m v. mm Page Eij: ht. THE BRIDGEPORT TIMES. "Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1922 . Babe, 3S5M,tfru , : gtov-je- Atg3'W3,r t?o' KCrie Hy. j 3ay, ..r Jfe.. ' : ' " - ; f ' - ' - " - ... ;";'. - ;: '. ................ t ' .... -- . ., r - - - - - - - " ' ... .. 5jgSS it t GIANT INFIELDER GIANT PITCHER n. OLDTIME GATE RUSH I .irr-Mi- i SEE THE WORLD BANG! WORILD SERIES MISSING FEATURE SERIES PLAYED BATTLE ON TODAY; CLASSIC ON THE TIMES OF SERIES i YANKS FAVORITES By DAVIS J. WALSH. home run king, and the fact that the Polo Grounds, Xew York. Oct. 4 honorable Babe is coming to the series the THE BATTING fORDER. 5:64 the in flrst class condition, whereas he During struggle for the 'Promptly at orange tip was world's baseball championship be- GIANTS YANKEES of a new born sun appeared on the forced to remain in the dugout tween the Giants and the Yan- ss. cf. eky lino off. to the East and the open- during the last three games last year kees, which stars this after- Bancroft, Witt, dav of another Worlds' Series because of injuries. It is common noon. The 3b. 3b, ing warm and gossip that when Ruth hits, the Yan- Bridgeport Times Groh, Dugan, dawned clear, bright, more electric player scoreboard will 2b. If. kindly. kees hit, otherwise seldom and be in operation. Experts who Friseh, Ruth, Another opening day. There is often not. have made a business of base- E. Meusel, If. Pipp, lb. about it that under The talk is also of the betting odds, ball something gets which have fallen from seven to five pantomime will tell the story Young, rf.
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