Friday, May 9, 1969 Fourth Series1R.57 Vaisakha 19, 1891(Saka) /2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6 Seventh Session Fourth/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi CONTENTS No. 57-Friday, May 9,IM/Val'akhG 19, 1891 (Saka) Columns 0ra1 AIII-. to Questio_ ·Starred Questions Nos. 1591 to 1595 Short Notice Questions No. 23 Written Answen to Questiona- Starred Questions Nos. 1596 to 1620 38-58 Unstarred Questions Nos. 8975 to 9119 and 9121 to 9174 58-204 Statements correcting replies to USQ No. 6162 dt. 11.4.1969, USQ No. 1863 dated 22.11.1968 and USQ No. 3959 dated 21.3.1969 204 Papcn Laid on the Table 205-06 Business of the House 2~7 Motion re Fourth Five Year Plan-Draft 207-43 Shri Tenneti Viswanatham 208-10 Shrimati Tarkeshwari Sinha 211-20 Shri Hem Barua 220-28 Shri Gajraj Singh Rao 228-31 Shri Raghubir Singh Shastri 231-37 Shri Mohsin 237-41 Shri Humayun Kabir 241-43 . Committcc on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions Forty-ninth Report 243 Resolution R,·. Appointment of Commission to 10 into cbarJes aplnst Birla Group of concerns-N,,,,,'I.ttI. 244-77 Shri Tenneli Vishwanatham 246-48 Sbri Himatsingka 248-50 Shri S. M. Krishna 251-52 Shri Shashi Bhushan 253-54 Shri S. S. Kothari 256-58 Shri Melkote 258-61 Shri F. A. Ahmed 261-73 Shri Vishwanatha Menon 273-77 -The sisn + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually _cd on the floor of the House by that Member. PI (II ) Q)JUDD Resolution reo Abolition of Party Purses 277-304 Shr! Rabi Ray 2n-86 Shri R. D. ~ 289-92 ~ M. S. R. Masani 292-98 Sbri S. Kandappan 299-304 Half-an-Hour Discussion Delhi Police Commission Report 304-25 Shri Rama vatar Shastri ... 304-10 Shri Vidya Charan Shukla 320-25 Messaae from Rajya Sabha ... 3ZJ--Ui LOK SABHA DEBA'fES 2 LOK SAlJHA witb uptodate academic knowledge. I would like to know from the Government in which Friday, May Y, 1969/V<1i.akha 19,1891 way they want to encourage. Y9" the Govern- (Saka) ment, by way of perpetuating' tbe bureaucra- tic rule, continue to adopt a policy which will help them in retaining the aged persons and also encourage in recruiting their own The Lok SaMa met at Eleve" of the Clock kith and kin withont even a regular competi- tive examination. as was done in CPWD. [Mr. Speaker I" the Chai_J This is the reason why Government have failed in the public sector. ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS In view of the fact that large scale direct recruitments based on purely academic A. R. C's. Recommendations on Personnel knowledge with utter disregard for personnal Administration human qulities had adversely affected the + quality and cadre management in all services, ·1591. SHRI S. D. SOMASUNDARAM: will the Ministry of Home Affairs issue SHRI GADILINGANA urgently a general directive to restrict direct GOWD: recruitment to the minimum thus ensuring quality which, the ARC feels, has degene- Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS rated ? be plessed to state : <al whetber it is a fact that the Adminis- SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: trative Reforms Commission has submitted As I have said in my main reply, the its report on personnel administration ; and report about this matter has been received (b) if so, the details of the recommenda- from the Administrative Reforms Commis- tions made by the Commission and the sion only about three weeks back and it is IIction taken by Government thereon? under examination. I hope, the ARC has THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE covered the aspect which the bon. Member MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS <SHRI has in mind. We will surely examine all VIDYACHARAN SHUKLA): Cal Yes, these matters. Sir. SHRI S. D. SOMASUNDARAM: (b) Copies of t he report have been would like to know the time by which the placed in the Parliament Library. The Government will (implement the personnel report was received by Government on 18tb policies recommended by the A.R.C. WIthout April 1969 and is under examination. any modification. SHRI S. D. SOMASUNDARAM: When a suggestion was made to reduce the SHRI VlDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: retirement age from 58 to 55 years, tbe This kind of an assurance cannot be given. Government came forward with a plea that it could not afford to lose experienced per- SHRI TENNETI VlSWANATHAM: sons. While another suggestion was made May r know whether he has gone through to give incentive to tbe deserving departmen- the recommenlations made in the report 7 tal candidates by way of promotions witbout One of the recommendations there is that being overlooked bydirect recruits. the Govern- the Government should set up an all-party ment came forwar j with a different plea Parliamentary Cominittee to see to the expe- .that it c»uld not aWord to lose the young men 4itious implementation of the recommenda- 3 MAY 9,1969 4 tions. Has the Minister given thought to it trative Reforms Commission, I asked my and will he do so ? friend, Shri Peter Alvares, Joint Secretary of the Joint Council of Action to submit a SHRI VlDY A CHARAN SHUKLA: memorandum which he did. We were expect- This recommendation has been received by ing that some of the leaders would be given the Government, and it is being processed. a patient hearing before the report was No decision has so for been taken on this. submitted. I have no grouse spinst Mr. Hanumanthaiya. I wish him Chairman· SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: In one of ship of another Commission. their recent reports, the Administrative Reforms Commission has recommended to MR. SPEAKER: It i. not yet over. Government that the government employees How can it be another Commission ? should not have the right to strike. Sir, I expected a better report from the SHRI ANBAZHAGAN: In view of Administrative Reforms Commission but I the fact that undue delay is there in process- am sorry that they did not do so. The ing the reports of the Administrative Reforms Administrative Reforms Commission has not Commission and especially after having been given a hearing even to the leaders of the processed by the Cabinet, they are to be Central Government Employees and without implemented as early as possible. But for giving a hearing they have made a sweeping the last three years it seems that about 10-\1 recommendation that violent demonstration reports have come and only 3-4 reports have etc. should not be allowed. I would only been processed and whether the sugestion thank Mr. Kamath who has given a dissent- that a Cabinet Sub·Committee should be ing note to that. I would like to know formed in order to go through these reports whether the Government will implement the and in order to make up their mind how it recommendations or consider those recom· is to be implemented or what are the methods mendations finally without consulting the of implementation of such ARC reports and Employees' organizations or they will have whether such a Sub-Committee is to be the viewpoints of tne ·employees' organiza- formed by the Government or not, I would tions before accepting that recommendation. like to know. Further in view of the fact My submission is that they have to be rejected that when these thinas are implemented, it In loto. has to be vigilantly supervised and also watched and whetber that sugaestion of SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: nominating a Parliamentary Committee con- While the Government processes the sisting of all the Party leaders will be accep- report or considers the report they will table to the Government or not. Further certainly have all the points of view the report is not supplied to tbe Parliament before them, After their deep consideration Members. It is priced and it is not directly only the recommendation would either be supplied. Because of tbe necessity that such accepted or rejected, but it is not possible at reports are to be studied by all the members, this stage to indicate which recommendation will the Minister consider supplying sucb will be accepted or will not be accepted. copies freely to the Members ? SHRI HANUMANTHAIYA: Only on a matter of clarification. Mr. Banerjee uid SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: that the Commission has not heard any We have been regularly keeping the reports Government servants' organization. I may of the Commission received by UI in the bring it to the notioe of the hon. Member library of the Parliament so that the Ilon. that the Commission heard and took evidence Members can have the occasion of going at least from a dozen associations of Govern- through them and offering tbeir valuable sug- ment employees including the members of gestions to tile Government. the Joint Consultative Council. As far as the question of processilll is SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: I represent concerned, I have already indicated in reply one of the biggest organizations. to an earlier qUHtion that specific recom' (Interruption;) Kindly hear me for a minute. mendations have been made by the ARC When I was told by Mr. K.math that this relarding the way tbey want their reports problem was to be discuHe4 in the Adalinis- shoilid be ~ ~ lII!id that ~ recollj' IDCDdatiODI are UDder consideration, but DO ito llo t ~~ lIfi) ~ ~ ~ ~ decision has 10 far been taken on that. ~ ~ ~~ i't ~ <tft ;roT fffi ~ ~ mfm ~ FT ~ fit; f;m + !I'm: I!oi" ~ ~ ~ ~ if, ~ !iroI' .1592. III ~ ~ ~ IflIT I ~ ~ ~ "" ~ fq fit; !I(HI lfui'f lIfiT ~ ~ if 1I'T ito III ~ '"" ito llo <tft ~ 'I>'t ~~ ~~~ ffii'k .-it WlfRQ1l' UIr.mit lIfi) ~ <tft ~ ~ liT ~ ? ~ fit; ifln ~ '1111 ~ ~ ~ ~ liTmlfRf I!oi" ~ ~ <'i'f;ff lIfi) flOor ~ ? 11ft 'flIT m fit; : ~~ ~ q;r IPff if 6T Ill/( 1ft ~ (lIfi) ~ if ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ !{<'I t ~ ~ ifCl"lT ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ if om- ~~~ ~ q;r t f.flIfim t ~ if m mol' if ifln ~ ifln hfuT lilt 'It f j m III tQT\'f ~ : ~ CI'lIfi mt iA ~ ~ ~ if ~ i\ ifln iIiPf- I!oi" fuTi lPT ~ ~ ~ m:T ~ W ~ 'I>'t ~ crvn ~~ ifln qfugrq' ~ forit I!oi" 'It ¥iT fit; ~ m m \ill ~ ~ ? q ~ ~~ 'Ii'<'rWT, ~ t THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE lffiITlrnI' t ~ t arr't if m.rr GIl ~ DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY qh: !l!ri't .mr 10-20 m<'TT if iii) ~ AFFAIRS.
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