I i ' wiv m•>< •<r- Hv.?,.•*•;.itwur.« > ^>12^ I** Vvl* <^\\ ~ V; Hcf\^ w •»,,,>'. 'J Wi»%* V& f-^t' **"1* A V „ *! " ,«* 4$t »«h. < r * ** '•"•-•* \Al%^ fcAGE TEN %RAND PORKS HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1922. &*&*¥ EVENING EDITION. u,\*i . - — AMERICAN ASSN. Ui Columbus, April 20.—St. Paul hty Burwell savagely.ln the three Inning* i he pitched and won the opening game> ;Kv'V > ' of the series today; 9 to 3. Rogers was 4V#s r ORTI IG [/effective in the pinches. The hitting „ VSKLto t- H ' I01SP 1 .i- m m of Dressen, Gerghammer and Ham - i - - ^w.'' • j • featured. Score: i ! = == It H 1 St. Paul -. 132 000 012—9'll 1 Columbus 000. 200 010-^8.- 8 6 NE* YORK. tl Rogers and Gonzales; Burwgll, Sny­ 'I'­ Canada Has New Heavy Hope der and Hartley, Lees. v« MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKETS. TRIPP ANGLING GRAIN BfiOlimB. X", , ' •'./• '.'STtKn^S. .' s>. • . ll tt j'- 4%-;- Smtfert Held. Duluth, Mlhii .e ApVil 21.—EWvator N.ew, TEot-ki'April 21.^—The ' rapid Closing Quotations. receipts of' domestic; grain: Weat upturn of prices* t in the afternodn . ''.•••"-"Cash. i Louisville,' April' 20.—Milwaukee' batted Tincup at will, winning the 108,800 bushels; corn- 23,500; rye 29,- which some the early laggards "No. 1 dark nor., fancy v|l.71 @1.79 f FOR HURLER FOR 000. • Joined,-'Including Baldwin locomo­ To arrive 1.65 ©1.78 first game of the series from Louis- , Shipments: . Wheat; 5,300; flax 3,- 1.64 :@1.70 XI to 5. Acosta, who was in the L tive,- indicated^-that the .prevailing 1 dark northern .. game but a few minutes, was replaced 100,' - market- .^Qntlim&t '^continued bullish. To arrive ...... 1.64 IF a substitute named'Combs. He hit Duluth car inspection: Wheat Nos. 1 Huplyan$r was shown by nunibers of 1 northern 1.62 @1.65C ,v EASTSIDETEAM and 2. dark northern and No. 1 and 2 To arrive ...... 1.62 well, but his poor fielding figured the usually ,inactive shares but many largely in the run-getting. Score: Northern 4; No. 3 darit northern and oi the popular, issues ruled a point 2 dark nor., fancy. 1.68 @1.77 No.-3 northern 10; other spring 6; 1 f . • Jg r or more eoove jteitetyay'b final figures. 2 dark northern .. 1.60 @1.67 r» l Efforts Are Being Made to Milwaukee . 022 030 130—U 18 0 Nos. 1 and. 2 amber durum and Nos. Manhattan i Electrical Supply jumped, 2 northern ....... 1.58 @1.62 Louisville .. 001 003. 100— q 14\ 3 1 and 2 durum 10; No. 3 am bar dur­ seven ' points,' ' "National Biscuit 4; 3 dark northern, fancy. 1.65 @1.75 Secure Andy Gill, For­ Lingrel and Gossett, Myatt; Tincup, um and: No; 3 durum 2; other durum Poatum Cental -8 1-2; Gulf) Mobile and 3 dark northern .... v 1.58 @1.64 Kirig and Meyer. 18; mixed 9; all wheat 58; flax 3; Northern; trt-eferred,: Pullman and 8 northern • 1.62 @1.58 merly of U. N. D. grain 1; -corn 26; oats 1; rye 23. All Brookly<f .tJjiioh Ga« 8, and la Clede 1 dark hard. (Mont.)... 1.62 @1.66 Millers SU11 Going. grains 109; on track 146. *• . Gas and American Briike Slide, 8 To arrive ...1.62 @1.64 Toledo, April 20:—Minneapolis won w..Sympathy with "the ^ wheat upturn points.: ^ ' 1 hard Montana ....... 1.50/ @1.53 from Toledo in the opening game ot a - Priceo ,J co,ni ®n,^ To arrive 1.50 @1.53 • In all probability Andy Gill, former the series today, 4 to 2.. The' game oats.' After opening 1-4 to 1-2, July , /s FdniioN exchange.' 1 amber durum, fancy. 1.46 J@ 1.51{ University of North Dakota director was marked by light hitting. Score: •6 l-.< . to , <5 3-8, the corn market New Ywk, "April 21.—Foreign ex­ To arrive 1. 44{@1.49i of athletics and one of the most pop­ •cored a -moderate further'.' advance. R H E t change utriady. Great Britain, de­ 1 amber durum 1.841 @1>40| ular baseball players in this section Minneapolis .. 200 100 001—T 6 0 „ 9* ® «i«rted a shade to 1-4 higher, mand, *4.41 6-8; cables, >4.42. To arrive 1.341 of the country, will play on the East Toledo 002 000 000—2 7 3 Jfliy *0,8-* to 40 7-8 and later con­ France, demand, 9.31; cables, 1 durum 1.291 @1.341 Grand Forks baseball team this sea­ Tingling and Mayer; Bedlent, Ayers tinued/^ show a tendency to rise. 9.31 1*2. fc, v; ' To arrive 1.261 son, Manager Tripp of the East Side and Kocher. -s ~ - \ • Provisions were firmer with grain Italy, .demand, 5.41 1-2; cables, 5.42. and hogs. ' 2 amber durum, fancy. 1.431 @1.481 aggregation is in communication with , Germany, demand, .36 1-4; cables, 2 amber durum ...... 1.311 @1.871 Gill, who is coach at the University Five ponble Playa .36 1-8. 2 durum i. 1.261 @1.801 of Kentucky, and states that thero Indianapolis, April 20.—Cavet was DUliirrH CLOSING. Norway, demand, 19.00. ; 2 yellow corn .55}@ .55J probably will be no difficulty about given excellent support and held Kan­ Duluth, April '21.—Closing cash • Sweden, demand, 26.00. prices: Wheat No. 1 dark northern To arrive .55J the terms. Tripp is asking Gill to lo­ sas City safe in the pinches, and In­ Mohtreal, 97 16-16. >70. 3 yellow corn .538 @ <541 cate a good pitcher for him, as he is dianapolis won the opening game of .1.64 to 1.7«; No. 2 do, 1.68 to 1.70; No. 3 d6, 1.52 to 1.68; No 1 amber To arrive .531 not quite satisfied with the rating ot the series here this afternoon, 3 to 0. • .• MBTAL. ' 2 white oats (Mont.) .. ,35| @*.361 those he has on the string at present. Five double plays were features. durum; 1.41 7-8 to 1.48 7-8; No. 1 am­ New York, April 21.—Copper ber arrive 1.40 7-8; No. 2 amber dur­ steady; electrolytic, spot and nearby, 3 white oats- .361© .85} Th» East Side candidates took their Score:, To arrive .341 . ' R H E um 1.39 7-8 to 1.46 7-8; No. 2 amber 12 7-8; later, 12 7^«©13. tirst workout Thursday afternoon and arrive 1.38 7-8; No. 1 durum 1.82 7-8; Tin firm; spot and nearby, 31.75; Barley, choice to fancy. ..61 @ .63 . will be on the field again today. Con­ Kansas City .. 000 000 000—0* 9 3 Barley, medium to good' \.57 .60 m Indianapolis . 000 200 lOx—3 9 2 No. 2 durum 1.80 7-8;, No. 1 mixed futures, 31.87. siderable work has been put in on tlie durum 1.32 7-8 to 1.46 7-8; No. 1 Iron steady and-unchanged. Barley, lower grade 51 .56 diamond and it is in fairly good con­ Caldwell and McCarty; Cavet and [email protected]| Krueger. mixed arrive 1.32 7-8; No. 2 mixed Lead firm; spot, [email protected]. i 2 rye f dition. durum 1.30 7-8 to 1.44 7-8; No. 2 Zinc firm; East' St. Louis spot, 5.00 No. 1 flaxseed 2.76 @2.79 I Tripp has three or four local mound mixed arrive 1.80 7-8; No. 1 red dur­ @5.10. To arrive 2.76 @2.78 artists to pick from and no doubt um 1.28 7-S. Antimony, spot; .5.12. some of them will be used all season. AMERICAN LEAGUE Flax seed on track 2.72 3-4 to 2.74 MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN TABLE. O'Riley, Goldberg and Olson are avail­ • , » 3-4; arrive 2.713-4 to 2.73 3-4; May LIBERTY BONDS. Thura ; able and the manager expects to hear 2.72 3-4; July 2.78 3-4 asked; Sep­ New York, April 21.—Liberty bonds Wheat— High Low Clo^«i Close M from Jennings from this side also. New Tork, April 20.—The New tember 2.70 bid. Closed: 3 l-2s »M#«; first 4S 99.70 May . .1.54% l.frl 1.54 1.50% Tork Americans raised their 1921 bid; second 4s 99.4H} first 4 1-4 99.82; championship flag here today and de­ Oats No. 8 white track and arrive July . .1.44* 1.41 1.44% 1.40 %r 84 to 36. second 4 l-4s 99.50; third 4.1-4s 99.68; Oats— - ' ' WEISSMULLER SETS feated 'Washington in the opening fourth 4 l-4s 99.86; Victory 3 8-4 game of /the local American league No. 1 rye, trac kand arrive 1.05 7-8. May • • .34 .33% .33% .33% season, ID to 3.' Cold weather held Barley choice to fancy 57 to 65; 100.08; victory 4^3-4s 100.74. , July .,. .36^ .33% .35 .35% ANOTHER NEW WORLD'S medium to good 52 to 56; lower Rye— down the attendance. Miller, who hit grades 43 to 61. a home run in Boston yesterday, hit P'RODUCE. May .99% .98, .99% .97% SWIMMING RECORD Corn No. 2 mixed 57 3-8; No. 2 New York, April 21,—Butter bare­ July .97% .95% .96% .95% another with two men on bases yellow 57 7-8. ly stpady, receipts 10,008.
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