For GRG 24/90 Miscellaneous Records of Historical Interest
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GPO Box 464 Adelaide SA 5001 Tel (+61 8) 8204 8791 Fax (+61 8) 8260 6133 DX:336 [email protected] Special List GRG 24/90 Miscellaneous records of historical interest, artificial series - Colonial Secretary's Office, Governor's Office and others Series This series consists of miscellaneous records from Description various government agencies, namely the Colonial Secretary's Office and the Governor's Office, from 1837 - 1963. Records include correspondence between the Governor and the Colonial Secretary, correspondence between the Governor and Cabinet, and correspondence of the Executive Council. Also includes records about: hospitals, gaols, cemeteries, courts, the Surveyor-General's Office, harbours, Botanic Gardens, Lunatic Asylum, Destitute Board, exploration, police and military matters, Chinese immigration, Aboriginal people, marriage licences, prostitution, the postal service, the Adelaide Railway Company, agriculture, churches, and the Admella sinking. The items in this artificial series were allocated a number by State Records. Series date range 1837 - 1963 Agencies Office of the Governor of South Australia and responsible Department of the Premier and Cabinet Access Open. Determination Contents Arranged alphabetically by topic. A - Y State Records has public access copies of this correspondence on microfilm in our Research Centre. 27 May 2016 INDEX TO GRG 24/90, MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS SUBJECT DESCRIPTION REFERENCE NO. ABERNETHY, J. File relating to application GRG 24/90/86 by J. Abernethy, of Wallaroo Bay, for a licence for an oyster bed. Contains letter from J.B. Shepherdson J.P., together with a chart of the bed. 24 April, 1862. ABORIGINES Report by M. Moorhouse on GRG 24/90/393 O'Halloran's expedition to the Rufus. 1841. ABORIGINES Letter from C.G. Trichelmann GRG 24/90/302 to the Protector of Aborigines expressing his willingness to proceed to the north for missionary purposes. February, 1842. ABORIGINES Sick return of Aborigines GRG 24/90/82 admitted to Adelaide Hospital. Appended is a note by the Colonial Surgeon on the reduction of the Aboriginal population. 1 Jan. 1855 - 22 Sept. 1860. ABORIGINES Two memoranda written by GRG 24/90/21 Governor Grey to A.M. Mundy, Colonial Secretary, relating to proposed school for Aboriginal children at Walkerville. 10 April, 1844 & undated. ABORIGINES Lease of aborigines reserve GRG 24/90/18 No.2039 for seven years between the Colonial Government and Phillip Langmede. 1 January, 1842. ABORIGINES Estimate and plan for the GRG 24/90/374 establishment and conduct of a central government school for native children at Adelaide. c.1843. ABORIGINES Letter to the Commissioner of GRG 24/90/346 Police from Charles Langhorne reporting an attack by the Murray Aborigines on a party travelling overland with cattle. 12 June, 1841. 1 INDEX TO GRG 24/90, MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS SUBJECT DESCRIPTION REFERENCE NO. ABORIGINES Memorandum by the GRG 24/90/306 Surveyor-General relative to land reserved for the Aborigines and for the Town Hall. 26 May, 1843. ABORIGINES Articles of agreement between GRG 24/90/19 Governor Grey and Phillip Langmede. Discharges Langmede from payment of rent on Aborigines Reserve No.2039 during period of lease. 2 July, 1844. ABORIGINES Letter to the Private GRG 24/90/387 Secretary from R. Penney reporting his amicable relations with the Milmenrura tribe and offering to bring about a more friendly attitude towards Europeans on the part of Aborigines near the north west bend of the River Murray and along the route taken by overlanders. 11 January, 1842. ABORIGINES Resolutions concerning the GRG 24/90/381 relations between the settlers and Aborigines, passed at a special meeting of the Bush Club. 9 May, 1839. ABORIGINES Report from E.J. Eyre relative GRG 24/90/360 to his work among the Aborigines on the Murray. 15 November, 1841. ACCIDENTS Letter by P.B. Coglin of GRG 24/90/139 Brampton Park, to Governor Musgrave, requesting Royal Humane Society recognition for rescues performed up to 36 years previously. Date illegible. ACCIDENTS Memorandum written by Police GRG 24/90/25 Inspector Tolmer to W. Wyatt, Coroner, referring to a fatal accident at Dry Creek. 19 February, 1849. ACCIDENTS Memorandum written by Police GRG 24/90/24 Sergeant J. Cromie to W. 2 INDEX TO GRG 24/90, MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS SUBJECT DESCRIPTION REFERENCE NO. Wyatt, Coroner, Police Station, Adelaide, reporting a drowning fatality at Port Adelaide. 17 March, 1849. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT Outer or wrapping sheet GRG 24/90/136 recording Governor's assent to an enclosed Bill. Bill missing. 21 September, 1870. ADELAIDE COBAR Private papers of F.W. Bice, GRG 24/90/218 OPTION SYND. manager of the Smelting Works, Palmerston, N.T. [Adelaide Cobar Option Syndicate in account with F.W. Bice.] 1906. ADELAIDE CORPORATION File containing two letters by GRG 24/90/124 Captain L.[?] Tyler to the Private Secretary, complaining of rates imposed on a house occupied by him in Brougham Place. 8 January, 1869. ADELAIDE CORPORATION Statement relative to the GRG 24/90/276 legal difficulties created by the refusal of four Adelaide Council councillors to accept office. 27 April, 1846. ADELAIDE RAILWAY CO. Prospectus of the Adelaide GRG 24/90/279 Railway Company. 1845. ADELAIDE, SITE OF SEE CAPITAL SITE ADMELLA - SHIP Report of the Commission GRG 24/90/407 appointed to enquire into the loss of the "Admella". 1859. ADVERTISER - Agreement for printing GRG 24/90/1862 NEWSPAPER Parliamentary reports, made between the South Australian Government and the "Advertiser" 8 July, 1862. AGRICULTURE Return of the quantity of GRG 24/90/52 wheat remaining on the land in certain districts, from Clerks of Local Courts. 17 July, 1851. 3 INDEX TO GRG 24/90, MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS SUBJECT DESCRIPTION REFERENCE NO. AGRICULTURE Letter to the Resident GRG 24/90/247 Commissioner from Colonel William Light giving an estimate of the quantity of land known to be fit for cultivation on the eastern side of the Gulf of St. Vincent. 23 August, 1837, ALATER, WILLIAM Commission by Governor Young GRG 24/90/188 appointing William Alater and Francis Davison Justices of the Peace and Special Magistrates. 26 April, 1851. ALBERTON Return showing sections of GRG 24/90/81 land granted to the South Australian Company in settlement of their claim for the construction of the chausee through the swamp between Alberton and the Port. Signed by A.H. Freeling, Surveyor-General. Undated. ALIENS Correspondence re reserved GRG 24/90/449 bills and disabilities of Asiatic aliens. 1906-07. ALLISON, DR. E.D. Letters from James Fawsett GRG 24/90/235 [Religious Instructor] and Dr. E.D. Allison [Surgeon Superintendent] concerning Fawsett's conduct as schoolmaster on the "Shackamaxon". 10-12 November, 1852. ANGAS, GEORGE FIFE Letter by George Fife Angas to GRG 24/90/67 George W.D. Beresford, referring to letter, critical of the Governor, written by Dr. Horace Dean and published in the S.A. "Register". 26 February, 1857, ANGAS, GEORGE FIFE Letter by George Fife Angas to GRG 24/90/67A Governor Macdonnell, referring to charges made against Angas by Dr. Horace Dean and which he believes to have been recorded in the Executive 4 INDEX TO GRG 24/90, MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS SUBJECT DESCRIPTION REFERENCE NO. Council minutes. 24 July, 1857, ANGAS, GEORGE FIFE Letter by George Fife Angas to GRG 24/90/67B C. Lyon, Clerk of the Council, expressing appreciation of Council's attitude towards him. 18 August, 1857, AN GASTON Letter by John Dixon, GRG 24/90/96 Angaston, to Governor Daly's Private Secretary, seeking an audience with the Governor with refernce to obtaining a patent. 2 February, 1863, ARMISTICE Telegram received by the GRG 24/90/420 Premier of South Australia from the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth, announcing the signing of the Peace Treaty. 29 June, 1919. ARTS Letter from James MacGeogh, GRG 24/90/180 Hon. Sec., South Australian Society of the Arts, to Governor MacDonnell, asking him to be President of the Society. Governor's reply of acceptance enclosed. 21 January, 1857, ASHTON, MR. "Mr. Ashton's Defence" against GRG 24/90/56 charges brought against him as Keeper of the Adelaide Gaol. 21 April, 1854. ASIAN PEOPLE Report by the Emigration Agent GRG 24/90/267 relative to the immigration of "coolies". 7 February, 1843. ASIAN PEOPLE Correspondence re reserved GRG 24/90/449 bills and disabilities of Asiatic aliens. 1906-07. AUST. ASSOC. OF Text of "A National Policy GRG 24/90/426 BRIT. IND. for Industry" issued by a group of British industrialists, with accompanying memorandum from the Australian Association of British Industries. 1943. 5 INDEX TO GRG 24/90, MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS SUBJECT DESCRIPTION REFERENCE NO. AUSTRALASIA ACT Bills, memoranda and GRG 24/90/450 amendments relating to the Federal Council of Australasia Act, the Murray River Waters Act, Premiers and Intercolonial Conferences. 1855-1907. BAILEY, JOHN Memorial from John Bailey GRG 24/90/320 asking for better remuneration and accommodation as Curator of the Botanical Gardens. c.1840. BAKER, JOHN [M.P.] Copy of letter and enclosures GRG 24/90/222 addressed to the secretary of State for the Colonies [the Duke of Newcastle] by John Baker, M.P., on a dispute with Governor MacDonnell about mineral lands. 1860. BALHANNAH W.S. Whitington. Sheep duty. GRG 24/90/13 Tally of sheep depastured by Whitington at Balhannah and Mount Barker. 10 June, 1842. BANK OF SOUTH Correspondence relative to a GRG 24/90/365 AUSTRALIA charge of 20% commission made upon the Emigration Depot account by the Bank of S.A. 1836, 1844. BANK OF SOUTH Draft of letter from Colonial GRG 24/90/23 AUSTRALIA Secretary to assignees of Borrow and Goodiar and the Bank of South Australia. 2 September, 1847.