
WHITMORE SQUARE: 1057 Of some design and cultural merit. the overall Square has retained its design

: Light as a rectangular common encircled by frastructure needs. These circulation routes ternal pathway system. These components were ular space with no topographical feature. No a very open tree-lined roadway system that encircles

(J&E LA.12)

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS Whitmore Square Park Use intent and purpose as proposed by Light in 1836. Whitmore Square Road System: the Square that has experienced a partial modification in the north-western corner. some design, aesthetic and engineering merit.

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Land Use The land use has remained consistently, as proposed by Light, a public park or village common. There is one area of significance evident in terms of its use and function: Responsiveness Natural Features Whitmore Square is a relatively level rectang significant features are evident. Circulation Networks Historically Whitmore Square was proposed by roadway with a north-south- east-west axis in developed in accordance with this plan and have remained consistent since not being compromised by any vehicular, pedestrian or in include: Of some design ways to meet the axes, City of to enhance the Square and l in character and scale. scale. and character l in more convenient and safe access to ) trees together with other Lands. Opportunities will be taken to reduce and traffic will continue to be restricted to the of cultural heritage merit including: dential activity in the south-west of City. Built macrophylla ng and street furniture are maintenance costs but the rest of the pathway aditional urban residential character provided by ed on the National Trust of ’s

many of which were removed progressively in many of which were removed progressively ng a set of diagonal path rectangle, with a north-south east-west pathway il from the design intent of Light and were this role and be residentia rity of its spatial footprint and dominant ght and revised by Pelzer. Light proposed a e 1900s-1930s. With Pelzer’s departure, the Plantings reinforced these axes and newer Ficus eir capacities as City Gardeners. (J&E LB.12): the overall spatial form and internal of its design and spatial integrity. be progressively improved to allow

(pp. 390-394). Its ‘Environment’ is described as: (pp. 390-394). Its ‘Environment’ and cultural merit. Whitmore Square Spatial Pattern circulation systems of the Square that ha created by O’Brien and Pengilly in th DESIRED FUTURE CHARACTER

The landscaped space of Whitmore Square has a tr lawned areas and tall trees. Paving, planting, lighti the Square itself, the Central Market and South Park the amount of land given over to parking or roadways, perimeter of the Square. Whitmore Square will continue to be the focus of resi form in the Precinct will be required to reinforce provide areas for recreation. The existing pedestrian network will ™ pathways, and a scatter of Moreton Bay Fig ( together with an internal perimeter pathway. ornamental species were planted in the 1860s-70s the 1940s remnants of which remain today. There are remnants of these plantings today together with plantings the Pelzer added in th internal perimeter pathways were removed to cut system was retained. Overall, Whitmore Square retains its spatial pattern and form as proposed by Light and has been partially compromised in its overall and circulation system design with a road alignment change to the north-west corner. Plantings have changed over years but their basic spatial locations and design intent have remained consistent. Accordingly, the Square holds cultural landscape merit because

No components in Whitmore Square are identified the State Heritage Register. No components of Wellington Square are identifi Register of Significant Trees. Significant Components and Places There are various components of Whitmore Square rectangular space, with a roadway encircling the circulation system within the Square. The former has never been compromised. O’Brien and to have maintained the latter addi Pengilly appear circulation system as originally proposed by Li Whitmore Square Existing Planning / Development Plan Context Whitmore Square exists within the Square Precinct R23 of the Development Plan Whitmore Square uniquely maintains the majo Overall Spatial Patterns

Of some Of some botanical merit. Of some botanical merit. a line of 8 mature Desert Ash

WHITMORE SQUARE: 1058 two specimens of the Arizona ) line: an avenue of 6 mature Pepper Of some aesthetic and botanical

) specimens: oxycarpa var

) Tree Avenue:

arizonica ) specimens planted on a north-south line immediately

molle ), a favourite ornamental specimen tree of Pelzer, planted in


angustifolia oxycarpa

) Trees aligned to the north-eastern pedestrian axis pathway in an

Cupressus var

arizonica aeria


Fraxinus var angustifolia

Cupressus Schinus

Of some aesthetic merit. aeria

Schinus Fraxinus the 1890s and in relatively good condition health today. aged but good condition framing the pathway. Probably planted in 1890s-1910s by Pelzer. Desert Ash ( Cypress ( ( ( nature strip of Whitmore Square in the 1960s. merit. Arizona Cypress ( adjacent to the eastern roadway of Whitmore Square within the Square. aesthetic merit. Pepper (

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Olea two specimens of the ) given its characteristics. europaea (J&E TA.32): 6 mature Moreton

) specimens: Olea health and display evidence of extensive east-west pedestrian paths, as proposed by em laid on top established in the 1860s-70s ) planted in the outer western perimeter c and engineering merit.

Of some aesthetic and botanical merit. rupestre

an elderly mature specimen of an Olive ( ) specimens nt north-south and east-west pedestrian on and form, whereas the most eastern an internal pathway system consisting of a basic rupestre devices and fencing apart from the fundamental

ts in Whitmore Square that possess cultural heritage merit: Brachychiton macrophylla

Brachychiton ) specimens in the Square located partially in a scatter but mainly ) Tree specimen:

Ficus Of some design, aestheti macrophylla


) rather than a Mediterranean Olive ( Of some aesthetic and botanical merit. Ficus

Olea africans

Olea Whitmore Square Pathway System: union jack configuration of a north-south and Light in 1836, with a cross-axis pathway syst under O’Brien. Moreton Bay Fig ( Bay Fig ( western specimens are in a poor condition and under O’Brien and probably were a dieback. These specimens were planted in the 1860s series of avenue plantings along the exta ssp) located in the south-eastern corner of the Square that is possibly an African Olive ( Specimen needs to be properly identified. ( Queensland Bottle Tree Queensland Bottle Tree ( located in the southern portion of the Square. The central southern three and northern specimen are in relatively good conditi pathways. Olive (

™ ™ ™ ™ No evidence is present of past demarcation road boundaries. There are several vegetation elemen Boundary Demarcations Vegetation

Of some botanical and WHITMORE SQUARE: 1059 Of some social merit. ons since, located on the northern flank of

Of some design merit. a small space located on the outer perimeter rip of Whitmore Square that has been specially planted

a red brick galvanised iron roofed small toilet structure, a red brick galvanised iron roofed small

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS the larger Square itself bounded by the Whitmore Square roadway Of some design merit. an Excel Loo unisex toilet erected on the northern flank of Whitmore Whitmore Square: representing a clearly identifiable landscaped space. Whitmore Square Native Garden: western footpath and nature st with native shrubs and grasses representative of the Adelaide Plains vegetation by the Council and the community developed in 2003 onwards. social merit. Excel Loo: Square next to an older toilet structure. Whitmore Square Toilet: probably erected in the 1890s with renovati Whitmore Square.

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Several areas are present: There are several structures in Whitmore Square of significance: Spatial Arrangements Structures

. Of some Brachychiton ) tree specimen in europaea

an elderly specimen of a Olea a large Kurrajong ( Whitmore Square in relatively good ) specimen: a large Olive (

a large specimen of an evergreen Holm Oak e Square, dating from the 1860s-70s under e Square, dating from the 1860s-70s ) specimen: ) planted in the 1920s-30s by Pelzer displaying


Of some aesthetic merit.

populneus cinnamomum

) specimen:

ilex ) Tree specimen:

Camphora Camphora

Quercus europaea

Brachychiton ) located in the north-western corner of Of some aesthetic merit. Of some aesthetic merit. Of some aesthetic merit. ) specimen, located in the north-eastern corner of Whitmore Square, probably ilex

Olea Quercus evidence of age and dieback. Kurrajong ( populneus planted in the 1890s and possessing a healthy, tall wide large appearance. It serves as a evergreen feature on the northern vehicular passage through the Square horticultural and aesthetic merit. Olive ( Holm Oak ( ( Camphor Laurel ( Camphor Laurel ( health in the centre of th good form and O’Brien. condition and form despite its proximity to the roadway, probably planted in 1920s by Pelzer.

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. Of some . Of some aesthetic merit. WHITMORE SQUARE: 1060 the western flank of Whitmore Square, as

Of some design merit. jis, and Laura Wills from Carclew in 2004, Wills from jis, and Laura Of some engineering merit. an open street tree-framed vista from Whitmore Square an open street tree-framed vista from Whitmore Square two metal framed bench seats with art paintings thereon,

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS a remnant of an old 1920s-30s electricity light pole located in the

Aesthetic Qualities Whitmore Square Seats: located on the outer perimeter footpath of prepared by Roy Ananda, Anna Souvert positioned on a grey paver plaza space. Electricity Standard: south-western corner of the Square. Morphett Street vista north: northwards towards the city skyline but with little visual evidence of buildings aesthetic merit. Morphett Street vista south: and the Adelaide Hills escarpment, with little southwards towards the South Park Lands visual evidence of the Park Lands and distant escarpment

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Historical Views and Whitmore Square is relatively flat landscape within no internal vistas. But the roadways accessing the Square enable vistas outwards, framed by street trees resulting in numerous framed views:

Of some social merit. Of some design and social benches, to enable the activity of draughts ttern, a 16 feet x (4.8 4.8m), with Of some design merit. Whitmore Square and “created by members

re that have merit. These include: a chess board or black coloured and natural concrete the ”. a terra cotta tile dual-triangular art installation, called a bronze plaque memorial erected in August 1967 as a Of some social merit. a Victorian era cast iron lamp post, painted dull orange, located in ‘Strength’, located on the northern flank of of the transient community merit. the south-west portion of Whitmore Square. ‘Strength’ Art Installation: Lamp Post Base: Brown Street Memorial: consequence of the Council decision to re-name southern section, Sturt Street to South Terrace from Brown Street to Morphett Street, that continues the honour to and John Brown Esq after whom the street was originally named. Whitmore Square Chess Board: coloured pavers arranged in a chess board pa associated oblong-shaped timber panelled seat constructed in 1968-69.

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Small Scale Elements There are several elements in Whitmore Squa

Recommended: Preparation of a ------Conservation Study

Proposed: National Trust of South ------Australia / Significant Tree Register

Recommended: Adelaide City - - - - - Development Plan Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

(g) it has a special association with the life or work of a person

or organisation or an event of historical importance ------WHITMORE SQUARE: 1061

(f) it has strong cultural or spiritual associations for the

community or a group within it. ------

(e) it demonstrates a high degree of creative, aesthetic or

technical accomplishment or is an outstanding representative ------of particular construction techniques or design characteristics

the Main Report, positions Whitmore Square’s (d) it is an outstanding representative of a particular class of

places of cultural significance ------

(c) it may yield information that will contribute to an

understanding of the State’s history, including its natural ------history (b) it has rare, uncommon or endangered qualities that are of

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS cultural significance ------

(a) it demonstrates important aspects of the evolution or

pattern of the State’s history ------

Recommended: State Heritage Register ------

Recommended: Register of the

National Estate ------


Vulnerable V V

Cultural Landscape Heritage Significance Evaluation The following table summarises the cultural landscape heritage components present in Whitmore Square. A separate assessment, in cultural landscapes in the context of wider Adelaide Park Land. ------Low Significance L L L

Medium Significance - - - M M M M M M M M M M M M


High Significance ------

Existing: National Trust of South

Australia / Significant Tree Register ------

Existing: Adelaide City Development

Plan ------

Existing: State Heritage Register ------

Existing: Register of the National ------Estate vista from Whitmore Square Park – Whitmore Square l evidence of buildings or visual features l evidence of buildings or visual Item / Component / Place ment with some visual evidence of the

) specimens ) specimens ) line . Of some aesthetic merit. ) specimen ) specimen an open street tree-framed an open street tree-framed vista from Whitmore Square oxycarpa ) specimens ) specimens ) specimens var ) specimen ) specimen ) avenue Brachychiton rupestre molle macrophylla

) specimen ) specimen var ) specimen ) specimen ) specimen ) specimen Ficus Cupressus arizonica Cupressus Cinnamomum camphora Fraxinus angustifolia Fraxinus angustifolia Quercus ilex Brachychiton populneus Brachychiton europaea

Sturt Street vista west: westwards towards the coast but with little visua Of some aesthetic merit. Sturt Street vista east: eastwards towards the Adelaide Hills escarp escarpment in the distance Schinus aeria Schinus

Olea europaea Olea ™ ™

Square overall Whitmore Square Spatial Pattern Whitmore Use Park Square Whitmore Square System Road Whitmore System Pathway Square Whitmore ( Fig Bay Moreton Olive ( QueenslandBottle Tree ( ( Arizona Cypress Pepper ( ( Ash Desert Camphor Laurel ( ( Holm Oak ( Kurrajong Olive (



------Y Y Y


------and infrastructure policy as it relates to ee planting species and scales in e Square that seeks to renovate the tree light standards furniture, signage, and which light standards furniture, signage, d new plantings, for the Square, conserves citations pertaining to R23 reflect the

------tructure placement under existing pathways ng of Whitmore Square, as proposed under .



4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS ------or identified in this Assessment; Ivariti: Whitmore Square



------the existing pedestrian pathway system, prohibits any memorial plaques or similar, enables the positioning of a fountain, enables the use of mid Victorian – early Edwardian paving, edging, style bollards, fencing, gates, seeks to craft a mid Victorian – early Edwardian style public park including the choice of plantings and detailing; That Council reviews its underground irrigation all Squares and seeks to prioritise infras and not through lawns or under the drip-lines of any Significant Tree Development Act 1993 Remove all overhead wires and stobie poles from Whitmore Square; Revise City of Adelaide Development Plan above conclusions and recommendations; Prepare a Landscape Master Plan for Whitmor planting strategy, including replacements an Review and reconsider all 1960s-1990s street tr the inner and outer perimeters of Whitmore Square roadscape in line with the above recommendation, and seek appropriate implementation actions; That the Council consider dual nami Amery (1997), to

------V V V ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™

- - - L L L L L L L L L L L

------M M M

------), Olive


) in single

------Pinus siliqua

------), Arizona Cypress ‘Italica’), Kurrajong nigra

------Ceratonia acerifolius x Populus species to conserve the spatial pattern ), Canary Island Pine ( tree plantings along Whitmore Square and paying particular attention to views, co- populneus

mpromised by vehicular and tramway alignment er reinforced this planting strategy with period the Park Land square concept that Colonel the Park Land ectangular village green or commonage form and e and condition deterioration, and transportation of two Squares in the Park Lands, other being tact version of the Square as envisaged by Light a mid-Victorian styled public park that ) trees, and Carob ( macrocarpa

), Italian Poplar ( molle Brachychiton Ficus var procera

Ulmus Schinus aeria ), Pink Kurrajong ( ) together with other of his preferred ), Pepper ( populneus


Conserve and reinforce the strong roadside seek to strengthen the roadscape character ordinated tree planting strategies, and display of adjacent features and views; Prohibit the erection of Council maintenance infrastructure in Whitmore Square;

™ ™ Olea europaea Cupressus Brachchiton was seeking to create, as depicted in his 1836 survey plans for Adelaide, including was seeking to create, as depicted in his 1836 survey William Light roadway and pathway system configurations. O’Brien sought to establish the latter and undertook period plantings that would create appropriated the union jack as the pedestrian pathway design and used Victorian era plant species including Moreton Bay Figs ( Square Whitmore Garden Native Square Whitmore Loo Excel Square Toilets Whitmore Memorial Brown Street Board Chess Square Whitmore Base Post Lamp ‘Strength’ Art Installation Seats Square Whitmore Standard Electricity Morphett Street Vista North Morphett Street Vista South Sturt Street VistaWest Sturt Street VistaEast Cultural Significance Statement of Whitmore Square represents a good example of character as proposed by Light. It is only one ( and update the landscape style to a more robust Gardenesque atmosphere character Despite changes in vegetation largely due to ag changes, the Square still possesses original r Wellington Square, that has not been severely co a designed and functional space. Recommendations: changes or excisions, and has as a consequence retained its original pedestrian pathway Accordingly, it is a relatively in configuration. ( ornamental and avenue styles of plantings. Pelz plantings of English Elms ( (