(Grand Forks, ND). 1922-04-21
I i ' wiv m•>< •<r- Hv.?,.•*•;.itwur.« > ^>12^ I** Vvl* <^\\ ~ V; Hcf\^ w •»,,,>'. 'J Wi»%* V& f-^t' **"1* A V „ *! " ,«* 4$t »«h. < r * ** '•"•-•* \Al%^ fcAGE TEN %RAND PORKS HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1922. &*&*¥ EVENING EDITION. u,\*i . - — AMERICAN ASSN. Ui Columbus, April 20.—St. Paul hty Burwell savagely.ln the three Inning* i he pitched and won the opening game> ;Kv'V > ' of the series today; 9 to 3. Rogers was 4V#s r ORTI IG [/effective in the pinches. The hitting „ VSKLto t- H ' I01SP 1 .i- m m of Dressen, Gerghammer and Ham - i - - ^w.'' • j • featured. Score: i ! = == It H 1 St. Paul -. 132 000 012—9'll 1 Columbus 000. 200 010-^8.- 8 6 NE* YORK. tl Rogers and Gonzales; Burwgll, Sny 'I' Canada Has New Heavy Hope der and Hartley, Lees. v« MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKETS. TRIPP ANGLING GRAIN BfiOlimB. X", , ' •'./• '.'STtKn^S. .' s>. • . ll tt j'- 4%-;- Smtfert Held. Duluth, Mlhii .e ApVil 21.—EWvator N.ew, TEot-ki'April 21.^—The ' rapid Closing Quotations. receipts of' domestic; grain: Weat upturn of prices* t in the afternodn . ''.•••"-"Cash. i Louisville,' April' 20.—Milwaukee' batted Tincup at will, winning the 108,800 bushels; corn- 23,500; rye 29,- which some the early laggards "No. 1 dark nor., fancy v|l.71 @1.79 f FOR HURLER FOR 000. • Joined,-'Including Baldwin locomo To arrive 1.65 ©1.78 first game of the series from Louis- , Shipments: . Wheat; 5,300; flax 3,- 1.64 :@1.70 XI to 5. Acosta, who was in the L tive,- indicated^-that the .prevailing 1 dark northern .
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