nlth·ta ID 1961, it was fouDd that IDvllial aootber Birla to put up IDdUltriOl. about 175 ioduslrlal CODcorDS or families ia ODe tblng 10 commoo to all these Blrlal. tbls country coDtrolled alltbe biS iDdustries Tbey are hardworklns and efficleDt penODl ID tbe pripte as well as many of tbe aDci· ID tbe field of maDagement of IDdustrlea Ilary IDdustries ruooiD, IDto Rs. 30,000 to aDd tbey are able to extract the mellimum RI. 40,000 crores. Wbat is tbis paltry retun from capital employed. I wish tbe RI. SOO crores IA that contellt ? Wby DOt public sector learDt tbls lesson aad earned call UPOD all tbose 17S CODcorDS, private a load return aD capital invested tbereia. ODOI-(lnte"plltltllJ) As and ecoDomlst, (was surprled that ODe !If tbe Is tbat tbey have AN RON. MBMBB& I !!I'd ~ Ibllll ~ ~ capacitr. ~ .• . . ~ • 1 • • { DR. MELKOTE: I ltand corrected. take Inlo accouat and go on findlnl out Tberefore, tbis resohttion ougbt to be broa- wbat is wrong until the Government yields dbased from tbis point of view. But wbat to tbis House and says tbat the policy tbal we are trying to do is tbls. Tbere is a we bave adopted so lone is wrong. But section of tbe House coming up individu- towards tbat question, nobody seems to ally to deal wltb regard to tbls particular bave tackled. concern. But wbat I would like to plead Tbe manoeuvrability and a adaptabl. with you is, wby i. It tbat tbese people are IIty of Birlal is simply wonderful. On tbe after Mr. Birla? If tbere is a prima facie one side, >t!aese people blame tbe Conlre5S case, we bave got to discuss it in tbis and, on Ibe otber. Sbrl S. M. Banerjee said House tbreadbare. The Government bave tbat tbe Kerala Government gave only a come forward, arter some enquiries. to say licence for bamboos to Birlas. Is it for tbat many of tbose cases are flippant, tbat growinl bamboos or for using bamboos no pr;m2 facie case whatsoever is tbere for production In tbe Industry 7 Tbat is and wbere tbere was a case. tbey have been wbat ODe bas to consider. It is not for filed in tbe courts. we would bave been growlDg bamboos tbat tbey lave a licence. very glad if they were caugbt somewbere In (I"terrllptlo,,). Tbe wbole point is very clear. some way or the otber and got punisbed. I learnt a few days back tbat tbe present But as it is. tbe working classes find it ex- West Beneal Government appealed to the tremely difficult to get them punisbed. Unless Industrialists to belp them to tide over tbe specific cbarges are mentioned, merely a present crisis In tbe industry in Wesl question of enquiry d.3CS n Dt belp UI. We Benlal. One man came forward and bave to prepare our da.a properly. So!!!e possibly bls terms were accepted by tbe Members on tbi. side of tbe bouse mentioned Government, and tbat 18 again tbe Birlas about witcb-bunting. Tbat is not tbe way iD West Benlal. On tbe one side, tbey In wbicb tbis House sbould bave a debate. blame Birl .. and, on tbe otber side, they Thil i. a responsible House, responsible to tbe people. manoeuvre wltb same Birlas (lllltrruptio,,) Now, wboever it may be-X. Y or Z-it SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: Sir, since i. Immaterial 10 us-we must bave tbe data. he bas mentioned my name, I just want to You and I bave got to tbrougb tbe data. say a word. It is not a question of West From tbat poInt of view, tbe data given to Bengal Governmeut ; let it be any Govern- us by tbe Government are very, very vague. ment. We waut to live a clean cbit to The report itself is very vague. There Is tbe Birlas. but wby are tbe Government notblng particular about the puticular afraid to face a Commission 7 concern, except tbat a case in respect of so and so, may have bappened. On tbe question DR. MELKOTE: Where will tbis "so and sO, so and so" and "may have di.cullion lead to? If tbere is to be a bappened", wbat could be done? This ques- commission of enquiry, we bave to specify tion of Birla, is not a m. tter over whicb tbe particular points wbicb bave to be )'OU and r could discuss here wltbout enquired into. Arter tbat, Government will adquate data before us, I would, tbere- have to go into tbat and find out wbetber fore. plead tbat in tbis House, if we bave it i. correct and tben eo to a law court. lot to bave tbis discussion, wby not broad- All tbese tbinl' will come. However base It and then enquire into the licensing much we may like or dislike tbe Birl.. policy and otber things. Let tbe Public tbat is not the point. It is not correct for Accounts Committee or the Committee on a House or this type to discuss tbis sort or Public Uudertakings take up tbe matter resolution. I plead witb Ibe House tbat and specify wbat exactly Is wrone witb tbl, matter be dropped. (l"rerrllptlort). regard to tbi. Industrial concern. We do not want tbis concern to thrive in tbis SHRI DHIRBSWAR KALITA manner; owninl about Rs, SOO crores of (Gaubati) : Wbo is on tbe pay roll of investment is a very serious matter Blrlas ? ror UI. and from tbat point of view I would like to plead witb you DR. MELKOTE. Sir, as I said, I aeain tbat tbis is . a . matter wbicb plead with tbe House tbat tbls matter be fOil and I and tbe wboio aous. have ,0& tQ ilroppod, It It for tbe GOVellllllCQt to take up the question in all lIB seriousness been levelled apiat the Governmeot and and bring before UI comprehensive data the Coulreu Party for white·washinl the telllni us what aactl, Is wronl not onl, alleptions or the C88CI alaiast Birlas. I with Birlas but with all the IndustriaJists. would only like to point out that, if you Then we will be In a position to di.cus. 10 throulh tbe speeches of maDY of tbe the 18800 threadbare. Till then, a discus- hon. M_bers, you will find that tbe, sion on this point i. Irrelevant and I would have been able to make out a case for a appeal to the mover to withdraw the Commission of Inquiry but their main resolution. purpose bas been to belittle tbe Govern· ment and to launch a campaln against the MR. DEPUTY.SPEAKER: The hOD. activities of the Government and the Minister. Conlross Part) (llllerrUPIIOII.r). I would only request the hon. Members to give mo sf" ~ ~ ~ qm;l the same indulpnce as I lave them when .n they were speakinl. I did nol disturb it(t ~~~ I them in tbe least. What I wanted to poiat out was that the MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: I have called Government, every member of tbe Govern· the minister. Nothtnl will 10 OD record. ment, ),ields to DODe in their desire to (illterruplioll'). If any member from this brlna to book such persoas as are at fault, lide takes the time of the House. I wilt have to deduct that tlmo from the miDis· as are lulll1 or a. have committed .ome wrona. Tberefore, for aDyone to say tbat ter's time. because a particular bouse or a particular individual is heina favoured by any _her of the Government is a basel... cbarge and DO our making sucb alleaation bas been THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRIAL able to place an, proof or to sbow tbat DEVELOPMENT, INTERNAL TRADE tbere is any basis in tbeir alleptioas. AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI F. A. AHMED) : Sir, I am IfIIteful to the mover SHRI SHASHl BHUSHAN: Wbat of the resolution, wbo bas liven once apin about Sbri Cbandrasekbar's _orandwn? an opportuuity to tbe members of tbis (llJlerrUPIIOll) House to discuss a very important matter re&ardlng tbe appointment of a commission SHRI F. A. AHMED: This HOUle is to enquire a&alast ODe of tbe iDdultrial discussinl tbe alleptioas &piast Blrla bouses, namely, Birlas. Tbis lubject bas House. It is not tbat tbey bave brouabl attracted attention Dot only of members of any specific alleaations except wbat were tbis House but also of tbe people outside CODtained in tbe memoi'andum submitted tbe House. by Sbrl Chandrasekbar and wbicb was Wbile attractiDa attention it bas a110 discussed in RajJa Sabba. I was waitial broulht about a larle number of contro- to bear if any bon. Member bad anytbiaa verslel relardina tbe Iisues involved. Tbere- more to add to wbat is contained in the fore I would like to submit, ia tbe first allepllou submitted in tbo form of a Instance, tbat wbeD we are coasiderinl tbis memorandwn by 8bri Cbandrasokbar. Important matter it is onl, desirable tbat we sbould take into consideration tbe basic '" ill ... Qf : ~ ~ IJiT ~ isaues involved and wbatever decision is taken, tbat sbould he taken disp&88iona· i. ~ II'J'1f IIllIir ~ I 1rt: cmr ~ tely and objectivel,. It i. onl), in tbis ~ context tbat I would like to procoed wltb tbe matter dlscu88ed in this House OD tbe '" P" ~ ~ ~ : lI>tie- last day as well as today. ml IJiT IIllIir ~ f1riMT I 1I'(tI' ~ 11'1' 81r, at tbe outsot, I would liko \0 em· phatlcally den), all tbe cbaqes that bave ~

.. Not recorded. SHRI F. A. AHMED I Sir, .. tbe evidence or basis for some of these time is IimUed I would like to 10 to the alleaations. In tbe case of a larae number main issue which is involved In this resolu- of allea.tions wbere p"ma Incl. case baa tion. Wbat is tbe main issue 1 The _In been found action bas already been taken. Issue is tbat a Commission of Inquiry For instance, tbe bon. Mover of the sbould be appointed for loiol througb tbe Resolution, Sbti Menon, referred to tbe allegations contained in the aforeaaid cue of Hlndustan 10lectlcldes limIted. memorandum. HIs contentIon was tbat tbis was a ca •• If a Commission of Inquiry I, to be wbere a' Ucence to a particular party was appointed, wbat is the purpose, wbat is aiven in a burry. He also asked tbat wben the objectlye 1 It call bay" tbtee purposes. tbe public sector was In a position to One of the purposes of tbe Cbmmlulon of undertake tbe manufacture, wbat was the IlIquiry will be to find out tbe facta, tbat necessity of giving tbis licence. May I is to say, wbetber there Is a prl/fta l/Je/e polllt out tbat after tllil parliCIIlar \IIatter case io respect of aoy alleptlonl splnst tbe was brought to tbe notice of tbe aovefll- BirJas or any of tbe business booles. ment, we referred it to tbe Dutt Commiiiee. Wbat else could we do 1 Wby do you Secondly, If sucb Irregular practices are want to refer tbis mallar to a Commission rampant, wbat is tbe letls\adve remedy of InquIry 1 Have we no confidence, bave wbich can be pro\'lded In order to cbeck we no faitb in tbe Dull Committee, wbicb tbose practices 1 Tblrdly, if there Is is ellamining sucb cases, tbat tbey will not lacuna so far as administration is concerned, tell us wbat Is present eyil, wbat was wrOlll wbat action can be taken to impr"", the in alvlng tbis licence and wbetber licences State of affain. bad heen implemrnted or not 1 So far al As bon. Mombea are aware, if a tbls partIcular matter is conceroed, may I Commissioll of InquUy bas to 10 into tbe also say tbal tbougb tbe letter of intent various allegatiOns wbicb ~ made, the was granted to tbe party in 1967, It bas lirst question will be tbe terms of referenee since lapsed and we are now cDnslderma for tbat Commission. Wben 88 or 90 wbetber tbis particular manufactnre can be individual casea are involv.d ia tbo allega- undertaken in tbe public sector 1 tions. it will be ver, difficult to seal tbe Tberefore, I would ask tbe bon. Member terms of reference. Even If tbo term of to consider wbetber any useful purpose can reference can be sell led, it will be for tbe be served by referring a matter of tllis Commission of Inquiry to find out facts nature to a fresb Commission of Inquiry, supporting tbese alleptlons. especially wben tbe facts are all tbere Can anyone deny tbat, instead of before us. Wbere action can be taken on waiting for tbe ""mmission of Inquiry to tbe basis of available facts, we bave taken find out facts, Government bave tbemselves action. In sucb cases wbere we bave felt ascertained a large number of facts and doubts, we bave referred some of tbem to wbereyer tbey bave found fbat any violation tbe Dott Committee to go into tbe qUestion of any of tbe statutory provisions bas taken and give us recommendations so tbat furtber places, tbey bave referred tbat particular actIon can be taken by government to stop mailer to be dealt wltb by tbe ptoper sucb malpractices. autborities 1 Tbe Commission of Jnquiry There are a larle number of cases is uot a body wbicb can give punisbment wbere breacbes of income-tall law and to eUber lIirlas or anybody cbe, If tbey excise laws and involved. Have government fiDeI on facti! some 1II.l&lIty. Tbe Com- not referred tbose cases to appropriate mission can only find out facts. Then tbey autborilles for making necessary inquiries 1 bave to leaye tbe mailer to tbe Governtbent The bon. Member bas tried to create an to punue tbe matter under tbe relevant impression as If everytblna is wrOll1 wltb statntcs. tbe adininistratlon. So far as tbese ~ "are It bas been said tbat no ODe in Govern- concerned. tbey coutained 88 or 90 all... - ment can be trusted to do justice- in bis tions aaainst tbe Birlas. From tbe list particular matter; it i. asserted tbat tbe wbich I placed on tbe Table, it Is apparent Influenee of Birlas Is so mucb, 10 over- that in some cases there is no p,lma !ael. powerlDa. tbat it is not pOllible .... for • · - ~ I"WlIt_WI ComPllil.rloll VAISAKItA 19. 1891 (SAKA) /", Blrltl GrtIIIP C-errd 266 (R.I.) judge or a magistrate or anyone to take SHRJ F. A. AHMED: May I just action against 8irlas even tbougb tbere may say il will be wrong to say tbat tbere is be evidence against them. If tbat is so, any reluctance on the part of any Ministry wbat is tbe remedy tbe bon. Members not to send proper cases for necessary would like to suggest? Would tbey like action. If tbe boo. Member will go tbrougb tbat tbe entire macbinery, judiciary macbi- tbe papers, wbat we bave said is tbat only nery and tbe investigating macbinery, in labout 17 Case3, tbe malter bad to be sbould be cbanled completely? Bven after furtber inquired ioto before tbe decision tbe commission of inquiry comes to a could be taken as to wbat action sbould be decision witb relard to facts, we sball bave taken. But tbere are a large number of to entrust tbe investigation of tbe cases, cal" in Fioance Ministry itself. under tbe tbe prosecution of the cases, to the machi- &cise Act, itself, wbere action has been nery wbicb exists. And that is wbat tbe taken and action is proceediog. Similarly, Goveroment bas done. Tberefore, wbat I under tbe Company Law Department ... am trying to point out is that it is not tbat tbe Go\eroment are against making an ~~~ ~ inquiry into tbis particular cases. Wbat tbe Goveroment bas done is that instead of ~ lI& m

[Sbri F, A. Abmed] in tbat company. Wbat furtber explanation not proper aDd not fair. If today you do you want from bim? He bas come bave that feeling against every oflicer Bnd forward and placed all tbe facts before you agaiost everY person 10 tbe Administration, and said: "Yes, tbere Is tbls tblng". I do not know what are tbe autborlties or That bas notbing to do wltb tbe Birlas, wbo are tbe people to wbom tbese malton tbere is no question of any misconduct In can be referred for tbe pnrpose of proper tbls. If you do not accept even that state- Inquirlcs and placing the real facts before ment, I do not understand wbat else would us. We are Dot afraid of taking actioo satisfy you. Tbis is a matter wbicb does not against an officer provided there Is some require any enquiry at all. You alleged certain substance or you have lome Proof things and be bas already explained tbem. to show that that particular officer bas After he has clarified the position, tbere is really done somethiog wrong. But witboul very lit tie inspection for Hon. Members 10 any substance and without any proof, If repeat those very cbarges day in day out in oue keeps malting wild allegations aplnal order to force people to believe tbat tbere officers, that does not redound to the credit Is sometbing wrong while tbere Is notblng of tbe Hon. Members who mab these alle- alainst tbis man. I bave really not been lations. While we are prepared to listen to able to understand tbis. what hon'ble members have to say and wblle Wbat I wish to submit before tbis we are prepared to welcome any suggestion, I House is tbat we are not afraid of takinl would beg of them to make allegation only action apinst any bouse or wboever be with a full sen.e of responsibility and If Qliaht be provided t here is a case in wbicb they bave some proof. If there are facti, action can be taken. Secondly we feel please place t hem before us and we sball tbal appointment of a commission of certainly tate oecessary actioo to improve iDqlliry cannot be belpful because there are the state of affairs. I can only aslure a larle number of cases. In respect of the House tbat the purpose wbicb tbe many of ~ we bave already taken House has, namely to briol to book tbooe action and some of tbem we have referred people wbo have commi tted irregularity or to tbe Dutt Committee. In respect of some are at fault, will be served by the action wbere tbere is doubt, we bave appointed an we have taken. If tbe Dult Committee or ollU:er of higb integrity wbo will go into tbe otber Committee live aoy sUllestioo to tbese matters, coordinate inquaries between further modify or improve upou the func- various Ministries and place early tbe tioning of the Iicensioll committee, we are actual faclI before us, so tbat we may take willing to consider it. We are waiting for a decision as to wbat action sbould be the report. As soon as that report comes taken in tbose matters. I feel tbat appoint- and i8 in our haods, we will take necessary _t of 1\ Commission of Inquiry will only action. dcia¥ and will neltber belp us in regard to With these words, I oppose this Resolu- tbe legislative action or in tbe direction of tion and I bope tbe Hon. Member will Dot takinl administrative action to plug any press tbis Resolution. loopholes wblcb will presen t persons from cOlllmitteeinl from tbe irregularity. I would also like to say it was very SHRI D. N. PATODIA : On a point or unfair and very unfortunate for one of tbe information. Would tbe hon. Mloister clarify Hon. Members to make certain remarks and tbrow some light 00 the claim made llPiut tho officer-Sllli Rajagopalan- that in respect or several court cases Ga- verument had lost ? .be,bas been appolated to coordinate these activities. Wltbout any substance it was aid that be was only a Birla mao and, SHRI F. A. AHMED: I think It will ....efoce be will be ioJlueoced by tbe Birlae, not be desirable for tbe hon. Member to He I. an officer of sucb calibre allainlt refer to tbose cases, because In many of whom tbore is ootbinl to sbow tbat be will those cases, judamenl has been alven: aDd be ioJIuonced by anv busi""ss House. For those are also under appeal : and many of .a.. HOD. Memho" to come forward and those cales bave been disposed of 00 ~ P1 tbat ho Is ~ aD4 .'lcb, la, ~ ~ olgal ~ '!sQ. ~ I ~ It ~ 110' 273.["'11111,0,1011 Comml"lolI VAIS ..lCtl.o\ 19,1891 ~ lo,III"oG,oup CII1II!IIt'IU274 (ReI.) dealrable tbat tbose matters sbould be settiog up an Ilpeo loqulry? He Is shy referred to bere. because the Blrlas are payiog fUDds to tbe Congress. Why should he be so much AN HON. MEMBER: It may Dot agitated over it 1 It Is a fact; the hOD. be desirable for Governmeol. Mlouter blmself has said before this House when qucstioos were put to him that tbat SHRI VISWANATHA MENON (Eroa- was so. My suggestloo DOW is tbls if the kulam); I tbank all tbe Members wbo hon. Minister is siocere io whatevar decla- bave takeo part io tbis discussioo. I bave rations he has made DOW, theo let him coo- to aoswer some points, especially tbose duct aD OpeD public IDquiry. 10 tbe case put forward by tbe bon. Mioister. or Shri Kairoo, and in the case of Shri Baksl Gbulam Mohommed, Goveromeot I would like to make it clear tbat I conducted ioqulries. Why should they bave moved tbis resolutioo io all serious- DOt come forward nnw and declare tbe oess. I do not want to pinpoiot aDd make appoiotment of a commission like tbe VI- alleptioos against any particular Minister. viao Bose Commission so tbat all the facts Iu fact, in my opening speecb I bad decla- may come before the publie ? Wby red tbat my aliegation was that tbe entire should Goveromeot be so reluctant to Cabinet was responsible. So, I do Dot appoiot such a commission? I was trying want to pinpoint aoy particular Minister. my level best to find at least a single argu- From the figures given by Goveroment ment agaiost the appnlotment of sucb a themselves we find that tbe assets of the commission 10 all tbe speecbes tbat bave Blrlas have gone up from Rs. 200 crores to beeo made by tbose who were pleading for Rs. SOO crores. Tbe period is also very the Blrlas aod also 10 tbe speech of tbe essential to note. Tbls bas bappeoed bon. Minister, but I could not find any. durlng'tbe period from 1963-64 to 1966-67. Tbat is so becane it bas beeo clearly esta- That was tbe period wben tbe emergency blished that tbere are allegatioos. and the was existing in tbis country, and tbis so- hon. Mioister has also accepted that called patriot was looting people by amu- there Is a p,ima /tU:le case. If tbat be siOI wealth to tbe tunc of Rs. sao crores, and ao, wby not aUow tbese tbiogs to came out Govoromeot were Dot doing aoytbl08 apl- io the open, in a public Inquiry ? DSt sucb people. Tbat is my first allelalioo. The boo. Minister bas agreed that that is Iostead or trylOI to do so, the hOD. p,lmo /tU:III correct, he has alfCed that Iho MlDister Is tryin, to answer Shrl Madbu Birlas bave amassed weallh. Excopl 10 Llmaye. I am Dot loterested In Sbri Madhu fClard to ~ cases, Ihe hOD. Miols- Llmaye'. argumeots : I am not Interested ter has alreed to tbe other alleplion before 10 the .roups io the Cooaress. I am only tbls House. Intorested in tbe welfare of the people. That fa why I have said io my opeoiog My ooly question to tbe hOD. MIDlster lpeech tbat It II a oational questioo; II Is DOW is why he is sby of cODductlol an above party-politics. It bas 10 be treated OpeD ioquiry. Wby is be eotruatiDI the as a natiooal qUestiOD aod dealt with as work to these officials? Tbe Blrlas have lucb. Are Governmeot prepared to do their IDnucDce all over this country. Tho tbat? Without meetiog my argumeDt, alleptloD Is that the Birlas have Innuence tbe hOD. MiDiater bas tried to diverl il by amonlSt the Members of Parliament, even referrio, to Sbrl Madbu Limaye's arlu- on lome members of tbe Cabinet also. ments about Irouplol' In tbe Conlress. Wben sucb is tbe case, wby is be entrustinl Shrl Lobo Prabhu was tryiog to impress tbe work to tbe officials aloog 7 Wby 00 tbis House that tbe Birla. had liveo jobs should an OpeD public inquiry not be COD- to a number of workers. A. regards how ducted? Let all tbe fact. come before tbe worte.. are boIua treated, Dr. Melkote tbe House. Wby oot put the facts before has already dealt witb it, and, therefore, tbe commlssioo 1 Pandit Nehru was nol I do oot ..ant to refer to that pnint aplo. prepared to appoint a commissioD of 10- quiry alalDst Sbrl Kairon iD tbe 'lirst 10- An allolatloo was made alalost the ataDco, but later 00 be alreed aDd wbeD tbe Keral. Goveromeot and Sbrl Namboodiri- IDqulry was cooducted, everytbiol came pad. I will aoswer It. Central GoverD- 9u,. Why fa tbo blip.. t,fIDlster sby of lII,pt are ~ ~ Iiceoco to lJIrlu. 111 MAY9,lNl

[Sbri Vllwanatba Menon] Kerala, tbe people arc unemployed. Wbat are witbout jobs. Bven tb, otber da" else can we do 7 youns boys come over and staled a salya- graba before tbis bDII. Ho.. e. SIIRI SITAllAM KESRI (K.atibar) l Instead of givlnll the licence to the Old not tbe Kerala GovernlJlellt ~ an State Government, they are livins it to ~ wltb BlrlllS 1 Bims aDd otber houses. Wby aN tbey doiog ild I am attacking tbe IIceM1Bt1 SURI V]SWANATHA MENON I The policy of • Goveromeot. How Is It that licence WIIS given by tbe Ceatral Gov.m- tbls houle hu am.saed RI. 300 crorOi IlleDt. witbin tb_ or four yean? It Is ooly because of tbe Ii\:enslns policy or Gov.. m- SHR] SITARAM KESRl: The State ment. The bureaucrats act accordlns to Government mUlt have recoillmended. tbe tune of Ibe Birla Iroup. ] am oot prepared to witbdraw a sillsle allepUon. SHRI VISWANATHA MBNON I 11Ie To prove tbese, tbey can conduct an in- Kerala Govemment lave only tbe leale quiry. We are prepared to adduce cvl4C111- for bamboos wblcb bas no market nlue. ceo Sbri Varma was IByinl tbal he waa But on this also, I am prepared for an prepared to slve evidence. Shrl Cbandra- Inquiry. sekhar was willing to slve evidenCto. Wllb- out facins tbls Issue squarely, wby is tbto BHR] F. A. AHMBD l Tbe bon. MInister applogetlc and trylns to sldetract Memller may not like me to say sometbins it? whicb perbaps would not be to bis IItlnl· The question came up the Rajya Salma. ]n thcae matten of licences, we are also Sbrl Bbupesb Gupta has made tbe ...... plded by tbe opinion of tbe State Govern- tion thIN tbat four Mi.isters are iD the ments. I can assure him that In connection pay of Birlu. Very serious allOiatioD' with slYlnl a licence to this Birla firm, havo been made agalnlt you. You :a1O oot Shrl Namboodiripad did write a letter facinl tbem. Bven in Faridabad, if my to us. Inrormation i. correct, Sbrl Morujl Desai WBI prepared to faCto a Conuoininn if tbe SHRI SURBNDRANATH DW]VBDY ! Prime Minister was prepared to do It. He made the statelllCnt earlier tbat tbe Wby sbould not tbe Prime Minisler 00_ Uccosinl Committee decides witbout recam- forward? I am accusing the Prime ...i ..... IIIIndation from anybody. Now be say. ster and tbe wbole Cabinel; I am aot tbey are influenced by the recolDlDendatiOll plnpointinll any particular Minister. The of the Stato Government. wbole Cabinet is responsible. If you .1'0 apiDst mooopeliltl, If you SUR] F. A. AHMBD : All tbe mat- are aplolt tbe Blrla IIfOUP, you must c_ tors inclucHnl recommandations of State forward. Lot tbe maUer be tbr ••bed Ollt Governments are also conaidered b7 the bafore lB. Then we will decide wbat 10 Committee. do. If oecessary, we will bave to eaact DOW loall18tion to confiscate tbe _lib SHRI VISWANATHA MBNON: amused by Birlas. Tbat il Ille attitude have mllde tbls clear: On all tbese poln· we are takinl 00 this issue. ts, are Government prepared for a Commi- ..1nD of Inquiry 7 Let bim oooduct an Are Government prepared to condllct 11Iquiry. The Kerala Govern_nt will an inquiry? I again ask. fac:e It. It wu because unemployment They bave not said anythios about * wa. acute tbese tbat it wal done. We ~ We know boll' pr_lIll_ wanted lOme work. If tbe llceocc was are belal conducted, bow tbey caD be ill- gives to the Kerala Govemment In tbe ~ Tbat is wby tbese CUOI bave Stato acetor, we would bave done It. WiUlout boen lost. No. tMY aay that tbey .... doloa tbat. they bave alv,n iI to a privato going in for appoa\B and all tbat. n. party. That Is lilY complaillt aplnet the IlIi\lODcc 01. Bid.. are fO mll\:ll oVllrywlsolll, Oovemlllfllt. Our yOlUlfSt,n ia ~ i!I eac4 and ~ cor. Qf tit" ~ VAISAKHA 19,1891 (SAK..4)

IIIcludlnl tbe Cabinet. So at least to save ~ if '{fQ)lm it f.r;;r't!!iTlf it om: if ;;IT yCllrl' fllte cOIIduct an ioqtrlry. ~ ~ ~ ~ Wfil''I: ~ : lam mt 101111 to withdraw my Rella- srmcr t liHiga. I p... it. ~ ~ '1ft Ulf ~ fiF 'lll'W!I' fw- !fRal F. A. AHIIfED : The hOIl. m it ~ mr'!iT!!iT ~ Member ... dntWII attoliOD to tile licen. 'ff<;nif !f;'t ~ ~ !!iT ces. W. have referred all these cases to the Dutt Committee and wben tbe report CI"ll ~ ~ ~ ... H.)' Is before us it will be possible for ... to ;fit ~ ~ if know the exacl posilion and decide wbal m«Ii ~ fiF ~ ~ t snl 1'. A. AHMED: By June we ~~ 'lU m t elf*:t il. f.l1:t ~ ~ fimlft' sHRI S. K.UNDU I After tbat report 00 sr S. M. Banerjee to tbe vole of tbe House. 'ti<: it I" The q.-loD Is : ~ ~ ~ ~ SffiIA !!iT That la dIo resolstton.- ... at tile lad- ifiTTJ1 ~ t ~ ~ iii ~ 'f@' U!IT "and Ibe Commi ...lon should be ~ ~ ~ RqRr ~~ 1fRct1!I' Instructed to submit its report witbin ~ i!iT.mor ~~ ~ fllmrlllOllths". The _tlon ..... ".gatl.ed. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ MR. SPEAKER: The questioll is : ;;rRT ~ I ~ 50 it m ~ ~ '"HlNhIIr regard to the se'I'ious_ of I be ellitqles tbat line been melJed ~ ~ '6IlfQ f'iill'T ~ I ~ mliT- 8&attrst Ille' BlrI8 Oroup cJf CODCe1'ns ~ " IJT ~ if ~ if11Tfu;l it ~ by very NIfIODlIlbie persons Including Mem&era of PIIrliamellt, tbis Ho'use is ~ iii fQf6!!iT ~~~~ of opi'lllod lil'af a HiII& POWe'I' Commi- ~~~~~~~ SSiOD sbould be appoillted by tbll Go- _meDf. 10 10 inle lbosl Gharll" aDd ~ ~ "",@rlflil'iIi!lRl'- recommend appropriate actioD." tfcr, ~~ srrfct;;r;t it ~ ~ ~ t 'A. fe!rlluttotl was ".ga,/red. ~ _ ~ ~ m: f.r;;r't !fiTlf ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ iffii't if ~ flIi't"lT1ml' 1&.17 In. ~ I ~ fq':lE1l+mf !!iT ~ ilr f.lQ; ~ RESOLUTION RE. ABOLITION ~~~~~~~ OF ~ P'URSBS ij ~ 4$i(J'ilFttil' lIlT ~ IfIJT t. ;m; om: if &.if ~ f.r;m;rr ~ I ~ .MJo1tl101l Dj MAY 9, 1969 [15ft m- ~ ~ ~~ it; mit ft ~~ i't ~ if ~ 11ft srfuqr ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 11ft srfuqr ~ 1950 ~ it 'fT ~ m ~ 'i!iT ~ m;rr;il:f- ~ ~ ~~ ~ 'fT. :a;r ~ iF ~ if ~~ Qn: IfilW'I" if:a;r \'W ~ 11ft ~ if.rtm 11ft ~~ JUDe 3. 1947. which was accepted by the CODIfOIS. We agreed to thl. arr- ~~~~~~ ~ anaement iD the same manner as we ~~ ~ iF 'fT1I' ~ ~ fum 0RT4T aarced to the parlitloD of IDdla. We accepted it because we had DO optiOD 1T4T ~ ~ it ~ i5IPR ~ tTi1it ;;fT I!i1 to act otherwise." ~ I ~ ;;it ~~ ~ ifl2T :a;r i't ~ Qh: ;rnr ;rtf 'fT, fiR ~ ~ fil;ij" ~~~~ ~~ ~ IIiT ~ pl, q: ~~ trf

~~~~~~ Rulers and the members of their vit, ~ ~ if ~ ~ families are given certain exemption under the Indian Arms Act, 1959 and ~~~~~~~ the rules thereunder. ~~~~~ Privy purse of the Rulers is exempt ~ ~ at orri <:'lm- ~ f.r.rrq ~ from botb incometax and super tax and also from the computation of total ~ lim ~ !fiT r.rorr m.: income and world income. ''The sovereignty of the British Annual rental value of tbe official Crown is supreme in India, and tbere- residences of a Ruler is exempt from fore, no ruler of an Indian State can income tax. justlfbbly claim to negotiate with the British GovernlDent on an equal foot- Rulers are permitted, under the ing. Its supremacy is not based only Motor Vehicles Act, to have their cars upon treaties and engagements." registered and to take out drivinll licences witbout any payment. ~ fiI; ~ ~ ij;rr ~ ;ror at m '«IT:;r.rnr Exemption of Rulers from local tax- 'R: ~ wf.t ~ orrit ~ ~~ ~ ation has been lefl 10 the State Govern- ments for decision, the general inten- ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ tion being that the position obtaininll ~~ ~~ ~ oq ~~ prior to 15th August. 1947 shonld be 'UfFr ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ !!f1\iJlG: ~ ~ ;m continued. The States were advised tbat in tbe event of house·tax being ~ ~~~ ~ levied or in or extended to the areas or)tr ~ ;;J) ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ formerly constituting the States, tbe main residential palaces of tbe Rulers t ~ ~ I 'IiTt !imI' romm- should be exempt from the tax. zr&t ~ IJiT ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ifF\' m ~~ :a;r!fiT eft' ~ IJiT ~ ~~ I m ~ I m iJTq ~ q'\1: ~ ~~~~~ (f;i rn ~~~~~~~ ~ f.!; I:{'I\" ~ ~~ <'ftq fiR, m<:r ~ ~ ;;J) ftrmr ~ 'liT .. t ~ if :a;r I:{Ifi iJ'qif ~ ~ fiI; ~ or);ff ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !!iN qn: ~ ~ <'ftq Tbe provisions of section 8S and of ~ ~ ~~~ ~ sub-sections (I) and (3) of section 86 sball apply in relation to the Rulers of ~ IilTif'fi<:fiI; ~~ ~ any former Indian State as tbey apply ~ fiI;cr;ft ~~ ll'& ~ in relation to the Ruler of a foreian qn: State. fu!: t I ltlfi at _. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Free medical attendance and treat- ment to Rulers and their familitCl in ~~~~~~ Government Hospitals. fi:r<;rcfi vit fum;r smim: m t p'If if ~ ~ ~~~~~ Provision of armed palace ,uards at the official residences of rulers. ~~ ~ ~ srmT"l'1: m Provision of escorts for Rulers and ~~ : their families while travellin,. on pay- 'former Indian State' means any such ment of apropriate char,es. Indian State as the Central Govern- Rlllhls of Ihe Rulers and their con- ment may, by notification in the Official sorts to Oy their o"n fiages on their Gazette, specify for the purpo8C8 of feJJdences, cars and aeroplaDel. this section. Aba#Dt''''' of MAY 9, 1'l69 Privy Purse. (kitS.)

'Ruler' in relation to a former- f1f;7rr ;q-n: ;q-+I"T +l"T ~ ~ ~ Indian State means the person who for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the time being is recognised by the"T mrm v.- President as the Ruler of that State for ~ ~ ~~ ;;r)lr ~ it> m the purposes of the Constitution. ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ if 'f>1 ~ ~ '3"if ~ . ~ ~ lfit I ~ 1950 ~ 'f"lft fun;:ra ~ Ilt ~ ~ ~~ ~ if it ~ ~ 00, ~ 'liT m«r if; 'f>11!f ~ ~~ if 1l:'Ii m ;ftor ~ ~ \ill 105 ~ Ii 0 ron ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ f'li ~ i!ili if; sr"fR for'iIT«rrn ~ ~ l!'ffi ~ ~ mTii! ~ 'liT IIi1fTlft >4l1JWsr ~ ~ ~ aT ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1i'l1l1;;rT u;;mif ~ if it fm1 RIIT ~ ~ ~ 19 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ if mt1!f ~ IR 'f>1 \'I'Ii Government to consider seriously whether it is necessary to allow S. 87B 'liT l!f1I6ii it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " (Civil Procedure Code) to operate pro- ~ ~ ~ ~ f'li ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ spectively for all time. The agree- ments made with the Rulers of Indian ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ...tT m, States may, no doubt, have to be acce- wit; ~~ if ire ~ lfi! ~ fit; ~ pted and the assurances given to them ~ ~ if; ~ ~ may bave to be observed. But con- wrlrtf.R:ii! m if sidered broadly in the light of the basic ~ srr'ffif'li fum, ~~ 'f>1 'IiTlf 'lIR principle of the equality before law, it ~ 'liT ~ 'frIro seems somewbat odd tbat S. 87B should Wt 'f>1lf'lir.f it fit;lrr continue to operate for all time. For lIfT I ~ ~ 20, 22 ~ if ~ past dealings and transactions, protec- it ~ 'lIR ~~ ;t\ ;:fA- tion may justifiably be given to Rulers an of former Indian States; but tbe CeDtral ~ fit;1IT m ""'" 'f>1 ~ ~ ~ GoverlHDeDt may examine tile qoestion ~ as to whether for transactioDS subsequ- ent to the 26th January, 1950, tbis pro- ~ ~~~ tectioD Deed or should be cODtiDued. 'fT<'I'ifm'IiT ~~~~~ If under the Constitution all citizcns are equal, it my be desirable to confine ~ ~~ cr<:'Ii ~ ~ ~~~ the operation of S. 87B to past tran- 'f>1, ~ ~ ~ trUi(";;ftlff 'liT Iff aaction. aDd not to perpetuate the anomaly of the distinction between the ~ ~ ~~ ~~ rest of the citizen. and Rulers of for- 105 ~ ~ ~ ~ t I lfi! IRT ~ mer Iodian States. With the passaae of ~~~~ time, the validity of the histDrical con- siderations on whkh S. 87B is founded sr;n(l'r'lf it> ml!f ~ ~ ~ ~ will wear out and the continuance of 'liT ~ ~ I ~~ ~ tbe said section in the CDde Df Civil Procedure may later be open to lerious ~ ~~~~ fi!;lrT clianenlle. ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;it ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ m arm ~~ ~ ~ ~ . :8! AbDlitlo.o! VAISAKHA 1",1891 (SAKAI Privy PIU,e,(Re•. ) 286 ~~ ~ ~ ~ Ai 1956 if pr, ~ IIiro!J &1f (;lit mIIifW t ~ ~ '!if ~ ~ it flJilfT ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ t aT ~ ~ '!if ~~ ~~ ~~ OO?: ~~ ~ m"f ~~ fit;1n 1fT ~ m-< ~ ~ ~ ~ flI; ~ &1fI''l' t, ceased to square with leneral concep- ~~ ~ if tlonl of right and wrong. And cer- tainly thiol' no longer staod in Indi. ~ ~ 'l' ~ 'H, g:" ~ 'fi< m ~ ~ ~ flI;w lffifTlJ i!>'l' m ... fl ~~ m ~ m-< ~ ~ ~ crrrnr ~ I SffifA' t m

MR. SPEAeR: This Resolution was question. At that tlme-l need Bot taten up a I 4.30 p.m. It bas been given mention that-tlaere were a number of one and a balf boun. I know tbat tbe princely Statea, more tban 600. Now, as time allotted is very little for an Important lOOn as there was the withdrawal of Brltlsb Reeolution like tbis. Anybow, it can bave power, a political vacuum was created only one bour today because Dr. Ramen because of tbe lapse of tbe Paramourtcy. Sen wants bis Resolution to be moved and Therefore, the question arose wbat Ibould everytblnl has to be over by 5.30 p.m. So, be done In order to rope in all the princes Ihil dllcuaaiou will over.80w to the next 10 that the Intear!ty of tbe country could day. We will continue this dlacusslon up be acble\lWd. II was open-I hope tbat 10 5.30 p.m. proposition will not be diaputed--for tbe princes eltber to join tbe Indian Union or SURI R. D. BHANDARB (Bombay not to join the Indian Union. But I am Central): So far a. the principle under· alad tbat because of tbe firm action taken lylnl this Resolution I. concerned, I tblnk or ratber a fair a ward ,Iven by late Sardar the ..hole House agrees witb It. So far Patel and also tbe ,esture made by tbe al the Congress Party is concerned, It Is princes tbat tbe Intelratlon was acbieved committed to this principle. Two questions and a Covenant was entered into. In arise here-wben tbat prluciple sbould be lelal parlance, I say, it was an act of Implemented and tbe metbod by wblcb tbat succession and. as 800n as tbere was tbe principle should be Implemented. wltbdr'lwal of Brltlsb power, tbe rulers I sball first deal with tbe second acceded to the Indian Union aud tbat question, namely. metbod of implementation act of .uec_lon was eDtered into a of tbat prluciple. First of all, will It be Covenant. proper, advisable, constitutional and moral Now, tbe qUestiOD arises whetber by • abollsb tbe privy purses and privileges to mere Resolution or by. simple metbod or by the fiat of a Resolution? Here I am .peaklug only on tbe question of metbod. by a .Imple majority we can break tbe Covenant or give up the Covenant. Tbe To the question whetber we will be able qllCllltlon arises wbether we sbould attacb to do It by a Resolution my answer will any lanctl" to the Covenant or we sbould be tbat by a Resolution we would not be Dot attach any sanctity to tbe Covenant • • ble to amend tbe Constitution ... M)' answer will be thai we ban to, If tbe all'aln of tbe natloos are to be SHRI S. KANDAPPAN (Mettur) : Tbe bIa coDducted, respect tbe Covenant whicb was Rnolutlon Is oBly to urIC tbe 10vernmeBt IIDtered into. That was not enou,b. At 10 tate steps. tbat time, It .... by tbe fonnelin. fathen of tbe Constitution and those wbo SHR! R. D. BHANDARB I Am! not were party to tbe act of succeaslon and the of the fact tbat as far as tbe principle CovenaDt that tbe Covenant or aD a,reomeat II concerned, tbere is no dispute 10 far Ibould be sanc!l8ed by tbe Constltutioa .. we are concerned 1 Tbe wbole trouble arIaes regard!D, tbe questiOD of procedura. ItHlf. It cannot be done by a mere Resolution. Tbat is my view. I lay, because of tbe SHR.( DHII.BSWAI. IlALiTA constitutional position, by a mere Resolu· (Gaubatl) May I remind you tbat don it coanat be done. Hyderabad did not accede to IDdia or como under the CoveDant or an aareement? we The reason wby I am sayln, so Is tbat bad to conquer it ? we bave ,ot to ,0 to tbe past blstory as to bow tbe prlvllelles and privy purse were Incorporated In our Con.titution. At tbe SHRI R. D. BRANDARE: My bOD. time of Partition, our country bad to face frieDd Is ralSID' an atraueoUl matter. a number of difficult problems. After tbe Here we are DOt concorDOd wltb Hyderabad wltbdrawal to Britlsb power, tbe two or Mizam. We are first concemed wltb 1IIICIIIli0os arose. How to retain tbe inte,rity the Acl of Acceuion lecoadly wltb tbe of tbe country tbe first question and covenant and tblrdly wltb tbe Constitutional ho.. to retain a stable Government, a st.ble prOVision wblch was accepted as a result of nd', In ~ ~ WM $h, ~~ tb, ~ of ~ ud lb. ~ MAY. 9. 1969 ,,'"'hr••• rR-.) SURI DH/RESWAR KALlTA; States. This noble act, tbls 110ble action, Wbat about Nizam ? on the part of the ruler of the ~~ State cannot be forgotten. It has been MIl. SPEAKER: -That CaD be dealt written down in laid letten In the history wllb -ICparBtely. of the country. The accenlon has aBo been -written In the Constitutillll. Tbe SHRI R.D. BHANDARB: I am covenant has been Incorporated In the coafiDing myself to tbe body of Ibe Reso- CoBstitutlon. lution alld the priDc.lples UDderl,IDg the Jl¥:refore, DIY sUlleatlon .is I.hat lb. Reiolutioo. I am Dot dealing wIth _tm- ~ "'Member mover of tbe Resolulioll IIOOUS D!atlers. should withdraw his Resolution because wo Tberefore, the questioD arises wbether accept the prillciple UIlder,lyinll it _aDd we we sbould give up, by a simple ResolutioD. can at the proper time hriol 8Jl ameodmeot the cODveDtioDs and the ConstitutioDal pro- to Ibe Constitution wbereby this can be vlsloDs. I thiDk, even tbe rulers, will come done. to the same cODcluslon that In a democratic set-up tbere caDnot be a separate treatment, SHRI M. R. MASANI (Rajkot): The a special treatment- I am sure tbat tbey mover of tbe Resolution broucht In some will Dot Insist upon tbis because democmcy extraneous matter concerniog what happened Is not only a form of governmeDt but Is it in certain States in Orissa prior to Indepen· a way of life. Under that way of life, we dence and meraer. I would not like to have accepted the principles that all waste any time on that irrelevaoce except persons, irrespective of tbelr place aDd to say tbat this sob staff sounded ironic In position In the society, must stand OD the the Iigbt of tbe fact tbat Sbri R. N. Singb same baae aDd between the same parallels. Oeo, a member of princely order, is the That is tbe democracy principle. That is hlahly respected and popularly elected the principle of equality. All must be Chief Minister of rhat State and that treated alike. The same principle is des- my young friend Shrl P_ K. Oeo Raja of cribed In some otber language. The Obenkaoal has been elected to the Lok principle of equality necessarilly means tbat Sabha by the vote of his people. all must be treated alike. I doubt very much. in their wisdom, the rulers will go to Ibe extent of denying or destroyinl that 1711rs principle. It is true that patrotism Now, I would like to cODlille myself to compelled and impelled the princes t() join the first two lines of the Resolution to the Union and their noble act caDIIDt be which Mr. Bhandare referred, because if forgotlen. In this connection, ) would the promises canDot-bo ~ tbe rest Jike to say that I am quite aware of the of the Jtesolutloo is ultorly ulOless lIJld fact which was described by the ~ irrelevant. PresideDt, Dr. RajCndra Prasad. When he went to Blkaner, he had .poken tbere. He I happOMd to be a Member of the Bald that the IIreat move for the unification Costituent.AsHmbly which framed tile of India could materialise primarily because Constitution with If democratic od -equli- of the aoodwill and rea\:ly-willingness of tarlao princtples, but which also provided princes like Maharaja Sadbu Sinlbil. to for the -Privy Purses and the PrlvllOlos of participate in Constitution·maklng and to the Princes. Let us first deal with ; first send their representatives to the ConltltueDt principle of equalilarianllm. This is an Assembly of India. It was a difficult task ambi8t1ous word. at that time, It was too difficult to be It is true that tile COIlstltution In Its described iD words. because but for this Preamble has prelcribed for equalit, ·of kind of wilful cooperation. -India status and of opportunity but that Is not- have remained split ioto several bits. It absolute equality. There is no priDei"'e redounds to the credit of late Mabaraja of of -ecoomic equality prescribed In the BItADer tbat, by hi. bold decision, he .ave Constitution aod OYeO In respect of the a correct and timely lead to our princes. prine; pie of equality of status, there are and this evelltually resulted In -tho acceslioo many _cClltion! embodied, like tbe ~ "f not only ~ but all the prln"Ir vatbm of _Is for tbl? ~ • ....., ~ VAISAlCHA 19,1191 (SALt) Privy ~ (Res.)

a,nd Scbeduled Tri""', wbicb is a violu!ion tracting parties. One of them'gan up mucb of tbe equality of status. Tbere are vari· moro tban the otber, but was to bue oua provisions for tbe production of mino- partial compensation. Now, I may rities wbicb are quite rigbt, and tbere are say that compensation is bighly cousistent special provisions rellarding the Indian with democracy; It is only expropriation Civil Service and even Government emplo- that is undemocratic. It Is only fascial yees of all raoks, and so on. Wbat is im- and communist dictatorsbips wbich expro- portant is Social Justice. Tbat i. impor- priate. Democratic socialist couutries tant and not equality and tbe two are are always prepared to give compensation. very dlfl'erent. Even Stalin, tbe- Soviet And for tbe Mover of tbe Resolution to Dictator, said many years ago: say that compensation Is undemocratic Ia "Equality bas notblng to do with ullerly basel_. socialism. It Is a petty bourgeois, The Princes brouJlht into India, into deviation wortby of a primitive socie- the Indian Union, not less than 48 % of ty." tbe area of tbe Dominion of India and 28% of tbe population of tbe Dominion, Therefore, equality is not a principle and in return they got this paltry privy that comes in the way. purse and tbose small privileges. This was As Mr. Bbandare has said, these were just and reasonable compensation which is not concessions unilaterally granted ; these in our Constitution and is therefore bighly were bilateral treaties entered into between democratic. Not to give this compensa· contracting parlie&. The Princes gave away a tion or to depart from it will be violation great deal. They gave away their sovereignty. of democracy. They gave away tbelr territory. They gave How cau people swear by the Constitu- their States. They gave away all their privi- tion-one part of it-and go against anotber? lellos. would liice to quote from a book Does it mean that Pandit Jawabarial Nehru wtitUln Iby Shri V. P. Meooo, wbo, aloog was an enemy of socialis'", of equality and wltb Sardar VaUabh.i Patel, did much for democracy? Does it mean that Sardar the unification of India. He said: Patel was not a believer iu democracy? "There has been a tendency recently Wbat bad he to say? Wben he presented to reprd the price paid for integration this provision to the Constituent Assembly, in the shape of privy purses as too to us there, Sardar Patel said: high. We cannot strike a balance "In commending tbe varioua provi. aheet witbout julltapoaing tbe asseta slous concerDing tho States to tbe against the liabilities. For tbis purpose House, I would ask the honourable wo may igJIore tbe cODlummation of Members to view tbem as a coordinated the great ideal of a uniled and integra. overall settlement of a gigantic prob- Uld India which has affected the desti- lem. A particular provision Isolated nies of millions of people ; tbe federal from its context may give a wbolly erro- sources of income including the rail·' neous impression. Tbe from in wblch way syslem of about 12000 miles whicb the Rulers find recognition in tbe DeW the States surrendered to tbe Centre Constitution of India In no way im· without any compeDSation; and the pairs the democratic set·up of the State. abolition of interrnal, customs as a The Rulers have made au honourable resilit of integration, whicb has grea- exit." tly benefited trade and commerce in tbe country. But we shoilid certainly Sir, I recall tbat a little before his take intn account the assets we baye deatb, I was visiting Sardar Patel and juat received from the States in tbe sbape then the Praja Mandai MJuistry in Gwalior of ilIUllCJlse cash ~ and invest- ments amounting to Rs. 77 crnres as I would request the Iklme Minister, well as buildiDtlS and palaces. If these Shri Cbavan, to listea, and not to show are weitlhed against the total amount utter contempt for tbis debate ...... of the privy purse, tbe latter would seem, ,ioaijplificant." THE MlNlSTER OF HOME AFF. All that has happened is this. Thi. AIRS (SHRI Y. B. CHAVAN): I was .....1_.,11 .. bMo.1II&dII ~ ,COD' ~ a'priaao• 295 Abolltloa 0/ MAY 9. 1969

SHRI M. R. MASANI I Let him not newspapers tbat Sbrl NijaJingappa yester. waste time on Princes. Commoners are day eltpressed regret that "certain elements much more worthwhile listening to. In the Party are harping on small Issues Sir, I was talking about a conversation like privy purses." I cannot help it If the which I had with Sardar Patel after the Congress President talks sense. It is my integration of India. At that time, the good fortune to be able to quote him. Praja MandaI Ministry was there in Gwall- Sir, the real Issue Is a moral one. Is or and they bad fired on students in Gwali- it right to break promises solemnly made? or. There was then an uproar in Gwallor Is it rlaht to break Treaties Into wbicb a and a demand for an Inquiry. Just then I country enters with il hands completely happened to be calling on the Sardar in free? Tbese commitments were made by Bnmhay. He was very hitter. I do Sardar Patel and tbe Governmenl of India think he repented of what he had done and passed In the Constituent Assembly but was sore about what had happened. completely freely. We entered into them I remember his wnrds. He said : "Maunl, because we thougbt tbat they were fair and we used to say formerly that these Rulers tbey were just, and as I laid just now, were being propped up by the bayonets of Sardar Patel was grateful to tbe otber party the British Army. But wbo do you think to the contract. Is it rigbt and proper thai is propping up this Praja Mandai Ministry tbe same Government-tbere Is not even in Gwalior? It is my bayonets. If they a change of government-tbat entered into are withdrawn, tbe people will drive away tbese contracts sbould now consider such tbese people and put the Princes back on a sbameful breacb of faitb as going back tbeir thrones". on tbem? Tbls is tbe real Issue before the House. Even tbe Congress Working Committee The Mover of tbe resolution has a Resolution of June 1967 held a very differ- funny or good sense of bumour. He ent view from wbat Shri Rabi Ray is now suggested tbat we sbould cboose tbe birth- asking the Govenment to accept. Tbe day of Mabatma Gandbi.s tbe day on Working Committee introduced in Its ten- which we sbould be guilty of thIs breach point resolution tbe following draft: of faitb. If be bad known Mabatma Gan- "Tbe privileges othtr tha" the prIvy dhi a little as some of us did, he would purses enjoyed by e,,-rulers are incon- bave realied that Mabatma Gandbi attached gruous to the concept and pracllce of tbe greatest value to trutb and to tbe democracy." pledged word. Whenever be gave a lillie An amendment was moved by a back- promise be saw to It tbat be would carry bencber, Sbrl Moban Dharia, and by a It out. I tbink it is an insult to th. snap vote in an empty house wbere tbere memory of tbat great ran to suggest thaI was not even a quorum, tbat amendment on his blrtbday of ali days we should 10 was accepted. In for this shameful or sbameless breacb of I would like to draw the attention of faitb. tbe House to tbe fact that, In tbe considered There is a section in tbe India Penal opinion of tbe Congress Working Commi- Code to wbicb I would like to draw tbe ttee in June 1967, tbe Privy purses were attention of the bon. Home Minister, campatiable witb democracy, but tbe smaller nemely section 41S. Let him read It care- privileges were Incongruous. But by the fully. It relates to the act of cbeatlng for vole by a bandful of people, wbal was wblch a sentence In jail Is prescribed. Any democratic became undemocratic In a fe. attempt to do away witb tbe contract moment. Tbat is the precious principle made by his prodecessors will amount to that Shrl Bbandare wants us to accept. aD acl of cheating. If be were a commOD The real point is tbis. Tbeso are Petty citizen, a court would find blm guilty issues and tbe interest sbown In them Is because he would bave deceived other tbe result of petty miDds. I am atad that people into abandoning whal Is thein, he the Congess President has ODce apin has reduced tbeir bargainning power and talked some sense on the subject. I am he has put them at bis mercy and tben be BOrry to han to quote Shrl Nljalinpppa IOCS back on wbat be bad promised. Tbia every day. Only yesterday I bad to quote wonld amount to an act of cbeatlDI- him on the Plan, Thil mQrullIII I read in tb. Pandlt Jawabarlal Nehru and SUrdar P• .- Abolition 0/ VAISAKHA 19, 1891 (SAKA) were bonourable men. They had no sucb MR. SPEAKER I Now, Sbrl Hlmat- Intention tbet tbeir successors sbould go singka. Tbe bon. Member is absent. Sbd back on their pledged word, But tbe K. N. Tiwary. He is also absent. Tbea, moral crime would be just as great as if Shri Sita Ram Kesri. He is also absent. tbe bon. Minister was bimself committing They have aiven tbeir names. but none of tbat act of cbeating in tbe year 1947-48, tbem is bere. Now, Sbri S. Kandappan. because like me, be too was a party to tbis deal, as a member of tbis PartY-I SHRI SRADHAKAR SUPAKAR l do not remember if be was in tbe Consti- You may call otber Members from lbe tDeot AS8embly-and as a member of tbe Congress Party now. Bombay Government. and be was tbere- fore as mucb involved as all tbe rest of us. MR. SPEAKER: It is not my job to I would appeal to bim to have some regard manaae bis party's affairs. for tbe sense of bonour tbat he owes to bimself and to tbose for whom be speaks. .tt ~ ~ : ~ q)- Then, consider tbe effect on the confi- ~ fro ;mr ~ I dence of the people In tbe morality of tbls Government and tbe validity of our Coni- MR. SPEAKER: The hon. Member's tltutlon. If one part of tbe Constitution name is not bere. can be violated, wbat are our Fuodamental Rigbts wortb? And wbat are tbe obli... - SHRt SHASHt BHUSHAN: I bad tlons of Government wortb? Tben. con- written to you. sider tbe effect a broad. Tbe effect on tbe MR. SPEAKER: Tbe party bas sub- credit of tbe country abroad must also be mitted a list to me and the bon. Member', considered. If this Government can break name is not there in tbat. Let tbere be Its pled,es to tbe princes of India, wby no controversy a bout it now. Let tbe boa. sbould tbe fereign creditors and tbe people Mamber resume bis seat. I have read out wbo give money to tbis country expect it lbe names tbat were given by tbe party. I to bonour the commitments that we bave got a dozen otber names. Tbat dOOI make? not mean tbat I sbould 80ut tbe list pvoa These are very lood reaSODl, apart by tbe party. from abstract morality. I would appeal to the bon. Minister to tbink alain. He will ~ ~~ do bimself and tbat great Party to wbicb I belonged at that time when we made tbat ~ ~ pr ~ fit; {If '1T'f 'liT "I11r ~ plod.. to tbe Peinccs a lIteat injustice; be ~ W '1T'f ~ ~ it ~ will be doiaa a lIteat injnstice to tbls 'I country and to bis own party and to bim- MIl. SPEAKER: I do not know. self if be allows bimself to be pusbed into His party ba s submitted tbe list. I bave an acceptance of tbis wrong principle. I Bot tbe names of otber people also. I bave was tben a Member of tbe Party to wbicb got a dozen names before me apart rrom lbe bon. Minister belongs, and ... tbe aames aiven by tbe ConareSB Parly. Tbe Party bas aivcn me a list and after tbat SHRI Y. B. CHAVAN: But be left list Is exbansted. perbaps I could call any- tbat party. body else as I cboose. Tbe party bas aiven names, but witbla SHRI M. R. MASANI: ... 1 would five miDutes I find tbat tbe Members bave not like bim to let down bis Party, to disappeared; tbey gIve tbeir aames bID wblcb I tben balonged, because I also tbey disappear. I do not know wbat is to sbare In tbat rospoDliblJity and if be docs bappen. tbat be proposos to do, tben I sball alao be made to sbare bis ,uilt, and I would .tt ~ ~ ~ : ilIirR tt not lib to share tbe Built of a breacb of I(lfi wi lI1W ~ ~ ~ Pf II"{ faltb. Therefore, we oppose botb the principle ~ " '1T'f 1fq 'lit

MR. SPEAKER: I do not want to '" sr',"", ~ : ~ ~ ~ Bout an}, party lists. I must hODour Ibose lists, because otberwise I shall get ~~~~~ ~ into trouble. ~~~~ I ~ am;T ~~~ 'f@ ~ SHRI NARENDRA SINGH MAHIDA (Anand): I may bring to your notice tbat rorr I ~ (ft·fri ~ ~ ~ ~ ... on private Member's resolutions, tbe ques- >- tion of parly does uot come in. MR'. SPEAKER: If be wanls to go, be may quietly leave. I do not mind. MR. SPEAKER : Now, Sbrl S. There need be no argument about it. If Kandappan bas tbe floor or tbe House. quorum is not tbere, tbe Honse will be adjourned.

SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (Kanpur): If SHRI S. KANDAPPAN: Wbat Ia tbey are so indisciplined, why don't you bappenlng to my privilelles-I do not know derecognlse tbem, Sir? Everybody is taking away my time.

SHR! S. KANDAPPAN (Mettur) : SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: There Is support tbe Resol ul ion moved by Sbri no discipline in tbat party at all. Rabi Ray. I am wondering wby Govern- ment, and 80me members of tbelr party, SHRI SHEO NARAIN: He Is well are very much agitated and concerned over disciplined. the commitment tbey bad made earlier to the princes and why tbey do not seem to SHRI S. KANDAPPAN: Instead of be concerned at all about the word given trying to pretend that they are going to do by Government on tbe floor of tbe Houae something and really serious to abolisb tbe tbat tbey are going to abolisb tbe privy privy purses and privileges, I hope tbey purses. This pledge was given to us tbe will at least wbile replying to this debate elected representatives of tbe people. Since make tbeir position clear to tbe House and tben two years bave pasaed and I do not to tbe country at large, because I bave a know wbctber tbey are ever going to fulln suspicion tbat tbey have been pressuriaed It in tbe oear future. and they are not In a position to bonour tbe pledged word given on tbe Ooor of tbe SHRI SHASHI BHUSHAN : Sbri House to members. Himatsingka says be does not know about his baving to speak and bls name bawing SHRI M. R. MASANI; Tbey bad no been given. rillbt to make sucb a commitment.

MR. SPEAKER: I am not interested SHRI S. KANDAPPAN : Tbey sbould In tbat. Am I to talte tbe official tlst make tbeir position clear as to wby tboy given by their party or not? Is it a qnes- are not keepins up to tbeir promise to tbla tion of controversy bere? I am not Houae. After tbe 1967 elections, d1sCUsalOD Interested wbat passes between tbe Cbief took place bere and tben tbe Home Minis- Whip and tbelr members. Tbe Chief Wbip ter, Sbri Cbavan, very catellorieaU, said blmaelf bas signed It. His name is tbere. tbat be was for abolition of tbe privy ~ tbe spelling is tbe same--8bri P. D. purses and pri vileaes of tbe princes. and Hlmatalqka. So there is no mistake about tbat 800n be was 1I0inB to Introduce a SUI II. to that efI'ect. Two years bave since elapsed. ID between; tbere ba. beon a lot SHRI HlMATSINGKA (Godda): I WII& w.vering 5t.tements and besltaDt appro- not told. acbetl to tbis problem. BUI wbeHver tlala qnestion was taken up bere, Sbri ChavBD SHiltS. KANDAPPAN: I do not was very catqorical. He never denied b .. kIIow wby ~ arc·so 1DIl(lb" __ earlier commitment to tbe House. ing and luke-warm In tbeir approacb to ID tht Bind" of July 4, 1968, I filld tblt Uiilq-*loll. PIIUIIO , 301 VAISAKHA 19, 1891 (S>41[.4)

"The Government of India has finally SHRI S. KANDAPPAN! You quoted decided to scrnp the princely privileges Mr. Patil. I also happened to read some and privy purses. A scheme prepared kind of old writings on this particular by the Home Ministry in this regard item. But I should like to know in how was broadly endorsed by the Internal maoy of the 600 States people were so Alrairs Committee of the Cabinet which anxious and are so attached to tbelr discussed the issue for about an hour ancient rulers that they would not be today. While the privileges of ex-rulers willing to merge with tbe Indiad nation ? are to be withdrawn immediately. the amount of privy purses is to be paid SHIR M. R. MASANI: Would you on a salb system for a specified period advoacate a plebescite ? which may be 20 or 25 years so that its abolition does not cause undue financial difficulties. The scale of SHRI S. KANDAPPAN' If it can be agreed 00 all froots. That would not be payments worked out by the Ministry advisable because I feel that the puhlic /lives generous treatment to the smaller princes". mood is rather against the privy purpses and privileges. In fact as far as I know But till today even this diluted form of most of tbe States ruled hy erstwhile rulera implementation has not taken place. I witb the exception of a few States scattered say tbis i. diluted because I do not find here and there where tbe people milht auy princes iD this country. tbe progenies have been attached to the royal houses. of tbe old princely families. who are just the mood of the people 00 the whole was trying to eke out a livelihood and have not otherwise; they were on the ver,e of enou,b to make both ends meet. revolt and the rulers were saved by the After al\ we know them; tbey are our national leaders by this arrangement. That ,ODd friends. We- know they are quite is how I look at it. well olr. Tbey do otber businesses and other work. In fact I am pained wben a There is anotber important aspect. We speaker argued on the principle of honour- arc a democratic country and 'in a democra- In, agreements or commitments tbat they tic country the enl ire territory of the sbould 10 on getting the privy purse. I State belongs to the whole people. oot to feel that It is rather humiliating and It Is the royal families alone. Did the rulers no! 100d for any man of self-respect to attach any imporLaoce to the will of the expect unearned Income from tbe Govern- people when they entred ioto this agree- ment of a poor country. In fact I feel ment with the GovernmeDt of IDdia and tbat the princes sbould themselves come Mr. Patel &iloed that agreement aDd the forward to voluntarily relinquish It. Not ruler also signed tbat agreement? Were even a slnlle person has done 80. they oot treated as chattels and private property? Mr. Masani quoted the alsets of SHRI NARENDRA SINGH MAHIDA: the various royal families. I have surrendered it In 1948. 17.15 hrs. SHRr S. KANDAPPAN Others should haye ·followed luit; some how it [Shrl R. D. Bhandare in the CluJir] hu DOt bappeoed. Some aay that it W88 a free coveDant Were all their personal assets? How aDd a sort of gentleman's agreement entered did they amass aod accumulate so much into with ex-rulers and should Dot be wealth? Is it not obnoxious and repugn- violated aad tbat it was not lood for a ant to the democratic ideals to think that ,reat country like ours. They seem to by the assets of the royal household belonged coDccrned about tbe image of India which to the ruler alODe and Dot to the people 1 will lulI'er In the internatioual scene. Mr. I am un.ble to reconcile myself to this Masani said sometbiDg about a rew States feeling. where people were keen to reinstate them. SHIll M. R. MASANI: r did not say AN HON. MEMBER Not all ~ ;'Sar4at'l'atel said sQ, pr.rly. !03 MolltlalllllPrtv, ""'1" (hI.) MO\Y 9,1969 Ddhl Pal/c. Commt"loItbport 304 (H.,f.H.DI&.)

SHRT S. KANDAPPAN I If you are enjoylnl tbese prlvlleaes to come concede tbat It is public property, then did forward tbemselves voluntarily to surrender you consult tbe public while you accepted tbe privileges, because it Is not good for tbe privy purse? You came to this agree- tbem. I feel It Is wanting in self-respect ment and this meraer as if it is your own of any decent mau to live perpetually on property and you did it out of your own uuearned Income ; this is unearned income free volition, tbe surnendering of the entire and tax·free at tbat whicb tbey sbould be property to tbe Government of Tndia, witb prepared to surrender voluntarily. So, I oot taking into consideration tbe people lully'llJllPort this resolution. wbo mostly matter. So, tbis argument tbat I would add one more word wltb roped It is a uery solemn alreement wbicb we to tbe arlument tbat you bad advanced Ibould bonour is not convincina to me. wben you bappened to be In your seat bere: Apart from tbat, tbere is anotber tbat tbe mover of tbe resolution Is not just aspect. Arter all, it is more tban two pretendlug or imagiuiul tbat by a vClJ decades since tbe so-called agreement took simple resolution being passed bere, we are place. Tbe situation has cbanged. Is it going to abolisb tbe privy purse. It la anybody's arllument tbat in a democratic. only an enabling measure. Wben we developing country. some agreement entered pass tbis resolution, we accept tbat tbe IDto some two or three decades back even Government would come forward to make after circumstances bave cbanged, should tbe requisite changes in tbe Constitution be bonoured? 'Intertuptloft') and otber codes so that tbe privy pune may be abolisbed. AN HON. MEMBER: Question. I bope and wisb and I do not loel tbat our Home Mlni.ter, Sbrl Cbavan, was very SHRI S. KANDAPPAN: A lot of sincere wben be made tbe statemeni. But cbanaes have taken place. I do not know wbat sort of difficulties bi, party or be blmself lot into tbat be is not MR. CHAIRMAN: Do not take any able to come forward in tbls respect. It is notice of tbe interruptions. bllb time tbat tbe Government sbould make up its mind to abolisb the privy purse, SHRI S. KANDAPPAN: It is very dllllcult wben tbe interruption comes from MR. CHAIRMAN: Now It is S.30. YOrY close colleagues. Let us proceed to the balfoaD-bour discussion. SURI R. K. AMIN (Dhandbuska): May I tell bim that most of tbe princes wbo contested tbe elections lot elected. 17.30 bra. SHRI S. KANDAPPAN: So wbat ? A lot of cbanges bave taken place. HALF'AN-HOUR DISCUSSION Bven tbe Constitution wbicb was formulated and accepted by this country was cbanged Delhi Polle CommlsaloD'. Report many a time. I am sure tbat you would Dot be reluctant to support some of tbe .n ~ ~ : nT'ffu ~ amendments to tbe constitution. It is not, ~ 11ft or) Izmqr w-;r ~ ~ if ~ therefore, a question of any sacredness being attacbed to it, and il is not a ques' if& ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ riGif it; i!1ITit tioD of Ibe image of tbe country abroad ~~~ ~ and all Ibat. If you are reluctant, even at ~~~~~~ thll atace. to abolish the privy purse. I do Dot tbink any democratic country in tbe iI't ~ ~ ""err 'IT, ~ lIli" 11ft world will take you seriously; I do not ;;it ;;pm ~ ~ qqit ~ it; forit, Q thlu tbe democratically minded people will take you seriously. It is a very abnox- ~ ; lous Idca. I would appea 1 on that score- ~~~ ~ Dot oven on tbe question of money-to tbe if prUlces and tbelr collcord tIIId 'bose wbo ~~~~ ~ ~ 'SOs o.,hl ~~ c-IHI"" VAISAICH' ». 1191 ~~ (.,AJI DI•. ) ~ 306 1!ft ;ftfu ~ ~ vft I ~ ~ i;!1I' ~ ftrcrrt'r ii; ~ it'a it' ~ 1ft f<'fllT ~ ~~ ~ ~ q:" 'fT t, ~ itr -"t1iI "tfflm 1If<'Il;f ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ III1rffi if ~ II1'I1IT ~~ ~ ;f q'fonr IfiF ~ ~ ~ if -iAaT '11ft ~ I ~~ ~ ~ itr ~ ~ 'fl'\m 1ImI' ifQ it; ~ if--siR ' -finr, ~ ~ itr flrot;r if f'RT' siR ~~~~~ 1IiT1I'''''! ~ nmr ~~~ tfiwi • • rn ii; ~~ ~ ~ ;1ft ~ ~ 'll1r ~ ...mtt. ~ "1ft ~ 11ft qRrft-1 fl';;ff ii; 'mor IIITOI' if .cf'm - ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ itr ~~ siR ~ ~~~ FAr IIiI' - ~ ~ if wit m ~ <'I1lIT iITIl'llT ~ ~ it , ~ t I ~ 11ft vftl WfIR nmr ii; mwr ~ ~ ~ fit; 22 "" it; ~ ~ it;' trrcr- vr. ~ if ~ it qq-;n' ~ ~~~~~ I ~ ~~~~~ m-mr- Olfifro 'ifor« 1li1 ...... ~ t I ~ '. ~ W 'fT, ~ if nr... :ao ~ ar.r ~ ii!if;lft m tr'{ifim: ~ I ~ it ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IIiI' WTif ~ ~~~~ 75.0 ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ 9& m ~ ~ ~ t ~ ii; 1968 if ~ .mr..... ,!m ~ "" ~ "" ~ crg;r ~ «;m; t I ,OAt ~ 11ft' mr... ~ !!it ~ IIiI' em ~ Of Qr 1li1 ~ t Of ~ ~ iii 0I"Tm 'TN I ~ Cf.m ~ 11ft' qr.r1 f... ~ if' ~ ~ ii; ~ 1IIt 5-11-66 11ft It I ~ -1fifim;r it ~ ~ t t ~ ~ Irr.T ~ ~ ~ IR: ~~~ ~ ~ if 8"fI' fmit t I 22 ,,"'-it;) "I'rarro it; m 1ft ~ ~ .•• AJJI' ~ if ~ ~ fro{;- IfiF 11ft' ~ ~ f;rnror t I '1Im0l"Tm aor ~ ~ ~ F- flli ~ ~ Ij} ftq)t. qa- ~ t I "fIflI1T it .. ~ ~ ~ ~ fffi lIT ~~ ,.825 'l15O ~ ftqli t an fit; n 1fl1Tl if fim ~ 'fT fiI;. ~ iii! ~ ~ IIiT - tlft·ftcfti ~~ e-ro ~ ~ ,,1 orr m-WlrTIT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ irfiI;;r ~ ~~ f.rit ~ ... ~~ ~ fit; ~ ~ ~ t 1 irfiI;;r if RIlim (fit; ~ ~ f;A;1"r.i iii, ~ 1Itij', ~ ~ it siR ~ iii ~ ~ it ~~ ~ ''I'I';it-.1rf1T ft ftqli'lIiT ",r ~~~ ~ ~ ii; ~ ~ ~ it; ~~ ~~ ~ f.. m iii ~ it, ~ ~ ;rorm ~ 1Ii{ ~ ~ if ~ ' ii; ftr<;ffu'r if .m: ftmr " ~ it; Il'iTTlfT I ~~ it; ~ 1ft ~ qq;rr . mmr.r if siR ~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ iATlfI I "I'fII" ~.. ~ ~ ..m it; ~ ~ ii; ~

"t iiO'l!; I iii! I!i'il: ~~~~ 'I\'T ~ mrr Rlll ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ;;rnrr flI; mli I!>"t 'fl': ft;rln ~~~~~ ~ ,!fom ~ ~ it; f.rl!; ~ ~ IlT"r.f ffi ~ ~ firilfr t ? .no;; ~ I sm: ~ ~ ..". iii! ~ &lifT crT ~ If 'R'f.t ~~ ~ m ~ ;r.;r ~~ tfil;sm: m:m ~ 'Rh: ~ it; fcr;m: I!>"t ~ ~ ~ rn ~ ~ m'f ~ iAT riiT ? m;;y ~ ~ if ~~~ m 'I\'t ~ if if!!l ~ crT ~ 'f?Ji't If!!)- ~ ;;)'r W ~ ~ ~ ~ lfITfcr ~ ~ ~ 1!;<'ITif ~ fit; ~ fut!;rfuff "t ~ m'f ItiTf ;mrf 'fl':'i'r ? ~~~ ~ ~ ii!lI'TifT ire ~ ~ iii! t ~ fwiT't,mr ~ ~ ~ ;;r;;crr ~ ~ 't,mr ~ 11; ~

DR. RANEN SEN (Barasat): Tbe meDdations, firstly. 1 would like to koow police departmeot was notorious and is still why the GoverD11leut· ba¥e oot accept" notorious . for . corruption... It was alwaya. the recomlDOtldaliOBs. When tbey set-tlp used as ao iostrument of oppression of tbe tbe Commissioo, it wal tbeir. obligatioo to people durioll tbe Britisb days and it con·" accepltbe 'recommendationS'. SeeoJ!ly; if tinues to be so even today. Tbe police tbe '-Oo"","n_1 I have DOl accepted file force'was used aod 'is belDII I asodalloftll8t recommeodatioos, wbat steps tbe Govern. tbe people. Yet, tbe '80VCtnment did not' ment are aoiag 'to take to 'see tbal'bettel" thiok it tit to treat tbe' policemen in a coodltiqjw: of service w the ')lolic_c.-who bumane way. It is quite evident -and well·" are wOlic1b1 in Delhi so teat tbey at least koown from tbe movement tbat wailiauncb- can aet a little buman treatmeot froOl tbe ed by tbe policemeo tbat even tbe elemen- Oo.emmellt 'I tary rigbts and privileaes 'are denied to them by tbis aoverDIlICIIt Sir; wben 1 am' . MR. CHAIRMAN': Sbri Sitaram askina tbls question 1 find tbat tbe bon. Kelf\; . Mioister is tallting to Sbri' Rani!bir Sinah without heariOll me: 'Tben," bow ,OBn b. SHRI NAMBIAR (TirucblrappalliJ: aoswer my questloo? Tboll8b tbe police Sir, 80IDe of us bave also scot slips. - force was used by tbe 'aovemmeut' to sup' press aod oppress tb e workers aDd MR. CHAIRMAN':' Your name' Is DOt peasaots and democratic 1II0ve,,"s,'Uey tberb, did ,not tbiol< it fit to aivethe policemen tbelr elemeotary bumao rishts aod SHRl S. M. BANERJEE (Kaopur) privileges. It is meotionedio tbe Police ' Today, yon can exercise your discretion. Commission !Report tbat wbereas before iodepeodeoce 85 to 90 per cent· of tbe SHRl NAMBlAR: Leave alone tbe police' was civil poliell' aod OD" to to 15 ' ballot, we bave also sent our Dames. per l::eDt was at'med police,' DOW' . tbe armed· , police is nearly SO per cant of tbe MR. CHAIRMAN l I caDnot aive up total police force of lodia:- This sbows' tbe rules. tbat tbe police is beioa aeared as an armed force against tbe people; ; SHRI RANDHIR SINOH (Rohtak) : All tbe people belong to Hal'yana. Kindly' But <10 bomaal consideradoa- Is alVdD to tbese people. Tbis is alao admitted by tbe allow me as a special case. Delbi Police Co.nmission Report, as I rud it from tbe Report. .' SHR! S. M. BANERJEE: It is in your Here, it is mentioned tbat If'a 'COIIIpleteo: . discretion. 'Today, you kindly'allow os. break·aw"y i,s to be made from tbe present , state of affairs, we must take bold steps MR. CHAIRMAN: I want to follow and provide adequate pay scales' fortbe tbe fules strictly. police ,of Delbi. Tben 1)nly. It will be I possible to enforce disciplino. Tbe question SHRl NAMBlAR: TbDIIC wbo .bave· of discipline baa been raised by tbe came in tbe ballot may be called mt. Government. Their, you bave pt 'Your dismtiba

~~~~~ ~ ;mr !ill ~ f.t; 'flIT ~ ~ il' m ~ ~ it" ~ 2~ it" l!fu if ito ~~ 1fTo '1ft if t m if ;;iT ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ 'QTlIT ~ ~ ~ vrr;a-n '1ft ;mr ~ I ~ iTTcr " ~ f.t; ~ it" f.:fwr if;1f ~ ? ~ i!ilRT'{r ~ ~ ~~ l!ft ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ 'In" ~ if ~ ~ f", ~ ",y ~ '1ft ~ ~ lIT ~ lIT ~ l!ft ~ mft ~ ~ ~ I3'f it" 1fm-t'{ it" ~ ~ if it ~ 'In" "'Tli m ~ I ~ if; ft:rlt, ~~ m # i!ilfm;:r iI" ;;iT \;of <'11m 11ft ;;ry \if'iffi 'lilT ~ ~ ~ fli;lIT ~~ m"IfT ~ m 2:f.m SHRI NAMBIAR: Just o"e question. ~ m<: '3"«'" srfcr ~ mm I it Sir. Unfortunately our names did not m ~ ~~~ ft:rlt m came in tbe ballot. ~ iffliOlf ~ ~ ~ f'l1 ~ ~~ SHRI S. KUNDU (Balasore) : Wbetber ~ ~ ~ ~ III f'RT ~~ tbey are Mr. Randhir Singb's men or any- body's men, the poor cODstables and cbow- ~~ I ~ ~~~ it" ki:lars are tbe brave sons of India like any srfcr ~ ~ ~ ~ 'llT

MR. CHAIRMAN: Thero I. DO point of order. Wben tbe policy of for.ive-and-foraet bas heen followed in tbe case of Central SHRr NAMBIAR: I have a POIDt of Government employees, wby sbould they Order... live a treatment differently to these police- men? Tbe report Itlelf says that they are MR. CHAIRMAN: I am sorry I caD" amenable to discipline and with proper not hear your Point of Ordor. understanding and approach you can keep tbem disciplined. Are tbe Government SHRI NAMBrAR: Point of order Is anllious to keep them as a disciplined always beard ..• force? Or. do they want to make tbem frustrated IIy denying tbem tbe implementa- MR. CHAIRMAN: Pleaso do not tion of the recommendations of the Kbosla make a mockery of tbe Rules. Kindly sit Commission and also by meting out to down. I cannot allow you ... (It"e,rup/IOII'), tbem a differential treatment, tban tbe one Notbing will be recorded ... (In/erruptiD.... ). wbicb was meted out to other employees? In tbe case of the Punjab, tbere was a ** .* Police Commission under tbe cbairmansbip Wbat Is your Point of Order? of Mabajan-a former Chief Justice of India-ond as soon as tbe interim report SHRI .NAMBIAR: Wben Half-an- was submitted, tbe Go\emment of Punjab Hour discussions Is beld, Members are fully implemented tbeir recommendations. allowed to write In advance to tbe Speaker Wben tbat was done, I want to know wby as to wbetber tbey would like to put ques· tbe Delbi Police is kept at a disadvantage- tlons. That is tbe procedure. According ous position and wby tbe recommendatlons to that procedure, I have written a laller to of tbe Khosla Commislion are not heinll you tbat I wanted to raise a question. Implemented with speed. MR. CHAIRMAN: That is not a eft U!ltm: ~ ~ : im tiI'$ Point or Order. m-q; ~ I ~ ~ m it; iTfm-'l'- SHRI NAMBIAR: It is a procedural ~~~~~ ~ matter. tm ~ fap ~~ it 'filii if@' ~ MR. CHAIRMAN: I am also OD ~ ~ ~ f.l; ~ ~ procedure. ~ ~~ it; ~ \ffiif ~ ~ ~ SHRI NAMBIAR: How can you aay ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ that because wben Halr·an·Hour dlscus- ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ fap ~ sioos is tbere. a member caD write In advance to tbe Chair askinK for permiuloD ~ it 'Ii'!f ;r@' faplil' mm f'I;( 1ft!: to put questions. qt ~ ;;rrq;;r ~ ? Accordinlliy. I am ralsiDI tbe point. wrote to you ... ~ iffif ~ ~ f.l; 19 ~ ott ~ it; tm:mr.r it ;it ~ {fefir- MR. CHAIRMAN: I am aware of tbe rule. Let blm please listen to me ~ ~~ ~~ now. 'l'T'fi 'Ii<: Wn IIiii'

SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: I do not MR. CHAIRMAN: Today wbat Is want to put any question. Somethinll bas wrong witb tbe han. Member? been quoted by Shri Shri Cband Goyal. I only want tbat the particular document SHRI St>f. BANERJEE: Sbri Kamatb sbould be placed on the Table ... bad raised ~ question of tbe CBI report only during a half-an-hour discussion. aDd In MR. CHAIRMAN: No word of Sbri fact, tbe balf-an·bour discussion started witb S. M. Banerjee should go on record. that. Ultimately came tbe bistorlc ruling of Sardar Hukam Singb tbat tbat documenl SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: • could be laid on the Table of tbe House. Followina the same example, I -want MR. CHAIRMAN: That is a public your Buidance In regard to ibis document. document and tberefore, it is available to I want you also to rise to tbat great belabt_ everybody and to the House. I am not goiDg to put any question. I may assure you of tbat. I only want tbat that SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: I am not document should be placed on the Tablet referring to the Khosla Commission', of the House. I shall send tbat document report ... to you. If you are convinced, kindly allow it to be laid on the Table of tbe House. MR. CHAIRMAN: Sbri S. M. Banerjee is a senior Member and be should MR. CHAIRMAN: He may kindly no! raise tbis kiod of point of order now. give it at the Table. I shall consider wbe- tber II can be done at the time of a balf- SHiu S. M. BANERJEE: I am not an-bour discussion. 'arguing witb you. I only want to strengthen your hands by my point of order. I am ~ ~ if mil .m ~ not referring to the Khosla Commission's .report. 1 am referring to the document ~~~~ wbich was referred to by Shri S Kundu. ~ ~~~~~ ~~ aT Here is tbe memorandom of the Delbi Police Non·gazetted KarmaC'bari Sangb witb ~ ~ U1I1II" ~~ !liT ~ question, and, tberefore, tbe question of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ placing a memorandum on the Table of tbe ill""" on on m House does not arise. I bave ruled out the ~ SIfT'f m t I . point of order. ~~ 'iirMlf<41ij; SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: It is a very ~ ~~ ~~ "Ierloul matter. '1ft Ififmr ~ ~ Wemr if ~ Ifi11f 'lim ~~ ~~ ~ MR. CHAIRMAN: Let him not "'cballenge ·the ruling. ~~ ~ ~~~

• Not recorded. tTbe Speaker not baving subsequontly accorded the necessary permission," tbe dq. ~ Will DO' ImItod I. laid aD t!lo Ta"' •. IIifim;:r 11ft ~ ;or f1r.t (A' 51Ii m fqq1f ~ I III ~ ~ ~ t ~ 0i1R: om ~ ~~ mr ~ :avmit ~ ~ p ~ ~ flr;m ~ fiI;!lT 'ill ~ ~ ~ ~ ;r@ ~ qyittft I ~~ n ~ ~~~ ~ ~ III ;;rr;re' fiI; ~~ fill' ~ U- ~ 'llrr fiI; ~ m am: ~ iii ~ it ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ""'" ~ ~ ~ ;ftfir ~ ~ ? ~ .rtm it;;m 1ft ~ q'rq :av am it ~ ~ ~ mTi ~ ~ ~ U-;m$fAi1: ~~~~ ~ fiI; ~~~ m: ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ I ~ I!Ilm:rr ~ ~ it q-q;ft !!iT ~ mm: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fttfti ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ;;ft;ff !!iT HI' fftit fiI; ~

[llf\" ~ ~ J ~~~~~~ '3if t ~ ~~ rn ~~~~~~~ ~ fll; mr ~ ..". 'lirtu{ 'tiT ~ ~ ~ lI& "t!!iTfmT ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II>"t m IIi'r "I1TlfflT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ enfcrT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mor if I fll; '3if lfUli'f lRit I !!iT crmq; ~ I ~ ~ ~ 1IWiT IIi1' - ~~ rn- ~ q: ~ ~ I ~ • ~ ~~~ ~ ~ art ;ftftA; itmff t ~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IIilf'fTRlif ~ ~ 'liT qq-;ft ~~ ~ ~ I '3«'IiT ~ ~ ... ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iiW ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ""@ ~ f1r'H ~ I t lfi! ~ IJWrT !!iT ~ rn 'R ~ ~ rn ~ I 1t lI& ~ ~ ~ ~ SHRI VASUDEVAN NAIR (Peerwade): ~ ~ ~ fll; ~ iITl:I wr.ft W What is the political pressure? Will you explain? ~~~ SHRI NAMBIAR: Tbe KbOila Com- ~ ifEl:l ~ I ~~ ~ ~ lI& ;;it m:- mission reveals the trutb. The politics is m: w ~ l!iT ~ 0fTlIT;;mIT ~ ~ the politics of tbeir bad condition. ~ ~ fll; fm ~ 'liT 'fflif;roit ~ ...... :....:. ~ .A.A SHRI s. KUNDU (Balaaore) : Can you ,",''i'll lIT ,'Ii"" ~~ ~ ~ not give an assurance that witbin two or ~ 1ft arrittiT crt '3lF ~ iInf rn ~ three months all the cases will be disposed IIiTf ~ 'Ii1'm ~ ~ ffifll; ~ ~ of 1 ~ ~ q;)('f if ~ ~ m 'liT ~ ~ ~ : ~ SI"1fT1f R1<'r ~ ~ ~ ~ if ififTit ~ '3if ;o;TtrT 'R ~ tm I lI& \'11 ~ !lit ~ ~ it '1ft ~ ~ ~ ifTcr ~ ~ I lI& ~ 1ft ~ ~ orrt if ~ ;roiT m 'liT ~ ~ I it rot f" ifTCf ~ '3lF'IiT ~ "'"'" ~ ~ I ~ ~ IilTI!f ~ 'ffim rn ~ ~ 'Ii1'm ~ Q.lm I ~ if ~ i"t arrif"," ftm if aort lilT" ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'liT ~ ... ~~ ~ ~ ~

~~~ ~ iim "In accordance wltb tbe provisions of sub-rule (6) of rule 186 of the Rules of ~~~~~ Procedure and conduct of Business In ~~~ the Rajya Sabha, I am dirocted to ~~~ return herewith the Appropriation (No. '1ft 3) Bill, 1969, which was passed by the ~~~~ Lok Sabha at its sitting held on the 28th April, 1969, and transmitted to the SHRI NAMBIAR: The entire police Rajya Sabha for Its recommendations force II hearlDa you. Do nOI forlel It. to make to the Lok Sabha In reprd to the sald BI11."


SBCRBrARY I Sir, I have to report The £Ok Sabho then odjOll1'ned till £In." tbe followlna meaaap received from tbe 0/ the Clock 0" Mtmday, Ma, 12, 1969/ SocmUJ of Raga Sabha I V"Wha 22,1891 (SGkG)_

PrInted at ,UaIhdeeII Prlnten, 210 DaryaaaDi, ~