7.0 Bibliography .1910
7.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 7.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY Figure: Tinted postcard entitled ‘Sheep on Montefiore Hill’, near the present Light’s Vision lookout, looking north-east towards St Peter’s Cathedral, c.1910. Source: private collection . 1139 7.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 7.1.1 Supporting documentation 7.1 PRIMARY SOURCES The following reports were commissioned parallel to and during the course of this Assessment Study (2007). Aitken, Richard, David Jones & Colleen Morris, ‘Adelaide Botanic Garden Conservation Study’, unpublished report to the Board of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, 2006. www.deh.sa.gov.au/botanicgardens/intro.html#plans Neale Draper, Jane Mollan, Andrew Maland, Fiona Pemberton with Steve Hemming, ‘Community Land Management Plans: Adelaide Parklands and Squares – Aboriginal Heritage’, Australian Cultural Heritage Management, Flinders University of South Australia, 2005. Jones, David, ‘Government House, Adelaide, Landscape Conservation Study’, unpublished report prepared for the Government House Adelaide Grounds Committee, Adelaide, 2003. Jones, David, ‘University of Adelaide (North Terrace Campus) Cultural Landscape Assessment Study’, unpublished report prepared for Property Services Branch, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 2007. McDougall & Vines, ‘North Adelaide Heritage Survey’, unpublished report prepared for the Corporation of the City of Adelaide, Adelaide, 2004. Sumerling, Patricia, ‘A Social History of Adelaide’s Park Lands, unpublished report to the City of Adelaide Council, Adelaide, 2004. Taylor Cullity Lethlean, ‘Botanic Gardens of Adelaide Master Plan Report: Adelaide Botanic Garden and Botanic Park, Mount Lofty Botanic Garden’, unpublished report to the Department for Environment & Heritage & the Board of the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide, Adelaide, 2006. www.deh.sa.gov.au/botanicgardens/intro.html#plans 1140 7.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 7.1.2 Unpublished sources Harris, Rhhonda, ‘William Wyatt ‘ad interim Protector of Aborigines’ 1837-1839’, unpublished manuscript prepared for the Wyatt Foundation, 2000.
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