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[email protected] Special List GRG 24/90 Miscellaneous records of historical interest, artificial series - Colonial Secretary's Office, Governor's Office and others Series This series consists of miscellaneous records from Description various government agencies, namely the Colonial Secretary's Office and the Governor's Office, from 1837 - 1963. Records include correspondence between the Governor and the Colonial Secretary, correspondence between the Governor and Cabinet, and correspondence of the Executive Council. Also includes records about: hospitals, gaols, cemeteries, courts, the Surveyor-General's Office, harbours, Botanic Gardens, Lunatic Asylum, Destitute Board, exploration, police and military matters, Chinese immigration, Aboriginal people, marriage licences, prostitution, the postal service, the Adelaide Railway Company, agriculture, churches, and the Admella sinking. The items in this artificial series were allocated a number by State Records. Series date range 1837 - 1963 Agencies Office of the Governor of South Australia and responsible Department of the Premier and Cabinet Access Open. Determination Contents Arranged alphabetically by topic. A - Y State Records has public access copies of this correspondence on microfilm in our Research Centre. 27 May 2016 INDEX TO GRG 24/90, MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS SUBJECT DESCRIPTION REFERENCE NO. ABERNETHY, J. File relating to application GRG 24/90/86 by J. Abernethy, of Wallaroo Bay, for a licence for an oyster bed. Contains letter from J.B. Shepherdson J.P., together with a chart of the bed. 24 April, 1862. ABORIGINES Report by M. Moorhouse on GRG 24/90/393 O'Halloran's expedition to the Rufus.