Blue and Gold Alumni Association Inc. Newsletter AUGUST 2021 Postal Address: PO Box 4041, Norwood South SA 5067. Website: Facebook page: TBA Patron: Frank Seeley Vice Patron: Wendy Johnson President and Treasurer: Tom Frossinakis 459475164 85682188 [email protected] Secretary/Membership/Newsletter/WebmasterTrevor Molde 0417 838 740 82350634 [email protected]

Calendar (subject to change)so note the change of the Seppelsfield winery trip going to October  August 22 Sunday 12 pm -3pm Carousel Family Day and barbeque- Semaphore – Neil Merkel. Maximum number160. You can have as many rides as you wish for FREE! There will be a gas barbeque ‘sausage sizzle’ with bread, salad, LAMINGTONS! and a soft drink at $1; licensed but BYOG and BYOK (kids). It has been booked for 3 hours.  September 19. Sunday Barossa Valley Seppeltsfield wine bus trip & sit-down-meal - Tom Frossinakis.  October 13 Wednesday Annual Luncheon Walkers Arms Hotel 12 pm– Sue Thomson  November 14 Sunday Farm Family Fun Day 14 Peake Road, Birdwood SA 5234 – Tom Frossinakis

President’s Notes – see last page

Congratulations to Wendy Johnson AM, our Principal of Glenunga International High School for services to Education

The Order of Australia recognises Australians who have demonstrated outstanding service or exceptional achievement. In the Australian honours system, appointments to the Order of Australia confer the highest recognition for outstanding achievement and service. ... Officer of the Order (AO) Member of the Order (AM) Medal of the Order (OAM). The difference between an ‘AM’ and an ‘OAM’ is - an AM stands for ‘Member of the Order of Australia (quota of 365 per year). OAM stands for ‘Medal of the Order of Australia’ (where there is no quota). The Governor General of Australia, David Hurley said “I am pleased that this list includes the highest ever percentage of women (44 per cent) recognised through the General Division of the Order of Australia. It is important that the Order of Australia represents the diversity and strength of Australia – for this to happen we need to ensure outstanding women, members of our multicultural community and First Nations people are nominated by their peers in the community. I am prioritising increasing awareness of and engagement with the Order of Australia amongst groups that have been historically underrepresented. We are seeing positive progress and I am determined that it continues.” “To the individuals being recognised today, many of whom I look forward to meeting over the coming year, thank you for your service and congratulations on being recognised by your peers and your nation.”

As a result of the last newsletter From Vivien Fuller “Cedric Cannell lived opposite my family in Ferguson Avenue, Myrtle Bank. Sometimes he took me to school at the School of Mines in the city where ATHS was for the first two years I was at the school. He was kind, but formal. I used to see him on the street sometimes and used to pass his house often, on the way to my Grandparents’ house, on the other side of the road. I knew his son, too. Vivien.(with permission).

Vale Frank Randall Harris AO - 27th October 1926 - April, 2021 Frank was General Manager of the SA Municipal Tramways Trust.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we live in uncertain times. Our newsletters, read perhaps by tomorrow’s Old Scholars, should reflect the time when these are written. This newsletter, for instance, is being written on day 3 of the covid ‘lockdown’ imposed by the State Government in this third wave of the pandemic, to try and eradicate this scourge, as a result of a person flying in from overseas and two’ rogue’ removalists from NSW, who ignored the border shut- downs and came into this state while tested positive for the virus. We are in a 7 day ‘lockdown’ where the authorities are tracking down people from 79 possible infection sites! Our President Tom Frossinakis, has been putting in a lot of effort and time, arranging a wine tour at Seppeltsfield- which was one of the covid areas where people have recently contracted the virus at a winery. Appalling timing! After waiting and watching we decided to swap the Seppeltsfield winery trip with the Semaphore Carousel and barbeque event. An extra month should ensure adequate security for the Seppeltsfield event which will occur in September. Hence we will not incur such a potential financial loss for empty seats on the bus that we have hired. Rest assured that your safety is of the highest importance to us.

The Port ‘History of Adelaide and Port Adelaide from Colonial Times’ June social event. So much to impart, in so short an amount of time. It nearly was a disaster. Three days before this event, we learnt that the venue had been double-booked! We booked through the PT Adelaide Masonic Trust. The bride-to-be booked through the Secretary. The lass had spent thousands on flowers, invitations, etc. How could we ruin her wedding event? So we stepped aside and put on our show a week later. The people present said that the presentation was outstanding- probably as a result of the old style scones, jam and cream. The pictorial talk held at the Pt Adelaide Masonic Centre, was broken in two, spending 30 minutes on each area. There was so much still important stuff to cover, that the coordinator-speaker promised to send on notes to cover everything. This will make up for the people who wanted to be there but could not come the week after. There are going to be three ‘keepsake-revisions’ for you to read and learn at your own pace in the next three newsletters. They may be something to pass on to others and fill in their gaps of knowledge, so that they can appreciate the history of these very important localities and the infrastructure that arose out of them. A Keepsake Revision Of Colonial 6.The first and He is buried in concrete under the Adelaide Street Names And Places most central theodolite in Light Square. There (Named After Masons ) square is named have been 3 statues for him. was the only after a woman Masonic State anywhere. Many of who can’t be a the signatories of the Proclamation Freemason! read at Glenelg (Holdfast Bay) were But the title Masons. The first 3 governors ‘Mother of all Hindmarsh, Torrens and Grey were British Freemasonry’, means that Masons. No wonder then that over all squares are named after half of the ‘Street naming Freemasons.

Commission’ were Masons and got 7 Hindmarsh their names into many streets and Square was infrastructure. named after Sir 1 What is the width of the parklands around Adelaide? our first Governor. 8. Hurtle Square Sir (1790 – 1875) a lawyer, the first Resident 11 Naming the main streets and Commissioner of South Australia, places of Adelaide and North the first Mayor of Adelaide and Adelaide was not a harmonious the first resident South Australian affair! Conflict existed between Governor John Hindmarsh and 2 Why are there so many olive trees in to be knighted. the parklands around Adelaide? Resident Commissioner James Hurtle Fisher over their respective powers Emigration Agent John Brown, in May 1837 wrote: ‘We have had the streets named. Now the Governor claims this as his prerogative. Mr 9 Whitmore Square was named Fisher differs, but not anxious to 3.Name the 5 squares of Adelaide after William retard the whole issue, proposed that Wolryche a few of the principal individuals Whitmore MP should do it. 12 accordingly met’. (1787–1858), The Street Naming Commission Freemason, a *Hindmarsh, founding * Fisher, member of the Brown, South Australian Association, *Light, *Osmond Gilles(Colonial Treasurer), th lobbied for the establishment of 4.The 6 square belonging but not *John Morphett, the colony of South Australia. He part of Adelaide is *Edward Stephens, Wellington Square was against convicts coming to Sir John Jeffcott (Colonial Judge), named after Arthur SA *Robert Gouger(Colonial Secretary), Wellesley, the Duke of 10 Light *Thomas Gilbert (Colonial Storekeeper), Wellington, whose patronage Square was and was all important in getting the named after *Thomas Bewes Strangways. colony of SA Col William Note Freemasons shown by a * 5.Where is the dead centre of Light 1786 – Brown wrote…”The Governor Adelaide? No! Not West Terrace 1839 brought a pocket full of Royal & Cemetery! Freemason, Naval Heroes, but afraid of and surveyor proposing them himself, got Sir J who planned Jeffcott to try. K William Street & Adelaide and Gawler (and was Victoria Square were agreed to by meant to have been the first all, but when he got to Duncan & Governor). Light resigned Howe as his two next, we divided, & because of ill health and died of Grote and Wakefield reigned in TB 3 years after landing. their stead. The Governor tried to change names to what he wanted after the meeting. “ She had a double wedding along Did you know that after Albert’s 12 King William Street was named with the Duke of Kent and his death in 1863, his night shirt was after betrothed, who were to become placed next to Victoria in bed up the parents of Victoria. She had a until her death in 1901 – 38 years! phonetic wedding ceremony.(do Would your wife do this? you…do you…) A real pair of love birds. They

She cured William’s spitting are always paired so…

She looked after his children and Where are the ‘Victoria Bells’ they called her ‘mother’ in Adelaide?

She gave 10,000 pounds for the building of our St Peter’s cathedral. Worth $400,000 today Nicknamed ‘The sailor king’. He was 14.Why is St Xavier’s Cathedral so far from the throne that he had a Where are the ‘Albert Bells’ in ‘morganic marriage’ (without the on the side of Victoria Square Adelaide? permission of the king or Parliament) and St Peters at the end of King with an actress Mrs Fitzherbert with William Street?St Peter’s whom he had 10 children (declared illegitimate).One by one his older brothers died advancing him to became the heir presumptive –giving up Mrs Fitzherbert and the 10 children (of course). 13. Who was King William’s consort? Ever heard of Queen ADELAIDE? The Adelaide Town Hall. People are astounded to know this cathedral was meant to be in the Where is the ‘Victoria Bridge’ in obvious fact! centre of Victoria square.(As in Adelaide? Christchurch NZ) The Freemasons and particularly Premier Hanson( Hanson (Road)) remonstrated about St Peters being in such a prominent position, saying that SA was to be interdenominational (not favouring any religion). King William St goes over the The Adelaide City Council She married William in July 1818 when Bridge on the Torrens withdrew its permission which she was 25 and he was 52 – part of a Where is the ‘Albert Bridge’ in strategy to secure the British succession. had already been gained and had Adelaide? St Peters placed where it is now. William had lived with a well-known The Roman Catholics had taken actress for many years and had fathered the next prominent position…to ten illegitimate children, but under British law they were barred from the the side of the square. accession. 15 Queen Victoria’s name Adelaide subsequently gave birth to resonates through the places of four children, none of whom survived Adelaide infancy. William acceded to the throne on the death of his elder brother George IV in 1830, and Adelaide took the title of Queen Consort, but it was a short reign. He died in 1837 (just 7 years) leaving Over the Torrens alongside the Zoo the throne to his niece Princess Victoria Unveiling of Kent. the Victoria You have perhaps heard of statue1894 ‘Queenstown down the Port Accounts of Queen Adelaide’s life are The draped Road? So where is sparse, but she is remembered for her statue after ‘Albertstown’ if we keep up this piety, charity, and perhaps political learning of conservatism. She met William 4th , a twin paradox? her death Ever heard of Alberton? week before the marriage at a hotel in


16.How did ‘Royal Park’ get its name? proceeded to Melbourne and In 1841 Angas established the Originally it was called ‘Little Sydney where Daniel O’Farrell Queenstown’ but this was too confusing tried to assassinate him by South Australian Banking with ‘Queenstown’ so it was called shooting him in the back. The Company (later the Bank of South ‘Royal park’. metal parts of his braces Australia) Get the connection? deflected the bullet which missed He persuaded the large 17. Why ‘Military Road’? all vital organs, so he survived. O’Farrell was hanged. group of In 1854 two Russian warships sailed up German St Vincents Gulf- giving a fright to Prince Alfred was married to the only daughter of the Tsar of Lutherans Adelaide’s populace. under Pastor Forts were built at Fort Largs, Russia. He gained 95% of the popular vote to become the first August Kavel king of Greece – but Victoria to immigrate forbad this, she wanted him to to South take up his father Albert’s Australia and he also provided the principality, which he did after colony with many Nonconformist renouncing any claim to the ministers. English throne. Though he had a reputation for benevolence, Angas was always a 19.Lady Gowrie Drive along the shrewd businessman. He knew that Fort Glanville Largs-Outer Harbour esplanade the influx of German immigrants is named after Zara Eileen Hore- would ensure a good supply of Ruthven, Countess of Gowrie (20 workers for the gentry and keep the January 1879 – 19 July 1965) price of labour down. In addition, She was the the German settlers bought land Irish-born from him at ten times the price he wife of the had paid for it, while at the same 1st Earl of time paying ten per cent on their Gowrie, debt. Hence the phrase that Angas and there was supposed to be a Fort Brigadier was often tagged with: Glenelg, but the people there said “no”! General ‘Philanthropy plus ten per cent’. So they got the sewerage works instead. Alexander (He was also a slave owner) The road linking the ‘three forts’ was Gore 21. Wakefield Street named out of sight behind the sand dunes and Arkwright Hore-Ruthven. She was after Daniel Bell was meant to deliver shells to the forts – renowned for her work in Wakefield the hence ‘Military Road’. promoting the welfare of brother of 18.South Australia had children in Australia, and the Edward Gibbon another surprise visit in Lady Gowrie Child Centres were Wakefield 1867-a royal visitor– named in her honour. Daniel Prince Alfred, Duke of (Freemason) Edinburgh who Brigadier General Alexander Gore Arkwright Hore-Ruthven, was a solicitor captained the ‘Galatea’ who drafted the Act which It was after ‘Prince 1st Earl of Alfred’ that we get Gowrie VC, proclaimed Adelaide. ‘Duke of Edinburgh GCMG, CB, Like his brother Edward Lodge No 16 2 July 1869 The ‘Prince DSO & Bar, Gibbon Wakefield, he was also Alfred Hotel’ which LOF used for its Governor of involved in the South Australia meetings.‘Prince Alfred College’ SA 1928–34 Association in London, but never ‘Prince Alfred Lodge Collegians No 51’ during the visited Adelaide. He went to New ‘Prince Alfred Hospital’ in both Great Zealand where he became a Judge Melbourne and Sydney Depression. Governor of New South Wales Wakefield Street was not named 1935–36 after ! The longest serving Governor- Never a Freemason because he General of Australia 1936–44 went to prison He had already (during WW2). run off with a rich, young, under- age woman, but was stopped 20.Angas St. named after before he could get to Gretna- 1789-1879 Green. He ran off with a second Banking and shipping magnate. rich under-age young woman After being fated in Adelaide he and did get married, He held this position until August Gilles migrated to the new Australian but was then 1844 when he took leave because colony on HMS Buffalo in 1836. arrested for doing of a mental affliction. He was a prominent businessman and so.(Her Uncle was He did not return to work but land owner, with the largest holdings the Sherriff of instead returned to England, of any settler in 1837. where he died on 4 August 1846 He was, with his secretary William Nottingham) Finke, and a few others, the fortunate 23. Grote St named after George He never came to South Australia ticket-holder in the ballot for the Grote (1794–1871) a wealthy but he and his brother Daniel went to purchase of city acres at Glenelg, of banker, scholar and Freemason. New Zealand where Daniel was a which he took full advantage. Judge He sat on the Street Naming Port Wakefield and the political Committee on 23 May, 1837. division of ‘Wakefield’ are named 24.Giles St named after William after him(now renamed ‘Spence’) Giles (member LOF) 1791 –1862 22.Gouger Street - Robert Gouger the third colonial manager of 1802 – 1846 (44) one of the first and With no formal education past 16 the South most influential advocates for South (self taught) He established the Australian Australia. He first learned about University College London (later Company, and discoveries in southern Australia. London University), Grote was a a South from another Fellow of the Royal Society, a trustee of the British Museum and Australian prisoner in prison politician, who Edward Gibbon vice-chancellor of London was prominent in Wakefield. University. Although he was an During a brief atheist, he was buried in the founding of spell in King’s Westminster Abbey in the colony of South Australia.

Bench prison for recognition of his ‘eminent services to literature and learning 25. Hanson Road named after bankruptcy in Richard Davies Hanson 1805– 1829 (for and in the cause of education’. It is eminently fitting that Grote 1876 (Freemason) Arriving in 1846, publishing he threw himself Street later became the home of Wakefield’s pamphlets). into politics. Gouger became an enthusiastic South Australia’s first teacher training school, first state Campaigning supporter of Wakefield’s concept of against state aid systematic colonisation and became its Adelaide River in the Northern Territory, secondary school and to religion, he was chief publicist. appointed Wakefield drafted a colonisation bill for first school for girls above primary level. These buildings advocate-general parliament and in August 1834 the and became an South Australia Act was passed. When are still in place on the southern side of the street near the Central official member of the Legislative the South Australian Colonization Council, 1851–56. the first Commission was finally gazetted in Market. 24. Gilles Street(Freemason) parliament under responsible May 1835 Robert Gouger was government, Hanson held many appointed colonial secretary. named after Osman Gilles (1788 –1866) also O.G.( Osman Gilles) offices between 1857 and 1861, He married Harriet Jackson on 22 including premier and attorney- October 1835. They sailed for South Road, involved in naming Glenelg also Glen Osmond) – general. .He is renowned for cases Australia on the Africaine on 28 June such as the defeat of the Anglican 1836. He was a settler, claim to the cathedral site in Soon after arriving Harriet gave birth to Victoria Square. a son, however both died soon after in pastoralist, mine owner He tried to bring in the secret ballot the March of 1837. into South Australia’s Constitution. and South She is buried in the grounds of Calvary Knighted in 1869, Hanson was an Australia’s Hospital. insightful theologian and author, first colonial treasurer. It did not get much better for Gouger in dedicated to the cause of education, South Australia after he was suspended When Light returned from Port who enthusiastically supported the from his duties as colonial secretary Lincoln in December 1836, University of Adelaide’s after a public brawl with Osmond Kingston recommended the foundation. Gilles (both were members of the new site and supported his Elected its first chancellor in 1874, same Lodge). Gouger returned to superior against the opposition he died before presenting his England and remarried before returning of Governor Hindmarsh, who inaugural address. to Adelaide in June 1839. He resumed wanted the capital to be closer his role as colonial secretary until the to its port. arrival of Governor Grey, at which time

Gouger became the colonial treasurer. Engineer and Inspector of He gave many 26. Finnis Street named after Boyle Public Works and began work on gifts to the Travis Finnis (1807–1893) soldier, Government House, the Anglican Church surveyor and distinguished public Adelaide Gaol and a customs and the Colony of st servant. 1 SA Premier house at Glenelg. South Australia.

Initiated SA Lodge of He was a self-taught architect. Friendship in 1838 Surviving examples of his work Briefly South Australia’s include Ayers House, the original first premier, (although section of Adelaide Gaol and 30. Jeffcott St- Jeffcott, Sir the title was not ‘Cummins’, the home he built John William (1796–1837) officially used) and chief for John Morphett, his family’s After being secretary (October seaside home at Brighton, now knighted, he was 1856–August 1857), Finniss sat in known as Kingston House, and the about to embark to parliament until 1865. first monument to Colonel Light in return to Africa In 1835, he was appointed assistant Light Square. when, in a duel at surveyor to and arrived He became a shareholder in the Exeter on 11 in South Australia the next year and with ‘Monster Mine’ at Burra, which May, he shot and him, surveyed Gawler. made him a wealthy man mortally An able surveyor, he supported Light He won a seat in the new House of wounded Dr in his disagreement with Governor Assembly in 1857, becoming its first Peter Hennis, a John Hindmarsh about the Adelaide Speaker. young physician of that town. After He received a knighthood in 1870 site, became a well-respected public the duel Jeffcott sailed for Africa and held his position as Speaker servant and established himself in a land before he could be apprehended. of the House of Assembly until his agency and surveying business. A warrant had been issued for death on 26th November 1880 on Appointed colonial treasurer and Jeffcott's arrest on a charge of murder. a voyage to India for his health. registrar-general in 1847, The seconds in the duel were tried for He was buried at sea. Nominated to the Legislative Council in murder at Exeter in July 1833 and 1851, he took a leading part in 28. Morphett St Morphettville. were acquitted. formulating South Australia’s and Morphettvale named after No one wished, however, to press Constitution, administered the colony Sir George Morphett 1809-1892 the charge and it was arranged that if between governors Henry Young and Member LOF he returned to England and stood his Richard MacDonnell (1854–55) and was John Morphett, a trial for murder, no evidence would elected to the first House of Assembly supporter of be tendered against him. He under responsible government in 1857. Edward Gibbon surrendered at Exeter Assizes in Head of the government survey of Wakefield and March 1834, was arraigned upon the Gawler an investor in the charge of murder and, no evidence 27. Political district of Kingston and South Australian being tendered, he was acquitted. He Kingston in SE named after George Company, had been removed from his position Strickland Kingston(1807- arrived in 1836. as chief justice, and from 1834 to 1880)Member LOF Morphett assisted in the survey 1836 was unemployed. In May 1836 Deputy Surveyor- of Adelaide, securing valuable he was appointed judge of the colony General under land for his family and clients. about to be founded in South Colonel William He helped found several cultural Australia. Light (no experience and economic bodies and On his way to the colony he spent as a surveyor). He supported Commissioner James several months as the guest of his sailed on the Cygnet Fisher in his dispute with kinsman William Kermode (Kermode in 1836. Governor John Hindmarsh. St)at Mona Vale in Van Diemen's A nominee in the old Legislative Land, and became engaged to He was the first man to explore the Council, he was elected speaker, Kermode's daughter Anne. inland plain where Adelaide was 1851–1855. Returned to the first Reaching South Australia on 21 April eventually sited, and with John fully elected Legislative Council 1837, he held the first criminal Morphett and Lieutenant William from 1857–1873, he served as sessions in the province on 13 May. Field, discovered the River president after 1865 and was Having in the meantime lost all his Torrens. knighted in 1870. belongings through the wreck of the An acrimonious dispute erupted First racing horse carnival run by ship in which they were being sent to between he and Gov Hindmarsh and him. Hence Morphettville Race Adelaide, he returned to Van it was Kingston who returned to Course Diemen's Land for some months. He came back to South Australia in London with the report that resulted 29. Currie Street named after October and set up the Supreme in Hindmarsh’s recall. John Raikes Currie- Freemason Court. Under the new Governor, George and Banker He supported Governor Gawler, Kingston became Civil (Sir) John Hindmarsh in his quarrels 32.Solomontown (a town in Pt Sunday afternoon at the Port with government officials, but was Pirie) named after Adelaide Freemason property, to be dismayed at 'dreadful dissensions' in he Emanuel informed about the excellent colony and sought a judicial post Solomon 1800- presentation by Trevor Molde, our elsewhere. 1873. He and his Secretary. This Newsletter covers Having obtained leave to proceed to business partner part 1 of the of the presentation, to Hobart Town to consult with the judges subdivided the be followed by part 2 in our next there upon legal difficulties which had land now known edition. arisen in South Australia, he was as Pt.Pirie! The attendees were treated to an accidentally drowned on 12 December A Freemason, he was a 1837, while awaiting a ship to take businessman and politician, was informative tour of the building and him to Van Diemen's Land, by the active in the early days of the then given a fascinating history of upsetting of a whaleboat in the mouth Colony of South Australia. the Freemasons in South Australia of the River Murray. His body was In 1843, the South Australian and beyond. We were then treated never found. Register praised him as a ‘patron to a slide presentation and Jeffcott spent only a few months in of ... literary and philanthropic discussion about the very interesting South Australia, and could not leave any institutions. history of Port Adelaide and great mark upon the history of the He gave the Lodge of Friendship Adelaide beginning with the role of province. He was an able lawyer, whose 10,000 bricks to build their own Wakefield in the setting the climate promising judicial career was ruined by Lodge and an acre of land on for the settling of South Australia as the fatal duel; and his principal claim which to build it on the corner of the only non-convict colony in to distinction, perhaps, is that of being the old Royal Adelaide Hospital. Australia. Wakefield’s plans were one of the few British judges ever to He gave Adelaide Lodge (then in made and adopted, even though he stand in the dock charged with Adelaide) their own Officer’s never came to South Australia. This murder. jewels which were sterling silver. was followed by a delicious meal, 31. Montefiore Hill - Jacob Not bad for a convict who was scones, jam and cream, prepared by Montefiore Merchant, financier, caught with his brother Vaiban playwright, member Trevor’s wife and daughter. stealing clothes and who was LOF The Jewish For a number of reasons, it has been transported to Van Diemens Land contribution to decided to switch the timing of our with his brother where they were South Australia next two functions. Our Semaphore caught again stealing clothes for began with the Carousal and Barbecue Day will be sale. So we in Adelaide Lodge appointment in 1834 held on Sunday, August 22 and the point to these encased jewels and of Jacob Montefiore Wine Tour and Lunch in the Barossa say to others “These are our to the Colonization Commission. Valley will be held on Sunday, original Officers’ jewels and they Jewish colonists, mainly from England September 19. Bookings for were given to us by a convict!” established a synagogue in Adelaide in Semaphore can be made on the 1850, a cemetery in 1852 and religious attached form, while details of the classes in 1862. Wine tour will be made later this His name is spelt differently on the month. road signs on either side of Montefiore COVID has once again made some Road and War Memorial Drive – changes to our daily lives, especially ‘Montifiore’ and ‘Montefiore’. Look for in the last week or so. I hope you all it next time you are along those roads. have managed to stay healthy and These days you need a police clearance well. We are so lucky here in South to join Freemasonry. This was the result President’s Notes Australia compared to other States of a person advertised as a candidate to It is with pleasure we and countries throughout the world. all districts, who had not been entirely congratulate Wendy Johnson, I am now teaching full time for the truthful to his Lodge mentors and his our Vice Patron and Principal of rest of the year at Trinity College potential candidature application was Glenunga International High Gawler River Campus and after only spotted by a policemen. “Hey!” he said School, on her award of AM in two days in classes, I had to conduct to Grand Lodge, “You can’t let this the Queen’s Honours. Her person in! He’s up on drug and firearms all my lessons online for a week outstanding services to education thanks to COVID. A challenging, charges!" in South Australia have been educational, and enjoyable righty recognized. Our August They really missed out with the experience. Newsletter has a somewhat following guy … which shows that I look forward to your company at different format because we money can buy almost anything our upcoming functions. wanted members, who were including respectability. Tom Frossinakis unable to join us for a wonderful