9/22/2021 Military History: : Roles and Responsibility, Branches of Indian Navy- FlexiPrep

FlexiPrep Military History: Indian Navy: Roles and Responsibility, Branches of Indian Navy (For CBSE, ICSE, IAS, NET, NRA 2022)

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The Indian Navy is the maritime arm of the ; it protects and secures the Indian maritime borders.

The history of the Indian Navy was responsible for the protection of the East Company՚s trade the river mouths of the Tapti and Narmada. It was named as Her Majesty՚s Indian Navy in 1858. In 1863, it was reorganized into two branches: one at Bombay and the other at Calcutta, as the Bombay Marine and the Bengal Marine.

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It was later called The Royal Indian Navy (RIN) , under the British rule. The first Indian to be granted a commission was Sub Lieutenant D. N Mukherji.

After the independence of India on 15 August 1947 and the ensuing partition, the RIN՚s fleet of ships and remaining personnel were divided between the newly independent Union of India and Dominion of .

The first engagement in action of the Indian Navy was against the Portuguese Navy during the liberation of Goa in 1961, it was called operation Vijay.

Later in 1965 the Pakistani Navy attacked the Indian coastal city of Dwarka, India deployed naval resources to patrol the coast and discourage further bombardment from Pakistani Navy.

Indo-Pakistan War of 1971 was a landmark for Indian Navy. Pakistan՚s lone long-range submarine PNS Ghazi was sunk off the coast of Visakhapatnam. On 4th , The Indian Navy successfully executed Operation Trident, a devastating attack on the Pakistan Naval Headquarters of that sank a mine sweeper; a and ammunition supply ship, also destroyed oil storage tanks on Karachi port. This day is celebrated as the .

Roles and Responsibility The four main roles of the Indian Navy are:

Military: Enable Military Power on enemy forces, territory and trade, and to protect own forces, territory and trade. Attack in sea, submarine, surface and air operations.

Diplomacy: Build friendship and strengthening international cooperation to support foreign policy.

Constabulary: Navy forces are employed to enforce law or to implement a rule of the sea within the Maritime zones of India. Keep a check on Counter penetration, Anti-Piracy, Anti-Poaching, Anti-Trafficking.

Benign Role: Humanitarian aid, disaster relief, Search and Rescue (SAR) , weapons disposal, diving assistance etc.

Branches of Indian Navy The naval air-arm is an important component of the Indian Navy and it consists of MiG-29K jets and helicopters that operate from aircraft carriers. The Boeing P-8, Poseidon carry out maritime patrol and exploration operations.

The Kamov-31 operates from the aircraft carriers and provides airborne early warning cover for the fleet. Submarine (nuclear power fleet) , Surface fleets (patrol vessels, carriers, ) , Auxiliary fleet (Research and training vessels) .

The UAV arm consists of the Heron and Searcher-IIs that are operated from both surface ships and shore establishments for surveillance missions. 2 of 3 9/22/2021 Military History: Indian Navy: Roles and Responsibility, Branches of Indian Navy- FlexiPrep

Equipments such as Cruise Missiles, Reconnaissance aircraft, Ship Launched Missiles, Naval Satellite.

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