Gilpatric Dies in Atlantapen
VOL. X U ., NO. 117. Classified Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1927. (TEN P A O ^ ' , PRICE THREE CENTS GILPATRIC DIES PEDESTRIANS 11 Years Old and a Slayer! IN ATLANTA PEN WILL NOT USE TAIL LIGHTS HARVARD LIBRARY GETS Former State Treasurer Suc COTTON MATHER’S BOOK Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 16— State Legislature Votes cumbs to Hemorrhage of Harvard College library an nounced today the receipt of the gift of a copy of the "Magnalia Against Measure Intro CUT WAGES OR the Brain— Was Serving Chrlstl Americana”— the "Ec clesiastical history of New Eng 15 Year Term For Em land”— written by Rev. Cotton duced By Member From Mather and published in London GO HOME SAY In 1702. The book was presented bezzlement— Tried to Kill to Harvard library . by Miss Hebron— Other Business. ADD TO WOES OF I Louisa Loring Dresel, of this M 1 » W N E R S ^Ity, in whose family the volume U. s. IS BOYCOTTING Self When Shortage at has been handed down for over Hartford, Feb. 16.— Pedestrians MEXICO, HE SAYS two hundred years. The book is should not be compelled to wear Tons of Snow Drof on Men well preserved. Washington, Feb. 16.— The Bank Was Discovered. tall lights on Connecticut highways, Ultimatum Is Delivered To United States Is directing a finaucial and economic boycott In Monntams-^li Dead^ the Lower Legislative House here Mi decided today In defeating a meas day By Operators at Con against Mexico "that Is far Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 16.— G. Par- deadlier than armed interven ure which would make all pedes tion,” Jose Miguel Bejarano, of 21 Injured, 3 |lissing; old Gllpatrlc, fcrty-sevon, former STOP-CO LIGHTS trians carry such lights.
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